Kris Carr

Kris Carr

Blog Post

10 Tips for Stunningly Gorgeous Skin

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Hi Sweet Friends,

Twice a year, Team Crazy Sexy gathers for 3-4 days of dreaming, planning, budgeting (look Ma, I’m a grown-up!), and Crazy Sexy Love Notes card readings (a business brainstorm must).

The majority of my crew are ambitious and highly conscious women, so self-care is a huge conversation for us. We know that the more we care for ourselves, the better we feel and thus the more creative we are at our jobs. And I won’t lie—we all want to look fabulous too!

During a recent retreat, I asked my team for their favorite non-toxic product recommendations.

One of our new team members squirmed in her seat. Turns out she adores makeup and skincare but is clueless about non-toxic brands (another reason she chose to work with us, to learn about this shizzle!). When I asked how many lotions and potions she uses, she tallied over 30 products in her daily regimen! Like most women, none of the products in her regular routine were healthy.

The challenge we face today is that healthy products are not the norm.

According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG):

“The average woman uses 12 products containing 168 different ingredients daily. Many cosmetic chemicals are designed to penetrate into the skin’s inner layers, and they do. Consequently, some common cosmetic ingredients turn up in people’s bodies. Among them: industrial plasticizers called phthalates; parabens, which are preservatives; and persistent fragrance components like musk xylene.”

Pause for a moment and count how many personal care products you’re using.

I’m talking about everything from your makeup bag to your shower rack. Surprised? Now, read the ingredient labels on those products. Even better, look them up at EWG’s Skin Deep database and see how they rate for things like cancer, immunotoxicity and reproductive toxicity. Do those same products feel sexy now? If not, you’re certainly not alone.

You might be feeling like you just don’t want to know. You’ve been using the same moisturizer, shower gel and toner for a decade and they work—end of story. If that’s your mentality, I hope you’ll reconsider. Slowly making more conscious choices is not only empowering, it’s an investment in your longevity and everyday health. These chemicals are serious. We don’t know their long-term effects and we can’t rely on companies to look out for our health. Here are some easy ways to get started with cleaning up your beauty routine.

Choose products that support your wellness and help you feel gorgeous.

5 Tips for a Healthier Beauty Routine (Ya Know, Minus the Yucky Stuff!)

1. Cut down on the number of products you use each day. Sometimes, cutting down on your body burden is as simple as simplifying your beauty routine a few days a week. Less is more!

2. Choose one day a week to wear zero (or very little!) makeup. You are stunning. Period.

3. Do your research and swap out one product per month. You don’t need to throw everything away and buy a completely new shower, makeup and skincare line this week. Choose an item that’s almost gone and look for a better alternative. Natural beauty blogs often have great advice (hello, Google). Check out the Skin Deep database and read reviews online. If women use 12 products per day on average, you could have a whole new healthy personal care regimen by next summer.

Getting started tip: This $19.99 skincare sample kit from Annmarie Gianni (one of my favorite skincare lines) is a great way to begin exploring healthier products. I use Annmarie’s Aloe Herb Facial Cleanser and Anti-Aging Facial Oil every morning and night. Not only do these two products help keep my skin blemish-free and moisturized, they take me on an aromatherapy adventure every time I use them.

4. Learn the basics and become a label detective. Don’t worry about memorizing every chemical. EWG has created this handy list of the top ingredients to avoid for women, men and kids. Print it out and keep it with you. (This is also great for those of you who don’t have a smartphone. But if you DO have one, don’t miss EWG’s Skin Deep app.) You may also want to check out Think Dirty. And if animal testing and cruelty matter to you (and I know they do) have a look at Leaping Bunny and PETA to determine if your beauty products are cruelty-free.

5. Choose safe sunscreen. Whether you’re gearing up for vacation or replacing expired bottles from last year (check those dates!), we’re all going to be buying sunscreen and heading outside this season (right?). So why not choose wisely? Check out my sunscreen blog for tons of tips!

But as many of you know, it’s not just about what you put on your skin. It’s also about what you put in your body.

In addition to safe skincare products, you know what gives me the best complexion? Eating nourishing foods, proper hydration, sweating, being mindful of my stress levels and sleep. So even though our personal care products are super important, beauty really does start inside. Building a non-toxic skincare routine is essential, but it’s only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to having luminous skin you love…

5 Self-Care Tips for Beauty (From the Inside Out)

1. Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of purified water daily. If you’re a daily green juice goddess, you can drink less.

2. Eat a varied plant-based diet high in raw organic foods, green juices and green smoothies.

3. Dump fake foods, sodas and so-called energy drinks and while you’re at it, reduce animal products like factory farmed and processed dairy. I don’t know about you, but dairy used to be a big source of skin issues for me.

4. Shake your ass-ets and sweat your prayers. Move your glorious body at least three to five times per week. Exercising in the fresh air and nature equals bonus beauty points!

5. Rest. Sleep is something we never catch-up on. Try to get eight hours of uninterrupted slumber between the hours of 10pm and 6am.

Your turn: How do you keep your skin healthy and glowing? Any tips for beauty from the inside out or safe products that have made a huge difference in your life? We’d really love to know!

Peace & conscious beauty,

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  1. Similarly it may move mums to set up their own blog and to clarify their experiences as a mother and a companion in the 21st century.

  2. aragates says:

    You are providing here some very useful and informative information about beauty care.Thank you so much for your post.

  3. Kate Ellis says:

    I agree with you that good sleep is crucial. No matter how good you eat or how expensive makeup you put on your face, you will not feel fresh.

  4. I realy like this solution because i have many problems with my skin .

  5. Jade Roller says:

    Nice Content Thanks for sharing

  6. Hrelate says:

    A complete body moisturizer made of coconut oil is my favorite natural product. I apply it on my skin in the morning, which makes my skin glow and softens it too.

  7. Neora says:

    Liked your style of writing and your blog is very beautifully done. Keep up the good work.

  8. I am satisfying with this blog over cosmetic products. I really Enjoying and appreciate this website to share useful information for individuals. Best4you also provide natural made cosmetic products in canada.

  9. Keiwan M says:

    Thanks for sharing your valuable ideas. I am gonna stick to this three mantras if and when i try something new on my skin. Thanks once again !!

  10. Really effective and useful article.Thanks for sharing this helpful and knowledgeable article.Keep sharing.

  11. ANJU MEENA says:


  12. Sanjay Meena says:

    I beleave in natural products. I research on natural products of skin care. Your tips are handy for me. Thank you for sharing it.

  13. Emma says:

    Great Tips. I’m impressed. Thank you so much for sharing these tips. Good Luck

  14. There are many peoples, who want skin tightening treatment and uses different type of medicine but end up with the unsatisfied result. The plasma pen could be an effective treatment to uplift the skin and provide you a different look. This is a non-surgical treatment without any pain.

  15. Jonas John says:

    this article is very good and I love to learn about beauty tips information and thank you so much.

  16. Jonas John says:

    These tips are very interesting and very useful for beautiful skin.

  17. Important issues and great solution. Thank you for sharing the post.

  18. Nia says:

    Great Beauty tips for skin, I would love to implement these on my skin and see the results.

    If anyone has Acne and Anti-Ageing Winkle, Lanbena Hyaluronic Oil with Vitamin C is the best solution for it.

  19. This is the awesome post.
    I also use these tips in my daily life.

  20. selena says:

    Such amazing tips, I love these sort of posts because there is always something new to learn in beauty and knowing the tips & tricks can make life so much easier.

  21. Dietetc says:

    Thanks for sharing this, this was much needed for me! I love using organic cucumber seed oil for everything for moisturizing my skin. rough knees and elbows, smoothing my feet and rough heels, cuticles and nails, chapped lips and I also use it for oil pulling.

  22. Nice blog such a really great information.

  23. Lilian Nosakhare-Ogunmola says:

    Thanks for this. Let Me add Eating right, staying hydrated, the right frame of mind, suitable environment are My secret for a healthy skin

  24. Garcia says:

    Its always better to avoid chemicals and use natural things. Great to see these awesome tips.

  25. Keerthi says:

    Amazing blog post. Really enjoyed reading this. Very informative content. We would like to see more such blogs from you. Thank you.

  26. purvipritesh says:

    Amazing tips found, it motivates me to care my skin naturally. Thank you.

  27. Lucy Ross says:

    Great tips! Thank you for sharing. Some of these, I was not aware, but now I will try. Sunscreen and facial masks have always tried to use them regularly. I have found some more excellent tips here that can lead us to shine with organic products and especially essential oils.

  28. kolors says:

    These are awesome! I love checking out new Beauty blogs

  29. Suzan says:

    This is such good advice, lovely!

  30. nia says:

    Great List!! Thanks for writing this .. will come back to read more about skin care .

    What about charcoal Mask ? I brought it from and it really helped me a lot. Try Using it.
    Thanks !!

  31. Avanti jain says:

    Thank you for sharing such a good and natural tips which are very helpful .keep sharing it.

  32. medison ava says:


  33. Agatha S says:

    I always try to use natural product. try to maintain a healthy life style to keep myself beautiful..

  34. Bobby Saint says:

    You made a good point to choose safe sunscreen or sunblock especially during the heat of the summer. This should help in preventing sunburn or any type of rash associated with the heat. You may want to consult your doctor first and seek a recommendation for the best sunblock that is right for your skin. If I were to use sunscreen for my sensitive skin, I would definitely consult my dermatologist first. Thanks.

  35. Dan Moller says:

    I love that you posted about skin care, personal care is really important especially that we cannot avoid aging. Keeping our skin healthy might be a little hard to maintain considering that it’s also a struggle and tempting to keep a healthy diet. I’ve been looking for some ideas on how I could keep my skin healthy since I’m feeling that my skin is becoming dry, I’ll take your tip about using an aloe herb facial cleanser and anti-aging facial oil every morning. I’m sure that it’ll help my skin to breathe and be moisturized. Keeping hydrated can totally add great improvement to our skin, I’ll be sure to avoid processed food as much as possible and maybe try to exercise regularly.

  36. An interesting read. I believe we should all look for natural means to achieve our beauty goals, whether it is through good skin care, using all-natural products, or getting adequate sleep, which immediately shows its effects in terms of a fresher, more radiant look. Your skin care routine need not be very complex, as you rightly pointed out. Just make sure that all the products you use are natural, without harmful side effects.

  37. Kirsti says:

    Hi Kris, I love this – thank you. I’ve recently moved to London and my skin has reacted very badly, so all the more reason to take a look at what I’m putting onto it. I’m interested as to why you say that sleep needs to be between the hours of 10pm and 6am?

  38. Wilkster says:

    Each and every tips are very useful, I would like to share one information if we exfoliate our skin regularly then we can get glowing skin quickly, for that use some scrubs or go for microdermabrasion treatment.

  39. Thanks for sharing! I love these tips. keep posting gurl!

  40. Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of purified water daily.

  41. Kay says:

    I’m struggling to comprehend the first point in 5 self-care tips for beauty.
    1/2 my body weight in purified water daily????
    Are you really, really sure about that?
    As 1 pint of water weighs just over 1 lb, half of the weigh of a 145lb woman means to follow tip #1 would mean drinking 72 pints a purified water a day?
    Nope! Not going to happen! Just not physically possible.
    I think tip #1 needs a serious review ??‍♀️

  42. Simon says:

    thats a very informative article, Am looking forward to read more of your articles so that i know what is right for my skin. Thanks so much..

  43. Premium Nest says:

    Love everything you girls said in this article! Thanks for reminding about self care 🙂

  44. Thank you for this post. This post tips is very helpfull for glowing skin. This tips also give you a good health and glowing skin.

  45. is`s very easy way to make your face skin beautifull , lighten. we should maintain this routine everyday for skin health.

  46. Hi admin,You have shared awesome natural beauty tips which i feel really useful for me. I was searching this from very long time. I will definitely apply above written five self care tips for beauty and to make my skin healthy and glowing. Thanks for sharing this great information.

  47. Marianela says:

    Love your post =) Thanks for the tips. I personally also like to stay hydrated ALWAYS. My glass water bottle is my precious baby =)

  48. I truly appreciate your working guys, thumbs up.

  49. Shivendra says:

    Great job, tips are helpful and easy to apply. thanks for sharing with us. After reading this, I am starting to research all natural beauty products. So, I came across to an online ayurveda store, i.e. One can explore a huge collection of ayurvedic products from hair care to skin care.

  50. Cassie says:

    I use coconut oil as my makeup remover and I use Ora’s Amazing Herbal skincare products! Still looking for a good shampoo, conditioner, and body wash though. I’ve tried several natural , or close to natural, ones and they’re ok but I’m wanting to get my hair to grow again and get thick like it used to be!

  51. Our skin gets exposed to varied amount of dust, smoke and heavy pollution resulting in dryness, dullness and more which is basically, lifeless skin. Cleansing ensure that the radiance of the skin is maintained. Only if cleansing is done properly, your skin accepts different products with ease, like moisturizers and facial masks.

  52. Lauren says:

    I use coconut oil for everything! I love using it as a makeup remover and always load more on at night before bed. Along with creating some of my own products using essential oils, I also absolutely LOVE the company Face Naturals. I regularly use their deodorant (the first natural deodorant that actually works for me, after trying SO many), face lotion, body wash, mud mask, and soaps.

  53. Elena T. says:

    Over the years I have tried plenty of products for face, body and hair. I must say nothing beats baking soda and coconut oil. Baking soda is an absolute best exfoliator for skin and body. Takes away dead cells, minimizes pores and cleans deeply. None of the exfoliators I have tried are this effective. Coconut oil is terrific eye make up remover and body moisturizer. Don’t forget drinking lots of water first thing in the morning to wake up your organs ,green juice and eat lots of fresh produce.

  54. Jodie says:

    I use (chemical-free) “BeautyCounter” products. If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area and would like to sample the skin care and makeup, let me know. Here’s their story along with some amazing statistics and facts worth noting…

  55. Jane says:

    I love using grapeseed oil as facial moisturizer. Also, I just started using lemon juice and salt as a facial scrub (a few times a week). It makes my skin feel about 20 years younger (and gives me a lovely glow).

    I am so passionate about cutting back on the number of products we use. Ladies, let’s spend more time and money improving the world and less time and money worrying about our beauty routines!

  56. michele says:

    Great idea to do a round up of all one’s products. That was very revealing! Half my products are natural and kind to animals. The other half isn’t and my make up is the culprit. So time to start phasing out the baddies and find a natural animal happy replacements. Thanks for getting me to an audit.

  57. Fiona says:

    Thanks for this great article Kris! I’ve been thinking hair dyes lately and have avoided them for about a year. Do you know of any good and safer hair dyes?? Lots of Love! Fiona
    Also, here are some of my fave skin care tips! I use coconut oil as my moisturizer, everywhere! I use honey for bug bites, burns or small cuts. I use Noni juice on my face before I moisturize and am also a big believer in using organic green tea (cooled off of course!) as a pick me up for my skin! Green tea perks up the skin around me eyes while also combating sun damage! I also love Miranda Kerr’s Kora Organics products and Rocky Mountain Soaps. 🙂

  58. Jill says:

    Devita! They have the best sunscreen. It’s light and works. I also use their day and night cream. No crap in it and feels like heaven. Acure also has great products. The Sea Kelp Scrub is the bomb!

  59. Kelly says:

    Any suggestions for minimizing pores? I feel like I can put loose change into them, they’re so big!

  60. Christine says:

    Thank you for framing it up so perfectly! I totally believe that less is more and Annmarie’s products are amazing!

  61. I use Beautycounter, and I could not be more in love with the entire line. It is verified by the EWG, and it’s high-performing, smells great, and it feels great. They use the strictest safety standards in the industry.

  62. Caroline says:

    Arbonne products have taught and given me all the above in your great Tips. They are all Peta Certified, free from from parabens, formalthahydes, mineroils and more. I switched my whole familys personal care and mine, even down to cosmetics. The detox body range is amazing to. Like so many others I knew nothing about toxic ingredients before and was shocked I also love the Plant-based and gluten free nutrition. I believe more and more that over time using toxic ingredients are contributing to many health issues. We can do our best by cutting down even a little at a time which is what I did. I love helping others also choose products that are pure, safe, beneficial and have a website where ingredients on every product can be freely checked. ?

  63. Nora says:

    I’ve been using Shea Terra skin care products for several years. I once used Ann Marie Gianni’s products, and loved them, but I decided that the amount I was getting for what I was paying was pretty obscene. I love that Shea Terra products are made by women who otherwise wouldn’t have an income. They are pure, organic, and fairly traded. Plus Tammy, the owner, gives back to charity. It’s a wonderful organization. The oils, the creams, masks, everything is simply superb. And the amount I get for the price is absolutely wonderful and I love that I’m helping women in Africa to make a fair living. Thanks Kris for this wonderful post. It has a lot of useful information.

  64. Lauren Walker says:

    I was impressed with your glowing endorsements of the Annemarie Gianni products, because I admire and respect your perspective so much, Kris. Although I had a hunch … I ordered some products anyway, and sure enough, they are highly fragranced. Albeit with non-toxic essential oils, but highly fragranced nevertheless. I am very allergic to fragrances and cannot tolerate them on (or near!) myself. This is a huge nuisance and problem for me, because I live in a highly fragranced world. I use a fragrance free facial skin care line, which is not non-toxic, but it is what it is. Body, hair, personal care, home care and cleaning products are all non-toxic and have been for years. If only Ms. Gianni’s products were fragrance free! I’m sure they’re as wonderful as you say! If anyone has any recommendations for non-toxic fragrance free facial skin care, I’d be interested. (In the meantime, I’ll continue to use Paula’s Choice products.)
    Thank you!

  65. Elizabeth says:

    Love that you are bringing this to everyone’s attention Kris! I oil cleanse at night with coconut oil and use Annmarie Gianni’s products in the am. Coconut oil all over my body as moisturizer. I still use some Conventional makeup but check EWG or Think Dirty first. I also shampoo less than I used to. It’s baby steps, but I’m getting there! And the more toxic stuff I cut out the better my skin looks!

  66. Yeah. It seems that we need to start learning more about ingredients of our daily skin products. Skin is one of our greatest asset, don’t you think? Plus, No make-up day seems to be interesting idea.

  67. alica molik says:

    Thanks for the great tip. I always try to do all things which you told.
    Self care is very important.
    if we are fit then it will be able to do all things easily.

  68. Pores and skin Whitening Tips

    The majority of us wish to look younger looking and fair. For this we try lots of cosmetics and additional tiresome treatments. The truth is that this is often built possible with slightly dedication and the accurate research. There are several hand made skin whitening products that will help become fairer
    Best 2 homemade Skin tone Whitening Products

    Citrus Pack

    • Gather the actual orange peels in addition to dry them inside the sunlight.
    • Enable them be presently presently there till they acquire fully dried.
    • Now work them and produce a fine powder.
    • If you need to apply this, then add activity raw milk with this powder and produce a fine paste.
    • Await it to acquire completely dried concerning the face.
    • Then clean it off after a few minutes using lukewarm h2o.
    • It might be applied daily on top of that.

    Sandal facial Skin tone Bleach

    The ingredients would be the following:
    • Sandalwood powdered ingredients
    • Orange liquid
    • Cucumber fluid
    • Tomato fluid

    Mix these correctly and create a superb paste. Put it upon on the skin tone. Then wait with this to get totally dried. It will help you have bright in addition to light colored skin using a an even regularity & complexion.

  69. sumit kumar says:

    Everyone wants to put their best look forward, from head to toe. But, dull and dark skin can play spoiler to your otherwise perfect face. So girls, if you are looking for some natural remedies to get your beautiful and radiant skin back, here is a solution. Try out some do-it-yourself facial packs made out of Aloe Vera. Aloe vera is great for every skin type.

  70. Thank you for the fantastic article.

  71. Dina says:

    right now i have ordered samples from annmarie gianni and it is great so far, so my favorite as of now. it smells so great, and balances my skin

  72. Lisa Burant says:

    I’m loving my Annmarie Gianni skincare that I recently ordered. The Aloe Herb Cleanser smells amazing!

  73. alexis Shaffer says:

    Lily of the Desert Aloe Vera Gel for dry patches on my skin, bug bites, or when I get a little extra sun

  74. debra says:

    I have been using Ann Marie’s products and they have transformed my skin. I think I even sleep better with her glorious facial oil – not only does it smell wonderful, but it is working some magic as well. I also like to use organic shea butter too and keep a big jar under the sink to “massage” my kids off to dreamland. Thanks, Kris and AnnMarie

  75. Yvette says:

    I alternate Argan Oil and Coconut Oil!

    1) Hair Conditioning treatment once a week
    2) Oil pulling
    3) Make up remover
    4) Lotion
    5) Body and Facial massage
    6) cooking and baking!!

  76. Cathy says:

    I hope it’s all natural because I love the good ‘ol Rosebud Salve on chapped lips, itchy skin, etc.

  77. Melissa Schultz says:

    Rosewater! So many uses. So refreshing and feminine!

  78. Denise Montana says:

    Annmarie Gianni’s Sun Love (facial sunscreen) — love it!

  79. Dheema says:

    One drop of sandalwood essential oil under your armpits instead of deodorant. It smells divine and masks any body odour all day!!!

  80. Jackie Johnson says:

    I have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, which causes my skin to be very dry and it itches , especially on my legs. I started using AnnMarie Gianni’s Coconut Body Oil and I also use Spectrum Naturals Coconut Oil to deal with the dry skin and I have seen a vast improvement! My skin is soft and doesn’t itch any more! I absolutely love AnnMarie’s skin care products! I rarely wear makeup and I feel so good about using her products on my face and body. I don’t have to worry about the dangerous chemicals that I’m putting into my body when using her products. I love that!

  81. Ryan says:

    Coconut oil!

  82. Stephanie says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE AMG’s Coconut Honey Mask (yum!) followed by her Anti-aging facial oil! Cures winter dry patches like magic! Thanks Kris and Anne Marie for this giveaway!!!! <3

  83. Priscilla Porter says:

    Bubble and Bee have some amazing products. I love their pit putty deodorant cream. It comes in several natural fragrances, is organic and works great.

  84. Wal Herring says:

    I enjoy making my own, a bit of Shea butter, coconut oil, Tanamu oil, jojoba and some essential oils – i mix it up!

  85. Mary Griffin says:

    I love Annmaries Repair Serum! DoTerra Essential oils are my favorite thing for helping my body heal itself! Essential Oils have changed the way I care form my family!

  86. Karen says:

    Love Face Naturals Organic Grapefruit and Bergamot cream deodorant

  87. Kimber says:

    Coconut oil is my go to. I use it to make deodorant, toothpaste and with essential oils. However I can’t live without Annmarie’s rosemary peppermint body wash. It wakes me up!!

  88. Bonnie M says:

    The natural skin care product that I like for my face is organic coconut oil. I also use olive oil for the rest of my skin for long winter months in the North East. With a few drops of lavender essential oil added for scent it’s yummy. It absorbs quickly and doesn’t leave a heavy feeling.

  89. Trinity Lonsberry says:

    To be honest I don’t have any non toxic products at the moment except for my 100% pure Mascara…but I’m working on adding new products so I can take better care of my skin. I just got a sample kit of annmariegianni for Acne prone skin..I’m hoping this will replace my proactive cause I know there’s bad stuff there…

  90. Danielle Ostafinski says:

    I’ve been trying for the past year to use better products on my body and face, and honestly I feel that when I actually wash my face every night and do some gentle exfoliation my skin looks so much clearer and tighter than I don’t want to use make-up. It makes going make-up free so much easier!

  91. Taylor says:

    I love argan oil! I use it in my hair and on my face. I also love AnnMarie’s Ayurvedic Facial Scrub! It’s amazing.

  92. Laurie says:

    I love argan oil, best moisturizer!

  93. Leticia says:

    Hi all,
    I use handmade soaps that my mom makes. I was also using Burt’s Bees products, but then I found out the company was purchased by Clorox, so now their approach may be different and I don’t know if the quality is the same…
    Thanks for the giveaway, Kris, the products sound great!

  94. Brianna says:

    I’m trying to educate myself more and more and hope to kick all of my toxic products to the curb. That being said, coconut oil is replacing a lot of my former products. I can’t get enough of it! I use it for makeup remover, face and body moisturizer, homemade body scrubs, hair masks and lip balm 😀 Looove it.

  95. Sarah says:

    I discovered arfican black soap. It’s all natural made with cocoa pods, shea butter, plantain skins and palm tree leaves. It’s great for the skin, I love this stuff!

  96. korie says:

    I dont wear makeup and actually rarely wash my face. But when I do I really like dr bronners lavender wash. Also in times when my hormones are out of wack and acne happens, a dab of apple cider vinegar really helps.

  97. Diana says:

    Naturopathica’s Aloe Cleansing Gel!

  98. Organic Coconut Oil! La Tourangelle Organic Artisan Oils is the brand. It’s amazingly versatile. I will admit I am a bit biased though as I LOVE the smell of coconuts — but this product is awesome! I use it as a body moisturizer, to take off make-up, as my facial moisturizer, cuticles, as a deep conditioner for my hair when needed… I add a scoop of organic brown sugar and use it as a body scrub — works great on your feet… and I use it to cook with!

  99. Caroline says:

    Coconut oil as body lotion!

  100. I use apple cider vinegar mixed with water as a toner to help balance the PH of my skin.

  101. Kristin N says:

    I mix AnnMarie Gianni’s Aloe-Herb Facial Cleanser with her Ayurvedic Scrub and a bit of warm water every other day for a nice all-in-one cleanser! My skin is so soft afterward!

  102. I love Calia shampoo. The ingredients are few and simple. Does a great job too! Thank you so much for the chance to win. This giveaway is amazing!

  103. Valerie says:

    I use Body Shop products and see that they are pretty high on the toxic scale. I tried a sample of AnnMarie Gianni’s anti-aging and loved it. I have heard good things about the Neroli mist and want to try that as well. It would be great to win this basket and share it with my friends!!

  104. Wendy McMullan says:

    Charcoal soap from Sunshine Soap Company, helps with faces that tend to get oily.

  105. Krista says:

    I love the Honest Company’s sunscreen and bar soap- completely free of harmful chemicals. The soap foams beautifully and smells wonderful!

  106. Kathy McNelley says:

    Right now I am using LaMer Products. I have been sick every single month this past year and very tired and not sure what is going on, so I am doing a cleaning of my cabinets and my food to try and get a hold of this. My doctors are so overwhelmed, that they dont seem to have the time to help me, so I am on my own adventure into healing. AnnMarie Gianni is my first stop into facial product line.

  107. Jill Krongard says:

    I use Annmarie Gianni! I recently ran out of my products and was using a regular soap bar. My face broke out within a week!

    Here is my routine:
    Small drop of Aloe Cleanser mixed with a small amount of dead sea scrub. Massage and rinse. Spray with Neroli Toner and put a small amount of Normal/Combination Facial Oil.

    Placing an order today.

  108. Cyndi says:

    Natural skincare is the one area that I am sorely lacking in knowledge. Just started looking into products which I can substitute, hope to learn from everyone here!

  109. Karen says:

    I have been using a sample and travel set from Annmarie Gianni, I love the products! Now I need to save up for the full size versions. Thank you!

  110. Kavita says:

    Neem-based cream – awesome for my eczema

  111. kavita says:

    My product of the moment is a Neem-based creme/lotion – clearing up my eczema slowly but surely

  112. Prisilla says:

    I love using organic surge as a body wash it is natural and therapeutic. I love Bite beauty lipsticks as they are food grade and very nicely pigemented

  113. En Dee says:

    I love using a cream cleanser such as Sukin cleansing lotion, it is so gentle and calming for the skin. I love to use Suki facial lift ultimate firming cream to plump and lift tired and stressed out skin. I also use Ren’s serum together to boost the effects. I use Badger brand sunscreen to protect from the sun and it is all natural with nontoxic active ingredient zinc oxide as the natural sunscreen. My skin has been through so much stress and environmental pollution and divorce stress takes a huge toll on your youth and complexion. I would love to incorporate more natural beauty products to my routines in the future to help my skin retain some of its life back.

  114. Dee says:

    I like using Antipodes grapeseed butter cleanser for washing away dirt and makeup. I use rosewater by evanhealy to hydrate my skin and just regular coconut oil to moisturize whenever needed. I love natural beauty products!

  115. Heidi says:

    I like to use Dr.Bronner’s liquid soap for cleansing the body and a nice lavender spray mist that I make myself. I also use Tarte primers and foundation for makeup. I like to use Calia Shampoos as they are great for balancing the hair and revitalizing the hair follicles.

  116. Michelle Ferry says:

    I love Jurlique’s Rose Balancing Mist. It is so refreshing!

  117. CarissaAnn says:

    For my hair, I use coconut oil as a deep conditioner, and Giovanni regularly.
    I use Dr. Bronner’s and a brush for my body, except my face and sensitive bits I use Alaffia cocoa and shesa butter soap. I haven’t found a cream I love, so I am using Cosmo out of Italy, it still isn’t perfectly natural but it seems better than anything comparable I have found at department stores. I add frankincense oil to it. My all over body cream is cold pressed coconut oil and Red Bird naturals body creme which was a gift I love!!
    I just found Crazy Sexy and I am excited to have a forum where we can learn together!

  118. Stephenie says:

    I just ordered an Annmarie Skin Care sample kit and can’t wait to try it! My favorite natural, non toxic product is coconut oil, it’s so versatile. Like others have mentioned it’s great for removing make up as well as using it as a hair and skin moisturizer. I’ve recently started trying more all natural skin care and make up, tomorrow I’m going to make a vitamin C serum: 2 tsp Camu Camu powder(has up to 60% more vit C then an orange),
    2 tsp distilled water. Mix until powder is dissolved then add 2 tsp. vegetable glycerin. apply to face, neck etc. after cleansing and toner. Serum should keep for a week.

  119. Jenna Bailey says:

    Coconut oil! ….great in the kitche…great in the bathroom…great in be bedroom!

  120. Anna Mae says:

    I like using ‘Pure Anada’ Green Tea & Grapeseed Hydra (Facial) Lotion for normal & oily skin. It works and I feel great using it because it has amazing & natural ingredients.

  121. Tara Pollak says:

    I love AnnMarie Gianni Aloe-Herb Facial Cleanser — it freshens, cleans, and smooths my skins. It truly has done wonders. Great for the mornings!

  122. Mariette says:

    Coconut oil! I use it for oil pulling, face oil, dry hair mask. And I eat it, too

  123. Suzanne says:

    I love Annmarie Gianni’s skincare line! My favorite natural personal care product is pure aloe vera.

  124. Brittany says:

    I’m obsessed with coconut oil! I especially love the brand Skinny Coconut Oil it’s 100% raw coconut oil out there. I use it for everything; from cooking, to moisturizing, to oil pulling. It’s my absolute favorite

  125. JJ says:

    I love emu oil!

  126. Pam Sandy says:

    First time visit to your blog, love it.
    I am really trying to eat better, clean green in my home , and use natural products for skin care and cleansing. For soap I love the Oatmeal and Honey Goat Millk Soap by Goat Milk Stuff (awesome stuff and smells fantastic, even my hubs insists on using this soap in the shower) and my fav beauty regime must have is the Annemarie Gianni anti aging eye cream, a truly fantastic product. Thank you for the chance to win a prize basket that is completely amazing and generous!

  127. Betsy says:

    I’m 28 and was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma this month (cancer in the lining of my stomach). I’ve already taken steps to overhaul my diet & beauty products. So far my favorite find has been Tata Harper’s lip treatments. I would love to try these.

  128. Sarah says:

    Dr. Hauschka lip balm!! It’s a little pricey, but it works so well that I don’t need to apply more than once or twice a day, so it lasts longer than other brands!!!

  129. Alli says:

    My favorite non-toxic beauty product is raw honey! AS both a cleanser, mask, and ingredient for other DIY skin products.

  130. I love mixing essential oils with neem oil. Its amazing 🙂

  131. Jessica says:

    100% shae butter!

  132. Mitra Singh says:

    I love using the line from Kahina Living Beauty – especially their 100% Argan Oil on my face. I learned about their products line from an awesome blog on natural beauty products at No More Dirty Looks.

  133. Jessica says:

    Dr Bronner’s has forever replaced my body wash! The documentary on him and his company made me try his soaps and I never went back to the bad stuff:)

  134. Margaret Marean says:

    My favourite and almost only skin care product is organic, virgin cold-pressed coconut oil. I use as a body moisturizer and on my face at night. I use it to wash my face both morning and night – sounds odd to use oil as a cleanser but i rinse it off with warm water and just pat my face dry – it leaves my face feeling really soft. For an occasional facial scrub I mix coconut oil with some Himalayan salt. I use it as a lip cream, massage oil, as a lubricant … and for oil pulling which works as a natural teeth whitener, antibacterial agent and detoxifier. If my hair is really dry I rub a very small amount in my hands and use it on the ends as a hair conditioner; I also leave it on overnight as a deep conditioner occasionally and wash it out in the morning. I use coconut oil to remove mascara. I eat a raw food diet and it is the only oil I include in my diet. The only other products I use are organic shampoo, conditioner, day cream and soap, mascara from Lush and Green Beaver’s Splendicious Lips lip gloss if I want some lip colour.

  135. Toni says:

    I love Annamarie Gianni’s Dead Sea Scrub. I feel like a new person after using it.

  136. MaeG says:

    Dr. Bonner’s! And their lip balm is dreamy!

  137. Rita :) says:

    I go nuts for coconut oil! It’s the best!

  138. Jessica says:

    My favorite all-natural product is the oil free vitamin C moisturizer from Avalon Organics. Since Kris is such an awesome animal advocate, I know she’ll especially appreciate one of my biggest criteria for choosing products: that they not be tested on animals. My fingers are crossed to be able to try AnnMarie Gianni’s Skincare! Like all of you, I love love love products. And like you, I’m committed both to nontoxic products, as well as cruelty free ones. Thanks! XOXO Jessica

  139. Deb Owen says:

    My favorites all come from Ann Marie’s line. If I had to pick one, it’d be a difficult choice between the Dead Sea Scrub and the Repair Serum. Her line has changed my skin.

    About a month after I started using her products, everyone started commenting on how “something looks different” and “you look great” and “whatever you’re doing is working, keep it up.” And you can’t beat that!

  140. Nicole says:

    My favorite product is Meow, Meow, Tweet!’s deodorant. It took me a long time to find a vegan, cruelty-free, chemical free deodorant that actually worked and this one is AWESOME!!

  141. Kelly Rice says:

    I absolutely can’t live without my Hammer Lips lip balm from Hammer Nutrition in Wintermint:

    It’s first ingredient is apricot oil–YUM! I only need to use it once a day when the weather is dry or before going into the sun in summer time (has zinc oxide). Hammer Nutrition products Rock!

  142. Maggie says:

    I like useing Aveeda face lotion.

  143. Tami Wallace says:

    I love to use coconut oil as a moisturizer, but had no idea as to its additional uses until now. Great idea with the posting of comments — learning about all sort of options that sound amazing!

  144. Tami Wallace says:

    I love to use coconut oil as a moisturizer, but had no idea as to its additional uses until now. Great idea with the posting of comments — learning about all sort of options that would amazing!

  145. Jeana says:

    Oh, that beautiful basket of clean skin care goodness makes me salivate. 😀

  146. Lisa says:

    Bubble and Bee raspberry lemonade scrub, Annmarie Gianni anti-aging facial oil, and Dr. Bronner’s everything!

  147. Barbara Wise says:

    Jojoba oil is amazing – I use it on my skin before drying off after a shower to moisturize, and in my son’s baths in the winter to soothe and heal his rash-prone , itchy skin.

  148. Ann says:

    Sugar is my favorite natural skin care product. You can add lemon, cinnamon, vanilla, lavender and you can use white or brown sugar to make a scrub that will take off dead skin and make your skin shine.

  149. Lori says:

    Love AnnMarie Gianni skincare. My skin has never looked better:-)

  150. Lauren says:

    One of my favorite products is called SW Basics of Brooklyn makeup remover. Using only three ingredients of organic sweet almond oil, organic olive oil and organic jojoba oil, it not only removes even my waterproof mascara, it’s also a great product to rub the leftover on your skin and won’t cause breakouts! My favorite part of this company is that they are animal friendly and their products are vegan. Enjoy! 🙂

  151. Tracy Stone says:

    At the moment, my favorite product is Vintage Tradition’s tallow. My face is finally clearing up! Weird, but it works.

  152. Melanie says:

    My (new) all time favorite personal care product(s) are AnnMarie Gianni’s Anti-Aging Facial Oil and Herbal Facial Oil for oily and acne prone skin. I use the Anti-Aging Facial Oil every morning and night. I only use the Herbal Facial Oil on blemishes and it zaps them overnight. My (old) favorite is coconut oil. I eat it right out of the jar, cook with it, use it for oil pulling every morning before brushing teeth, remove eye makeup with it, and use it daily to moisturize my skin. My favorite way to eat it is on a cracker with sunflower seed spread, an instant cure for my sweet tooth!!

  153. Susan says:

    Right now my favorite is Annmarie Gianni Coconut Honey mask to rehydrate after winter dryness. It is soothing to my skin and my mind!

  154. gerilyn gregory wood says:

    I love Acure cell stimulating facial mask and Giovanni avocado &olive oil hair mask (Both from Whole Foods). I use Trader Joes organic coconut oil everywhere…as a moisturizer, on my gums , in the nose (it helps with dry nose from antihistimines) and it is a great cuticle softener. And in cooking!

  155. Liz says:

    I love to use coconut oil for everything! It is an amazing moisturizer & makes my skin glow! It is a great flyaway tamer in my hair, not to mention that it is more affordable than the average cosmetic moisturizer or hair serum.

  156. Susie says:

    I switched to Dr. Bronner’s tea tree oil liquid soap several years ago and never went back. I’m an avid runner and used to get frequent break-outs on my back or backs of my arms — but now they are always clear! After switching to Dr. Bronner’s, I slowly simplified my personal care routine — eliminating all chemicals and fragrances. My skin and hair are healthier now at 54 then when I was 34 🙂 (a clean diet, sleep, meditation and a fabulous husband also help of course!)

  157. Aynsley says:

    I love the fact that this is this month’s giveaway. This is one area that people need to be informed on! If you’re transitioning from products and want to try a line that is organic I would recommend Eminence, My favorite product from this line is the Neroli Age Corrective Eye Serum, on the website it is described as a “Potent eye serum with Natural Retinol Alternative and Swiss Green Apple Stem Cells”. Our eyes are very sensitive and the skin is thinner so putting anything that’s filled with chemicals around our eyes can be scary, this is a great product. The downside is this line can be expensive so I recommend making your own skin care products, as many of you have already posted I love coconut, all skin types can use it and it is packs with natural antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-microbial properties. Also a natural antioxidant. You can find at home skin care recipes using coconut on , I found this one and liked it. Homemade Anti-Aging Face Cream Makes about ½ cup (lasts about 3 months) Ingredients ¼ cup almond oil 2 tablespoons coconut oil 2 tablespoons beeswax ½ teaspoon vitamin E oil 1 tablespoon shea butter and Essential oils of choice (optional). Also if you’re dealing with breakouts you can add tea tree which also has anti-microbial properties, or baking soda can be used with water to create a paste to help with eczema. Love Skin Care! NJOY

  158. Vickie says:

    Coconut oil and almond oil as a moisturizer and makeup remover

  159. Karissa says:

    For women, I think its essential to stay away from antiperspirant and use a natural deodorant. There are tons of articles on this topic (blogs, EWG, Food Matters, Dr. Mercola, etc.)
    I have tried TONS of natural deodorants and yet I could not find one that worked for me.
    Below is the recipe that I have been using for the past 2 years and I LOVE IT! A little goes a long way, this batch will last for months, so its a great cost savings DIY too… BONUS!

    Homemade Natural Deodorant
    6-8 Tbsp Coconut oil (solid state)
    1/4 cup baking soda
    1/4 cup arrowroot powder or cornstarch (arrowroot is preferred)
    5 drops of tea tree oil
    5 drops essential oil (lavender, orange, etc.)
    Mix all the ingredients well using a spatula, put it in a sealed container and its ready for use.

  160. Laura Lee Kelly says:

    I use Druide deodorant, Earth Safe shampoo and conditioner (although I’m trying out a new brand, ONEKA, that my Beautiful Boss Lady gifted me from a “green” tradeshow that she participated from recently).

    My choices of toothpaste have alternated between Green Beaver, Druide and Desert Essence brands. I am, however, going to try making my own in the near future..

    As for my face, I use Green Beaver Purifying Grapefruit Face Wash. To moisturize I use Sigrid Natural Skin Care Products which, between myself and my Beautiful Boss Lady Sigrid, we handcraft with love in our little shop in Ontario, Canada.

  161. Megan says:

    Love coconut oil!

  162. Aqueelah says:

    I have very thick course curls and my favorite thing to detangle with is aloe vera juice. It makes detangling easier and hydrates!

  163. Joanne Humphrey says:

    I use Mountain Sky Soap on my face and body, Castor oil on my face as a moisturizer or the AnneMarie Gianni line and almond oil or coconut oil on my body. No toxins!

  164. Christina says:

    I use organic Sea Buckthorn Seed oil on my face to replenish and improve my skin tone. I have also discovered Rice Vinegar ( mixed with cool water) as a Hair Rinse. It leaves my locks soft and full of body. I have yet to try AnnMarie G and looking forward to trying ALL her products. Self Care is so important to our well being. I have finally learned this truth. So, before you go to bed tonight, rub some Organic Virgin Coconut oil on your feet and put on a pair of cotton socks. Wake up to soft, beautiful feet.

  165. Mychelle has been my go to for facial care for years!

  166. Mychelle has been my go to for facial products for years. They smell so yummy too!

  167. Martha Beatriz Lopez-Freking says:

    My favorite natural products are Annmarie Gianni’s (especially aloe-herb cleanser, anti-aging serum and many more!). And I also LOVE Keys products. Their eye butter makes my eyelashes grow and they make the best pure totally natural sun screen that makes your skin glow!

  168. Sandra says:

    Do like coconut oil, so does my husband. Since re-starting chemo, odors have been bothering me, I’ve been using Avalon Organics ‘Aloe Unscented’, and my skin likes it!

  169. Cheryl Dickson says:

    My favorite non-toxic personal care product is Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap in lavender! I also really like alba Bontanica products for sunscreen and face creams!

  170. Eve Connors says:

    Anti Ageing Facial Oil – with Organic Rosehip, Avocado, Almond & vitamin E – amazing!!!! Bought from

  171. Ellen says:

    Extra virgin coconut oil + sugar scrub on my face (& sometimes on my body in the shower)! The sugar doesn’t dry my sensitive skin out like a salt scrub, and coconut oil is naturally anti-biotic/fungal/inflammatory so it helps clean and moisturize too 🙂

  172. Kristina says:

    My favorite nontoxic skin care product is a facial mask I make myself: avocado, local raw honey, and a sprinkle of oatmeal. Besides being yummy…. it leaves my skin feeling refreshed!!

  173. Megan Troyer says:

    I love to keep coconut oil in my SHOWER! Its a wonderful way to condition your hair before you shampoo. I love to shave with it. I also drench my whole body with it after my shower and then towel pat my body dry. I feel totally silky and moisturized from my head down to my toes!

  174. I swear by organic Argan oil for day and organic virgin coconut oil for night. Tea tree oil for blemishes. And I make my own body lotion using coconut oil, cocoa butter, vitamin e oil, and lavender!

  175. Marne says:

    My TWO favorite all natural, non-toxic products are Dr. Bronner’s lavender scented soap that I use for body wash/face wash and even as a household cleaner, and coconut oil that I use for facial moisturizer, body lotion, cooking oil, almost anything else that I can sneak it into! 🙂

  176. Heather Feider says:

    I have been loving Simply Divine Botanical’s natural deodorant ‘Keeping Abreast of It’. It encourages lymphatic circulation and drainage, is made of high quality ingredients, and it smells wonderful! (I love the scent so much that I have been tempted to try and wear it as a perfume, lol! 😉

  177. Christina Lesea says:

    My favorite natural, nontoxic personal care product is Dr. Bronner’s Hemp Castile soap! I really like the peppermint scented one (fresh and tingly!)- these soaps are pretty concentrated. Before finding this soap, I’ve never taken a shower and walked out feeling so clean while using so little. I’ve also read that it’s a great household cleaner if it’s diluted, have yet to try that!

  178. Stacie N says:

    I use coconut oil to remove my eye make-up and my eyelashes have honestly grown since I started doing this!

  179. Rini Montano says:

    Coconut oil! I use it on my skin and hair. It’s not fancy but it keeps my body beautiful

  180. I use Living Libations products by Nadine Artimis. They seem to be the most pure and she is an expert on herbs and essential oils.

  181. Kim says:

    I like Organix shampoo and conditioner

  182. Kayla Lear says:

    Organic coconut oil! I use it to remove my make-up, as a lip balm and lotion for dry skin, and as a mouthwash for “oil pulling.”

  183. Inga Seals says:

    This article is amazing, you have completely changed my way of thinking on so many levels Kris! I thank you Kris! I have actually switched from my last eyeliner to Ava Anderson’s eyeliner. I know it is minor, but it actually works better than the one I was using before. I am slowly but surely switching all of my cosmetics. Thank you for being such an amazing inspiration Kris!

  184. Erin Zarr says:

    I’m falling in love with the Oil Cleansing Method! Instead of washing my face with harsh soaps, I’ve been experimenting with using different blends of oils. My faves to throw into any blend include: sunflower oil, hemp seed oil, rose hip seed oil, tea tree oil, lavender essential oil and Argan oil.

  185. Heather Bowman says:

    My favorite thing to use is tea tree oil! It helps with breakouts, razor bumps, and I have even used it in place of deodorant 🙂

  186. Shirley says:

    I’ve been reading all the comments and suggestions posted and you know, I need to switch from olive oil for my facial moisturizer. Thank you Kris for giving me the opportunity to read what other women have enjoyed using! 🙂

  187. Lisa says:

    Baking soda mixed with water into a paste is an excellent facial scrub. It is far better than expensive products and extremely gentle on the skin. Your face feels clean. Blackheads are removed. Wrinkles softened. It’s so inexpensive and is natural and safe for yourself and the environment.


  188. Kyla says:

    To keep my skin super soft I exfoliate with a sugar lemon juice mixture and use eminesce tinted moisturizer

  189. Sarah says:

    I tried the $10 skincare sample from anne marie skincare for acne prone skin and I LOVE the citrus cleanser, herbal facial oil and mud mask! I have only used it for 3 days and can already see a big difference in my skin: no new acne and the acne blemishes are slowly going away. Awesome!!!

  190. Lauren says:

    I love the kitchen products that can do double duty as what we traditionally think of as personal care products. Neck to neck at the top of the list – Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar and Coconut Oil.

  191. Christina Blanco says:

    I am new to natural products and am loving all your emails with great healthy tips! Until I can afford a good natural skin care line I just make sure to put coconut oil everywhere everyday, keeps my skin nice and smooth 🙂

  192. Melanie says:

    I use Dr. Bronner’s Rose castille soap as shampoo and body wash, coconut oil as moisturizer, and the occasional epsom salt bath. I’m lucky to live in Seattle where makeup is never expected, but if i decide to rock it i’ll use Josie Maran foundation and I really love RMS beauty products for eyes, cheeks and lips. Oh, and i’ve been cleansing with a Go(Bo) Away Acne bar soap that is really helping me out while i try to figure out how to take better care of my liver and lymph!

  193. Esmeralda says:

    I love natural herbal oils, essential oils, thermal earth etc…..all that is natural

  194. Philippa says:

    A beautiful product line I am currently using a few of is the Australian Bush flower beauty products called LOVE SYSTEM : ) I love that they all have healing flower essences in each of them.
    It is so encouraging that people like Annemarie care profoundly about women’s health and is making such an amazing range of products. I have tried a sample kit only which was so gorgeous. : )

  195. Line says:

    I started using Sweet Leilani makeup products about a year ago and I see a big difference with my skin. I use to always struggle with redness & little pimples on my nose but this brand is 100% natural and it feels really good on my skin. Plus, it’s local (Canadian base company not too far from where I live) and I just love the brand story; It was initially built from a desire to help women, men and children who suffer silently from the effects of cancer, burns, and scarring. Working from a spare bedroom in her home, LeiLani volunteered with the Cancer Society to cut and style wigs and educate with makeup how to cover and camouflage skin discoloration due to the side effects from undergoing cancer treatments.
    Sweet LeiLani than expanded into a complete line of cosmetics that are infused with anti-inflammatory and calming properties that benefit and enhance the skin for those suffering from milder conditions like rosacea, eczema, etc…and looking for better beauty products, . With patients referred from across the province, she realized her products needed to be more commercially available.
    So now she has expanded into a full line of Cosmetics that offer those with and without skin conditions a better beauty product.
    It’s affordable (which is SO great!) & 100% natural. Couldn’t ask for a better product!

  196. Julie says:

    My favorite natural personal care product is organic coconut oil.

  197. Sarah Barca says:

    Very new to natural skin care and enjoying everyone’s suggestions. Learning so much!

  198. Katrina says:

    My favorite natural non toxic personal care product is definitely coconut oil. I use it to remove my makeup, to hydrate my skin and hair and cook with it; it’s truly an all in one product that I couldn’t live without!!

  199. Katie says:

    Avocados! About once a week I smear avocado in my hair after shampooing, leave on for 10-20 minutes then rinse and shampoo again. I love how soft it makes my hair!

  200. Fern says:

    Just plain water makes my face happy.

  201. Wes says:

    I’m a simple gal. Coconut oil.

  202. Sandy Anderson says:

    I love Organic Unrefined Coconut Oil. It is great for replacing other lotions and oils for your entire body! It is a great eye makeup remover. Mix it with sugar for a body scrub. Great for a shaving lotion too. Best personal lubricant. I use it whenever I am cooking with high heat. I take 1 tbsp. before my meals to help with digestive issues. I love it!

  203. Cassie says:

    skincredible, by simply divine botanicals

  204. Christine says:

    Currently, my favorite natural, non-toxic personal care product is Thorne Organics Manuka Therapy Cream. It’s so creamy and keeps my dry skin beautifully moisturized.

  205. Cassie says:

    simply divine botanicals: skincredible

  206. Julie Schall says:

    Sukin deodorant

  207. Alyson says:

    These products sounds amazing! Thanks so much for sharing this awesome brand with us:) My main go to is coconut oil (my favorite use is eye makeup remover). I also love Tom’s deodorant and I’ll never look back.

  208. danielle says:

    I have tried every ‘natural’ cleanser for my acne under the sun with no results before deciding to cut out cleansers completely. Now I scrub with a clean washcloth and use my own blend of hemp seed oil, jojoba oil and tea tree oil as a moisturizer (no clogged pores!) As scary as this transition was, my skin cleared up and evened out almost immediately! I always use a mask of bentonite clay and apple cider vinegar twice a week.

  209. Monica says:

    I would be lost without my crystal deodorant! Life saver!

  210. Jennifer says:

    I promise I’m not just saying this in hopes of increasing my chances to win . . . Ann Marie Gianni’s Neroli Toning Mist is fabulous. I didn’t think spraying something on my face could make a big difference in how I feel, but it truly does. Love starting my day with it.

    I also love coconut oil. I use it for about everything. Organic, virgin, unrefined, cold-pressed I believe is what I get.

  211. Melissa Russo says:

    I love RMS Uncover Up, as a new mom this definitely helps me look a little more rested. I also am using Yuli Cell Perfecto pm serum and it is really good. But it would be unbelievable to try Anne Marie’s skin care. I’ve heard it is pretty amazing!

  212. Amanda says:

    I adore Desert Essence’s Thoroughly Clean Face Wash with tea tree oil! It’s kept my skin looking so clear ever since I started using it, and I love the zippy clean sensation the tea tree oil leaves on my skin!

  213. I start my day with drinking warm lemon water to PH balance and alkalize my body. I use organic virgin coconut oil on my face, feet and nail cuticles. For an after shower body spray I use fractionated coconut oil (stays liquid) with a mixture of various 100% pure essential oils; all from DoTerra or Moringa Oil. I use 100% Moraccan Red Clay as a facial mask weekly.
    I did order the $10.00 sample kit from AnnMarie Gianni and I simply love the Dead Sea Facial Scrub and the Anti Aging Facial Oil!! I would love to purchase some of the products but they are somewhat out of my price range. I do understand these products are more expensive to manufacture and are well worth the price, I just cannot afford them right now having just recently opened my own business. I am able to use the DoTerra products because I have signed up to distribute them and get them at a lesser price than retail. I would be so excited to win the AnnMarie Gianni Skin Care Package and would share them with my Nutritional Health Coaching Clients and share the wealth!! If I believe in a product I can sell the pants off them!!! 🙂 Wishing myself luck

  214. Alyna says:

    My favorite product is my homemade shampoo and conditioner. The shampoo I make is a 1T to 1 Cup of regular tap water ratio and the conditioner I make is a 1:1 ratio of vinegar to water. You can use euther ACV or white vinegar. AC vinegar seems to work really well for those with dry scalp or dandruff

  215. Jennifer Dant says:

    Dr. Bronners (I love the peppermint, so refreshing!) and coconut oil are a must in our household- We make our own bar soap and deodorant, and have so much fun doing it =)
    I would love some great makeup recommendations =) I don’t use much- concealer, bronzer & mascara……

  216. Sarah says:

    I am new to natural skin care and am so excited to learn more! For a start, I have been using coconut oil as a moisturizer after I shower. I am looking forward to learning more about products that other people love to use.

  217. Carol Lombard says:

    I actually love Annmarie’s products especially the face cleanser and repair serum. It would be wonderful to win even more of her products. Coconut oil is great for anywhere on the body!

  218. Bethany says:

    I am not always vigilant about reading my labels but recently started researching less toxic skin care products. I have used Doctor Bronner’s off and on for years and I just started using Bare Minerals and Josie Maran makeup. Loving the Josie Maran so far!

  219. Marty says:

    I use castile soap for everyday washing hands and body.

  220. Kristin Ranger says:

    I am a devotee of Josie Maran products, especially the 100% argan oil for hair, skin and nails!

  221. Makeda Sulce says:

    Truself Organics Detoxifying Facial Mask – great for my skin and just 3 ingredients.

  222. jeannie says:

    I love Korres Greek yogurt moisturizer, Goes on light and cool, feels great!

  223. Stacey Linton says:

    I am in the same boat as many who use coconut oil for just about everything: body, face, and hair! I also recently traded in my chemical-laden full strength antiperspirant for a completely natural deodorant cream made by a holistic nutritionist here in Toronto! Her line is Joyous Natural Beauty Essentials.

  224. Ashleigh says:

    Like so many others, my favourite is Coconut Oil! From oil pulling to makeup removal, moisturizing, hair conditioning, in homemade deodorant and toothpaste…I use it everyday and love it!

  225. Tami says:

    I use Dr. Bronner’s soap for all soap needs and am a big fan of coconut oil for a natural moisturizer.
    I would love to try this new skin care line!

  226. Patricia says:

    coconut oil for moisturizer, tarte cosmetics & sunscreen, bare minerals

  227. Meagan says:

    I love using coconut oil. Also, hot water with lemon is great for my skin!

  228. Hilary says:

    I make my own lotions using the best organic oils, and beeswax that I can find, and use therapeutic grade essential oils in them. I also wear minimal makeup most of the time.

  229. Amanda Bradbury says:

    My favorite natural skin care product is coconut oil. I have started using it as my night cream, which helps the last bits of my makeup come off and it smells so good. I also love adding my doTerra essential oils to anything – epsom salts, sugar scrubs, etc.
    (I am already signed up for your crazy sexy newsletter –

    🙂 (:

  230. Jessica says:

    I love tarte!

  231. Crecencia fisher says:

    Aztec secret indian healing clay, plenty of green, water, and a good night’s sleep!

  232. Sheryl Collins says:

    I found RAD soap co products at our local farmer’s market in Schenectady, NY. My husband & I love the soaps, moisturizers & facial day cream!

  233. LJ says:

    My favorite natural, non-toxic personal care product besides Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil (inside and out) is Jeneuvia Skin Tightening Eye Serum

  234. Sarah L. says:

    Coconut oil! I keep mine in 3 places: the kitchen, the bathroom and in the bedroom 😉

  235. Cynthia says:

    I am just learning about natural facial products ….right now I use coconut oil for everything! 🙂

  236. Jenji says:

    I’ve got extremely sensitive skin, so I’ve tried–and tossed–thousands of products. I’ve recently found Elta Daily UV and am enjoying actually being able to wear a sunscreen, but it has only been a few days, so time will tell!

  237. Lisa says:

    I love AnnMarie’s Aloe-Herb Facial Cleanser. I also just ordered the sunscreen and can’t wait to try it!

  238. Candice Parker says:

    I have two favorites I recently can’t live without…100% pure cocoa butter and the citrus mint facial cleanser from AnnMarie Gianni.

  239. Deanne says:

    I absolutely love AnnMarie Gianni’s new product, Sun Love. I have very fair skin, have lived in Florida most of my life, and have already had one experience with skin cancer. Needless to say it has been clear to me for a long time that sunscreen should be a standard part of my skin care regimen but trying to find a non-toxic sunscreen that I could wear on my face has been challenging…until now. I tried a sample of the Sun Love several weeks ago and couldn’t wait to buy a full-sized bottle. It is lightweight, has some tint (but not too much) and smells wonderful. It is hands down my current favorite product.

  240. Jenn says:

    I love a product called Saje Naturals made in Canada. Unfortunately, we don’t have an EWG here so for products made and sold here it takes a bit of research to find out if they are safe. I don’t always get it right but hopefully these ones are ok because they are amazing!

  241. Becky says:

    My favorite skin care product is Tates Miracle Conditioner. This is a multi-use, completely organic product – for hair, skin etc.and made with love from the Tates family farm. I enjoy their other products as well – such as their toothpaste, deodorant & fingernail polish remover.

  242. Carla Storey says:

    Last fall I read about AnnMarie Gianni’s skinincare line and decided to try it. This is the first natural skincare products I have tried and love them! I use the anti-aging serum, anti-aging eye-cream and anti-aging facial oil. I also skip make-up on the weekends or days off from work. If I do need to wear make-up on these days it’s very minimal. I have found my skin looks and feels better without make-up.

  243. Alicia Matz says:

    I used to use a lot of lotions and potions on my face and spend a lot also. I used to use high end products from a well known perfume company. Then I read the book Toxic Beauty. What an eye opener! Now I use Tonya Zavasta’s face cream. It smells like vanilla. Talk about aromatherapy while moisturizing your skin! Coconut oil is the best body moisturizer and makeup remover. More aromatherapy. Heaven. And don’t forget to juice every day. True beauty comes from within.

  244. Anita Barnes says:

    I use organic coconut oil as my moisturizer. I cover my whole body with it before I go to bed. I use it on my lips, and condition my hair with it.

    I make my own body scrub with organic brown sugar, coconut oil and add essential oils like ginger and lime.

  245. Randi says:

    I have been to two non toxic body product parties….kinda like a cookie swap. From the 1st one, I took away my favorite deodorant that I have been using for one year. It is 6 Tbsp. solid coconut oil, 1/4 cup baking soda, and 1/4 cup arrowroot. I put it in my old deodorant ‘sticks’ which makes for easy application!

  246. Susan Seltzer says:

    My favorite natural skincare products are by Aubrey Organics. Their products are all natural and very reasonably priced. I especially love the Luminessence Lift Face Cream. It’s a real skin brightener!!!

  247. Wendy says:

    I really like AnnMarie’s Neroli toning mist, so refreshing!

  248. Marla says:

    AnnMarie’s Neroli Toning Mist because it smells so good!

  249. Linda says:

    After attending a seminar held by Kassie of Kasia Organic Salon in Minneapolis, I began to think differently about my skin as an organ that was absorbing crazy chemicals into my body through all my hair products, skin and face products…As a cancer survivor, I have discovered a love for oils and clean products.
    I absolutely LOVE AgeLess Skin Serum. Check it out!

  250. Kimberly says:

    My favorite personal care item is coconut oil! I use it for everything.

  251. sylvia says:

    AnnMaries’s Radiant Skin Silk is one of my favorites! Even great on my face during the harsh winters.

  252. Paula says:

    Hi, tks for this great content. I am just starting so I am going to check all my products right away, I use makeup occasionally so now I am really happy about that!! Still I need to do a lot of research!!!

  253. Jennifer says:

    I love Coconut oil to moisturize my skin!

  254. Christine Benson says:

    I LOVE AnnMarie Gianni Herbal Oil! Essential!!

  255. Barb Bristow says:

    I use Moisturel night cream recommended by my Dermatologist.

  256. Barb Bristow says:

    I use Moisturel night cream recommended by my Dermatoligist.

  257. Lisa B. says:

    I love Burt’s Bees products and have been using them for years. My favorites being the soap bark and chamomile deep cleansing cream and tinted lip balm.

  258. Karen Paddle says:

    The Pure Naturals line from TVAL skin care has a couple of nice options.
    And I love that it is made locally here in Newfoundland, Canada. : )

  259. Riki Kurbansade says:

    My favorite natural non-toxic personal care product is actually Annmarie Gianni Dead Sea Scrub. It makes my skin feel so nice and soft. I absolutely love it and have shared it with my friends.

  260. Rachel says:

    When I started my switch to better products I thought of what I use most in a day and that is by far hand soap! I love jenuinely pure foaming hand soap.

  261. Tiffany says:

    My favorite product is the AnneMarie Anti-aging serum!!

  262. Kristi says:

    I mix a drop of Young Living’s Frankincense essential oil in my anti aging oil from AnnMarie. My skin has never looked better!!

  263. Lexi says:

    Drinking veggie & fruit juices. I make a banana spinach flaxseed juice every day and it is delicious. It keeps me energetic and healthy!

  264. Allison says:

    I have really fallen in love with Acure and 100% pure for facial cleansers and make-up. I like the products are vegan, free of chemical, and free trade. I also like Dr. Bronner’s for body wash that doubles as a household cleaner. They also have a pretty awesome view on running a company and respect for employees throughout the supply chain. And Andalou Naturals for curly hair care 🙂

  265. My fav natural product is our Body Butter, in Pure scent or Milk and Honey scent. Love it!

  266. Jennelle says:

    A few natural brands (aside from Annmarie) that I really like are Evan Healy and Celtic Complexion. Both lines are simple and natural and work really well for a variety of skin types.

  267. Jennifer Lightsey says:

    I switched from lotion to skin oils a few years ago and it has been great!
    I use AnnMarie’s anti aging oil (thanks to your recommendation;-) ) on my face and a dropper bottle of 1/2 organic Sesame oil combined with 1/2 coconut or almond oil on my body.
    I would love to find a more effective deodorant and mascara though…. I use natural daily but have the chemical stuff for those days that I need to not smell or really want to look great…. surely I just haven’t found the right product yet.

  268. Erin Watson says:

    Evening Shade Farms face tonic and face serum. Awesome !!

  269. Karen says:

    My go to organic goodie for all things inside and out is coconut oil. My favorites are Trader Joes and Sprouts brands. So good for so many things I can’t even begin to list them all. Head to toe awesomeness!

  270. Karen says:

    What’s my favorite natural, non-toxic personal care product??? Well coconut oil of course. It smells good, tastes good and is so great for pretty much anything that needs pampering. It is my go to goodie!

  271. Lucy Therrien says:

    I use AnnMarie Gianni’s Anti-Agng Facial Oil, RepairSerum and coconut oil.

  272. Ashley says:

    Wow! What an incredible Giveaway!

    Coconut Oil is the top cosmetic I use inside and out! I love having it for everything, but it is especially lovely to use on my husband… wink wink….. hopefully not too much info! 😉

  273. Janice Dudeck says:

    My favourite products are Annmarie Gianni’s Anti-Aging Facial Oil & Serum, plus I also use products from Arbonne, Khiels and also make my own body butter, facial cleanser and deoderant.

  274. Antonella says:

    My favorite serum right now is Andalou naturals(fruit stem cell science). It’s also non GMO.:0) winter months I use Burt’s Bees day lotion with clary sage for my dry skin.

  275. Aimee Geraci says:

    My favorite product is Annmarie Gianni’s anti-aging facial oil. I love every product I’ve tried from her line. Nothing makes my skin look or feel better!!

  276. Elena says:

    Loving coconut oil right now for a face/under eye moisturizer! I just get a big jar from Costco 🙂

  277. Pistachio says:

    Love Tarte Maracuja Creaseless Concealer.

  278. Mary says:

    I use the DeVita line of products for my sensitive skin.

  279. Angel says:

    I just started using DoTerra essential oils skin care line. I’m in a “exploring stage,” as I trying to find what works best for me. I love the natural smells of the essential oils. I use coconut oil as a make-up remover. I’ve tried using coconut oil as a moisturizer but it does not seem to penetrated the top layer of my skin. I feel like it sits on the surface without absorbing. Any advice?
    I did try apple cider vinegar as a cleaner/toner but my husband complained about the smell (It was strong :)!)

  280. carolin says:

    Ok, I have no idea how you will be able to come up with just ONE winner for this amazing giveaway?! 😉
    It seems everything I use and love has been mentioned many times over and I did not even read ALL the almost 3000 comments…
    What I can add, thinking I did not see it previously is only:
    touch your skin with love, look at yourself with love, drink lots of water and brush your entire body daily, possbily add face yoga. 🙂

  281. Helen says:

    Desert Essence is my favorite non-toxic shampoo. I use Tea- tree and eucalyptus. Wonderful! And not too expensive which is great for my student budget 🙂

  282. Tara says:

    That’s easy, coconut oil. For hair, face, body. Everything!

  283. Melanie says:

    Aloe Vera gel used under a facial moisturiser, keeps away my acne rosacea.

  284. Alisa says:

    I love jojoba oil as a natural moisturizer for my face. Also, I will put jojoba oil on damp hands, then follow that with pure shea butter. That helps my hands look smooth and young.

  285. Bea says:

    My natural, non-toxic personal care product? Water, inside and out. I started reading the labels about 10 years ago so it was easy to make the decision to discontinue using the products.

  286. Kelsey says:

    I love Mineral Fusion products. They are gluten free, vegan, and corn free! They are my go to products.

  287. Nicole Strunk says:

    I love dr bronners liquid soap and have been using eclos facial care.

  288. Anne Marie says:

    I use a lot of olive oil, sometimes mixed with essential oils. It’s less expensive coconut oil and its super greasy lol! I use it as a deep conditioning treatment for my sensitive curls, a makeup remover, a lotion for dry days and as a finishing oil on my hair. This thread is over-flowing with great tips that I look forward to trying. Thanks guys!

  289. Dawn says:

    My favorite natural skincare product is almond oil.

  290. Stephanie Nuyannes says:

    I use Josie Maran Argan Oil for my moisturizer (day and night), and her whipped body butter after every shower. I love that her products are all natural, and use many of her cosmetics as well.

  291. Eileen Zamora says:

    I’ve just started using AnnMarie Gianni’s products, and I like the cleanser and the toning mist. I just bought her Mother’s Day package and am anxious to try her sun products as well. The first best thing I do in the morning is drink a large glass of lemon water. I feel like it cleans from the inside out.


    I use virgin coconut oil for everything! My hair, moisturizing my skin, shaving my legs, and oil pulling.

  293. Nicole says:

    children’s toothpaste: Kiss My Face obsessively natural toothpaste
    children’s care products: Healthy Times Shampoo and Healthy Times bath soap
    my shower gel: Kiss My Face
    my shampoo: Earth Science (no fragrance)
    my toothpaste/lotion/hand soap/detergents: The Honest Company
    Skin care: raw organic coconut oil at night. All other products are all from Origins
    I am still looking for healthier make-up. Haven’t found it yet.
    Hope this helps anybody.

  294. caroline farah says:

    I love to use Coconut oil as a natural beauty product. My hands, my feet and my hair…awesome!

  295. Ashere Potter says:

    I love Badger sunscreen fro summer fun with my daughter.

  296. Alex says:

    Coconut oil! It’s the ultimate all-purpose beauty product. I particularly like it as a moisturizer for face and body and an eye makeup remover.

  297. Cassie says:

    Personally I love coconut oil ad am eye makeup remover! I’ll also dab some under my eyes with some vitamin N to leave on overnight 🙂

  298. Lou says:

    I am so in love with natural products that I can’t even choose just one! In my experience, switching to natural beauty and body care products has no negatives, only positives. When we switch to natural we are using products that are healthy and nourishing for our bodies and quite often then work even better than the chemical-laden products out there because they are in harmony with our beings! Some of my favorites are Vapour Organic beauty for lip and cheek colors when you want that extra pop! W3ll People has a beautiful foundation that I love to use (although I use it sparingly now because I usually prefer bare-faced!). And I am lucky that a local natural beauty products store carries my favorite Shamanuti activated charcoal cleanser. Perfect for those hot sweaty summer days when you need to detox your pores! The activated charcoal does wonders for congested skin, yet the cleanser is gentle enough for everyday use.

  299. Ann says:

    I love EO’s Rose Geranium scented products — lotion and body oil. xo

  300. Jess says:

    I’m loving all of this great information! Feeling encouraged and supported by seeing my favorite products already discussed at length — coconut oil, Dr. Bronner’s soaps, good water. I also love Epsom salts for soaking baths, especially when muscle soreness is present and think sleep is the best thing ever. My most helpful beauty-and-mood product this winter (in the dreary NW) would have to be daily sitting with a natural spectrum light, combined with daily meditation. I know these two practices helped me be more balanced and upbeat all season. Now that the sunlight is a little more plentiful, getting outside for movement and fresh air is critical. I use pure olive oil on my hair and skin when dryness shows up. Still looking for the best eye cream…they all make promises, but so far nothing is really doing the trick on my dark circles…

  301. Joni says:

    If I had to choose one product only to use for the rest of my life it would be raw organic coconut oil. You can use it from head to toe, inside and out. What other product can you say this of? Try it on your hair for straightening & conditioning, as a face & body moisturizer, lip gloss, bath & massage oil. Use it to heal scars or rashes as well as on your teeth & gums (oil pulling). Add some to your favorite smoothie for an inside out glow. You can even use it to have some crazy, sexy fun!

  302. nazeran says:

    My all time favourite is raw Shea Butter. It is miraculous for skin care. Just give it a chance to mesmerize you.

  303. nazeran says:

    My all time favourite is raw Shea Butter. It is miraculous for skin care.

  304. Maria says:

    I use Pangea Organics for my facial and lip care. Usually don’t wear makeup

  305. Jess says:

    Green Beaver Sunscreen:
    SPF 15 Daily Face Cream.

    I have acne-prone skin and this sunscreen/moisturizer doesn’t aggravate m’face! I don’t know if Green Beaver products are in the US yet, but they are for sure in Canada (Canadian company, woot, woot).

  306. Deb Harano says:

    I’ve been trying lots of different natural products and lately for me, it’s oil. I’ve used organic olive oil for oil pulling and for skin calming after epilating. And it’s great for making pesto too!! 🙂

  307. Coconut oil as moisturizer and eye makeup remover helps me to cut down on the number and toxicity of my products. Also, alba botanical brand sunscreen, especially natural very emollient mineral protection aloe vanilla. It’s soothing and moisturizing.

  308. Jackie says:

    Kris! This post hit at the perfect time. I’ve been in overwhelm looking for a friendly skin care line and after I read your post I order the sample kit. It came today each one smells amazing. I kept taking deep breaths after I applied to smell in the fresh scent. I currently use Dr. John Douillard’s Life Spa products. The lymphatic massage oil is like putting a calming robe on your body. I love it but my husband doesn’t love this scent so Annmarie you have a new customer;) Thanks again xo Jackie

  309. Sonya Terrell says:

    My favorite product is Lustro Face Oil by Beautycounter

  310. Kim says:

    I am another coconut oil lover!

  311. Joy says:

    I love the natural deodorant that i order from ‘Hip Mountain Mama’ They promote that ‘what you put on your body is just as important as what you put in your body, and to keep things natural while keeping your pits smelling good!’ The Natural Deodorants are made with antibacterial virgin coconut oil, odor absorbing clay, skin soothing shea butter, moisture absorbing arrow root powder, and 100% pure essential oils. I am crazy about the good old ‘hippie’ patchouli scent, but they have other choices as well. Such a great product!!

  312. Pat Tallman says:

    I like the Self Health Revolutions Herbal Face Food. It’s intense! All natural. I had a few weird spots on my face that disappeared after a while using it. And it really seems to make my skin clearer, and more youthful. It smells super strong so I use it at night. But I ma very happy with it.

  313. Jilee says:

    My spit twirled around an organic q-tip is the best around the eye makeup remover there is! Try it! It works to clean up sloppy eyeliner or mascara or at the end of the day after you’ve washed your face to remove any remaining makeup. : )

  314. Dani says:

    I’m a huge fan of making my own facial oil. I use a mix of hazelnut, grapeseed, avocado, and borage seed oils to cleanse my face every night and I’ve found it works really well. Plus, I know exactly what went into it.

  315. Marci Anne says:

    Hands down it has to be Coconut Oil! Cleanser, moisturizer, shaving cream, hair mask, etc, etc, etc. I am also a fan of a manuka honey and cinnamon face mask.

  316. Karen says:

    I love Green Beaver and Aubrey Organics products, especially the oil free facial moisturizer – it doesn’t clog my pores and it has a nice light scent. Thank you for opening the contest to Canadians as well! 🙂

  317. Laura Lee Magana says:

    I love straight organic Coconut oil and use it daily. I also recently found out that Avocado oil has sunscreen components and now use an Organic Auzie brand Avo Oil on my body for Sunscreen.
    I’m looking for additional information about good sunscreens as I’ve now got my second basal cell and I’m only 49…errrrggggg and I love the outdoors.
    Any suggestions?
    For years (like over 30 years) I’ve used Neutrogena Sesame Oil until I found out that its a 6 on the Toxicity scale on the Skindeep website. OMG, just when you think something is a staple right??
    I’m also Celiac so I can’t use any products that contain wheat, oatmeal, xantham gum, etc…another OMG. But as in, my body is my radar for junk, so it’s all about lean, clean, and sometimes mean (in the good sense of the word)!!
    I know that I’m not alone.
    Thank you Kris for your transparency and courage…I met you in San Jose, CA at the Hay House 25th anniversary event and have a been a huge fan ever since!!
    Keep rock’n it girl!
    Laura Lee Magana
    Aptos, CA

  318. CJ says:

    I love the AnnMarie Gianni Anti-Aging Serum! I use it in the morning and at night along with that Anti aging facial oil. I started using this about 6 months ago after reading about it on your blog. My skin is so radiant and healthy. I love your blog and website. Your are such an inspiration. Thanks Kris

  319. Tonya says:

    Thank you for sharing the importance of using non toxic products. I have been a believer for years. I use Shaklee skin and personal products. It amazes me that at the age of 45 & post menopause people still think I look like I am in my early 30’s. I still get carded when we go out. If you want to learn more you can go to

  320. Anna says:

    I love using tamanu oil and argan oil on my face 🙂

  321. Diana Burton says:

    Coconut oil makes a great hand lotion!

  322. debbie says:

    I use baking soda as my exfoliate on my face and to brush my teeth.

  323. Lorrie Pratley says:

    I use Ivory soap, it’s simple but it gets me the cleanest, and I have discovered Michael Todd True Organics skin care line. Lorrie

  324. Denise Broda says:

    I love to use grape seed oil as my body moisturizer, especially in the winter. I have post-polio syndrome and thus do most of my exercising in a pool, and the grape seed oil helps to keep my legs silky smooth. I also sometimes put it on the ends of my hair before doing my water routine to help with the chlorine – I can’t stand wearing bathing caps!

  325. Debbie says:

    I use pure Argan oil for my moisturizer and Bare Minerals makeup!

  326. Jennifer Pilon says:

    Coconut oil, baby 😀 Nuf said 😉 It can be a perfect base for any and all DIY homemade natural self care products from toothpaste to skin care products ( for cleansing & hydrating), sun screens and hair treatments, body scrubs and lip balms…..I can go on! And not only is it good for the outer self, it is also good for the inner self so eat up! I cook with it and it also makes and awesome tea! I usually cut a piece of organic ginger, put it in a mug, add some Turmeric & coconut oil & then add hot filtered water with a slice of organic lemon 🙂

  327. Leanna says:

    I am still fairly new to a toxin free lifestyle.. with that said.. I like using the Crystal Essence deodorant.. even though I have to reapply a couple times a day.. I also use Dr. Bronner’s soaps for a few things.. including my own laundry soap, facial wash and foot soak.. I am interested in trying out some Arbonne products next. Thank you for being such an inspiration.. Love you and all you do 🙂

  328. laura says:

    I have been dealing with skin issues the last two years, which have stumped the dermatologists. They suggested creams with steroids. NO THANKS! I’ve been using aloes, essential oils and creams made with minimal ingredients. My sister gave me an awesome face cream called, “Rose du jour – light & lovely normal combination by Simply Divine Botanicals”. The first ingredient listed is – unconditional love & gratitude! Love it!!!

  329. Amy says:

    I absolutely love coconut oil from TRopical. Traditions. I use it on my lips, and also on my face. The same stuff also gets put into my vitamix along with my greens and fruits!

  330. Melanie says:

    Ah,where to start? My basics are Dr. Hauschka’s Cleansing Milk and Rose Day Cream. I also use Skin BY ANN WEBB Cucumber Melon calming mist, Yoanna Skincare Oxygen Firming C Complex serum, Everday Coconut Night Face Cream, Andalou naturals 1000 Roses Moroccan Beauty Oil and Absolute Serum, Weleda Wild Rose Body Oil (Clearly I am obsessed with rose oil), and derma e Skinbiotics Treatment Creme for anything funky. 🙂 Oh! I also use virgin coconut oil for a variety of things, but especially on rough elbows and heels.

  331. Sara says:

    I have been using Eminence Organic products for a few years now and even though they last a while, they are still expensive. One of my new favorite products is The Wonder Seed hemp seed lotion! Light smell, silky and non-greasy, and really helps moisturize. I love their shampoo and conditioner too!

  332. So many faves- Butter nail polish, Pangea facial mist and moisturizer, Dr Bronner’s soaps, Tarte’s new Falsies mascara. And coconut oil, obvi. 😉

  333. Bobbi says:

    One more vote for organic coconut oil. Love it as a natural lip balm.

  334. Desiree Raska says:

    I’ve always been a sucker for anything Burt’s bees 🙂

  335. Kathleen says:

    Jojoba Baby body oil for my newly bald head and face. It’s good all over. Hollybeth Organic’s Citrus All Over Cream is a super rich body and hand cream. For me, right now, there is no reason to wear make up. I look like an alien without eyelashes or hair. I’ll ride the storm out naturally.

  336. Wendie says:

    My fave product for everything is organic Argan oil. I put it on my hair, on my hands, on my neck and chest. It is awesome. I don’t care for the smell so I put some organic lavender oil in it

  337. Jocelyn says:

    I really like using tea tree oil for any skin blemishes I have. It takes them away really quickly!

  338. Rhonda says:

    Hi Kris,

    I have tried a sample of Annemarie’s products and they are amazing! This is such a great offer of Annemarie’s products.

    I have been paying more attention to the products that I purchase and I have been giving myself permission to go au naturel so I do my best to take care of my skin.

    I really liked Arrbonne’s Intelligence line, but they discontinued it so I have been trying a few other
    products: Annemarie’s are really beautiful and natural, MyChelle and Andalou products are a couple that I have recently tried for moisturizers. Natural products are as important for our skin as the food we eat in my humble opinion.

  339. Jennifer says:

    Ava Anderson Body Butter!

  340. Kathy says:

    Wow, I really need to use coconut oil for more than cooking! Currently I use argon oil as a daily moisturizer. I also like Crunchy Betty’s website for free body care recipes.

  341. Julie Sylvestre says:

    There is a woman that lives in a small community about 50 minutes from my own community, in Pembroke, Ontario, Canada. Her small community is Wilno, Ontario, Canada. A beautiful little spot surrounded by rivers, lakes, marshes, and the rolling Madawaska mountains. She owns a small gallery and grows all her own herbs. She produces essential oils and skin care products from her herbs and oils, which she brands as Sigrid. She also uses ingredients like carrot oil. I own her under-eye cream and face cream and both make my face look dewy and bright. Everything is totally natural. It just feels good to know that every ingredient in that list is natural — we need to treat our outer layers just as good as our inner layers 🙂

  342. Hannah W. says:

    I like to go as natural as possible when it comes to products so I will have to say that coconut oil is one of my favorite beauty products! It is so versatile!

  343. Nancy Nelson says:

    Arbonne & Annmarie Gianni coconut body oil

  344. Ashley says:

    Andalou night cream

  345. Ashley says:

    Andalou night cream 🙂

  346. Rachel S says:

    Andalou organics lavender conditioner! I tried no poo for a while but it just didn’t work for me. This works great for my crazy curly hair that is easily a mess of tangles!!

  347. Cadwell Cindi says:

    I love the Neroli Toning mist by AnnMarie. It is like a treat for my skin. So fresh & the smell is Devine! You just feel like you are giving your skin a gift

  348. Veronika says:

    My two must haves are Saje natural wellness’ peppermint halo headache treatment and their zap roll on, by far the best spot treatment for pimples I have ever found.

  349. Tatiana says:

    i LOVE zuii organic liquid foundation. it’s comprised mainly of flower-based ingredients! it’s perfect all year round.

  350. Kris says:

    Burt’s bees lip balm in the tube:)

  351. Sarah says:

    I love using Arnica for aches and bruises. As a personal trainer and group fitness instructor, arnica & epsom salts both provide me with a way to soothe my muscles. I would love the chance to try AnnMarie Gianni products as I have heard wonderful reviews and have used many of your suggestions in the past that have become routine and staples.Thank you!

  352. margot says:

    I mostly use coconut oil for everything = pulling, cleansing, moisturizing.

  353. Sharon says:

    Coconut oil is the product I use most and is also my favorite. It is a great moisturizer. I also use it to make popcorn!

  354. Wendi Makrianis says:

    Unrefined, organic coconut oil!

  355. Robin says:

    My current natural and organic favorite is Bubble ad Bee’s face cream. It has only 3 simple ingredients, is incredibly nourishing for the skin, and is certified organic. The whole line is awesome actually!

  356. Paula Nadj says:

    I use Dr. Hauschka and Jurlique. They are both great products that my skin loves but my wallet hates. I have acne prone, oily skin and I have tried almost everything from low end to high. My skin rejects anything that is not natural in a sense that it either dries out my skin, makes it too oily or causes more breakouts. This of course doesn’t help with my large and clogged pores. I am not completely satisfied and am still on the hunt for a skin care line that my skin absolutely loves. Thanks for the ‘5 tips for true self care’, these tips bring me closer to the skin I’ve dreamed of. Thanks Kris Carr <3

  357. Amy says:

    Arnica Gel by Kneipp. Helps with bruising, puffiness , and joint pain. They also have some great herbal baths and essential oils.

  358. Monica Urena says:

    I’m just starting out with organic and homemade so I guess the only thing i can say i use is organic juices and the coconut oil i just purchased. I can not wait to go full on all natural.

  359. AnnaMaria Lance says:

    Neroli Toning Mist by Annemarie its so refreshing I can’t live without it! Love her products also she has the same name as me! Her product range are so refreshing and over my entire life I have found something that is just so refreshing and easy to use! I would love this pack as I am from Australia I cannot afford to order full sizes I have been using samples sparingly!

  360. Marlene says:

    Giddy YoYo’s “Love Butter” is amazing – I use it as a moisturizer right out of the shower – it is completely edible, so you can use it for all sorts of crazy sexy self care 🙂

  361. Lydia says:

    Hi, I recently change my habits an used to clean my face on night before I’ll go to bed o taking a shower a little amount of baking soda with some drops of water scrub my face gently and then use 1 Tbs of Apple cider vinegar with mother in 1/3 cup of water just immerse a cotton ball an gently swipe my face with this to refreshing.

  362. Lena Yafuso says:

    I love Pure&True’s Refuge mask. It is soothing and makes my skin feel so soft!

  363. Cassandra Cisneros says:

    I rely on coconut oil for so many things – a moisturizer, to shave with, to remove my make up and as a scrub base. I love that stuff!

  364. Abbe Kellner says:

    I just started using Annemarie Gianni’s antiaging facial oil and I love the way it smells!!

  365. Danielle says:

    Apple Cider Vinegar – it’s great for everything!

  366. Angela Visconti says:

    I LOVE Shea Moisture hair and body products. The African Black soap bar keeps my acne in check.

  367. Theresa Robertson says:

    I am clueless when it comes to the non toxic personal care products. 🙁

  368. Bonnie says:

    Greetings Lovely Ladies

    I use Physicians Formula mascara but it runs easily, so I too have been on the look out for a natural mascara that won’t make me look like a singer from Led Zepplin if I happen to cry.
    Organic coconut oil on everything.
    Annmarie Gianni’s Aloe Herb Facial Cleanser and Herbal Facial Oil
    Burts Bees tinted lip balm.
    Live Clean for baby as a general shower soap.
    Thank you for all the great tips these comments have provided. They are a fabulous source of product sites to explore.
    Thank-you Kris for spreading your messages of healthy living.
    Love and Radiant Light

  369. Carol says:

    Best on Earth brand After Care Cream is a healing emollient containing grapeseed oil, beeswax, jojoba, shea, rosehips, Calendula, and essential oils. It works quickly and effectively, soothes and heals problems.

  370. Amazing post Kris! I’ve actually just started swapping out my beauty products and have come across some pretty awesome companies. I’d love to share what I’ve found…. p.s. they’re all vegan.

    Shampoo & Conditioner: Andalou Naturals (their products are amazing and they smell like candy!

    Facial Powder: The Body Shop makes a really great, multipurpose ‘All In One Face Base’, which you can use dry for a light matte finish or wet for high coverage.

    Liquid Eyeliner: Urban Decay makes a ’24/7 Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner’ and so far I’m pretty impressed with it.

    Makeup Brushes: I don’t like spending $40 for one brush but I also needed to replace all my brushes, so I was thrilled when I came across EcoTools brushes! They’re made from bamboo, recycled aluminum and synthetic bristles…. oh, and they’re only $20 for a whole set!!! I’m super happy with the quality and shape of the brushes.

    Ok, well that’s what I’ve found so far. Hope it helps 🙂

  371. Gabrielle KC says:

    Coconut oil…and lavender hand creme!

  372. Tracey Kissinger says:

    Coconut oil. It’s “Awesome” for hair, skin, cuticles, makeup removal 🙂

  373. Donna Jones says:

    I love the Honey & Glycerin Bar by Amway. It deep cleans without leaving your skin dried out. It also last for a long time so you get your moneys worth! <3

  374. Brandy says:

    COCONUT OIL. Also, homemade coffee and coconut oil body scrub.

  375. Darcy Ritzau says:

    My favorite skin care product is Natural Moisturizing Lotion by LIFEKIND ( I also use their shampoo and deodorant, all three free from harmful chemicals. Chris’s inspiration has changed my life. I have had skin cancer for 30+ years and after reading Chris’s book and hearing her speak on Hay House, I have gotten rid of ALL my beauty products, including my expensive perfumes. I now scrutinize all labels and make sure I’m not putting any toxic chemicals IN or ON my body. Thank you Chris.

  376. Vonda F says:

    Liquid castile soap, shea butter, coconut oil, and jojoba oil are my favorites. I use the soap for hand soap, baby /adult body wash, and to make homemade bathroom cleaner. I use the oils to make my own body butter which I use on the whole family. Coconut oil works great as make-up remover and both coconut and jojoba on my hair.

  377. Megan says:

    I love using coconut oil in my beauty routine. Using it as a makeup remover helps my skin feel soft and keeps my lashes healthy!

  378. Lisa says:

    I have Really sensitive skin so my go to that I find a really pure product is Pai skincare hand and body lotion and ALVA Sensitive line for my face care. Fabulous for sensitive skin. I can’t live without them.

  379. Katie Goldstein says:

    Shea Terra Organics – Argan and Rose Serum of Youth

  380. Dalores says:

    I’m trying to figure out how to be natural. I use baking soda as much as possible.

  381. melissa says:

    My favorite natural personal care product is organic, extra virgin coconut oil. I use it for my body, my hair, and my face. I love that it is so pure that I can eat it!

  382. sarah says:

    coconut oil as moisturizer!

  383. shaunie says:

    coconut oil is my favorite moisturizer and fresh lemon is my favorite deodorant.

  384. Keith Bingham says:

    My wife has replaced all of our toxic personal care products with natural and organic over 7 years ago. We use Dr. Bronner’s liquid soap, Badger balm, Bubble and Bee Organic products. My favorite organic product is Bubble and Bee Organic unscented bar soap and their lotion sticks. It would be great to win
    AnnMarie Gianni Skincare Giveaway for my wife. She needs some pampering. Thanks for the giveaway

  385. Bethany says:

    I love Jane Iredale’s BBCream, Dermalogica’s Precleanse Oil and love Lush Bars of soap and many of their other products!!

  386. Karen B says:

    Coconut oil, almond oil, argan oil, grapeseed oil, apricot oil, jojoba oil and vitamin e oil: wonderful skin and hair products! What can I say, I live in hot, dry San Diego!

  387. I think Greed Juice keeps skin and hair looking beautiful. I like kale, strawberries and flax seeds I add chia seeds sometimes too.

  388. Nicole says:

    I use sunflower oil as an eye make-up remover. It does the trick of taking off make-up, and also moisturizes the skin.

  389. Diane says:

    I use baking soda with a little organic extra virgin olive oil as a facial scrub. Baking soda is finer and less abrasive than most pre-made scrubs, so makes a wonderful exfoliate. You can also use baking soda to brush your teeth for a squeaky clean, fresh feeling. Coconut oil is also a great moisturizer for your face and whole body… and it smells great!

  390. Michelle says:

    My favorite non-toxic personal care product is Lush’s Breath of Fresh Air Toner. I also love their Lovely Jublees firming cream (mostly because of the great name).

  391. Tammy says:

    Bronners liquid soap is used for everything in my house, including showers, shampoo, hand washing, etc. love the lavender fragrance best?

  392. Stacie says:

    Organic Coconut Oil! I love it. I use it for removing mascara, oil cleansing my skin & moisturizing everything! I have used Trader Joe’s and Nature’s Way Efa Gold. Both excellent. 🙂

  393. Jennifer says:

    My favorite is Kiss My Face Pure Olive Oil Soap. It’s got three ingredients: saponified olive oil, water, and sodium chloride. I started using it as my face wash years ago (morning and evening), and later started using it as my bath soap too.

  394. Shelley says:

    Dr. Hauschka skin care is great and I love Jane Iredale make-up!

  395. Shari G says:

    My favorites are Tom’s deodorant and Burt’s Bees lip balm. I hope I win…these products look amazing!

  396. Michelle says:

    I use Purely Great as a deodorant. That thing is pure magic! I apply it when I get out of the shower in the morning, then I go by my day, then I go to my body-pump class, then I go to my zumba class, and when I come back home, my arm pit smells as fresh as when I got out of the shower. It’s unbelieving!

  397. Melissa Chelminiak says:

    My favorite non-toxic product is definitely Soapwalla’s deoderant cream. When I found out how many dangerous chemicals are included in mainstream brands, I started on a quest to find a safe and effective product. After spending countless dollars trying every natural version on the market, I was thrilled to discover this one really does work! Check it out at

  398. Kim Wild says:

    Organic products are my preference. I’d love to try Annmarie’s products!

  399. Hands down, coconut oil! I use it from head to toe. I am African-American, with natural hair , and ultra sensitive skin. I cleanse my scalp with a mix of coconut oil and baking soda, and use a homemade hydration spray of coconut water on frizzy hair. In addition, I use apply coconut oil to my face before a shower and then wipe off with a towel. My skin has improved tremendously with the use of the oil. I also have a spray bottle with coconut water and rose hip that I use when my face is feeling dry or sensitive.

  400. Nancy Smoley says:

    I love Veriditas Botanicals Essential Oils! Use them for lots: added to liquid homemade hand soap; a few drops added to my water beverages; disinfectant sprays; mosquito & bug repellant; as part of my moisturizing regime, oral care, and for viral/bacterial ailments that hit me & my kids. The founder & employees are super helpful & awesome–!

  401. Amy Woodard says:

    I love Josie Maran’s color stick. Great for lips and cheeks!

  402. Teodora says:

    I have to say coconut oil, as well, on my face, body and hair! It is awesome, especially for my hair. I use the sauna at least 3 times a week and coconut oil does wonders for the hair and body.

  403. Krystle says:

    Since I live on the desert, I’m always battling dry skin. My go to remedy is coconut oil since it’s so light it doesn’t make my skin oily. And as always I drink a ton of water. 🙂

  404. Natalie says:

    Weleda is my favorite skincare product line. The Almond line works great for my dry, red, sensitive skin. I have yet to try AnnMarie but have been eyeing her stuff!!

  405. Jo says:

    Coconut oil is my favorite since you can use it for everything!

  406. Alaina says:

    My favorite is Mongo Kiss Lip Balm!!
    It’s the best lip care I’ve ever tried and it’s organic & cruelty free

  407. Hannah says:

    Crystal® Lavender & White Tea Mineral Deodorant Roll-On

  408. I just started using Kiss My Face Natural Mineral Sunscreen with Hydresia, SPF 40 and you have it listed on your sunscreen blog! I love it so far!

  409. Piia says:

    I use a lot of coconut and argan oil.

  410. StaceyMcG says:

    Coconut oil changed my life. It has a million different uses and proves that health/beauty products don’t need to be complicated. Plus smelling like coconuts ain’t half bad!

  411. Michelle M says:

    Biondo’s Black Mask! I love it!! I’m not sure if it’s completely all natural, but it’s labeled as organic…

  412. sue says:

    i love AnnMarie Gianni’s repair serum!

  413. Tara FitzGibbons says:

    I have been using Dr. Bonner’s soap bars for several months rather than the typical grocery store brands. I also use Soapwalla’s body oil which is really awesome! I love it – it smells good and a little goes a LONG way. Great for winter months when my skin needs a little more TLC.

  414. meryl says:

    I use coconut oil to wash my face everyday and Dr Bronner’s castile oil soap in the shower. Both work great and last forever!

  415. Anick Potvin says:

    I use and love the Dead sea scrub! And coconut oil 🙂

  416. Carla says:

    My most-loved non-toxic skincare product is May Lindstrom’s Honey Mud cleanser/mask. It looks/smells/feels like a luxurious chocolate mousse and leaves my skin glowing!

  417. amy says:

    coconut oil is our favorite moisturizer, we practically bathe in it ! so non-toxic you can eat it !

  418. Real Purity has a deodorant I’ve been using for years and it’s my favorite. They have a roll on and stick. Give it a try.

  419. Cheryl Stanley says:

    Love the concept for this giveaway. My favorite so coconut oil as a moisturiser and Spry toothpaste.

  420. Ryn says:

    My Grandmother taught me how to make my favorite personal care item, orange lip scrub, when I was five. It’s just corse salt, orange zest, and oil. It makes your lips so soft, and it took me years to realize I could use it on other parts of my body 🙂

  421. Amy Louie says:

    I love using olive oil to remove makeup. I just wet my hands and put olive oil on my hands then massage my face to dissolve the makeup then wipe with a dampen cotton pad. As for brands of skincare, I love Devita and Sukin products. They are so clean and have wonderful ingredients!

  422. Sue Morris says:

    I like to use lavender infused olive oil on my face as a night moisturizer.

  423. dominika says:

    coconut oil

  424. Michelle Cernansky says:

    My favorite non-toxic personal care product is Pangea Organics Lavener body lotion. It smells and feels amazing!

  425. Anna says:

    I love Dr Hauschka products.Especially their mascara.

  426. Pamela says:

    My favorite natural, non-toxic personal care product is raw, organic virgin coconut oil. If I can eat it, I can put it on my skin! We seniors need all the help we can get and AnnMarie Gianni’s Skincare line sounds like perfect products to try!

  427. Nicole says:

    I love African Fair Trade Society shea butter with argan and avocado oil. (

  428. Janise says:

    I have been an Aveda girl for almost 15 years but I know there are more “pure” products now out there – thank goodness for everyone! love you lots Kris! Namaste…

  429. Peta says:

    My best beauty product is natural and very inexpensive. It is a scrub that you can use on your face or anywhere on your body. It is super cleansing and super hydrating. When I first started doing this I noticed a huge improvement of my skin. Reduction of redness, drawing out of impurities such as black and white heads, complete (yes I mean complete) removal of any pimples and other blemishes. Overall it just makes my face feel so clean and fresh. So whats the secret ingredient? You will need:
    1 x lemon (freshly juiced). Do not substitue for pre packaged lemon juice.
    1 x tablespoon of organic sugar
    Coconut Oil

    Rince your face with warm water to open up your pores. Using a cotton pad, moisten with lemon juice and sprinkle with the sugar. Then use this to exfoliate your skin. Keep adding more lemon juice and sugar as required. Use soft round motions around the skin. Avoid eye area. Then simply rinse with warm and then cold water. Finish with a mini massage of coconut oil to moisturise your skin. And voila! This is my holy grail product for my face!

  430. Maria says:

    I love using organic argan oil. Just a few drops all over my face before bed and in the morning my skin feels so soft and looks healthy.

  431. Hannah says:

    My skin care obsession is Alaffia Authentic African Black Soap!

    “In West Africa, authentic black soap is known by its yoruba name, Osse Dudu. “Dudu” means the color black, which comes from the extensive “cooking” of the soap to the point of charcoal. Many cultures in West Africa use charcoal to detoxify and purify the skin, and this is an integral aspect of our true African black soap.
    It is made from a centuries old recipe of handcrafted shea butter and indigenous West African palm kernel oil. Saponification is provided by adding ashes to the hot oils, then cooking the soap for six hours. The final step is to dry and cure the soap in the sun for three weeks.
    The extensive cooking and curing process makes authentic African black soap mild and gentle, and is the major reason for its great popularity rise in America. The second reason is this soap’s versatility. In Togo, our black soap is an “all in one” option for cleaning, and is ideal for faces and babies, shaving, shampooing, and as a general hand & body wash. Scented with invigorating peppermint essential oil.”

  432. Shelly says:

    Coconut oil and sugar mixed for a great body scrub in the shower

  433. Laura says:

    For Pits’ Sake deodorant

  434. Liz says:

    AnnMarie’s Aloe Herb cleanser and anti-aging serum! And plain old coconut oil.

  435. Brett Barkell says:

    Love do terro essentials oil, mixed into my Shea butter.

  436. Jennifer says:

    I recently came across Acure Organics at Whole Foods– love the brightening facial scrub!

  437. Karen Shapiro says:

    Coconut Oil — So many uses. Moisturizer for hair and skin. For cooking. and eating. What you eat makes your insides beautiful, which makes your outsides beautiful.

  438. Cynthia says:

    I too use Coconut Oil as a beauty item for many things.

  439. Boi says:

    I like Acure shampoo and Zum Bar soaps

  440. Gretchen says:

    Wild Carrot herbals blue burdock moisturizer! It’s amazing!

  441. Kelly Oar says:

    Essential oils are a daily must-have natural product for me. I use them for everything; on my skin, diffused in the air, on my kids and for non-toxic cleaning.

  442. Gretchen says:

    Wild Carrot Herbals Blue Burdock Moisturizer!

  443. Shannon says:

    I’m loving MyChelle’s Fruit Enzyme Cleanser!

  444. Camille Verboort says:

    After my cancer diagnosis, I switched out all of my beauty products. My favorite new thing is oil cleansing, which has dramatically improved my skin and lessened my need for other products.

  445. Laura says:

    I love Paw Gep’s Lip Balm from Cheryl’s Herbs. It’s the best natural chapstick ever 🙂

  446. Stephanie says:

    Right now I am not using natural non-toxic products. I was using Dr. Bronner’s soap but it left the texture of my skin and hair feeling very weird – dry and almost like a coating was left making it hard to manage. I would love to try some new products that work for me. Thanks!

  447. Jenna says:

    1. AromaHerbal Healing’s “Harmonize” oil–smells fabulous, keeps me soft, and has zero scary ingredients
    2. Dr. Bronner’s–so versatile!
    3. Tea Tree oil

  448. Andrea says:

    Coconut oil! Truly. I have not found anything without all of the scary ingredients that makes my skin feel and smell as amazing as this!

  449. morgana says:

    Organic virgin coconut oil is a great multi-purpose product I keep on-hand, & it helps support my thyroid.

  450. Andrea says:

    Coconut oil! Truly. I haven’t found anything without all of the scary ingredients that makes my skin feel and smell quite as amazing as this!

  451. Amy Getsch says:

    I use coconut oil for lotion

  452. Becky says:

    Organic Raw honey as a morning face cleanser, homemade castor oil & jojoba oil cleanser for removing makeup as an evening cleanser!

  453. Trinity says:

    Hands down – Anna Marie Gianni are my favorite products!

  454. Mitra says:

    Coconut oil as a facial moisturizer! Super hydrating, inexpensive and makes you smell delicious :))

  455. Jennifer says:

    We love Dr. Bronner’s bar soaps and Redmond’s Earthpaste (Natural toothpaste).

  456. Mitra says:

    Coconut oil! Super hydrating, inexpensive and makes you smell delicious :))

  457. Becky says:

    I have been using unscented Tropical Traditions coconut oil soap as toothpaste, and for lotion I have been using Original Sprout Scrumptious Baby Cream. When the lotion runs out, I plan on trying coconut oil to see how I like it. I also have coconut oil on hand for cooking and baking, so may as well use it as lotion too.

  458. Kerri Norman says:

    Coconut oil for hair is fantastic as an overnight, pre-wash moisturizer. Dr. Bronner’s also though it can clog up dispensers.

  459. angelique says:

    Thanks for the great article! I recently started using Skin Essence Organics, a Canadian company. I really enjoy their eye serum and facial moisturizer.

  460. Jessica says:

    I swapped out my old sunscreen for Alba Botanica Natural Very Emollient Mineral Sunscreen, Fragrance Free, SPF 30. No need to slather on toxic chemicals to protect ourselfs from UV rays.

  461. Melissa says:

    My top non-toxic and natural habits–dry skin brushing and the oil cleansing method. Both have completely transformed my skin. I am also an enthusiastic fan of Dr. Bronner’s peppermint soap, coconut oil, and homemade body scrubs 🙂

  462. Kathi W says:

    I’ve been using the Mad Hippie line most recently! I think that I’m noticing some good changes in my skin and I think it’s pretty natural..

  463. Karen says:

    I use Organic coconut oil to take my makeup off each night before bed. Then after I wash my face I will use avocado oil or coconut oil with a few drops of lavender oil and message it into my face before bed. I keep the avocado oil in the refrigerator.
    I love to take baths as well to de stress and chill, so I use epsom salts with a drop of lavender oil. After my bath I use coconut oil with a few drops of lavender oil all over the body.
    You smell just wonderful and feel amazing. 🙂

  464. Laura Newbrook says:

    I love coconut oil for SO MANY different reasons!

  465. Kirsten says:

    I am in love with Annemarie’s purifying mud mask. My skin instantly feels & looks healthier.

  466. Ashlynne says:

    I use coconut oil for everything! I love how it smells and feels at the end of the day! I also use Dr. Bronners for cleaning, sometimes mixed with baking soda for a little extra oomph!

  467. Marina says:

    I love using coconut oil to take off my eye make-up. I then use a mix of sweet almond oil and avocado oil to wash my face. I’ve seen great improvements on my skin!

  468. Debbie says:

    E3 Live Essential cream, light cream, and kelp soap! Try to get some E3 Live not only in you, but on you!

    You will glow, glow, glow!

  469. Maggie says:

    After brewing a cup of green tea, I’ll swipe the warm teabag over my face as a quick toner. It makes my skin feel nourished and refreshed as I enjoy my tea 🙂

  470. Colette says:

    Earthsong Pomegranate Oil is amazing! Made right here in Austin, TX during moon cycles. Sunny uses mustard seed oil along with pomegranate peel that has been extensively studied as a powerful antioxidant and promotes stronger, healthier cells. Not only does the oil smell heavenly, as you massage it into your breasts is allows toxins to be released and you become intimate with your breasts and your body.

  471. Brandy says:

    I love using organic coconut oil for my dry skin and chapped lips. It seems to be the one thing that really helps me.

  472. Christy Lee says:

    I love Coconut oil! Im a fan, I use it in the morning for (oil pulling) than pretty much everything else. My hair, nails, facial and body moisturizer, etc. Ive been using liquid C on my skin and tops of my hands ever other morning/ evening and sometimes under my foundation. It really gives my skin that glowing look. My last natural product not so much a topical “makeup” but its to great not to share. I have seen/ felt such a major difference is from using diatomaceous earth “food grade” I skin hair and nails have all really enjoyed it, I feel healthy and beautiful from the inside out. I have really gotten the lots benefits from juicing daily 🙂

  473. Susan Evans says:

    I am an AnneMarie Gianni user and the Anti-Aging Oil ROCKS!!!! I use it every day. Just turned 55 – today in fact – and NO ONE BELIEVES ME! I use other of their products as well but that oil…that oil! Need I say more?

  474. Jenny Henke says:

    Jamberry nail polish and nail wraps

  475. Susie says:

    I use raw unfiltered honey to heal various skin issues, and as a facial scrub mixed with plain yogurt, mashed banana or avocado, and almond meal. Aloe Vera from either a leaf or Lily of the Desert gel plus witch hazel helps eczema. Diluted organic cider vinegar is a great final rinse after shampooing my hair as it makes it soft and shiny. I also like argan and marula oils.

  476. Susie says:

    I use raw unfiltered honey to heal various skin issues, and as a facial scrub mixed with plain yogurt, mashed banana or avocado, and almond meal. Aloe Vera from either a leaf or Lily of the Desert gel plus witch hazel helps eczema. Diluted organic cider vinegar is a great final rinse after shampooing my hair as it makes it soft and shiny. I also like argan and marula oils

  477. Jackie says:

    Cocoa butter as a moisturizer.

  478. morgana says:

    Organic virgin coconut oil had been a great multi-purpose addition to my routine& it helps support my thyroid.

  479. Linske says:

    Coconut oil rocks for almost anything beauty related. I love it!

  480. tina says:

    My favorite beauty product is coconut oil!!!!!

  481. Sandy Allen says:

    I LOVE Ann Marie’s Aloe-Herb Facial Cleanser, it leaves my face clean but not dry and its smooth to the touch.

  482. wanda timp says:

    My favorite product I use twice a day is argon oil!!

  483. My favorite natural skincare product is olive oil. I use it as a deep conditioner for my hair and have even used it to moisturize my skin especially my legs(shins) and rough spots by my elbows and arms. I love it! I am Greek and very fortunate to have my inlaws living in Kalamata, Greece. They ship us vats of their very own organic extra Virgin olive oil! I feel so grateful for this.

  484. Marie-Josee says:

    I discovered something that works wonder for my skin recently: parsley tea. I just soak fresh parsley in boiled water for 10 minutes. I let the tea cool down a bit and I add a squeeze of lemon juice. I’ve been drinking this tea everyday for the last 3-4 weeks and wow, my skin is radiant!

  485. Brandi says:

    I love the Acure Organic skincare line! It has helped my skin texture, color, and helped to clear up some acne!!

  486. Valerei says:

    If you have cracked feet like I do, you have to check out Bette K’s NEW FEET. Made with just a few super natural ingredients that you can pronounce. Best find ever! You can order on Amazon, and I get it locally in Austin at People’s RX.

  487. Kylie says:

    I love Pratima’s Ayurvedic skin care line, developed with completely natural ingredients, and coconut oil is my favorite go to for skin hydration! Not only do Pratima’s products work beautifully, they smell AMAZING.

  488. Chrissy says:

    I like to use organic coconut oil as a moisturizer. I read somewhere that coconut oil can double as sun protection but I am too chicken to try that out (and risk getting burned).

  489. Malena Ally says:

    I make my own face scrub with honey, yogurt, and oats. It exfoliates and moisturizes, leaving my face looking so bright and alive! 🙂

  490. Kipp Whelan says:

    Coconut oil….use it the time on my face

  491. Christy says:

    I love using manuka honey as a face mask (anti-aging and acne/scar clearing), rose water for toner, and argan oil for both my face and hair. Actual product wise, I am totally in love with Hurraw! lip balms and 100% Pure’s mascara. The mint lip balm I’ve found actually works as an acne spot treatment (it’s so soothing!).

  492. Monica says:

    My fave beauty product? No deoderant. With menopause came the sudden need to not use it. I bathe every day and do not stink. Really. My partner and closest friends would tell me.

    Also, I only wear blush, concealer and lipstick. Next step is to find non-toxic lipstick.

    Y’all are already beautiful! Why do we “need” so many beauty products? Those big companies (and each other) have told us we need it, that’s why. Spend time cultivating your inner beauty. You deserve it and the world will be a better place if you do 🙂

  493. lisa mer says:

    I started using AnnMarie Gianni’s Aloe Herb facial cleanser and the anti-aging serum and oil about a month ago…love the scents and how soft my face feels! I just got some makeup products from Tarte and I like those too.

  494. angie says:

    I use jojoba oil on my skin as a moisurizer rather than all the lotions with lord knows what in them. People said ewwww oil, my skin said aaahhhh soft and natural and no it doesnt leave any part of my body oily. But ive also started trying coconut oil now.. its a toss up! Love

  495. Katie says:

    I LOVE the fragrances and deodorant from Lavanila (SO yummy, natural, and cruelty-free), and when I wear foundation I use Juice Beauty

  496. Alexandra says:

    I love to use juice beauty by alicia silverstone! It makes my sensitive skin glow and gives me confidence when i walk out of the house with no make up!

  497. ts says:

    Sierra Bees organic pomegranate lip balm 🙂

  498. Marisa says:

    Ad coconut oil!

  499. Marisa says:

    Earth girl lip balm:)

  500. Antonia says:

    Hi there! My favorite non toxic personal care product is organic apple cider vinegar. I mix 1/3 vinegar 2/3 filtered water and add 5 drops of lavender essential oil plus a tiny drop of tea tree oil. I use this to clean my face every night and it leaves it radiant. I have also been adopting the “no poo” method, replacing shampoo with apple cider vinegar and using the same formula described above. It has been wonderful for my scalp, cured my dandruff and balanced the pH of my skin, I no longer have itchiness and no longer suffer from small injuries that I suppose were caused by chemicals (even though I used “natural” shampoos). Best decision ever! Truly recommend it 🙂

  501. amy says:

    I like Earth Science makeup remover. I am curious about coconut oil after seeing all the posts about it!

  502. Michele P says:

    Coconut Oil is a go to for everything!

  503. Deanna says:

    What is your favorite natural, non-toxic personal care product?

    My favorite is the Exquisite Stuff cleansing oil from Crunchy Betty!

  504. Helen watler says:

    Annmarie Gianni’s new sunscreen! My new favourite non toxic skin care product. Just in time for summer.

  505. Jen says:

    Wow, lots of coconut oil lovers! I am one of them, too- except I have tried AnnMarie’s products and I LOVE her anti-aging facial oil 🙂

  506. Denise says:

    Love Annmarie, Dr. Bronners is good too.

  507. Cheryl Catlin says:

    I started using coconut on a sickly Bulldog we adopted. I figured if it healed his rough nose, stinky toes and crusty bumps, it must be good for me too. I found AnnMarie Gianni’s coconut oil to be a bit more fantastic for human use. It has herbs for an amazing smell and some that have proven to help with inflammation after bug bites. A friend of mine found it helpful for her daughters eczema. The last bottle I gave to a friend because it helped her with dermatographic urticaria. I’m waiting for my replacement bottle now. In fact, it has helped face and neck skin so much, I feel confident enough to begin letting my hair be its natural color (no more dyes)!

  508. Michele says:

    My number one natural product is: WATER!
    I love water! I drink plenty of water— at least 2.5- 3 liters a day.
    It is the best way to detox and keep your skin young and elastic.

    I’m also all about cold showers or jumping into the cold ocean.
    Water tightens your skin and activates the blood flow. And no surprise here, cold water also helps reduce the visibility of unloved cellulite.

    Our body consists of 70 % water, also coincidentally, the same percentage as our planet’s surface.
    No wonder it is good for us.
    Let’s cheer to that with a glass of water!


  509. Ashley says:

    I love all the Yes to products and The Honest Company’s hair products by Jessica Alba!

  510. Kathleen Nielsen says:

    Raw Organic coconut oil. I keep a bottle of it in the shower and rub it in to my wet skin after every shower. I also use it to deep moisturize my hair. Love it. It smells amazing!

  511. katelyn says:

    My favorite non-toxic personal care product is Annmarie Gianni’s “herbal facial-oil for acne prone and oily skin” the reason why is because I was diagnosed with PCOS, and since coming off the pill for one year now I’ve been battling cystic acne even though I’ve changed my diet drastically. Since using the herbal facial oil, it’s helped speed and heal up the blemishes caused by my PCOS and leaves a delicious scent on my face that my boyfriend loves! I feel absolutely beautiful wearing it under my makeup and when I put it on at night, because I know it’s working and I feel even better that it’s a natural, has no chemicals and it can calm those pesty pimples. It’s such a fine oil that just a few dabs are absorbed without residue or any grease, if it can work for my hormonal acne, I can only imagine it will work for others! I’d recommend trying the awesome sample kit she offers to see how it works with your skin.

    Please ladies, if you can’t pronounce your makeup/face care ingredients and/or eat them yourself, don’t put it on your face! Your skin absorbs products through the blood stream, so make sure you know what you’re slathering on! 🙂

  512. Caitlin Porcelli says:

    My favorite product is Sanre Organic Skinfood Cucumber Cleanse. It’s a gentle face wash made with organic castile soap, oils & aloe. There are no chemicals or ingredients you can’t pronounce! It’s great to be able to use a product with absolutely no doubt as to what the ingredients are doing to your body. I highly recommend this to everyone. Oh and best of all, you can get it at Whole Foods 🙂

  513. Jeana says:

    I love the Alba line of products.

  514. Erin Hassan says:

    I love mad hippie skincare and coconut oil for just about everything.

  515. Kathy Settles says:

    My favorite natural product right now is Anne Marie’s Herbal Facial oil. I am slowly converting all my health and beauty products over to products that don’t contain any parabens, sulfates or food colorings. Anne Marie’s products are a staple in my bathroom now.

  516. Molly says:

    I have just recently started using Pit Paste & love it. Also, Dr. Bronner’s lavendar bar in the shower.

  517. Christine says:

    I prefer my homemade deodorant above any I have purchased. it has coconut oil, baking soda, arrowroot powder, and whatever essential oil I fancy at the time (usually lavender).

  518. Rita says:

    My #1 must have product is Josie Maran’s pure argan oil. Unless it’s the dead of winter, it’s all I need as a moisturizer.

  519. Lisa says:

    Although this isn’t a store bought product, my favorite natural body product I use is sugar scrubs. I use white or brown sugars with olive oil & essential oils for scent. I have extremely dry skin from my neck down and keeping my skin exfoliated & moisturized is a challenge. This simple routine helps me keep my skin looking and feeling smooth & soft. ~ Lisa

  520. Helen Pille says:

    Love Dr. Bronner’s soap and Annmarie’s products. Also like Lafe’s for deodorant.

  521. Belia says:

    I love using organic witch hazel to tone my skin after washing my face. Keeps it soft and refreshed.

  522. Anneli says:

    Coconut oil works wonders in many ways, and I love AnnMarie Gianni’s line! I’ve only recently come across it, and I’m a huge fan.

    Although I also live in an Honest home – and by that I mean I use most of the products from the Honest Company ( – that link will give free samples and $10 off orders). Everything from bug spray, to body wash, to stain remover and toilet cleaner – all with no chemical nonsense in it (hello, there’s organic quinoa in the body wash!). I’m still gradually switching over my make-up, but I usually just stay without when I can.

  523. Heather Lyman says:

    Love Goddess Garden’s Natural Sunscreen (92% organic ingredients including the ones that my dermatologist loves because they keep those bad sun rays out). The lavender scent is divine!

  524. Aileen says:

    My favorite personal care product is SW Basics toner with ACV. My skin loves it!

  525. Vanessa says:

    I adore the pure Marula oil from African Botanics. I use it on my face & body, in my hair, as make-up remover, it’s the BEST!

  526. Mollie says:

    Coconut oil! I love it for all sorts of things. : )

  527. Amy Treffers says:

    Witch Hazel as a toner! Its natural and inexpensive.

    Thanks for the chance!

  528. Leah says:

    Love my Purminerals makeup … natural beautiful simple

  529. sara bear says:

    I love using lemon for deodorant replacement..

  530. Dana says:

    Coconut oil as face moisturizer!

  531. Laura says:

    I use coconut oil to moisturize and olive oil for dry skin.

  532. Laura K says:

    I don’t use many products, except sun screen and mascara. For cleansing, I use this soap called Bethesda. It has sunscreen in it, but doubt it would be considered “natural”, I’ve never had any problems with it so guess it’s pretty gentle as I have very sensitive skin. For sunscreen, my favorite is from Eminence. It’s kind of pricey though so I often have to just use something like Cerave (which was recommended by my dermatologist) I am just beginning to search out more natural products. I would so love to win these wonderful-sounding products!

  533. Zsu says:

    my favourite skin care recently is Dr. Organic.

  534. Rebecca says:

    Coconut Oil! I use it in my hair, on my skin and I cook with it! It’s amazing!
    I use extra virgin, cold pressed organic coconut oil!

    A few uses:
    *for Shaving
    *as a Hair mask
    *as a Moisturizer
    *as a Body scrub (home made)
    *for Oil pulling
    *for cooking!

    I pretty much use it for everything and LOVE it!

  535. wendy seirup says:

    Baking soda!!! So many uses!! You can brush your teeth and use it with your favorite liquid soap to exfoliate your skin…..

  536. Jessica says:

    I’ve been using Mandarin Vanilla Shower Gel from Andalou Naturals for about a year and I love it. It smells like a creamsicle and aloe is the first ingredient so its really moisturizing!

  537. Jennifer says:

    I love Alba CC complexion cream

  538. Melis says:

    My longest favorite is Bare Minerals makeup, I also love the crystal deodorants, and Mrs. Myers clean day hand soaps… I use almond and coconut oils on my face and skin, and love the combo of fresh organic lemons mixed with raw, organic honey for my face (works well in tea, too!)

  539. Katie Devine says:

    I love Acure Pure Mint + Echinacea Stem Cell Volumizing Shampoo. I don’t wear much makeup, so I focus more on my hair and skin. This shampoos leaves my hair looking fresh and volumous without me having to worry about getting sick!

  540. Jaime says:

    I agree that coconut oil (unrefined cold pressed) is remarkable and I use it for moisturizing, cooking, smoothie making, make up removing, etc!

  541. Janet Brinkhaus says:

    I like to use coconut oil on my hair and skin.

  542. Lisa says:

    I used Dr. Bronner’s coconut lavender lotion for the body and Dr. Bronner’s shaving cream. Both are great products!

  543. Jennifer Depner says:

    For make up I use Jane Iredale. It’s a professional mineral make up! We used it at the spa I worked at in Canada, but when I switched to natural products it’s one of the only things that I still use from my esthetician days!

  544. Jessica says:

    I love love love Annmarie’s Aloe-Herb Facial Cleanser. It is so gentle on my face and smells delicious! I would love to try her other products!

  545. Kriss says:

    I love the Aloe-Herb Facial Cleanser. It did not leave that over dry feeling and it smells great!

  546. Lisa Olson says:

    I’ve just started using the Andalou Naturals line. Quite pleased so far with the products themselves AND the reasonable prices!

  547. Martine Brind'Amour says:

    I use Pangea Organics, but i would like to try something else!

  548. Tricia Johnson says:

    Love using honey in my hair as a conditioner. I thought it would be gooey – but it rinses right out. Makes your hair super soft.

  549. Heather says:

    Mountain Rose Herbs Wild Rose Facial Toner!

  550. Hello Kris!

    I use coconut oil for lots of things, but I need a great organic product that works well and feels great too!

    Unicorn Love,

  551. Tina says:

    Yes coconut oil for everything. I also like baking soda for exfoliating.

  552. Heidi Wallingford says:

    Hi Kris & Co – i make my own face wash using 2/3 Dr. Bronner’s lavender castor oil and 1/3 organic olive oil – works great and everyone tells me my skin looks great! For eyes I use organic coconut oil, and day cream is Dr. Haushka’s. I’m always looking for great healthy products, so I’ll check this fab line out!

  553. Lisa says:

    I LOVE the Annmarie’s Aloe Herb Facial Cleanse. I also use Dr Bronner’s peppermint bar soap for my bod!

  554. Anne says:

    I love Acure hair conditioner… I was giddy the first time I used it… so soft and so natural. :o)

  555. Hello Kris!

    I really love coconut oil for some things, but I am in search of better organic skin care products that are healthy and feel good on my skin.

    Unicorn Love,
    Leslie E. Miller

  556. Danielle O says:

    Coconut Oil. always.

  557. Sharon B. says:

    Another vote for organic virgin coconut oil. I do oil pulling with it. Health and beauty from the inside out! And Bragg apple cider vinegar taken once a day before breakfast. It’s made my hair silky and no longer flying everywhere.

  558. Janelle says:

    I use Dr. Bronners, I also make my own deodorant. Since making it, I don’t use anything else. Just cornstarch, coconut oil, essential oils. The best and the best smelling!!!

  559. Charlie says:

    I love using coconut oil as a body moisturizer (+ it smells amazing!) and argan oil instead of eye cream! I also love Dr Bronner’s soap for everything (I use it as a face wash, you only need a couple drops!). I also love the Yes to brand :).
    I’ve been using the Physician’s formula organic wear mascara and I really like it (I used Dr Haushka before but then I saw on the environmental working group website that it was rated 6… I did feel like the fragrance made my eyes dry sometimes).

  560. Kristi says:

    I have had melanoma, so I love RAW sunscreen. I am looking for something a little less greasy. Hope I win this! Thanks for all you do Kris!

  561. Jackie says:

    I use USANA’s Sense skin care line.

  562. Emily says:

    Dr. Bronner is my fav!I have used the lavender soap on my face and body for quite some time now and it really helped clear my acne and keep my skin moisturized. I also love the jojoba oil from Mountain Rose Herbs. I use it on my face before bed and also as a makeup remover. It did WONDERS for my skin 🙂

  563. Cheryl S says:

    Coconut oil!

  564. Hailey Mattson says:

    I love Coconut Oil, I use it for a moisturizer, lip balm, hair conditioner. Works wonders!

  565. Leslie says:

    Absolute favorite… coconut oil! Totally dig apple cider vinegar too, as a hair conditioner and toner on occasion!

  566. susan scheponick says:

    I love love love AnnMaries’s Aloe cleanser and the Anti aging serum….also use coconut oil. great natural moisturizer and eye make up remover!!

  567. Tracy Oliveira says:

    I use AnnMarie Gianni’s Aloe Herb facial cleanser. I love it!!

  568. Karin says:

    I love the ananné skincare products. I just discovered them last month and love them becuase it´s vegan and feels absolutely great and my skin looks better. My favourite is the oil for dry skin. (

  569. Lara D says:

    I love products that are multipurpose. Virgin coconut oil is great inside and out! I use it on my skin, face, hair, lips, scars, nails and for cooking. It also can be used as a gentle makeup remover or to soften skin in the shower. When I need a skin astringent, I use diluted organic apple cider vinegar and also use it occasionally as a hair rinse.

  570. Evie Watts says:

    I love Shikai Shampoo for sliver hair.

  571. Pauline says:

    My favorite natural, non-toxic personal care product is Aloe- Herb Cleanser by Annmarie Gianni !!! However, when I don’t have it at home, I use other natural home products like coconut oil, witch hazel, olive oil and even honey!

  572. Lucy says:

    I use coconut oil. I have tried a sample of AnnMarie Gianni’s skincare and LOVE IT!!

  573. Christina P. says:

    Oil! I cleanse my face with olive oil, moisturize with jojoba and coconut and smooth coconut oil through my hair.

  574. Rachel says:

    I would love to concoct more of my own products, but Im not quite there yet. I do love Trader Joes Facial Cleansing Pads.

  575. Lisa says:

    I use mostly straight oils or homemade products. I got most of my info from I wash my face with either straight honey or a facial scrub made from almond meal, oatmeal, and various herbs. Moisturize my face with Tamanu oil. Toner is a spritz of distilled water with Lavender and tea tree oil. A bar of locally made organic soap for my body (pits and privates only!) Lotion is homemade with shea butter and kuikui oil. Sadly, still using Dove deodorant. Everything natural I try leaves me too stinky or itchy! I did “No ‘Poo” for a while but my hair was being destroyed. Now I use Giovanni shampoo and conditioner every other day.

  576. Gina says:

    My favorite toner is homemade with apple cider vinegar and water. I also love ann marie’s dead sea facial scrub and dr. Bronner’s mint soap!

  577. Fantastic giveaway! Lately I’ve been loving using essential oils — my facial moisturizer is a blend of grape seed oil + lavender, frankincense and peppermint essential oils.

  578. jenny says:

    I have been trying coconut oil–as a conditioner, face moistuixzer, skin softener!!!

  579. jenny says:

    I have been trying coconut oil–as a conditioner, face moistuixzer, skin softener!

  580. Rache says:

    Id love to concoct more of my own products, but for now one o my favorites is Trader Joes Facial Cleansing Pads.

  581. Katelin says:

    I love Dr. Bronner’s Lavender/Coconut hand lotion. It smells wonderful and it’s lasting me a long time. Not to mention the bottle is fun to read 🙂

  582. Dawn says:

    I use and love the AG line of products. I strayed once for something local but came back to this.

    My absolutely favourite thing to use is coconut oil (literally evey where .. hell, I even use it on my natural hardwood floors if there’s a scuff). I cook with it, use it as a moisturizer, condition my hair with it, and eat it.

  583. Emily says:

    I love using Dr Bronner’s bar soap. My skin is very sensitive. I find that by using this soap and filtering the chlorine in the shower, my skin is much better.

  584. Bonnie says:

    Thank you for this article–so important for us gals to know that everything we put on our skin affects our precious health! My personal favorite product is a combination moisturizer/serum called simply “FACE SERUM”. It’s a delicious blend of plant oils including rose, neroli, helichrysum, lavender, and more. When I choose to apply makeup, it goes on beautifully after the serum.
    So Much Goodness in the Earth’s gifts! 🙂

  585. Mary says:

    My favorite non-toxic personal care product would have to be Dr. Bronner’s Magic “All One!” Organic Coconut Oil. There are so many ways to use this oil. I cook with coconut oil, add it to my smoothies, do weekly oil pulling, apply it after a bath or shower for added moisture, apply the oil to my hair before jumping in the sauna, use it to remove eye makeup, use it on my Dad’s feet after a pedicure for his athletes foot problem etc. I also use it on my teenagers pimples and rashes. It is simply an amazing oil with many health benefits! Love, Love, Love Coconut Oil!

  586. Chelsey says:

    Juice Beauty Milk Face Wash Cleanser!

  587. Judy says:

    Coconut oil and drinking lots of water make my skin look great.

  588. Katie says:

    Hello! I’ve been using coconut oil for awhile now to serve a myriad of purposes. Eye make up remover, body and face moisturizer, etc. I also use AnnMarie Gianni’s aloe-herb facial cleanser, neroli toning mist, and the coconut honey mask when I have them in stock. I really love those products =)

  589. Lauren King says:

    My favorite product is Living Libations Sea Buckthorn Best Skin Ever cleanser. So amazing!

  590. Desiree Weins says:

    Favorite shampoo / conditioner : ACURE – leave my hair nice, shiny, and soft. I also use their facial scrub and cleanser. So far, I love it.

    For most of my make-up needs, I have a store to visit regularly called Nature of Beauty, in which the owner does all the investigative work for me. However, I still follow up. One line that I love for eye shadow, mascara, and bronzer is Couleur Caramel. This is a european product line from Italy. Some of the ingredients don’t rate as favorable on EWG as I would like, but the owner of my shop explained to me one of the faults of EWGs rating system. She stated that a lot of times european companies will process ingredients different than USA and EWG rates things on how the USA processes and manufactures the ingredients. So, despite an ingredient being processed or manufactured through toxic means in the USA, in Europe it can be processed different in which makes it non-toxic. Bottom line: always do your research to make sure.

    Concealer: RMS beauty – best concealer ever! Covers and blends really well. A little can go a long way. And, you could eat it since it’s mostly coconut oil. It is on the more expensive side.

    ZuZu: this is another great concealer that is a great value. One tube will last me 4-6 months and it’s only $15 a tube! Covers my dark circles well.

    Alima: blush. Good price. last forever. awesome colors to choose from.

    Keys Solar Rx moisturizer w/ sunscreen: This is rated fairly low on EWG and i like it. It really evens out my skin, protects me from the sun, and moisturizes well.

    For my evening moisturizer and after shave care, I use a personal combo mix of coconut oil, jojoba oil, grape seed oil, and almond oil. Works so well. My face feels so soft and smooth. Good-bye razor bumps!

    Mineral foundation: The verdict is not completely out on this product. I don’t like LaBella Donna products in general, but someone turned me on to their linear mineral makeup. From what I’ve been told, it doesn’t have the typical GMO corn fillers that BareMinerals or some other mineral makeups have. A couple ingredients rates moderately on EWG. I am waiting to hear from the company itself to see where it sources it ingredients from so I can look further into it. Until then, it looks great. A little bit really evens out skin tone and color and If I don’t feel like getting completely done up, this is a nice way to have a natural look with out feeling like i have makeup on.

    I hope you enjoyed reading my reviews. Cheerio, darling!

  591. Kathryn McCue says:

    I love love love my Dessert Essence castile soap face wash. Coconut oil is a favorite all natural beauty product that I use daily as well.

  592. Tracy says:

    My favorite products are all of the AnnMarie Gianni so I would be thrilled with this giveaway. I’ve liked everything I’ve tried! It’s fabulous! Thanks for introducing me to the line.

  593. rayray says:

    i love rubbing fresh organic papaya all over my face…as a mask
    vit A peel NATURALLY!!!!

  594. Natasha says:

    I love my salt stick for my deodorant. Helps with the stinks but lets the body breathe. However, the BEST health care “product” ever is eating well. Keeps you glowing inside and out!

  595. Hollee says:

    I use the flesh of an aloe plant for skin blemishes that need extra healing. I find the spots clear much faster. Though, I’m still on the lookout for a natural scar reducer/remover for older bacne scars..any recommendations?

  596. Cathy says:

    I am always trying to improve and decrease my use of products. Have started making some of my own but the face skin products take a little something extra. Love reading the article.

  597. Melanie says:

    Kris Carr, Annmarie Gianni and Oh She Glows are my go-to websites. I rely on these women to keep me healthy and happy!! I love the inspiration from Kris, the amazing products from Annmarie (I use Aloe Herb Facial, Radiant Skin Silk and Coconut Body Oil EVERY DAY) and prepare food almost exclusively from the Oh She Glows site and cookbook!!

  598. Jen says:

    My favorites are by The Herb Stop — a small herbalist-run store in Pine, AZ. All of their skin creams are wonderful, and their mineral-based makeup works wonders!

  599. Kristina says:

    I am use coconut oil for pretty much everything! From deodorant to toothpaste to cooking to moisturizer and burn cream (yep, got a few marks from experimenting in the kitchen!) Also love my ACV toner!

  600. I am with the others Coconut Oil is great. These products look great.

  601. Shannon says:

    My favorite natural, non-toxic skin care item would have to be avocados! I use them for everything! From eating them, to making mask out of them, and I even put them in my hair! My 6 year old daughter and I have “spa day” on Saturday’s from time to time and we make a mask using avocados and coconut oil. It’s leaves our skin so soft! For our hair, we mix an avocado and an egg white together and place on the head under a shower cap for about 15-20 minutes. Shampoo out and vavoom! Hair is fabulous!!!! And of course, you know there are many ways to eat avocados! We won’t go in to that. We would much rather use the ingredients in our kitchen as opposed to the all the artificial ingredients in products! 😉

  602. Patty says:

    I discovered Dr. Bronner’s liquid soap late last year in my quest to start removing chemicals from my life. I use the lavender scent, plus no animals were harmed in the making of this soap!

  603. Kiley says:

    Organic coconut oil has become my go to lotion for everything, even on my face! I use Dr. Bonner’s organic body wash and then Vapour Organic Beauty makeup- I always feel fresh!

  604. Laura says:

    I also use coconut oil with neem oil as protection from the sun.

  605. Mindi says:

    My favorite is probably the stuff I make for myself….toothpaste which is coconut oil and powdered calcium, or my lipbalm which is primarily coconut oil infused with calendula and a tiny bit of local, natural bees wax with a few drops of more local goodness–peppermint oil from peppermint jim. I do use alchemy oil on my face and am thrilled the creator is now using only locally sourced goods. Yeah for natural. Yeah for local. (and yes I’m already on your newsletter list)

  606. Susan says:

    I use the solid Crystal Rock or the scented Crystal Essence roll-on deodorants. I’m really intrigued by how many people love coconut oil, so I’m definitely going to try it.

  607. Mary T. says:

    I use several products from Sweet P’s in Tucson, AZ. She makes wonderful creams, some that include wildcrafted Prickly Pear juice. They absorb quickly and don’t leave you feeling sticky. Her Organic Ultra-Healing Foot Crème has helped me with my cracked (and sometimes painful) heels.

  608. Stacie says:

    Rosehip oil and coconut oil for my face and body

  609. Nužejma says:

    My favorite natural, non-toxic personal care product is natural vitamin C. I put it on my skin before any mosturizer. I try to make my own facial srubs with cornmeal, rice milk and raw honey. But I’m still learning, so I love your posts.

  610. Nell says:

    I have tried + love AnnMarie’s products, so what a treat this would be! Another brand I would love to share with everyone is Marie-Veronique Organics. My skins has TRANSFORMED.

    My at-home remedy is similar to many here. I first wipe down in coconut oil, and then follow up with a spray of diluted apple cider vinegar + water. I then try to follow up with some type of oil.

    Happy Cleansing, friends!

  611. Laura says:

    My go-to non-toxic favorite personal care product is coconut oil! From conditioning my hair, adding a little to my two pups’ food every other day, in my smoothie, oatmeal, on my face from time to time ~ you name it! It’s a versatile and wonderful oil that I haven’t done without ever since discovering CSL. Thank you Kris Carr!

  612. Jess Lessard says:

    Definitely whipped coconut oil/butter!

  613. deb says:

    coconut oil!

  614. Rikki says:

    Organic olive oil and young living essential oils!

  615. Rikki says:

    I use organic olive oil and young Living essential oils!!

  616. Nicole Nada says:

    It’s not a product, but dry brushing is the best ever!! I dry brush before the shower and then use Annmarie Gianni products on my body–love the coconut oil and all the face products. Thanks for introducing me to her line. A whole new world!! Her stuff is the cream of the crop for sure– clearly made with love and care!
    (Dry brush until your skin is pink so you know you are moving lymph and blood!)
    Thanks Kris!!

  617. Joyce says:

    Coconut oil and almond oil. I use the coconut oil for my deodorant and use it in my homemade body moisturizers. The almond oil is for my face as the coconut oil breaks my face out. I add essential oils to the almond oil and use it as my facial moisturizer.

  618. So far, my favorite non-toxic personal care product is made by Zatik. Bearberry and Bilberry Pigment and Age Spot Organic Corrective Elixir. It really does work!

  619. Heather Wesley Engel says:

    Cornstarch instead of expensive dry shampoos – after I read the ingredients in my favorite salon brand I decided to cut back. This probably won’t work very well for darker hair but is just fine for blondes!

  620. Elizabeth says:

    My fave would be Barbara Close’s recipe for Cleansing Facial Gomage. I use calendula infused waster with oats, baking soda, honey, and some sugar when I need a scrub (the detailed recipe is in her Pure Skin book). It has become a bit of a ritual for me to demonstrate self-caring and it makes my skin feel smooth and calm and clear!

  621. Pamela says:

    Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, I use it as a face & body moisturizer, teeth whitener, hair conditioner, etc.

  622. Thea says:

    My favourite product is raw and coldpressed jojoba oil. Its perfect for washing off make up and is very kind to young skin because it has a really good effect on sebaceous glands. You can also use the oil in your bath to make your skin softer and because the oil isnt that fat its perfect to add on your split ends without makeing your hair look unwashed. Definetly a super-product for me!

  623. ana says:

    I love using coconut oil for my skin, hair and oil pulling and rosemary essential that i mix with apple cidar vinegar to use as a conditionner

  624. TW says:

    I barely use anything. I like olive oil mixed with tea tree oil for a moisturizer… but that’s also because I’m too broke for much else.

  625. Allison says:

    Dr. Hauschka Rose Day Cream is amazing for dry skin and their bath oils are divine!

  626. Terry says:

    I love Anne Marie’s anti-aging and repair serums-they smell and feel wonderful. I too
    use organic cocoanut oil-it’s a great moisturizer.

  627. Nicole Raymes says:

    Kama Ayurveda soap-free facial cleanser is grand!

  628. Nicole Raymes says:

    My favorite natural product is KAMA Ayurveda soap free facial cleanser

  629. Jenna says:

    I use mostly Kiss My Face stuff. I really love their olive oil bar soap! I use Badger brand sunscreen. I actually recognize everything on the ingredient list and it has a decent rating from the a Environmental Working Group 🙂

  630. Jill says:

    I use a lot of Arbonne products, which I like but sometimes I don’t feel like they moisturize enough, I’m going to take some of the advice from your posts and try coconut and almond oils, hopefully, I can get my glow back!! Thx for the great tips!

  631. judy moon says:

    I am loving AnnMarie’s skincare, and my new fav is the SunLove!! A sunscreen that feels luxurious and not sticky or icky smelling. I love it. I got a sample and now I am getting a the real deal!

  632. Sonia Baker says:

    Annmarie Gianni Anti-aging eye cream. So beautiful and gentle and it doesn’t irritate the eyes at all.

  633. A Morgan says:

    I exfoliate with a simple warm washcloth instead of those scrubs!

  634. Valorie says:

    Coconut Honey Mask. This stuff is so yummy you could eat it and it leaves your face smooth, moisturized and firm.

  635. Chris says:

    100% Pure Raw Argan Oil

  636. Brooke Powell says:

    My son uses cloth diapers and lately I have been thinking about the toxins in pads and tampons. He has some extra micro fleece inserts he doesn’t use so I tried them out as pads and panty liners for wet accidents! I’m not 100% converted but working up to it!

  637. rhiannon says:

    Coconut milk bath xo/ brown sugar oil scrub

  638. Amanda says:

    I love 100% Pure’s mascara and Juice Beauty’s CC cream. I use both daily and sometimes that’s all I need to wear!

  639. Anniemichele says:

    Right now my favorite non-toxic product is from Simply Birgit the oil body, we had a harsh winter and that keep my skin soft and smooth.

  640. Bruna says:

    Raw, unfiltered Coconut Oil all the way! I love how I can just use it head to toe and even as a sun protector. Plus you end up smelling like a real tropical beach. I love how thin the oil is and gets soaked in the skin pretty quickly.

    The only other products I use are Moon Goddess Herbals made in NY’s Hudson Valley by a dear friend using only the highest quality ingredients, essential oils and herbs she grows at her home. It’s pure luxury! I use the gentle apricot kernel face scrub daily, the sea salt scrub weekly and the thick and scrumptious face moisturizer when I need extra hydration on my face.

    You can find her store on Etsy.

  641. Nona keel says:

    I use castor oil with various essential oils to help with body pains but also use it on my face especially after a bath.

  642. Nikki says:

    I have recently discovered Annmarie Gianni’s skincare products (which is what brought me to this site), and while it’s tough to choose a favorite, I’m going to go with the sunscreen, because it’s the first sunscreen I’ve found that I actually enjoy using! And I trust that it’s not harmful to me!

  643. AT says:

    A local Ohio product, Chagrin Soap & Salve Coconut Oil deodorant

  644. Megan says:

    I love Tarte bb cream! And I also just signed up for a Goodboxe membership. It’s a monthly service that sends you healthy trial size beauty and personal care products straight to your door. That way you can figure out what works best for you before making a purchase. I have wasted so much money the last few months trying to find healthy beauty and personal care products that eliminate all the chemicals but still perform. Especially shampoo!

  645. Sarah Titman says:

    After a bad reaction to a face wash (chemical burn) I have decided no makeup is the way to go-the more natural I stay, the less chemicals I will need to use to cleanse at the end of the day. My only exception being parent meetings(I teach kindergarten). I enjoy using coconut oil as a whole body moisturizer, it helps my psoriasis stay in check.

  646. Valerie says:

    I use coconut oil to moisturizer my skin.

  647. Jan says:

    I have to say I love Annmarie’s aloe herb facial cleanser!
    Thanks Annmarie and Kris!

  648. Mahdi Martin says:

    My favorite natural, non-toxic personal care product is honey! I use it all the time in DIY face masques. It makes my skin so soft!

  649. Stacy Harriott says:

    My favorite natural product is Minerva Medica Dream Cream. It glides on softly leaving my skin feeling deeply moisturized.

  650. Cindy says:

    My latest natural beauty product is Primal Pit Paste. It always seems to be a bit of a challenge to find an effective deodorant, but this one works. I’m currently trying the Thyme/lemon scent and love it.
    Here is there website.

  651. Nance says:

    Best thing I ever did was to make my own facial moisturizer by collecting fresh rose hips right off the plant, cooking them in boiling water until soft. Squeeze them through a sieve and then add the liquid to an essential oil, like almond or apricot.

  652. Jan Meichsner says:

    Unlike a lot of your readers, I am 63 and post-menopausal. I cannot tolerate fragrance anymore. I use Clearly Natural Glycerine Unscented Soap everywhere. I use Thai Crystal Deodorant Stone anywhere I sweat, not just in armpits.

  653. Sherri says:

    My favorite non-toxic personal care product is coconut oil. I use it on all of my skin including my face, I put it in my hair at night and love to cook with it as well. Costco sell a large organic container for a great price.

  654. Caroline says:

    I love coconut oil. I use it as a deep conditioning treatment on my hair periodically. It’s fantastic.

  655. Allison says:

    I am geeking out right now! My sister is a behavior specialist and knows all to well how the stuff we put on our skin affects so much more than just our skin. It is an organ, you know. It needs the good stuff too! (And, if I win, I will share the prize with her. She’s the reason I started saying buh-bye to the yucky stuff!) I have really done my research in the last couple of years because apparently turning 30, for me at least, meant my skin was going to re-visit being 16 years old. It was definitely not cool since I teach high school and boy, do those kids notice everything!
    My nighttime skin regimen consists of a homemade cream from all organic ingredients- coconut oil, rosehip seed oil, jojoba oil, shea butter and tamanu oil. My skin loves it. It did take me awhile to figure out what works. Lots of people praise just coconut oil but it used alone has the tendency to dry my skin out.
    If my skin is breaking out, I use a mixture of raw apple cider vinegar and purified water (1 to 3 ratio). I mix it up in a spray bottle and spritz my skin, along with my hair after shampooing it, while in the shower. It has cleaned up those hormonal break outs around my mouth, chin and along my jaw line. And after the shower, I use rose petal witch hazel on a cotton pad. It smells so pretty! And a dab of tea tree oil on a persistent zit really does the trick. I’ve even got my husband using these and he likes them. He said the tea tree “smells manly”. Whatever works!
    I also eat certain foods to keep my skin happy (and all the rest of me for that matter). My daily staple is a smoothie in the morning with Vegan Proteins Plus double chocolate protein powder, avocado, banana, unsweetened cranberry juice, ground flax, chia seed, and a fermented whole food powder by Genuine Health. It ends up having a chocolate raspberry flavor and it is yummy! I don’t really measure anything so this way it always varies in flavor and I noticed a big change in my skin after a week of making one every morning. 🙂

  656. gingy says:

    My fave non toxic natural personal care product is a tie b/w Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and oatmeal. Not only do I love incorporating them into my diet, I drink a glass of water w/ a tsp of ACV every morning and savory oatmeal w/ flaxseed, salt & olive oil is my idea of a great breakfast, tastes like breakfast risotto. 🙂 But I also love using ACV to clarify my hair weekly by diluting it w/ 1 part ACV to 3 parts water. It works great at getting rid of buildup, just make sure to keep your eyes closed while massaging it into your scalp so you don’t burn yourself like I did lol. Oatmeal is a must have for making DIY facial masks whether cooked or raw, they really help sooth my dry/combo skin.

    Hope these tips help!

  657. Kristy says:

    I’m new to natural beauty and skin care, but I’ve always been a fan of coconut oil! I use it in my hair, as a body moisturizer, makeup remover and face cleanser. I am also starting to use essential oils in my skincare. I use tea tree & lavender oil for acne and a blend of oils for moisturizing. Definitely looking to shift my skincare routine to natural and gentle. Along with shifting to a clean, green lifestyle … I hope to heal my acne!

  658. Sharon says:

    My favorite, natural, and healthy skin care product is Fig + Yarrow’s Bath + Body Oil, in “Woods.” This oil is amazing and the fragrance is terrific. All natural oils – the list is amazing.

  659. Sharon says:

    My favorite, natural, and healthy skin care product is Fig + Yarrow’s Bath + Body Oil, in “Woods.” This oil is amazing and the fragrance is terrific. All natural oil.s

  660. Lanie says:

    Love soapwalla natural deodorant cream.
    It really works

  661. Carolyn Hatchell says:

    It’s my balm creation. I concocted it when I was in chemo & my skin was a painful disaster. I’ve used it for: hands, feet, hair, nails, brows (replaces brow wax), lips, shoe shine, elbows/knees, squeaks, scars, massage. I’ve shared it with others in treatment as well & it seems to be as helpful for them.

    It’s a tin full of happy, thus the name, “Chappy Happy!”.

  662. Hava says:

    I could fill a screen full of wonderful natural products I have found to replace those with harmful chemicals and additives! But here are a few ::
    I have found a few lines of beauty and skincare that are absolutely fantastic. My favorites are Living Libations, Skincare by Annemarie, Andalou, iSun and MyChelle (I got an advance jar of her new retinol serum at Natural Products Expo West that is INCREDIBLE!).

    Like many woman here, coconut oil is a staple for me: in the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and sun deck! Oil pulling, sun oil, moisturizer, eye makeup remover, personal lubricant–it really is the BEST! And it’s the only oil I would ever heart for cooking.

    I have given up using anything other than essential oils under my arms. It is the purest and most effective deodorant, besides a raw vegan diet and a good dose of sunlight on the armpits! My favorite line of essential oil perfumes is Nectar by Ami.

    Lemon is a morning ritual for me. I slice a lemon in half and rub it on my face. The ascorbic acid is fantastic for exfoliating and lightening dark spots. I don’t recommend this practice, however, for those with sensitive skin. I then squeeze the lemon juice into warm water and MSM, which is a great combination for the skin and also gets my digestion going.

    Thank you, Kris, for all you do and for this amazing opportunity to experience the entire Annemarie line! I am particularly excited about her new sunscreen! LOVE

  663. Shelley says:

    My favorite is Organic Coconut Oil. I also use Dr. Bronner’s as a bodywash.

  664. Robin says:

    Coconut oil us on skin as a moisturizer.

  665. kathleen jefferies says:

    One very natural item I have found works for me is plain almond oil as a moisturizer. I’m always on new items to try that are effective, good for me, good for the environment, and do not impact animals.

  666. Clare says:

    I love AnnMarie Gianni Skincare’s Aloe-Herb Facial Cleanser and Aloe-Herb Facial Cleanser. I recently tried the Coconut Body Oil which is AWEsome! ….I’ve also been using coconut oil for face, body & hair!
    Thank you! Love what you do and who you are! An Inspiration! 😉

  667. Bobbi says:

    I have very thick hair and found that Desert Essence Coconut Conditioner is the only brand that leaves my hair silky and tangle-free.
    Pre de Provence 100% Pure Argan Oil makes the backs of my hands silky-sexy-smooth.
    Tom’s of Main toothpaste.
    Like most others have posted – coconut oil tops my list.
    Turning 50 next year, and I’m focusing this time to get healthy – mind, body and soul. I appreciate all the tips on your blogs and from other readers.

  668. jackie r says:

    Lots of faves but currently love AnnMarie’s Neroli toner spray…smells divine!

  669. Bennett says:

    My favorite non toxic product I use on my skin is Organic Coconut Oil. Slather it all over !!

  670. Miroslava says:

    I’m slowly learning how to incorporate natural oils, essential oils and butters into my beauty regiments – so far coconut oil and rose ship oil are well used by me…

  671. Anne Boschman says:

    Natural Grooming deodorant. It actually works!

  672. Shanna Terrey says:

    Nature’s Gate toothpaste! I use mint and my honey uses anise. Natural yum!

  673. Maria says:

    My favorite natural product is Soapwalla’s Deoderant Cream. I love everything from Soapwalla, but this deoderant is my absolute favorite!

  674. sandra says:

    I use l’huile de grace from francisco

  675. Jaime says:

    I use The Honest Co. sweet orange and vanilla body wash and it works well and smells delicious.

  676. n riley says:

    I use Organic Coconut oil for everything. Lotion, tame hair frizz, sore throat…….:-) love the smell and it works great!

  677. Sheri says:

    I’d have to say that right now my favorite all natural product is from Alba ( i love all their products),
    but I LOVE their very emollient sunscreen for the face.

  678. Christine says:

    Arnica Montana has been my go to for over 25 years, wonderful for muscle/joint pain, also cuts bruise healing time in half. Been a Bare Minerals devotee over 10 yrs, astonishing folks that i’m turning 44 this month, not 30.

    I currently receive your newsletter…

  679. Ileanna says:

    My favorite product is coconut oil! It removes makeup (It even removes crazy thick stage makeup!) like it was nothing. I use it wounds and cuts, it’s even great to brush through my lashes to make them nice, thick and glossy!

  680. Lori Treff says:

    I am just starting my journey as of February’s breast cancer diagnosis. I have never considered what was in my makeup. Everything is still so raw and confusing.

  681. Vernica says:

    My favorite, natural, non-toxic product is cocoa butter. It is solid at room temperature so I just chop up some pieces and put it into my massage oil warmer which melts and warms up my cocoa butter and put it on head to toe! Its great during the winter months when you needs a little extra moisturizing and protection, but I use it almost everyday all year long and an added plus…you smell like chocolate! Yummy!

  682. M. Clark says:

    I like coconut oil and, and that good old gift of life, water! As I get older (50), my skin is getting drier so I’m always keeping my eye out and trying natural products that provide the moisture I need. I try to provide it through the inside, but would like some help with products on the outside of my body.

  683. Brittany says:

    Pai Rosehip BioRegenerate Oil!! It works amazingly on my face and hair! I love using argon and avocado oils from time to time, but this one does so much more…

  684. Donna says:

    Water, coconut oil, baking soda, lemon.

  685. Jeanne C says:

    I love Burts Bee facial scrub!

  686. Debbie says:

    I use coconut oil as a moisturizer, and for hair conditioning. Lemons are another good thing for astrigent, and helps to lessen spots.

  687. Melanie Woodruff says:

    My must have for years has been Burt’s Bees Chapstick!

  688. Michele says:

    My sweet guy surprised me with booda butter – spread the love lip balm. Ready to smooch!

  689. Karen says:

    Dr. Bronner’s in the shower. Just discovered that olive oil or coconut oil is an amazing eye make up remover. Slowly converting my teenage daughters to the AnnMarie skincare line. Love!!!

  690. Donna Butler says:

    I love AnnMarie Gianni products, especially the repair serum. Love the feeling on my skin and the scent. No added chemicals…..going back to basics with food and products!

  691. I love coconut oil for moisturizing…especially my feet!

  692. Colleen says:

    I’ve been pleased so far with switching to Shea Moisture’s natural products. They are easily available at Target or Walgreens.

  693. Sabrina Mckendrick says:

    Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps

    I use their baby formula to wash my hair, body and dishes.

    I use the peppermint formula mixed with Oil or Oregano water to clean my house 

  694. Anne Bursey says:

    I use a line of skin creams made locally by Lavender Ridge Farm ( Using only natural ingredients such as lavender oil and olive oil. I don’t wear any makeup. I will check out Annemarie’s line of products for sure.. I need a healthy shampoo!
    Have a great day!

  695. Karen says:

    My favorite cleanser is AnnMarie Gianni’s Aloe Herb Facial Cleanser! It smells so good I could eat it!

  696. I LOVE Stark Skincare! The Grapefruit Cleansing Balm and the Neroli Midnight Oil are just incredible. The whole line is vegan, too!

  697. Amanda says:

    I have started to use Coconut Oil as a moisturizer!

  698. Cindy Schindl says:

    My friend turned me on to Usana products and I love them!

  699. Due to a horrific bout of eyelid excema that I finally got diagnosed, (for two years I tried 90 different kinds of makeup and nothing helped) I’ll tell you everything I’ve learned as a natural remedy (the eye doc prescribed me a cancer-causing cream called Elidel – I read the side affects and handed it right back to the pharmacist.) I researched natural remedies and these are what has changed my skin, my complexion, my excema, and my nervous system for the better!

    Noni (I live in Hawaii so it’s readily available, but you can order it online from Hawaii and other tropical islands. It’s an age old natural remedy for inflammation)
    Cod liver oil
    Borage Oil
    Evening Primrose oil (great for lady hormones too)
    Vitamin B (to keep the nervous system steady which is a great help for excema breakouts and anxiety)

    Flax seed oil and coconut oil in my smoothies.

    And I use avocado oil topically on my eyelids – it contains Vitamin E and A and it isn’t comedogenic like coconut oil is (it can clog pores).

    Moisturizing from the INSIDE out does more wonders for your skin than any cream!

  700. donna says:

    I like Josie Maran argan oil. It works great for face, body and hair.

  701. Nicole says:

    I am currently using Alba NATURAL HAWAIIAN OIL FREE MOISTURIZER refining aloe & green tea only because it showed up on EWG’s list as a cleaner solution to most other moisturizers. I am still in the research process of trying to find an all natural, non fragrance product, however my time commitments have taken me away from narrowing down a product line that will be safe and effective for my dry skin. Also looking for something Economical too!

  702. Leah Roberts says:

    I use coconut as a moisturizer. Still looking for a good natural cleaner.

  703. Elise says:

    Annemarie’s Neroli Toning Mist… LOVE!

  704. My favorite non-toxic product is from Usana Health Sciences Sense skin health line. I love the serum intensive.

  705. Mindy says:

    I use coconut oil as my only moisturizer! Everyone thinks my oldest daughter is my sister so I know its working!

  706. Shana says:

    I love the burt bees line; its quite affordable ( when on sale) and they are good, natural products!

  707. Ruth Hirst says:

    Not very original but coconut oil for everything – body moisturiser, after sun, hand cream, overnight foot treatment, overnight hair mask, add essential oils for scented body lotion, add sugar/oats/coffee for exfoliator, the list goes on and on and on!

  708. Debbie Berrached says:

    Coconut oil is the best for hair and skin. I also love using olive oil in my hair for extra hydration

  709. I love Annemarie’s skincare line!!! It’s absolutely my favourite. I use her Citrus cleanser and oil for oily skin. My skin glows and it feels so luxurious to use!

  710. Diane says:

    I’ve been using the Annmarie Gianni facial product line for over a year and I LOVE it!! I use coconut oil for my body and baking soda as my deodorant. My body is soooo happy for these choices I’ve made. :-))

  711. ellen says:

    Coconut Oil….. it has so many uses in the kitchen but also as a beauty product – great for hair, skin, nails, etc!

  712. Sarah Krieger says:

    I adore AnnMarie Gianni’s line for oily skin. I started using it a few years after Kris recommended it. I definitely was skeptical of using an oil on my already oily skin, but it has magically helped to control my oil production and reduce my acne–two things that make me super excited!!

    I also use a dab of tea tree oil on particularly stubborn acne at night after I cleanse and under my facial oil. It is not too harsh or drying, and I wake up with a much smaller bump and with less redness. Definitely a must for my medicine cabinet!!

    I love love love learning tips like this from others 🙂

  713. sasha says:

    i’ve been using acure organics argan oil on my face and their pumpkin coconut body wash – i have yet to use their body lotion but so far i love the products. i use mostly josie maran makeup, and i love auromere toothpaste/mouthwash 🙂 xo

  714. Carrie Bradley says:

    Shampoo with baking soda and condition with apple cider vineager

  715. Jill Allen says:

    I am just starting to follow the Crazy Sexy Revolution. This is my second time reading the book Crazy Sexy Diet, however, something is different this time around. I am completely “crazy” into it. I use BareMineral make-up but am just starting to replace my products with all natural beauty products, so I don’t have a recommendation. I have been doing the Crazy Sexy Cleanse for 17 days, my skin has cleared from blemishes, my hair is way more shiny, and my cellulite is almost GONE. I want to pinch myself when I look in the mirror. Thanks for everything!

  716. Arleen Lini says:

    I find coconut oil (100% organic) to work really on my skin, for my hair and also for cooking.

  717. OrchidTulip says:

    Coconut oil for my hands!

  718. Melissa says:

    My favorite non-toxic product is coconut oil! Preferably whipped into a nice fluffy butter with essential oils of choice or melted mixed with some sugar (and of couse essential oils of choice) to make a luxurious scrub. Butter replaces lotion and scrub can replace shower gels, other scrubs and even lotion if my skin isn’t dry that day. I’ll also melt it and put it in my hair for a while before showering for a nice hydrating mask. Or if my ends are really dry I’ll use it as a nice leave in conditioner.

    (P.S. I’m already on the mailing list!)

  719. Stancie says:

    Only one product?! Wow, I don’t think I could narrow it down to just one but one of my absolute favorites is Annmarie Gianni’s Anti-Aging Serum. One of the best I’ve ever tried! And I’ve tried a lot 🙂

  720. Janelle says:

    I have started using essential oils. My favorite at bath time is Epsom salts, baking soda and lavender essential oil.

  721. Lisa Lindgren says:

    My new favorite non-toxic skin care product is Annmarie Gianni’s Sun Love. I have used Mercola’s skin products for a few years and love them. I have just started to sample products of Annmarie but was disappointed that again there was not a facial sun protector. Two weeks later, Sun Love was announced!! I bought it and Love it! I am slowly trying other Annmarie products and love them. It would be awesome to win the basket!!!

  722. Barb Stewart says:

    Coconut Oil as moisturizer all over my body. Super!!

  723. Emilia says:

    If I’m making beet juice i’ll stain my lips with it

    i also use an aryuvedic eyeliner i bought at a hare krishna temple, it loooks like lipstick.

    I use Dr. Brommers in the shower and coconut oil on my face.

  724. monique says:

    I like a lot of the products on mynatural My favorite is the guava oil, it doesn’t make me break out and is supposed to be good for firming and anti-aging. It is also very reasonably priced. I have to confess that right now it is the only thing in my medicine cabinet that would qualify for a recommendation so I will be checking out others posts!!
    Thanks Kris and everyone else for the info on something most of us don’t even realize can be toxic!

  725. Juliette Ries says:

    I love yes to carrots eye cream! I actually use it all over my face and it feels amazingly smooth and it makes my skin look nicer. Love their products. And thank you for creating your website. I’ve been ‘following ‘ you since i first saw you on Oprah. I’m studying nutrition science because i want to help those with not only cancer but all diseases. I think eating healthy early on can help prevent a lot of chronic problems and i hope to some day be able to help others by finding natural cures. Thank you for being one of my greatest inspirations! -Juliette Ries

  726. Jessica says:

    I have a few favorites: for body soap I use Dr. Bronner’s liquid soap- Lavender Pure-Castille Soap (leaves my skin feeling smooth and soft and smelling oh so good; deodorant, Alvera Aloe and Almonds roll-on – it does the job; facial moisturizing cream- Jason Age Renewal Vitamin E 25,000 IU – completely replenishes my face; and for body lotion – Chandler Farm’s Linus’s Natural Lavender Body Butter, which I’ve recently run out of (gotta get more) – smells wonderful and give my body a radiant glow (at least it feels that way!). Would love to find a good facial cleanser though. Will try Anne Marie’s facial cleanser maybe.

  727. Becky Q says:

    COCONUT OIL!! Love this for my face, a deep hair conditioning treatment, on my baby’s little bottom 🙂 I also use it like a chap stick at night. I even use it to shave with. Simple and no chemicals…YAY!!

  728. Suneet says:

    California Baby Aloe Vera cream. Great as a daily moisturizer for adults & kids.

  729. Diana Maurer says:

    I use Bare Minerals makeup and have been looking for a good face product for wrinkles and sagging skin.

  730. carrie says:

    badger spf 15 sunscreen lip balm

  731. mercedi says:

    I use “100% Pure” tinted moisturizer and their moisturizers are great too. I also love Nature’s Gate shampoo and conditioner – they smell fantastic!

  732. Wendy Cano says:

    I use Organic Virgin Coconut Oil as a moisurizer for my skin and hair. I had purchased a sampler of AnnMarie Gianni skincare products that was offered on your blog but could not afford to order the full size.

  733. Andrea says:

    Coconut oil oil to remove eye makeup

  734. Dita says:

    Coconut oil! Haven’t found anything yet that is clean enough for me to put on my skin so I’d love to try her products!!! Thank you so much! 🙂

  735. Pam says:

    I’m only just beginning to research natural beauty products, so I don’t have a recommendation. I look forward to following these posts and hopefully entering the Crazy Sexy Skincare Giveaway!

  736. Shelly says:

    My favorite non-toxic item is from Simply Divine Botanicals which I heard about from you, Kris Carr, while listening to you on Hay House Radio. You had on a guest who mentioned that the deodorant from Simply Divine Botanicals was awesome. I’ve been looking for a natural deodorant, that worked for me, for years. I went to the website and promptly order some deodorant. I also order their sample kit of product. Well, let me tell you I love this stuff! Since we are only talking about one item I will try to keep on task and talk about this deodorant but before I forget to tell you these face products are fabulous and my skin glows. Back to the subject at hand; THIS DEODORANT WORKS, it comes in a small beautiful blue glass bottle with a pump, it is a clear liquid that is invisible to feel, see or smell once applied, doesn’t leave marks on clothing and comes in many wonderful scents. Yes, I know I just said the smell was invisible but as you spray on this deodorant it has a light fresh scent that is a joy to put on, then disappears. I love this product!

  737. Maureen says:

    I too love coconut oil right now I am using Omega Nutrition brand. Best to look for “organic”. Also, a great facial is a Banana Facial………….

    – one ripe banana
    – 1 tbsp honey
    – 2 tsp sugar

    Banana’s are full of vitamins and minerals and are just as good for you on the outside as they are on the inside. If you’ve never tried a banana facial it’s a must! It leaves your skin feeling fresh, hydrated and super soft.

    Finely mash the banana in a bowl and mix with the honey and sugar. Apply to the face and neck area in a circular motion. Leave on for 5 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

  738. Sandra DeNise says:

    Hands down coconut oil. I always apply it after the shower all over my body. I also love using tea tree oil for spot treatment if I feel a blemish coming on.

  739. Jennie says:

    My favorite skincare line is Pai from the UK. Vegan and safe ingredients. A tiny bit goes a long way.

  740. Lulu-belle Moon says:

    My fave is Jason Sea Fresh (deep sea spearmint) tooth paste!

  741. Lisa Knight says:

    Crunchy Betty – all the way! Organic, natural – and she even gives you recipes to make it yourself (if you are so inclined)!

  742. Rhonda says:

    My favourite all-natural and non-toxic skincare products come from a wondrous, fabulous Canadian company called Living Libations – Nadine is a skincare guru who creates amazing pure-plant products. I’ve used many of them and they are all blissfully divine. My favourite of all her products is the Sun*Dew Transdermal Vitamin D Crème. Heaven.

  743. JFrankdog says:

    Dr. Bronner’s lavender and mints soaps!

  744. Michelle Brawley says:

    My favorite toxic free product is Dr. Bronners Castille soap. It works as soap, dish detergent, all purpose cleaner, shampoo, tc.

  745. Jenny says:

    I already love Ann Marie Gianni’s Aloe-Herb Facial Cleanser

  746. Tündi says:

    Olive oil as make up remover!

  747. seeley says:

    coconut oil. you can use it for so many things and it’s not greasy.

  748. My favorite non-toxic personal care product is absolutely Coconut Oil! We use this for EVERYTHING and every time I use it as moisturizer I feel like I took a trip to a relaxing beach. A close second is my favorite Eco Friendly Vegan soap from Strawberry Hedgehog:

  749. Hailey says:

    I no longer use chemical-laden SPF sunscreens. There are natural sunscreens in certain skin oils and I’ve tested it, I do NOT burn! This is a UK line that I believe is probably on par with Ann Marie Gianni’s line. I have yet to see anything like this in the US though. Plus, I’ve read things about how lots of green juicing can produce natural protectants in the skin for sun protection. Have you heard of this as well, Kris?

  750. Tündi says:

    Olive oil as makeup remover!

  751. Katie Gill says:

    Hi Kris!

    I really LOVE Suki products! She has a great line of skin care products as well as make up. The toner spray is amazing, it mists on, and can be used after washing your face or even after putting a little make up on to give you a little natural looking glow! I have had skin problems, particularly acne since high school and I really have found that moving to “cleaner” products corrected SO many of my skin issues. I do not usually use bar soap, but Suki also has a great facial soap bar (great for traveling too) that has a light lemon smell.

    I also love Brittanie’s Thyme Organic skin care products too!

  752. Lita says:

    I wear no makeup, but skin care is a must for women of any age. I have been using Eminence but am slowing transitioning to Annemarie Gianni. Every woman must use eye cream and keep your decolletage moistened and sun screened. I use Annemarie’s wonderful Herbal Oil for that. You do not want rubber looking skin there when you are my age (63).

  753. Laura Hauser says:

    My number one natural product is Organic Coconut Oil, often mixed with essential oils to add fragrance or healing properties!

    For my hair I use coconut oil to deep condition the ends. For scars I’ll add a little lemon essential oil to exfoliate and frankincense to help repair dna. For skin dryness and wrinkles I’ll slather on coconut oil, and eat a spoonful or two too! For boo-boo’s, a little coconut oil with melaleuca oil helps heal quickly, and adding lavender helps burns heal faster.

  754. Kristin D. says:

    For years I struggled to find a facial moisturizer that actually left my face feeling…well, moisturized. Finally, I got wise to using coconut oil and the results are FANTASTIC. I use it in the morning and at night and my skin feels hydrated all the time. No more flakes or rough patches. And it is way more cost effective!

  755. Sensi Graves says:

    I got sucked in to Yes To Carrots all-natural marketing rhetoric but have come to discover that EWG gives them a 5! Back to the drawing board. I also use organic coconut oil as an all over body moisturizer.

  756. Nancy says:

    I’ve been using a combination of oils to cleanse and moisturize my skin and it’s never looked better!

  757. lynn says:

    I love using Aubrey products!

  758. Alicia Langer says:

    I have tried AnnMarie Gianni Skincare before and found it through another blog post from Kris. I love the smell of the products and did see an improvement in my skin. I have a hard time managing my acne and email AnnMarie to get some advise. They were quick and responsive and offered some great advise. Currently – my favorite non-toxic beauty project is deodorant crystal. I love that it is 100% natural and non-toxic.

  759. Carla says:

    Flax seed oil! If I miss my supplements for a week, I notice it in my skin immediately.

    As a full body moisturizer – pure rosehip seed oil.

  760. Lulu says:

    A mask of wild rice soaked overnight and blended.

  761. Hadas says:

    Bragg’s raw coconut oil is the best moisturizer for your entire body. It’s also great to put in ythe tips of your hair before bed.

  762. Andrea Johnston says:

    My new favorite is Annmarie Gianni’s Aloe-Herb Cleanser. I just tried a sample. It’s so gentle, yet effective. It rinses clean and leaves my skin so soft. Easily removes makeup. And if happiness had a scent, this would be it!

  763. I love using organic unrefined coconut oil on my face for days when I won’t be out in the sun much. Coconut oil has some natural sun protection in it and works for days when you’re mostly inside. I also slather it in my hair then wrap it up in a bandanna for an overnight deep conditioning treatment.

  764. Jackie rogers says:

    Coconut oil for moisturizing.

  765. Dawn says:

    I use baking periodically soda for brushing/teeth whitening and it makes a good facial “dermabrasion”.

  766. Rebekah Eaton says:

    Ava Anderson products are amazing and natural.

  767. I’ve found coconut oil is a bit too much for me, but I absolutely love sesame oil – I use it in the shower and then rinse it off. It smells great, too!

    I have been using a lot of Kiehl’s products lately… what do people think about them?

  768. Shery says:

    I do not use soap! I make a with bentontie clay and water once a week which draws out toxins . I also use a hot washcloth to open my pores and then splash cold water to close my pores. I try to let air dry, however if I am in a rush, I will gently pat dry with a towel. I use argan oil as a face mositurizer and avoid makeup completely! : )

  769. Shelly says:

    Organic Olive Oil & Organic Coconut Oil. Either oil I used as a body moisturizer, make up remover. Or mixed with other ingredients like salt for a body scrub or adding essential oils and using as a hot oil hair treatment. The list goes on & on….

  770. Dimple Patel says:

    I love using coconut oil in my hair at night, just put it in a braid and shampoo/ condition in the morning. You will feel the difference. Plus your hair and scalp will be much healthier in the coming weeks.

  771. Stacey Bryant says:

    I use witch hazel on my face and neck to clean, tone and shrink wrinkles 🙂

  772. szuszi says:

    My fav go-to… plain ol’ pure and organic coconut oil to tell the truth. Its antimicrobial, antifungal, moisturizing and nutritional values make it perfect for health and beauty inside and out, and hygiene and house-cleaning to boot. Also LOVE: Orawellness Tooth oil!

  773. GJ says:

    Right now I’d go with pure organic Rosehip seed oil. The past winter my skin suddenly felt more dry than usual and – oh horror – I noticed some wrinkles starting… After trying quite a collection of different oils on my face (the too slick, too greasy, and too dry ones) Rosehip seed oil was a perfect match. Used it in both pure and ’embellished’ form – with a few drops of essential oil. Mostly for fragrance, because the Rosehip oil itself does so much good already. It gives my skin a silky glow, and leaves it plump without feeling greasy. Definitely a new favorite – I’m in love!

  774. Carli says:

    I love using Bragg’s Organic Apple Cider Vinegar as a facial toner. I recommend diluting it with water. I also start each morning with a tall glass of water with a tablespoon of ACV mixed in to cleanse from the inside.

  775. Tami zeman says:

    Pratima skin care rose sandalwood cream

  776. Mary says:

    I use Aveda’s Shampure and conditioner. I have used this for many years. I love the way they smell and how beautiful it makes my hair feel.

  777. Liz says:

    I’ve been using all “sensitive” and unscented skin products from Dove, Cetaphil, Neutrogena for years…my skin and nose can’t handle most products on the market today–just too fragranced and irritating/drying.
    And the all natural market is so over saturated that it’s difficult to know what to spend my hard earned money on, so love everyone’s product recommendations.
    I use:
    Dr. Bronner’s in Lavendar (diluted) for my hand soap
    Lavendar essential oil by Aura Cacia at my third eye for overall calming effect
    Aesop Resurrection Aromatique Hand Balm – smells so good, lovely packaging so good for a gift
    Dr. Bronner’s coconut oil for general use
    Lemon water daily
    Origins Ginger Hand Lotion – and yummmm

  778. stephanie says:

    My favourites are organic coconut oil, local honey and Bragg’s apple cider vinegar. I also LOVE AnneMarie products…I have 2 teenage girls and myself to supply enough product…it has been hard b/c I want us all to use a great product on our face…and I tried to stretch them—but I am here as testomonial===they DO expire–definitely made from fresh ingredients and meant ot be used in one month’s time 🙂 I just can’t afford it x3 per month….so we do the best we can….

  779. Brandi says:

    The combination of the Annmarie Gianni Aloe Herb Cleanser, Neroli Toning Mist, and Herbal Facial Oil for normal skin. I had used the same facial products for as long as I can remember and my skin always did well with it. When I learned about the ingredients that were toxic and that I should avoid, I was disappointed to find them in my products that I had been devoted for so long. I was nervous to try something new, but I just couldn’t keep using what I had been with the knowledge of all the toxins it contained. So I made the leap to Annmarie Gianni with Kris Carr’s endorsement ( a million thanks ). I’ve been using it for a few months now. My skin looks and feels better than ever and I look forward to the amazing natural aroma therapy I get while treating myself to healthier skin. I recommend it to the highest degree!!

  780. Amanda says:

    I use AnnMarie Gianni products for my skincare, but my favorite product is the Anti-aging eye cream that reduces my dark circles and really moisturizes my eye area.

  781. Michelle says:

    All of AnneMarie’s products! They are so awesome! But the Anti Aging Facial oil is fantastic, and it smells divine. 🙂

  782. Ariel Clark says:

    Unrefined coconut oil, for my skin, lips, for shaving, and oil pulling. It smells divine and works like a charm!

  783. LaTanya says:

    My favorite natural product is coconut oil. I use it on my skin and my hair.

  784. Autumn Hieb says:

    I started seeking out non toxic skin care after a few ugly rounds of perioral dermatitis. I needed to stop using fluoride, sulfates, and parabens. The things I love are Jane Iredale makeup, Spry toothpaste, anything from the Honest Company and lemon essential oil.

  785. I have recently started a nightly routine before bed of a warm shower, and then spritzing myself all over with an all natural, odorless, dye free coconut oil. I love the way I feel afterwards, and I wake up with softer, glowing skin. It is my new favorite to recommend to clients, and love hearing the great feedback. I just reviewed below and see that others enjoy this as well!!!

  786. Lindsey says:

    Jojoba oil

  787. Michelle Davis says:

    I am just get started with all natural products. I would love some suggestions.

  788. Judy says:

    Pure coconut oil and shea butter

  789. Tammy says:

    i just started using Annmarie’s products and I love them. I first ordered the sample kit and love them so I ordered the facial oil first then the anti-aging serum. They are fabulous! I want more! I would really like to try the sun protection product too. I still use many other body care products and would like to move them over to all natural products as well.

  790. Amalia says:

    I am a huge fan of Anne Marie’s products thanks to Kris! I have been using them since this fall and have noticed a huge difference in my skin! Also I do spay tanning for a living and I use an all organic product (Sjolie) for my clients and I use (kelapo) coconut oil to remove my makeup (Arbonne mineral powder) at night. I’m still on the hunt for a natural mascara though…. Need to check on the Arbonne one… Downloading your suggested app now! 😉

  791. Katie says:

    I love the body oil from the Kora line of organic products, and if you are looking for some great non toxic nail polish Scotch Naturals is great!
    (For makeup products I use BareMinerals – and if I can find carrot extract I will put that on prior … it smells heavenly!)

  792. Lacey Johnson says:

    I love Annemarie Gianni’s Herbal Facial Oil for Oily and Acne Prone Skin! It smells divine and works for me!

  793. GNHern says:

    I’ve ditched shampoo and conditioner and use baking soda every few days for shampoo just on my scalp to clean, and I use apple cider vinegar as my conditioner everyday. I love how my hair feels and looks, it feels soft and looks shiny and healthy. Just after the first day of doing this I went to work and got compliments on my natural curls 🙂

    Baking soda & Apple Cider Vinegar couple of my favorite natural products 🙂

  794. Jada says:

    Epsom salt mixed with sea salt scrubbed on in the shower to soften my skin. Then coconut oil moisturizer.

  795. Kaitlin says:

    Coconut oil is by far my favorite beauty product! I use it for everything; body lotion, eye makeup remover, lip balm, deodorant, teeth whitener when you mix it with baking soda, I use it for oil pulling to get rid of toxins in my mouth, it tames my frizzy hair when needed. It also gives you a sexy glow when desired. Plus it smells great! I use organic, unrefined, cold-pressed coconut oil and I am so thankful to have such an amazing non-toxic beauty product in my daily regimen!

  796. Susan Grubb says:

    Hi Kris!
    I have been using Rosehip oil on my skin for about a year now and see a difference but the smell is sort of unpleasant. I would love to find something as natural with a better scent!

  797. Wendy Irene says:

    My favorite skin care product was a suggestion from Alisa Vitti. I love to use 99% Aloe Vera gel to moisturize my face. Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  798. Caralee says:

    I really like Jane Iredale’s mascara. It washes off easily. After reading all those who use coconut oil, I’m adding it to my skin care regimen!

  799. Melissa says:

    I use pure coconut oil as a moisturizer, makeup remover, and a small amount to make my hair shine. It feels grest & smells amazing.

  800. Kaitlin says:

    Coconut oil is by far my favorite beauty product! I use it for everything; body lotion, makeup remover, deodarent, teeth whitener, I use it for oil pulling and to tame my frizzy hair when needed. I use organic unrefined & cold-pressed coconut oil. It’s amazing stuff

  801. Krystina says:

    Coconut oil! Love cooking and baking with it, and it’s a fantastic moisturizer!

  802. Alexis Lukonen says:

    So my personal favorite face wash is one that I made myself. It is organic olive oil with tea tree oil. It is simple and inexpensive but works wonders! It not only provides moisture and balances the oil in my skin, but the tea tree also keeps acne away!

  803. Emily Ortega says:

    I LOVE using the Aloe-Herb Facial Cleanser by AnnMarie every day! I feel it cleans better than any other face wash I’ve used, and I can feel good knowing I’m using a safe product on my skin. I got my mom hooked on it and now she’s an AnnMaire fanatic using all her products!

  804. Stephanie Washington says:

    My absolute favorite personal care product is raw organic unfiltered coconut oil. I use Ojio brand & buy the 32 oz jar from Whole Foods. I pour half into a smaller pump bottle I leave in the bathroom, and the rest goes in the kitchen! I mix it with different essential oils for different uses. I use it as a facial cleanser, makeup remover, moisturizer and a light sun protectant (it is also a safe and effective personal lubricant)!

    For years, I was an avid Arbonne customer, but was spending so much money on all of their products! I still use their cosmetics, but the coconut oil is so much more cost effective and multifunctional. It has really simplified my daily routine!

  805. Deb says:

    My favorite personal care product is coconut oil. Used in oil pulling to aid in removing toxins from the body and possibly preventing or ridding of cavities. Used to moisturize. Make a body butter by whipping it up in the blender for @ 6 – 7 minutes adding a therapeutic grade essential oil. So yummy!! Eye make up remover. SO many wonderful uses!!

  806. Judy says:

    I am really happy about this article. I have been thinking about changing my makeup and face care line since I started reading this blog. I use to love using burts bees carrot night facial beeswax but I think it has been discontinued 🙁

  807. Julia wells says:

    Like so many others, I love coconut oil and ACV for internal and external beauty care! I’ve slowly been switching out my old makeup and products as they run out for more natural ones.

  808. Catherine Dube says:

    I love argan oil and the Neroli toning mist from AnnMarie Gianni!!

  809. Andrea says:

    My number one go-to product is coconut oil. I use it as make-up remover, moisturiser, hair mask and cleanser.

  810. Pam says:

    I have been using Annmarie’s products for about 6 months. I love them! My skin feels great and the scents are so soothing and delicious!

  811. Eileen says:

    I use many of AnnMarie’s products and I love love love them all. I saw noticeable changes within a few weeks and I feel some much better that I know I m putting only healthy ingredients on my body. Now I just need to change some of my makeup to feel even better!

  812. Marla says:

    i love using coconut oil for my body moisturizer, as suggested to by my Ayurvedic practitioner!

  813. Lucinda says:

    Awakening Feet mineral moisture balm – I love the way it makes my feet feel. Using that product I added Awakening Face & Neck w/Yerba Mate

  814. I love Annmarie’s Aloe Herb Facial Cleanser too… it is my fav! got turned on to her stuff by YOU! thank you… would love to try more of her products…
    and I don’t wear makeup like I used to..but when I do, I like MAC so much….best lipstick…

  815. Shilpa says:

    I apply castor oil to the base of my lashes every night using a clean mascara spoolie. After the first 2 weeks of doing this, I noticed my existing lashes had grown longer and I had some new lashes growing in!

  816. Sarah says:

    Badget sunscreen

  817. Kristi says:

    I am just beginning my journey with using natural skin care products. I used olive oil for a while to clean/moisturize my face, but I didn’t like the odor. I’ve now switched to coconut oil and use it on my entire body. Loving how smooth it makes my skin and no scent! I’m also trying it for the oil pulling, which has been an interesting experience, to say the least.

  818. Enza says:

    I use Earth science and Korres products. I’m always willing to try something new especially if it’s to do with the benefit of my health. I have read some great tips and ideas, that in itself is a bonus! Thanks everyone!

  819. Susan says:

    Coconut oil seems to be getting plenty of attention and rightly so! I also love organic argan oil as a nighttime moisturizer, eye makeup remover and cuticle massage oil. Organic shea butter has been wonderful for my children to help with eczema and sore bottoms.

  820. Dian says:

    I like apple cider vinegar for a quick toner. It’s also great to mix 1 part cider vinegar to 3 parts water. Rinse hair with this mixture after washing to remove any residue and makes your hair shine!

  821. Jennifer says:

    Baking soda for exfoliating! I keep it right beside the shower!

  822. Brittany Twiss says:

    Coconut oil for my face and body! Excited to explore all the new options you listed. Love your passion Kris, keep inspiring!

  823. Kellie says:

    My favorite natural personal care product is Crystal deodorant!

  824. Jessica says:

    I use Juice Beauty’s Chamomile cleanser (the one created by Alicia Silverstone), as well as the pressed powder and lip stick she created for that brand…love them, totally non-toxic but also (VERY importantly) vegan and animal friendly (no animal testing)!

  825. Erinn says:

    I use witch hazel with some drops of tea tree oil as a toner. Additionally I don’t wear much make up but am interested in a natural mascara and facial lotion with SPF.

  826. Sarah says:

    I use coconut oil as a moisturizer on my face and body. It absorbs easily so even if you tend to have oily skin, it doesn’t seem to make you more oily.

  827. Beth G says:

    My go to is coconut oil….so versatile!!! From cuticles, to hair, to body…even coffee and cooking!!! I am addicted!!!

  828. Carey says:

    I am reading this blog and realizing that I have never really thought about what I put on my skin (duh – my biggest organ). I have no natural tips and will be absorbing everyone’s knowledge and sorry I am not contributing to this one.

  829. Dorothy says:

    For the past two years I have been using Dr.Bronner’s skincare line. Their soaps are amazing and last a very long time. Before washing my hair I like to use a coconut and peppermint oil mask, it is truly amazing what it does to your hair in terms of moisturizing! It is also very good to treat dandruff. I have had a hard time finding a good, organic shampoo the past couple of years for normal hair that leaves my hair shiny and soft. I have tried nearly everything on the market. Avalon’s organics haircare line never worked for me and I don’t like Nakd products, either. Right now I’m using a shampoo from Australian organics but it is not the best. Any tips for an organic shampoo that leaves your hair shiny, soft and healthy?

  830. Angie Wilson says:

    I love AnnMarie Giani’s Products. They smell great and feel great! My favorites are the Rosemary Toning Mist and Ayurvedic Scrub.

  831. I just made my first ever deodorant a few weeks ago and I LOVE it! Just coconut oil, baking soda, and cornstarch and it works super well! Would love to win 🙂

  832. Here is a suggestion that I have not read up until now!
    I make my own kefir. So good! I take a little of the kefir whey, mix it with honey and use it as a mask. It makes my skin soft and supple.
    I no longer use regular toothpaste. I purchase “Earthpaste” which has a nice flavour and keeps my teeth clean. It is formulated with food grade Redmond clay and tree tea oil.
    I also do my best to manage my stress and drink enough water. This is two of the best ways I keep my skin looking good.

  833. Kristin D. says:

    Hi. I use Castor Oil on my face, scalp and hair. It takes a little getting used to because it’s goopy like honey and has an herbal odor but once you’re past that it has nice results. I also make other oil concoctions but Castor Oil is always mixed in as well. I am also starting to learn more about essential oils and their beauty benefits (in addition to health of course). It’s exciting to learn natural remedies! 🙂

  834. Tina says:

    Love Juice Beauty products for my face, coconut oil for my hair as a mask.

  835. Trisj says:

    Coconut oil!!!!

  836. Dietlinde says:

    I don’t wear make-up, I’m blessed to have a husband that prefers me that way. Do I still need to cleanse my skin at night?

  837. jessica says:

    My top 2 products are tea tree oil and vitamin E oil. I use tea tree oil for any breakouts and it dries them right up. Even if I’ve already aggrevated my skin the tea tree oil removes the redness and heals the breakout. I apply vitamin E oil at night and it makes my skin have this awesome glow and plus it feels amazing the next day. Just be sure to apply about 20 minutes before you hit the sack otherwise it will stain your pillowcase.

  838. Crystal says:

    My favorite is Allafia’s “Everyday Coconut Super Hydrating Body Lotion (For normal to dry skin)”. I’m reading directly from the label. It says “paraben free, no animal testing, no synthetic fragrance, gluten free, certified fair trade coconut”. I purchased it at Whole Foods Market and have fallen in love ever since. I love the way it makes my skin feel really soft but not greasy, and leaves the beautiful, natural, soft scent of coconut on my body. My boyfriend always compliments me when I use it and can barely keep his hands off from caressing me. He has sensitive skin with eczema and never used to use lotion. Ever since I got him his own bottle of the same lotion, he uses it everyday and tells me how much he loves it. I highly recommend it! 🙂

  839. Margot says:

    Good ol witch Hazel, coconut oil and sometimes Apple cider vinegar.

  840. Amy Marzluff says:

    I love Arcona products — Dessert Mist, Vitamin A Complex, Youth Serum.

  841. Kathryn says:

    I rub lavender oil on my heels and hands before bedtime. So hydrating and relaxing. Highly recommend!

  842. Carli Cominoli says:

    My favorite non-toxic personal care product is Burt’s Bees royal jelly nighttime cream! 🙂 It’s wonderful!

  843. Kathy says:

    Love her skin care products!

  844. I love Pangea Organics body wash and hand soap. The Canadian Pine fragrance is lovely and refreshing and even comes in biodegradable bottles

  845. Julie says:

    Organic coconut oil is a must have for me. I use it on my hair, face and body. Love love love it!

  846. Val says:

    I am a minimalist with regards to makeup and beauty products. I’ve tried AnnMarie’s anti aging sample kit and love the serum and oil. They smell great!

    Water as well as good nutrition is key too..

  847. Laura says:

    Great timing, as I’ve been trying to switch to more natural products. So far, I’ve only tried coconut oil and liked it. Would love to try Annmarie’s products.

  848. Elisa says:

    I love pure shea butter as a moisturizer and Pacifica’s perfumes.

  849. Nicole Welle says:

    Coconut oil is #1 in our house! A great moisturizer on all skin types, from my babies to my wrinkles.

  850. Jen says:

    I love Acure body wash and facial cleanser. Works like a dream and smells awesome! also its super affordable 🙂

  851. Leslie Aldridge says:

    I use the Raw Essentials products by Carol Alt

  852. Jennifer Rhodes says:

    Organic coconut oil for oil pulling and skin care!

  853. Luci says:

    I have been on the coconut oil bandwagon for awhile, now. Using it on my hair, my skin, my feet — even as a makeup remover. Oh, and on my baby’s diiaper rash. It’s amazing!

  854. Jenny Murphy says:

    I LOVE the AnnMarie Gianni products. I regularly use the Repair Serum and Anti-Aging Serum. They are wonderful products. The coconut honey mask is terrific as well.

  855. Dina O'NEIL says:

    I have used and loved products made by The Holistic Mama, her face serum is so soothing; made with rose hip seed oil, olive oil, jojoba oil and lavender oil. I also love using organic shea butter to manage my curls and Dr. Bronner’s for bathing (almond is our favorite, peppermint in the summer).

  856. Stephanie says:

    I like using Clearly Natural Glycerine bar soap. It has a great feel to it and doesn’t dry out my skin.

  857. Elizabeth says:

    I use Tarte BB Tinted Treatment 12-hour Primer, SPF 30 as my makeup/sunscreen everyday without having to use something heavier. If I need a little spot coverage I turn to Everyday Minerals and their fabulous powders!

  858. Ilene says:

    I use a mix of natural cocoa powder and arrowroot powder as dry shampoo for my dark hair. I apply it with an old makeup brush. It works wonders on those mornings I’m in a rush, and it smells good! (Light haired folks can just use arrowroot powder minus the cocoa.)

  859. Erica Alberty says:

    Hello Kris! I’ve been using coconut oil on my skin. Makes me feel like I’m on the beach!Love that!

  860. I use Maiga Black Soap and have been for about a year. I found it helped with my “adult acne” oh the joys of being in your late 30’s…

    The stuff is like magic, when I rinse my face it squeaks it’s so clean.

    Here’s whats in in.. PLUS it’s affordable $8 for a bar or $14 for the liquid ( I use the liquid)

    Plantain Peel Powder, Palm Kernel Oil, Coconut Oil, Water, Aloe Vera, Shea Butter, Osun (Camwood), and Pure Honey.

  861. Kim Scozafava says:

    I use Maiga Black soap .. all natural..and it helps keep acne under control.. you face squeaks when you rinse it off it gets your skin that clean. !!

    This is what is in it..and its cheap 12 bucks a bottle for the liquid or 8 dollars for a bar.. ( I use the liquid)

    Plantain Peel Powder, Palm Kernel Oil, Coconut Oil, Water, Aloe Vera, Shea Butter, Osun (Camwood), and Pure Honey.

  862. Sandy says:

    Witch Hazel with lavender essential oil makes an excellent toner.

  863. dina says:

    i would say the best product I use, that is not in question after reading your extremely informative article is 100% coconut oil. Otherwise, I think my bathroom trash is going to be getting quite full as soon as I can make it happen! AnnaMarie Gianni’s line sounds delicious for the skin and I would love to be able to switch to her products.

    As always, thanks for the totally excellent info!


  864. Alicia says:

    I love to use coconut oil as a moisturizer on my body and argan oil as my facial moisturizer! I love the feeling of coconut oil on my skin and knowing that it is doing good things for me on the outside AND the inside once absorbed!

  865. Eve says:

    My favorite is
    The honey mud mask from May Lindström
    A Little expensive, but totally worth the Money!

  866. Larissa Kulcsar says:

    Organic witch hazel as a toner and refresher during the day. I enjoyed the sample pack from Annmarie for skin care and use Everyday Minerals for makeup. I’m still searching for a natural and safe mascara that I will actually like…

  867. Krystal Harvey says:

    I’ve been trying to clean up my personal care routine for a while now, and my favourite facial scrub is oatmeal! Just get it wet and rub it until it starts to become almost like a creamy soup-y mess, and then rub it all over your face!
    I’ve noticed a big difference in how soft my face feels, and dry patches have gone away!

  868. Krystal Harvey says:

    I’ve been trying to clean up my personal care routine for a while now, and my favourite facial scrub is oatmeal! Just get it wet and rub it until it starts to become almost like a creamy soup-y mess, and then rub it all over your face!

  869. Corinna says:

    My favorite non toxic personal care beauty product is your ever so famous Green Juice!!! It honestly has been the one thing that keeps my body and skin beautiful and happy!! Thank you for that, Kris!

  870. Judy Duke says:

    I love to use coconut oil on my hair and skin.

  871. Danielle Conroe says:

    I buy the most amazing products from Nadine at living libations .com. Her facial oils and moisturizers are blissful. I also buy the products for my 10 year old daughter. It will keep her safe and healthy avoiding the chemicals in most of today’s non organic products , it can get expensive but we are worth it!!!

  872. Angela says:

    I’ve been trying to detox my personal care routine for a while now and I think my favorite product is Castile soap! I use it as shampoo (no conditioner needed), body wash, face wash and hand soap! I absolutely love how soft and manageable it leaves my hair since it doesn’t strip off all the natural oils.
    I am excited about this giveaway because the one area I really need help with is facial skin care!
    Thanks, Kris!

  873. Tammy says:

    I use organic coconut oil to remove my makeup, as a skin conditioner, and to whiten my teeth (oil pulling). I have also used it to condition my hair. I just love it!

  874. Sally Barron says:

    I use Annamarie’s anti aging facial oil… is the BEST!!!!

  875. Wendie Schott says:

    Hi, I’m wendie and my life used to be full of chemicals. When I young I was diagnosed with depression and eczema and these medications were full of chemicals I didn’t even know how to pronounce!! Now, I guess I’m a lot like you ladies because I gotta know what I’m putting in/on my body so a couple of years ago I stayed to research medications and found that my eczema medication was the highest steroid based medication legally prescribed and that scared me so I started using coconut oil. Coconut oil work a whole lot better than any medication I have ever used. Now what about my depression? Well I was put on a high dose of concerta and was concerned about that. So I did research and more research and replaced my daily medication with a daily dose of niacin and I feel so much better.
    Niacin is better than depression medication
    coconut oil is better than eczema medication

  876. Janey Forman says:

    I use coconut oil in my bath. It’s wonderful. No more dry, flakey skin!

  877. Nicole B says:

    I love 100% Pure products, TruKid sunscreen (yummy orange smell), and California Baby Super Sensitive lotion!

  878. Lisa says:

    I love Salon Naturals’ shampoo and conditioner!

  879. Connie says:

    I use coconut oil as a moisturizer

  880. Monia says:

    Just the Goods has become my favorite non-toxic natural skin care products both for quality and price. AnnMarie Gianni facial cleanser (love the grapefruit scent) and rose oil are another of my favorites as well. I’ve used BareMinerals for years not realizing how good they are for my skin until I did my research. Thanks for offering this giveaway!

  881. Valerie H. says:

    I use Annmarie Gianni’s skin care line. Thanks to your recommendation. Great stuff!

  882. Natalie says:

    I am new to checking labels on my skincare products, but recently have tried Juice Beauty facial cream moisturizer. That is great and all organic . My skin is very dry even in the summer, so I need a thicker face lotion. I also use coconut oil about three times a week for all over body and face, and even my hair.

  883. Kathy says:

    I have used AnnMaries Skincare since she first came out with it. I just love it!! It would be awesome to win.

  884. Christina Crawford says:

    I love the annMarie Gianni facial oils!

  885. Emily says:

    Jojaba oil!

  886. Angie says:

    I love the entire Simple line, from their facial moisturizer to their daily face wash. It keeps me blemish free without the chemicals.

  887. Rose Long says:

    I love Neal’s Yard Remedies, for shampoo and conditioner, toner, facial moisturiser, they are natural products and I find them deeply nourishing. Last year I visited Morocco and in the village where I was staying the local shop had huge containers of local olive oil and argan oil. I filled up mineral water bottles and carried them back to the UK where I added my own essential oils and use them as body oil and for my hair. I remember reading a piece about using natural products on our body, it said that we can think of what we put on our skin as food for the body – if we wouldn’t put it in our mouths don’t put it on our bodies, I think that’s a pretty good marker. Our bodies can recognise natural oils and knows what to do with them. Let’s nourish ourselves and our beautiful bodies with nature’s bounty, yum!

  888. Amy says:

    I love coconut oil for makeup removal, and have found through ewg that my Bare Minerals is safe! 🙂

  889. Mary Kate B. says:

    My favorite non-toxic personal care products are my DIY essential oil and coconut oil lotions and toners!

  890. Cassie says:

    My favorite natural product is the Kiss My Face olive oil soaps – three ingredients, rated 0 on the Think Dirty app (much like EWG’s), and super gentle on my super sensitive skin. I daresay it’s been a lifesaver for my skin

  891. Lillian says:

    I use shea butter for an all-natural moisturizer as well as baking soda and essential oil for toothpaste and deodorant. :). Using natural products is awesome!

  892. Lisa says:

    I love coconut oil because it has so many uses. By itself or with my favorite essential oils, I use it for many different skin care needs.

  893. Maria says:

    I was recently introduced to a “new” product: castor oil. Of course, it’s been around for years, but it always reminded me of something my grandmother would take for constipation. However, while reading on the internet about my aging skin (I’m 47), I learned that castor oil, when applied topically, will get rid of age spots. I decided to give it a whirl, and within 2 weeks the age spot on my cheek was gone!! Because I am fair-skinned, I was wary that castor oil would make me break out or cause a rash of some sort, but I had no issues whatsoever! I do believe it has even reduced some of my “wisdom lines”:)

  894. Jessie Wilson says:

    I love a local company called Happy Rock Holistics. She creates and makes and makes all of her own skin care products. I love my new sweet patchouli natural deodorant! Also apple cider vinegar for a toner after a shower…works so well!

  895. Julia says:

    I love reading your blog and get so excited about these competitions but I live in the UK so am not eligible to enter unfortunately. I’m hoping we will be able to enter these amazing giveaways at some point! The skin are above is right up my street having studied aromatherapy and having done a course on making skin products from natural ingredients. Guess I’ll have fun making my own 🙂 I use coconut oil to cleanse and moisturise at the moment. Simply rub some coconut oil/butter into my skin and remove with a muslin cloth soaked in hot water. Squeaky clean soft skin! Good luck everone!

  896. Chrissy Skerritt says:

    Hi All,

    I am in an independent consultant for Arbonne and I just love the RE9 Anti aging line, the FC5 shampoo and conditioner and body wash. Also the Shea Butter hand and body wash and cream are great as well!

  897. Eva van Asperen says:

    hi kris
    my favorite skin care product is home made soap. a gal i know makes the most pure soap there is. even safe for baby-bottoms 🙂 she makes them by hand using nothing yukky, only natural ingredients! i use it to wash my face and body and it doesn’t dry my skin at all.
    but those products from annmarie i am eying for a while now and i would sooooooo LOVE to try them (but regretfully, it is just not in my budget. so this give away is perfect!), so fingers crossed!!!! 🙂

  898. Rosalyn says:

    I’m addicted to lip balm, so I can safely say that I’ve tried them all. Best lip balm ever: Malin+Goetz!
    It is shiny like a gloss, but oh so moisturizing, and it scores a perfect 0 on the EWG safety scale. They even make a Mojito flavor 😉

  899. Victoria says:

    I love cocnut oil and use it everywhere; face, body, hair, cooking! I also use products from The Organic Pharmacy range….although I’ll be looking into this a bit more closely after reading this post x

  900. Elaine Bruce-Haynes says:

    My new fave natural product is Dr. Mist spray deodorant, love it!

  901. Cindi Soliz says:

    Hi , I love Gabrielle Foundation. Its very natural and is also spf 18. It covers my red splotches and I love the choice of shades it comes in. I have changed over to all natural makeup and body products so I could go on and on, But I am most thankful for my foundation. P. S. I love your newsletters and find your essence so delightful. Thank you for sharing your awesome self with us!

  902. Stacy B says:

    I really like using Essential Oils for skin issues with my kids, especially Melaleuca and Lavendar.

  903. Natalie says:

    I have been using Annemarie Gianni’s products since I first read about it on your blog. I adore the herbal facial cleanser and the anti-aging oil as well as the body lotion and coconut oil.. I also take a nightly bath of epsom salts, baking soda, and Lavender oil. Super relaxing and a great detoxifier. I also start every morning by drinking two cups of water mixed with 1 Tablespoon of Apple Cider vinegar. It’s not as tasty as lemon water, but some people are sensitive to citrus and this drink is very cleansing for the liver.

  904. Amanda says:

    I have been using some almond coconut lotion. Its’ locally made and wonderful. 🙂

  905. Kim says:

    Organic Coconut oil for body. I make my own deodorant, coconut oil and baking soda, also body scrub (either sugar or salt mixed with coconut oil, sometimes add fresh lavender or mint.) Organic Argan oil for face. Organic makeup, including mascara from Neal’s yard. And honey is a great body moisturizer as well 🙂
    Love you, Kris!! Thank you for all the inspiration!!

  906. Princess says:

    Mychelle SPF 28 sun shield

  907. Heidi Hasenfus says:

    Dr. Bronner’s bar soap for my face and body, liquid for dishes, and general household cleaning! The second is natural, organic baking soda for brushing my teeth.

  908. AnnMarie Gianni Skincare are my favorite skincare products. Unfortunately I can’t get them in Greece, where I live. After that my second favorite is coconut oil. I use it on my body as a moisturizer and it smells soooo good.

  909. Amy (Scoobiez) says:

    We’ve been paring down last couple years what is used in our home for cleaning, cooked or digested (MORE GREEN IS GOOD) and worn or cleaned with on body. Here are a few favs;

    1 Dr. Bronner’s castile soap is good for TONS of cleaning. Tired on my hair, didn’t care for it but do like the almond on the body cleanser, hand wash and home cleaner. 2 parts castile to 6 parts water–in a foamy dispenser and kid cool.
    2. Coconut oil for lotion, hair conditioning and my daily morning oil pulling. Feels like a little Polynesian swishy dip in beach before work, regardless of current weather I’m dreaming of Maui.
    3. family favorite facial masks: 1) Bentonite clay w/ACV (great for teens too) OR 2) honey, little organic milk, tumeric & garbanzo bean flour. Feels like a baby-butt & looks gorgeous naturally!
    4. homemade face hydrating spray; Thayer’s rose water, clear aloe vera, a few drops of citrus essential oils or lavender. Hydrating, invigorating while cooling during the day or at the beach…shake and spray.
    5. oils for hormones; put on frankinsense oil daily & Myrrh oil 2x a week all over body for 3 wks then take a break. I like coconut or Jojoba oil in between.
    6. Makeup remover: olive or jojoba oil (coconut too)
    Started taking iodine (4-5 drops nightly) & LOVE the results!
    7. Avocado on face too.

    LOOOOOOOOOOOVE AnnMarie Gianni’s Aloe-Herb Facial Cleanser–I’d gladly accept a whole basket of that product 😛 This was FUN, thank you for perpetuating all things green & naturally gorgeous, Kris 🙂

  910. Laura Grant says:

    I had a bad rash as as side effect of a clinical trial I was on about 1 year ago. I looked online for gentle products that I could use on my face, and after many trials, found AnnMarie Giannini’s line. My favorite is the herbal facial oil, which has a delightful scent, and my makes my skin glow! Even though I have been on chemotherapy for three years, people say my skin looks great.

  911. Lenka Svobodova says:

    My favorite all around product is coconut oil. I oil pull with it, use it as an eye makeup remover and a facial moisturizer. Everything can be helped with a little coconut oil…even my hair gets love to tame frizz and improve moisture at ends. Also, I absolutely love Dr. Bronner’s peppermint soap to wash with in the shower.

  912. Liz says:

    i love essential oils……… thieves toothpaste, AnnMarie Gianni’s oil, and coconut oil–in my opinion, the best moisturizer out there! i use Nutiva, Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil available for a great price @ (save $10 on your first purchase with the code AQI990 : )

  913. eileen smith says:

    Favorite skin moisturizer is virgin,cold pressed organic coconut oil

  914. Teri says:

    I use Acure pure organic argan oil on my face and neck.

  915. catherine says:

    Hi Kris!

    I am, have to admit, a dummy when it comes to safe products. 🙂 But I’m willing to learn! 😉 However, I think that olive oil is a nice healthy product to clean the face, so sometimes I try that. I also use babyoil to clean my face, but I don’t know whether this is the way to go? I like to believe that products for babies are safe, but maybe that’s not the case?
    Thanks for your inspiration!
    much love!

  916. Rachael Davis says:

    Organic facial oil
    Sold at Sooth Your Soul, in Redondo Beach CA

  917. benay says:

    coconut oil is my go to for moisturizing before bed. But for cleansing – anything Pangea – the founder Josh is amazing and i believe pangea and dr. bronners are the cleanest most ethical do good for the environment and the world products out there!

  918. Ayiesha Alizai Sadik says:

    I loooooove AnnMarie Gianni’s Repair Serum!!!!!!!!!!! It is UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!! XOXOXO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  919. Chantel says:

    I use coconut oil for everything.

  920. Miriam Neff says:

    My favorite natural care product is “Carolina Castile Soap Gentle Unscented With Organic Cocoa Butter.” Unlike other Castile soaps (especially Bronner’s) it is not drying at all. It is very gentle and moisturizing, which makes it appropriate for even the driest and most sensitive types of skin. This soap company uses all organic ingredients and also offers products with scents that are achieved via essential oils.

  921. Alyks says:

    Coconut oil

  922. Sammie says:

    I am a avid user of good old fashioned baking soda and Braggs apple cider vinegar for lots and lots of things, including washing my hair!

    I also love the complete product line from dōTERRA! Essential oils rock and true skin care line is amazing!

  923. Raquel Vazquez says:

    Me! Me! Me! I so need this. I would love to try out natural products.

  924. Laura says:

    I am from Oregon, and I do love Annmarie’s stuff (which I learned about from you) but I also love local Wild Carrot Herbals borage butter cream. Yum! It’s luscious, and the smell is AMAZING.

  925. Rebecca says:

    My favorite toner is one I make myself. I mix equal parts rosewater and witch hazel. I also use a 50/50 solution of almond oil and water as a makeup remover.

  926. Raquel Vazquez says:

    Please I need to use natural products!

  927. Elizabeth Morquecho says:

    The honest company organic lip balm

  928. Elizabeth Morquecho says:

    The Honest Compan Organic Lip Balm

  929. Alisa says:

    Olive oil and almond oil pretty much cover everything on me from my hair to my face (make-up remover and just all over…feels so good!) to my armpits to my toes! Love those two base oils! I also use some rosehip seed oil on my face. 🙂

  930. Camille F. says:

    I use Bragg’s Raw Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother & coconut oil. Love Ann Marie Gianni’s anti-aging serum and facial oil but a bit on the pricey side for my wallet since I’m on a fixed income. Coconut oil does wonders for a patch of contact dermatitis I sometimes get on my nose from the nose pads on my glasses. I use organic unrefined coconut oil.

  931. Linda says:

    DoTERRA essential oils are my favorite!!

  932. Sharon Hanna says:

    One of my most scrumptious products is Pangea Organic Body products. The flowery aroma is heavenly. I especially love the body wash. Just yummy.

    I already subscribe to your newsletter and have both your books.

    Am going to check out Annmarie Gianni skincare products.

    I too love coconut oil.

  933. Christine says:

    I love coconut oil for hair & skin. I am foraying into making homemade sunscreen this year!

  934. Kara Claborn says:

    Dr. Bronner Tea Tree Castile Soap has been great for my sensitive skin.

  935. Kara Claborn says:

    Dr. Bronner’s Tea Tree Castille Soap is great for my sensitive skin!

  936. Taylor says:

    My favorite natural beauty product is Whole Foods Brand Coconut Oil (the kind in the Whole Body Department). I have grown to us it for virtually EVERYTHING! I laugh when I think about “My Big Greek Fat Wedding” and think of the father who thinks Win-Dex is a cure-all. I feel the exact same about Coco oil! I use it on my hair, bikini line (no razor bumps!) eye make up remover, and most recently, the Ayurvedic practice of oil pulling! Thanks, Kris! xo

  937. Lorraine says:

    I use the lip and cheek stain from 100% pure. It’s multi-functional & smells wonderful.

  938. Michelle says:

    Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap is a staple in our home. We dilute it and have it at all sinks (bathrooms, kitchen) in sudsing foam pumps. It is also a great body wash (used with a puff). It is affordable, “clean”, and can be scented with whichever essential oils you like (or left unscented for those who prefer).

  939. Amanda says:

    I have been really loving Juice Beauty’s “Stem Cellular” skin care line. It’s organic, it smells and feels great and the CC cream which is part of this line (and the only item rated on “Skin Deep”) has a “1” rating!

  940. Monique Ouellette says:

    To be honest with you, I don’t believe I use any natural products. The positive thing to report is that I don’t use very much beauty products. I like to stay ‘au naturel’ as much as possible. I wear makeup maybe once every 2 weeks. The only daily product I use is anti-perspirant. I took the time to research several of the products I use with the link that you far it’s not good news. I’m not done researching. Thank you for this opportunity to win this super amazing and exciting prize, and also thank you for opening it up to Canadian residents as well.
    P.S. I am already signed up to receive your newsletter, and I enjoy reading it.

  941. Teri-Ann Carty says:

    My favourite non toxic product that I use is organic coconut oil. It’s the best moisturizer but I’m looking for a beauty regiment for my face. I’ve tried so many products and am getting super frustrated about my fine lines that aren’t going away no matter what I use. Would love to try this line and even if I don’t win I’m going to buy anyway. I love you Kris! You’ve been a huge inspiration to me. I have your books and just bought my Ashley turner Mala and live it to bits. Thank you thank you for being so amazing☺️

  942. Robin Shows says:

    I took my first trip to Whole Foods the other day ( the closest one is 25 miles away!) and I stumbled upon Alaffia bar soap. I love it! It is very creamy and luxurious. It leaves my skin so soft. Alba sunscreen is great also.

  943. Alice says:

    AuraCacia almond body oil scented with an AuraCacia essential oil, like lemongrass. Applied while still wet from my shower with Dr Bronner’s Almond Castile Soap.

  944. Bonnie says:

    BOOMSilk by Cindy Joseph is my favorite natural skincare product. I use it on my face at night and wake up to far fewer wrinkles. My feet are softer than ever, and my cuticles look the best in years. She also has BOOM Glo, which I use on my lips–best chap stick ever!

  945. Audrey says:

    My favorite go to is coconut oil and lavender oil.

  946. Beverly White says:

    Olive oil for skin.

  947. Cassandra Wright says:

    I really loved the Neroli Toning Mist from my sample pack. 🙂 One of my all-time favorite natural products is real lemon wedges! I have trouble with acne, and the acidity of the lemons act like a safe inexpensive facial peel to keep my skin from getting clogged, and it helps to lighten up all of my scars! Another great ‘product’ is coconut oil 🙂 I use it on the very tips of my hair to act like a split end preventer-mender (fine straight hair). My daughter has completely different hair (very coarse and curly) and I can douse her hair in it and massage it. I leave it in overnight, and sometimes during the day and it really helps keep her hair soft. It also is great to eat 🙂 Have fun with all of your beauty adventures everyone!!! Thank you Kris for the opportunity to try to win some awesome products!!!

  948. Melissa says:

    Coconut oil! My body feels so moisturized when I use it, it’s the best.

  949. Sheilah says:

    Love your newsletter and information, very cutting edge.

  950. Juanita Miller says:

    My favourite product for cleansing my face is so simple: water and a norwex facial cloth. So great.

  951. Jessica C says:

    I love dr bronners tea tree soap. It smells fantastic and leaves my skin feeling soft and clean!

  952. Stephanie says:

    When i am rocking my green shake, being kind to myself (NO SELF Put me Downs), and hike my dog my SKIN is Beautiful. Oh, and when I see my lady at DeLovely Cosmetic Apothecary!! Lupus has played some CRazy games with my Skin.

  953. Margarita says:

    My favorite beauty product is coconut oil, and I see I’m not alone. It has improved my skin dramatically, including a condition (keratosis pilaris) that I had for years. I use it as makeup remover, all over moisturizer, hair treatments, and I’m still learning new ways to use it!

  954. jess says:

    i LOVE coconut oil for my skin & for oil pulling. i do have skin that borders oily, so i was apprehensive at first, but so far i’ve been doing it for 2 weeks and i havent had to wear foundation in 2 weeks, which for me is unheard of!!!!!

  955. Elizabeth Rodriguez says:

    My favorite natural beauty products are honey, grapeseed oil, brown sugar, and lemon. I do my facial scrub with brown sugar and a mask with a lemon cut in half and I add a few drops of honey and I apply the lemon to my face and I finish with a few drops of grapeseed oil and that keeps my skin soft and clean.

  956. freni says:

    i use homemade cleanser for my face 1/2 tsp turmeric 1/2 tsp sorghum for normal skin and just add 1/2tsp honey for oily skin and sandalwood mixed with rose water as face mask and warm coconut oil for hair before shampoo

  957. Justine Backlund says:

    After a two year search for natural deodorant I found the best ever from a small batch natural apothecary called Meow Meow Tweet out of Brooklyn. Only ingredients, virgin coconut oil, jojoba oil, shea butter, arrowroot powder, baking soda (naturally mined), kaolin clay and tea tree OR lavender essential oil.

  958. Mary says:

    Rose Hip Oil is the best thing for your face, softens lines, smells decadent!

  959. Kirsten says:

    The best natural, non-toxic personal care product? A smile! It releases endorphins and serotonin. And not only does it make you feel and look radiant, it spreads that to others as well. Can’t think of anything more natural and non-toxic than that 🙂

  960. Darrah says:

    I use a facial cleanser by Aubrey that I love.

  961. Lareesa Stanfield says:

    Where do I start?!?!?! I LOVE Annemarie’s skincare products. I would say that repair serum is my absolute favorite! I also make my own deodorant out of coconut oil, baking soda, arrowroot, tea tree oil & lavender essential oil and put it in a repurposed deodorant container. Dr Bronner’s liquid soap is my staple for body and household products!

  962. Rachel says:

    Hi Kris,
    Love your inspiring story and fun, informative blogs!
    I like to use argon oil at night, just a bit around my eyes. Feels nourishing
    and moisturizing for sure!

  963. LayKoon says:

    I love how smooth my skin feels with Annmarie Gianni’s products. My fave is the Aloe Herb Facial Cleanser!

  964. Michelle says:

    I tried lots of organic skin care products and the Best so far are Annmarie Gianni. Love facial oil and serum! Skin gets very hydrated and glows. Fine lines disappear!
    RMS for good foundation!
    Haven’t found good organic mascara yet…
    Hope this can help!…

  965. Ayana says:

    I use coconut oil for everything…hair, body, face, makeup remover. I create a scented body butter by mixing a few drops of cosmetic grade aromatherapy oil/essential oil in a bit of coconut oil, then I refrigerate until it is solid.

    I also make a lip scrub with brown sugar, a bit of olive oil and vanilla extract.

  966. Victoria says:

    I already LOVE AnnMarie Gianni’s products! They are so amazing, and smell so good! Living in the Colorado mountains, especially in the winter, it’s hard to find a moisturizer that keeps your skin from itching and crawling from being so dry. Her silk lotion is the best thing I’ve ever tried, and it really does work. I’ve yet to find any other product that can do that.
    I would really love to win your basket of AMG products to try more of them, plus they are a bit expensive more me and I need some refills!!!

    I am already receiving your Crazy Sexy Newsletter.

  967. Dina says:

    My favorite skin care line is Solavedi. It’s an Ayurvedic inspired all natural skin care company. All of the products smell and feel great on the skin.

  968. Audrey says:

    Love Dom’s Deodorant! It is all natural and amazing!! Wash my face with olive oil and castor oil, works wonders.

  969. Hope says:

    I love using raw local honey as a face mask and apple cider vinegar as toner! I still struggle to find a great oil-free and natural cleanser and moisturizer for my acne-prone skin.

  970. I’m in love with the Evan Healy brand of whipped shea butter with olive leaf!

  971. Sarah says:

    I use almond oil as a facial and body moisturizer. I also make my own deodorant of coconut oil, baking soda and essential oils. So simple and good for my skin!

  972. Katie says:

    I love coconut oil! & I’ve been on a coconut smell kick so I got the Kiss My Face coconut vanilla lotion & absolutely love it! It reminds me of summer & puts me in a fabulous mood!

  973. Margaret says:

    I use coconut oil to remove make up. Works like a charm!

  974. Linda Turner says:

    Instead on anti-perspirant or deoderant, I use 1/2 alcohol and 1/2 apple cider vinegar. Kills the bacteria. The apple cider vinegar smell evaporates after about 5 minutes … : )

  975. Naamah says:

    Coconut oil! I use it in my hair, on my body, on my teeth (oil pulling), as a deodorant ( mixed with baking soda), and inside me when it goes in the food I cook.

  976. Lori Goodanson says:

    I am just beginning my journey of being kinder to my body and what foods and products are good for me so I can’t share any good tips at this time but hope to learn much from all of you!

  977. Callie says:

    I just found an amazing skin care product by glacier soap company. They are out of Invermere, British Columbia, Canada. Great moisturizers for face and body, but they also carry hand soap and bars of soap. The fellow who created the company made it for his daughter who had really bad eczema. I don’t have eczema, but I use on my face and body because it has got a short ingredient list, no perfumes and no perservatives and my skin likes it!

  978. Katey says:

    Mineral Fusion mascara, love it! Lengthens lashes, doesn’t clump, doesn’t run, and is not a fortune 🙂

  979. A Rinfret says:

    I have been using “ORA MD” essential oil blend for brushing my teeth. Here’s the ingredient list: 100% Pure Botanical Oils of Almond, Spearmint and Peppermint;
    That’s it. Leaves your mouth feeling sooo refreshed. It’s from TrustedHealthProducts.
    I only use 1 drop and no water to brush my teeth. I just love it. I’m hoping to win the beautiful beauty products from Anne Marie’s line!

  980. Charlotte says:

    Coconut oil! Although I would love the chance to try AnnMarie Skincare!

  981. Maria says:

    I have 2 favorites….more than that, really, but…

    Lavender essential oil for mosquito bites
    coconut oil for EVERYTHING (skin, hair, smoothies, moisturizer, etc etc etc)

    Would LOVE to try this line….you’re one of my favorites (you & Gabby B!) and I would love to try YOUR favorites!!! xoox

  982. Darcey Sanders says:

    coconut oil

  983. Sadhana Cook says:

    I adore coconut oil for everything, especially my skin but recently I have found 100 x washed ghee which is so silken perfect for many different skin complaints as well.

  984. Jill B says:

    I just started using coconut oil and I have to say that I love it. It is great for so many things and smells great too!

  985. Kelly B. says:

    I recently purchased some products from a company called The October Union in Santa Barbara. They are food grade body/face products and I love them. I also purchased a few products from AnnMarie Gianni last month and so far my face is very happy. I love the sunscreen, best one I have used so far.

  986. Toni says:

    coconut oil!

  987. Lisa says:

    Coconut Oil to remove eye makeup and as a night time moisturizer.

  988. Venessa Hill says:

    My absolute favorite natural, non-toxic personal care product is COOLA spf 30 mineral sunscreen in matte finish. It is so important to wear sunscreen on face, but I hated that oily feeling and not to mention all those chemicals! COOLA is natural suncare that has a powdery, almost velvet feeling in texture. It is also cruelty free and a portion of the profits are donated to save our 🙂

  989. Nicole says:

    I love oils! I use almond/castor oil to cleanse my face at night, and shea butter as a hand moisturizer. And of course who can forget coconut oil? I use it as a body moisturizer, makeup remover, for oil pulling, and so much more.

  990. Debbie Muhlfeld says:

    I love Peppermint Essential Oil…I dab some under my nose and the aroma rejuvenates me!

  991. Kate S says:

    Aluminum-free baking soda! I will use it to brush my teeth. I also use it instead of deodorant by rubbing a little into my arm pits when showering then rinsing.

  992. I love Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Tingle shower gel.

  993. Carol says:

    I now use AnnMarie’s since you wrote about it! TY!!

  994. Michelle says:

    A friend turned me on to the oil cleansing method and I love it! Thanks for a wonderful blog and a great giveaway!

  995. Linda Holcomb says:

    Egyptian Magic All Purpose Skin Cream! Rated zero on EWG’s Skin Deep site! Works for my INCREDIBLY dry face.

  996. Angelika says:

    My favorite personal care product is Coconut Oil. I was my face with it, use it as a moisturizer, make face cleansers with it , use it as body lotion. there are sooo many uses for Coconut Oil. I Love it!

  997. Lacie says:

    Coconut oil! For hair, skin, everything!

  998. Barb says:

    I use Whistler Naturals. An all natural skin care line from Canada. It’s amazing and is made from fruits, veggies, herbs and flowers-none of the yucky stuff is in it. For makeup I use Sally B’s Skin Yummies, Juice Beauty, Vapour and Tarte. Hair care I use Giovanni and it works! Body lotion from Pacifica and Love & Toast-including their perfume. I no longer wear synergic perfume/fragrances. Epsom salts and 100% natural oils in my bath. My skin and well being have changed dramatically for the best. Oh and I use Dr. Bronners on my 7 month old all over and finish off with organic coconut oil all over his body and on me too. I use The Honest Company hair & body wash, conditioner, lotion, oil, sunscreen, bug spray on my 4 year old. Her hair looks amazing!
    Hope this really helps. I’ve definitely been doing my homework the last several months! Positive love and energy to all.

  999. Ann Johnston says:

    My favorite is AnneMarie’s Anti-Aging Facial Oil! I use it every day 🙂

  1000. Kate says:

    I love Sacred Earth Botanicals’ Massage Lotion. It doubles as my overall body lotion. It has NO CHEMICALS or preservatives in it and does amazing things to pamper your skin.

  1001. Kirsten says:

    I love love love argan oil for everything!

  1002. Monisa Boudreau says:

    I’m new to Natural skincare and got great tips from the comments below. Unfortunately my inexperience does not allow me to ma any recommendations of my own at the moment.

  1003. Kelli Dengate says:

    Love Simply Devine Botanicals. Because I have oily skin “you can’t zit here” is my go to facial wash, followed by “amazing face” moisturizer. Once a week because I like the name I use “honey I shrunk the pores” facial mask.

  1004. Debbie Lewis says:

    I’m loving all the Eminence Organic Skin Care products. I’m an esthetician and have just started a new spa business. I’m using all their products. I haven’t tried them all yet, but love the ones I have used.

  1005. Stephanie says:

    I use coconut oil as a moisturizer and I heard the other day about jojoba oil and coconut oil making a great makeup remover so I can’t wait to try that!

  1006. Carmen says:

    My favorite natural product is coconut oil!
    It’s SO versatile… it can soothe my chapped lips, dry skin, and restore life to my dull locks.
    It’s also gentle enough for my baby’s bum! 🙂

  1007. Kelly says:

    I use simple baking soda to exfoliate my face. Less than a dollar and chemical free!

  1008. Ramune says:

    I use virgin, cold-pressed organic coconut oil (Carrington Farms, I buy it at Costco in Ottawa, Canada) for my face (to remove eye makeup and as a night cream), for body as a moisturizer and as a scrub (with added salt and lemon or lavander oil), for my hands and nails during the day.
    I also use it in smoothies to beautify my skin from inside. As they say “put on your skin only that what you can put in your mouth”. I try to protect my body from as many chemicals as possible :)…

  1009. Kelly says:

    I use simple baking soda and water to exfoliate my face. Less than a dollar and chemical free!

  1010. Nadia says:

    I absolutely love everything about annemarie products! the high quality ingredients, the glass packaging, and the wonderful smells:) wishing to use them again! currently im using living libations products, avalon organics, and plain avocado oil to moisturize, they all work good:)

  1011. Desirae says:

    Natural missst hairspray I use everyday! And my Geodeo deodorant.

  1012. Brittany Christy says:

    My favorite non-toxic product is Dr. Bronner’s liquid soap in the lavender scent. It does wonders for my skin in combination with coconut oil as my moisturizer. Love! Love! Love!

  1013. Maryjane says:

    Argan oil as a facial moisturizer. Ahhhmazing!!!

  1014. I love weleda deodorant spray! I’ve been using it for 14 years. I also recently discovered living libations underarm charms (my fav is palo santo) which I either mix with weleda or alternate between the two. Living libation also has a tooth care regimen and philosophy for the brave trailblazers.
    I own a salon and I only use purely perfect cleansing creme on my hair. It has no sulfates, no p words only safe ingredients. Say no to shampoo. Suds are bad.

  1015. Amber says:

    My all-time favorite non-toxic skincare item is Mimosa Blossom Dream Cream (for face and body) by the Super Salve Company. I’ve been using this and other products from their line ever since I hopped on the non-toxic bandwagon back in 2001. I originally discovered a few of their products in my local Co-op and I’ve been hooked ever since. I’ve gotten my mom, sister and several friends hooked too! I also use their Sierra Madre Sun Cream on my face during the day. Love it 🙂

  1016. kris o says:

    I use a mixture of (local) honey and organic cacao powder for facials. Mix with water and you have a superb way to soften skin.

  1017. Amanda Lee says:

    I love mixing up a scrub using fresh lemon juice, sugar and coconut oil or olive oil – whatever I have on hand. I make a paste and gently rub it all over my face and leave to sit for five minutes before rinsing. I like making this is in a larger batch to use in the shower as a body scrub as well. It leaves my skin brighter, feeling clean and looking softer all by using natural ingredients I have on hand in my pantry.

  1018. Monisa Boudreau says:

    I am just getting into Natural skincare so currently can not make any recommendations. I enjoyed reading all the comments below for some great ideas!

  1019. Tammy says:

    I love coconut oil!!! I use it on my hair to condition it and on my face as moisturizer and on my skin as lotion!!

  1020. May says:

    My fav natural skin care product is jojoba oil! I use it to cleanse and moisturize.

  1021. Barbara says:

    I have used witch hazel for many years. It was over 30 years ago that my grandmother suggested it as a toner/astringent.

  1022. Lisa says:

    Herbal cleanser! love it

  1023. Erin says:

    Coconut oil! I use it for dry skin, to heal scars, as a face moisturizer, and so much more …

  1024. Kelly Friend says:

    Like many before me have said…COCONUT OIL! I use it for everything! Lotion, lip balm, I make my own deoderant using the magical oil and as a great dry nose healing before bed regimen. One of the lovely side effects of chemo is no nose hairs to help with allergies, dryness, etc. So putting a little oil in my nose during dry months helps keep the nose bleeds at bay!
    Keep on being AWESOME, Kris 🙂

  1025. Marissa says:

    I’ll go with essential fatty acids. I agree that organic, extra virgin coconut oil is great for just about a million uses, and the lauric acid has antimicrobial properties to boot!! But I also like other oils that contain essential fatty acids like pomegranate, tamanu, borage, rose hip, carrot seed, and argan oil. These can be purchased in small quantities alone, or as a component in skincare products.

    Pure castile soap like Dr. Bronner’s or Dr. Wood’s brands have multiple and varied uses. I like products from Aubrey brand because they are super national and smell great, and John Master’s Organics products offer pure organic luxury. Burt’s Bees is a good transitional brand. Evanhealy, Avalon Organics, Mad Hippie, and Acure are just a few of the multitude of effective organic or natural skincare on the market today. Look for products with Vitamins C, E, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Resveratrol, Pycnogenol, essential oils, or other fabulous antioxidant substances!!

    Sorry, that was more than one favorite…. I’m a natural skincare junkie!! 😀

  1026. I absolutely love Dr. Bronners liquid or bar soap. I recently switched from almond oil to coconut oil as a body moisturizer and i love it. For blemishes I usually dab tea tree oil. 🙂

  1027. Stacy Minger says:

    I use cold pressed organic coconut oil daily as a moisturizer.

  1028. Celeste says:

    I use coconut oil to take my make up off………….i never have to worry about running out because i always have it in the kitchen..

  1029. Julianne says:

    I have been using Arbonne products and like them, but recently found an all natural line made by a lady in Arizona that I am going to try. I use a goats milk Aloe soap for my face and noticed a huge difference in pre-menopausal acne!!!

  1030. Mary Tokarz says:

    Coconut Oil is best non toxic, natural, substance that helps in so many way.

  1031. I’ve been using coconut oil as my facial moisturizer and make up remover, as well as mix it with organic coconut lotion for my body. It works as a natural sunscreen for my face and keeps my face moist all day!

  1032. Angela (@AquaGoddessDC) says:

    My absolute favorite, natural personal care product is water. Good for internal hydration, and external hydration, too. Without it, no system of the body operates efficiently and effectively, so I make sure to never be without it.

    When applying externally, I do use extra virgin coconut oil to help seal in moisture, but I always start with pure water!

  1033. Tiffany loos says:

    Annmarie Gianni citrus mint facial cleanser rocks! Anti-aging serum, too…

  1034. Lindsay says:

    I try not to use deodorant so instead I use rubbing alchol and a dab of lavender

  1035. Sara says:

    I absolutely LOVE the Adama White Coconut Shampoo and Conditioner. They also have a clay soap that goes along with this scent that is silky and to die for! I got it as a gift and am never going back!

  1036. Lisa says:

    My favorite products that I use are Anne Marie’s Aloe Herb Cleanser, Neroli Toning Mist and Anti-Aging facial oil. I use these products every day!

  1037. Jennifer says:

    I love AnnMarie’s Coconut Body Oil. Thanks for introducing me to her line of products.

  1038. Angie McGuire says:

    I definitely enjoyed Annmarie’s line, also Mad Hippy.

  1039. Norma says:

    I am new to the organic beauty products, but I love Burt’s Bees lipsticks and now I am trying their eye treatment and it works for my tiny wrinkles. Thanks for so many reccomendations, I was not aware it was so many organic brands!! I woyld like try Annmarie’s!!!

  1040. jolene says:

    Salubritas Deodrant Pit Balm – love it… Al natural tee tree and lavender

  1041. Maria says:

    Ann Marie’s aloe-herb facial cleanser….it smells wonderful you just want to eat it and leaves skin so moist 🙂

  1042. Betsy says:

    I ADORE the RMS beauty line. The base ingredient for all of the cream make-up is “Certified Organic, RAW, virgin, coconut oil.” I used to work for a major make-up line, and while the products were gorgeous, I experienced break outs and patchy dryness when I used the foundation, blush, shadows, highlighters, etc. Not so with RMS. I use the “un” cover-up, the living luminizer, lip2cheek, and the cream eye shadow. There’s no guilt with these products as they supply the skin with essential nutrients, and they give me a glowy, dewy finish. #forthewin

  1043. Cindy says:

    I love Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint liquid soap for the shower…so invigorating in the morning!! Then use Primal Pit Paste on my underarms and organic coconut oil all over the rest of my body!!

  1044. Elizabeth Purswani says:

    Have used Bareminerals for years and love it! I actually just purchased items to make my own soaps, deodarants, detergents, etc! Looking forward to cleaner and healthier routine.

  1045. Val says:

    My all time favourite natural product would have to be organic coconut oil. I eat it , slather it on this ol’ bod….just even love to smell it. Lemons, honey come in at a close second.

  1046. Andrea says:

    My favorite natural beauty product is Soapwalla’s luxurious body oil. It has a light citrusy-ginger scent that smells amazing and works great on my super dry skin. Their natural deodorant is great too!

  1047. Faith says:

    I too LOVE coconut oil. I started using it last year as a moisturizer for the body and face. However, it has also been wonderful to use as ‘product’ for my hair. I put it on while the hair is quite damp and it helps keep curls in place!

    I would like to learn more about natural products for make up! Thank you, Kris for bringing all of this to light for us!! I am a want to make healthier, toxic-free choices for the body!

  1048. Deborah says:

    I love Annmarie’s products and have bought for gifts but for my budget also like to use coconut oil for my hair and body, Dr Bronner’s after work in the garden but my fave facial is pure baking soda for a deep clean that leaves me soft and silky 🙂

  1049. Mary Calo says:

    Coconut oil

  1050. stephanie mathis says:

    I love using argan oil, tea tree oil, and apple cider vinegar toner.

  1051. Laura says:

    My husband gave me as a gift the Annemarie Gianni skincare after I read the kris Carr´s book and start living a less quemical life and start a better crazy sexy living!! I love the skincare and I discover that using the anti-aging eyecream my eyelashes are growing..yes GROWING!! I know now that my eyes receive all the love and best nutrients Annemarie give in her products!!
    Receive all my love from Mexico!!

  1052. Sarah Baldwin says:

    I use Kiss My Face olive oil bar soap. It is really inexpensive and just plain simple. It is one of the only soaps I have been able to find without palm oil in it. (The production of palm oil plays a major role in the destruction of our rain forests). I have also tried a few items for the AnnMarie Gianni line and I must say that they are wonderful too.

  1053. Nadia Kazakov says:

    I like Organic Excellence Shampoo & Conditioner! They don’t contain any harmful ingredients and leave my hair looking beautiful and healthy.

  1054. Faith Evans-Sills says:

    I love my Burt’s bees beeswax lip balm and my lavanilla deodorant! Cheers for Nontoxic beauty!

  1055. Robin says:

    Wild Carrot Herbals (local to Oregon) has several amazing products, but I love the “wild carrot eye cream” for myself and the “herbal chest rub” for my three-year-old.

  1056. Tanya says:

    I use Lush Angels on bare skin facial cleanser. It is fantastic and made with lavender.

  1057. Renae says:

    I love using coconut oil with pure lavender essential oil and a few drops of vitamin E. I whip it up in my Kitchen Aid mixer for about 10 minutes and it makes this amazing “lotion”. I store it in a mason jar and it lasts for months because a little goes a long ways.

  1058. Barbara says:

    Love coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, eps on salts, almond oil, Tom’s deodorant, Burt’s bees lip balm, and Tarte brow gel.

  1059. Julie Horsman says:

    I use coconut oil to remove my makeup, sometimes mixed with baking soda for some exfoliation. I also use it as deodorant and skin cream. I also use Dr. Bronner’s liquid soap as a body wash, lavender.

  1060. Ann Pagel says:

    Burt’s Bees Orange Essence Cleanser.

  1061. Serenity says:

    I like Image Ormedic Facial Cleanser and other products. I think most of the ormedic line received ratings of 2 by the EWG.

  1062. Erin Price says:

    Coconut oil!!! I use it for everything it is super moisturizing and smells great! I even use it in my cookies!

  1063. Kristina says:

    My favorite natural beauty product is AnnMarie Gianni skin care. I’ve used it for about three months now and my skin has cleared up and is naturally soft. I also love Bare Minerals for make up. It’s one of the only make ups I don’t break out in.

  1064. Genna says:

    I discovered Grandpa’s tar pine soap when I had a rash that wouldn’t go away during my pregnancy. I haven’t looked back since!

  1065. Megan says:

    Don’t have a favorite product but I usually just skip makeup most days

  1066. Judy Jacques says:

    I use organic natural products from a Canadian company, Raindance cosmetics. My fave is the all natural mascara – I like black tea and blackberry best 🙂

  1067. Carrie says:

    L’Bri aloe cleanser!

  1068. Desiree says:

    My favorite natural skin care products are Annmaire’s (oily and acne prone). My face looks and feels amazing!!!

  1069. Laura Louise says:

    My Favourite non toxic product…ever…*que drum roll please*…COCONUT OIL!
    I use it as a moisturiser on my skin twice daily, as a hair mask once a week & it’s the only oil I use in my cooking. My motto is…If you can’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin!

  1070. Torrie says:

    I use Dr. Bronner’s for everything. Also unrefined coconut oil. I also like Anne Marie’s products.

  1071. Michelle says:

    The best thing I’ve done for my skin is quit coffee! I swapped morning brew for fresh juices, and iced tea for a mid morning pick up. Less breakouts, more healthy glow!

  1072. Christine says:

    My friend put me on to this so I can’t take credit. But I’m loving Ah Shayh coconut oil. Makes my skin and hair glow. I love it!

  1073. Sara says:

    Coconut oil for moisturizer!

  1074. Yvonne Irvine says:

    I use hemp oil twice a day to cleanse my face. On the weekends I exfoliate using Lush Ocean Salt scrub. I would love to try these products!

  1075. Celeste Gerard says:

    I love coconut oil……so many things you can use it for!

  1076. Rya says:

    I am just beginning this journey so I don’t have much advice to offer but, so far I would say coconut oil is one of my favorite products! It is so versatile and smells great!

  1077. liz says:

    Almond oil for my nails.

  1078. Kerri J says:

    I have a few favorite natural beauty products I us, but I can’t live without Avalon Organics Lavender Daily Facial Moisturizer. It makes my face so soft and smooth.

  1079. Brenda Botens says:

    Melaluca.tooth polish,mouth rinse and dental floss. Alao coconut oil so manyuses on the body.

  1080. Marty says:

    I love using and learning how to use essential oils. I switched hairdressers recently and the color she used on me made me itch. I used lavender essential oil and the itch went away.

  1081. ANNETTE says:


  1082. Robin says:

    Coconut Oil!! Moisturizer, hair conditioner, eye makeup remover, lip gloss, massage oil & the list goes on!!

  1083. Jana says:

    I love coconut oil for everything – makeup remover, moisturizer, dry heels and elbows, even on baby’s bottom to prevent diaper rash! My favorite cosmetics line is 100% Pure.

  1084. Krista says:

    My favourite is Braggs organic raw apple cider vinegar. I use it as a toner and hair conditioner. I love it and it’s economical too!

  1085. robin ambrosino says:

    I love Anne Marie Gianni’s repair serum – thanks to you for the referral – and Primal Pit Paste deodorant.

  1086. Katrina says:

    I like to use coconut oil as a moisturizer!

  1087. Erin says:

    Schmidts deodorant in Ylang Ylang + Calendula is my fave new beauty swap I’ve made. I just feel so much better knowing all these chemicals are not melting into my skin from the heat.

  1088. sue says:

    i use dr. hauschka cleansing milk, rose water and homemade face cream and i use tons of essential oils all day long 🙂

  1089. Lauri DaPonte says:

    Kettle Care Organics – Cucumber Eye Cream with Rose Hip Seed available at

  1090. Erin Price says:

    Coconut oil!!! I use it for everything, it’s so moisturizing and smells amazing! I bake cookies with it too!

  1091. Dana says:

    Ecotan! Revolutionary!!!

  1092. Andrea Lane says:

    Stark Skincare is amazing!

  1093. Lori Hoke says:

    Coconut oil because of its purity, effectiveness and healing properties

  1094. Isabel says:

    Coconut oil

  1095. Stéfany says:

    Hey Kris! I don’t have great advice but right now I use nothing :/ I’ve been trying different products (pretty much all my life) and nothing ever seems to help my blemishes/acne (even with a super clean diet). Sometimes I use a bit of coconut oil when my face gets too dry. I would love to try Annmarie’s products!

    For step 2, I’m already signed up 😉 Love your blog and everything Crazy Sexy wow!!!

  1096. Morgan says:

    I am just starting to switch out my old products for new, non-toxic versions. For facial cleansing, I use a 3:1 mix of jojoba oil and castor oil – it really helps my dry, flaky skin!

  1097. One of my favorite natural beauty products is just Epsom salts. Great for a detox bath and for beautiful skin and a healthy body!

  1098. Beth says:

    Honest organic body oil!

  1099. Beth Turner says:

    I love Intelligent Nutrition harmonic shampoo and conditioner. Makes my hair so soft!

  1100. Joy says:

    My favorite non-toxic beauty product is cocoanut oil. I use it every night before bed. I seriously think my fine lines and wrinkles are less noticeable because of it.

  1101. Grace says:

    I have really simplified and minimized what I use. I mostly use Dr. Bronners soaps, almond oil and coconut oil. But I’m always looking for good stuff, especially as I age.

  1102. Renee says:

    I love apricot kernel oil, I put in a little geranium essential oil. I like to travel light. So when I travel I use it as a face and body moisturizer.

  1103. Tina says:

    Coconut oil!!

  1104. Kate says:

    I have adult-onset, chronic cystic acne. I’ve battled it for over 10 years now. I’ve tried literally every OTC product, Proactiv, plus a myriad of other natural products. Hands down, the number one natural product that has FINALLY provided some relief is Apple Cidar Vinegar. I will never go without this now 😉

    Love you, Kris!

  1105. Heidi says:

    Olive oil! It’s not just for cooking 😉

  1106. I use jojoba oil as my makeup remover, it removes waterproof mascara better than anything else (although I should probably switch out the mascara!!) If I am travelling it also serves as hair oil, shaving gel (mix with a little bit of conditioner) and to get sticky marks of wine glasses (again, the wine,… I know!!

  1107. Debo says:

    I have used Annmarie’s products and bought them for gifts but for my budget I find that coconut oil for my hair and body or Dr. Bronner’s for after work in the garden…my fave facial cleaner is pure baking soda to deep clean the grit and leave me soft and silky:)

  1108. amy says:

    earth balance deodorant!

  1109. Melinda Harz says:

    I love the Annmarie Gianni products!! I have used the citrus mint cleanser, herbal oil for oily skin , the eye cream the repair serum and the neroli spray, I try different products from Annmarie’s line as I can afford them. I have also used Ava Anderson’s products, mostly the makeup, an really liked it. Both these name brand products I have come to know about threw following Kris Carr so thank you Kris!! 🙂

  1110. Sarah says:

    Dr. Bronners liquid soap for body wash and shampoo! I use their tea-tree one for my hair and their citrus conditioning formula afterwards a few times a week. I usually do not wash my hair daily since it is best not to, at least for me.

    For my face, I use a combination of castor oil, safflower oil, and jojoba oil and it works amazing! I have tried Anne Marie products and love them! They are amazing!

  1111. Tania Marchand says:

    The products I love to use now are all Acure Organics. This is so hard to find great natural products that works, doesn’t have gluten and doesn’t smell too much.

  1112. Debo says:

    I have used Ann Marie’s line products and bought as gifts but for my budget I find things like coconut oil for my hair and body, or Dr Bronner’s to get the garden dirt off…My fave facial cleaner is baking soda to get out the grit and leave me feeling soft and silky 🙂

  1113. Sandra says:

    I’ve just started using the Body Shop’s Aloe line, the facial cream cleanser, the toner and the day and night moisturizer. After a few weeks, people have noticed that I have a clearer and brighter complexion.

  1114. Jendria says:

    My favorite is a natural deodorant that actually works; it’s called “Real Purity”. – Best thing out there!

  1115. I, too, love Annmarie Gianni’s aloe cleanser & facial oil. Yum! For makeup, I like Dr. Hauschka.

  1116. Maria says:

    Aloe Vera is a favorite beauty product. I love Aloe Vera Herb facial cleanser for my face. I like Aloe Vera for first aide. Finally, I love Aloe Vera juice first thing in the morning to cut down on inflammation.

  1117. Desiree says:

    I love coconut oil for everything!! And my makeup I like RMS Beauty. I use apple cider vinegar for my hair.

  1118. Keri says:

    I use Enjo spa line to remove my makeup with only water. I love their eye pads that remove even water proof mascara.

  1119. Amy says:

    I use an amazing product called Rosey cheeks by Cocoon Apothecary is smells great and leaves my skin so soft

  1120. Hillary says:

    I love my homemade toner with apple cider vinegar and water and lavender!

  1121. Shirley Fairchild says:

    cold pressed coconut oil is one of my favorite natural products. I use it to moisturize, and I also had a nasty itching and rash on my neck that simply would not go away. It did take awhile, but finally after many months, the itching and rash are GONE. I also use coconut oil for “oil pulling”. I like it much better than the sesame oil that is recommended.

  1122. Caitlin says:

    I am just starting to explore natural products. I do love coconut oil!

  1123. Janessa says:

    I watched the video you did on deodorant and I really like the Thai crystal one! Thank you so much for doing that post and video. I was getting so frustrated and that video solved everything! I also LOVE Burt’s Bees lotion and plain old fashioned coconut oil for make up remover and hair conditioner.

  1124. Yasmin says:

    I adore coconut oil for everything! Hair mask, makeup remover, lotion, lip balm, etc..I also love tea tree oil mixed with my moisturizer to prevent breakouts!

  1125. Yasmina says:

    I have emptied my drawers about a dozen times and i always fall back into the same problem of stock ing up on beauty junky stuff. My favorite products have been Evan Healey for face care, natura, a Brasilian company for makeup and for suncare alba botanica. Im inspired by crazy sexy diet at the moment and hope to stick to my cleanse this time. 😉

  1126. Anne Dyon says:

    I love organic coconut oil! I use it every night, head to toe!

  1127. Haley says:

    My favorite non-toxic beauty product is coconut oil! It is a wonderful makeup remover and moisturizer. I use it every day!

  1128. Rebecca says:

    Dr Hauschka (Steambath, toner, face wash, daily lotion)
    Juice Beauty and Jurlique are also “YUM”.

    I also use their oils in my massage business centered around pre-natal. So, pure and natural is of high importance.

    Kind thanks ~

  1129. Sallie says:

    I recommend the Honest Company personal care and cleaning products. I especially love their toothpaste and conditioning mist for hair. To help prevent mosquito bites, I like to use lavender essential oil!

  1130. Sharon Helm says:

    Baking Soda! I use it to exfoliate a couple times a week (mixed into a paste with water)

  1131. I LOVE Annemarie Gianni! I use the Aloe Herb cleanser everyday, and I’m so excited about the new sunscreen.
    I also love Pangea Organics – the toner feels so great on my skin, and the face scrub is a deluxe treat.
    Dr. Bronner’s is my in-between shampoo – 1 day with Nature’s Gate shampoo, then 3 days with Dr. Bronner’s tea tree soap – I live in CO, and the high desert makes my skin SO dry! This is a great option for me and I feel good using stuff that’s so good FOR me!
    Awesome giveaway, thank you so much! Even if I don’t win, it’s been fun. 🙂

  1132. Angie says:

    My favorite non-toxic skin care product is jojoba oil. I am a licensed holistic aesthetician, and jojoba oil is the type of oil that comes closest to our skin’s natural oils. The similar molecular size means that jojoba oil absorbs very well and does not leave a thick, oily layer sitting on top of the skin. It is great for removing make-up and as a moisturizer. It can also be used to help treat dry, brittle hair.

  1133. Katie says:

    I love coconut oil for my hair and face and Dr. Bronner’s for soap. Oh and classic coastal creations for make up!

  1134. Maya Reindlova says:

    Olive oil for the body and I tried products from AnnMarie Gianni Skin Care, Pai Skincare, Druide,Skin Essence

  1135. Katie says:

    I love coconut oil for my face and hair. And Classic Coastal Creations for make-up!

  1136. Sara says:

    not to sound like a broken record, but organic coconut oil (whipped in my kitchen aid) has cleared by KP on my arms and legs! As for a beauty product, I love Acure’s organic argan oil, a great multitasker too.

  1137. Candace says:

    I like to massage myhrr essential oil in my fingernails, it strengthens them and makes them shine.

  1138. Lillian says:

    Dr Bronner Almond Castile Liquid soap

  1139. Kelly M. says:

    I just recently tried maracuja oil for moisturizing and so far it’s great!

  1140. Debbee Wojo says:

    I love to use essential oils for everything! From air freshening with my diffuser, cleaning, de-stressing and massaging to baking, acne medication and de-toxing!!

  1141. Jenn says:

    I use organic extra virgin coconut oil, and I also like some products from 100% Pure and AnnMarie Gianni.

  1142. Pat Farrenkopf says:

    I keep coming back to coconut oil for all skin care.

  1143. Keely Patton says:

    I use virgin coconut oil on my skin and hair, as well as cook with it.

  1144. Danielle T says:

    I am as pale as a piece of paper as a result of working permanent night duty. The greatest product ever is Eco Tan – Organic winter skin, which builds up to a gorgeous tan. No fake tan smell at all! The color is derived from cocoa, smells fantastic. I use this for special occasions to look and feel amazing!!

  1145. Chelsey says:

    The only natural product I use right now is deodorant–not even sure which one, I got two different ones from Kris’s deodorant guide and only put it on when I think I might have a sweaty day. I tried coconut oil and apple cider vinegar on my face for a few weeks, but I got big deep pimples so went back to soap. I’m tempted to try a different oil and no apple cider vinegar to see if that would work better for me. I’d love to try these products, thanks so much for the chance to try them for free, you’re so awesome Kris!!

  1146. Erin says:

    I loved your tip about having a makeup free day. I love being sans make up. Best decision I ever made. If I feel like wearing makeup I just put on some tapioca powder for my oily skin. I also use fresh beetroot for my cheeks and lips. I am going to make my own mascara too for the days I want it.

    I feel so much better knowing what goes onto my skin and that it is natural. I can’t believe I spent so many years slathering my skin in unknown substances!

  1147. Kimberly says:

    Love pure coconut oil!

  1148. Kel Garcia says:

    Love Anne Mari Gianni aloe facil cleanser

  1149. Tiffany says:

    AnnMarie Gianni!

  1150. eliza says:

    Filtered water! Drinking a lot of water is great for skin!

  1151. Shannon says:

    Coconut Oil!

  1152. Lisa Ratanaprasatporn says:

    I make my own soaps and dish soaps all nautral! It’s crazy what is in the generic soaps you get at a drugstore!

  1153. Rose hip seed oil for my face, almond oil for my body.

  1154. Shashi Reddy says:

    I use MyChelle sunscreen and especially love the creamy tropical skin smoother.

  1155. Rose says:

    My absolute favorite product is the all in one, does everything, COCONUT OIL. I use this as a moisturizer, makeup remover, anti aging serum, after shave balm, lip moisturizer, and I eat and cook with it. It is also an antibacterial so can be used on toe jam. It smells great and may cats love it. The best!!

  1156. Joni Stenning says:

    I have just started investigating my beauty products – as of this blog post – so I don’t yet have a personal recommendation but I know the first product that needs to go – my cleanser! Thankfully most of my makeup products are by tarte. A whole new world has just opened up for exploration. Looking forward to finding new better beauty alternatives. Thanks Kris for the info!

  1157. Patricia says:

    I love Naturopathica Calendula Cream. great for dry skin.

  1158. Grace Carosio says:

    A homemade body butter with shea butter, almond oil and coconut oil. Also AnnaMarie Gianni’s Citrus mint facial cleanser!

  1159. Amy L. Faurote says:

    My all natural beauty tip is to drink tons of water each day. I also drink lemon water. I am looking for skincare that is natural and feels good. So, I hope I win! C’est La Vie!!!!!

  1160. Elizabeth pikul says:

    My favorite natural product is a face moisturizer by a new company jaq+jam. This all natural no preservatives cream has just few ingredients, is luscious …love it…you should try it out

  1161. Gina says:

    I make my own deodorant out of coconut oil, baking soda, cornstarch and tea tree oil. The coconut oil is anti-fungal, which is the original reason I started making it. Either it works well for odors, or I just don’t stink.

  1162. Claire says:

    Kabana Organic Skin Care products are the the best!

  1163. Tanya says:

    I guess I need to try coconut oil!

  1164. Samantha says:

    I love coconut oil for hair and body moisurizing and for removing makeup.

  1165. MJ says:

    Pure Argon Oil from Josie Maran is probably the only “healthy” product I use, and I don’t use that as often as I need to!

  1166. Jana says:

    I’ve been using coconut oil as a moisturizer as soon as I pat dry from the shower. I am loving it! I’ve recently discovered Pacifica’s solid perfumes and am loving them. Great smells and they last a long time. My husband loves and has been using Gabriel Organics facial cleansing products for years now. 100% Pure has some products on my love list too.

  1167. Carrie says:

    I just started using L’Bri Aloe Cleanser.Nice!

  1168. Tamara says:

    My favorite non-toxic skin care product:
    “Suntegrity “5 In 1″ Natural Moisturizing Face Sunscreen – Tinted , Broad Spectrum Spf 30
    Received a #1 Rating by the EWG/Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database and was Featured in the “Best ..”

  1169. Ruth Popek says:

    healthy, pure….aveda sunscreen, and bare minerals bare skin foundation.
    I am looking for a good shampoo to help my hair grow thicker, as it seems to be
    losing thickness in some spots.. Tried the dead seafacial scrub and really love that.

    I would love to help my mature skin look fresher and healthier.

  1170. Ryelle says:

    I love using Juice Beauty Organics skin care line and coconut oil as a body and hair moisturizer. I’m open to trying the line in your giveaway offering!

  1171. Zezinha says:

    Recently I’ve started using coconut oil and I love it. I use it in my skin and hair.

  1172. Jennifer Hicks says:

    My favorite nontoxic personal care product I started using after my breast cancer diagnosis was Crystal deodorant. I only have to put it on every other day and it works great!

  1173. Jeannie says:

    I use cold pressed organic coconut oil for my body as a moisturizer as sun block and for my face as a moisturizer as make up remover and as an over night moisturizer for my hair! I love and have many many more uses for the stuff…I buy it buy the gallon!!

  1174. Ziji says:

    I have a very natural effective use of plain aloe vera gel. After showering and washing my hair, I pat my hair with a towel to remove excess moisture. Then I apply a small palmful (I have a small palm 🙂 of aloe and fluff it up into my damp hair. This is a healthy replacement for hair spray and gives the hair more body, more bounce, and a rich feeling of thickening even to the thinnest hair (mine!)

  1175. Wanda Cobar says:

    My favorite non toxic product is AnnMarie Gianni Anti Aging Facial Serum. Bought the samples last year and now I can’t be without it! Absolutely love it!

  1176. Candice says:

    I just switched my shampoo from a trendy expensive salon brand that made my scalp itch! To “Hugo Naturals -coconut” and I absolutly LOVE it for my curly hair!

  1177. Robin says:

    I love all the products from Yuli!

  1178. Mary Pat Smith says:

    I treated myself to AnnMarie Gianni products at the beginning of the year. I’ve been super thrilled with all of the products I’ve tried, from the scents, to the feel on my skin to the results! My favorite is the Neroli Toning Mist….but ask me five minutes from now and it might be the Coconut Body Oil….or tomorrow it might be the Repair Serum….you get the idea – I love the AnnMarie Gianni skincare line!

  1179. Doneka Simmons says:

    My favorite skin care product is Kiss My Face soap. It is the only soap that doesn’t irritate my skin. I love it. The Olive and Green Tea smells the best.

  1180. Gayle Meagher says:

    I have used mostly ‘green’ products for skin care for the last couple of years. Mostly Origins. I am using an Acure Argan oil serum right now that is wonderful.I also use a mixture of almond oil, sunflower oil to cleanse my face. I always love to try new things when they are demonstrating at Whole Foods. I just recently gave up ‘soap’ in the shower and switched to a shower gel I found in Earth Fare that looks pretty clean. But, my problem is sunscreens. I haven’t switched those yet. I would be so interested in Annmaries line and learning more:) the give away would be a treat for Mothers Day!

  1181. jaime collins says:

    My favorite product is the annmarie coconut mask. I really like her product line but unfortunately it cost $30 to ship to Canada. It would be awesome if there was a Canadian supplier 🙂

  1182. I am still in the process of changing over my beauty products, but one of the first things I replaced was my hairspray. I love my Andalou Organics hairspray. Not only does it hold my hair in place, but it smells great and it’s much better for the environment than aerosol hairspray!

  1183. Rachel says:

    Coconut Oil! I use it as a skin lotion, hair conditioner, and I eat it too. I’m barely scratching the surface of what coconut oil is good for. I’m still learning all this myself.

  1184. TIna says:

    I use coconut oil and an essential oil blend for the face made by a local herbalist. I’ve also just started the no poo method on my hair-seems good so far.

  1185. Becky Brillon says:

    I’m still learning and using the apps, and I’m sure it will change as I learn, but I like Gud’s shampoo and conditioner and hello toothpaste.

  1186. Chelci says:

    I love AnnMarie Gianni’s aloe-herb cleanser. It cleans my sensitive skin really well without drying it out. Plus it smells amazing.

  1187. Gotta be organic coconut oil! Hair once a week, and skin daily. Even condition my honey’s beard with it now!

  1188. erica berg says:

    i mostly use coconut oil for everything- including, hair gel, body moisturizer, oil pulling, wound care, deodorant (coconut oil, bkg soda, lavender oil), etc.
    thank you for this opportunity to try more of her products!

  1189. Nicole says:

    I recently made myself a facial scrub with coconut oil, honey, and salt–I really like it! I am starting to look into non-toxic skincare and cosmetic options, this is timely and helpful. Going to check out the AnnMarie Gianni products now!

  1190. Julie Houck says:

    I use Bioland Botanical coconut shampoo and conditioner. It is certified organic and all natural. I also use the hair treatment for curly hair. They are excellent products!

    Thanks for the opportunity to experience healthy products and for keeping us so well informed and healthy! YOU are a special spirit. THank you so much.

  1191. Pam R says:

    Drink lots of water.

  1192. Natalie says:

    My favorite product is Living Libations Best Skin Ever:)

  1193. Kim says:

    I love AnnMarie’s products, especially the Aloe-Herb Facial Cleanser. It smells wonderful! I would love to win this amazing assembly of her products.

  1194. Kaitlin says:

    New favorites:
    (1) “Hurraw” lip balm! Vegan, organic, and raw – amazing scents, I’m addicted!
    (2) “Earthpaste” natural toothpaste, NO yucky ingredients and so much better for your mouth 🙂

    Old favorites: Dr. Bronner’s soaps, Thai Crystal deodorant stone, Solar-Recover Moisturizing Spray

  1195. Michelle Pfeiffer says:

    We have a spring fed well so I’d have to say my best beauty product is our water!

  1196. Cheryl Ulrich says:

    I already use AMG products and absolutely LOVE them!!

  1197. Patricia Hobbs says:

    RMS beauty is amazing. All of it.

  1198. Claudia says:

    i been using Melaleuca beauty products for a couple of years, they use products from nature but i dont think they are organic

  1199. Tracie Pulga says:

    In college I used Dr. Bonner’s Castile soap. I recently noticed my skin texture wasn’t soft and bright so I decided to try Dr. Bonners lavender scent and made the switch immediately. My skin is soft and bright and I’m never going back again!

  1200. Robin says:

    I love Argan Oil. A couple of drops goes a long way!

  1201. joyce cypert says:

    I use Dr. Bronner’s Lavender soap for a cleanser and Bragg’s apple cider vinegar for an astringent. Coconut oil for a moisturizer.

  1202. Denise says:

    Josie Maran’s organic argan oil as facial moisturizer

  1203. Cheryl says:

    Tea tree oil for acne/moisturizer. And, I absolutely love Anna Marie Gianni’s Herbal Facial Oil and Neroli Toning Mist!

  1204. Sarah says:

    My favorite natural beauty product is Heritage Rosewater & Glycerin spray! It makes my skin so hydrated and it smells great!

  1205. Cheryl says:

    I love Anna Marie Gianni’s Herbal Facial Oil and Neroli Toning Mist!

  1206. Sue says:

    Baking soda. Can use it as an exfoliant – face, elbows, feet – dry shampoo, toothpaste, powder, deodorant, in your bath…

  1207. Carhyl says:

    I am just starting to learn about natural non toxic beauty products. The only one I have tried is lush. My favorite product is enzymion loved that moisturizer.

  1208. Amy Knitter says:

    I use Dr. Bronners for hand soap as well as bar soap in the shower 😉 Recently switched to Crystal deodorant and I’m loving it thus far – we shall see how I do over the summer tho, hopefully smashingly good! This is perfect timing since I’m moving closer and closer to making sure all my products are non-toxic/cruelty free…. baby steps… almost all the way there!!!

  1209. Prudence Waggoner says:

    Since Kris Carr “You” <3 🙂 came into my life, you are my guru to taking care of me:) I have been researching and learning from you. I use coconut oil daily. I love AnnMarie Gianni Skin Care! I first learned about her products from you. I only wish to be able to use her products more and to see the true benefits of her skin care. They smell beautiful and the way they feel on your skin is amazing. I get compliments from my husband almost always after using AnnMarie Gianni<3 I have tried Mad Hippie skin care. Do you know much about their all natural skin care? thanks for all your love

  1210. Mary Claire Cox says:

    I use olive oil on a cotton ball to my remove my makeup in the evening,

  1211. Amanda says:

    I decided to try AnnMarie Gianni Skincare products after reading about them here and absolutely LOVE the Herbal Facial Oil for Normal/Combo skin. At first I was skeptical about using an oil on my face, but it absorbs so nicely and leaves my skin feeling moisturized, soft, and not at all greasy. My other favorite non-toxic skin care product I’ve switched to is my home made deodorant. It works amazingly well and is so easy to make. I use this recipe subbing arrowroot powder for the cornstarch:

  1212. Judy says:

    I use Dr. Bronner’s Tea Tree Oil Castile Soap for washing and cleaning. Love how it cleans everything with a fresh scent. For my facial routine I use Pangea products.

  1213. Susan Robe says:

    I love rosehip oil as a moisturizer. I have also found that my hair looks great if I use a “shampoo” of 1 tsp baking soda in 1 cup water that I scrub into my scalp. After rinsing I then I use a rinse of 1 oz brown rice vinegar in another cup of water. I rinse my hair with water finally after this. Super cheap, non toxic, and available- my hair actually has body. I have made a deodorant with coconut oil, baking soda, and cornstarch. I never smell, nothing is toxic, and again it is stunningly cheap. Why are we buying all this other stuff?

  1214. Prudence Waggoner says:

    Since Kris Carr “You” <3 🙂 came into my life, you are my guru to taking care of me:) I have been researching and learning from you. I use coconut oil daily. I love AnnMarie Gianni Skin Care! I first learned about her products from you. I only wish to be able to use her products more and to see the true benefits of her skin care. They smell beautiful and the way they feel on your skin is amazing. I get compliments from my husband almost always after using AnnMarie Gianni<3 I have tried Mad Hippie skin care. Do you know much about their all natural skin care? thanks for all your love
    Love & Light~

  1215. Traci says:

    I love tea tree oil! I use it as an antibacterial and dilute it with water for a fresh cleanser! 🙂

  1216. Stephanie says:

    I love coconut oil! I use it as skin moisturizer, everywhere, and it’s amazing! Makes my skin so much more supple! Another one is sesame oil, for oil pulling.
    And I’m already subscribed to the newsletter!

  1217. Tynille says:

    Coconut oil and an all natural deodorant that is simple to make – coconut oil, arrowroot powder, baking soda, and whatever essential oil(s) you want to use for scent!

  1218. genevieve says:

    I used Druide products!!! They are from Québec, they smell good and average price!!! 🙂

  1219. christina klewicki says:

    I love the Aubrey Organics line. I discovered it when I was at Hippocrates health Institute. Their Green Tea Shampoo and Rinse is great. Fan of the vanilla & honey lip balm, Both Primrose and Collagen & Almond hand and body moisturizer. Excellent products that are chemical free. Doesn’t get better than that.

  1220. christina klewicki says:

    I love the Aubrey Organics line. I discovered it when I was at Hippocrates health Institute. Their Green Tea Shampoo and Rinse is great. Fan of the vanilla & honey lip balm, Both Primrose and Collagen & Almond hand and body moisturizer. Excelelnt products that are chemical free. Doesn’t get better than that.

  1221. Misty says:

    My favorite natural non toxic skin car product has to be my facial mask from Eminence. It’s a probiotic mask and the day after I use it my skin glows! Plus I love mixing my frankincense eo w coconut oil and rubbing on face to help w spots!

  1222. Joan says:

    Thx Kris for all your hard work. When I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer stage 4 in dec 2010 I turned to you and have even juicing ever since. Iam cancer free still after my treatments and are trying to live healthy. Your easy fun and down to earth approch is a great inspiration to me. I use pure crystal stick for deodorant and love it. I juice every day and it gets my skin to glow and my eye clear, people say! And oh yeah keeps me healthy.

  1223. Donna says:

    Favorite product: I love Gardeners Dream Cream by Aroma Crystal Vibrational Therapy. Made on Salt Spring Island in British Columbia, Canada. They have a wonderful facial cream as well….called Ohm.
    Their website:

  1224. Cami says:

    Schmidts Deodorant is my all time fave find. I can work all day then go for a run and still be stink-free. I am also in love with Dress Green Lip Balms and Lushes. Fantastic products and worry-free 🙂

  1225. Ruby says:

    I love using pure avocado oil on my face for a night time moisturizer. I also use pure almond oil on my body and eyelashes to moisterize. I even use the almond oil to take off my eye makeup, it works!

  1226. Katty says:

    I love coconut oil and natural hand made soaps.

  1227. Rita Kaufman says:

    I am new to all of this even though I am over 50 years old. I just now started using moisturizer. I would love to hear more about toxic free makeup.

  1228. Rachael Witherow says:

    I love using coconut oil as a facial moisturizer. I slather it on every night! When i wake up every morning, my skin is glowing!

  1229. Sarah says:

    I love home-made olive oil soap with charcoal bamboo for my face. Its like a mini facial. My husband
    loves it even more than I do!

  1230. Kaneez says:

    Hi Kris,

    I downloaded your book and tried a few recipes. So far so good…..hehe.

    One of My favorite products is by eminence organic. Clear skin probiotic moisturizer. It feels so cool on my skin.

  1231. Rotem says:

    I love AnnaMarie’s products! Hoping I win this as t would be like winning the lottery!

  1232. Erica says:

    Coconut Oil!!!!!!! I use it everywhere for everything from skin lotion to oil pulling to lip gloss to hair mask to medicine for cuts! I LOVE IT! Looking forward to reading everyone’s responses! 😀

  1233. I love using plain old organic coconut oil as a body moisturizer. It’s especially wonderful in the winter time when I need that little bit of extra moisture in my skin! What a wonderful giveaway, Kris!

  1234. Hannah says:

    My absolute favourite personal care product is the moisturizer for dry skin by a line called “Skin Essence” – I never knew I could get through such *harsh** and severely drying Canadian winters and actually maintain a dewy complexion – until I discovered this. This brand is 100 per cent pure/organic – comprised of natural botanicals and essential oils. My favourite thing is the way the essential oils mimic my skin’s natural oils and have natural antibacterial properties. I recommended the one for acne prone skin to a friend and she swears by it now too. Maintains a radiant look even underneath makeup. Yup, I am a huge fan of this product!!

  1235. Roo says:

    I use coconut oil as a moisturizer and makeup remover. I love how it soaks into my skin and does not feel greasy. I know it is edible so I never worry about putting it all over my skin.

  1236. Pat says:

    Dr. Hauschka rose day cream, all natural from Europe, sold at choices.

  1237. Jennifer says:

    I started using California Baby’s calendula cream on my baby and loved it so much that I use it on myself now all the time. It smells divine and gets a thumbs up for safety.

  1238. Michelle says:

    Coconut Oil!

  1239. Jayme says:

    I use coconut oil for eye makeup removal and moisturizer, and I love Red Apple Lipstick’s glosses and Lip balm (all gluten free, paraben free company). I also love Tarte mascara and Living Libations eye serum!

  1240. Marti says:

    This is a strange personal care product – because what it really is, is how to not use a specific personal care product. I found that when I cut way down on sugar, I don’t need deodorant. It doesn’t mean that I won’t sweat in the heat, but there is no raunchy armpit smell accompanying the moisture. You wouldn’t put deodorant on your forehead, and that sweats too, so I figure without the smell, the moisture can just as well evaporate. I’m not a saint with the less sugar business, but I traded most fruits for vegetables, quit sweetening my coffee (I still do real grass-fed cream), and have reduced candy and dessert to occasional. I didn’t realize the affect it had in the beginning, but after I figured it out, I tested it, and had fun doing it, by eating and drinking more sweets. Then the smell was back!

  1241. Kelly says:

    Not a product, but what has made the biggest difference in my skin is what I’m eating. I find that when I keep the sugar, alcohol and refined flours down to a minimum, my skin looks much better!

  1242. Andrea says:

    My favorite natural product is jojoba oil. It’s a great base for beauty products or face moisturizer on it’s own and a pea size amount also makes a great hair serum 🙂

  1243. Jen Y. says:

    I use Rejuva Minerals’ beauty products…their concealer actually works better than any other chemical laden thing I ever used to use! If I have a skin issue, I use a naturopathic remedy handmade by a doctor in Arizona that my doctor has shipped in to DC. I’m also looking into a local line here that is made with no nasty chemicals at all.

  1244. syl says:

    I use essential oils for everything. My favorites are lavender, tea tree, geranium and lemon.

  1245. Marcie says:

    I use epsom salts in the bath.

  1246. Meghan D says:

    Olive oil is a great hand moisturizer!

  1247. Rachael says:

    I love me so coconut oil. I use it as a moisturizer.

  1248. Deborah says:

    I’m in the coconut oil club for the skin.

  1249. Patti says:

    I use Dr. Hauschka’s all natural products from cleanser, minimalist foundation transparent cream, eyeliner, & lipstick. The products are from Germany & have been around for years. Sometimes difficult to find…available at Whole Foods & on-line are two sources.

  1250. Stephanie says:

    My favorite is still the old fashioned little bit of mayo when hair is to dry for conditioning. Rinse very well!

  1251. Ashley Street says:

    My favorite personal/beauty product is coconut oil. Best moisturizer I’ve been able to find yet. And yay for anti-bacterial properties!

  1252. Liz Browne says:

    I use water. Plain ordinary water

  1253. Camille Otero says:

    I recently discovered that coconut oil does WONDERS on a sunburn. I am usually really good about not getting burned, I wear hats when outside and sunscreen on my arms. But for some reason this past weekend at my daughters softball game I only managed to do the hat part and got a really bad burn on a small area of my chest. I have been using coconut oil several times a day and it hasn’t peeled, it hasn’t hurt and it seems to be turning into a nice tan. There is my natural secret to share for sunburns should you get one! Thanks for all you do and for literally teaching me how to be healthy and take care of myself. You were my first teacher and have introduced me to so many others. You are a gem! Go Annmarie Gianni Skincare!

  1254. Marie says:

    Right now, I am using 100% Argan oil for lots of things! You can use it to moisturize, for cuticles, and even to help frizzies and fly-always!

  1255. I LOVE AnneMarie Gianni products and use her repair serum daily…..along with the eye cream and facial skin oils. I also use Living Libations Rose and SeaBuckthorne body oils, and Floracopia’s Nectar of Immortelle. Coconut oil too for many uses.

  1256. Andrea says:

    I am just started getting into learning about and using all natural products. At age 61 it’s been difficult to relearn and to acknowledge what I have been doing to myself all these years. I recently moved to South Carolina from Colorado and discovered humidity. My first year here I was constantly “wet”, I perspired all the time. A friend introduced me to Primal Pit Paste. I am no longer always “wet” and “smelly”. This stuff works!

  1257. Kari S. says:

    My favorite natural, non-toxic product is AnnMarie Gianni’s Coconut Honey Mask. It makes my skin amazingly moisturized and soft!

  1258. Carol says:

    I use Annmarie Gianni’s serum, oil and eye cream. I mix the Dead Sea Scrub with baking soda as an exfoliant for my face.

  1259. Robin Chapchuk says:

    Any & all Rocky Mountain Soap Company products (out of beautiful Canmore, Alberta, Canada).
    I gravitate to their foot butters, delicious hand & body soaps, lip butters, etc…

    Keep being an inspiration to all of us, Kris! You’ve helped me so much as I continue my journey as a fellow survivor & thriver 🙂

  1260. Laara says:

    I love LaVanila’s deodorant! It’s a little pricey ($14) but deo lasts forever so I don’t mind. And it works soo well!

  1261. Jennifer Bugg says:

    I use Fabuluos Faces Cream made locally by Aroma Borealis here in the Yukon.

  1262. ashley says:

    I loooovvveee doTERRA’s Immortelle essential oil blend. Heals sun damage, is anti-aging and best of all it smells incredible!

  1263. annette says:

    Coconut oil is my favorite – it’s a natural moisturizer and it’s a sunscreen! Two for one!

  1264. Amber cousins says:

    I love using The Body Shop’s Define & No Frizz hair creme. It keeps my curls defined and soft all day long and smells So good!!

  1265. Christi Carson says:

    Coconut oil! I no longer buy lotion. 🙂

  1266. Caren says:

    I just switched to iS CLINICAL and it’s a wonder product. I didn’t realize that the beauty products I was using before were causing issues for my skin!

  1267. Krysta says:

    Coconut oil for EVERYTHING! :] Also, homemade shampoo – 2 tbsp honey, 2 tbsp acv, and 1/4 cup aloe vera gel. Amazing.

  1268. Yesenia says:

    I’m a big fan of AnnMarie’s products thank to you, Kris! I participated in the sample deal you had with her a while back. My favorite product is AnnMarie’s citrus facial cleanser. It’s like a mini spa moment every time I use it. 🙂

  1269. Nancy says:


  1270. Angie says:

    LifeStinks, and all-natural deodorant powder! It’s made by the Duggan Sisters, and it works better than any other “natural” (but always suspicious) deodorant out there, and I swear it feels like I tired them all before this stuff. It’s made with nothing but aluminum-free sodium bicarbonate and tea tree and lavender essential oils. I bike to work, and my coworkers (even the ones who are also friends and wouldn’t lie to me) tell me it works too! 🙂

  1271. Audrey says:

    When it comes to personal care, I like to keep it simple and keep it edible. My favorite product is definitely coconut oil — I use it on my body (as lotion), in my hair (as leave-in conditioner/de-frizzer), and on my lips when they’re chapped. Second runner up is apple-cider vinegar, which I dilute 50% and use as a facial toner. (At first I smell like a chinese chicken salad, but the smell goes away quickly. 🙂

  1272. Laura says:

    I love Jane Iredale’s make up, RMS cover up, mascara (best natural mascara I’ve found), and lipsticks, and Juice Beauty stem cell product. ALso, coconut oil makes my skin feel amazing.

  1273. Elizabeth Blount says:

    I use organic coconut oil to my daughter’s hair as a moisturizer.

  1274. Misty says:

    If I had to pick one natural skincare product that I adore it would have to be Ann Marie Gianni’s anti aging facial oil. Since you already talked about Ann Marie’s products I’ll share my favorite makeup product. I love Afterglow blush in “majestic” and Afterglow aloe concealer as well! It lasts forever too!


  1275. Rachel says:

    Apple Cider Vinegar! Makes your hair shiny, it is awesome with clay to make a mast, it is an amazing astringent and its yummy in salads.

    <3 it!


  1276. Kimberly Stokes says:

    I absolutely LOVE Herban Cowboy (for her) Blossom deodorant. The scent is amazing and no yucky stuff!

  1277. Liz says:

    My favorite non-toxic personal care product right now is Aura Cacia Deep Rosehip Facial Oil serum. I use it after cleansing and before moisturizing. It helps to gently remove eye make-up as well. Don’t reserve it to your face only. Try using it on your cuticles and get refreshed by the amazing scent!

  1278. Jessica Williams says:

    I LOVE the Bee Yummy’s Organic Lip & Eye Cream… it’s AMAZING with only 3 ingredients (Olive Oil, Balsam Fir, Pure Beeswax)! My lips are never chapped anymore and no wrinkles around my eyes!

  1279. What is your favorite natural, non-toxic personal care product? I am 65 and have never used “commercial makeup on my face”. My mother said if we are not going to eat it then it can not go on our skin. I use coconut oil and essential oils for skin care and if I want some color I use Dr. Hauschka’s line. I have always felt comfortable with the way I looked so never felt the need to ply on layers of makeup to hide behind. I find it sad that women feel the need to hide behind makeup that is destroying their health.
    I purchased Anna Marie’s skin care products at a Longevitiy Now conference and I loved them and you could eat them. Elizabeth Jones, healthiest day ever

  1280. marissa says:

    i LOVE essential oils! i use them with coconut oil as a moisturizer. i also use dr bonners with some essential oils as body wash and hand soap

  1281. Paula says:

    Just started using Annmarie Gianni products & my favorite is the coconut honey mask.

  1282. Christin says:

    How can I pick just one? I absolutely can’t get enough of the Aloe-Herb Facial Cleanser from AnnMarie Gianni as well as the Sun Love. Another way that I care for myself is with Bach’s Rescue remedy for times of anxiety. I take it everywhere (that and my lavender oil) and use it whenever I need a moment of zen and peace.

  1283. Courtney says:

    Coconut oil has to be the most versatile thing in my kitchen AND bathroom cabinets! I’m a little scared to use it on my face–I’ve heard a lot of horror stories about cystic breakouts supposedly caused by C.O. But it’s great for hair, skin, nails, lips, and TUMMIES!

  1284. Judy says:

    I’m just beginning to search for nontoxic products to change my skin and makeup products. I’ve used Crisco in the past as a moisturizer. Definitely going to check out AnnMarie Gianni’s products!

  1285. Amanda says:

    Based on your recommendation, I’ve been using AnnMarie’s Aloe-Herb Cleanser nonstop for almost a year now. It’s my ultimate favorite skincare product for all the reasons you mention above. I don’t go ANYWHERE without it and I’ve bought it for many friends and family members. I would love to try more products in her line!

  1286. Geri says:

    I really like Aubrey Organics shampoos. They leave my hair shiny and smooth.

  1287. Karen says:

    Love AnnMarie’s repair serum, it lightens your sun spots on your face and it diminishes the red little broken capillaries. Woohoo!!!

  1288. Marla Brandt says:

    I use coconut oil on my face and body. I also mash up a small amount of avocado and leave it on my face for awhile before rinsing off – very mosturizing. I have also added yogurt and honey to the avocado mask.

  1289. Cécile says:

    Hi Kris, thank you for the information!

    My all time favorite non toxic product is sesame oil, an ayurvedic magical medicine that nourishes the whole body and if applied before the shower, releases toxins (thanks to the water’s heat) and keeps your body warm after (great for sensitive to the cold people like me!).

    Take care! Love you,

  1290. Alexandra Rehm says:

    My favorite skin care line is acure. I tried almost all their products and love them. They are on sale at Whole Foods right now. (MO)

  1291. Susan LeClair says:

    Aside from my love for coconut oil (cooking, hair mask, makeup remover, moisturizer, etc), the one product my family and I absolutely could not exist without: TEA TREE OIL!!!! We use for so much, including household cleaning, pimple/skin rash destroyer, to wound healing and much more. There isn’t a day that goes by where “get the tea tree oil” isn’t spoken by someone in our house.

  1292. Elizabeth says:

    Coconut oil is the best moisturizer!

  1293. Kimmi says:

    Baking soda for exfoliating! And jojoba oil as a moisturizer. It leaves my skin sooo soft!

  1294. Grace says:

    I have been making my own moisturizer/serum for years. I combine good olive oil and sweet almond oil together and infuse it with healing herbs and botanicals. After 1 week I strain it and put it in a pump bottle. I smooth on a small amount every evening after I wash my face with just clean water (I don’t wear makeup so I don’t have to deep cleanse very often). My skin is virtually wrinkle free (I’m 53 yrs old) and soft as can be.

  1295. Colette says:

    I LOVE Coconut oil!!!! I use it to condition my hair, skin, take off my eye make-up, lip gloss. I have a small glass jar of it in almost every room of my home. I have even used it as a lubricant during those extra curricular activities in the bedroom.

  1296. Jesie says:

    Probably coconut oil, mostly for moisturizing. Plain lard soap for washing up. I use BareMinerals but plan on making my own mineral makeup in the future. I would also like to try the no ‘poo method someday!

  1297. Janet F says:

    To remove my makeup, I soak a cotton ball with an aloe vera liquid/olive oil (10:1 ratio) solution, and wipe it over my face. It works like a charm.

  1298. DOROTHY says:

    I use argan oil…..fantastic. It is not costly, but does a great job….on my face, skin and hair.

  1299. Adriene says:

    Loving sesame oil for my skin type but also enjoying coconut and jojoba oils! What are your favorite oils for body care?

  1300. Jenny St. Claire says:

    I use Pink Papaya shampoo, conditioner and hair serum. It’s 99% organic and free of nasty ingredients. I also use some of their make up and skin care. It all feels and smells so good! I also use make up by Mineral Fusion.

  1301. D Sacra says:

    I absolutely love Elta MD Skincare. Their UV Physical Broad-Spectrum SPF 41, lightly tinted facial sunscreen is wonderful.

  1302. Elizabeth says:

    This is the coconut oil lovefest! I actually like to do a sesame oil massage in the shower in the morning. Rinse and you are soft and dewey for the rest of the day. I use Aura Cacia’s organic skin care oil. I started doing this after getting into Ayurvedic practices and reading Claudia Welch’s book on hormone balance.

  1303. Jane Macdonald says:

    I love Living Libations’ line of organic or wild crafted essential oil products. I use their Seabuckthorn Best Skin Ever, which can be used as a cleanser, moisturizer, and exfoliator when used with their awesome organic hemp face cloth. I follow her dental care protocol as well, and am obsessed with Yogi Tooth Serum in particular. Being a Canuck, I prefer to support Canadian suppliers whenever possible.

  1304. Martha says:

    Gotta say coconut oil as well! To add something new- with summer approaching, I recommend Babyganics bug spray. Totally non toxic, even smells good.

  1305. Bonnie says:

    my favorite natural, non-toxic personal care product is vitamin E oil at night

  1306. Terry Lynn says:

    My favorite exfoliant mask is easy to make. Add papaya to your food processor, process and smooth papaya onto your skin for a natural, cost effective and sweet tasting enzymatic exfoliation.

  1307. Susan says:

    I like vitamin E oil for my face and psoriasi

  1308. Marisol Maddox says:

    I love my non-toxic chapstick and lotion bar from Graham Gardens. I also love that they are a small family-run company.

  1309. Jen LaMay says:

    Coconut oil ! It’s a great moisturizer, makeup remover and delicious in my green smoothie every morning!

  1310. stasia says:

    One of my favorite skin care products is pure coconut oil. It’s inexpensive and pure and is great for my skin. I also am a fan of Ann Marie’s products and have been using them for about a year and a half now, my favs are aloe cleanser and anti-aging oil.

  1311. cathy gallagher says:

    I adore argon oil for the face. Using this with a warm washcloth to clean my face is wonderful!

  1312. Lea says:

    Coconut oil

  1313. Melissa says:

    My favorite non-toxic product is shaving cream that I make using coconut oil, shea butter and almond oil.

  1314. Shannon says:

    Carefree Organics deodorant

  1315. Debbie says:

    I love everything from the California Baby Skincare line. I’m 51 years old (sooooo…not a baby!) but was drawn to their products since they don’t contain any chemicals. Also, love jojoba oil for a makeup remover and moisturizer.

  1316. Mary Korst says:

    Coconut oil! I love coconut oil. I slather it on every day before I get out of the shower. I use it to remove mascara. I give my hair oil treatments using it. I rub it into my cuticles. And of course I also EAT it!! 🙂

  1317. The best tip I can contribute, from experience, is to tackle down your levels of stress. Does not matter whether you are using the latest Creme De La Mer, or drugstore Cetaphil, or even just some oil and apple cider vinegar- your skin will react, loudly, if you cannot manage your emotions. Less stress=more rest, for your mind, body, soul, and, in this case, beauty!
    I like to use Annmarie Gianni’s brand, in conjunction with another small (but amazing!) brand from Hawaii called Lehlani Skincare (all natural, made with love)!

  1318. Amy says:

    I love Aloe! It’s my favorite ingredient in my skincare. And, I am so pleased that I recently discovered AnnMarie Gianni’s skin care line. just love it!!

  1319. Mary says:

    I started using AnnMarie Gianni products about 2 months ago, and I love them! I’m still working out which regimen is best for me, and the staff is so helpful! Everything smells amazing and feels so good on my skin – I look forward to each and every cleansing!

  1320. chanda says:

    I have a few favorite non-toxic, all-natural beauty products, in no particular order they are, coconut oil, emu oil, raw honey, bentonite clay, and carrot seed oil!

  1321. Betty says:

    I use AnnMarie skincare products and absolutely love the coconut honey mask! Leaves my skin so soft.

  1322. Heather says:

    Coconut Oil & Acure Dry Shampoo and Lotions

  1323. Sarah says:

    Coconut oil is great!

  1324. Cait says:

    I love using olive oil on my hair when my ends are looking a little dry! I’ll pour it over my head in the sink or shower, and then wrap it up in a hot towel. Its the best!

  1325. RENE ELLIS says:

    Coconut oil for sure!!!! Leaves my skin sooo very soft and hydrated. I use it on my face as well and it makes smooth, soft, and wrinkle free!!! Love it…and added bonus I love to cook with it also 🙂

  1326. Kyla says:

    Love this! I wish more people realized how important it is to watch what we put on our skin. My favourite natural beauty product is apple cider vinegar diluted with water. I use it as a toner for my scalp and skin to balance my pH and it has changed my life! It makes my armpits smell less (sometimes I even forget deodorant without a problem), my scalp itch less, and it has completely eliminated the pesky smattering of whiteheads I used to get all over my nose. I couldn’t figure out what the problem was since both my skin routine and diet are clean, but ACV did the trick. The skin on my face has never been so clear.

  1327. Joanne says:

    My favorite natural non toxic product is Argan oil. I put it on my face and neck. It is great for cracked and dry hands and feet!

  1328. Yvette says:

    Coconut oil all the way!!! I use it daily.

  1329. Elizabeth Halley says:

    I swear by Exactly! Organics Tea Tree shampoo and conditioner. Once or twice a week I also rinse my hair with 1/3 apple cider vinegar and 2/3 distilled water. After doing this my hair shines and is incredibly manageable! Dry brushing has also made a huge difference in the condition of my skin all over and I’ve noticed little bumps and blemishes have started to disappear everywhere! Make sure you are drinking plenty of water if you are trying this for the first time!

  1330. molly james says:

    Love Annmarie’s anti-aging serum and her face cleaner! 🙂 Have a fabulous day everyone!

  1331. Debi Jackson says:

    Picking a favorite natural and healthy product is hard AND I have just discovered a wonderful alternative to traditional deodorant in Primal Pit Paste (I use the Patchouli scent!). Check it out all the Primal products at
    I love their vanilla/mint lip balm too!
    Thanks for all your assistance for those of us choosing a healthier lifestyle! Love & Wellness Blessings.

  1332. Crystal says:

    I use Earth Science facial cleanser and moisturizer, and my face has never felt softer.

  1333. Alyssa says:

    I really like to use almia pure makeup. It has a wonderful texture and feeling when it’s applied.

  1334. Stephanie says:

    I love to wear nail polish, but wanted to avoid all the horrible chemicals in the ingredients. I was excited when I discovered Scotch Naturals nail polish. They are non-toxic, eco-friendly, and water-based. But the best part is all the different colours!

  1335. Lisa says:

    Butter di Karatè is a natural AMAZING emollient your skin and a total regenerative mask for your hair! It is a natural African resource and maintains elasticity and heals even burns!

  1336. cathi says:

    Coconut oil…. I use it as a moisturizer, hair conditioner and to shave with. Then I add a tbsp to my morning smoothie.

  1337. Elaine Thomas says:

    Organic Coconut Oil…natural, effective makeup remover and smells divine! The 2 natural skin care lines that I use are AnnMarie’s and Celtic Complexion. LOVE them! I love reading all the other suggestions:)

  1338. molly james says:

    I LOVE Annmarie’s anti-aging serum and her face cleaner!!! Also thai crystal stone deodorant. Have a fabulous day everyone!

  1339. Yelimar says:

    I make my own face wash with 1/2 Water, 1/4 Dr. Bronner’s, 1/4 Jojoba Oil, a few drops of sage essential oil for its antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties. I moisturize with some argan oil, and use Rose Water as a toner.

  1340. I love the rosemary shampoo by Faith in Nature, it is really good for greasy hair and always makes my hair feel thick and look shiny 🙂

  1341. Yelimar says:

    I make my own face wash with 1/2 Water, 1/4 Dr. Bronners, 1/4 Jojoba Oil, a few drops of sage essential oil for its antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties. I moisturize with some argan oil, and use Rose Water as a toner.

  1342. Lydia Tjia says:

    My favorite is coconut oil. I also love Living Libations products.

  1343. Teresa Tuczynski says:

    My favorite natural non-toxic beauty product is Josie Marans Argan Oil. I use it on my face , neck, feet, hair!! everywhere!! It’s organic and really works…

  1344. Leigh says:

    I have used some of AnnMarie Gianni’s line (Aloe-Herbal cleanser and Anti-Aging Serum) and I ADORE her products. They feel really nourishing, hydrating and the smells are heavenly. Plus I can feel safer having not put crappy chemicals on my skin. Good for me!

  1345. Misti says:

    I really like hawaiian astaxanthan (along with spirulina tablets). Its not only great for your body in all these other ways, but it fades brown spots on the skin and reduces fine lines and wrinkles pretty significantly when you take 12mg doses daily.

  1346. Jessica says:

    My favorite natural, non-toxic skin care product is Derma e Very Clear Moisturizer. It controls blemishes and isn’t overly greasy.

  1347. Celine says:

    Crazy Sexy Coconut Oil! 😉

  1348. Jackie P says:

    Organic coconut oil

  1349. Heather says:

    I LOVE Annemarie’s line of products. Because of her, I don’t NEED makeup anymore, my skin glows!

  1350. Julianne Dannhauser says:

    Witch Hazel is great for cleaning and tightening since it helps with inflammation.

  1351. Julia Lewis says:

    I love coconut oil.

  1352. Andrea Murphy says:

    Have a look at Balance Me – a UK company with great credentials. Cleanse and Smooth face balm is fantastic and the conditioner is the only natural product that I have tried that actually works to detangle my very thick and over processed hair.

  1353. erin says:

    I love cococnut oilI I am still learning a lot about “what else” to use and or avoid.
    Please count me in for your contest; I would be so grateful to receive the goodie basket. 🙂

  1354. Nadine says:

    I use éminence organic skin care- firm skin Acai moisturizer. I absolutely love it!

  1355. michelle martin says:

    that is a lovely gift. just in time for mother’s day. i use apple cider vinegar on my scalp to get rid of the flakes.

  1356. Sarah says:

    Hey Kris! Love getting your newsletter! I’ve been using pure coconut oil for shaving and as a night cream on my face lately – smells delicious and leaves my skin feeling silky smooth!

  1357. V says:

    I love Sanre Organic products and Annmarie Gianni.

  1358. Sharry says:

    I love coconut oil and use it all the time. I make my own deodorant, toothpaste, and lotion with it

  1359. Marissa says:

    Aloe Vera gel, great on the outside and inside. And of course the occasional Coconut oil.

    Would love to try Annmarie’s products though as I have super sensitive skin and psoriasis.


  1360. Sherry Kurtz says:

    HI Kris, Thank you for doing what you do! (Just had to say that first. 🙂 ) Awhile ago I switched my body lotion. I use lotion after every shower so I know it was seeping in big time! Right now I use the Kiss My Face brand but when I run low I just get whatever is on sale at our local health food/organic store. I also switched my sun screen to the one that Dr Mercola sells. Works great!

  1361. Linda S says:

    My favorite is Annmarie’s Herbal Facial Oil and it’s thanks to you, Kris Carr, that I found out about her great products. They are all fantastic and wish I could afford the whole line. Overall, I think coconut oil is one of the most versatile ingredients for so many good things. I make a hard lotion using it and shea butter and beeswax and also make a whipped shea butter using only shea and coconut oil – two great moisturizers for your skin that are toxin-free. 🙂

  1362. Kacie Perrizo says:

    Coconut oil! I use it a bunch of different DIY products like deoderant, moisturizer, make up remover. I also use Tarte foundation.

  1363. cindy says:

    OMG available to Canadian residents!!! awesome!!! and for what do I use that is most natural – my crystal deodorant and it works. My hubby uses one and has no problems either. I also have some physicians formula eyeshadow that is pretty old but is not too bad supposedly.

    On another note, I know Kris or someone will read these, and I a wanted to say, I am trying to get the inflammation out before I have knee surgery. No sugar, and no processed and even more juice and smoothies.

    HUGS love your joie de vive!!!

  1364. Jen says:

    I use coconut oil for so many things. But I am in need of a good cleanser.

  1365. Violet Revo says:

    I think the hardest thing for most to switch over is deodorant because many aren’t effective. I even contemplated going back to conventional because I couldn’t deal with the trial and error. Until I discovered Bubble and Bees pit putty cream! Love it!

  1366. Jenn says:

    I love raw organic manuka honey for a healing facial mask or even just for washing my face in the morning! It works wonders on my pesky acne prone skin.

  1367. Gretchen Mundinger says:

    I love Annmarie’s repair serum and Eloovi body butter!

  1368. Natasha says:

    I am just starting my journey to natural beauty products. My favorite so far is a deodorant made in the northwest called Just Good Stuff. Smells great and works! No nasty chemicals in my pits!

  1369. Caroline says:

    Organic, virgin, cold-pressed coconut oil is terrific as a make-up remover, and I use it for oil pulling and on cuts and abrasions. Tastes so wonderful added to food, too.

  1370. Jennie B. says:

    I started using Wen on my hair about a year ago and never looked back. I pretty much only use Aveeno Active Naturals products on my face. This is an awesome giveaway. Thank you for offering it!

  1371. Annie Toto says:

    My favorite non-toxic personal skin care product is a simple washcloth!!! When I use any face wash, I gently massage it in with the washcloth – this way it cleans AND exfoliates at the same time!!

  1372. Kellie says:

    Recently discovered Annmarie’s skin care and LOVE it!

  1373. Lori Biederman says:

    love this stuff! Expensive but worth every penny! Smells so good you want to eat it.

  1374. Laurie L says:

    Actually I found AnnMarie Gianni Skincare through your website and I have thrown out everything I was using at that time. I also use organic Argan oil from Acute on my face and sometimes on my body. I also recently discovered Nourish Organic Food for Healthy Skin. I use the hand and body wash and the body butter is great! Unfortunately, I discovered alcohol in their body lotion, or else I would use that also.

  1375. Barbara says:

    Vitamin C Serum – I make my own: 2 teaspoons water, 1/2 – 2 teaspoons glycerin (I use less as the glycerin can make it a bit tacky on the skin) and 1/2 tsp Vitamin C Powder or Crystals. Stir or swirl until powder dissolves (may need to submerge bowl in a warm water bath to facilitate), pour into a dark colored dropper bottle, use for one week, toss and make a new fresh batch.

  1376. Sarah Wintucky says:

    I’m a huge fan of AnnMarie’s products but in trying to lower my carbon footprint have discovered a locally brewed organic skincare line called Zatik Natural. They don’t smell as good as AnnMarie’s but I’m getting great results!

  1377. Carolyn says:

    My two natural go to products are coconut oil (I use an organic brand) and witch hazel. I use the witch hazel as an astringent and the oil as a moisturizer. So easy, simple, pure, and inexpensive! I have also discovered using essential oils and use them with the coconut oil for massage purposes. I am a high school teacher and suffer from occasional insomnia, waking up typically 3-4 times every night- that is until I discovered lavender oil! I put a glob of coconut oil in my palm with a few drops of lavender oil, rub my palms together, apply to the bottoms of my feet after showering, and then put on my incredibly sexy socks (drives the hubby crazy!). Good bye insomnia! I also use (and love) Dr. Bronner’s soap (peppermint, lavender, and almond are my favs) instead of bar soap or shower gels.

  1378. Coral says:

    I am hooked on Ann Marie Gianni’s normal/combination facial oil. Even my honey has said that my skin looks beautiful! I also love love love Doc Bronner’s and some aloe vera gel. So many uses!

  1379. Kelly Nicoll says:

    My favorite all natural beauty product is coconut oil! I use it as a massage oil, a lotion, and a hair conditioner. I’ve heard of so many different ways to use it that I haven’t even tried yet!

  1380. Marisol says:

    I use Intelligent Nutrients products (organic).

  1381. Rachel says:

    coconut oil is great! It’s a wonderful deep conditioner for my dry & curly hair. Jojoba oil is also a great eye makeup remover

  1382. Allison says:

    I LOVE Tropical Traditions soaps. They contain only organic virgin coconut oil and organic essential oils. They also make super moisturizing lotions. For makeup, I was introduced to Sally B’s Skin Yummies and love the mineral foundation.

  1383. Mandy Saile says:

    I love using carrot oil or rosemary oil on my face followed up but a nice thick helping of Jasons Aloe Vera gel. For body moisture I just love to use organic Coconut oil (like the kind you’d cook with) it soaks into the skin nicely leaving me soft for hours and smelling wonderful too. For the house I like to use plain vinegar in any areas that our 8 rabbits can get too, otherwise we love Method products….cruelty-free all the way, baby:D

    P.S. I already receive your kick-ass newsletter and love them:D

  1384. carol says:

    Organic sea buckthorn seed oil

  1385. Erin says:

    I love AnnMarie’s neroli toning mist! It smells wonderful and is so refreshing. I have fair skin and freckles so my skin is on the sensitive side, which is why indulging on great organic facial products is so important!

  1386. Tannia Wood says:

    Coconut oil is the BEST!!!

  1387. Susan E Kim says:

    Annmarie Gianni’s Herbal Facial Oil is my favorite non-toxic, natural beauty product and I’ve been a loyal fan since you turned me on to those products last year. (I also love the entire line, including the anti-aging products and the new sunscreen.) These are outstanding products that have changed the health of my skin for the better and I’ve stopped using most makeup!

  1388. Esther Dold says:

    My current favourite is Coconut Butter (oil). It’s inexpensive and leaves my skin glowing. I only use it every two days before bed which is just enough to nourish my 45 year old skin without causing breakouts since Coconut can be heavy on the pores. And it smells so yummy.

  1389. Wendy says:

    coconut oil is the best for so many uses…

  1390. Sharon says:

    Coconut Oil as moisturizer!

  1391. Lynne says:

    for a facial moisturizer i use half joboba oil, half aloe vera.

  1392. Kim says:

    I use only coconut oil on my skin – it is also great as a hair de-frizzer!

  1393. kerra says:

    I love doTerra’s ‘anti-aging’ oil blend…Immortelle

  1394. Courtney says:


  1395. Caysee says:

    I make my own body lotion….Cocoa butter coconut oil mango butter apricot oil and frankincense essential oil

  1396. Kris says:

    I’ve been happily using Dr. Hauschka while in Germany. I’ve used Annmarie’s Skincare before while in the U.S., and I loved it, especially the herbal cleanser and toning mist!

  1397. Stephanie McGhee says:

    I love Booda Butter lip balm, and when I wear makeup it is always Larenim mineral foundation. That stuff is awesome! Facialists always compliment my skin when I have that makeup on.

  1398. Sara says:

    Best natural tip – use plain baking soda as deodorant!! just get it a little wet in palm of hand and apply with your fingers. You will ABSOLUTELY not smell, but will still be able to sweat out toxins:) I have tried tons of natural deodorants that do not work – this is the only thing that REALLY does!!!

  1399. Nancy devaux says:

    Pit paste

  1400. Jen says:

    I REALLY would love to try AnnMarie’s products. I follow her & Kevin. I still deal with acne at 30. I’m hypothyroid and do everything “right” on my health journey, but my skin doesn’t show the health I do provide to my body. I wish I looked like how I feel inside. I want to believe all natural products will one day cure it.
    My product would be LaVanila deodarants. I saw your video of your trials, but this wasn’t one of them and I think it’s the best I’ve tried. With hypothyroidism I sweat profusely especially in the summer. The scents are great and it truly works.
    Thanks Kris for all you do!

  1401. Amy says:

    I am sure everyone knows the awesome benefits of coconut oil, but I have recently started using it as an eye make up remover and love it!

  1402. Jennifer says:

    Aztec mud and apple cider vinegar mixed into a facial mask. Tingles and tightens the skin.

  1403. Elizabeth says:

    I love vegetable glycerin!! Great moisturizer. I also use Dawn Lorraine Conscious Skin Care products from a little local shop in town.

  1404. Tara Gottula says:

    My best idea and most favorite non-toxic, all natural beauty secret is the green plastic ‘finger-tip’ dog toothbrush ! I use it in the shower to deep clean my face ! A drop of your favorite face cleanser on the soft squishy bristles and gentle circle motions all over my face ( particularly my nose) and my face is massaged, defoliated, and cleaned with no cost after initial purchase ! Actually mine was free from my pup’s vet. YaY!

  1405. Helen says:

    I have to say that Anna Marie products are amazing, but having said that I don’t think I could live without my coconut oil. ( Nutiva ) and Dr. Bonner soap. All are a must. Jojoba and hemp oils are quickly becoming favorites in skin care as well.

  1406. Sophie Berger says:

    Coconut Oil! I absolutely love using coconut oil as an all over body moisturizer. I sometimes find myself in the kitchen cooking with it and applying it to my face at the same time ha ha. I also recently started applying aloe vera juice to a cotton swab and applying it to blemishes. So far so good but I will confirm these results after trying for at least a month! Thanks to all for the great tips!

  1407. Connie says:

    Annmarie Gianni radiant skin silk body lotion AND coconut oil. It is a toss up! 🙂 They both do my skin wonders.

  1408. Alison George says:

    I use Tropic, its a new product to the UK. It’s 100% purely plant derived:) It’s really awesome!!

  1409. Lynn says:

    I love Badger’s Vanilla Bean cocoa butter lip balm. Absolutely decadent!

  1410. Kasia says:

    I recently switched to organic products. I love the body wash from Avalon Organics and the hair shampoo and toothpaste from Nature’s Gate.

  1411. Tricia Poettker says:

    Kiss My Face Olive Oil Soap – Badger Sunscreen – Nutiva Coconut Oil

  1412. Mhairi says:

    I use afghan butter as a moisturiser. Great for the skin and can be used as an intense treatment for dry hair too!

  1413. I love the Sei Bella line –especially Timeless Age Defying Serum. And, I second the comment below about water. I use it in abundance!!

  1414. Angela says:

    I’ve been slowly switching out my “commercial” products over the past few months. I use a salt crystal (for deodorant), natural soap/shampoo combo in the shower, and a homemade tooth powder (it remineralizes and whitens!). I don’t wear much makeup but would love an alternative to lipstick. Anyone know of any good ones?

  1415. My favourite personal care product and beauty tip is using lavender essential oil on my wrists before bed. This way I enjoy the smell and get the relaxing benefits of lavender and a good sleep all night. And we all know that beauty rest brings out the beauty in us.

    Thanks for the tips Kris. I always appreciate all that you teach me.

    Hugs, Jo-Ann

  1416. carol says:

    Love annemaries line for a long time. Favorite product? OMG All of the anti aging line..I am in my 70s…and love the body wash and coconut body oil. The new sunscreen is amazing.

    I also use organic cold pressed coconut oil (Aunt Patty’s) for just about everything from oil pulling to skin booboos to meals. Its a natural anti bacterial nutrient that I believe should go on and in to your body every day. :-)).

    Also use Dr. Bonners liquid soap at my sinks throughout the home.

  1417. jackie malena says:

    I love Burt Bee’s tinted lip balm. I gave up my fancy lipsticks and glosses and am trying to go more natural.

  1418. Susan says:

    Calendula oil! I use it almost every day.

  1419. Cindy says:

    Coconut oil as a deodorant.

  1420. Cindy says:

    coconut oil! I use it for moisturizer on face & body, and also use it in my homemade deodorant and toothpaste.

  1421. Lindsay says:

    I love Tata Harper Rejuvenating Serum.

  1422. Sarah Bartel says:

    I have been trying the sample kit from Annmarie Gianni and I’m loving it all!

  1423. Sandi Park says:

    My favorite natural product is Mint Matrix Oil Vera by ZeroPoint Global – clean, organic, energized with natural frequencies to give it incredible healing properties. I also love Annmarie’s skincare line.

  1424. Janice Frank says:

    I LOVE African Black soap. I use it on both my skin and hair. It’s made with very simple ingredients cooked down over a long period. It leaves me feeling clean and balanced!

  1425. Kaye L says:

    Dr Bronners and Coconut Oil….there are SO MANY great tips in these responses! Thanks all!

  1426. Christine G says:

    I love anything from Burt’s Bees (especially their Peppermint Foot Lotion, yum) and coconut oil is fantastic for just about everything!

  1427. Susan says:

    Eminence Citrus Lip Balm and Josie Maran Argon Oil… i use both products for a multitude of things… lips, skin ,hair, cuticles, sore nose during allergy season… Also love Epicuren Citrus Face wash… gentle and effective plus the company doesn’t spend any money on advertising or branding, so you pay for the actual product and not the hype.

  1428. Cindy says:

    Kiss My Face Natural Mineral Sunscreen with Hydresia, SPF 40 protects well and leaves my skin so very soft.

  1429. Stevie says:


    Right now my go to product is “SUKIN” australian natural skincare, specifically the facial moisturizer. It’s worked wonders for my skin so far and I am in love since most of the products I have used I react to in some way. My favourite toner right now is homemade and consists of 1/2 apple cider vinegar, 1/2 water with a few drops of lavender. 🙂

  1430. jill says:

    I love to use carrot seed oil as a toner on my face. It evens out discoloring and just smells healthy.

  1431. pat says:

    Annmarie’s products are my favorite – her facial oils, serums, and cleanser.

  1432. Anna says:

    natural fish collagen on my face and natural castor oil on my eyelashes to make them grow faster and richer, and other oils for hair/nails/body – coconut, jojoba etc., but my no 1 tip is cofee scrub – slim, silky smooth and firm body:)

  1433. Allyso says:

    I use an olive oil bar soap from a natural skincare line. I love the way it cleans my face with so few ingredients.

  1434. Lynne Mason says:

    I used to use all kinds of makeup. I had drawers full of eye shadows, concealers, blush and ‘BB creams”. I now only use natural mineral makeup (Jane Iredale) for everything!! bronzer, blush, eye shadow in one product with a short list of natural , pronounceable, ingredients!! I am now a very aware consumer and will not put anything full of chemicals on my face or body. I would love to try the skincare line as I haven’t found anything I love yet. I only use Dr Bronners cleanser and coconut oil, but need other products…Hope I win!!

  1435. Nancy Nester says:

    I love DermOrganic shampoo, conditioner, and masque with Argon oil!!! Their leave-in treatment Argon hair oil is the BEST! I even use their Pure Argon Oil as a moisturizer.

    I used to believe that oil would make me break out. Now I wash my face with it! I use DHC for that. I’m enjoying the posts with how to make my own oil cleanser. Thanks!

    Love you Kris Carr…..such an inspiration!

  1436. I use baking soda in place of dry shampoo to lift the roots of my hair on the second day after washing. I tend to have drier ends and oilier roots and the baking soda does the trick every time! Also, I have recently discovered Chi Roller Anti Aging Jade Therapy from GingerChi. I follow the directions that the roller came with and massage the face after applying my all natural skin care products before retiring to bed. This is a quote from their website:

    “Jade Rollers have been used for centuries, to refine and enhance skin elasticity, stimulating meridians points to promote facial Chi. The stone is believed to have mystical powers and considered a symbol of beauty, grace and longevity. The semiprecious stone has properties that allow it to remain cold on contact (even in warm weather). This cooling effect helps to close the pores, tighten the skin and increase lymphatic drainage.”

  1437. Dancing Willow Herbs Sensual Body Butter (made in Durango, Colorado) – heavenly!

  1438. Laura Boling says:

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE AnnMarie Gianni’s herbal facial oil and citrus mint face wash (among many others) — for the first time in my adult life I have been able to banish acne with all-natural face care products!! No harsh chemicals or additives or prescription creams — it’s WONDERFUL!!!! I could not be more of a convert.

  1439. Nelda says:

    I like to use coconut oil all over my body as a moisturizer and it removes eye makeup too!! Thanks for a great looking give away!
    Cheers w/Green Smoothies!

  1440. Shirin says:

    I use DeVita Skin Cleanser and Sunblock along with a Vitamin C serum from BPA. In six months my skin has gone from pock-marked, blemished, and acne-prone to a smoother, healthier face that I don’t need to cover up with foundation any more.

  1441. Colleen Maher says:

    I love natural castile soap. I make my own shower gel by adding organic essential oils. I use it to make my own cleaning & body products. So much goodness without the yuck & at a fraction of the cost. Thanks for the opportunity!

  1442. Chris says:

    cinnamon + cornstarch= bronzer. Love it!

  1443. Kristen says:

    I use body grade sesame oil to moisturise my face in the winter. It is warming and doesn’t leave a greasy film. I can use it everywhere. You can’t use culinary sesame oil for your skin. Tied with first choice is coconut oil. You can use organic food grade coconut oil for your skin, and your frying pan!

  1444. Ashley B says:

    Dr. Bronner’s peppermint soap!

  1445. Kristin Roy says:

    I looooooooove using organic, unrefined coconut oil on both my body and face! It feels nourishing and smells great…plus it’s super safe and affordable – yay!!

  1446. marlo says:

    HI! Oh my goodness, skincare has always been an ongoing battle! From acne as a kid, to taking and using things that are oh so toxic and if I only knew back then! Over the last 5 years I have been searching for products to use as face wash and body wash and have not had great success. Until over the last year…for body wash I use Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap in Almond scent 🙂 For face wash I have tried AnneMarie’s face wash once and although it broke my face out at first, it did re-balance it after using a harsh african black soap before that. I use coconut oil as a moisturizer and real face food for my face moisturizer 🙂 Would love to find a spot treatment and something that helps with dark spots or to even out color. Oh and something that naturally lengthens eye lashes 😉

  1447. Deanna says:

    I am still pretty new, but I would have to say I am most impressed by coconut oil. I also like Dr. Bronner’s lavender soap.

  1448. Heidi Demars says:

    Hello all you beautiful people!
    I love AnneMarie Gianni’s skincare. It has worked the best for my sensitive skin and I adore the natural smell and feel of it. It is by far THE BEST stuff out there. Hope everyone can find what works best for them. Remember, we glow from the inside-out 🙂
    Peace and glowing skin,
    Heidi Demars

  1449. christine says:

    I LOVE ‘doTerra’ products. I use their skincare line and essentials oils.

  1450. Ty says:

    Coconut oil is the best. It’s so versatile that I use it on my skin, in my hair and for cooking. The brand I buy is Lou Ana. My family swears by this. Using coconut oil is a beauty tip passed down from Grandma.

  1451. adrian says:

    My favorite product(s) are raw honey with jojoba oil to remove makeup and a raw ACV tonic diluted with filtered water as a toner. I would love a great moisturizer and her products look amazing! Thank you for offering and for this important information!

  1452. Christine says:

    I am from Germany so I have been using Dr. Hauschka and Weleda products for years as my skin care line.

    I do not use make-up, but sometimes I like to use a concealer and mascara from Dr. Hauschka.

    I do not use lotions either I use oil instead and only when needed. (Less ingredients), I agree with all the statements about coconut oil too.

  1453. Danyiel J says:

    I actually love the AnnMarie Gianni anti aging serum, I love it, love the way it feels and mostly what it does for my skin. Miracles ladies, miracles!!

  1454. nat says:

    oh boy! seems I am a million years behind! I use Kiehl’s everything, and I thought thier products were safe, they are not the best, but not the worst. I will start trying slowly your recommendations.

  1455. Karmell says:

    My favorite products are from Mychelle, Primavera, Dr. Hauschka, Aura Cacia, and many more!

  1456. Susan says:

    I love Bubble and Bee brand 100% organic deodorant “Pit Putty”.
    No aluminum for me!

  1457. Bonnie Janney says:

    I use herbal face food from self health revolution. The worlds 1st organic, edible, 100% plants, super-antioxidant skin serum.

  1458. Kathryn Nelson says:

    I love coconut oil for all over moisturizer. I also make my own deodorant with coconut oil, arrowroot, and baking soda. I also use My Chelle products. For soap, I use Black Soap. Thanks for reminding all of us to go natural!

  1459. Dawn W says:

    Sea Buckthorn oil by SWELL was a game changer for my face. This plant is super rich in ALL 4 Omega Acids. I have VERY oily and acne-prone skin and it has transformed my skin to look so much more healthy. It has been used to regenerate skin on burns in hospitals – I swear the plant is magic!

  1460. Emily Phelps says:

    My favorite all natural beauty product is definitely organic coconut oil. It’s good for your skin, your hair, as your baby’s diaper cream, to help with stretch marks during pregnancy, as eye makeup remover, as a lip balm, and so many other reasons…. and it smells amazing!

    Emily Phelps

  1461. Julie says:

    I would absolutely flip to win this giveaway. I am on a quest to sort out my skin. I was recently introduced to Ava Anderson products and absolutely LOVE her toner. All of her products are non-toxic and she is local (to me) in RI.

  1462. Jocelyn says:

    I LOVE experimenting with new natural skincare products! I have tried everything from “high end blends” to just water and oil and even have tried making some of my own. My favorite would have to be May Lindstrom’s Honey Mud. It’s thick, it has awesome ingredients and it has the most delicious scent. It is on the expensive side for sure, but whenever I open it up, I find myself squealing with delight! Seriously, I start doing a little jig and everything.
    My second fave would be apple cider vinegar. I mix it with water and do a rinse after I wash my face and it really has worked wonders in balancing my skin. 🙂

  1463. Sara says:

    Really enjoy some of the juice beauty makeup products.

  1464. Catherine says:

    I really love to use cold pressed organic castor oil mixed with organic cold pressed olive oil (50/50) and then add very high quality frankenscence (about 30 drops) in a small dark glass ja. for a deeply nourishing face treatment just dab on before bedtime over face and neck and enjoy!

  1465. Sharon marnell says:

    I wash my face in local honey, tone with rose water and moisturise with argan oil. I LOVED throwing out all the other staff AND I’ve saved a fortune. I use Aubrey Organics shampoo and Dr Bronner for everything else. I’ve stopped wearing make-up, except when the occasion demands it. Life has got so much better.

  1466. Marisa Mohr says:

    I just started using Annemarie Ginanni Products. I’ve only tried the Anti aging oil and serum and love them both! I would love to use her full line, but can’t afford that right now. Like many of the posters below, I love using coconut oil for just about everything. I use it to “wash” my face and it makes a great makeup remover for mascara, etc. I also mix it with sugar to make a lovely homemade sugar scrub. My hands never felt so smooth!

  1467. Jodi says:

    My favorite nontoxic skincare item is AnnMarie Gianni’s Aloe-Herb Facial Cleanser. Like you, I use it every morning and every night – along with the Toning Mist & the Anti-Aging Oil. I actually tried the sample, after you recommended it in one of your posts. If I had only one skincare item to choose to take on a deserted island – that would be my pick. Although I would prefer to take her whole line! Since I’ve been on my Holistic Wellness path I’ve tried a few nontoxic lines & never found one to compare. Thank you for your inspiration and suggestions Kris. You are truly a gift.

  1468. Krissel says:

    Tom’s toothpaste, cinnamon flavor!

  1469. Melissa says:

    Jojoba oil is fantastic! I use it all over!

  1470. Erin Rebant says:

    AnnMarie Gianni is my favorite skin care line by far, and 100% Pure is my favorite cosmetics brand. My skin looks and feels so much better!

  1471. Mindy says:

    I use Josie Maran Argan Tinted Moisturizer SPF 30 everyday. It’s full of antioxidants, vitamins, pomegranate oil, goji berry extract, papaya extract, and 100% Pure Argan Oil. I use it instead of makeup to even my skin tone… love it!

  1472. Desirea says:

    My favorite “beauty product” is … wait for it ! Coconut oil ! I use it for everything from scrubs, to moisturizer, to a deep conditioning treatment. I also like ELF but tend to steer away from make-up or anything that alters appearance.

  1473. Rachel says:

    My favorite natural personal care product is Coconut oil mixed with Lavender oil. I mix it together and then use as a full body moisturizer before bed. Smells amazing and is all natural!

  1474. Gemma says:

    I love Rahua shampoo and conditioner!

  1475. Caroline L says:

    Check out Belmondo skin care line! It’s made in my hometown of Vancouver BC, it’s natural and bonus the owner Daniela Belmondo is a lovely person!

  1476. Kari says:

    Primal Pit Paste and Young Living essential oils!!!

  1477. Carmen says:

    I have two favorites – coconut oil and Dr. Bronner’s lavender castille soap! I use coconut oil for everything – moisturizer, makeup remover, hair mask, to make deodorant, etc. I wash my face every evening with Dr. B’s (diluted a bit) and put on some coconut oil. In the morning I just need a splash of water. My skin looks and feels great. I used to battle MAJOR acne and haven’t had an issue since.

    I would love to know what ladies are using for natural mascara. It’s my one must do and I just can’t seem to find an economical, safe brand. Any tips?

  1478. Anik G says:

    I’m just starting to make the switch but right now I love Aura Cacia Sweet Almond Skin Care Oil for moisturizing my body and because it’s my favourite scent, I add in a few drops of pure vanilla essential oil from the same brand to make it even more awesome! It’s fun to be able to customize your skin care oils by adding in different essential oils depending on your needs. 🙂

  1479. Dani says:

    I’d probably have to say jojoba oil, so versatile, and so wonderful at the same time!

  1480. Katrina says:

    I have been using coconut oil as a moisturizer!

  1481. krystal says:

    Herbal Marshmallow Root Detangler- for recipe and more natural beauty ideas, see my lovely cousin’s blog:

  1482. Marie J H says:

    Aloe – straight from the plant or/and
    Annmarie Gianna Aloe Herb Facial Cleanser – leaves the face cool and refreshed

  1483. michelle says:

    I use coconut oil or jojoba oil as eye makeup remover.

  1484. Olive says:

    I use a lot of products from MOO GOO. It is an Australian product range. The story goes that the first product in the range was formulated by a farmer to treat his cows udders and he realized how wonderful it was for skin.

  1485. Sheryl says:

    Sally B’s Skin Yummies Antioxidant Boost is fab! 🙂

  1486. Lisa says:

    Love just plain water & coconut oil! Ava Anderson nontoxic products are the bomb as well!

  1487. Michelle says:

    I’ve been using natural and organic beauty care products since 2009 when I also stopped using any plastic, started really eating according to my various food sensitivities and (mostly) clean and vegetarian. I had already been making organic hemp protein smoothies since 2005 daily for breakfast, so then I started to clean everything else up. I even went 4 years without having my hair highlighted. MY FAVORITE products are: Aubrey Organics ( I use their translucent powder and lotions, creams and anything else I can get my hands on), Ecoo Bella foundation/coverstick and eye make up remover, and their brand of mascara, which is very good, though it does have some parabens in it (yuck). I don’t wear makeup every day because I spend most of my days from home. I also use John Master’s Organics products too. They smell delicious! I also have 2 local friends that make homemade beauty products and even a bug spray that works amazingly well! Once I get my blog up an running I look forward to sharing all my trials off food/beauty 😉 with folks so they don’t have to go through all the experimenting that I did. Another great finishing powder is by Christopher Drummond, it has NO titanium dioxide in it which is great for me as I’m sensitive to that ingredient. Also, the book “Not Just A Pretty Face” was excellent and it helped me kickstart my personal healthcare revolution! <3

  1488. Wendy says:

    Apple cider vinegar is a great natural facial toner. A swipe of jojoba oil works beautifully as a mascara remover. I also enjoy using organic coconut oil for moisturizing, oil pulling for teeth, and a hair conditioner. Simple, minimalist, and back to basics!

  1489. Leah Yost says:

    I love using coconut oil on my skin. I use it as a facial cleanser and moisturizer at night. I even use it as my deodorant. I add essential oils when I’m feeling it.

  1490. Shelley says:

    Super-effective all-natural deodorant: aloe vera gel mixed with a sprinkle of baking soda. It really works!

  1491. Karen says:

    I love natural rosehip oil and enjoy The Honest Company’s alcohol free hand sanitizers. I am a big beauty junkie and want to go natural with products but haven’t known where to start. Thanks so much for this blog to help point me in the right direction!!

  1492. Robin Southern says:

    I started using organic coconut oil during chemo for dryness on my bald head. I have continued it daily and my new hair is gorgeous and healthy and coming in very fast.

  1493. Sarah says:

    I LOVE organic coconut oil as a moisturizer and facial cleanser. I also use cold pressed, organic sesame oil as a moisturizer. My favorite makeup line is Jane Iredale. Their mineral foundation and lip products are the best I’ve used!

  1494. Abbey says:

    I love everything from Living Libations ( I especially like Rose Serum, Seabuckthorn Best Skin Ever, and Dew Dab. Also, their all natural shampoo is wonderful

  1495. Suzy says:

    I love Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps…almond, lavender, citrus, peppermint…mmmmm. Great for washing your face, your hair and a multitude of other things around your home!

  1496. Julia says:

    Since having 2 kids, I started switching out all of my skincare and makeup products to only natural ones. I LOVE Annemarie Gianni products! It was the 1st natural skin care line that made a difference in my skin, while not irritating it. My 2 favorites are: Aloe Herb Cleanser and the Repair Serum. I actually love everything that I’ve tried in her line. Great products and great company!

  1497. Abigail Cannon says:

    I just started using Annemarie’s line in the past couple months, and my favorite is her Repair Serum. It feels great on my skin and smells wonderful!

  1498. Sarah says:

    I love pretty much everything from Earth Mama Angel Baby, especially the body wash. It’s completely safe, smells great, and leaves my babies and me ce and clean.

  1499. kathy says:

    I use Hyalastin serum and macadamia oil. Just recently tried a product from Lifecell, you do not need any other creams as it is for eyes as well. A bit pricey $180 but lasts a couple of months
    I also take a tbsp of collagen daily since we produce less as we get older. Flax oil is also great for skin taken orally. Love your website and mission, thank you

  1500. Elizabeth Baker says:

    My favorite non-toxic natural skin care product is Avacado Oil. I use it after I shower and it keeps my skin moisturized and perfect.

  1501. Lauren says:

    Coconut oil for everything!!! Love it in the shower to shave with!

  1502. Lisa Cien says:

    Love the natural sunscreen I made using carrot seer oi and coconut oil! I use it daily in place of the toxic stuff I use to use.

  1503. Kelly says:

    Organic Coconut Oil as Face Wash

  1504. Courtney Bell says:

    100% Pure !!!
    Mascara and Liquid eyeliner!!!!!
    My sensitive doesn’t react to these like it has with big brand name toxic brands!

  1505. Natalie says:

    I love DIY recipes! My fav is pit paste – coconut oil, arrowroot powder, baking soda, diatomaceous earth and essential oils (lavender, jasmine and ylang ylang) – I have the prettiest smelling non-toxic pits!! 🙂

  1506. Lizanna says:

    My go-to products for the past few years have been Arbonne which have been great as well as organic coconut oil that I use for pretty much everything. However, always looking to try all natural skin products 🙂 – Lizanna

  1507. Lindsay says:

    My favourite skincare products are Raw Gaia and Juice Beauty! You’re a star, keep up the good work 🙂

  1508. Angela says:

    Mychelle products, love them. Bentonite clay mask. When I juice, I save a little and spread over face & neck, gets you glowing, esp when juice has carrot and lemon 🙂

  1509. Zoe McGovern says:

    My favourite everyday moisturizer right now is (Brocco Fusion) Sulpforaphane Lotion by NEWCO (made in Calgary, Canada). I was introduced to it while working at my local health store. Excellent for sun damage, acne, and uneven skin tone!

  1510. Karen says:

    My favorite is a homemade body scrub made with almond oil, sea salt, and lavender, orange, and geranium essential oils

  1511. Kimberley Peplow says:

    I love using Annmarie’s Aloe Herb Facial Cleanser. I use it twice a day followed by coconut oil mixed with a few drops of lavender oil (homemade). My skin has never been softer or smoother. Even with the really cold winter we had, the skin on my face was never dry.

  1512. I use Annmarie Gianni for all of my facial skin care. I need to find some better make-up that doesn’t have so many chemicals. I’m trying to swap things out as I go, but they don’t seem to work as well. I’d love tips in this department. My cousin has the BEST COCONUT OIL on the planet. I use it everywhere I don’t use Annmarie’s line. My cousin also has some other pretty fantastic raw products/superfoods. His website is It has changed my life. If nothing else, check out his coconut oil.

  1513. Peggy says:

    Coconut oil for skin and hair moisturizing. I even use it with a little baking soda as toothpaste on my teeth.

  1514. Colleen says:

    Inside and out 😉
    Use it plentifully and it changes the way you look and FEEL!

  1515. Shell says:

    I love using Coconut Oil as a moisturizer. Also love using papaya and honey as a skin exfoliant.

  1516. Tammy says:

    Finding Annmarie Gianni’s skincare was the best thing I’ve done for my skin in a long time! I’m so excited to have found her – I’m a minimalist and I love my body and it shocks me to realize what I’ve been doing to it for so long (the chemicals – yuck). There’s something about turning forty that brings so much clarity!

  1517. Esa Merson says:

    My favorite product is Booda Butter! Five pure ingredients and soooo luscious!

  1518. Jacky says:

    Baking soda and water for shampoo and apple cider vinegar and water to rinse and balance pH. I have thick curly hair so I’ve been able to switch to minimal amounts of post shower product since I no longer strip my hair of its natural oils. So great for my hair!

  1519. Joy says:

    I’m super picky about what I use on my sensitive, oily but sometimes with dry spots, acne-prone face. Most “natural” products put irritating ingredients in like witch hazel or essential oils. I really like Paula’s Choice in general because of the well-researched ingredients, but in particular the EARTH SOURCED PERFECTLY NATURAL CLEANSING GEL hits the balance of “natural” but effective and non-irritating for me. I use that when my face isn’t super oily, and another Paula’s Choice cleanser when I need a little extra acne help.

  1520. Maura says:

    Frangipani ( and Sunshine Botanicals (!

    I credit my skin with my healthy lifestyle. t has made me the healthiest version of me though so I’m grateful for my skin. It’s one of my biggest teachers.

    However, weening myself off the harsh/toxic prescription topicals has been a PROCESS. Tracy – owner and creator of Frangipani – and I met one day last summer at my local Whole Foods, and not only have her products helped my skin, but her email support during this long year of transition has been so so key in me learning patience and tracking my progress.

    I first learned about Emily and her company Sunshine Botanicals on Dr. Sellman’s podcast. Her vast knowledge of skin and what it needs to function at its best gave me the confidence and understanding to stop using RetinA and other harsh topicals. Her cleansing process is amazing, and I now look forward to it daily as a luxury of living. 😉

  1521. Cindy Levine says:

    I use Urban Cowboy deodorant. It works well even in a hot, sweaty yoga class.:-)

  1522. Stacy says:

    Coconut and tea tree oils! I combine them to make a non toxic deodorant . 🙂

  1523. Sheelagh Murphy says:

    AnneMarie Gianni is absolutely my favorite skin care line. I’m so excited about the sunscreen and am hoping for hair product line!

  1524. Marianne says:

    I keep a big jar of coconut oil in my bathroom. I use it to moisturize my face and body, for deodorant, toothpaste, oil pulling, and it’s great for taming frizzy hair! I also like to use baking soda as a gentle exfoliant every day.

  1525. Katie says:

    Rosehip Seed oil is amazing for anti-aging and hydration!

  1526. kristin says:

    Thanks to Kris Carr-o-rama – my favorite natural, non-toxic personal care product is Annmarie Gianni’s Anti-Aging facial oil. After I apply it I can literally hear, feel and see my face saying “Bless you!”. Clearly others do too, as I am complimented daily with comments like, “Your skin is amazing!”, “You look tan!”, “What are you using on your face ?- You don’t drink booze, right ?” :))
    and many others.

  1527. sharon says:

    I use calendula cream for cuts and bites, and coconut oil for moisturizing.

  1528. Julie says:

    I love using Plant Therapy essential oils and coconut oil.

  1529. abey says:

    I make my own deodorant using 1/3 cup coconut oil, 2 T baking soda, 1/3 cup arrowroot & essential oils.

  1530. Nicole says:

    I recently bought the book 100 Organic Skincare Recipes by Jessica Ress, and this summer I am going to start making my own skincare products! I have spent a lot of time and money trying to find products that work for me, my budget and are low on the EWG Skin Deep rating, and sometimes it can get to be frustrating. So now I’m going to give making my own a try, that way I know 100% what is in it!

  1531. Paula Tomaszewski says:

    Tom’s of Maine toothpaste keeps my pearly whites clean…..naturally!

  1532. Kara says:

    Coconut oil, for almost everything. I use it straight after the shower instead of lotion, mix up body butter in drier months, make a shaving cream with it, use it for oil-pulling….

  1533. Debbi G. says:

    I tried Annamarie’s oil on my face and was amazed!! I am oily and my face wasn’t oily with her oil!! How is that possible?! Lol Since then, I have become brave enough to venture out and try other oil moisturizers and nope…none of them were the same. Those made me oily. Not Annamarie! Wonderful products!

  1534. Darcee says:

    I love Ollie and Max deodorants. They smell amazing and seem to work have anti-perspirant qualities.

  1535. Judy says:

    Coconut oil for skin and hair and vaginal dryness!

  1536. I love The Body Shop Tea Tree cleanser. Super refreshing and soothing.

  1537. Stacy Sachais says:

    My current favorite personal care product is pureORIGINAL Oil, by dermaPURE. You probably haven’t heard of the company yet, because it hasn’t launched yet, but hopefully will by end of summer! pureORIGINAL is a professional massage oil that doubles as a full-body moisturizer. I like to use it on damp skin when I get out of the shower. Like AnnMarie Gianni skin care, which I have tried and LOVE, dermaPURE products are pure and natural… no synthetics or preservatives! pureORIGINAL Oil’s ingredients are: Meadowfoam Seed Oil (a stable oil, non-greasy yet moisturizing), Avocado Oil (high in vitamins A, D and E; may reduce itching; skin softening), Apricot Kernal Oil (light and nourishing), Jojoba Oil (emollient), and Vitamin E (antioxidant). I am 44-years old, but whenever I (remember to…lol) use the oil, my skin feels super soft like the good old days of childhood!!

  1538. noushin izadifar says:

    I use Origins.

  1539. Jessica says:

    I love, love, love Pit Balm (deoderant) by Nature Girl (you can find her at All natural and works great! They also have wonderful foot scrubs with ‘olena (turmeric) in them. Can’t say enough about them and their great products!

  1540. Kimberly says:

    I use coconut oil to moisturize while in the shower. Just be careful as the tub can get slick.

  1541. Sam says:

    I like Nezza Natural’s Lemongrass hand soap

  1542. Ronda says:

    I love using a crystal deodorant stone instead of an anti-perspirant deodorant. At first I had to get used to my underarms being wet sometimes. But you really do get used to it and it doesn’t bother me anymore. AND, knowing that I’m doing much less harm to my body is worth so much more than dry pits. YAY!

  1543. Kathryn says:

    I love lavendar oil! I rub some on my heels and palms before bedtime to hydrate and relax.

  1544. Jill says:

    I love Dessert Essence Coconut shampoo and conditioner. Also, have had good luck with using Henna hair dye from my local health food store. It takes awhile to do at home, but works very well.

  1545. Sandra R says:

    I really love argan oil for both skin and hair.

  1546. Ann says:

    Coconut Oil for just about everything that ails ya! Use it to moisturize and cleanse!

  1547. Shannon says:

    I use coconut oil for everything! Make-up remover, moisturizer, shaving lotion, hair conditioner, you name it! It works miracles plus it smells delicious!

  1548. Kari says:

    I just recently heard of AnnMarie Gianni’s Skin Care Products. I’ve watch the videos, read the info and tried a sample of the products. They are amazing and I am so impressed with the integrity of the staff and quality of their products. I would love to try all their products and indulge in everything they create! Other than this recent discovery, I often just use coconut oil for my skin and some added essential oils like lavender from time to time. Especially to moisturize and relieve itching.

  1549. Olga says:

    I use Weleda’s Calendula baby cream for my face, and also love Dr. Haushka’s products. For hair color, I often use the products by Logona. All of these are German brands.

  1550. Marisa macchio says:

    Thayer’s Rose Water witch hazel

  1551. Lisa Burant says:

    I like Suki Exfoliate Foaming Cleanser. Also, Organic Coconut Oil to moisturize. A little goes a long way.

  1552. Nicole Campbell says:

    I have all kinds of face wash including proactive and creams from dermatologists. And I continued to still have issues with my face. I actually started AnnMarie Gianni skincare and haven’t gone back. I love them all but I have to say my absolute favorite is the honey mask. I use this on my face, as chap stick, and I don’t have to worry about my two year old coating his lips with it just about every day. He loves it just as much as I do. I’ve even used it to sooth a sunburn!

  1553. I recently fell in love with Avalon Organics Vitamin C Renewal face moisturizers and sunscreen. Smells delicious and feels great! I also love the Avalon Organics Tea Tree Oil Shampoo and Conditioner.

  1554. Brienne says:

    I like Badger’s Sunscreen. Bio-degradable, cruelty free, natural sunscreen. (Melanoma survivor, so it’s my fave!)


  1555. Christine Beyer says:

    My number one natural body care product is tea tree oil! It really helps clear up my breakouts as I have really oily skin! I also love using organic coconut oil as a face moisturizer! It soaks in pretty fast and leaves my skin so so soft! 🙂

  1556. Pam clark says:

    I love Annmarie’s Aloe cleanser, use it daily. I also love her new sunscreen for my face, and I use DeVita’s moinsturizing sunscreen for the rest of me.

  1557. Tammy says:

    Argan oil. My hip-length hair snarls and tangles when it gets wet. The argan oil is the best detangler I’ve used, and my hair is SO shiny and soft.

  1558. Karen Yent says:

    My favorite natural product is AnnMarie Gianni’s Repair Serum. It has done wonders for my skin!

  1559. leslie says:

    Organic coconut oil is my favorite beauty treatment. I use it for a pre-wash hair conditioner, skin moisturizer, and lip balm.

  1560. Tiffany says:

    Coconut oil is a fantastic shaving cream

  1561. Amy wolffe says:

    Badger sleep balm. Made with lavender & bergamot. I put it on my lips every night. No chapped lips, and I sleep like a baby

  1562. Jory Kate says:

    Coconut oil! On everything – for everything!

  1563. Diane McKinley says:

    I use Pure mascara. I like it a lot. I feel so much better knowing that I am using something safe on my body. And I am always looking for new safe products. Thanks for the opportunity to win Anne Maries gift basket!

  1564. Barbara says:

    COCONUT OIL- oil pulling, make-up removal, lotion, lip care, hair conditioner, and as a base for deodorant!

  1565. Ashley says:

    Coconut oil! It’s a great for everything… even as a substitute for shave gel for silky smooth legs.

  1566. Lauren says:

    I love Jaason toothpaste! Their Seafoam mint and Vanilla Mint are awesome!

  1567. Briana Reyes says:

    Pure coconut oil is amazing! Why put something on your body that you wouldn’t put in it? Plus you smell awesome 🙂

  1568. Jenny V. Crossland says:

    I signed up for the $10 sample kit you had for Annmarie Gianni product line and LOVED it all, I even ordered two samples. I would like to try others so I know what I would like in a larger size.
    I think I want to switch over to all her products but not sure which ones. My skin has not been that lovely in decades. Thank you for the introduction!

  1569. monica says:

    I actually ADORE Annmarie Gianni facial care products and highly recommend them to my clients as an effective, non-toxic line of skincare products. Finally, a product that doesn’t have scary ingredients, gets great results, and smells amazing. I actually just tried a sample of her sunscreen — also incredible, and I’m putting it to the test while I’m visiting Miami this week. Thanks for organizing this giveaway, Kris — love everything you do!

  1570. Jennifer Mitchell says:

    I love dr hauschka rose facial cream and body lotion! Keeps my skin hydrated naturally !

  1571. carrie says:

    My favorite beauty product is…wait for it,


    I was a little skeptical at first, but once I started using it everyday I realized how amazing it truly is. I love using honey as a face wash so much that I actually went to a beekeeping class, and very soon I will be getting my first hive to make my own honey!!!

    BEE utiful

  1572. Jess says:

    I love shea terra products especially the body scrubs/shea butter intensive lotion & shea butter.

  1573. Eileen says:

    Naturally Fresh Deodorant Crystal

  1574. Katy McLaughlin says:

    Pratima Skincare is incredible.

  1575. Tricia herring says:

    My favorite natural body product is coconut oil! I put it all over my body everyday and in my hair at night before bed. Works great as a face moisturizer especially under the eyes!

  1576. Terah Kalk says:

    Trader Joes’ facial moisturizer is my favorite! My skin is super sensitive and this is the only lotion I can put on my face.

  1577. Amber Christiansen says:

    Annamarie’s Aloe Cleanser is my most favorite and most used product, although it’s a bit expensive. But hey sometimes a little extra money is worth it when purchasing good quality products. This prize package would allow me to enjoy many products without the splurge from my bank sound, win win!!

  1578. Chelsea says:

    I currently use Acure Organics for my face wash and moisturizer. I also really like Dr. Bronner’s products. I am still on the hunt for a good shampoo and conditioner though!

  1579. Christine Roth says:

    I love Dr Bronner’s castile soap! It’s great for making foaming hand soaps!

  1580. Michele says:

    I really love Dr. Bronner’s pure castile soap. I use the liquid form in the shower. Not only is it non-toxic but it is made with organic oils and is certified fair trade. I have peppermint and orange but I am going to try all of the different scents.

  1581. Lancy says:

    Abbey Brown Lavender Shea Balm – Amazing and calms the whole office down when I wear it! It’s my local Chicago small company that makes its products in house and supports artists. Also they are often found at farmers markets.
    (I already get your newsletter and love love love it, thanks!)

  1582. Love this article! I clean my face with a mixture of grapeseed oil, vitamin e and sweet almond oil. I have combo skin and love this for my face! I also use Whole Foods 356 lavender conditioner for my shaving cream:) Leaves my legs super smooth and it’s such a good price!

    Thanks Kris for all you do!


  1583. Linda says:

    AnneMarie’s Aloe-Herb Cleanser and serums; Living Libation’s Best Skin Ever; Schmidt deodorant, which really works! So glad to support these companies and their products.

  1584. Lisa Sullivan says:

    I use Crystal Body Deodorant Stick, Heritage Store Rosewater, Dr. Bronners soaps, and doTERRA essential oils.

  1585. Amy says:

    For my face I love frankensence and coconut oil. I’ve been using castor oil with rosemary on my hair and I really like it. Thank you for the opportunity to win

  1586. Coconut oil! I keep a tub in the bathroom for multipurpose use – makeup remover, shaving cream, moisturizer, lip balm! And it’s completely natural and free of nasty chemicals! <3

  1587. Amy says:

    Coconut oil!
    I use it to remove eye makeup, shave, moisturize my body, tame flyaway’s, as a hair mask, lip balm, for oil pulling and cuticle care!

  1588. Camille says:

    Tea tree oil is awesome!! Coconut oil is a godsend! Lemon juice can work wonders.. Do I have to pick just one?

    I like to use products from Trader Joe’s and tarte cosmetics.

  1589. Paige says:

    I love avocado oil and wash my face with it a couple times a day. I soak a washcloth in almost hot water and let it sit on my face for a few seconds so that my pores open. Soak the washcloth again in hot water and then drizzle avocado/castor oil blend and gently pat my face, careful to avoid my eyes. No scrubbing. It leaves my face feeling moisturized and since I live in Denver, I need all the help I can get.

  1590. Augusta says:

    Olive oil & coconut oil are two of my favorite natural ingredient. Olive oil makes a great cleanser because oil attracts oil and coconut oil is a great natural moisturizer that absorbs into the skin.

  1591. Julie says:

    Coconut oil as a nighttime moisturizer.

  1592. Take granulated sugar and squeeze enough lemon juice into it to make a paste, then use it as a face or body scrub. So refreshing and leaves your skin incredibly smooth. . .

  1593. Christina says:

    I have so many favorites it is hard to choose…I love organic raw, unrefined coconut oil and Organic, first cold pressed unrefined Olive Oil. I use it to as a skin conditioner…making deodorant..and in facial masks. I also love organic essential oils.

  1594. Chasidy Szerokman says:

    I love Annemaries products!! My favorite has to be the herbal facial oil!! My daughters and I use it daily. I do love the dead sea scrub. I cannot wait to try the sunscreen!! Try her stuff if you have not!!

  1595. Staci says:

    I love love love Honey Girl Organics Night Creme Extra Sensitive. That whole line is good stuff!

  1596. Lee Anne Messina says:

    I love all the stuff I use like, Dr. Bronner, Anne Marie Giannini, Savy Bohen Bumble and Bee ~ I’m 71 so my skin is different in different spots. Love all the products on the and all the information from Kris Carr on cancer.Thank you to all of you ~ you are helping people more than you will ever know. <3

  1597. Elise says:

    Well of course my non-toxic, 100% plant based skincare line is my favorite! (Crazy Sexy featured me a few years ago). The only product I use that I don’t make is a Floral Hydrosol made by Annie @

    Thanks for a great article

  1598. Laura says:

    After watching your video, I love Soapwalla deodorant cream! 🙂

  1599. Bren says:

    I learned about AnnMarie’s products from an earlier post you did and hands down, my favorite is the anti-aging serum & oil — they smell SOOOO good and my skin feels FANTASTIC. The aroma has also become a natural bedtime signal for me — when I put this on each night, my body & mind are ready to drift into peaceful sleep. Thanks for introducing me to her products AND for this awesome giveaway!

  1600. Amber Christiansen says:

    I fell in love with Annamarie’s aloe cleanser after the first use! My face felt clean but not dry like it does after many other products I’ve tried in the past. Although her products are most wonderful they are also expensive so I am limited with what I can afford and when I can afford them. This prize would be the perfect solution!!

  1601. Fiona says:

    I use Skoah, a local and all natural product line from Vancouver, Canada. They have locations in the US as well, and are expanding as we speak. I LOVE their products and am an evangelist for them. My husband’s even converted and his skin has never looked better. Check them out online at (they ship internationally!).

  1602. Faith says:

    I moisturize with coconut oil.

  1603. Karen Stuntz says:

    this is all very new to me & sooooooo exciting. am now in love with Rejuva pressed foundation & mineral
    powder foundation. also love, Maia’s Mineral Galaxy eye shadows. the Maia’s Paradise Pink lipstick is pretty great too.
    thank you so very much for this give-away.
    Hugs to all of you,

  1604. Lisa says:

    I love Acure’s fragrance free sensitive facial cleanser. Sooo creamy and smells lovely. And no bad stuff in it!

  1605. Julie says:

    Organic coconut oil used as a nighttime moisturizer.

  1606. Ali says:

    Just finished treatment for breast cancer, and now discovering the joys of being post-menopausal at a very early age, I’m a little lost on what to do about my skin. Everything has changed. I started oil pulling with coconut oil about 6 months ago and notice that my skin IS better, but I could really use some help in figuring this out. AnnMarie’s line looks promising and uses all things I love!

  1607. Kelly says:

    Coconut oil!

  1608. Stephanie says:

    I LOVE Annmarie’s products and use the citrus mint facial cleanser, facial oil, and mud mask. I would love an article on makeup options though! I use a lot of LUSH and bare minerals make up, which are better than the average, but still have some questionable things in them.

  1609. Julie Nixon says:

    Besides Annemaries products, I use organic coconut oil. As a nighttime moisturizer, and oil pulling for healthy teeth.

  1610. Sarah says:

    I have not yet had the opportunity to try any natural skincare products. I’m excited to see everyones’ recommendations! I have switched to an all organic diet, and I can’t wait to start decreasing the toxins going on my body as well!

  1611. Renee says:

    I love Eminence’s Organics Stone Crop line of products, especially the serum and hydrating gel. The line is very gentle and soothing, great for sensitive skin!

  1612. Jamie Ohanian says:

    I use Dr. Bronner’s soap and just received the Honest Company’s trial. I make my own sugar scrubs using organic sugar, olive oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, raw honey, and essential oils. I also use Aura Cacia products, such as their day and night oils. I also make a toner out of apple cider vinegar and distilled water. I love finding new, natural ways of not only making my body beautiful and healthy, but also my home.

  1613. Donna Danielsen says:

    Mine is, as I’m sure many people share, is Coconut Oil. It is the best moisturizer I know of.

  1614. Heather says:

    Hands down: Organic unrefined coconut oil! Cleanser, moisturizer, body lotion,sunscreen, bug repellent & deep conditioner all in one.

  1615. Elizabeth says:

    I love tropical Traditions coconut oil ,I use on my face, hair and body.
    I love Annmarie’s beauty line ! I hope I win! I really need My skin is really dry right now.

  1616. Brenna says:

    I use Dr. Bronner’s also! Peppermint is my current favorite. I also use jojoba oil as a facial mositurizer after I shower. I have sensitive, dry skin so I really try to minimize what I put on my face simply because I don’t know what will cause my skin to flare up.

  1617. Tina says:

    I use coconut oil as a night time moisturizer a couple times a week. It’s great for eyes, lips and dry skin!

  1618. Kelly Sakai says:

    Neroli toning mist

  1619. Joy says:

    I love Dr. Woods Pure Black Soap with shea butter – it lathers up wonderfully and smells great!

  1620. Leslie Tranchell says:

    I have been using baking soda soda/apple cider vinegar on my hair and love it! Thanks for the article a few months ago!

  1621. Christina Scott says:

    I adore all the products made by Wild Carrot herbals, for me they are a local company located in Oregon state and I use all of their skin creams.

  1622. Annette Ponella Cordts says:

    A Greek yogurt and honey mask leave my skin so soft!

  1623. Nicole says:

    I personally love Alaffia Africa’s Secret Multipurpose Skin Cream. It’s definitely all-natural and ultra soothing. Every now and then I’ll even go simpler and stick avocado in my hair, haha!

  1624. Danielle says:

    To cut down on toxic chemicals I use pure unrefined Shea Butter everyday and night as a body and facial moisturizer. Since becoming pregnant I have also used the Shea Butter to help reduce my risk of stretch marks! In the shower I use Shea Moisture shampoo and conditioner 1 day a week and every other day I use Avalon Organics peppermint shampoo and conditioner (I swear hair grows faster when you switch up your shampoo and conditioners). To remove my makeup at night I use organic coconut oil, it works WONDERS for removing eye makeup! I also use a Konjac scrubber infused with French Green Clay to take my makeup off and exfoliate every night. Once a week I use the Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay Deep Pore Cleansing mask mixed with Bragg’s apple cider vinegar to deep clean my pores. For my makeup routine the shea butter keeps my skin so moisturized I simply use a soft brush and apply a light powder and blush, add some mascara and eyeliner and I am good to go for the day! Staying toxic free has always been a big part of my skin care regime, but even more so now that there is another life form that can take in all those chemicals as well!

  1625. Carrie Inderhees says:

    My favorite beauty product is… Wait for it, HONEY!!!!! The absolute best face wash I have ever used! I was a little skeptical at first, but once I started using it daily I noticed a huge improvement in my glow. I love it so much I took a beekeeping class and will soon be getting my first hive to make my own honey! Bee utiful !!!!!

  1626. Linda Hohensee says:

    Dr Bonner’s liquid soap. So many aromas so many uses.

  1627. Terry Perkins says:

    AnnMarie Gianni’s Anti-Aging Serum – it ROCKS!

  1628. Kelly says:

    Coconut oil is Ahmazing!

  1629. Nicole says:

    Moroccan Elixir Pure Argan Oil–great for hair and skin.

  1630. Kere Knautz says:

    After being diagnosed with breast cancer my sister turned me onto all natural products made by Lush.

  1631. Veronica says:

    Shea butter & coconut oil! Both have only 1 ingredient but 100 uses: skin, hair, masks, etc. A little goes a long way for both, so don’t worry about being oily. Use your fingers to dab a little tiny bit out of the jar, rub on your hands vigorous to turn to liquid (or spreadable consistency), and use on face/body/ends of hair when wet. Shea butter is great for feet at night with socks and coconut oil is wonderful mixed with coffee grounds as a moisturizing exfoliant.

  1632. Gail Deel says:

    I love coconut oil for everything
    adding young living essential oils
    making my own unique products

  1633. Carissa says:

    I love coconut oil & tea tree oil for my face!

  1634. JILL SPENCER says:


  1635. I’m a fan of using honey to wash my face. Raw, organic is the best. I use it several times a week in place of my commercial cleanser, in the morning. It leaves my skin feeling super soft. I also use organic coconut oil as an eye makeup remover. I apply only a little bit with a q-tip.

    Thanks for being our crazy, sexy, advocate for great health! 🙂

  1636. MaryJane says:

    I like to use Organic Coconut oil on my skin. I struggle with makeup and would love to win this basket of Wonderful products 😉

  1637. Tasha says:

    Wow, great giveaway!

    I don’t use any “store bought” beauty products, I make my own everything. My fave is the deodorant I make. I use coconut oil, arrowroot powder, baking soda, tea tree essential oil, and sweet orange essential oil. Just melt the coconut oil, add the rest and stir to get the clumps out. Then I pour it into an empty deodorant tube (after it’s cooled a bit), and it works just like the stuff you buy, only better. I use organic ingredients where possible. It smells and works great, plus no toxic crap.

    Good luck everyone, fingers crossed.


  1638. Kim says:

    I am stuck on YES TO grapefruit scrub. Works better than Proactive. I use a Norwex Microfiber Makeup remover cloth when my skin is dry and doesn’t need a good scrub. No chemicals…just has microfiber and silver. I also use Norwex cloths to clean my entire house. No more chemicals!

  1639. SHANNON says:

    Dr Haushka Melissa Day Cream, their entire line is so amazing. It is great for your skin, organic and has some of the highest standards for their ingredients, green packaging and farmer relations. You won’t me sorry!

  1640. Jennifer says:

    Anything by Tata Harper is AMAZING!!

  1641. Sara Rose says:

    What is your favorite natural, non-toxic personal care product?

    My favorite natural non-toxic personal care product is organic coconut oil. This natural product is soooo beneficial for my skin, body, teeth, hair, digestive system… it’s seriously a super food beyond anything ever!

    For oil-pulling, it’s so good and healthy for my teeth and gums and cleaning my mouth and making sure it’s nice and healthy. For my skin I use it as a face wash with a mix of baking soda and sea salt – gets rid of black heads and keeps my oil levels balanced as well as it prevents acne, and fades scars. I then use a little bit as a facial moisturizer before bed. As a natural tooth paste, I mix it with some baking soda again to make a paste and it naturally whitens my teeth! For my hair, I use it after a shower as a leave in hair treatment, 30 mins with a warm towel wrapped around my head and it has strengthened and moisturized my hair soooo much. Then as a stretch mark healer, I use it as a body moisturizer, and it soaks into my skin and smooths any skin irritations and makes me smell like I’m in a tropical location.

    I honestly love it. I also only use it for cooking – no butter, no olive oil, just coconut oil. Does such great things for my tummy!

  1642. Melissa Berg says:

    My favorite natural beauty product, so far, is something that hardly anyone has heard of. It’s a mask and it’s an amazing one. It’s called the Purifying Face Exfoliating Mask with Charcoal & Neem. My pores feel empty and clean and everything breathes so well. It’s all natural and you can buy it on etsy. She has many other products, but I haven’t been able to try them yet.

  1643. Melinda says:

    I love Dr Mercola’s anti-aging serum and his shea butter. The orange scented shea butter is divine and the lavendar scent is perfect for bedtime.

  1644. Gracie R says:

    Zim’s Crack Creme is wonderful on parched hands and feet.

  1645. Amber says:

    I love using plain coconut oil. It makes a nice lipbalm and is good on my dry elbows. Plus it smells delicious!

  1646. Gail Deel says:

    I love coconut oil…for everything
    Add young living essential oils to make
    all I use !

  1647. Elena says:

    I love RMS Beauty’s “Un” Cover-up and coconut cream!

  1648. Amy says:

    I am a big fan of Dr. Bronner’s soaps. I enjoying using Tarte and TooFaced makeup products that score well on EWG and are also cruelty-free.

  1649. Nic says:

    I love to use non-refined coconut oil as a daily moisturizer after the shower to seal in moisture.

  1650. Betsy says:

    I’m in love with Zum Body Shea butter & meadow foam seed oil body lotion – in Rosemary/Mint. There are too many wonderful ingredients to list. My skin just drinks it up and it smells amazing.

  1651. amy kessel says:

    Coconut oil! I use it many times per day. I cook with it, add it to my coffee, moisturize with it, use it on my scalp. What’s not to love about it? 🙂

  1652. Lauren says:

    My absolute favorite products are AnnMarie Gianni too!!! They are so amazing!!! 🙂

  1653. Bre says:

    My all-time favorite is Dr. Bronner’s Tea Tree Castile Liquid Soap. I use it on my face and body every single day!

  1654. Kelly Murdock says:

    I love Living Libations products. I use their Best Skin Ever facial oil, it smells and feels divine.

  1655. Andrea says:

    Dr. Bonners-LOVE it!! The peppermint, citrus, and lavender are the family favorites. Definitely want to start incorporating more natural beauty products 🙂

  1656. Kelly Murdock says:

    I love Living Libation products. I use their Best Skin Ever facial oil, it smells and feels divine.

  1657. I recently discovered Evanhealy and love it. Check her line out. It is wondeful!

  1658. Alexandra S says:

    Organic coconut oil.

  1659. Jamie says:

    My favorite skin care product is I make my own whipped coconut oil body butter. I also make a turmeric & honey facial mask.

  1660. Clarissa says:

    I have combination skin that leans more so on the oily side. For the past two months I have used Vitamin B Hydrating Gel in place facial lotion. It keeps my skin hydrated without making it feel oily. It has also reduced the size/look of my pores and made it incredible soft. Plus it smells wonderful and only halve a pea size amount works for my whole face/neck.

  1661. Catalina says:

    coconut oil and best skin ever seabuckthorn oil

  1662. Gwen says:

    I use yogurt with nutmeg for a scrub and mask. I love Bella Mari makeup. No junk and light and natural looking. Thanks for the giveaway! I need this!!

  1663. Crystal says:

    Favorite product is coconut oil… cannot get <3
    … currently looking for adorable, organic products…

  1664. Eva says:

    I love Dr. Bronner’s Organic Orange Lavender Lotion. I wear very little makeup only a few days a week. Just a bit of mineral powder and macara. I am just starting to use more natural skincare products. The one product that I am having trouble with is lip gloss. I did switch from Chapstick to an Alba product. But I am not sure that is the best answer. I really do like all kinds of lip gloss. I really need to do more research in this area.

  1665. Deborah says:

    Coconut oil! I use it to make sugar scrubs, as well as simply rub it on my hands when they are dry. Love it!

  1666. Becky says:

    This giveaway is fantastic!!! I currently use Shea Terra Organics – they are very good and fit my budget. I’ve used AnnMarie’s products and they are wonderful. My budget does not allow me to use them on a regular basis, but if it did, they would be the only skin care products I use. Whomever wins this giveaway is in for a wonderful wonderful treat!!! Thanks Kris.

  1667. Holly says:

    I love Indian Meadow Herbals “Love your face” cream. I also use their body cream. It’s feels incredibly nourishing and instantly takes away dryness from weather and sun.

  1668. Glorianne says:

    Dr. Bronner’s magic soap would be my #1 change to non toxic products. We use it to shower every day, and have it at every sink to use for hand washing. It is a wonderful product that can be used to even wash veges or dishes. They are a very conscious company who gives a lot back to the world too. I also take my own container and refill it at the health food store so have cut down on buying new containers every time I run out. My tip of the day!

  1669. Hadda says:

    I’m really a no make up girls for years, and I use a very few ( and no often) skin product ( thank to mum she have a beautiful skin and look ten years younger)
    I use only a very natural shampoo and a soap with no chemical fragrance ( cold saponification) and natural oil, and some essential oil to make my personal moisturizer.
    I look very carefully when someone talk to me to a new “bio” product.
    The product of my skin are all from brand who use natural product for years like Dr Hauscka or Weleda ( less expensive than every big brand and so muche better).
    Most important soft clean and moisturizer.
    I’m a huge fan of slow cosmetic and against green washing, the leader in Europe on that subject is Julien Kailbeck:

  1670. Kim says:

    My favorite all natural products are those my daughter makes for her business “with love”.

  1671. Celia says:

    My favorite personal care product is not a product but a food. It is the glorious, green avocado. It is wonderful in salads in sandwiches ie, peanut butter, apple and avocado on sprouted wheat bread, rub any extra on your hands, use as a facial mask whipped up with a bit of honey or a hair mask whipped up with a bit of honey as well. It is the best moisturizer I have ever found!

  1672. Anne Griggs says:

    I am in the experimental phase 🙂 Using e.l.f products for my face and “Everyday Coconut”…..

  1673. I use coconut oil for EVERYTHING! Face moisturizer, makeup remover, hair ‘flyaway’ tamer, baby diaper cream, baby lotion – you name it, it works! Plus one jar of the stuff will last you forever 😉

  1674. Laura Wojciechowski says:

    I recently had a bad reaction to using all the harsh products over the counter where my clear skin scarred terribly. Now my absolute go to is coconut oil as a face wash and moisturizer. For a scrub I add baking soda, lemon juice and a little tree tea oil. For extra moisturing benefits I add a little rose hip oil and dilo oil (amazing anti-aging effects) and on days my skin is extra dry I add a little olive oil with aloe.

  1675. Lisa says:

    I’ve been switching over to Tarte cosmetics and am looking for new shampoo and conditioner that are safe on color-treated hair. And eventually more natural hair color!

  1676. Rose Marie says:

    I have been doing oil pulling with coconut oil and see an improvement in the texture of my skin as well as a very clean and fresh mouth.

  1677. jane laiken says:

    I use organic coconut oil af a facial moisturizer.

  1678. Beth says:

    I use coconut oil to keep my skin feeling supple and vitamin E to keep away those not so sexy wrinkles!

  1679. minnow says:

    i am in love with the cv skinlabs line…it was created by a woman who battled cancer and needed effective products minus nasty ingredients. their products combine the best all natural but incredibly effective ingredients for healing, soothing and strengthening the skin. and they are all free of any fragrance or essential oils. (while i love using essential oils on my body, i find my facial skin is sometimes too sensitive for them). my favorite cv skinlabs product is the rescue and relief spray. i use it as a toner since it is very calming and hydrating and preps my skin well for an oil or cream afterward. it’s also amazing for eczema patches i get from time to time, as well as post-sun or post-shaving. it’s kind of miraculous! and i am someone who is very hard to please when it comes to skincare…so that is really high praise.

    my other favorite product is manuka honey…incredibly anti-inflammatory, hydrating and anti-bacterial. i slather it on as a face mask twice a week.

    thank you kris for this post…it’s so important for us to educate ourselves about clean and effective skincare. i’m excited to read what everyone else has to say!

  1680. Kim says:

    Right now my favorite is DeVita’s Solar moisturizer SPF 30. Too many years of youthful sunbathing have caught up with me (skin cancer in my early thirties!) and now I’m hyper vigilant about wearing sunblock, especially this time of year!

  1681. Sheila says:

    I use Keeping Abreast of It – Simply Devine Botanicals deodorant.

  1682. Liesl Cooper says:

    Since I started using AnneMarie Gianni products they have become my absolute favorites!! Especially the eye cream. I also like raw organics hair products…

  1683. Mary says:

    Lush Silky Underwear Dusting Powder. It leaves my skin so soft and it smells amazing!

  1684. Melinda Rodimel says:

    I love Dr Mercola’s anti-aging serum and his shea butter. The orange scented shea butter is divine and the lavender is perfect for bedtime.

  1685. Michelle Walters says:

    I use coconut oil as a makeup remover and facial wash. For an eyelash conditioner, and to (hopefully) promote eyebrow growth, I use castor oil, just swiped on with a q-tip. And for a serum in the evening, after I wash with coconut oil. I use rosehipseed oil. I love it, it makes my skin so soft! For a daytime moisturizer, I use Egyptian Magic- just a teeny bit emulsified in my hands and smoothed over my face. I finish up with sunscreen made from micronized zinc. I am always looking to learn about more natural products, and ones better than I use! I’m trying to eliminate environmental hazards, but sometimes, I think they’re hidden.

  1686. Sue says:

    I use Annemarie’s aloe-herb facial cleanser & herbal facial oil every day.

  1687. Gurpreet says:

    The most natural, non-toxic personal care product I use is natural strength Realime juice for underarms! It’s those small green containers you can get at any grocery store. My friend had told me about it and I thought it sounded gross but when I used it I was surprised it wasn’t sticky or anything. It’s mostly for those days where you know you’re not going to really sweat much or go for a crazy workout and it helps lighten underarms as well!

  1688. Chelsea says:

    I use sesame oil on my legs after a shower. Love that it’s a natural moisturizer and makes my legs feel so incredibly soft all day!

  1689. Linnea says:

    I use the AnnMarie Gianni aloe-herb cleanser and it is amazing – it leave my skin very soft.

  1690. Gwen says:

    Does Coconut Oil count? I love it as a moisturizer and it’s great for removing makeup. I’ve been looking into w3ll people too, they have a great mascara. I’m going to have to go back and see if it meets all the criteria of being safe and toxic free. Anyone else use w3ll people?

  1691. KathyR says:

    Coconut oil! I use it to wash my face sometimes mixed with honey, can be used also to moisturize and take off stubborn eye makeup.

  1692. Sarah says:

    I love using apple cider vinegar as a toner at night before applying moisturizer. It has been clearing my break-outs!

  1693. Amber says:

    I recently stopped using lotion and just use pure coconut or olive oil on my skin. It feel so much better and I don’t waste all that money on plastic bottles full of untold nastiness.

  1694. Deb says:

    Ann Marie’s Sun Love and Anti-Aging Serum are two top favorites. Also like the facial oils from Mountain Rose Herbs, Fawn Lily Botanicals….and the simplicity and purity of cold pressed organic coconut oil.

  1695. Cindy says:

    I have just started using virgin coconut oil as a moisturizer. I am just starting to learn about healthy, non-toxic skin care products. Thanks for the link to EWGs Skin Deep App. I looking forward to using it!

  1696. Jennifer says:

    Hi Kris! I love using organic coconut oil for almost everything: skin, lips, hair. It’s very moisturizing and smells yummy!! 🙂

  1697. Jeannette fetzer says:

    Love love love my coconut oil I use it for everything from hair to toe! Simply rub the coconut creme in the palm of your hand and it turns to a warm liquid

  1698. Elena says:

    Everything from Weleda, a German brand with products for Skin, Hair, Body. Also their Baby products are fantastic.

  1699. Elizabeth says:

    I love to put Apricot Kernal oil on my face before retiring for the night. When I get up the next morning, my skin feels plump and hydrated with a much finer texture. A friend once told me that AK oil was the most easily absorbed by the skin. I,also, love coconut oil and Manuka honey for their antibiotic/anti-fungal properties.

  1700. Connie says:

    I’d have to say I love organic coconut oil for body moisturizing and cooking, Schmidt’s Lavender & Sage deodorant and Annemarie Gianni’s anti-aging facial oil. It smells divine! I haven’t yet found a makeup or foundation that I love, still looking. Thank you, Kris Carr, for doing all that you do to help enlighten us to a better way of living. You are a true blessing. 🙂

  1701. Pam Hardin says:

    When I am feeling dry or my skin looks sallow, I use pure Coconut Oil as my nighttime moisturizer. I wake up with soft glowing skin, every time!

  1702. Susan Anthony says:

    Having been recently diagnosed with Stage IV ER+ breast cancer, I have needed to research beauty products carefully to ensure they are non-estrogenic! The Alba Botanica line has quite a few products that are free of Parabens and Phthalates.

  1703. Maegan says:

    One of my favorite products is Soapwalla deodorant cream. It’s hard to find a natural deodorant that works and this one is great!

  1704. Barb says:

    I love using coconut oil ! I apply it to my scalp and long hair before washing. It leaves my hair soft and shiny and does wonders for a dry scalp. I sometimes also apply it to my body before showering leaving little need for any cream afterwards.

  1705. Shawn says:

    I LOVE 100% jojoba oil! It’s great alone on my face. And, sometimes on my body I will add some pure essential oils to it like juniper berry oil to help with cellulite or lavendar oil to relax me after a shower before bedtime. It leaves my skin feeling super soft and doesn’t break the bank!

  1706. Morgane says:

    So i won’t be original but i absolutely love coconut oil. My mom and I recently made toothpaste with it and it’s incredible. Not only that taste good, my teeth are brigther than ever!

  1707. Tamar Moore says:

    MyFavoriteNaturalNonToxicPersonalCareProducts=YogurtHoneySugarSaltCoffeeGroundsBakingSodaCitrusOliveOil ALL MUST HAVES!!!

  1708. Wendy says:

    My favorite non toxic personal care product is coconut oil straight from the jar.

  1709. Barbara says:

    I love Dr. Bronner’s soap. I’ve been using it as a base for shampoo, foaming hand soap to refill dispensers, etc. It’s GREAT stuff…!

  1710. Genevieve Huard says:

    I love using raw honey to wash my face! Also, using Dr. Bronner’s Lavendar soap for body wash!

  1711. Ally says:

    I love Dr. Bronner’s and Bubble and Bee for my shower needs! As for facial products, I use my own creations 🙂

  1712. Linda says:

    AnnMarie’s Skin Silk lotion is my favorite product!

  1713. Natasha says:

    By far my favorite natural product is coconut oil… and Tamanu oil!

  1714. Lisa says:

    My favorite products are from AnnMarie Gianni. I love the aloe-herb facial cleanser and the repair serum. I just found Moody Sisters products. I am trying the cream deodorant and the blemish repair product. I like them all so far.

  1715. Lena says:

    I use Celtic Sea Salt bath salt along with a few drops of lavender essential oil if I need to relax or peppermint essential oil if I need a wake up. The salt leaves my skin feeling extra soft and cleansed!! I also drop a few crystals of Celtic Sea Salt in my glass of water throughout the day to help hydrate my body from the inside out.

  1716. Caitlin says:

    Ironically, my favorite natural personal care product is Annmarie Gianni’s Aloe Herb Facial Cleaner which is why my attention was instantly grabbed by this giveaway. My skin feels smooth, clean, hydrated, and the scent is intoxicating with this cleanser. Personally, I feel it has a strong lemongrass scent. A++ for the heavenly scent that encourages me to use it on a regular basis.

  1717. Nicole Knudson says:

    My new favorite makeup line is RMS! ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE! It doesn’t even feel like you are wearing any makeup at all… love it!

  1718. Kassie H says:

    I hope this isn’t considered cheating but if I have to pick only one product I would go for coconut oil. It’s completely clean and safe and can be used for almost everything and anything!

  1719. Yessica says:

    I love masks! I have dark acne spots and this natural mask not only fades my dark spots but makes my skin look so gorgeous! Soft, glowy and clear! Here’s what you do: Combine cinnamon and nutmeg together, with honey and lemon. You can google the recipe, its called “Burning Face Mask”. I know that’s not a convincing name but trust me, doing this 3x a week has done me wonders!

  1720. Rebecca says:

    My fav is Coconut oil for when my little one has a rash and for myself as a moisturizer instead of lotion – Especially during dry, winter time:):)
    Also, for a good body scrub I just slice a lemon in 1/2, dip in sugar and scrub straight on my body! Great for discoloration & Skin feels AMAZING after:):)

  1721. Meg says:

    Olive oil! I use it to cleanse my face, shave my legs, moisturize all-over, deep condition my hair & when mixed with raw sugar it makes an awesome exfoliating all-over scrub!

  1722. Nadene says:

    Oooooh, the coconut water cleansing wipes from Pacifica! And their coconut oil based lip balms. Mmmmm!

  1723. Mary says:

    My favorite natural beauty product is a combination of jojoba oil and castor oil. I use this to remove make up and clean my face. I’ve been using this for over a year and my skin is so much better for it. It’s also very inexpensive. I also love AnnMarie’s dead sea scrub. Mix with a little oil for an extra special cleaning.

  1724. Heather says:

    I actually love Derma-e products – they’re highly effective and toxin-free. My new love is Soapwalla’s deodarent. AMAZING. And if you want to go uber-toxin free then these are my favorites: sea salt + honey for exfoliation (better than any store bought products I’v ever tried), baking soda for deodorant (use this in the cooler months, Soapwalla in summer), coconut oil for lotion, and there’s about a gagillion mask recipes online you can find with simple search.

  1725. katrina says:

    coconut oil!

  1726. Amanda says:

    I live jojoba oil- use it to remove my makeup and even to moisturize my very, very dry face in the winter time.

  1727. Kathleen says:

    I use many products from John Masters Organics – in particular their Vitamin C

  1728. Kelsy says:

    Coconut oil to moisturize my face and body! I also use it to do oil pulling sometimes.

  1729. Nicole says:

    I love using coconut oil all over my body and face before bed. It soaks in easily and smells delicious.

  1730. Rebecca Jackson says:

    Coconut oil is my everything! I use it on my hair, as makeup remover, I make lip scrub with organic sugar, I use it for oil pulling, and MUCH more!

    I also love Apple Cider Vinegar as my toner, I mix two parts filtered water with one part ACV and apply with a cotton ball on my face.

    Lastly, baking soda and water with a little honey is my favorite face mask/exfoliate. It makes my face really smooth and refreshed every single time!

    I would do anything to win this giveaway, I absolutely LOVE Crazy Sexy AND AnnMarie Gianni Skincare. I’m always recommending it to my friends and enlightening everyone I know on how wonderful it is!!

  1731. julia says:

    I use Jenna Hipp hand cream. it’s my favorite free of nasty chemical

  1732. Danielle says:

    Coconut oil – love to use it to take off my eye make-up! I have really sensitive skin and it does the trick!

  1733. Kelsy says:

    Coconut oil to moisturize my face and body!

  1734. Amanda H says:

    Tea tree oil! It heals zits and scrapes like a champ!

  1735. Danielle says:

    Urban Decay is vegan and cruelty-free!! They have great eye-makeup! I usually only wear mascara and eyeshadow.

  1736. Paulette says:

    I currently use AnnMarie products. There is nothing that compares to these wonderfully prepared formulas. My favorite thing to use is the aloe-herb cleanser combined with the the dead sea salt scrub. That combination is very cleansing and gently exfoliating to my 63 year old complexion. I follow it with the anti-aging facial oil. My skin has simply been rejuvenated. Good-bye harsh chemically laden scrubs, peels and cleansers. I encourage everyone to try these products. They are truly wonderful.

  1737. bridget wilson says:

    I like to make my own with sugar, vanilla, and almond or coconut oil.

  1738. Samiyah says:

    I’ve made it a goal this year to switch to non-toxic personal care products. So far I’ve found one product line I love 100% pure organics. I’m on the hunt for more so I’d love to try Annamarie’s line.

  1739. elizabeth says:

    I know…I know…it’s been said… but my favourite is coconut oil too! 🙂
    No one has mentioned Arbonne products. They claim they’re non-toxic. ? Anyone have an opinion to share?

  1740. Tammy Pace says:

    I use organic (non-GMO) coconut oil for everything!!! Facial cleanser, moisturizer, sunblock, to cook with, and eat in my smoothies. I also give it to my pets and rub some on their coats- they love it too!

  1741. Sandra says:

    i love products from Lavanila

  1742. Bianca Bruni says:

    My son used to get terrible diaper rash when he was an infant. The doc said the problem was fungal and recommended a topical over the counter cream…that gave my little guy the worst acidic liquid poops and totally dehydrated him. Freaked out and, frankly, mad that such a side effect was considered “normal”, I did my own research and came up with my own anti-fungal diaper cream using coconut oil with a few drops of oil of oregano. My little guy never had a problem again and my second child has been rash free! I use coconut oil for tonnes of stuff now, especially with my babies.

  1743. adrianne says:

    I started using AnnMarie Gianni skin care products because I tired of constantly being on the hunt for a product that was going to make me happy and Kris has never steered me wrong with her advice. I started with the cleanser and was hooked after the first time using. Your skin feels so good after the first washing and that feeling is still the same everytime months later. I use the cleanser, serum and moisturizing oil religiously and have not had a blemish, once, since I started using AnneMarie products. I am also a year shy of fifty and can still go out without make up and people will comment on my glow. While I will admit that genetically I have been blessed with good skin using AnneMarie products have made it radiant.

  1744. Casey says:

    I am so grateful for 100% Pure makeup! I’ve slowly switched all of my makeup products over to their natural line. My favorite product is the mascara, which smells like berries from the fruit pigments! The 100% Pure body scrubs and deodorant are close seconds.

  1745. Lehua says:

    That’s a tough question. It’s hard to go without Dr. Hauschka volume mascara in Aubergine or black. Intelligent Nutrients has a lovely organic “perfume” for special occasions called seductive spirit essence. There’s a hint of blackberry in it:)

  1746. Kristy Stockwell says:

    My favorite natural product that I use daily(in the kitchen and on my body!) is Organic Coconut Oil.
    I use it as an eye makeup remover, a body lotion and my kids even use it in their hair as a de-frizzer/gel.
    It has a nice moisturizing feel and smells yummy too!

  1747. Krista says:

    I love Annmarie Gianni’s Aloe-Herb Facial Cleanser! It is the best cleanser I’ve ever used and all natural. I ordered the sample kit and fell in love with the cleanser. I’ve just started trying natural products so I look forward to reading all the natural beauty tips.

  1748. Wendy says:

    I LOVE coconut oil 🙂

  1749. Marcy says:

    I love the ‘Yes’ brand that Target stores sell. The facial moisturizer with tomato extract smells divine! It keeps my face looking bright and feeling so soft. I also use the carrot shampoo and conditioner.

  1750. Jennifer Rossolille says:

    My absolutely favorite bar soap is from Sudsorama Soap Shop in Idaho Springs Colorado(I order online). The variety and scents are delicious. My favorite bar is the spa bar.

  1751. Tabiatha says:

    My favorite facial products are AnnMarie’s (thank you Kris!). My skin has never been so soft and trouble free. I also recently discovered Earthpaste toothpaste and love it.

  1752. carey says:

    If I could only choose one desert island product (assuming my island has coconuts already!) I think it would be Dr. Bronners Peppermint Castile Soap. I’ve been using it since I was a kid, it’s so silky, it works as a shave gel and is not drying.

  1753. Caroline says:

    I love using African Black Soap body wash to cleanse my entire body. It leaves my skin feeling so soft, and soothes any irritation. I’ve used it to replace my generic store-brand facial cleanser, as well.

  1754. Keri says:

    I’m relatively new to natural products. Deodorant was my first step, where I quickly learned that my face wasn’t the only part of me that had sensitive skin. Fortunately Whole Foods was very kind about me exchanging probably 1/2 a dozen deodorants before I found one that didn’t burn, give me a rash and actually worked for a while. It’s called Natural Grooming by Herban Cowboy. Hubby uses Mountain scent, I use Wild scent. 🙂 The other item I’ve switched to is a non floride toothpaste. It’s by Dessert Essence and is Natural Tea Tree Oil & Neem, wintergreen flavor. It works well. 🙂
    I’ve had no success with facial care products so far. Some will work for a bit, but then I start to break out (and sometimes dry out at the same time!!), so I’ve decided to try making my own. I found a recipe last night with three ingredients: extra virgin organic coconut oil, raw organic honey and baking soda. Wish me luck! 🙂
    I’m looking forward to reading everyone’s tips and will definitely check out AnnMarie Gianni’s website!! 🙂 Thank you!! 🙂

  1755. mari says:

    I love love, love Annmarie Gianni’s products. jI also use the coconut body oil to remove eye makeup, no burning, makeup comes off easily & conditions the eyelashes. Annmarie herself is a sweetheart!

  1756. ellen says:

    soaking once a week in a bath with 1/4 cup of Baking soda for itchy dry skin.

  1757. Patricia says:

    Coconut oil, jojoba oil and everything from AnnMarie Gianni Skincare.

  1758. Christy says:

    I use Juice Beauty products, all organic, and mostly vegan. Their Stem cellular repair eye gel is magical!

  1759. Magdalena says:

    I am a coconut oil huge fan although I don’t use too often on my face. For my OCM I prefer Avocado oil with a little bit of Castor oil. As for make up- I tried so hard to make my own but the results were… let’s say worse than mediocre. Now I’m trying Jane Iredale and so far I’m loving it!

  1760. Laura says:

    My favourite is definitely coconut oil! Use it to cook with, for oil pulling and an all over body moisturizer! It rocks!

  1761. Michelle says:

    I don’t wear makeup, so no worries there. For cleaning my face, olive oil and for a moisturizer I use, Living Blessed a semi-local company that hires cognitively disabled adults to package the products. The ingredients in the moisturizer are organic rosehip seed oil, organic olive and coconut oils. It’s actually super reasonable priced too!!

  1762. Ronnie says:

    I use olive oil. Good quality olive oil for my face, hands, my baby’s body and bum… And I don’t care to go to bad smell like salad. I don’t use it every night and some times I add a couple drops of pure rose oil.

  1763. Alisa says:

    I like using a dab Peppermint oil on my temples for a quick stress reliever. Love all the great ideas in this thread!

  1764. Wendy says:

    I use coconut oil and essential oils!

  1765. Becky says:

    Coconut oil is my go to 🙂

  1766. anastasia says:

    coconut oil, coconut oil, raw organic coconut oil. its my favorite go to ingredient, for almost everything!

  1767. lori says:

    I use Coconut oil for everything…even my horses to help their hair grow back after a wound has healed. I like it for the bottoms of my feet and to avoid shafing after long hours in the saddle.

  1768. Maria says:

    Derma e, Tea Tree and E Antiseptic Creme — amazing! it scores a 2 on the EWG scale. I love the smell of tea tree and it helps with keeping my skin smooth and clear.

  1769. Alyson Wishnousky says:

    Hi! Since becoming aware of Kris Carr I found Annemarie Gianni Skincare product I’ve been using her products. In order to save some money, being a Canadian resident, I now order her products through Gaya’s Secrets – saves me shipping costs! I have also begun to whip up my own facial cleanser using Organic virgin coconut oil and organic honey – all inspired by Annemarie!

  1770. I wash my face each morning with water and in the evening before bed, I put doterra coconut oil on my face to keep it from getting too dried out. I am excited to try the anti aging serum by AnnMarie.

  1771. Madalin says:

    I’ve just found Annmarie Gianni Skin Care products and ordered a tester of the Anti-Aging Facial Oil. At first the strong smell was a little overpowering but now that I’m finished my tester I miss it!!! Love to win more!

  1772. Nolwenn says:

    I love love love using coconut oil for my hair.
    thanks for the encouragement to swap our currently-using-products for more natural ones, and for this fantastic giveaway.

  1773. Kaitlin says:

    Love creating my own concoctions with my aromatherapist friend! I love essential oils like tea tree, lavender, geranium, sandalwood, cajeput, niaouli, lyang-lyang, German chamomile, and clary sage in addition to carrier oils like evening primrose, calendula, and rosehip! The best quality essential oils come from a company called Absolute Aromas in the UK, definetly check them out! Plus, you can tell the difference in quality comparing them to any other oils!

  1774. Megan Carney says:

    My favorite non-toxic beauty product is Dr. Bronner’s Castille liquid soap. I use it to wash my face and as a body wash. It feels ethical in that I can use so little product such that I do not have to constantly be purchasing small bottles of face or body soap. It is also made from ethically sourced materials and makes my skin feel great!

    Thanks for all you do, Kris!

    Megan Carney

  1775. Sady says:

    My favorite beauty product is a face-calming mask for redness. I make it out of 2 teaspoons raw honey and 1 teaspoon aloe vera gel from my beloved aloe plant (named Roscoe). It is simply delicious.

  1776. Haley Olson says:

    Hi Kris and friends! My hands down favorite beauty product is coconut oil. Organic, cold-pressed and unrefined coconut oil makes a great skin and hair moisturizer that has even has been shown to help protect your skin from some of the sun’s harmful rays. Coconut oil is also great for your dental health due to its anti-bacterial properties. Finally coconut oil can be combined with a few ingredients including essential oils in order to be used as deodorant! It’s amazing! ( on a shorter note, I also love Andalou naturals )

  1777. Candace says:

    I make almost all of my own cosmetics. My favorite is probably my cleansing facial salve, made with olive and castor oil, natural beeswax, and essential oils.

  1778. Jackie says:

    Looking over all the comments is a great education in skin care! Thanks to everyone who posted! In the last few months, I started moving over to Annmarie Gianni’s for my face. I use Dr. Bonner’s, which is very good.

  1779. Amy says:

    Coconut oil! It is a great moisturizer and you can eat it, too! 🙂

  1780. Jess says:

    Coconut oil! Best moisturizer ever and smells amazing!:)

  1781. Olya says:

    Body Lotion: Mix cocoa butter, coconut oil, Vit E (a bit) – excellent for body and face. I believe this recipe comes from Molly Sims and her web blog.

  1782. Susan Millar says:

    I have used Aveda’s hydrating lotion for many years..I’m starting to develop rosacea and am looking for a natural product that might help with it. Any suggestions would be most welcome!

  1783. Tiba Suarez says:

    I love the Aura Cacia argan oil. I use it on my face and hair.

  1784. Susan Chapin says:

    Pure rosewater for toner!

  1785. Alli Kalpakci says:

    I use apple cider vinegar + conditioner to make my hair shiny !

  1786. Susan Chapman says:

    I enjoy using Shea Moisture Olive & Green Tea Body Lotion w/ Avocado along with the body wash.

  1787. April says:

    My favorite natural personal care product would have to be the Herbal facial oil for oily skin by Annmarie Gianni ! its absolutely the best and it smells fantastic! It leaves my face feeling so soft after and i was a little skeptical about the oil part of it but it does not leave my skin feeling greasy. It soaks right in. It is definitely one of my favorites. I also love my Nature’s Aid all natural lip balm in peppermint lemongrass, i wear it several times everyday 🙂

  1788. Krista Hayes says:

    I like the organic Everyone Lotion by EO. Made in CA!

  1789. Carol says:

    Tried Anne Marie’s samplers and fell in love! Also use cocoanut oil, yogurt masks and rose water hydrating spray! Thanks for another great contest and as always such great information / awareness.

  1790. Kate says:

    Pratima Raichur’s ayurvedic skincare line is incredible. Also, Stark’s grapefruit balm!

  1791. Alyson Wishnousky says:

    Hi! Since becoming aware of Kris Carr I found Annemarie Gianni Skincare products I have been using her products. In order to save some money, being a Canadian resident, I began ordering her products through Gaya’s Secrets – which saves me exorbitant shipping costs! I have also begun to whip up my own facial cleanser using Organic virgin coconut oil and organic honey – all inspired by Annemarie!

  1792. Abby says:

    After downloading the Think Dirty app, I scanned all the items in my bathroom. I ended up getting rid of a ton of stuff, including all of my make up. Using YOUR recommendations, I purchased Crystal Body Deodorant and used EWG’s sunscreen guide to shop for a new sunscreen (went with DeVita). My lipstick is now Ilia (which has some dyes, but is at least lead free!) and I’m phasing out powders, foundations, and anything “extra”. My body lotion is pure almond or coconut oil. I feel better knowing that I’m taking more control over what I put on my skin and, in conjunction, in my body.

  1793. Gigi Watson says:

    Nadine Artemis has passionately created the most amazing line of skin care products with rare and special oils: Living Libations. I have used many products over the years – her products are not only pure and completely natural for your body, they are formulated with an alchemy of nature’s wisdom; treating unique conditions and requirements with the essences of flora leaving the user refreshed and invigorated. I have nothing but acclaim for each of the many Living Libations products I use daily – in fact, I LOVE the results and the way they make me feel.

  1794. Chandra says:

    Ooh, it’s tough to pick a favorite! Favorite skin care product is Medicine Mama’s Bee Magic. It’s a very versatile balm and a household staple. I use it on very dry/chapped skin and lips, as a replacement for neosporin to speed healing time and reduce infection risk, on rashes or burns, pet hot-spots, and sometimes even on my curly hair. Favorite item in my make-up bag is probably RMS Beauty’s Living Luminizer. I also love pretty much everything from Vapour Organic Beauty. I have been wanting to try AG skincare for ages, but felt it was a little out of my price range. Thanks for the giveaway! Best of luck to you all!

  1795. Becky says:

    I have to echo a few of the other comments- two of my household usuals are Dr. Bronners and coconut oil.

  1796. Julie says:

    I love simple ingredients – even good olive oil, or an avocado mask can be amazing.

  1797. Véronique says:

    I use jojoba oil with essential oils on my face before I go to sleep. I currently use frankencens and lavender!

  1798. Haley Soucy says:

    My favorite non toxic & natural beauty care product is COCONUT OIL! It is so versatile and smells great. I use it as a mouthwash (oil pulling), as a daily moisturizer, as a deodorant, to moisturize new tattoos 🙂 also to remove makeup. I have noticed a HUGE difference in my skin since only using a natural oil instead of chemical laden gunk!

  1799. Kellie says:

    A dry brush before washing!

  1800. Marie-Soleil Ferland says:

    I use natural, organic, ARGAN oil on my face every morning. It leaves my skin very smooth and healthy!

    Marie-Soleil, Canada

  1801. Jennifer bilas says:

    I’ve been so caught up in the day to day craziness (and not so sexiness) of caring for my twin two year old boys that I’ve put myself on the back burner. I’m am just now starting to learn a better way to live and care for not only me but my boys (hubs included) through healthy eating, home cleansing products, and personal skincare products. I admit that I am a bit over whelmed but I keep saying one product at a time and one day at a time. I’m disappointed in myself for not being a smarter consumer because I just purchased products from the Origins counter thinking they would be a natural and healthy product. ‘A good investment for my skin’… I actually said that to myself. I sure wish I had waited two more days because after reading this article and EWG’s site I’m beside myself at what I purchased. I am now more informed and will certainly do better next time. I will have a favorite, non-toxic personal care product next time though. Thanks for sharing this great information!

  1802. Misun says:

    I have a few tips for natural, non-toxic personal care products: for daily SPF coverage, I use Andalou naturals facial lotion. It has organic ingredients like aloe, calendula and rosehip seed oil. All of it is Non-GMO, vegetarian & cruelty free.
    I don’t wear make-up, except for a lip tint by Hemp Organics.
    And I just learned how to make my own anti-aging face serum. I started with organic grapeseed oil, and I added these essential oils: Helichrysum, also known as Immortelle. It regenerates skin cells and treats wrinkles. Lavender is no. 1 for the skin, whether you have dry or oily or sensitive skin. A drop of Frankincense essential oil to promote skin elasticity and prevent wrinkles. I also added Rose & Ylang Ylang oils. Lemon essential oil is great for the skin, but it causes the skin to be photo sensitive, and could cause brown spots, one should only use it at night. So, I didn’t add it to my face serum. It was so easy and fun to make, and my face smells so good!

  1803. Clarissa says:

    Coconut Oil!! It’s amazing 🙂 I use it on my hair, skin etc…etc…

  1804. Katie says:

    …baking soda!! I use it to wash my hair at least 1x per week, I put big blobs of it in my hot bath, and I use it as a facial exfoliant, melted down with some water.

  1805. Sue Walborn says:

    I started using Annemarie Gianni’s skincare products as a result of your blog and newsletter and I love it!! My skin was feeling dry and starting to age. I can tell a big difference in how it looks and feels since I started using her line of products. Thanks for introducing me to it!!

  1806. Brice says:

    Coconut oil for face and body
    And olive oil for hair and body. Organic, of course.

    I’d like to add that we are all our own best advocates. I was surprised to learn that even in my most “natural” and “organic” products there are ingredients detrimental to my health, hormonal, especially. It’s taken research, time and commitment to get my personal care items curated.

  1807. Nancy says:

    My favorite “product” is a plain old washcloth. It’s a great exfoliator, cheap, and you can get softer or rougher ones to adjust to what you need (softer for face, rougher for legs & feet). Rub across your lips to keep them soft and supple in the winter. Dab a little oil on it to moisturize a little, too. I have a stack and use them only once or twice (depending) to make sure they’re fresh and clean.

  1808. Sharon Engel says:

    I use Annemarie’s Repair Serum whenever I can afford it. But for an overall moisturizer, I combine Coconut Oil and Cacao Butter together…then add a few drops of essential oils to make it smell nice.

  1809. Kathy says:

    I keep a jar of organic coconut oil in my bathroom cupboard – it does everything from skin moisturizing, softening rough feet, ‘oil pulling’ mouth rinse, hair shine and defrizzer. And I love the smell! Here in Canada in the winter the smell of coconut as a little ‘aromatherapy’ hint of summer 🙂

  1810. Candice Skingley says:

    I love “Say Yes TO Cucumbers” face wipes!! I am always on the go and those babies are a freshness lifesaver!!

  1811. Jenn Stallard says:

    For acne-prone skin, I recommend MyChelle Oil Free Grapefruit Cream as a great facial moisturizer. Also a fan of Waleda products- my fav is their citrus hydrating body lotion. Enjoy!

  1812. My favorite product is Dr. Bronner’s!! Everything Dr. Bronner’s! 🙂 You can clean yourself and your home with it!

  1813. Catalina Nestor says:

    I love Arbonne’s FC5 line. My favorite product is the Exfoliating New Cell Scrub. What makes is awesome is that it has a kaolin clay base so I use it once a week as a mask after I scrub in the tub for all of the gunk to be drawn out of my pores.

  1814. Christine says:

    What a great giveaway! This is something that everyone needs to think about – not just what you’re putting IN your body, but what you’re putting ON your body!

  1815. Jennifer says:

    I use apple cider vinegar toner. And coconut oil moisturizer

  1816. Hilty says:

    I love 100% pure products. I’m allergic to oysters and sometimes natural make-up has crushed oyster shells to make things shiny. I’ve never had an adverse reaction to 100% pure.

  1817. Kelly says:

    I use Booda Butter. It’s vegan bliss for the body.

  1818. colette says:

    I use sesame oil daily on my whole body. Leave on for a few minutes–longer is better. Then bathe. In Ayurveda this is known as Abyanga.

  1819. Stephanie Brown says:

    I love makeup, but I know make up only looks as good as the skin underneath and if I’m eating clean, exercising, drinking plenty of water, and following a good, natural skin care regimen ( I’m a new fan of Anne Marie Gianni’s products- thanks Kris

  1820. Gina says:

    LOVE 100% organic, pure, unrefined, cold pressed Coconut Oil!! I literally use it ALL over my bod! I also started doing an oil pulling gargle with it as well. I was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 45 (last year). Statistically I should’ve never gotten cancer. I ate healthy, exercised and started running. I never smoked but cancer does not discriminate. I am now finding little changes I can make to better my health thanks to YOU Kris!

  1821. Robin says:

    I’m so looking forward to investigating the many alternatives to make up. I used to use a lot of Burt’s Bees but I guess they no longer make foundation,etc. thank you for all the wonderful tips.

  1822. Jessica yeoman says:

    I love ann Marie’s skin care products most. ESP the anti aging facial oil and eye cream-the smell is also beautiful! Also I love making my own products

  1823. Leah Putnam says:

    Finding the perfect products is always a plus in the care of your skin. Don’t underestimate the importance of nourishing your skin from the inside out. Eating the proper balance of nutrients should always be your first call to beautiful, radiant, and healthy skin.

  1824. Debbie Watson says:

    E&O everyday body lotion, very gentle.

  1825. Ana Congdon says:

    Wow! I want to win and share about this product 🙂

  1826. Jessica yeoman says:

    I love ann Marie’s skin care products most. ESP the anti aging facial oil and eye cream-the smell is also beautiful!

  1827. Jennifer says:

    I absolutely love my coconut oil! And I have now been experimenting with natural deodarants.

  1828. Rachal Edwards says:

    I love almond oil with geranium essential oil for my nighttime moisturizer

  1829. sharon says:

    I haven’t really thought too much about switching out to natural products until very recently – especially since i have been having a challenging time finding moisturizer that is working for me these days. Thinking that its what’s in the moisturizer that is causing my skin to break out and be dry. Would love suggestions on anti aging moisturizers

  1830. pam piper says:

    burts bees lip balm and gloss, i don’t go anywhere without them!

  1831. Kathy says:

    I don’t wear much makeup, if any at all, and I’m not entirely sure what products are the best in that category, but for sunburnt skin…kukui oil. It takes the sting and heat of an unintentional sunburn right out. Living in Hawaii, sometimes a sunburn in unavoidable so knowing what to put on immediately after turning pink is necessary.

  1832. Geraldine Nepszy says:

    I normally don’t wear makeup but I do like a creme for my face. The last year has been a journey with my diagnosis ……and your books and blogs are like a guide book.
    Anyway …the new creme I have been using is Andalou Naturals ………it is a Goji peptide……..bought at my local health store.

  1833. Michelle says:

    Vitamin E oil as moisturizer. But really don’t know a lot about what’s safe and what’s not so I will be reading the comments below and doing more to educated myself.

  1834. Sandra Dwan says:

    Coconut oil for sure -couldn’t live without it!!! So good for so many things: skin/body/facial moisturizer, conditioner, good for rashes, bug bites, dry lips, razor burn, oil pulling, etc. So many uses packed into one product! Perfect for travel!

  1835. Allison says:

    organic virgin coconut oil

  1836. annabelle says:

    i like LUSH products. their Dream Cream smells amazing, and soothes my rough garden hands.
    but simple organic coconut oil is good for just about everything.

  1837. Siobhán says:

    After being a make up girl for many years and always shopping at our local drug store for my products, I now only wash with a pure olive oil soap and moisturize with plain organic coconut oil scented with a few (ok, several) drops of lavender. I just wear lip gloss and mascara now – the mascara is from Tarte, and I have several glosses but always choose those with real ingredients only (Whole Foods has great options). I suffered HORRIBLY from acne through my 20s and early 30s, so I was 1) always covering my face with chemicals and 2) always covering my face with layers of makeup. Pure soap and coconut oil (as well as changing my diet) have done wonders. The less I do, the more bare my skin, the more beautiful I feel.

  1838. carmen says:

    I love using shea butter

  1839. Jenn P says:

    I’ve been using tea tree oil (diluted with a little water) on my face every night and my face looks so smooth and fresh in the mornings and it makes blemishes disappear! But I also couldn’t live without my Burt’s Bees chapstick.

  1840. Sarah says:

    Honey! Works create for a natural pedi.

  1841. Jenny says:

    I love essential oils! Peppermint for my water. Ylang Ylang, and orange for my hair. Calming scents at bed time!

  1842. Julia says:

    My favorite natural beauty product and treatment is organic extra virgin olive oil rubbed into my hair and scalp and then I wrap my hair in a towel. I leave it on for at least one hour or overnight if possible. Then I wash with a natural shampoo and my hair is super soft and shiny! And if I have time put fresh sliced cucumbers on my eyes for 20 minutes and afterwards they feel sooo relaxed and refreshed! And thanks Kris for encouraging and supporting us to share with each other our experiences! Keep up the fabulous work, your books and website have helped me through some of the most challenging times! We are not just surviving, we are thriving! xo Julia

  1843. I started weaning from chemical laden body products about 5 years ago. So happy I did!
    I am a huge fan of Dr. Brommer’s lip balm (Peppermint) and Citrus Orange liquid soap. Then I slather Nubian Lemongrass & Tea Tree Body Lotion all over. Once I started wearing contacts I realized I needed to start using more natural make up. Now I love Dr. Haushcka’s mascara, has a great scent. And to take it off I love Blum Naturals Cucumber eye make up remover, then some Korres Oak Age Reversing Primer for those pesky wrinkles. Love discovering new products that are good for me. Bring it on!

  1844. Annette says:

    Coconut oil and lavender essential oil. The mixture is great for dry cracked skin. Another favorite is Trader Joe’s brand Tea tree shampoo and conditioner. It smells great, tingles, and is very affordable !

  1845. Tara says:

    Basically my product isn’t really a ” product” but cocnut oil for hair, lips, skin & recipes.

  1846. Thea says:

    My favorite natural product is coconut oil. An actual product that is put together for me to use would be Mychelle Fruit Enzyme Cleanser. It is a light cleanser you can get it in Whole Foods…I just read below and I also love love love dr. bonner’s…for me for cleaning, etc.

  1847. Christina says:

    I love coconut oil on my skin. It soaks in, healing my dry skin and leaves a wonderful scent!

  1848. Joyce says:

    Received Annmaries sample kit two weeks ago… absolutely love the way my skin feels after using it and knowing that is totally toxic free… best I have ever tried… hands down… and the scents are heavenly.

  1849. Mary says:

    I use coconut oil as an eye makeup remover. Also as a rough skin moisturizer

  1850. Karin says:

    To cut down on toxins absorbed by my body, I’ve stopped using make-up most of the time, but admit I look much better enhancing my facial features with a little make-up and wear it on occasion. If I happen to be juicing beets, it makes for the best lip shade with a little coconut oil. I mostly use jojoba or coconut oil for my face and buy handmade soap from the farmers market for my body. I rotate various healthier shampoos from the health food store and use hair paste to keep hair in place as opposed to hairspray. I cringe when getting my hair colored even with the healthier alternatives that still burn my scalp a little, but don’t want to give in to the natural gray. I use essential oils for scent in a carrier oil and have yet to find a good non-toxic deodorant to be used on an as needed basis. Overall, I keep it simple and as toxin-free as I can, but definitely need product that is going to bring out the best for my late 40’s skin. I mainly focus on what I put in my body and noticed lately that the exterior could use some sprucing up.

  1851. Kathleen Blankenship says:

    I love using Amlactin Alpha-Hydroxy Therapy Moisturizing Body Lotion. I helps with rough, dry skin and gently exfoliates. It leaves my skin soft and silky.

  1852. Sunnie says:

    This might sound strange because it’s not a product, but my best personal care practice is mindfulness meditation. My face looks younger & more relaxed, & I am more appreciative that less is more & quality should be valued over quantity. I believe true beauty come from within. That said, I tried a sample of the Aloe-Herb Facial Cleanser, & think the care that went into that product speaks volumes. Fantastic quality!

  1853. Corina says:

    I use Mineral Fusion for my concealer, foundation and mascara. It’s lightweight and they don’t make my very sensitive skin breakout. I also, thanks to your recommendation last year, use Ann Marie’s anti-aging eye cream (I’m 42) and her Citrus Mint Facial Cleaner which I love and have been using for about 6 months now. Oh, and I also have to give credit to my warm lemon water that I have every morning. So many healthy benefits, plus it helps my complexion!

  1854. Nicole says:

    I love soap nuts… I pour hot water on a few, let them soak overnight, then throw them in the blender in the morning (without the pits). I strain out the liquid for shampoo, laundry detergent, and dishwasher detergent. I use the foam for shaving.

  1855. Kendalyn Eldredge says:

    Recently I stopped washing my face in the morning and just swipe it with some natural witch hazel with aloe, it definitely saves me a few minutes in the morning! Also, I stopped using traditional face wash in the evening and instead make my own concoction: equal parts (usually 1tbsp) raw honey, ACV, jojoba oil, and whatever essential oils I’m feeling (right now it’s tea tree and lavender). It gets all my makeup off and leaves my skin feeling baby soft!

  1856. Kate says:

    My absolute favorite natural beauty product these days is COCONUT OIL! I apply it right after I step out of the shower, and it makes my skin so smooth.

  1857. Barbara Green says:

    Bare Minerals makeup

  1858. Kathryn says:

    DoTerra’s “Immortelle” is a certified pure therapeutic grade blend of essential oils which I love. I urgently want to find help for a severe form of rosacea though. The only help I’ve ever found is laser treatments which I cannot afford to go through again.

  1859. Jessica Nordstrom says:

    HI there I use grape seed oil for a facial moisturizer

  1860. Liz Conrad says:

    Kris, I Love your newsletter and this one is so in line with my past year of detoxing and clean living. I am eating cleaner, no processed food and more fruits and veggies. Love green juices and smoothies every day. I have shed over 3lbs and without dieting and have so much energy. I have also slowly incorporated natural skin care and makeup to my life. My favorite thing is organic coconut oil. I use it for everything from eye makeup remover to face and body moisturizer. I experiment with adding essential oils and absolutely love the results. I have also been using Bare Essentials makeup and really like it. My biggest issue is finding a natural sunscreen for the summer so Im excited to check out AnnMare’s line!

  1861. Alison says:

    Hands down, coconut oil! Amazing moisturizer for face and body, and the best makeup remover I’ve discovered. Doesn’t hurt that it smells yummy too 🙂

  1862. StarLight says:

    Ever month or two, I make a blend of Young Living’s Regenolone lotion, add in The ART toner and day & night rejuvenating creams, Roman Chamomile oil and Anne Marie’s repair serum. This makes a few bottles, which I use after my morning shower, and after I wash my face before bed. My complexion is glowing! After dabbing my face, I rub any excess onto my neck, elbows, knees and belly. Keepin’ it all lubed, staying young!

  1863. Carly Gutierrez says:

    My favorite all natural product is Avalon Organics CoQ12 Antiaging Cream Cleanser. I also really like the Organic skin care line from Juicy. I would love to try some of AnnMarie Gianni Skincare products. If they are as wonderful as they sound I would reccomend them to all my future clients as a Health Coach, as well as friends and coworkers.

  1864. beth says:

    Cold pressed, organic Coconut oil – for face, hair, body, pulling and cooking! Sometimes, when I want quicker absorption for skin and hair, I use pure Almond oil. Yum.

  1865. Melissa W. says:

    Hi Kris & Friends,

    I am a melanoma cancer survivor. While I love the feeling of the sun, I was not what you call a sun worshipper. Now I am more careful than ever. As part of my daily mental & physical detox, I go for walks on my lunch break in the hilly neighborhood or along the ocean. I am sure to wear my sunblock and a hat. I personally love Blue Lizard Sport Sunblock. The texture isn’t greasy or chalky and it blends in well. As an added bonus, the bottle turns blue when UV is high. A good reminder!

    I am on a quest to replace my other skin care and beauty products. This giveaway & comments from others is so awesome! Thank you!


  1866. Samantha Mitchell says:

    My absolute favourite is coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil and starting to learn new ways to use essential oils for beauty! I’ve never heard of the brand you use so thank you I’ll be checking her website out!!

  1867. Debbie Watson says:

    E&O Everyday Body Lotion, very gentle. I have sensitive skin and allergies to fragrance so it calms my skin.

  1868. Rebecca Gabriel says:

    My fav non-toxic beauty product is organic coconut oil. As a moisturizer, it can’t be beat.

  1869. Ryan says:

    My favorite natural beauty product is coconut oil! There are so many uses for it, and who doesn’t love a product that’s just as good for the outside of your body as it is for the inside?!

  1870. Katie says:

    I have been washing my face with homemade products for about a year now. I hardly ever have breakouts any more! I love to use a combo of castor oil and grapeseed oil. I mix in some essential oils (lavender and frankincense) and voila! Homemade face wash.

  1871. Amy says:

    Lush cosmetics

  1872. Rayna says:

    My favorite natural skin care product is actually the Annmarie Gianni herbal facial oil for oily and acne prone skin. It makes my skin soft and smooth without breaking me out and I really think it is helping to heal my chronic acne. This giveaway is awesome thanks so much!

  1873. Nimrod E. M Christ Nimrod, Ph.D. says:

    Great article by a Great person, the One and Only Crazy SEXY Kris. God LOVES you and I do too. Peace.

  1874. Chelsea Van Vickle says:

    I love coconut oil! It’s easy to find in your grocery store and can be used for SO many different things!!

  1875. Sandra says:

    My favorite is Acure’s night cream. I like how it absorbs and leaves kind of a matte finish. I like most of Acure’s products, but I’m still looking for a non-greasy sunscreen that works well.

  1876. kristen says:

    Lemon water, clean eating, apple cider vinegar and green juice are the best beauty products for me from within, but I also enjoy coconut oil, AnnMarie Gianni’s Dead Sea Scrub (such a treat!!) as well as Benedetta’s The Best Deodorant and Control Creme!

  1877. Helene says:

    I use coconut oil for everything also! I use it mixed with some baking soda and essential oils for underarm deoderant, i use it for an eye makeup remover, and use it all over as a body lotion, yummy!

    I use the Garden of Life brand 🙂

  1878. Carol McDermott says:

    I love to use coconut oil on my face in morning before makeup or to remove makeup especially eye makeup at night. My son uses it on his hands- he is in construction/remodeling. I like to use it on hands and body as well but do switch out with Trader Joe’s Coconut body butter.

  1879. Catherine Hartnett says:

    Organic coconut oil! All over body moisturizer. Works like a dream and healthy for you!!

  1880. Carrie Ann says:

    My favorite product is simply my aloe plants. Their cooling gel-filled leaves are soothing to my skin. I do use them in moderation and take only what is needed. My plants seem willing to help and have their aloe-ness become a part of me, and I always ask them before taking their leaves. This gift basket looks fabulous though for the lucky winner! Thank you for all you do!

  1881. cheri vanorden says:

    Jojoba oil is my all time favorite. It will not clog your poors and will give you a healthy glow.

  1882. Lee Ann says:

    I love organic virgin coconut oil cook with it great for hair and body uses.

  1883. Chrissy says:

    My favorite non toxic, all natural body product is my Everyday Shea Shampoo and Conditioner. The lavender scent smells amazing. <3

  1884. Liza says:

    I love olive oil as a leave in conditioner and face moisturizer once a week, coconut oil for face, and, a drop of your favorite essential oil for a natural deodorant Love nature! Thanks for the tips on natural makeup

  1885. Tracy Donley says:

    I’ve gradually been swapping out my skincare and makeup products for Josie Maran and BareMinerals. Also, I’m finding that the better care I take of my skin, the less makeup I need!

  1886. Bailey says:

    I’m actually just now starting to go the more natural route with my beauty regiment, but I’ve heard a lot of great things about coconut oil and I plan to start working them into my daily routine.

  1887. Nancy says:

    I love Andalou Naturals Skin Perfecting Beauty Balm Natural Tint with SPF 30. Has a light tint, evens out skin tone and has sun protections. Andalou Naturals are rated very highly by

  1888. Leah says:

    I just recently started making my own deodorant with baking soda and coconut oil I’ve only been using it for a couple of days but the redness and rash from using other deoderants is pretty much gone the best part is it smells even better, I also use coconut oil for moisturizer if my skin is dry

  1889. Kamala says:

    Pangea Organics …. I actually love the entire line, but a favorite is Italian Green Mandarin & Sweet Lime facial toner because it can double as a refreshing body mister on hot days. Delicious organic, fair-trade skincare…. great company!!!

  1890. Deirdre says:

    This article couldn’t have been more timely. I’ve been looking more closely at my products, ya know the ones I can’t live with tout, and wondering if they’re actually keeping me from living a long and healthy life. My favorite replacement so far is baking soda as an exfoliator, to banish blackheads and make the skin smooth. I’ve also heard banana peels are great for blemishes. Anyone try it?
    Thank you Kris for continuously having your finger on the dial and helping us get in the know. Cheers!

  1891. Cyndi Wilkie says:

    Living Libations makes a wonderful natural sunscreen, I just love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1892. lisa says:

    I love Avocado Oil for facial skin lotion, Aloe Vera Juice for soooo many things internal & external (sunburn, minor abrasions, blemishes, etc.) but especially great for wrinkles

  1893. Lauren M says:

    I absolutely can’t love without my coconut oil. The majority of the week that’s the only product I use in my skin care regimine. It keeps me moisturized and glowy. 🙂

  1894. Paule says:

    In the last 3 years or so, I have been more and more aware of my health and of what I put on my skin. I have been researching skin products and I came upon AnnMarie’s products. I love them!!! I love the coconut honey mask, leaves my skin feeling like silk (and I have large, always clogged pores). Only thing is, I live in Canada and the shipping is very costly, sadly… For now, I use a line called Acure. My fave is the resurfacing cream. I would LOVE to get the Crazy Sexy AnnMarie Gianni Skincare Giveaway!
    Love and Gratitude for you (and your team) :0)

  1895. yay for good self care!
    yay for Kris!
    yay for the chance to when these great prezies!

  1896. Nicole says:

    I love Nubian Heritage Raw Shea Butter…my skin loves it! I also can’t live without coconut oil,so many uses..its amazing!

  1897. Robin Gernhard says:

    I only wash my face with a mixture of organic cold-pressed olive oil and organic castor oil. I was skeptical at first, but it is a great way to get my face clean without using harsh chemicals.

  1898. SCarlson says:

    I currently like Origins Make a Difference hand cream, and Origins Plantscription anti-aging eye cream on my eyes and around my mouth. I’m going to look at the ingredients in closer detail to see how they do against EWG’s list. I am very interested in trying AnnaMarie Gianni’s products.

  1899. Diane says:

    I use a soap made up of goats milk, coconut oil and shea butter to cleanse my face and apply coconut oil afterward.. I rarely wear makeup, but when I do it’s the traditional brands anyone can get from their local drug store. Because I don’t use them often, they have also been sitting in my cabinet for some time.

  1900. Portia says:

    Coconut Oil–it is multi-functional as I use it as a cleanser and moisturizer.

  1901. Brenda says:

    Definitely coconut oil. I use it for everything. Eye make up remover, super duper hair conditioner, face and body moisturizer….*ahem* lube 😉

  1902. Tara says:

    I really love Living Libations products, they are natural and so lovely! I also like 100% Pure. I try to be really careful and use natural products as much as possible but once in a while I get sucked into something that is not so natural and usually regret it!

  1903. Theresa Morris says:

    Evan Healy products!

  1904. Maysie says:

    I love use pure aloe vera gel as a light moisturizer.

  1905. Shelly says:

    My hands down, absolute favorite natural beauty item is organic coconut oil! My family and I use it from head -to -toe! For chapped lips, as a body moisturizer (I use my hand blender to whip it into a fluffy consistency like mirangue) that we keep in a glad mason jar, as a leave in conditioner, nail conditioner. My most recent discovery of another use for my beloved coconut oil is pretty awesome! It’s oil pulling. Just eat a teaspoon or so of coconut oil and keep it in your mouth until it melts. Then swish it around for as long as you can. The longer, the better it will be able to do its job of pulling toxins out. I’ll let you know how it goes, since it’s only been a few days. It’s also supposed to whiten teeth. I’ve already noticed that my teeth have that just from-the-dentist feeling of clean!

  1906. Karin says:

    I use organic extra virgin olive oil on my skin after showering. I love it. That plus home made deodorant of coconut oil, arrowroot powder, baking soda, and essential oils. I’m always looking for better facial care products. I’ve been using dr. hauschka but my skin is looking sallow. Thanks!

  1907. Alia says:

    I’ve seen this written already but I am another voice for coconut oil! Since I started using it as my body moisturizer, it dramatically reduced my dry skin. I also use it as my facial moisturizer without using a stripping cleanser – I just cleanse with water which has people gasp but I swear my skin is looking younger and more radiant.

  1908. Krista says:

    My favorite natural product is MuLondon’s Organic Marigold, Frankincense and Myrrh Moisturizer. Divine scent, a little goes a long way, no preservatives!

  1909. Kellyann says:

    I love using expeller pressed, refined mango butter as my facial moisturizer. I am 35 and have sensitive skin on the dry side. Mango butter is so moisturizing for me and even seems to plump out fine lines and gives me a lovely glow:).

  1910. Kathy says:

    My new favorite is the moisturizer from Desert Essence. It has helped clear up my skin immensely!

  1911. lisa says:

    My favorite product is Ann Marie’s Anti-Aging Serum. I’m only 34 but have super dry skin and it works great.

  1912. Sarah says:

    Hands down: doTERRA Essential Oils. I use them, aromatically, topically, and internally everyday. All doTERRA’s oils are certified pure therapeutic grade and are safe for the whole family. They make me feel beautiful, healthy (from the inside out!), and since I’ve started using them I’ve had several people tell me I’m glowing! I love the healing power of nature and plants!

  1913. Amy says:

    Organic coconut oil. I use it as a moisturizer and in my homemade body scrub.

  1914. Amy says:

    I feel like a non-toxic product newbie! Reading Kris’s blog over the last year or so has been slowly changing my thinking about something I never really thought much about! I’m grateful for that and am excited to try these products everyone is commenting on!

    Thanks to Kris, I started to use coconut oil as a moisturizer (olive oil too!). And I even made my own deodorant with coconut oil, arrowroot powder and baking soda. Better late than never!

    And thanks to everyone for this wealth of info and great suggestions!

  1915. Kim says:

    Coconut oil and Morrocco Method hair products

  1916. Nancy says:

    I love AnnMarie Gianni’s Sun Love. I was in desperate need of a sunscreen that would protect my skin without the harsh chemicals. I feel at ease knowing I am protecting my skin and my body for years to come with Sun Love. Thank you!

  1917. Anne-Marie says:

    I love a natural brand that is from Quebec called Astairs!

  1918. Meredith Ramsay says:

    COCONUT OIL (organic) It can be used for so many things but one of my favourite uses is a deep conditioner for hair! I melt it, comb it through my hair and let it sit for an hour then shampoo my hair (but skip conditioner)! It is amazing and a great value since you can use it for so many things!

  1919. Jess K says:

    I LOVE RAW COCONUT OIL! I use it for everything – from oil pulling for dental health, as a body and face lotion, hair mask and I even eat it too. I love that I can eat what I put on my body and know that when it absorbs into my skin (your skin is the biggest organ you have) that my body is nourished!

  1920. Jill says:

    I love coconut oil for almost everything! I also love AnneMarie Gianni’s products for face, and Burt’s Bees for lips!

  1921. Megan says:

    I am really loving products from Rocky Mountain Soap Company. They are a small Canadian company (but expanding all the time). I love that all their stuff is not only safe for me, but safe to give to everyone, including the little ones. (Not like Lush!)

    For house cleaning products, I try to use more natural cleaners. I can’t remember the brand right now, but it’s been really good (and not toxic smelling, and not dangerous to my cats!)

  1922. Christina says:

    I was just given a recipe for deodorant, I will be making/trying it this week!

  1923. Stephanie says:

    I love the coconut body oil from AnnMarie! I add a few drops to my bath water and it makes my skin feel amazing! And it smells great too 🙂 Another great line of products is Arbonne – almost all the products are 100% vegan and plant-based, and they carry everything from mascara to shaving cream 🙂

  1924. Victoria says:

    I use Kora Organics face lotion, hydrating mask, and cleanser. I love it! It is made using all natural and organic products including noni extract, rosehip oil, avocado, and macedamia nuts. It makes my skin feel so smooth and smells great!

  1925. Anna says:

    My ultime FAVORITE facial cream is Cocoon Apothecary’s ROSEY cheeks. It’s
    Cruelty-free and vegan
    Made with certified organics
    Amber glass bottle, plant-based label
    Safe and non-toxic
    Now you GOTTA love THAT !!! I know I do.

  1926. Jennifer says:

    This post is coming at an opportune time for me. I can’t wait to check out Annmarie’s line. Right around turning 40 I started weeding out toxic skincare products but my skin has not been happy. I’ve never had bad skin until recently and am feeling discouraged realizing this has been going on for over a year! I would love some guidance, relief, and to just find a clean product line I can stick to once and for all. As for the question, I can offer that organic argan oil has always been an effective, non-irritating staple for me. Also a dab of tea tree oil on blemishes works great!

  1927. Melinda J. Kowaleski says:

    Weleda Wild Rose Deodorant Spray for all-over body refreshment, NatraCare chlorine-free thin panty liners; Dr. Haushka Rose Day Cream, Eye Balm, Soothing Cleansing Milk, Cleansing Cream (gentle exfoliant); Dry-brush body (upward strokes) before shower, One With Nature Dead Sea Mud Soap (dead sea salts & shea butter); all OILS (like Argan, Jojoba, Coconut) & anything ALMOND!!! 🙂

  1928. Meredith Ramsay says:


  1929. lily says:

    Coconut Oil! Organic, cold-pressed, it’s great for makeup removal, facial massage, moisturizing, lip balm, and EATING! it’s my desert island product for sure.

  1930. Sam says:

    I love love the Annmarie Gianni herbal cleanser and toner! Farmeasthetics also makes an amazingly fragrant herbal herbal face wash that combines with a milk exfoliated to leave skin silky and your mind destressed!

    I also started making a lot of my own products using recipes from Wellness Mama’s Blog. The DIY deoderannt is great!

  1931. Alana G says:

    coconut oil for everything! I use it as a hair mask once a week, face watch, makeup remover, body and face lotion, and most importantly as deodorant. I’m not a big sweater but it helps me stay comfortable and avoid and odors even during harder run workouts.

  1932. Laura says:

    I love Dessert Essence Coconut Shampoo & Conditioner! They smell amazing and don’t leave me feeling icky =)

  1933. Amy Rolph says:

    I love nutiva coconut oil for my skin/hair/cuticles/anti chaffing before cycling. It is my go to product for dryness issues!

  1934. Daliah says:

    I use an oil blend with hemp oil, coconut oil and a few other essential oils for EVERYTHING! Works amazing for face moisturizer, lip gloss and burns 😉 Oh! and Apple cider vinegar for a toner.

  1935. Emma says:

    I mix my shampoo with baking soda–it naturally removes build up and makes my hair soft!

  1936. Lynn says:

    I love coconut oil!

  1937. Julie Daugherty says:

    Coola sunscreen. 100% organic ingredients, 100% non-greasy (I’m not kidding, you can’t feel it when it’s on – what a miracle!), made for super-sensitive skin like mine, as well as folks who just want the best. SO glad I found out about it this & HIGHLY recommend it!

  1938. Debra says:

    Oh here it is! I love Dr Hauschka products!
    Rosé Body Lotion one fav!

  1939. I love the facial skin care line from 100% Pure. I use their coffee bean eye cream, mint tea facial cleanser, and carrot scrub. They use natural ingredients and most of the products are vegan and none are tested on animals.

  1940. Suzanne says:

    Take time for yourself.. As women, mothers, grandmothers we tend to care for our family and friends. We need to take care of our selves so we can take care of others. Be proud of the small steps as well as the big…Love yourself!!!!

  1941. Christina says:

    Been using jojoba oil lately for both makeup remover and moisturizer, even feels great in my hair to tame some frizz :). Love coconut oil for body moisturizer and makes a wonderful hair mask.

  1942. Sue T. says:

    I use Nutiva organic extra virgin coconut oil as a body moisturizer and as an underarm deodorant. The cosmetics I am using are from Vapour Organic Beauty. I just started using skincare products from Juice Beauty and like them so far but I would love to try AnnMarie Gianni Skincare. Thanks for the opportunity to enter the giveaway!

  1943. Jessica Lemann says:

    Organic Unrefined Coconut Oil – I just it as a head to toe moisturizer

  1944. Katrinna says:

    I use AnnMarie Gianni Skincare, I like her oils

  1945. Marianne says:

    I like to use almond oil as a weekly hair mask. I apply it to the ends of my hair, wrap it into a bun, and put on a shower cap (trapping the heat helps the hair absorb the moisture). After 30 minutes I rinse the oil off. It leaves my hair soft and shiny without absorbing harmful chemicals.

  1946. Barb says:

    I like Anne Marie Gianni’s Anti Aging Oil and it smells so good. I put an extra dab of it right under my nose when I go to bed at night. Very restful and soothing scent. Love it. Her Dead Sea Scrub is the best and I’ve tried many. My skin feels smooth like glass after using it.

  1947. Jill Richter says:

    I also don’t wear much makeup-no time! I love drinking green tea/green smoothies for my inside out beauty regimen and Dessert Essence Coconut shampoo/conditioner.

  1948. Annie says:

    My absolute favorite can’t live without natural beauty product is Living Libations Best Skin Ever! I have been using it for 2 years, and it has kept my face clean, moisturized and acne free ! It even gives my face a healthy glow. It also smells amazing!

  1949. Kathy says:

    I love the aloe herb cleanser. I discovered this a few months ago and it’s wonderful!

  1950. Amanda Webb says:

    I love Dr. Bonner’s for washing my face. I use either rose oil or coconut oil to moisturize.
    I use baby oil to remove the mascara I wear…..never been a big make-up person except on special occasions.

  1951. Daniela Roth says:

    Coconut Oil! I use it to remove makeup, condition hair, moisturize skin, prevent diaper rash, and cook with it!

  1952. Whitney says:

    My favorite natural, non-toxic personal care product is Derma-e’s Tea Tree and E Antiseptic Crème. I. love. this. product.

    First and foremost, this little bugger is a daily moisturizer, protectant, antiseptic, and anti-blemish crème in ONE 4 oz tub. So, not only do I use it in my daily skin care routine, but it’s a lifesaver when you get those battle wounds (burns, cuts) in the kitchen–which tend to happen when a clumsy girl is in the passionate throes of realizing a Crazy Sexy Kitchen recipe.

    Secondly, the price is fantastic! Regardless of where you buy it, I’ve never seen it priced over $15 for a 4 oz tub. So, multi-functional AND budget-friendly.

    Lastly, and the most important one for me–all of Derma-e’s products are 100% vegan, cruelty-free, paraben-free, sulfate-free, mineral oil-free, lanolin-free, gluten free, AND GMO-free. So if this product isn’t your thing, Derma-e carries several other lines that are catered to more specific skin needs. You can trust that they’re safe for your body and the environment.

    You can read more about Derma-e here:

    Hope this is helpful!

  1953. Melissa says:

    I love organic coconut oil for removing make up and making deodorant. I love Dr. Bronners Castile Soap for making homemade cleaners and for bathing! I also really love the Skin Fitness and Eminence organic lines for my face.

  1954. Jenny says:

    My favorite line is one love organics. Their vitamin B cleanser is dreamy.

  1955. Katharina Kunz says:

    I am just getting started at looking natural products. I have been using coconut oil…it’s great for hair and skin!

  1956. Tara says:

    I use coconut oil for everything! Make up removal and as lotion are my two favorite uses.

  1957. Kirsten Craver says:

    I love all Zum products from Indigo Wild. Most of all their gentle “soaps” have healed the eczema on my little girls’ skin caused from the harshness of real soap. My girls take their own Zum with them to school and if they use the restroom they always take it with them! While all the other kids get hand sanitizer from the teacher before lunch, the teacher knows that my girls will take their Zum and go to the bathroom to wash up!

  1958. Dalybeth says:

    Love the Honest Company products to use for me and my kids

  1959. Angie Fraley says:

    My favorite non toxic beauty product is my natural tampico firber bristle brush (Bernard Jensen Products) that I use to dry brush my skin before each and every shower. It’s so refreshing to brush your skin! I feel like it gets my circulation going throughout my whole body.

  1960. Lee Ann says:

    I love organic virgin coconut oil I use it for everything.

  1961. Lynda Lemar says:

    I like to put cucumbers on my face after I have throroughly cleansed my skin with natural made soap made from Goats Milk. After I get the thin slices of cucumber on my face, I like to put a folded washcloth wet with fresh spring water over my eyes and take 5-8 minutes to relax. The smell of the fresh cucumber is so refreshing to the sense of smell, and cucumbers are a relaxing therapy for the skin. When I’m done I like to pat dry my skin and then put a very thin coat of vitamin E oil on my face because it is good for an anti-aging treatment. This treatment is best done on a day I’m going to be home and won’t need to wear any make-up that day, or it is good to do before bedtime.

  1962. juliana says:

    I love Santa Verde’s organic aloe vera based line of creams, toners and washes. They grow the Aloe in Spain and process and bottle it themselves. It is the very highest quality aloe based product I’ve come across. Great for acne, and healing abrasions or rashes on the skin. You can get it online from Love Lula, as Santa Verde creams are a german line.

  1963. Meeps says:

    I love Argan oil. I use it on my hair to restore shine, my nails as a cuticle oil, and my hands as a moisturizer.

  1964. Indira Hogan says:

    I use Trader Joe’s organic virgin coconut oil on my face every day. I also put it in my hair to moisturize. It can be used as a body oil, also.

  1965. I use “Take A Whiff” deodorant. It was supposedly developed by a breast cancer survivor. It smells heavenly ( like orange dreamsicle) BUT does not last all day. Gotta re-apply. But I like knowing I’m
    skipping the aluminum found in most deodorants.
    Also I’ve been using some of the Vichey skin care bc of a decent rating by EWG.

    I’ve been wanting to try the AnnMarie line!
    And I will…..once I recover from paying for my new whole food plant based cooking class with CHEF Chad!!! A wooo-hoooo!

  1966. Olga says:

    For those ladies who are used to Chanel, Givenchy, Shiseido, etc., there is an amazing line of products that is both luxurious and totally organic/natural/chemical free. Try Tata Harper and her plant-based, amazing, intoxicating (in a good way) line of products. My favorite is Concentrated Brightening Serum.

  1967. Kathryn says:

    Absolutely love the anti aging oil. It smells divine!!!!

  1968. Stephanie says:

    I love, love, love the AnnMaria Gianna Aloe-Herb Facial Cleanser. You can also put it on a cotton pad and use as an eye makeup remover!

  1969. Diana Bryant says:

    I think my favorite natural, nontoxic personal care product would be coconut – I can use it in my hair and in my shea butter mix I make monthly for skin and recently using it for oil pulling for a healthier mouth!

  1970. Kristy says:

    Nature’s Gate Spearmint toothpaste. Very refreshing! And excellent dental checkups!

  1971. Katie says:

    I think there’s an echo in here. 🙂

    Coconut oil! Woot woot! As so many of us know, it has so many uses, feels divine, smells divine, and we know it’s absolutely health-promoting. Inside or out, I use coconut oil every day. That plus Dr Bronner’s soap makes for a simple and non-toxic beauty routine for me.

    I also occasionally make jars of exfoliating scrub with 1 cup sugar, 1/2 cup almond oil, and 15 drops of whatever essential oil I feel like. Mix, keep a lid on it, and enjoy silky smooth, moisturized skin out of the shower in no time!

    Sending LOVE!

  1972. Sara Shorten says:

    Definitely coconut oil! : )

  1973. Amber says:

    Coconut Oil! I use it for my hair and dry skin.

  1974. Ilea says:

    My all time favorite moisturizer for face and body is pure virgin Shea butter. It’s silky and never greasy (a little goes a long way), plus it has a natural SPF 5. It’s also a great simple diaper cream.

  1975. Sierra says:

    I love Savannah Bee Company’s Honey and Royal Jelly Shampoo and Conditioner! It has a nice price point, smells amazing, and makes my hair oh-so-soft!

  1976. Amanda says:

    I found out about a great skincare company called SW Basics of Brooklyn. All of their products have five (!) or fewer pronounceable ingredients and are made for people with sensitive skin. Check them out at

  1977. Kai says:

    I’ve been making my own skin care products based on a book called Absolute Beauty. It’s based on the Ayurveda approach to health. The one thing that most stood out to me in the book was the belief that anything you put on your skin should be edible.
    Everything you put on your skin, as Kris said, is absorbed into the body so it makes sense that if I can’t put it in my mouth I shouldn’t put it on my skin.
    I use sesame or coconut oil as an after shower moisturizer for my body. I find coconut is nicer in the summer it’s a bit lighter than sesame. I uses sesame oil with a few drops of several different essential oils on my face. I rarely wash my face, just splash with water and put the oil on a damp face.
    I use a charcoal body wash by Collective Wellbeing to clean my body and face. Unfortnately this is not edible so my rule does not apply 100% to everything I do but I would love it too. Baby steps. 🙂

  1978. Leslie says:

    A mixture of raw honey and coconut oil – it makes a wonderful mask.

  1979. Stephanie says:

    I love, love, love the AnnMarie Gianni Aloe-Herb Facial Cleanser. You can also put it on a cotton pad and use an eye make-up remover!

  1980. Bora says:

    This is one of my favorite topics so choosing one product is a little difficult. Having said that, if I really had to choose (outside of coconut oil because that stuff is just magic for everything) I would have to go with the Pure+Simple product line. Although I use the cleanser and the organic peppermint hydrosol as well, my cannot-live-without skin cream is their skin softening moisturizer. I discovered it when I stole a pump from my mom’s bathroom counter and it changed my skin life. Sooo many products promise to balance oil and feel light and whatnot, and this cream actually delivers without even promising to do anything but make your skin soft. So modest. And, as a bonus, it smells fricken amazing. I have a little nasal-gasm (just made that up :P) every time I use it.

  1981. I love putting one drop of Frankincense essential oil and about four drops of fractionated coconut oil on my face before sleep. It has completely removed my sun damage and my face looks great! Even at 40!

  1982. Sandi says:

    In the last year, I seem to have developed very sensitive skin. It seems like almost any product with any type of perfume or toxic ingredient causes an allergic reaction. Therefore, I’ve been going for items that say fragrance free or free and clear but I’ve found, even those have chemicals too, so I still have a reaction at times. It’s a bummer. But it’s also caused me to make more conscious decisions and to read the labels, the fine print. Anyhoo, right now my favorite non-toxic, natural personal care product is coconut oil.

  1983. Elli Boland says:

    I love to make my own crazy sexy GLOW CUBE (scrub/moisturizer 2 in 1)
    Mix ground organic coffee with coconut oil until creamy consistency.
    Pour mixture in ice cube tray and freeze.
    One cube is perfect for one shower go-around.
    The cold cube is super refreshing, and tightens the skin…and the coffee exfoliates while the coconut oil moisturizes. No lotion needed.
    Crazy Sexy Glow and perfect for a day when I am too lazy to dry brush and do an oil massage.
    Mwuuuuuah, Elli

  1984. Beth says:

    Coconut oil is my favorite! For lotion, hair mask, cooking!! 🙂

  1985. Patti says:

    I use castor oil for moisturizing my skin. Inexpensive and not toxic!

  1986. Kelly says:

    I love, love, love NYR’s orange oil. It’s incredible. I use it all over. I just love it.

  1987. Ann Olson says:

    I have yet to learn about the Natural Skincare and beauty tips. Thank you for the information you put into your blog. I love reading your e-mails and will go to the EWG’s site to do a little research…baby steps! Thank you!

  1988. Kim says:

    My favorite non toxic skincare product is Argan oil. I use Josie Maran but I’ve heard good things from friends that use other brands as well. I use it as a morning and night moisturizer, I put it on my split ends and the crown of my head for shine. I also mix it with a natural bronzer and put it on my legs in the summer.

  1989. Amy says:

    Love coconut oil for moisturizer and make up removal. I use Dr. Hauchka products too.

  1990. Christie says:

    My latest fave is AnnMarie Gianni’s Ayurvedic Scrub, it makes my skin so soft!

  1991. I love putting one drop of Frankincense essential oil and about four drops of fractionated coconut oil on my face before sleep. It has completely removed my sun damage and my face looks great! Even at 40 🙂

  1992. Jill Matthews says:

    I was just recently introduced to the AnnMarie Gianni’s line – Its FABULOUS! My other go to is Coconut oil – I even give it to my dogs and its help their skin allergies as well!

  1993. Whitney Douglas says:

    My favorite non-toxic beauty product is… Hemp Oil!

    I use Nutiva’s Hemp Oil, I just rub about a quarter size amount all over my face, focusing on the spots where I get the most clogged pores (my nose and forehead). I then take a washcloth and soak it in warm/hot water, I ring out as much water as possible and lay the washcloth on my face. I let the warmth from the cloth open up my pores and then I remove the washcloth and rub the hemp oil in again. I do this a few times (depending on how much time I have), and then I use the washcloth to gently wipe away the hemp oil. I splash cold water on my face and pat my skin dry with a towel.

    My skin is clean and soft after! Hemp oil is awesome! It is one of those good oils that actually breaks up bad (pore clogging) oils, and it does not clog your pores! It cleans away the bad stuff and moisturizes your skin. If you have issues with whiteheads or blackhead, I highly suggest giving it a try!

    And, thank you, Kris, for all you and your team do! <3

  1994. Linda Buff says:

    I like to buy the smallest jar of the highest grade of Manuka honey I can find (higher than “10”). That will still be fairly expensive. I don’t eat it mostly b/c I would eat it all at once. I use it on my skin. The high grade that I’ve used so far is not all that sticky after about a minute. It melts into the skin and either softens and moisturizes or heals skin problems or bumps. There are other good products with the Manuka honey as an ingredient and cheaper. But I like the pure stuff.

  1995. Rhonda Andrus says:

    My favorite natural product to use would be COCONUT Oil.

  1996. Erin says:

    My favorite product is argan oil for my daily moisturiser. I really love Earth to Body products and I also try and make as much as I can myself. I only wear make up on rare occasions, and have had a revolution of my toiletries in which most of them have left. I also try and shop local so I use locally made deodorant and lip chap. I feel like this was the easiest place in my life to go green because it went along with the self transformation that I went through, where I came to realize that I didn’t need all of that ‘stuff’ to feel beautiful. I completely cleaned out my bathroom of everything and started afresh and it was a transformative experience for me.

  1997. Ashlynn says:

    I don’t know a lot about what to use and what to avoid. I use organic green tea, coconut oil and aloevera for almost everything from hair to skincare. I use baking soda as well…is that non toxic?

  1998. Amber says:

    I love SkinnySkinny products. The owner makes the products herself and the lavender neem bar soap is my favorite. She also makes great scrubs and essential oils. I also like Alba’s cocoa butter lotion.

  1999. Patrice Hanes says:

    I think that my new favorite all-natural product is coconut oil. I use it everyday and night on my face after cleansing it. it not oily and it doesn’t leave a greasy mess on sheets and pillows, and I love the smell and the benefits. I can see that my skin complexion is changing and I hear that it is good on sunburn, so I will be taking some on vacation with me next month.

    Love it!!

  2000. Joanne Wood says:

    I love the shampoo and conditioners from Beauty Without Cruelty.

  2001. Margaret Mejias says:

    I switched to Christopher Drummond makeup

  2002. Julia Jenkins says:

    Thank you for the opportunity to try this product line!
    I have been using Suzanne Somers line for a couple years, Suzanne Organics. She is dedicated to certified toxic free formulas and educating women on the importance of avoiding toxins in every aspect of life. Her products absorb beautifully into my skin, have got amazing ingredients, and and smell fabulous. I love her wild orange vanilla nourishing body lotion.
    I have recently been introduced to Young Living Essential Oils and am having a really fun time experimenting with these on my face as well. Has been a life saver with a painful episode of shingles on my face, just now feeling like I’m on the mend with that. The pure lavender oil and the Rose Ointment taking good care of itch and pain. Hopefully there’ll be no scarring and the nerves will return to normal feeling.
    I’m so grateful there are such wonderful options for women now. I’m 61 and have been waiting a long time for this. So empowering, freeing, exciting! We are renaissance women!

  2003. Keely says:

    I’m going to have to go with the most difficult to find natural & non-toxic products: makeup. Your 1-5 list is spot on and I’ve been on my n&n journey about 5 years now so I’ve completed the 1-5. Yet this year I ran in to a real issue finding n&n makeup. Yes, there are tons of online resources but this momma isn’t a fan of shopping for makeup through my computer. I did find a VERY small organic n&n section in Ulta with a line called Juice Beauty. My fav product from that line is the fig lipstick. On EWG’s Skin Deep it rates a 1. PHEW!

  2004. Marisa Wilson says:

    Coconut oil! Specifically Organic, Unrefined, Cold-Pressed, Extra-Virgin coconut oil. I use it as an allover face and body moisturizer, I cook with it, and am going to start an oil-pulling regimen with it. So fantastic for so many purposes.:)

  2005. Elisa petit says:

    I use a blend of almond oil with a couple drops essential oil in an oil pump bottle. I reference the book “The complete book of essential oils and aromatherapy” for face care and specific skin problems.

  2006. Karen says:

    I love Andalou firming body moisurizer it has a lovely smell of lavender and really works! no parabans..

  2007. Sadie says:

    coconut oil to remove eye makeup and as a moisturizer for the T of the face! 🙂

  2008. Julie Jessup says:

    Based on your recommendation some time ago, I discovered AnnMarie Gianni products and am slowly adding them to my routine. In fact, I just ordered the travel kit that they offered at a discount. The anti-aging oil is wonderful and you’re right, the aromatherapy benefit is an added plus. Thanks for an opportunity to win this fabulous prize … and thank you for continuing to do what you do and share with all of us! With warm gratitude!!

  2009. Mary Rapai says:

    Water, lots of water to drink and splash on my face.

  2010. My personal pharmacy has two parts: a kitchen full of fruits and veggies and a small apothecary of essential oils!

    I mix different types of oils for just about all parts of my routine, which change depending on my environment and how I’m feeling. For cleansing my base is always castor and jojoba, for toner I use a tea tree oil mix and for moisturizer I start with argan oil.

    I’ve definitely ‘scaled-up’ my health routine though. I went from a Biore cleansing gel to Crunchy Betty’s pre-made oil cleansers to now, making my own. Add a little yoga and movement, good eating and you’ll find yourself a healthy and happy lady!

  2011. Heather B says:

    I just discovered Argan Oil (organic) for everything! I also couldn’t survive without my coconut oil for all types of beauty and healthcare.

  2012. Marisa says:

    Origins Checks and Balances face wash and Dr. Weil’s Mega-Mushroom collection

  2013. Jodi says:

    I love using coconut oil on my super-dry hands after a long day of repeated hand-washings at work!

  2014. Sriti says:

    I love my Artistry Youth Extend Products its fabulous and working great on my skin and i also love products with like features and concept.

  2015. Kyla Doyle says:

    I absolutely love AnnMarie Gianni’s coconut body oil–it isn’t greasy but absorbs quickly and keeps my skin hydrated and soft. If I’m running out of other products I’ll also use it as a facial moisturizer or a tiny bit to smooth out my hair/split ends…

  2016. Kelly Brietzke says:

    I love baking soda. I use it as deodorant (NO stinky no matter how much I sweat!), and as a daily face scrub. I’ll be 50 this year and I get compliments on my skin all the time! And of course it’s super as a household cleaner/deodorizer too!

  2017. Annalise says:

    I use The Honest Company’s Body Wash…love it and from the research I have done it is a great natural non-toxic product.

  2018. Gretchen says:

    I work from home and also teach yoga part-time, so I have makeup, but it fits into one tiny bag, so my favorite beauty products are typically lotions and moisturizers. I have super sensitive skin and recently started using NOW Solutions grapeseed oil after I get out of the shower. It’s amazing for sensitive skin but not greasy, so I’m not worried about getting it everywhere. I love coconut oil, but I only do that once a week, before a shower, to really try to get the moisture in, and I need something post shower.

  2019. Suzanne says:

    I love coconut oil. I use it for cooking, body moisturizer, hair conditioner, makeup remover , and oil pulling.

  2020. Angie says:

    Coconut oil!! I use it as an all over body moisturizer as soon as I step out of the shower. I have used it straight out of the container, but it is extra amazing whipped in a high speed mixer with about 20 drops of essential oils added.

  2021. Diana Serres says:

    Currently I am using a wonderful product I found at Whole Foods called ‘Elsen Oils Coconut & Avocado Oil’ for hair, face & body. This beautiful mother of 5 children was sampling her product line at my local store. She is from Ethiopia and has the most flawless skin I’ve ever seen! I use this on my face morning and night, adding a bit of Argan Oil around my eyes and my combination skin just sucks it up making my face feel fabulous! I can even wear makeup without my face feeling greasy! I also slather it on my hair twice a week for a bit before jumping into the shower to wash it. Natural skincare is the only way to true healthy skin!

  2022. jill says:

    Coconut Oil…… I use it everywhere (face, body, hands and nails), including in my smoothies!

  2023. Rachael says:

    I swapped out my chemical-laden toiletries and makeup for natural versions a couple of years ago, but I just recently upgraded my (formerly) beloved Stella by Stella McCartney eau de parfum spray to a natural perfume oil from Lurk. Now that I know how gentle and lovely a fragrance can be, I would never go back to inhaling all of those irritating chemicals!

  2024. Marisa says:

    Origins Checks and Balances face wash and Dr Weil’s Mega-Mushroom collection

  2025. Lezlee Hardin says:

    I love Tom’s bath soaps, Tom’s deodorant, and Ann Marie’s face cleanser

  2026. JW says:

    I enjoy using Dr. Bronner’s (Peppermint) as hand soap, toothpaste, etc. My moisturizer is organic coconut oil – my pets enjoy that, too! My favorite cosmetic line is Tarte. It works well without all of the toxins! Avalon Organics has great shampoos, body washes, face washes. My favorite soap, though, is Nubian Heritage; both bars and liquid. They smell amazing but don’t light up my sensitive sinuses – win:win!

  2027. Dawn says:

    Coconut oil is great for makeup remover and general moisturizing, and massage oil! I also like MyChelle Dermaceuticals, especially the SunShield and the night cream which is lovely with Rose oil. Also just bought Acure’s 100% Certified Organic Argan Oil and after using for a couple of days had a co-worker comment that my skin looked great!

  2028. Charlotte says:

    I am proud to say that I have ditched all of my make-up products with the exception of a rarely worn non-toxic mascara and Mineral Fusion polish for my toes. I have to say I feel more beautiful than ever going natural, but would love to learn more about products I could use safely when I am feeling a little girly….it happens 😉

  2029. Reggie says:

    You ask for one product. That’s a tough one because coconut oil is so great for everything, and skin. It works from the inside out, and the outside in. My dog child, Sugar, gets a spoonful every morning when I’m spreading it over my skin.

    My favorite is Best Skin Ever Seabuckthorn oil, from Living Libations, at the website by the same name. It’s rich, luxurious, and the fragrance is wonderful. Besides seabuckthorn oil, it has a wonderful mix of other essential oils.

  2030. Rebecca says:

    Coconut oil!!

  2031. NIcole C says:

    I love organic 100% argan oil! I use it as a facial moisturizer, in my hair, around my eyes to prevent wrinkles, and on any dry patches on my body. It is light, doesn’t break me out and works wonders!

  2032. Stacy Hall says:

    I use Dr. Bronner’s for my whole body and face–am in love with the peppermint, it leaves my skin so tingly and fresh (but don’t get it in your eyes). When i want a little extra refining i add a teaspoon or two of baking soda for a great exfoliating scrub–affordable and refreshing! <3

  2033. Terry-jo Henry says:

    Extra virgin unrefined coconut oil – oil pulling instead of brushing with toothpastes. My teeth are whiter and my entire mouth cleaner. I still scrub witha brush, sans toothpaste. B

  2034. Erin Cummings says:

    I absolutely love Annemarie Gianni’s products, though use them sparingly because they are pricey….so it would be a lovely gift to win the package! Alba Botanica makes a nice acne scrub face wash that I use when I’m not using AG’s products. I also love coconut oil and it is the only moisturizer I use. Not a big makeup wearer, but I use Everyday MInerals when I do wear it. Simple ingredients and they are all gluten-free!

  2035. Mairead says:

    My favorite non-toxic personal care product is Arbonne tinted moisturizer with SPF. I did a big backpacking trip for a few months through Australia, New Zealand, and SE Asia during their warmer months last year. So, minimalistic packing of beauty products that would work well in the heat was essential. Arbonne’s tinted moisturizer was perfect for day-to-day use and made me feel put together wherever we were traveling each day 🙂

  2036. Sarah says:

    Coconut oil! I buy multiple jars at a time because it has so many uses. I use it so much my family is just about ready to stage an intervention!

  2037. Sabine says:

    Right now I’m loving AnnMarie Gianni’s products. I tried them about a year ago when I first read about them right here on your website. So thank you for the introduction….xo
    All of the products I’ve tried are so effective and smell so delicious. Every time I use them I feel good about the fact they won’t harm me or mother earth. I always say that we need to vote with every dollar spent – so shop for clean, healthy products and the earth will love you back!

  2038. Kristen says:

    Hey Kris!
    My personal favorite beauty products are LUSH!

  2039. Nicole says:

    Coconut oil and recently apple cider vinegar. Coconut oil is amazing for everything, and I am trying the apple cider vinegar for bacne. No luck yet, but really don’t want to go back to all the chemicals.

  2040. Julie Gosselin says:

    I use Carrington Farms pure, Unrefined, Cold Pressed Coconut Oil 100% Organic Extra Virgin as body lotion.

  2041. Lynn says:

    I love the all natural bug spray I buy from my yoga teacher at It’s made from essential oils, is effective, non-toxic and smells great. You can even spray it on your face! Nothing worse than a big bug bite on your cheek or forehead!

  2042. Emelia Meckstroth says:

    Apple cider vinegar! Makes for a great bath soak and it works really well as toner.

  2043. Joan says:

    I love Mary Kay skin are…but when want to use something simple and natural, I use extra virgin olive oil on my face!

  2044. Amy says:

    I’ve been using an all natural organic line made in Canada called skin essence. It’s wonderful!!

  2045. eva says:

    I’ve only started researching natural personal care products and look forward to reading more about the AnneMarie Gianni skincare line and other readers posts on the topic. I have substituted coconut oil for cooking and as a skin moisturizer.

  2046. Sara Ross says:

    My current favorite beauty product is rosehip oil. I use it like a serum. It sinks in, isn’t greasy, and leaves my skin feeling moisturized and healthy. Love it!

  2047. Misty says:

    I use a natural deodorant by PoofyOrganics and it works great. In my opinion it actually works better the regular deodorant I was using before I switched to a natural alternative. I highly recommend it.

  2048. Elise says:

    I love coconut oil as a skin moisturizer. I’ve recently taken to adding a few drops of a favorite essential oil (I love the “Peace” blend from Eden’s Garden), mixing it with a dollup (tablespoon?) of coconut oil, and then using it as a lotion after a shower. It feels and smells SO nice!!

  2049. Jennifer says:

    I use a mixture of olive oil, an egg and an avocado as a mask for my hair. It makes it softer and shinier than any hair product on the market!

  2050. m says:

    neem oil!

  2051. Elizabeth says:

    I love to use this soap called Castile Moringa, On a side note, moringa is also fabuous for making tonics or tea it is a great way to control food cravings and keep energy high. Fora moisturizer I use Argan Moisturizer, I am very happy with these two products and I love the ingredient list. It feels good to know that the ingredients are so simplistic and natural they could be ingested.
    – Eliza 🙂

  2052. Marla says:

    I use coconut oil for everything!

  2053. Jackie says:

    I’ve wanted to try these products for a long time! I stalk the site, LOL. I am currently loving facial oils as opposed to creams. My skin appreciates the purity and lack of fillers.

  2054. Christie says:

    I have been using AnnMarie Gianni’s products for over a year and love them. I also use Acure shampoo, conditioner & lotions which I love, in addition to using coconut oil for almost everything. I also order a lot of stuff from The All Natural Face.

  2055. Myriam says:

    I don’t use make up but I try to use anything I have available in kitchen mostly avocado and strawberries and watermelon very good for the skin.

  2056. Zoe Shipley says:

    I love to use jajoba oil with essential oils mixed in, such as tea tree oil, lavender, and all sorts of other goodies! 🙂

  2057. Laurie Stiers says:

    I use Castille soap!

  2058. Amanda O'Laughlin says:

    Rose hip oil! Makes your face feel unbelievably soft and gives the most gorgeous, radiant glow! Also: adding that to natural mineral coverage products seems to be a winning combination!

  2059. Mege Posner says:

    #1 Plenty of sleep
    #2 Plenty of water
    #3 coconut oil ( what is it not good for?)
    And of course green juice daily

  2060. Bailey says:

    I love to use coconut oil on my face at night!

  2061. Danielle says:

    My favorite natural personal care product is……. COCONUT OIL! I use that stuff on everything! I use it as a lotion, makeup remover, cut healer, scar eraser. That stuff is just pure magic! Great for cooking too!!!

  2062. Daneen Dixon says:

    Definitely Coconut Oil…..great for my dry cuticles!

  2063. Rachel Neill says:

    My favourite personal care product is any number of oils – coconut oil, jojoba oil, castor oil or sweet almond oil. I have recently begun oil cleansing for my skin and am loving it!! Throw in some DoTerra essential oils and cleaning my face is super easy
    Really excited about this giveaway, I love AnneMarie’s products, only have a couple right now, I try to set aside room in my budget every couple months or so to buy another one!

  2064. Carolyn says:

    coconut oil

  2065. Leigh Ann says:

    New to the scene, but I am using coconut oil since I have it on hand and I also LOVE Burts Bees Lip Balm.

  2066. Courtney Postnikoff says:

    I am on the coconut oil bandwagon too! Plus – I’ve started using some of AnnMarie Gianni products. I love the Ayurvedic Scrub. My skin feels incredibly soft afterward. I can’t wait to read more of my fellow Kris Carr followers’ recommendations!

  2067. lisa says:

    i love olive oil on my skin and coconut oil for a leave in conditioner on my hair

  2068. Shannon O. Campbell says:

    I love ISLAND THYME Vanilla Lip Balm! It smells heavenly and makes my lips feel soft and buttery and amazing!

  2069. Lauren says:

    My favorite natural beauty product? Coconut oil! I use it as a lip balm and facial + body moisturizer. I even heat it up and massage it into my scalp. Plus, it makes me smell like a cookie!

  2070. Andrea says:

    I don’t use a lot of products and the ones I use are definitely not natural and non-toxic. I really want to make the change but I don’t have a lot of information about what is out there and what is safe. Thanks for the post and all the links Kris! I’m going to go do some serious detective work now so I can switch up my routine.

  2071. I must confess that I have fallen madly in love with AnnMarie Gianni’s skincare products — and I wish I could list a favourite, but I love them all! This basket would make MY LIFE! 🙂

  2072. Cheryl says:

    My favorite nontoxic personal care product is lavender essential oil. It’s great for burns, cuts and scrapes. And I also use it in almost all of my homemade beauty and cleaning products.

  2073. Vanessa says:

    I prefer to use natural ingredients like a honey/sugar/lemon/olive oil mixture for cleansing a couple times a week. I also like using coconut oil for a moisturizer. I plan on using one of my SCOBE’s as a mask. Otherwise I use Juice Organics moisturizer and Aveeno (I know not totally natural I’m working on finding a better product). I would love to try this line of products!! Many blessings~ Vanessa

  2074. Jonna says:

    Coconut Oil is definitely my favorite! Even my pups love it – can we say coconut pawdicure?!

  2075. Anna foschetti says:

    My dream is to go makeup free but been battling blemishes for years 🙁 I love epicuren products esp propolis moisturizer. Just stared using Youngblood makeup.

  2076. Kimberley Peplow says:

    I use annmarie’s aloe herb facial cleanser. I absolutely love it! I use it twice a day followed by some coconut oil with a little lavender oil mixed in (homemade). My skin has never been softer or smoother.

  2077. beth says:

    Acure organics seriously firming facial serum.

  2078. My favorite natural beauty product is coconut oil. I used is as a moisturizer for my whole body including my face and as a shaving cream. It’s also great in hair but just in moderation as it can take away from hair color. And it is a great make-up remover.

  2079. Heather says:

    I love Burt’s Bees Radiance night cream.

  2080. Renee says:

    My favorite (and newly found product) is the Avalon Organics Essential Lift Firming Moisturizer. I use it (almost daily). It feels great, it’s light, it has a nice scent and it’s absorbs wonderfully into the skin.

  2081. Dawn says:

    I love AnnMarie Gianni’s facial oil, although it is about time I switch it up to the anti-aging oil. Every night when I use the oil, I walk around saying, “I could smell myself all night!” LOL! 🙂

  2082. Judy Gibson says:

    I absolutely love the homemade, all natural deodorant I use now! I was so skeptical about this being effective, but after using it all last summer playing in the dirt (AKA my garden), I will never go back to aluminum based anti-perspirant! Coconut oil, non GMO corn starch, baking soda & essential oils = amazing! Health issues have had me on this path for years now and every chemical I can replace with something natural makes me feel more in control on the road to health!

  2083. Jodi says:

    I love Burt’s Bees tinted lip balm. Nothing works better to keep my lips kissably soft. My girls love it too, it’s the only “lipstick” they were allowed to wear.

  2084. Carri says:

    Favorite natural product – I love natural coconut oil. Very little goes a long way and no worries about all the chemicals. I also like AnnMarie Gianni’s Aloe-Herb Facial Cleanser.
    It cleans without leaving skin dry.

  2085. April says:

    My favorite natural care product right now is Fullers Earth Clay. I’m using on my son’s face, helping him with his acne in a more natural way. I also love coconut oil for so many skin uses! I’m already subscribed to your newsletter and I love it!!

  2086. Sue Rich says:

    I use olive oil and/or coconut oil and my skin looks younger than ever. However I am always open to trying new stuff if it is natural and I trust Ann Marie Giani.

  2087. Darla says:

    That’s a tough one, I guess because I can’t seem to find one that works really well for me…:-/

    I have been struggling with rosacea and have been trying several things at the moment. I do have the samples of the AnnMarie Gianni skin care oil, and the smell is awesome but I didn’t really use it long enough to see how well it works because there was a slight burning sensation that scared me away from using it again. I have also tried Morrocco Method. While I did not like it as a hair care product, I do like it as a skin care product, for the most part, but I find it’s not cost effective because I have to use so much. I suppose will keep chugging along until I find something I really like.

  2088. Lisa says:

    I just started using AnnMarie a few months ago and have reordered because my skin now looks amazing. I am acne free for the first time in years 🙂

    I also love using coconut oil as a skin moisturizer.

  2089. Amy Johnson says:

    I started using AnnMarie Gianni’s aloe-herb cleanser, Ayurvedic facial scrub, Neroli toning mist and herbal facial oil last fall after reading your review and recommendation about her product line. I really like how they smell and how mild they are on my skin. Great products! I also use Dr. Hauschka’s Cleansing Cream.

  2090. jessica Nordstrom says:

    Grapeseed oil for facial moisturizer

  2091. Donna Hudson says:

    My go to natural products are Organic Virgin Coconut Oil and Witch Hazel. Although I’d thought the original cost was greater than I’d been expecting, in the long it run has been a tremendous cost saver. Cutting down to a minimum of products used makes the difference.

    The best result of using coconut oil, for me … though there are so many … is that it obliterated my scalp issues … no more rough, scaly scalp, no more dandruff and has done wonders for my hair.

  2092. Rob says:

    my answer is……….WATER!!!!!!!!

  2093. Debra says:

    I’m really loving the juice beauty organic treatment oil and it smells so good too!

  2094. Cheryl says:

    I’ve enjoyed a mineral shampoo and conditioner from Mindful Minerals.

  2095. Jenn says:

    I love Annmarie’s products! I use the herb aloe cleanser paired with the ayurvedic scrub and my skin glows in the morning! And coconut oil was my best friend this past winter to help my skin endure the bitter cold.

  2096. Melissa says:

    My sister-in-law gave me the tip to use Rosehip Oil to help with my acne scars and it really helps!

  2097. April Johnson says:

    I use bubble and bee deodorant and face wash. Coconut oil for everything esp instead of KY. Dr Bronner’s for dish soap. Theieves for a cleaner.

  2098. Carrie Elsass says:

    My favorite non-toxic natural beauty product is coconut oil!

  2099. Carolyn says:

    Kris, at your earlier suggestion, I have tried Annmarie’s products and love them! My favorite is the Anti-Aging Facial Oil. I’m 53 years old and have been exploring healthy skin products for several years. After going through chemo and radiation last year for breast cancer, I’m learning to really focus on myself and my health. I love the way this oil makes my face glow; the aroma is heavenly, and I feel so indulgent when I use it. 🙂 I have already signed up for your newsletter quite some time ago, and thank you so much for the information you share and your uplifting spirit.

  2100. Katrina Henschel says:

    At this time I don not use any organic skim products. But rally looking forward to hearing all about them. I really don’t wear much for make-up but ready to see what everyone is talking about! Oh wait I do use coconut oil in the shower!!!

  2101. Patricia says:

    I use Organic hemp seed oil as moisturizer for my oily, acne-prone skin. It’s high in linoleic acid and rates a 0 on the comedogenicity scale. I also often use it as a mild cleanser in the mornings.

  2102. Erin says:

    I love Living Libations and Brooklyn Herborium

  2103. Caroline says:

    I have been using jojoba oil and I love it! it’s been great for my acne prone skin and it helps to balance out the oil levels as well! I use it as a cleanser and moisturizer all in one 🙂

  2104. Rachael says:

    Big fan of the coconut honey mask from AnnMarie Gianni – you could eat it it’s so good! Makes your skin feel really soft too 🙂

  2105. Catherine young says:

    My number one beauty product is coconut oil. I use it for everything, make up remover, moisturizer, cooking and for first aid for my kids. I can’t live without it.

  2106. sarah says:

    I’m a big fan of Naturopathica Lavender Balancing Mist – super relaxing and feels great after a long hot shower.

  2107. Dena ellis says:

    I use and absolutely love Simply Divine Botanicals for all of my skin care needs… except the ones that I can satisfy using my own fun concoctions — deodorant and tooth powder so far. Black Velvet Cleanser is my fav! But feet treat and the body butters are awesome too. I’m interested to know how the two lines compare / contrast. Thoughts? I have such amazingly sensitive skin. I’ve used so many product lines thru the years and spent SO MUCH MONEY on them. I truly understand the value of using non-toxic home and body care products. I’ve been learning about them and purchasing them for a few years now. Before Simply Divine, I was embarrassed by the choices I found myself making for my face because my skin never responded well to anything I tried: toxic or non-toxic. I once spent $600 on a dermatologist’s recommended line once that was full of truly nasty nasty stuff… but I did it as a last ditch effort to see an end to my facial skin issues. Once I came back to my senses and tried Simply Divine, I was so happy, my skin was so VERY happy, AND I had a LOT more money in my pocket 🙂 I tried AnneMarie’s products once just after I stared using Simply Divine. It was only for a few days, though, and LOVED the aroma that wafted from them. I liked the results (as much as anyone can actually like the results of a few days use), but my skin wasn’t wanting to switch, AGAIN. I can’t say that I liked her line more or less. At some point I should try them for a longer period of time, but I’m so happy with Simply Divine that I’m afraid to rock the boat.

  2108. My favourite is organic coconut oil. I use it to clean my teeth, as an eye-makeup remover, body moisturizer and deep conditioner for my hair. So good.

  2109. Sooz says:

    I’ve been using Medicine Mama’s sweet bee magic skin cream! Love it! Cheers!

  2110. Tracy says:

    Coconut oil as moisturizer & The Rock deodorant.

  2111. erica says:

    I infuse calendula in olive oil, and make a runny salve with beeswax and vitamin e – and then put that on my face overnight. So moisturizing:-) I also use a white clay, ground oatmeal facial mask once a week.

  2112. Emily says:

    My favorite beauty product is the Honest Company’s lotion. I love that it’s light and not filled with chemicals like the lotions I used to use.

  2113. Becca says:

    I love making my own products like deodorant, toothpaste, and lotions. I still have a lot to learn! Life is such an adventure!

  2114. kelly smith says:

    I love Living Libations for my face and essential oils! I also use Dr Bronner’s and make my own chap stick and healing ointment.

  2115. Lisa says:

    Pure essential oils by MZ Alchemist Oils are the purest. No marketing membership either!
    I love his Divine Feminine and Gum Tonic and Frankincense.
    Olive oil or coconut oil in the hair and on the body.

  2116. Kelly says:

    I love to use coconut oil or almond oil on my body. I haven’t used regular lotion for years. I also love Annemarie Gianni skin care products, especially the clay mask. I need to try their new sunscreen lotion, I am using Elta MD now for sunscreen and a combination of GloMinerals and Bare Minerals for my makeup.

  2117. Paulina says:

    I use Onurth serum for sensitive skin, I love it! it leaves my skin so soft.

  2118. Anna Cigrand says:

    I love Aveda hair products–I love their scent, the natural feel, and the fact that I can buy liter sizes so I don’t have to buy as many plastic bottles throughout the course of the year.

  2119. Kaitlin says:

    I love baking soda! I mix it with water and use it as both a shampoo and a face wash- squeaky clean!

  2120. Caroline says:

    I absolutely love essential oils and use them in mixing cleaning products and diffusing. I can’t even choose a favorite as there are so many uses and benefits…the list just goes on and on….

  2121. Suzannah says:

    My dry brush is where it’s at! Makes me feel electric

  2122. Cindy R says:

    I use a lot of Tarte cosmetics

  2123. Joy Boerboom says:

    I love frankicense essential oil for my face! The aromatherapy is an added bonus.

  2124. Bernard says:

    I’d have have to say my favorite product would be this body wash I’m using from ella botanicals (anoint me) and I just discovered this shave cream (pacific shaving company) which has helped so much with shaving as I had such a hard time finding a natural shave cream that works. Everyday coconut from allafia also has some great affordable and safe products for everyone. Mixing essential oils for a natural fragrance works as well. Also hurraw lip balm and eco lips have given us no reason to continue using toxic lip balms and they are super affordable and high quality.
    Thank for all the great info everyone and great article kris.

  2125. Shalini Roy says:

    I use cold pressed Coconut Oil; as a facial and body moisturizer, cuticle cream, hair conditioner/ frizz tamer, make up remover, lip quencher. I’ve also seen some great recipes for using it as a deoderant and for “oil pulling.”

  2126. I absolutely love Enessa products. They are a small organic line based out of California. I’ve pretty much tried the whole line and everything is great. Any ladies suffering from acne or cystic acne check out the clove acne control, rescue blemish, and diminish scar oils!!

  2127. Anna Cigrand says:

    I use Aveda hair products–I love their natural feel, scent, and fact that you can buy large sizes which saves on having to buy multiple plastic bottles over the year.

  2128. melissa says:

    Blue Lizard sunscreen, coconut oil (which my 7-year-old daughter LOVES), and Dr. Bronner’s are all goto’s in my house. I used to use unscented Dove soap, then you turned me onto AnnMarie and my skin is so very happy–never been a make-up girl so trying to pass on the natural beauty tips to my kids 🙂

  2129. Eliza says:

    I just bought 100% Pure caffeine eye cream and its amazing! I also use coconut oil for everything and just tried Frank body scrub last night. My skin is seriously so soft!

  2130. Debs Corke says:

    My favourite product I can only get in the UK when I’m back there. It is by a company called Raw Gaia and their MSM range is absolutely amazing. Id love to find something similar over here!

  2131. Susan says:

    I love olive and/or coconut oil as a cleanser and moisturizer.

  2132. Cathy Cole says:

    My favorite non toxic personal care products are all made by Ajne – Perfumerie and Apothocary – I especially love their Organic Body Lotion in Lavender scent from Lavender they grow themselves in Carmel Valley.

  2133. Yoojin says:

    my favorite non-toxic product to use is definitely organic coconut oil!
    i use it for everything… just straight up as a moisturizer or even adding some essential oils to it 🙂

  2134. Kim says:

    I hope to find one soon!

  2135. Margo says:

    Coconut Oil!!!! ….from the start of your day until the time you go to sleep, this personal care product is all you need. In the shower after cleaning, rub the oil all over your body, a very quick need for additional lotions, your skin will drink in the oil and love you for it! …and don’t forget your face too. Now put a little coconut oil in your morning smoothie….great energy and brain food! Later in the day, there is nothing better to condition your hair than coconut oil. Wet your hair, really saturate your hair with coconut oil, and leave on with a shower cap as long as you can…wash out, it may take an additional wash, but your hair will be silky smooth. Time to cook dinner, don’t forget your coconut oil. I roast my veggies: carrots and brussel sprouts in a small amount of oil….add a few sprinkles of unsweetened coconut flakes for the last few minutes of roasting. YUM!!! Coconut OIl functions are multifaceted! Oh don’t forget to buy the unrefined and organic brand. ENJOY!!!

  2136. Sarah says:

    Recently I’ve been using John Master’s SPF 30 mineral sunscreen for the face and absolutely love it! It’s completely clean and doesn’t leave a white residue behind.

  2137. 🙂 My ALL TIME AMAZING FAVORITE BEAUTY PRODUCT IS ORGANIC VIRGIN UNREFINED COCONUT OIL! I use it to take off my natural makeup, cleanse my face and to moisture my face 🙂 I also use it as deodorant, toothpaste, to moisturize my beautiful body. It work wonderfully for my thick naturally curly hair as a curly refresher and a deep conditioning!

  2138. Ana Bak says:

    My favorite natural skincare tip is oils! I used to be so afraid of using oils because I was always acne prone. I use almond oil to remove eye makeup, also it helps nourish my short eyelashes, I’ve seen growth, albeit a small one. I also use coconut oil to remove makeup if I want to change it up. Argan oil for my face and hair; jojoba oil for hair (I mix it with argan oil or with cedar wood oil).

  2139. Nancy says:

    I love and use Josie Maran’s Argon oil line. For my hair and skin I also use Wen by Chaz Dean.

  2140. Nancy says:

    I’m just starting my search, too, but the best beauty tip I can give is to not over-wash your face! I live in Wisconsin and we just exited a brutal winter. I had been washing my face morning and evening and I found that my skin was very dry and flakey, so I stopped washing my face with cleanser in the morning. I just splashed cool water on my face in the morning and, within a matter of days, the dryness and flakes disappeared. Reading the comments below, I’m going to look into coconut oil and maybe steal some of your tips! Thank you all!

  2141. Brooke Konstanczer says:

    Like many of the other lovely ladies, I love, love, love coconut oil. I use it as a daily moisturizer and make up remover. I also use it as a lotion for my hands and the base of a homemade facial scrub. 🙂

  2142. Deborah says:

    My favorite body moisturizer is organic coconut butter and I add 15 drops of organic “balance” essential oil blend. I too love Annamarie’s products that I only got to sample, but they are a bit pricey on a retired persons budget.

  2143. Kate Neiss says:

    I have actually just started using AnnMarie Gianni’s products through your introduction and it’s changed my skin completely! I love the Citrus Mint Facial Cleanser and my daughter says my face smells like lemon when she kisses my cheeks. Good for the skin AND the heart!

  2144. Kam Ouellette says:

    My favorite natural product is coconut oil. I use it as an eye makeup remover and also as an eye cream when mixed with 3 drops of vitamin E oil or even better Emu oil.

  2145. Natalie Berns says:

    I love, love, LOVE the AnnMarie Gianni skincare line! Nothing beats the Aloe-Herb Facial Cleanser for removing makeup, especially mascara. Though it’s impossible to choose a favorite . . . the Coconut Honey Mask leaves my skin so soft, I use it every Saturday morning.

  2146. Tanya says:

    I use Dr Bonner’s for dish soap, laundry soap, shampoo, face wash, body wash… so basically everything!! My favorite is the unscented “baby mild” for me and the peppermint for the house.

    Coconut oil on my skin and as a personal lubricant! 😉

    and Olive oil in my hair.

  2147. Kate M says:

    Coconut Oil! It’s inexpensive and can be used as a moisturizer and for oil pulling also. Total bang-for-your-buck! I also wash my hair with baking soda/water, and then condition it with raw organic apple cider vinegar and water (the smell washes out-no worries). My hair looks uh-mazing! No sulfates, fragrance, or un-pronounceable ingredients. I just mix up each in BPA-free spray bottles and spray away to my heart’s content and then rinse. Easy-peasy!

  2148. Martine says:

    Coconut oil! It’s great for everything, inside and out.

  2149. Sam Russell says:

    I’m not sure if it really counts as a personal care product, but I love to use Epson Salt in my bath to help get rid of any soreness at the end of the day. I always feel more refreshed the next day.

  2150. arleen says:

    My favorite is Annmarie Gianni. I recently purchased the cleanser and herbal oil and I see a HUGE difference. I learned about it through EWG and saw that you recommended it…so I purchased it. Its fantastic.

  2151. Jenni Kaye says:

    After working at YES! Magazine, a publication dedicated to social and environmental justice, my world view expanded to include my own actions in regards to sustainability. I’ve suffered from acne and oily skin forever, and figured I would ditch these drugstore brands — that obviously weren’t doing much for me or the planet anyways — and go natural. Now, I use raw, virgin, and organic Coconut Oil to take off my makeup, Witch Hazel as a toner, and just plain ol’ water to wash my skin! I’ll then use coconut oil as a moisturizer for my whole body and as a hair mask when needed. After about two years of this routine, that doesn’t strip away my own natural oils and instead gives in to them, I’m completely clear and happy :] Now in my mid-20s I just need to find products to help jump start an anti-aging routine!

  2152. Heather says:

    Coconut oil and Dr. Bronner’s mostly, but I still need to clean up some other products I’ve been using.

  2153. Deb Smith says:

    Make-up remover and moisturizer: organic coconut oil (Nutiva — in glass jar)
    Make-up: La Bella Donna, Honey Bee Gardens
    Lip balm; shampoo & conditioner: Suki Pure Skin Care
    Tangled Hair: Jojoba oil works miracles

  2154. marion terwilliger says:

    i use the best shower scrub made by amazonia. it’s all natural and the scents are incredible. leaves my skin so soft and smelling great. it also acts as an exfoliator.

  2155. nora says:

    coconut oil!! I use it instead of lotion, makeup remover, as a scalp scrub, to shave, everything! also, I put it on my eyebrows and eyelashes to help them grow 🙂

  2156. Rona Shaw says:

    DermaE facial moisturizing cream is light and has a lovely, very faint scent. I use it daily as part of my morning routine.

  2157. sarah says:

    My favourite product is by a company called Faith in Nature totally natural free from shower gel made with Aloe and Ylang Ylang this stuff smells seriously gorgeous I always feel great after a shower using there products. In england you can buy Faith in Nature at most Oxfam shops. So not only is it good for you the proceeds go to a worthy charity. Great company that produce a variety of fab products.

  2158. Vilma says:

    I enjoy using a little rose oil mixed jojoba oil for my face. It makes my skin feel great.

  2159. Nicole says:

    I have seen a lot of posts recommending making your own facial cleansers or toothpastes with baking soda! I don’t have a specific recipe but I’m sure you could find some great ones on google! It is definitely something I am going to be trying. Cheap, healthy, and effective! 🙂 Good luck cleansing out your beauty/skin regimen everyone!

  2160. Terri Cole says:

    I am in love with pure shea butter from Out of Africa. It has healed my winter-dry skin when nothing else helped.

  2161. Sunny says:

    I have been using the Andalou line of products lately and really like. And, I use Deep Steep’s lavender shower scrub. Love it!

  2162. Melissa L says:

    I like using Tom’s of Maine products…and Ahava…basically I am always on the lookout for healthy non-animal products.

  2163. Susan says:

    I use organic aloe vera as a moisturizer, it has done wonders for my skin!

  2164. Aurora Gonzalez says:

    I am just starting to get into products that are better for me and my skin, but my favorite product to far is Bella Organics Vanilla Mint deodorant! I just made the switch a few weeks ago, and it’s amazing! I feel so refreshed when I use it. My other product is dandelion greens. I know – it’s not an ACTUAL product. But ever since I started eating them and using them in my smoothies, the changes in my skin have been INCREDIBLE!!

  2165. Julie Thomas says:

    My favorite beauty product BY FAR is Annmarie Gianni’s Anti-Aging Eye Cream. It makes my eyes look 10 years younger. I’m 46 and get compliments all the time on my skin.

  2166. Patty West says:

    My favorite skin care product is Bare Minerals for everyday wear which includes a sun screen.

  2167. Megan says:

    I am in love for coconut oil…eye make-up remover, lotion, lip balm, oil pulling…the list goes on 🙂

  2168. Stephanie says:

    I LOVE Soapwalla’s Creme Deodorant. At first I was a little apprehensive about trying “yet another” natural deodorant, especially because this one is applied by using your hands. After a week I was hooked – I ran for 10 miles and smelled as fresh as when I left the house! Applying it is easy – it’s just like putting lotion under your arms. I love the way it smells and will NEVER switch back to another natural deodorant that only works ‘sometimes’ – I always felt like I was sacrificing something by using a natural brand. Not with Soapwalla! 🙂

  2169. Karrie Anne friend says:

    My favourite skin care product is Argan oil from Morocco. Natural Botox in a bottle. Really works for blotchy skin. Love it!!

  2170. Katherine says:

    Lavender oil! I put it in my nourishing oils I use as moisturizers (like grapeseed oil) and bathwater! It’s refreshing and divine!

  2171. Diane says:


  2172. My fave is Annmarie Gianni!!! I have their anti aging face oil and serum and eye cream. LOVE THEM!!!

  2173. Jennifer P says:

    I’m slowing replacing all my beauty products with natural ones. My favorite right now is Red Apple Lipstick for their make up.

  2174. Jaime says:

    I have needed help in this area. I do like using coconut oil to help moisturizer my face.

  2175. Syrina Facca says:

    I use teatree oil on any skin irritation or infection. I even had the start of a yeast infection and I woke up and it was gone. This stuff works and smells nice too. I put it on my temples if I get a headache at it seems to take it away. No drugs and a dab will do ya!

  2176. Debby says:

    I wear a lot of eye makeup and I use coconut oil every night to remove my make-up and it works beautifully. I then use it as my nightly moisturizer. I also use it on my legs when I get out of the shower. I of course cook with it too.

  2177. Janel says:

    Osmosis mineral makeup

  2178. Andrea says:

    I started using soap from Natures Bubbles which is a handmade totally natural soap. Locally made. It is awesome, she has so many to choose from right now I am using Green tea and goats milk. My favorite by far!!

  2179. Kristin Gearhart says:

    My favorite all natural skincare products is Arbonne.

  2180. Toni Bussell says:

    I LOVE Annmarie Gianni’s body moisturizer, Radiant Skin Silk. I am in the transition from
    using my old lotion, HEMPZ, to using this one. It feels like I am pampering myself in a way that almost feels sinful!!! 😉

  2181. Tara says:

    My favourite natural, non toxic facial care product is the Annemarie Gianni Rosemary Toning Mist! I absolutely love how it makes my face feel so clean and fresh when I spray it on! It also has a relaxing effect on me when I use it. After reading about the Annemarie Gianni skin are line from your newsletter (or perhaps it was your website?) awhile back, I ordered some of her products. I loved them and wanted to keep using them but living in Canada the shipping costs were getting too high so I switch between her products and just plain coconut oil as a moisturizer.

  2182. Carrie says:

    Tea tree oil spray

  2183. Stefanie Wood says:

    I use Organic Fiji raw coconut oil in place of lotions as a general moisturizer, a night time face cream and now I am pregnant and I use it on my belly to help avoid stretch marks!

  2184. Jerika says:

    I use Andalou’s Natural face and body products. Most of all the products in my house is chemical free –except for my mascara. Sigh. But if anyone knows of a great all-natural mascara does really does add volume and length let me know!

  2185. Sarah says:

    As a deep exfoliant without scrubbing (never scrub please ladies!)
    I use Vitamin C powder 5000 mg by Solaray (it is a vitamin supplement made for adding to water and drinking- which is also great for your skin, too!).
    I mix 1 tsp. of it with aloe Vera juice and pat gently into skin, leaving it on for 15 mins, while I am in a warm Epsom salt/hydrogen peroxide bath.
    Every 5 mins. I take a hot, wrung-out washcloth and lay it over my face to reactivate the C powder and I press it into my skin again.
    After this weekly exfoliating treatment, any serums and oil will be absorbed much better! Enjoy!
    Sarah Jai

  2186. Kathleen says:

    I love using baking soda as a scrub!

  2187. Steph says:

    I like Vapour Beauty cosmetics. I use Jason natural lavender body wash and Aubrey Honeysuckle Rose Shampoo. I love Kate’s Magik Firefly body oil and Mad Hippie skincare. I love the anti aging serum from AnnMarie Gianni. I also love AuraCacia Rose Oil for perfume and Pillow Potion spray to relax.

  2188. Brenda says:

    My go to personal care product is coconut oil. Skin, body and hair. Wonderful! After shower, to moisture hair and internally about a tablespoon per day for health. Two year stage IV tongue cancer survivor . Never smoked not HIV related (married 42 years) and ran 1/2 marathons! But had a mouthful of silver (51% mercury) filings that were in since the 1970’s. Also a couple months before diagnosis had a root canal …..all of which is out of my mouth. (Had surgery to remove 1/3 of tongue with a skin graph from left forearm to reconstruct followed by concurrent chemo and radiation. A tough journey but i am here two years later following Chris’ advice! I need skin are help! :-).

  2189. Cindy Cunningham says:

    I love coconut oil for my skin and oral hygiene.

  2190. Morena says:

    My favorite natural product is coconut oil as a moisturizer. I put it on, wrap a towel around my head, and wash my hair as usual one hour later. Who needs other hair products to have shiny hair! ?

  2191. Julia says:

    I love Juice Beauty and 100% Pure products, but I really need to start looking into even more natural products…especially budget friendly ones!

  2192. Donna says:

    Hi Kris! I am such a believer in natural skin care and natural healing that I developed my own natural products from a tropical medicinal plant, called Healing Oil of Noni. One product is all that is needed for healing anything form joint and muscle pain, skin rashes, (eczema, psoriasis) itch relief, and many other aliments! The best part about it is it is a natural anti-aging moisturizer that has been used for centuries by the Polynesian people, who brought this amazing plant to Hawaii centuries ago. You can read more about it on my website. I just finished Bschool with the hope of getting this inmformation out to those who do not have this miraculous tree growing in their backyard (only grows in the tropics) and I was just awarded a patent on the formulation, which took many years. So its time to get people in the know about Noni! All you need is ONE all natural product, no preservatives, no chemicals and NEVER tested on precious animals (I am a HUGE animal advocate.) If you are interested in my product I would love to introduce it to you. I live close by (in Saugerties, next town over from Woodstock) and would give you a free trial product! It has been sold at Sunflower Natural Foods store for many years so you may know it. The Noni plant is also very well known for curing (YES CURING) cancer. Here is my website, I am working on upgrading it as per Bschool. Thanks for checking it out. Its amazing!

  2193. Lauren Haberern says:

    Using no deoderant!

  2194. Janet Romero says:

    I already use Annmarrie’s skin care products and absolutely love them! In terms of make up, I like Gabriel Moisturizing Liquid Foundation (bought at Whole Foods) and my sunscreen is “Burn Out” clean and clear Zinc oxide for sensitive skin. No nanoparticles, petroleum-free, paraben-free and biodegradable. (Also bought at Whole Foods).

  2195. Christy Niece says:

    My favorite certified organic/natural beauty product is the Purifying Mineral Mask (oily/problem skin) from Miessence. It’s scent is relaxing and your face feels re energized after 15 minutes. Love it!

  2196. Colindah says:

    I love my dry brush-I use it every day before I shower to exfoliate and for lymph stimulation! All natural!

  2197. Judy says:

    I’ve been making my own soap – 1/3 cup castille soap, 1/4 cup coconut milk, 2 tbs olive oil and as many drops of essential patchouli oil as the mood strikes! I feel very smooth.

  2198. Kim P says:

    Aloe Vera Gel!

  2199. amber says:

    organic coconut oil and braggs apple cider vinegar – so many great uses in and out of the kitchen.

  2200. Georgianna says:

    My favorite personal care product is the simplest. Water. At least once per week it’s all I use in the shower, and of course beauty starts on the inside, so I drink plenty every day.

  2201. Danielle says:

    Literally just use coconut oil for face “lotion” everyday and night. My skin looks better then when I used the chemical ridden moisturizers, its more cost effective and it doubles as all over body moisturizer as well. It’s magic.

  2202. Carrie Bohl says:

    I use tea tree spray

  2203. Krysta says:

    Coconut oil is my FAVORITE for everything!!!

  2204. Candace Bingham says:

    My favorite natural non-toxic personal care product is anything from Bubble and Bee Organic. They have many awesome all natural and organic products that I buy and Love. One day I was looking online for a natural, organic deodorant and happened to find Bubble and Bee Organic. The first product I bought from them was Pit Putty Deodorant and have been a huge fan ever since. Spearmint and Tea Tree Pit Putty works best for my body chemistry. You will be doing your body a favor by changing to safer personal care products. Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to win AnnMarie Gianni Skincare products. I have not tried her products yet and this would be a great chance 🙂

  2205. I use organic coconut oil for everything: make up remover, moisturizer, deodorant, tooth paste, etc….and I love it!

  2206. Marilyn says:

    Virgin coconut oil is my saving grace– it repairs hair, removes makeup, and softens my skin.

  2207. Val says:

    COCONUT OIL COCONUT OIL COCONUT OIL!!!!! Organic extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil is my favorite natural product. It is so good for you and has so many uses! I use it to moisturize my face and body, deep condition my hair, remove make up, and I also cook with it. Favorite brand is Nutiva 🙂

  2208. I think I need a complete overhaul! Everything in my beauty cabinet is apparently not natural or safe and I’m sure it’s partly why I don’t feel super awesome.

    I’ve been thinking of trying coconut oil as a cleanser – seems so simple but I haven’t been able to bring myself to do so.

  2209. MJ Jagiello says:

    I LOVE Acure products- this natural and vegan company was started by a daughter when her mom got diagnosed with cancer. The lemongrass shampoo/conditioner smells amazing and works better than any other shampoo/conditioner I’ve used. I also love REN for skin care and Alba for anything.

  2210. Brittany says:

    I don’t use anything yet, but I’m looking to start! I’ve recently started using a make up remover and my skin has been breaking out like crazy! I’m only 20, but my skin has always been blessed by being clear (though very sensitive). So I’m looking for any tips and help on this matter because my entire body is sensitive (skin), and I’m really wanting to take better care of it.

  2211. Diana says:

    Organic coconut oil or anything Hauschka!

  2212. Tonya Breedlove says:

    I love coconut oil for just about everything. As a cancer survivor, I am very excited to learn more about natural products.

  2213. Aimee says:

    Raw, unrefined coconut oil is my fave.

  2214. Megan says:

    My favorite cleanser is Eminence Organics Stone Crop Gel Wash. A little goes a long way, so it really lasts and I love how it doesn’t dry out my skin!

  2215. I’m in love with the Aloe-Herb Facial Cleanser! I tried a sample and it smells like a lime-filled heaven!

  2216. Theresa B. says:

    Oh, what a great giveaway. This fair-skinned, redhead has been wanting to put Annmarie’s new sunscreen to the test!!!!!
    Coconut oil is my #1 personal care product. I love giving my body a warm coconut oil massage (Ayurveda style) after skin brushing and right before taking a shower. I used to put it on after taking a shower, but I LOVE it so much more putting it on right before. It makes for glowing, soft skin!

  2217. Heather says:

    Coconut Oil!!!!!!!! I use it to remove eye makeup, to remove sticky wax, as a moisturizer, and it even helps out in the bedroom if ya know what I’m sayin! Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and you can eat it, and it smells naturally delish! I keep a jar in the bathroom AND in the kitchen. I also carry a tiny little pot of it in my purse–you never know 🙂

  2218. My ALL TIME FAVORITE NATURAL PRODUCT IS Organic Virgin Unrefined COCONUT OIL! I use to cleanse my face, take my natural make up off and to moisturizing 🙂 All it is amazing for my natural curly hair to moisturize and to condition. I also use it as deodorant and toothpaste. You could say ” I LOVE COCONUT OIL!”

  2219. Becky Glazier says:

    I love my organic coconut oil and Dr. Bronner’s soaps.

  2220. Stephanie says:

    I love all of Tammy fender’s products! They are expensive but really work!

  2221. Christy L. says:

    I adore AnnMarie’s Aloe-Herb Facial Cleanser. My skin feels super soft and clean and the aromatherapy is a great way to start and end the day. I will start using coconut oil right away thanks to all of the posts here. And Dr. Bronner’s. Love learning about new, chemical-free options.

  2222. Lucka says:

    My #1 Personal Care Product is simply:

  2223. Caitlyn Pace says:

    While I LOVE LOVE LOVE some non-toxic brands out there, my absolute best-friend products are totally diy. As I’m sure the whole world knows by now, coconut oil works for almost everything. We use the jar of Dr. Bronner’s coconut oil in the kitchen for moisturizer, lip balm, oil pulling, and so much more. Between that and my doTERRA oils, I’ve covered a lot of bases. The best and hardest working deodorant I’ve ever used I made in my own kitchen using equal parts baking soda and coconut oil with 10-20 drops of bergamot and frankincense oils. Its incredible! NO B.O. EVER!

  2224. Laura says:

    Beauty Through Balance have an amazing line of products, my favourite is the lavender soy lotion, and their glacial mist toner 🙂 is where you can find out all about them <3

  2225. Danielle says:

    FAB post! Love, love, LOVE makeup as well, so I can totally relate!

    Reluctantly, I went though a bad break-up with my M.A.C. makeup + totally greened my glam when I was diagnosed with the Big C a few yrs. ago… that’s actually the inspiration behind my blog, The Glamorganic Goddess!

    The Glamorganic Goddess is a Green Beauty Blog with hundreds of natural + organic, reviews + recommendations for beauty products – that have squeaky clean ingredient lists, + work really well too! So important!! I started it to help others who were in the same sitch I was.

    I’m a HUGE fan of Annmarie Gianni’s products + have been using them for years! My 2 faves out of her line are the Coconut Honey Mask + the Dead Sea Scrub! And, you can find reviews of almost all of her products on The GG! 😉

  2226. christine costigan says:

    I love to use Meadowsweet Flowers infused in Jojoba oil, olive oil , comfrey.. makes the skin so soft!
    Made in Boulder, CO by Rebecca’s Herbal Apothecary. Most excellent!

  2227. Kelly says:

    I love eminence! Anything from their line is fabulous!

  2228. Susan Bensen says:

    I just started making my own deodorant, using baking soda and essential oils. There are several you can use, but I tried tea tree and lavender oils. I got this from an online recipe.

  2229. Klare says:

    I love coconut oil for a moisturizer and olive oil as both a moisturizer and a makeup remover. They both make my skin glow!

  2230. Jessica says:

    I actually just recently discovered the oil cleansing routine. I use an even mixture of olive and castor oil. My face isn’t as dry as usual and the shine is gone. My budget doesn’t allow for AnnMarie’s skincare often, but when I decide to splurge I always go for the Dead Sea Scrub! I love EVERYTHING about it. The smell, texture, way it makes my skin feel. That is definitely my favorite beauty product.

  2231. Brittany Breithaupt says:

    My favorite is Desert Essence cleanser for combination skin. Not only is it cruelty-free, paraban-free but it doesn’t dry out my skin or leave me feeling oily!

  2232. Whitney Nielsen says:

    I love mustard oil & coconut oil hair treatments! Indian women have been using mustard oil for thousands of years to acheive thick, long hair. The coconut oil is great to add in for its scent and also great for the scalp. I heat the coconut & musard oil for 30 seconds and bursh it into wet hair. Sometimes i leave it in for 30 minutes while i take a sauna, other times i let it stay in over night.

  2233. Lauren says:

    Water with lemon!! And I have recently started using coconut oil on my body but not my face. Desperately need to change my skincare routine for my face. Been wanting to go the non-toxic route but didn’t know where to start. Good info on here! 🙂

  2234. Stephanie Braunwarth says:

    I’m in love with all of Tammy fender’s products, especially her dark spot removing system. It’s expensive but gives great results!

  2235. Charity says:

    I love love LOVE AnneMarie’s new Sun Love sunscreen. It feels (and smells) like I am smothering chocolate mousse on my face, absorbs quickly without feeling greasy, doesn’t make me look like a ghost, is good for my skin, and keeps me from burning. It is essential in my daily beauty routine!

  2236. Eileen Sullivan says:

    I used apple cider vinegar, as a rinse for my hair to remove product build up, in my foot soak with lanolin, and two ounces each day to drink, for health.

  2237. steffany says:

    I’ve searched far and wide for a good cleanser, and I love Acure’s sensitive skin cleanser. It takes off simple make up and doesn’t dry out the skin. A great find indeed!

  2238. Stephanie says:

    I LOVE coconut oil! I whip coconut oil with essential oils (lavender is my favorite) and keep it in a glass jar in the bathroom. I use it for everything, face, body and hair moisturizer, hair styling aid (I have curly hair and it helps with fly-aways) I always add a handful to my baths, as a shave cream, eye make-up remover, literally everything! You have to try it.

  2239. Sandi Sweet says:

    coconut oil is my go-to body moisturizer. absorbs well, does not stain clothes

  2240. Kristi says:

    My fav is good ol’ coconut oil. I always have it on hand and it’s good from head to toe 🙂

  2241. Liza says:

    Hi. I depend mostly on coconut oil & Dr Bronner’s for a lot. Haven’t really found much else I trust. I’m so looking forward to looking at this line. Thanks for the intro!

  2242. Tracy says:

    Love coconut oil so many uses ! Great after a long day on my feet., for my hair, nails and skin love it”

  2243. Trish joughin says:

    Coconut oil. Coconut oil. Coconut oil. I use it for my teeth. My skin. My hair.

  2244. Amber says:

    My favorite natural, non-toxic personal care product has become Physician’s Formula CC Cream. It has SPF 20 and is all I need to moisturize and protect my face, while helping to give my complexion a more smooth appearance. I generally don’t wear much makeup anyways, so this is perfect for me!

  2245. My fave natural skincare product is Trader Joes Coconut oil! I know it sounds random, but it is cheap and smells great. I use it on my hands and feet! xox

  2246. suzy says:

    organic coconut oil – for EVERYTHING! hair mask, moisturizer, eye make-up remover, smoothie supplement, and more. i use it in my homemade deodorant recipe. i also feed it to my dog and cat. 😉

  2247. Tammy Awtry says:

    I’m just beginning to transition to healthier beauty products so I am looking for good products.

  2248. lainey says:

    baking soda!
    Wash my naturally silver hair with it!

  2249. I’m a sucker for anything by Origins and my latest obsession is Mega-Bright, a skin tone correcting oil-free moisturizer by Dr. Andrew Weil for Origins. I’m going through chemo right now and my skin is a disaster. Against all odds, Mega-bright makes me look mega-luminous, plus it smells fantastic.

  2250. Justine says:

    I love washing my face with coconut oil before applying my make-up. It antibacterial, makes my skin dewy and soft, and doesn’t dry my skin out like some facial washes can. At night, I add a little lavender oil and it’s a great way to relax as you head off to bed.

  2251. Mary C. says:

    My favorite skin care products are from Shea Terra Organics and Juice Beauty. I love using Juice Beauty’s tinted moisturizer and cover-up since I don’t use makeup all that often. I also use Ecco Bella’s mascara, and when I do wear makeup, I use Bare Escentuals, which probably isn’t the best, but it is the most affordable makeup for me right now. I also love tea tree oil for things like minor irritations and cold sores (I’ve suffered from them all my life, and have finally found a natural way to kick them to the curb!)

  2252. Gretchen says:

    I use Epicurean Organics Sweet Almond Oil as my eye makeup remover. It’s so smooth and moisturizing, and gets the makeup off in one sweep!

  2253. Lou says:

    favorite skin care is from sister creations (super salve ) Power repair line
    its yummy

  2254. Darcy Ritzau says:

    For a daily moisturizer I use LIFEKIND, Naturally Safer Moisturizing Lotion with MSM, soothing, healing and non-greasy, and organic ingredients. They also make a great non-chemical, organic deodorant that I’ve just started using. After listening to Kris on Hay House, I decided to get rid of all chemicals that I put IN and ON my body. I have had skin cancer for 30+ years and I can honestly say that my skin has never looked better. People are commenting on how my face is glowing. My skin cancer is drying up on my arms and chest. I feel great. Juicing every morning also makes me feel soooooo good. Thank you Kris for your beautiful spirit and your dedicated work. BIG HUGS

  2255. I wash with a mild cleanser and slather on my NeriumAD – It’s a botanical amazing anti-aging lotion! It makes my skin feel good and my skin is tighter and looks younger. Yay!

  2256. Liz grove says:

    I’ve recently been turned onto avocado oil. I’ll use just a few drops for my face and neck. My skin seems to like it;))

  2257. Jacie says:

    Water, water, water (especially natural spring water)! I find that when I drink plenty of water, my skin looks so much better and I just feel good! I love Annmarie Gianni’s Aloe Facial Cleanser, too!

  2258. Caitlin says:

    I adore ALL of the makeup products from 100% Pure (I use their Coffee Bean eye cream as well and it has really reduced my dark circles!). Everything I’ve tried has been high quality, long-lasting, and with great color payoff (and I have high standards!) Not to mention the amazing ingredients are great for my skin.

  2259. Stacy says:

    I tried some samples of AnneMarie and have fallen in love! I’m longing for some more, my skin absolutely loves the products and they smell so wonderful 🙂
    My go to facial care items are witch hazel for a toner, aloe for absolutely everything, coconut oil for everything too (my eyes look so much better since I started using it) and I use fresh lime for deoderant. My daughter and I both use the lime for deoderant and it works great, not sticky.

  2260. Stephanie Hicks says:

    My favorite natural, non-toxic product to use is Coconut Oil! It is such a great moisturizer for your face and body!

  2261. Lauren Seymour says:

    This has been a particularly stressful year for me physically, emotionally, and financially. Basically, I am no different than the average 34 year female American. The stress started to take a tole on my skin and I suddenly developed psoriasis on my arms that was debilitating and slightly scary. I realized after watching Crazy Sexy Cancer that I had to start to change how I was living. One thing I learned how to do was dry exfoliate which I learned thru kris Carr. After the dry exfoliation I use coconut oil in the shower. It hasn’t cured me entirely, but it has made such a difference in my skins overall appearance and taken away a lot of the discomfort that comes from an incurable skin condition. One small step for mankind…lol

  2262. Catherine says:

    Every other night, I apply organic argan oil on my face. I alternate either with a Suki/or Origins/ or Annamaria Gianni night cream or serum (I only use only one bottle at a time– but do alternate amongst these three brands when I finish the bottle)

  2263. Teniesha says:

    Avocado oil! It makes your skin soooooo soft & soothes redness.

  2264. mackenzie says:

    I love love love dr. bronners peppermint soap! once i stopped using face wash and started only using dr. bronner’s on my face, my face was clearer, less dry and patchy, and glows naturally!

  2265. Shelly says:

    Olive oil is such a wonderful hydrator for my skin! I also love the coconut oil. I don’t wear much make-up but when I do, I choose those products that are cruelty free. I also make my own body scrubs with either sugar or salt.

  2266. Carisa says:

    I am absolutely loving my Mad Hippie products! The face cream cleanser, vitamin c serum, face moisturizer, and eye cream. Love love love!

  2267. Sandy says:

    I tend to gravitate to Dessert Essence deodorant and toothpaste, and organic coconut oil for a multitude of other things! Jason’s or Nature’s Gate shampoo/conditioner or no-poo good old baking soda 😉 I find in my area items are limited and expensive. Dr. Bronner’s liquid soap, vinegar and water for everyday cleaning. I make my own laundry soap with baking soda, borax and Dr Bronner’s lavender bath soap.

  2268. Meredith says:

    Anne Marie Gianni anti aging seru and coconut oil

  2269. kaela scott says:

    I love my homemade coconut oil with epsom salt scrub. It’s a perfect way to exfoliate and moisturize at the same time!

  2270. I love using coconut oil as a moisturizer! It smells wonderful and gives my skin a healthy glow!

  2271. Angie Jerde says:

    I need some new recommendations for all natural facial products so this is great! I have experimented with a few and recently started to incorporate coconut oil.

  2272. Larene says:

    I love Coconut oil!!

  2273. I used to be a slave to facial products. For the past couple years I have started just using water and coconut oil. I can’t say I have found the RIGHT thing for me, as I break out a lot, so I’m excited to read what others are doing!

  2274. Erin Giles says:

    I finally switched over to an oil for my face instead of a chemical filled moisturizer…and harmonizing grapeseed oil has been awesome!

    Ooh and a facial dry brush!

  2275. Pilar says:

    I love coconut oil ! At night, a light caress with this around my eyes and other face areas prone to wrinkles; and on my lips for smoothness 🙂
    AND I love Annmarie Gianni’s anti-aging line of products ! Smell and feel soooo good, with just pure nutrition, and no toxicity !

  2276. Maria says:

    My favorite natural, non-toxic personal care product is the Ava Anderson exfoliator. It is light and gentle, and it leaves my skin soft and smooth.

  2277. Dina says:

    Coconut oil is a great natural moisturizer!

  2278. Taylor Khoury says:

    Thanks for sharing all these great tips! My current favorite non-toxic product, other than coconut oil, is RMS Beauty’s living luminizer. I don’t wear a lot of makeup, but this product is great to add a little shimmer/highlights to our lovely Goddess faces! Thanks for all you do Kris. Thanks for sharing your light.

    Love, Taylor from Texas

  2279. Sandy Jones says:

    I have just started trying the AnneMarie Gianni sample products I received, so far so good. My daughter in law sells RadiantlyYou products and I have tried only a few items. So I am interested in what the others in the comments will say to find more products. I would love to win this giveaway!

  2280. liz gonzalez says:

    I hit post too soon:
    Dr. Bronner’s liquid soap for hand soap
    Kiss My Face Olive bar for face and body
    Hugo shampoos and conditioners
    GO Ginger Face Moisturizing

  2281. Jaclyn B says:

    My own homemade deodorant – Coconut oil, arrowroot powder, baking soda and essential oils. I also use All-Season Facial Cream from Soulful Earth Herbals (local in Lansing, MI)

  2282. Cameron says:

    I love coconut oil for my skin and hair.

  2283. Stacy says:

    I love herban cowboy’s blossom deodorant, smells amazing and gets the job done! 😉

  2284. liz gonzalez says:

    I hit send too soon:
    Dr. Bronner’s liquid soap for hand soap
    Kiss My Face Olive bar for face and body
    Hugo shampoos and conditioners
    GO Ginger Face Moisturizing

  2285. Taylor Khoury says:

    Thanks for sharing all these great tips! My current favorite non-toxic product, other than coconut oil, is RMS Beauty’s living luminizer. I don’t wear a lot of makeup, but this product is great to add a little shimmer/highlights to our lovely Goddess faces! Thanks for all you do Kris. Thanks for sharing your light. Love, Taylor from Texas

  2286. Stacy Fuller says:

    I like Avalon Organics lotions. I give them as gifts and they have been well received!

  2287. Jodi Castallo says:

    I just started using Argon Oil about a month ago for my face and I absolutely love it!!!

  2288. Areatha says:

    Absolutely love Dr. Bronner’s unscented castille soap. I use it for shower soap, shampoo and facial cleanser!

  2289. Nancy says:

    I make toothpaste with aluminum free baking soda, Redmon clay, peppermint oil and water.

  2290. Erin says:

    Coconut oil is my go to product, I put it all over my body, face and lips every day! I absolutely love the way it makes my skin feel! I’m turning 33 this month and after two kids my self care has really suffered! I’m ready to take care of myself again, thanks for inspiring me every day Kris Carr!! Xo

  2291. Jill says:

    I use apple cider vinegar as a facial toner and whole body exfoliator, it leaves my skin very soft to the touch yet firm. I also like Aubrey products.

  2292. Brandy says:

    All my skin care comes from Fall River Botanicals in Idaho Springs, CO. Leila makes all her own products. I especially love her Blue Corn Facial Scrub and Geronimo Pain Cream. I can’t live without them in my bathroom. I can’t say enough good things about her products. And she ships for only $5 🙂

  2293. Cheri says:

    My staples for skincare are Suki foaming face cleanser and Suki balancing toner. I love the lemon scent to these products. After washing and toning I apply AnnMarie Gianni’s anti-aging serum. I love that stuff!
    Smells great and feels great.

  2294. Kurstyn says:

    My favorite product is the cleanser I use for the oil cleaning method. Half extra virgin olive oil and half castor oil. Removes the oil without drying out my skin!

  2295. Constance R Miller says:

    I have used just about everything out there! right now my makeup is e.l.f. which I found through Peta’s website. But they do not have a cleansing system. I am turning 47 This month my face is hidious! I have never had a problem with acne when I was younger but have developed it in my adult years and it is bad and embarrasing.
    I bought some Anna Marie around christmas time as a gift to myself from my husband and I loved it but could not keep up with the price.

  2296. Cassandra Deters says:

    My favorite beauty care routine is coconut oil and organic raw natural honey! It has improved my skin clarity and tone so much! Also I love your books and attitude!

  2297. Jennifer says:

    My most often used personal care product is definitely coconut oil! I use it as a body lotion, massage oil, on my nails & cuticles, and on just about any skin problem – clears them right up! I also LOVE my AnneMarie Gianni facial products and am already out of several of them – hint, hint!!! 🙂

  2298. Jenn says:

    Raw Manuka Honey for a healing facial mask. It works great on my pesky acne prone skin!

  2299. Sarylo says:

    I have to give a shout out to coconut oil as well! I have a large jar in the kitchen and another in the bathroom! My husband laughs at me but when we travel I bring a jar. It has helped my acne tremendously and soothes everything I have ever applied it to.

  2300. Elizabeth says:

    I love AnnMarie Gianni’s Citrus Mint Cleanser and acne line. I have struggled with adult onset acne and nothing, NOTHING except her products have worked! I tried every product line and guarantee out there. By using her acne product line and the regular product line, swapping the products every other month, has kept my acne at bay! Switching every other month prevents my face from adapting and becoming immune to its helpful ingredients. Plus, I love not having to slap on huge amounts of moisturizing lotion (filled with chemicals made by other companies) and just letting my face welcome it’s own moisturizing abilities. THANK YOU!

  2301. Katelyn says:

    I love using bentonite clay as a face mask to absorb oil and impurities! I also make my own facial oil with essential oils and jojoba/argan oil! And I use a mixture of coconut oil and sea salt after dry brushing 🙂

  2302. Marla says:

    I’m a big fan of 100 Percent Pure’s coconut body lotion and their fruit pigmented lip glazes are great (raspberry is my fav).

    Honestly, the best mask I’ve ever had is as natural as it gets – organic raw honey. It makes your skin so smooth. And during the winter, I use rosehip oil on my face, because I get so dry!!

    Shampoo and Conditioner can be hit or miss but I’m really enjoying Sukin right now.

  2303. amanda n says:

    I love the simplicity and versatility of coconut oil and jojoba oil for just about everything. Soapwalla deodorant cream is amazing. Juice Beauty’s green apple peel is great too. Looking forward to trying AnnMarie Gianni!

  2304. Amy says:

    I love coconut oil (in do-it-yourself deoderant, moisturizer, hair, etc).

  2305. Heather says:

    I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, so I have been rethinking everything. Would love this gift basket to restock my bathroom with healthy products. My favorite natural products are almond oil and coconut oil as body lotion and hand cream.

  2306. Jennifer Lefaver says:

    My favorite non-toxic personal care product would have to be….drum roll please…..Coconut Oil! You can use it as moisturizer on your skin and hair, you can brush your teeth with it , swishing (pulling) so good for you.

    But! I just used Annmarie’s Anti-Ageing Facial Oil in the trial size and I absolutely love it!!! I just ordered a full size bottle and can’t wait to see and feel the results over time!

  2307. Lisa says:

    I LOVE Jose Maran Argan oil products. My skin just drinks them up!!

  2308. Christine says:

    I like to use Moringa seed Oil as a daily moisturizer for skin and lips!

  2309. I fi had to choose just 1, Thieves essential oil toothpaste by Young Living essential oils. I use this both for my teeth and also as a deodorant! I had tried other natural deodorants and none have worked as well as this. I also use many Dancing Dingo skin and hair care products. My search still goes on for a good natural mascara and a non toxic but interesting fragrance. Anyone know of a line of natural perfumes other than straight essential oils?

  2310. Pamela Packer says:

    My favorite natural, non-toxic personal care products are by Josie Maran – everything from face care to their argon oil whipped lotion!!!

  2311. Katie says:

    My favorite thing that I’ve switched to be non toxic is that I now use grape seed oil as makeup remover. It feels amazing and my skin looks vibrant!

  2312. Alaina Adkins-Armstrong says:

    I am using a lite blend of essential oils for my asthma and allergies. The specific name of the blend is Breathe and it works wonders for me. So much better than feeling loopy all the time from the over the counter drugs 🙂

  2313. Marie says:

    My favorite product is my homemade lip balm. I make it with cocoa butter, shea butter, coconut oil and beeswax. Love it!

  2314. Christine says:

    I like WEN hair cleaner/conditioner & hair products; I do use some of the Annmarie Gianni skincare products, and I use the extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil as a skin moisturizer (the stuff you would buy for cooking); I like IT and Laura Geller cosmetics

  2315. Lindsey says:

    I love all of AnnMaries products!

  2316. MaryLou says:

    Love Anne Marie Gianni’s products. They smell amazing and work wonderfully.

  2317. Justine says:

    My favorite would be plain oatmeal. I crush it up and use it as a wash or add some honey and cinnamon and make a mask. Since I have started my face has never looked better 🙂

  2318. Lisa says:

    I’ve cleaned up my diet, but I am just getting started on cleaning up my soap/shampoo/skincare. I have sensitive, combination skin, so I am worried about reactions and blemishes. I do use coconut oil on my hands and feet, but it’s too much for my face.

  2319. Kelly says:

    Stark skincare is really nice.

  2320. Kristen says:

    Favorite natural, non-toxic personal care product is…hands down is the Fabulous, wonderful, Annmarie Gianni anti-aging eye cream. gets rid of the puffiness and dark circles. can do without anything else!

  2321. liz gonzalez says:

    I use and love Badger Sunscreen. It rates 1 on EWG.

  2322. Anne says:

    Coconut oil and lavender – makes your skin soooo soft and smells sooooo good!

  2323. Arianna Mitchell says:

    My current favorites are Dr. Bronner’s soap for cleansing, organic rose hydrosol for cleansing and toning, and organic olive, jojoba and coconut oils for moisturing. I have mature dry skin with occasional rosacea…… I’d like to find a natural, nontoxic way to treat the latter. Deep gratitude for your blog, Kris!

  2324. Joan says:

    My favourite skin care product is Ann-Marie Gianni’s Aloe Herb Facial Cleanser–it’s luscious and so effective.

  2325. Stephanie says:

    I use zosimos botanicals Lime foaming facial wash. See
    It is so refreshing especially in the summer! I loves having it when I was in Miami last summer as it has aloe in it too!

  2326. Eva says:

    I use coconut oil (organic, of course) for everything from body moisturizer to face wash to ey makeup remover to lip balm. I love it!

  2327. Carol Treacy says:

    My favorite facial product is AnnMarie Gianni’s facial oil. I love the smell and it absorbs quickly into my skin. Twice a day, morning and evening, I apply one pump and then follow with a facial lotion.

  2328. Wendi says:

    Almond Oil – i use it for everything it’s a great moisturizer and also helps with dark circles, Psoriasis you name it !

  2329. Beth K says:

    Since becoming pregnant and having my baby, I’ve been trying to switch my products but I still have a ways to go. My new favorite that I use on my son and now myself is California Baby’s Calendula Cream. It is amazing. It heals cuts and diaper rash and blemishes. It has an EWG rating of 1, and it works so well!

  2330. Penny says:

    Dr. Bronners Coconut Oil is my fave. I use if for everything from oil-pulling to hair conditioning to skin oil.

  2331. Krista says:

    I like to make my own face oil. I use this on my face and body morning and night as well as on my babies skin as a baby lotion. Everyone asks – – no toxins, pure and healthy (not to mention easy to make)!!! YAY for soft and healthy skin!!

    1/3 apricot kernel oil
    1/3 almond oil
    1/3 (vitamin A and E oil combined)
    6 or 7 drops lavender (or essential oil you LOVE 🙂
    Sometimes I melt organic coconut oil (we use this all the time for our skin) if I want it a bit thicker 🙂

    I usually follow with this oil behind ROCKY MOUNTAIN face wash/pure soap (a Canadian Rockies based soap company that everyone should know about)!!

    Cheers for a great spring

  2332. Kitty says:

    I got tips from Whole Foods for DIY body scrub and face mask! The scrub is 1/2 cup coffee grounds and 1 tablespoon of olive oil, and the face mask is 4 parts honey to 1 part lemon.

  2333. Bethany Doss says:

    I love Boom Silk moisturizer. I can pronounce everything in the ingredient list!

    Purified water, organic extra virgin olive oil, beeswax with propolis and pollen, raw Pupekea wildflower honey, d-alpha Vitamin E, German Chamomile essential oil

  2334. Bernadette says:

    I use Green beaver sunscreen. I have freckles, aging spots and had some suspicious moles removed so converted to mineral based sunscreens a few years ago. I recommend their sunscreens to everyone!

  2335. sandy says:

    I love organic coconut oil…i use it to remove my eye make-up, to moisturize my face, chest, neck and body. i use it as a personal lubricant for intimacy. I eat a teaspoon daily at night when i am moisturizing. I have even used it to give my dull black work shoes a boost and make them look new…it worked! In the winter when my hands are dry I put cocunut oil in my hand with a bit of sea salt and a squeeze of lemon and rub it into my hands and then when I have rubbed my hands enough I rinse with warm water only until it is all off and dry my hands and my hands are so soft and dry skin sloughs off! I also keep a jar with the same mixture in the shower to exfoliate my body, amazing how your skin will feel so soft and glow!!!

  2336. Jennifer LaDuca says:

    I use argon oil as a moisturizer.

  2337. Teri Wiblemo says:

    I love AnnMarie Gianni Skincare Anti-aging Serum. It smells so natural and makes my eyes look great in the morning!

  2338. Jennifer LaDuca says:

    I use Argon oil as a moisturizer after I wash my face. I put a tiny drop of my fingers rubbing together and apply to my face.

  2339. Carole says:

    Aveda makes the best hand cream. I love their powder makeup that you can apply with a damp sponge or just use it dry. it is the absolute best as well as Aveda lipstick. They make so many good things for hair and skin. i have not tried them all but love everything I have tried. i go to an all Aveda salon when i need a haircut because I know their products are all plant based non toxic and cruelty free.
    Coconut oil is great for skin and wonderful to use for your hair . Massage some in and leave it on before shampooing or you can use just a tiny bit anytime it seems dry or frizzy.
    There is nothing like Dr. Bonners peppermint soap to make everyone happy.Try reading the bottle while washing up. ALL ONE!!! I love it with a cool shower on a hot summer day.
    I like the ACV tip for skin toner. i will definitely try that.

  2340. Beth says:

    Coconut Oil!!

  2341. Janice says:

    Anti-aging Facial Oil. Discovered AnnMarie products through your blog!

  2342. Sue Daigle says:

    I followed your advice a few weeks ago and ordered AnnMarie Gianni’s anti aging line and my very favorite is the Neroli Facial Mist! I love the whole line and so happy I am using products that are made with ” good for you” ingredients! Would love to be able to win the May Giveaway. Namaste!

  2343. Lauren Weems says:

    My favorite is my Burt’s bees face wash and my crystal essence deodorant 🙂

  2344. Rachel says:

    I love a few drops of jasmine essential oil in the bath. The smell is so calming and it makes me happy. Mmm.

  2345. Paige says:

    My favorite product is the Crystal Essence Mineral Deodorant Body Spray in Lavendar and White Tea. It has no aluminum chlorohydrate or parabens and is hypoallergenic. Although i just checked it out on EWG’s Skin Deep website and while it does have a low grade (which is good) its concerns are more with the natural fragrance (which had a high grade-not good). Interesting. I may have to change to something else for deodorant. Anyone have suggestions?

    Kris thank you for the link to EWG’s website. I will definitely be downloading that app.

  2346. Hedwig Lawson says:

    Pure shea butter is an amazing moisturizer for your body and rosehip oil for your face

  2347. Janina says:

    I love Primal Life Organics Bare Face Wash! Also coconut oil!

  2348. Kelly M Wilson says:

    I LOVE Desert Essence Tea Tree Thoroughly Clean Face Wash…I use it as a face wash and as a shaving ‘cream’. And I finally found a deodorant that works-Crystal Body Deodorant Stick!

  2349. Julie says:

    My favorite non toxic product is Anne Marie Gianni’s anti aging facial oil.

  2350. Christine says:

    Argan oil! It’s the perfect moisturizer for my face and works well for dry hair too!

  2351. Ines says:

    I really like the Organic Lavender Herbal Body Lotion from Ecco Bella. I also use their Orgnic Make-Up products. Best flower mascara ever!

  2352. Leslee Aga says:

    Dr Bronners lavender soap, coconut oil, castor oil under my eyes. Dry brushing before shower, followed with coconut oil. Apple cider vinegar rinse on my hair. I’ve read a lot of these comments and I’m excited to try the nnemarie aloe herb facial cleanser lots of people on here have raved about it,,

  2353. Arly says:

    Organic coconut oil for silky shiny hair! Drench your beautiful locks in it and put it up in a an old clean tshirt and get your beauty zzz’s on!

  2354. lisa says:

    I L.O.V.E. the Annmarie Gianni skin care stuff and you are the one who turned me on to it! It’s hard to say what my favorite product is, probably the anti-aging serum.

  2355. Cori v says:

    I love using coconut oil as moisturizer. My skin feels silky smooth!

  2356. Jenny Capizano says:

    Coconut Oil…my favorite moisturizer

  2357. Nicole says:

    I LOVE Stockton1 aloe youth derm! It is an amazing product that is free of all the crap they put in stuff these days. Bonus: if I am out in the sun, I put it on my skin after and I swear my skin whispers “thank you” to me! 🙂

  2358. Julie says:

    Thank you for you tips and encouragement to revamp my habits!

  2359. anna says:

    baking soda and apple cider vinegar are the best!! mix em up, do your whole body and hair with this mixture!!!

    clean and fresh afterwards. It actually does clean…

  2360. Stephanie says:

    Body Brush

  2361. Kathie Brown says:

    My favorite personal care product us Dr. Bronner’s Lavender Castile liquid soap. Smells heavenly!

  2362. Susanne says:

    I use Annmarie’s toner and it’s fantastic, a friend gave it to me and i’m exited to find out by reading your blog that you support her as well.

  2363. Natalie says:

    I love playing with makeup (hard to believe since I was a huge tomboy growing up–but now I find it so much fun!). My favorite non-toxic brands are Rejuva Minerals, Erth Minerals, Au Naturale, and Vapour Organics. They look good and I feel good about putting them on my skin.

  2364. Julie says:

    Coconut oil. it’s all natural, light and ma makes my skin glow! The only problem is keeping my rescue dog Cody from licking it off!! Best problem ever!

  2365. Chantal says:

    I love to mix a little squirt of Argan oil with some orange flower water in the palm of my hand to make the most delicious face cream. I do this everyday and my skin is radiant !

  2366. Coconut oil is my favorite natural, non-toxic personal care product. I love it! It’s awesome as a moisturizer.

  2367. Casey says:

    I love the tree tea tingle line from Trader Joes. It smells great and is only $3.99 per bottle.

  2368. Allyson Teague says:

    I just started using coconut oil as a moisturizer for my face and it has truly done wonders for my dry, sensitive skin. Coconut oil ROCKS!!

  2369. Deb says:

    Favorite non-toxic personal care product is Coconut Oil!!

  2370. Charlotte says:

    I am almost evangelical about my love for Soapwalla Deodorant Cream. It is the first totally natural deodorant that truly worked for me. I’ve been a user for three years now, and it’s never let me down, even on the hottest days. Love it!

  2371. Elizabeth Watson says:

    My favourite non-toxic products are Ava Anderson

  2372. Michelle S. says:

    My favorite natural, non-toxic personal care product is Trader Joe’s Organic Coconut Oil. I use it as a body lotion, a face moisturizer, mixed in my toothpaste, as a deodorant at night, as lip balm, as a cuticle moisturizer, as a carrier oil for my essential oils, in place of neosporin (for me and my pets), I could go on and on, it’s the best (and it’s only about $6.00 per jar)! I also give it to my dogs twice a day for their over all health, coat, teeth, well being, etc.

  2373. Penny says:

    I must be honest I also use a lot of make up and facial products that are likely full of chemicals. I have MS and am wanting to change what I put in and on my body. Would love to win this skin care line with natural products. Looking forward to reading all the comments as well to learn from others and begin to change what I use.

  2374. Sarah Rachor says:

    I started with a tea tree oil shampoo and just ordered the sample from Annmarie. Next up is body wash. And makeup.

  2375. laura says:

    my favorite natural products are green juices! Beautifying from the inside out and trying not to examine every pore as much – and tea tree oil for flare ups 😉

  2376. Diana says:

    I am finding coconut oil a multipurpose dynamo. Excellent makeup remover and both a face and body moisturizer!

  2377. Kindra Whitfill says:

    Sumsoap by sum body, a natural pure handmade soap

  2378. K says:

    Badger`s Organic Damascus Rose antioxidant facial oil. The best moisturizer/serum I have used. Improves skin texture and has both faded or completely erased red marks left from pimples. I use it every night before bed.

  2379. Erica says:

    I am still pretty new to using non-toxic products, still searching for a good shampoo and the right kind of deodorant for me. I do like Bella Organics, their mint lip balm is awesome! I must have bought a thousand lip balms until this one won me over.

  2380. Alysia says:

    Primal pit paste for deodorant! Coconut oil for moisturizer and oil pulling. 🙂

  2381. Cathy says:

    My fAvorite non toxic product is sweet almond oil. I use it as a moisturize as well as in my hair.

  2382. Dr. Bronner’s; Dr. Haushka Quince Day Cream; for an exfoliating scrub, I mix (in my hand) some baking soda with an oil (olive, jojoba, coconut). For a “mister”, I mix filtered water with essential oil. Feels great to mist my face with that.

  2383. Emily says:

    I love Josie Maran’s Argan Oil. I hope that’s on the safe list?!
    Slowly trying to make changes but it’s time consuming to do the research and expensive to implement!!
    Worth it though. Following your advice and making gradual progress.
    Also loving the idea of one makeup-free day a week!

    Thanks for all your great advice!
    – Emily in St. Louis

  2384. Jen says:

    Water! Inside and out. I drink a lot and I use a wash cloth and water to bathe. I am currently really liking Andalou Naturals face cream.

  2385. Laya says:

    I use Eminence Organics in my daily skincare routine, all their products smell divine and my skin loves them. Still in search of non toxic nail polish, any ideas?

  2386. Donna says:

    I have been changing all habits from food to body care. Have been reading labels for years and got my daughter started for her family. I buy pure goats milk and African Black soap for cleansing. Also learned to make my own coconut oil scrub. Also using grape seed, olive and jojoba oils to moisturize. I am trying to find good natural make up line. I don’t wear a lot, little eye shadow, mascara and hint of blush.

    Want to add I adore this website, thank you Kris and may everyone have a life filled with wonder, joy, love and a healthy being…inside and out!.

  2387. Amanda Citarella says:

    My favorite natural beauty product is my Mineral Fusion mascara! I feel naked without it! But, I have a whole wholesome arsenal of beauty products, from Dr Bronner’s soap to Acure Organics skincare and haircare. I’m very grateful to all of the natural companies out there that stand up in performance to the nasty chemical laden beauty products!

  2388. Regina says:

    I’m in favor of coconut oil-as a makeup remover, moisturiser, hair treatment, sunscreen, teeth cleaner…it is the ultimate natural multi-tasker!

  2389. Latoya Taitt says:

    Baking soda is my go to beauty product. I use it as a facial wash, body scrub, toothpaste, bath soak, sometimes as deodorant too!

  2390. Leslie Bowles says:

    I have recently completed my cancer journey and I am trying to go all natural with personal care. I use a lot of coconut oil for moisturizing and brushing my teeth. I use natural deodorant and Curelle shampoo. I would love to find more natural products!
    I have your juicing book and try to have my green drink every day. ( bought a great juicer on your advice- thanks!)

  2391. Viktoryia says:

    I use the honest company products for my family. My favorite is Honest Body Oil. For makeup I use jane iredale products: mascara, bronzing powder, concealer, and mineral powder.

  2392. Rhonda says:

    My favorite non toxic personal care product would have to be olive oil, its so versetile, i use it in my hair, to moisturize my lips and hands, body, i eat it, i cook wit it etc, i use a soap called (black & white soap) to wash my face with,and i use olive oil on my face afterward, i dont wear makeup so im soley dependent on natural DIY products to make at home, so my skin will look its best.

  2393. pauline says:

    I started making my own deorderant it works better than anything I have ever bought!

  2394. Arla Brunner says:

    I use Egyptian Magic on my face and body, great for your lips. Coconut oil. Annmarie Gianni repair serum every morning before applying makeup.

  2395. Anna says:

    I use Dr Bonners Castile soap in peppermint! An uplifting way to start my day!

  2396. Judy Braden says:

    I’m 58 and just jumping on the non toxic chemical band wagon !! I have been reading your blog religiously and have learned so much. I have been juicing every day and changing my eating habits and this skin care is the next step ! This old dog is learning new tricks !!!!
    Thanks Kris !!!!

  2397. Emily says:

    I love Josie Maran 100% argan oil! I’ve been slowly trying to switch out some of my beauty products but it’s definitely time consuming to do the research and EXPENSIVE to buy all at once! Following your advice to phase things in and make gradual changes. Plus I really like the suggestion to skip the makeup completely one day a week! Hard to put down that mascara though…. 🙂

    Thanks for the tips!!
    – Emily in St. Louis

  2398. Tracy says:

    My favourites are using pure Argan and coconut oil for pretty much everything! I use coconut oil as a makeup remover, I put Argan oil in my hair before I go to bed, I even rub the tiniest amount on my eyelashes. love love love and thank you for this giveaway!!

  2399. Teresa Miller says:

    I use AnnMarie’s neroli toning mist and Living Libations rose facial oil. All of the products are made with natural ingredients and infused with the loveliest essential oils. I used to deal with dry skin, and now it always feels soft and well hydrated.

  2400. Linda Querry says:

    My favorite skin cream is organic Medicine Mama’s Sweet Bee Magic. I have tried many natural deorderants, but find using milk of mag (brands with just water and magnesium) on a cotton ball works best. Comvita brand manuka honey is great as well as their medhoney for treating wounds.

    Organic Rose hip oil is my favorite face oil

  2401. Leah Concannon says:

    Organic coconut oil for everything…That’s it!!

  2402. Linda says:

    It gets a bit overwhelming trying to figure out healthy skin care options that I can feel good about spending money on, so my favorite “go to” has become organic coconut oil. Thanks for this well-timed post. I look forward to learning more about AnnMarie’s products – they look amazing!

  2403. Sandy says:

    make a mask with honey! it feels great and tastes good too!!

  2404. Susan says:

    My most used, and all over fave (literally all over!), is unrefined organic coconut oil. I use it for almost everything. It is a great deep conditioner for my hair, and a dab of it is great for fly aways too! Facial moisturizer, under eye cream, make up remover…all coconut oil. I put it on my surgery scars, use it for body lotion/oil, and to help soften my feet. It comes in pretty handy in the kitchen too!

  2405. mary says:

    right now my fav product is ann marie’s herbal face wash, it is light, refreshing yet hydrating , and smells awesome – especially in the morning for waking up to!

  2406. Mandy says:

    My favorite product is Sense preservative free shampoo and conditioner from Usana.

  2407. Clancy Cox says:

    My favorite facial cleanser is Benedetta Rosemary & Geranium Purifying Massage-In Creme Cleanser. It smells amazing, and doesn’t strip my sensitive skin. It’s made in small batches in Petaluma, CA. I recognize and don’t have to wonder what any of the ingredients are, I really appreciate that!

  2408. Judy says:

    I have been using Arbonne. They are formulated in Europe and plant based. There is no record on EWG. Anyone know any more?

  2409. Ashley says:

    Life Essence is my fav natural, non-toxic personal care product!! Its amazing, everyone that I have recommended it to has fell in love with it! Enjoy!

  2410. Charley says:

    I gave up all of my expensive, toxic facial cleaners and creams. I now wash my face with a mixture of olive, grapeseed, rose and a little castor oil and then I moisturize with coconut oil. It is super affordable and my skin has NEVER looked better.

  2411. Celeste Thompson says:

    I have acne-prone skin even at 36 and my skin was always dried out or broken out, or both. I discovered NutriBiotic Original Non-Soap Skin Cleanser and will never have to switch around again. It cleans deeply without drying. I love the stuff. Also very affordable. $9 for 16 oz.

  2412. Donna says:

    I’ve been making my own truly all-natural deodorant and sunscreen–and they work like magic! Love not having the harmful chemicals in them.

  2413. April says:

    My favorite: Badger Balms, certified organic and there is one for everything from sleep, headache relief and even a stress soother!! The lavender and bergamot sleep balm is my go to. They are great. I also love coconut oil!! Great for everything from skin to nails to makeup remover.

  2414. Birgit says:

    Oh I love Annemarie Gianni products and what I also use and love is Ghassul, its a maroccan clay used as a cleanser for face, body and hair.

    And I am so sad that I cant enter the draw because of living in Europe 🙁

  2415. Karin says:

    I use jojoba oil daily as a moisturizer and to wash my face and remove makeup.

  2416. Sherri Nevala says:

    Pure Argan Oil…Love it!

  2417. Andrea Miller says:

    I love using coconut oil for just about everything! skin care as a moisturizer, and using on my hair for moisture and shine!

  2418. Kyla says:

    I’ve recently started switching out all of my personal care and beauty products with non-toxic alternatives, and simplifying my beauty routine has certainly helped make this possible. I now go through a quick cleanser, serum, moisturizer, SPF process every morning and then a dash of eye color powder and a bit of mascara. I just started using Juice Beauty skincare and makeup products, which are all nontoxic and plant-based. (Plus everything smells so good and fresh!) I also use Aubrey Organics Mineral SPF and Ecco Bella mascara. The EWG skincare database is such a good resource and I find myself checking out different products on a weekly basis.

  2419. juliette says:

    AnnMarie Gianni Dead Sea Scrub – it’s the bomb!

  2420. Anne says:

    Dr. Bronner’s lavender is my favorite soap for everything!

  2421. Meagan says:

    I just purchased Seventh Generation’s Clearing Boost face oil last week. It has made a difference already with regard to my acne. It’s not drying at all, and my face doesn’t feel oily in the morning. Best of all, it has helped with my acne.

    As far as something I’ve been using for longer and still love, I’d say One Love Organics covers it. They make many different products, all fabulous in both luxurious feel and effectiveness.

  2422. Liz says:

    Olive oil is my favorite facial moisturizer for providing deep moisture without greasiness. Put it on a Q-tip for a great eye make-up remover, too!

  2423. I love using coconut oil with essential oils for fabulous face care! Right now I have red mandarin & lavender in my face oil.

  2424. susie says:

    My favorite skin care item is xv coconut oil, unadulterated. Face, body, hands. I also like kiss my face lavender deodorant natural liquid rock. I also use distilled vinegar for house cleaning (floors). I also use some origins skin care products and make up from Ramy and Giordano Beauty.

  2425. Flora says:

    I recently started making a scrub with baking soda (without aluminum) and water. It makes my skin feel amazing.

  2426. Tanya says:

    Plain coconut oil and a rose water spritz and dry brushing

  2427. sperlygirl says:

    recently, i have come across acure organics and am really loving them. i also look forward to what others are recommending here too. my goal is to find AFFORDABLE organic/eco-friendly products. so many are lovely and super quality but fall out of the price-range i am willing to spend on product.

  2428. Carol Reade says:

    Fresh Aloe leaf, coconut oil and honey!

  2429. Danielle says:

    Coconut oil is definitely my favorite! It’s perfect for removing makeup, moisturizing, oil pulling, and so much more.

  2430. Kiran says:

    Coconut oil!

  2431. Mindi says:

    I love all of Acure for skincare.

  2432. brittany says:

    I actually love baking soda. I use it for 2 main things: a pinch for teeth brushing, and 2 TBS in 8oz of water as my shampoo. I also use ACV in my conditioner which i love: 2 TBS ACV + 1/2 cup water + 3 drops essential oil (i usually use peppermint or lavender to alleviate the smell of the ACV). I am still trying to find a natural face wash and moisturizer that i love. My facial skin is dry and sensitive. I’ve been experimenting with the Oil Cleansing Method, but i haven’t found a mix i love yet…

  2433. Terilyn says:

    I LOVE anything from the store Lush! They smell amazing, are all natural and usually vegetarian/vegan!

  2434. Sarah says:

    Coconut oil has replaced most of my lotions and potions. I love using it to clean my face

  2435. Cathy says:

    I use organic coconut oil to remove my makeup and clean my face at night. It gets rid of all the makeup and my face is left feeling so soft and smooth!

  2436. crystal persichetti says:

    I adore MyChelle Dermaceutical sunscreens! I learned about this company via EWG’s sunscreen list a few years ago and just fell in love with the creams. Sunscreen is a big must for me since I am very fair, and I have found over the years that if I like the smell and feel of a product, I am much more likely to use it. Duh, right?! Thanks, Kris, for all that you do!

  2437. Leslie says:

    I’m not very educated in this for skin care, etc. I do use Henna to color my hair. I look forward to learning more!! Thank you!!

  2438. jocelyn villiotti says:

    Coconut oil has done wonders for my skin – my feet love it!

  2439. Jennifer Satter says:

    I love Alima Pure mineral makeup and blush. It’s super clean and very quick.

  2440. Sheryl says:

    I am already hooked on AnnMarie Gianni’s products. The purifying mud mask smells like lavender heaven! And I’m so proud of myself for sneakily sticking the jar in the shower, removing other teen products, and watch my 2 teen daughters love it as well! (“Where’d my scrub go, Mom?” “Oh honey, maybe Daddy threw it out by accident. Use mine if you want…”) did you know the coconut mask (whispering) tastes delish on your lips? And I even tried her suggestion that the rosemary mint body wash CAN be used in a pinch as toothpaste…and I would agree- in a pinch. 😉 I could go on and on about my AMG love but instead I’ll just say, “Pick me! Pick me!”

  2441. Dani says:

    Thank you Kris, sos tan, pero tan linda!

    I just started using Système 41. Has anyone tried it? What mostly surprised me just as I opened the jar was this, you know, “natural smell”. The feeling is super great too.

    Before that, I was jumping from one brand to the other, never feeling happy, especially because of knowing the bunch of bad things I was putting on and into my skin. Next I tried a local 100% natural brand, but my skin is dry and I felt like I wasn´t getting enough hydration. In fact, I use this same brand for body lotion, but I always add a bit of organic castor oil or virgin coconut oil to improve hydration.

    Système 41 works nice! I would love to try AnnMarie´s, though 🙂

  2442. Heather D. says:

    I started using Annemarie products about 7 months ago as a result of information I read here…and I cannot tell you the difference they have made in my skin. The dead sea scrub is the skin product I have ever used…and believe me I was skeptical about both the cost and whether or not I would truly tell the difference between the Annemarie and the other not-so-natural stuff I had been using. Bottomline…worth every penny! My skin is clean and clear, and every time I use the scrub, the herbal face wash or any of the facr oils, it’s like an instant aromatherapy session. The scents and the fact that I’m making a good investment in ME makes my day everyday.

  2443. Dorothy Lane says:

    I really liked using 100% natural, I ordered it from QVC although they do not keep very much in stock. I have tried Annmaries but the trial sizes were so small the product did not last long enough for me to really see a difference.

  2444. Shannon says:

    My favorite skin care product is COCONUT OIL!
    My insides and my outsides love it. I like to add a little rosemary essential oil to it when I need a lift up.

  2445. Elise says:

    i have so many favorites! juice beauty tinted moisturizer is probably my all time fave though – dr bronners, the sponge doctor, argan oil, coconut oil are all staples as well!

  2446. Michelle C-B says:

    Other than coconut oil, I’ve liked using Aubrey Organics hair care products. Maybe one day I’ll carve out the time to creating my own blends…

  2447. TK says:

    I us Apple Cider Vinegar as a toner. It has really helped my acne!

  2448. jillian says:

    I switched to BareMinerals and try to check Skin Deep before making any purchases. Would love to try new natural and safe products and start making some of my own!

  2449. Valarie says:

    coconut oil!

  2450. deedee says:

    Coconut oil on EVERYTHING, hair, body, face, salads. Mmmmm.
    And Bareminerals powder foundation. It’s gorgeous!

  2451. kristan says:

    Witch Hazel for toner, and Tea Tree Oil for just about everything.

  2452. Rebecca Mead says:

    I love love love primal pit paste for deodorant and SW Basics of Brooklyn for my skin care…

  2453. Sara says:

    Pit Paste deodorant works great and smells amazing!

  2454. Linda Killen says:

    Organic virgin coconut oil is my favorite all time beauty product as a moisturizer, oil pulling for my teeth and skin softener after showering.

  2455. Wendy says:

    I have a friend who sells for Lemongrass Spa, which is essentially an all-natural Avon. I use their face-care line and it’s amazing. Their bug repellent is non-toxic and works like a charm too! I keep it in my purse all summer 🙂

  2456. Teresa Reynolds says:

    Free and Clear shampoo and conditioner is my favorite.

  2457. Ashley R says:

    Hello! My fav beauty products are the ones I make at home! (Though I have tried some & love AnneMarie’s line when I can afford it!) I use ACV as a toner everyday & it seriously kicks some pimple butt! Also, I love a mix of oils to keep my face looking baby soft: grape seed oil, aloe & walnut oil.

  2458. karlene kuhn says:

    Honestly, one of my number one tips is to just drink lots of water. When you’re body is hydrate it’s amazing the difference you’ll see in your complexion, skin tone and texture.

    I also love to use organic coconut oil as a hair mask once a week. It leaves my hair so hydrated and silky smooth, perfect for taming fly aways and dry ends.

  2459. JessieMarcel says:

    I’ve yet to purchase skin care products from a particular line. I like to use the natural ingredients as is or make my own. I especially enjoy aloe vera gel as a cleanser, coconut oil as a moisturizer and tea tree oil (diluted in a little sesame, grape-seed, hemp or olive oil) for problem areas!

  2460. Gioia Craig says:

    I Love Love Love Primal Pit Paste!! Best Deodorant I have ever used. You may still sweat, but your pits won’t stink!! 🙂

  2461. Cyndie says:

    I swear by the “Love Lettuce” skin mask by Lush. It’s all natural and it does a great job exfoliating!

  2462. Deborah says:

    I actually use, and LOVE, AnneMarie’s products. They really work. The dead sea scrub is the only thing that clears the blackheads on my nose. Nothing else works like that stuff. It’s amazing! And the body oil and moisturizer make me skin silky soft. Whenever I run out I always notice right away how dry my skin gets. I think my body just might be addicted to the stuff. Love, love LOVE!!! Gimme some!!! 😉

  2463. Katie Nunez says:

    My favorite natural beauty product has to be coconut oil. I use it as a moisterizer, to take off make up, and for oil pulling.

  2464. Stephanie Wilborn says:

    Coconut oil, I thought some of my friends were crazy using it as a moisturizer until I started using it as well. Super soft skin with the bonus of smelling like summertime!

  2465. Lynne says:

    I love the Aztec Secret Indian Clay Mask (mixed with Bragg’s Apple Cider) – I use it once or twice a week. I also use coconut oil on my face and neck – it’s soothing and moisturizes really well.

  2466. Layla says:

    I’ve switched all of my make up to a brand called Tarte. I always get compliments on how great my skin looks so I must be something right 😉 I am also a big fan of coconut oil for EVERYTHING! 🙂 I’m excited to look into AnnMarie Gianni’s line as well!! Wishing everybody a wonderful day and blessed journey towards being healthy and living chemical free!

  2467. Dena Fife says:

    I’m just starting to look into natural makeup and beauty products, but so far, I’m loving coconut oil on my lips and using it on my hands, it makes them so soft

  2468. Elyse M. says:

    I have two favorites for my skin – coconut oil (like so many others) and kukui oil. Love the way each smells and makes my skin feel. And the best part is that a little goes a very long way.

  2469. Katie says:

    I love BeautyCounter’s skincare line. My favorite product is probably the Rosewater Uplifting Spray!

  2470. Kristen Schmelia says:

    My Fav beauty products are apple cider vinegar and Hugo lotion!!

  2471. Cristina Melisa says:

    My favorite is organic unrefined coconut oil for skin and hair! Makes my hair feel like I just got back from the salon.

  2472. Kristen says:

    I don’t have a favorite yet because I am new to all of this, but I am looking forward to replacing some of my products with more natural ones! I am definintely going to check into it for my 2 year old daughter as well…

  2473. Kari says:

    I love my rocky mountain soap company all natural deodorant in sage flavour:)

  2474. Jackie Lane says:

    I use hair and face products from the Rocky Mountain Soap Company. Their products are natural, competitively priced and local (for me) 🙂

  2475. I stopped using shampoo last September. With much experimentation (and hair clips and scarves) it mostly has been a success. I have gone from needing to shampoo from every other day to once a week! I have used recipes from Wellness but settled on African Black Soap (for everything) followed by a rinse of water, vinegar, tea tree oil and rosemary tea. I make my own deodorant (one can use a simple slice of lemon!) out of baking soda, arrowroot, coconut oil, lemon oil and shea butter (the Black soap and shea butter I get fair trade, unrefined from Cleopatra’s Choice). We make our own tooth powder and I’ve never used makeup except for Halloween! We use vinegar and baking soda to clean, cream of tartar for rust, Oasis Laundry soap that breaks down into plant nutrients….well, you get the picture! Thanks for all you do!

  2476. Christiane says:

    I love The Body Deli Products in general…. but their Radiance Enzyme Peel is AMAZING!!!

  2477. Dassi says:

    I don’t use any eeks! Maybe I should start looking into this line. I am just getting started!

  2478. Angie says:

    That’s an amazing giveaway!
    I use Aveda products currently, I love their masks.

  2479. Susan Taylor says:

    Kris, I am new to this whole world and have just started using coconut oil for various purposes. Looking forward to learning more from you.

  2480. Megan stallings says:

    I love all of Evan Healy’s products. Especially her rosehip treatment facial serum. You can buy online at Additionally, the book “No More Dirty Looks” is a fantastic read with lots of info on the good the bad and the ugly of the beauty industry.

  2481. Erika says:

    My absolute favorite is so easy: Vitamin C crystals mixed with water. Exfoliates, softens, brightens.

  2482. Sam says:

    My favorite natural, non-toxic product is Desert Essence Organics Coconut Shampoo and conditioner! Leaves my hair clean, moisturized, shiny, and smooth!

  2483. Cristina Melisa says:

    My favorite is organic unrefined coconut oil for hair and skin!! Makes my hair feel like I just got back from the salon.

  2484. Susan-Christine Bowitsch says:

    My favourite all-natural, non-toxic product is AnnMarie Gianni’s Repair Serum.

  2485. Barb says:

    Dr Hauschka products rock! Great skincare with a conscience.

  2486. Audrey Walker says:

    Moon river soap company is a natural bar soap. Smells so good! I like your tip about swapping one product out at a time

  2487. Laura says:

    I love PureCeutical Skincare products! Here’s the website:

  2488. Cathy Dobyns says:

    Teaching a class on toxins today!!! Wish I had this amazing basket to take along!

  2489. Nevada says:

    I’m really in love with products from Korres! I try not to think about all the scary stuff that is in so many of the products I’ve used, but when it gets down to it, it doesn’t feel right putting that stuff on my face and body! Korres has some awesome, relatively cheap, and really good products for face and body! I use their White Tea Facial Fluid Gel Cleanser and it works really well for my combination skin! Happy shopping gals! x

  2490. Trisha says:

    I use coconut oil as moisturizer all over my body, sometimes my face, and my hair! I love the feel and the smell.

  2491. Carmen Neumann says:

    My favorite natural, non-toxic personal care products are from “Eve Organics”.

  2492. Dawn says:

    I make my own soap and enjoy customizing the scents and properties of the blends. I also have made Rosemary Gladstar’s skin cream (recipe called “Rosemary’s famous face cream” in the book Herbal Healing for Women.) It’s fun to make your own products! Kitchen witchy goodness!

  2493. Krystal says:

    I use kaolin clay once a week to draw out impurities and witch hazel as a toner 🙂

  2494. Danielle Stanley says:

    I am also looking for good information on how to take care of my skin better. I happy to have come across this site that has very informative information. I want to get a better understanding of what products that are availabe for me and my family so when can truly take care of our bodies.

  2495. Kimberly-Ann says:

    Burt’s Bees lip balm, because I work outside and wash my face with pure jojoba oil.

  2496. Karen Pomroy says:

    I started using AnnaMarie’s skin care line after having attended the I Can Do It conference in San Jose.
    I am hooked, and love the complete line. If I have to choose, I must say that the honey coconut mask is one of my faves.

  2497. My favorite all natural beauty products are Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint Castille Soap (I use this for showering, cleaning, and more!), Weleda Wild Rose Smoothing Facial Capsules, and doTERRA’s essential oils…particularly their Immortelle Anti-Aging Blend! 🙂

  2498. Suzanne Mitchell says:

    Coconut oil! Best makeup remover, moisturizer, hair treatment, etc! All around beauty necessity! !!

  2499. Katrine says:

    i have been using Living Libations products for two years now. They are all chemical free and contain beauriful oils and plants. I use their sunscreen too. All their products are absolutely FANTASTIC. I also use Dr. Mercola products. They are great too. No chemicals in my daily routine, no way! Enjoy!

  2500. Lisa says:

    Hi Kris, I’m happy to hear about AnnMarie Gianni Skincare. I always look up products on the skincare database before I buy something new. That is an amazing resource!
    I also love oils – like coconut and tea tree. Thank you!

  2501. Angel says:

    COCONUT OIL. It’s useful for so many things! Make-up remover, moisturizer, hair mask, and more!

  2502. Chantille says:

    I love using coconut oil or olive oil for an all-natural way to moisturize! I adore Annmarie Gianni’s products- what an awesome giveaway!!!! Peace and blessings!!

  2503. Krystal says:

    I use a kaolin clay mask to draw out impurities, and witch hazel to tone my skin:)

  2504. Sarah Thomas says:

    I have fallen in love with Annmarie Gianni’s Coconut Body Oil. It’s perfect for after-shower moisturizing.

  2505. Carole smith says:

    Angels on Bare Skin by Lush.
    I’ve been using it for years and I think it’s pretty natural. It always makes my face feel great and doesn’t dry it out at all.,en_US,pd.html

  2506. Alexandra Santiago says:

    Acure Moroccan Argan Cell & Oil Shampoo & Conditioners – my absolute fave!

    I’ve also been raw mixing coconut oil with my Desert Essence Almond Body Lotion – simply divine 🙂 Perfect post-shower ritual for nourishing my skin!

  2507. Bethany says:

    I love my dry skin brush! I brush every morning before getting in the shower. It makes my skin so soft. I also use jojoba oil to remove eye makeup.

  2508. Julie says:

    I absolutely love anything that Alba Botanica makes, and I also use Dr. Bronner’s Almond liquid soap. Smells heavenly!!

  2509. Libby says:

    The last few years I’ve just been using coconut oil for a body lotion, but use some other facial products. I love Annmarie’s herbal face cleanser and repair serum. Thanks for the opportunity to win a bunch of her amazing products Kris!

  2510. Roxanne says:

    My favorite natural, non-toxic beauty product is coconut oil. I use this as a body moisturizer, cuticle and nail nourishment, face wash followed by a wet warm wash clothe, oil pulling, and DYI toothpaste.

  2511. Kris,
    Absolutely it is crucial that we pay attention to what we put on our bodies. Denie Hiestand a world famous natural health consultant says that toxic ingredients in personal care items is the number one cause of breast cancer.
    I use coconut oil to remove my makeup, raw apple cider vinegar for my toner, and then switch up my skin care with St. James Formula, Organic Herbal Face Food, and a new colostrum based skin care called theCream. All these lines are not only 100% natural they have living ingredients.
    I love that you are helping spread the word about good health….good health always equals ageless beauty.
    Cathey Painter

  2512. Michelle says:

    I’m a lover of 100% pure’s vanilla lotion in the winter. It’s rich and thick and smells great. Very comforting!

  2513. ada says:

    I love to use sesame oil to moisturize my body and manuka honey for my face

  2514. Rhiain Rice says:

    My favorite products are coconut oil as my daily moisturizer and I use Annmarie Gianni’s new daily facial sunscreen. It smells delish and it’s good for me! A win win! Plus I enjoy The Honest Company products. I also just learned how to make my own dry shampoo: Arrowroot powder and essential oil. It works beautifully. Namaste!

  2515. Marta Alvarez says:

    Olive oil, is my best beauty product. I put it on my face and hands and if my feet are a bit dry, olive oil on my feet with a pair of socks……….

    Have a wonderful week!

  2516. Michelle says:

    I’ve just started changing to natural, non-toxic products. No favorites yet. After reading the posts below I am definitely interested in learning more about the use of oils.

    For everyone using coconut oil……are you using the coconut oil you might find near Olive oil at the grocery store or are you buying this someplace special? I found a large bottle of organic coconut oil at Costco recently (like a Sam’s warehouse if you’re not familiar).

  2517. Katie R. says:

    I am a huge believer in AnnMarie’s skincare line, and am constantly getting friends and colleagues hooked (thanks to you, Kris!). But since you already know how amazing those products are, I will share Pratima Ayurvedic skincare with you… 100% herbs, roots, flowers, fruits, plants and minerals from the earth, and sattvic (non-harming to any living being). And, since the warmer months are almost upon us, everyone should also know about Primal Pit Paste – the most effective, ultra-natural deodorant I’ve ever encountered! Happy, healthy beauty routine to all! 🙂

  2518. Cheryl Blaisdell says:

    I really like the Herban Cowboy deodorant recommended by Kris Carr!

  2519. Amy says:

    What a generous giveaway! My favorite item of the moment is raw honey. If I’m not in a big hurry after a shower, I put it all over my face/neck and let it do it’s rejuvenating trick for 10+ minutes. Then I wash it off with warm water.

  2520. Alex says:

    I massage my entire body with organic sunflower or sesame oil before getting in the shower. I only use soap (generally a generic, natural soap), and tell my 10-year-old to do the same, on “pits, privates and pooper.” The oil makes my skin feel fabulous, and it only has one ingredient!

  2521. Chaille Skinner says:

    Alba Botanica Good & Clean daily detox foaming cleanser – LOVE this product. I use it as a facial cleanser each day. The smell is fabulous. It’s great for sensitive skin, too!

  2522. Ashleigh T says:

    I’ve recently become obsessed with argan oil. It’s one ingredient but so powerful!

  2523. Petra says:

    Andalou 3 in 1 treatement is great! can’t wait to try new products from AnnMarie though, thanks for the tips!

  2524. Sheila says:

    Hi kris my fav natural product would be my shea moisture raw shea butter restorative conditioner. It’s all natural and cheap and works !

  2525. Debbie says:

    can’t wait to try Annamarie’s line! always looking for new non-toxic skincare to try out and spread the word. I am currently in love with The Body Deli line…it’s a Fresh, Raw, Organic line for face, skin and hair…I am totally hooked on their Creme de la Rose facial cream. My skin is dry as the desert…plus it smells great too

    Oh—thanks Kris Carr! You ROCK!

  2526. Kimberly says:

    I am in love with Younique! The fiber lash mascara is amazing! I loved it so much I sell it now! Everything is natural and I can wear it because it contains no gluten! 🙂

  2527. Sarah Gleason says:

    My favorite products are from “West 13th Bath & Body”. I found them on Etsy and the products are amazing!
    Their products – oils, balms and scrubs – are made from scratch in small batches.

    I dab some their lavender oil behind my ears and neck when I’m winding down at the end of the day. My head hits the pillow and I’m out like a light.

  2528. Sylvia says:

    I use coconut oil, almond oil and olive oil for almost everything concerning skincare.

  2529. Ashly says:

    Purple prairie botanicals frankinscence and myrrh lotion is amazing! I use it as my facial lotion everyday and the scent gives you a good zip in the morning!

  2530. Alison M says:

    I too am in the coconut oil camp. I love it for moisturizing and for makeup removal.

  2531. Shana says:

    I love AnnMarie Gianni’s Aloe Herb Facial Cleanser and Lovely Lady Everlasting Argan Facial Oil. Those two products have transformed my skin!

  2532. Marcia Webb says:

    Annemarie! Kris already has me addicted. Also enjoying making my own with essential oils.
    I like yes to carrots and mineral fusion. They might not be perfect but they are headed in the right direction. Mineral fusion is based in Colorado making them “local”

  2533. karis says:

    Apple cider vinegar as a toner. It balances the pH of the skin. Be sure to dilute it with water before applying it to your skin!

  2534. Shana says:

    I love AnnMarie Gianni’s Aloe Herb Facial Cleanser and Lovely Lady Everlasting Argan Facial Oil.

  2535. Jaclyn Dixon says:

    Kris, I’m so grateful you posted this- I’ve been wanting you to for a long time!

    a have a few favorites to share- I’ve stopped shaving my arm pits every time I shower (ridiculous) and I only use a rock crystal deodorant. I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER, I actually have noticed some better hormonal balance and my stank ain’t so stinky 🙂

    I also use Aura Cacia organic essential oils as perfume and also just as an emotional tool and grounding technique- I love it!

    And THE BEST natural beauty secret? Coconut Oil! It’s good for just about everything and anyone. When in doubt? Put some coconut oil on it!

    Be well! Jaclyn

  2536. Jennifer S. says:

    I like to use Philosophy skin care products.

  2537. Sarah says:

    I love coconut oil for its many uses. Right now using it to moisturize (and hopefully prevent stretch marks) my pregnant belly!

  2538. Kelli says:

    I enjoy using NeriumAD andd following that applying Miracle II Gel and this creates a youthful vibrant glow on my skin! Thankyou for these fun giveaways and getting us to interact here! Happy day 🙂

  2539. Kim says:

    My favourite non-toxic beauty product is Coconut oil. Who knew something so yummy to cook with could be so great on dry skin patches too.

    The prize basket looks amazing! Fingers crossed.

  2540. Lynn says:

    Oats are my favorite beauty item! Cooked oats or raw for my tummy, raw oats with warm water as a cleanser for my face and oat tops and straw as a tea to soothe my nerves.

  2541. Amy says:

    I love Jason brand body wash (lavender) and toothpaste!

  2542. Jenna says:

    I’ve been loving Violets are Blue facial wash. It’s non-foaming

  2543. Brandi says:

    I love argan oil for moisturizer.

  2544. Deborah says:

    I use jojoba oil to take of makeup and for a light moisturizer. I buy it bulk at Sprouts!

  2545. Natalia Sturla says:

    I make my own toner using Witch Hazel and drops of tea tree oil, lavender oil and peppermint oil. It’s very refreshing and really works!

    You can change the oils to better suit your skin type…

  2546. Jennie D says:

    I am in love with Annmarie Gianni’s stuff. I mostly use the citrus mint facial cleanser and the herbal facial oil, together with the clay/mud mask whose exact name I can’t remember. It is a little expensive, but worth the price. (Also, I read about it on your website initially several months ago, so thank you!!)

  2547. Allegra Fulton says:

    I just love the all natural line from Toronto CRAWFORD ST. Handcrafted by a local skincare diva, Gaelyne Leslie, the line is just gorgeous in everyway. Made from natural ingredients, no nonsense packaging and prices, simple and elegant, and soooooooo divine on the skin. Whole Foods and a few other stores are
    starting to sell the line. US interest. Get in on the ground!

    Check it out

    And thanks so much. I love your site!!!


  2548. Kelly says:

    It’s great to read so many great recommendations, as we’ve cleaned up all of our products since my breast cancer diagnosis this year at the age of 35 (I was guilty of a product-addiction, so it was tough, but necessary).

    Can anyone recommend a good natural sunscreen? We tried the Badger brand kids sunscreen on vacation recently because of it’s good EW Skin Deep rating, but each of us got very sunburned using it, despite not all being fair skinned and only spending a couple of hours in the sun. Thanks!

  2549. Tracy says:

    I love tamanu oil from Mountain Rose herbs. It really has improved the look of my skin!

  2550. Cassandra says:

    I favorite non-toxic personal care item is coconut oil! Thanks for the opportunity 🙂

  2551. Paula says:

    After reading all the comments, I plan to start using coconut oil topically, in addition to using it for cooking. Thanks!

  2552. Elizabeth says:

    Anne Marie Gianni’s Coconut Body Oil is amazing! Definitely my favorite natural beauty product.

  2553. Lori says:

    I use straight coconut oil as a great moisturizer for hair and skin! and I like some of the soaps from Rocky Mountain.

  2554. Kristie says:

    Coconut oil! It has so many uses! I make toothpaste, deodorant, body butter, conditioner… all with coconut oil.

  2555. Micheline says:

    I’m another fan of coconut oil. I like to rub it into my cuticles…it reminds me of the beach for hours!

  2556. shanna says:

    New to natural skincare but I LOVE moisturizing with coconut oil

  2557. Melissa Alsept says:

    I love coconut oil! I use it as an eye makeup remover, body moisturizer, mixed with brown sugar for a body scrub, and even furniture polish! I also give a spoonful to my doggies a few times a week…it makes their coat so shiny and soft! And not to forget, oil pulling each morning! Coconut oil is the bomb!

  2558. Patti Garcia says:

    I use baking soda and olive oil as a facia scrub a couple of times a week….simple, cheap, and effective 🙂

  2559. Tammy says:

    I love 100% pure brand! I use their anti-aging cream and mascara.

  2560. Svetla says:

    I switched my Olay eye moisturizer to Juice Beauty Smoothing Eye Concentrate. I really like it, my eyes feel pampered every time I use it 🙂 Here are the details of this product:

  2561. Cath says:

    My fav personal product is good old fashioned baking soda! It’s the gentlest, most effective exfoliator I have ever used. Ironically, the cheapest, too 🙂

  2562. Marnie says:

    I love a product I made from an Apothecary in Denver, Co. It has essential oils like jasmine, argan, neroli,calendula mixed with apricot,jajoba, and a little rose hip oil. It is very dry in Colorado so this just feels and smells amazing on my face!
    Happy happy Tuesday! I just love the “Crazy Sexy” team!!
    Marnie Eddy

  2563. Jenawa Ford says:

    I make my own moisturizing concoction of cold pressed coconut oil, raw cacao butter and argan oil with vanilla extract. I vary the blend everytime. Sometimes I add rose or almond oil but thats the basic formula. I feel like Im slathering myself wth love everytime I use it. The best part about it is that I can use it everywhere. In my hair, on my face and lips. Its actually even edible! It smells and tastes like nourishing goodness, because it is 🙂

  2564. Christine Fryoux says:

    In the winter I use coconut oil as a facial moisturizer. When I take a bath I never use bubble bath products or harmful body washes. I use Epsom salt, baking soda, a little powdered vitamin C (to bind the chlorine) and a few drops of essential oils.
    I also never use hair spray.

  2565. Kelly says:

    Organic coconut oil is my favorite. I use it for everything!

  2566. Dawneen says:

    I use coconut oil with a couple drops of essential oil such as lavender for an overall body moisturiser

  2567. Pam Powell says:

    I have never gotten over my “patchouli” days and I love all the patchouli products from Indigo Wild/Zum for their true and natural scent. I use their soap, moisturizer, perfume, and even their laundry detergent. I have enjoyed all the comments. Very informative!

  2568. Martha Irving says:

    So happy that Canadians are eligible this time! I have rosacea and have recently discovered SIBU products with seabuckthorn oil. Makes my skin feel ridiculously soft and helps with my rosacea. Thanks so much for the EWG website link! SO helpful!!

  2569. Sarah Thompson says:

    Right now I’m really digging the EvanHealy skin care line. I have oily/combo, sensitive skin and usually can’t find a moisturizer that doesn’t make my face erupt into a million pimples. Before this I was using Clinique and it was working ok, except I’d get dry patches and redness. After two weeks with EvanHealy, that was gone. My skin is much more even and no more dry patches. I was actually surprised that putting oil on my face would work but it did! I’d love to try out Anne Marie Gianni’s line.

  2570. Kathi Maas says:

    I use extra virgin olive oil as part of my facial cleansing. I put some on my face, grab a wash cloth, add some warm water and gently wash the olive oil back off my face.

  2571. Sharon says:

    I use many 100% Pure products for hair, bath and body and AnnMarie Gianna for my skin care…LOVE her stuff!! I also use Young Living essential oils and organic unrefined coconut oil.

  2572. Margaret says:

    I use bare minerals thinking they were better for my skin, but i was just investigating them and it sounds like they arent’t organic at all. Apparently they use metal and preservatives in their makeup. I find this disappointing as they are so expensive.

    On another note, to get rid of dry scalp (dandruff), I put vinegar on my scalp instead of using drandruff shampoo. It works 100% – unlike harsh dandruff shampoos.



  2573. andrea boyd says:

    one of my favorite products is Earth Science Mint Tingle Face Mask. it’s blue and makes my skin feel delicious! another is straight avocado on my face, and Tracie Martyn exfoliant. Oh! and turmeric- so good for skin. i drink it with allow vera juice almost daily. you rock!

  2574. Marina says:

    My favorite natural product is my toner that I make myself! 1 part apple cider vinegar to 2 parts water! It has helped to clear up most of my acne and keeps my skin healthy and balanced!

  2575. Arielle Manganiello says:

    I really enjoy Tarte make up especially their concealer and mascara. I also really like Vermont Soap products – including their body lotions, soaps, and deodorant. Acure organics has great shampoo and conditioner with Argan oil (especially for curly hair or dry hair). I know the Acure products are mostly non-toxic but I have not done my research on them fully (as I really enjoy them and do not want to get upset about using the product).

  2576. Leah says:

    I LOVE my lavender oil! I use it to immediately treat boo-boo around our house. It’s amazing to see how burns, cuts and bruises start to get better right away instead of getting worse or swelling. I use it in my neti pot to prevent sinus infections and to treat the dryness that comes with allergy season. It smells great and we also use it for cleaning and better sleep.

  2577. Michele Vincent says:

    My very favorite natural, non-toxic personal care product would have to be organic coconut oil. I use it every day as lotion (which smells great), I use it to remove eye make-up and as a facial and lip moisturizer, I use a little in my hair to make it shiny, and I use it for oil pulling to make my mouth feel clean and healthy. I also cook with it and add it to my smoothies to make me glow from the inside out. I am obsessed with it!

  2578. Rebecca says:

    Shea butter for super dry skin and neem oil to make my hair shine and control frizz. I love devita natural skin care products and makeup. Also love Jane Irdale makeup but its very $$$ so don’t often get it. For shampoo and conditioner, I use BWC (Beauty w/out Cruelty). No chemicals all the way.

  2579. Patricia Sizemore says:

    My favorite is AnnMarieGianni’s Aloe-Herb Facial Cleanser! It smells Devine and leaves my skin so soft! I love it!

  2580. Krystal says:

    I just started using baking soda and lemon juice as a facial mask. All you do is add a few drops of lemon juice to the baking soda and wait for the bubbling to stop creating a paste that can be spread all over your face or just on the problem areas. You leave it on for about 20 minutes and rinse it off with warm water. I absolutely love this! I was having so much trouble with face washes and makeup removers but this has left my face feeling clean and refreshed. Plus it is easy and cheap!

    I also love making my own deodorant. Through much trial and error I have come up with a perfect mix that works for me. It involves coconut oil, cornstarch and baking soda with a few drops of my favorite essential oil – lavender!

    I am trying to transition into natural makeup but it is a very tricky task! I am excited to hear about others’ suggestions.

  2581. Amanda says:

    I absolutely love coconut oil! It’s so good for your hair, as a moisturizer, and even as makeup remover!

  2582. Tracy Kropp says:

    My fav is Annmarie’s coconut body oil!!

  2583. Denise says:

    Extra virgin coconut oil – best moisturizer, hair conditioner & makeup remover ever 🙂

  2584. Hope says:

    I use Annmarie Gianni skin care products now but am still experimenting to find the proper skin type for me. I love her products and her new sun screen is absolutely wonderful. I think it adds a little color base and evens our your skin tones but that’s just my opinion and maybe it’s how it makes me feel–wonderful. There are so many products that I still need to explore. That’s why this contest is perfect for me. Thanks Kris. Without you, I never would have found these products.

  2585. Kelly says:

    Organic coconut oil as a mulch-faceted moisturizer. I whip it in my mixer with some vitamin E and jojoba oil for a rich, creamy face and body cream, add sugar and lavender to make it a sugar scrub and melt it with baking soda and corn starch as a deodorant. It’s truly nature’s miracle cream!

  2586. Jenny says:

    I love using organic unrefined, cold-pressed coconut oil as an all over moisturizer – it’s cheaper than anything out there. It feels good and my skin stays soft. I love Annmarie Gianni’s honey facial mask – it smells great, it’s an excuse to take a bath, and it feels great both on and after it comes off.

  2587. Jamie says:

    Anne Marie Gianni’s Anti-Aging Eye Cream is the best – a must try!

  2588. Marcie says:

    Organic coconut oil.

    A client once took me for a makeover at Nordstrom’s. He cased the cosmetics counter for me. I went to the ladies room. He went to Chanel.

    I’d brought a picture of what I wanted to look like. Nude, I think is what they called it. Who know how may products and accessories it required to look nude with Chanel?

    My makeover was interesting. The first moisturizer, the artist used on me actually burned my face and had to be washed off. She asked me what I usually used.

    Coconut oil or Booda Butter. I told her I didn’t put anything on my skin that I couldn’t eat. She gasped. (I also have a thing for products that list love as an ingredient.) She lectured me on the importance of preservatives. I don’t know, does honey go bad?

    When she got done, she handed me a mirror. I said, “Not bad for forty.” She looked at me again, “You’re forty?”

    “Yep, and I don’t use Chanel.”

    Natural product rock. The best part is the market is opening up, and they are getting better every day.

  2589. Amy says:

    Hmmmm… my favorite is aloe vera…it’s my go to for everything!

  2590. Kristin Osmar says:

    I use olive oil to wash my face ( 4 squirts , massage in, then rinse with washcloth soaked in very hot water), and for moisturizer I use argan oil. I’ve tried Ann Marie’s samples and Love them but haven’t had the money to buy full size yet.

  2591. Annette says:

    I’m sorry I don’t have any as of yet. I came here to find out more and change my life. Having trouble finding scented/ fragrance free natural products that don’t smell like plastic! My daughter doesn’t tolerate even natural oil smells like lavender etc.

  2592. Cherith says:

    Hi Kris, It was you who introduced me to AnnMarie’s skin care line. Turns out, I LOVE the facial oil!! Even my little boy likes to smell my face after I put it on (so sweet). Other essentials for me – Desert Essence Tea Tree Oil Toothpastes, and the ever-handy coconut oil for all purpose care (i.e. eye makeup remover, hair conditioner, oil pulling, etc). Love your blog, and following you! Be Well.

  2593. Lindsay says:

    I’ve been using One With Nature Dead Sea Mineral Soap in the shower. It’s a great bar of soap, nice and big and even has great essential oils added like lavender or rose petals.

  2594. ehm says:

    Dead sea bath salts are the best!

  2595. Heather Henry says:

    I make my own facial cleanser out of jojoba oil, lavender and tea tree essential oil. I also use The Homestead Company Alcohol Free Witch Hazel PM, (Lavender/Chamomile) as my astringent. My skin has never been healthier!! <3

  2596. Marsha says:

    I use avocado oil from head to toe, inside and out. A perfect moisturizer and all-around soothing product.

  2597. Lisa Mancini says:

    Morrocco Method’s Zen Detox! It is great for your scalp to pull out impurities and can also be used as a facial mask and dry shampoo. I love multiuse products plus its Raw and Vegan!!!

  2598. Portia Romero says:

    I love to eat up a jar of coconut oil while I’m in the shower so it liquifies by the time I’m done and I use it as a moisturizer, brow tamer, and hair frizz fighter!

  2599. Heidi says:

    I love Living Libations Best Skin Ever (rose) and use it as my daily moisturizer. so many of their other products are amazing as well, like their Maiden Fern Blushing Balm.

  2600. Holly says:

    Organic Coconut oil as a deep hair conditioner!!

  2601. Shea butter for dry skin, neem oil for shiny hair and getting rid of frizz. Devita skin care and makeup, I also love Jane Irdale makeup but quite expensive.

  2602. Wenthy says:

    My Favorite is Dr. BRONNER’S pure castile soap in any flavor. It’s the BEST SMOOTH YUMMY MOIST CLEAN HAPPY-FYING Stuff! I use it for hand soap, shower gel, shave gel, face wash, and even shampoo on occasion. No Gamble on Proctor stuff here!!!!!!
    Bless you Kris! Rock on!!!!

  2603. Veronika Bond says:

    About 20 years ago I read that 60% of what you put on your skin gets absorbed by it, so you might as well eat it. I never used many beauty products but stopped using mainstream cosmetics ever since. For many years I used only pure organic jojoba oil and my skin is healthy and looks youthful (I’m now 58 years old). I only use make up on special occasions. In recent years I have also tried other oils, one of my favourites is apricot kernel oil. It is not greasy and has a very fine texture. Lovely stuff. I also make my own mixtures with natural base oils (sweet almond, coconut, apricot, sheabutter, grapeseed, etc.) and add some drops of essential oils for a lovely scent (bergamot, geranium, ylang ylang, orange blossom, lemon, ginger etc.). I sometimes use fresh aloe vera juice for a facial mask.
    I’d love to try Annmarie’s cosmetics. It is wonderful that some inspired women are now offering healthy beauty products as an alternative to the conventional toxic stuff.

  2604. Kristen Wilson says:

    I am in

  2605. Martina says:

    Coconut oil!

  2606. Sara Gann says:

    I really like aloe vera gel for moisturizing; it works great for my oily skin, and also is very soothing as an addition to body lotion. I also like jojoba oil; it works as an eye makeup remover, body oil, and as a base to make perfumes, with some essential oils.

  2607. jennifer says:

    I lurve coconut oil… as a cleanser, as a moisturizer… it’s amazing.
    Recently started oil pulling with the coconut oil as well… and my sensitive teeth have never felt better!

  2608. Kathleen Field says:

    I love coconut oil for my hair and skin.

  2609. Abfab says:

    After receiving a truly relaxing aromatherapy massage as a wedding gift, I have come to find rose essential oil is a favorite body care item for me. The scent makes me feel beautiful and cheered!

  2610. Natasha Santi says:

    Like your team member I love make up but am not knowledge about non-toxic makeup. Right now I am using Kat Von D’s foundation powder, mascara from Covergirl, blush from Sephora, and face cream from Olay. What’s funny is I buy as much organic foods as I can along with non-toxic cleaning products like method all through out my home. Never thought about analyzing what exactly I am putting on my face until I received your newsletter! Thank you for the information!!!

  2611. bridge says:

    I was introduced to Arbonne products from a friend of mine who has her own business helping people find products that are interested in less toxic ingredients.

  2612. lisa says:

    arcona hydrating serum! i’ve been using it for years and i love it so much!

  2613. Dianne says:

    I really love Meow Meow Tweet products!

  2614. heather says:

    i love frankincense oil… for my skin… for no more cancer (ever, never ever!)

  2615. laurel says:

    organic cocoanut oil

  2616. Sharon Levine says:

    My favorite, non-toxic personal care product is organic raw coconut oil! It has so many wonderful uses, including body moisturizer, homemade toothpaste (mix with baking soda), oil pulling (Ayurvedic method to pull toxins from your body), and cooking! I even spread it on rice crackers as a butter substitute . It naturally moisturizers inside and out! And tastes and smells great!

  2617. Kara says:

    I use a dry brush each morning before my shower. I love the dry brush by Sublime Beauty. After my shower, I use coconut oil to further soften my skin – with great results!

  2618. Hannah says:

    I use essential oils, coconut oil, beeswax, etc to make my own chapstick, deodorant, and solid perfumes! I also love using baking soda as a shampoo and Apple Cider vinegar as conditioner.

  2619. Thanks for this inspiration. I’m stunned to realize how many products I use — on my face alone. My favorite all-natural product is sandalwood oil, the only scent I need. Just a few drops on my wrists and neck lift my spirits.

  2620. Shea butter is amazing for super dry skin, my husband is a drummer and its salvation for his hands. Neem oil makes my hair shine and smooths the frizz. As for skincare and makeup, I use Devita, a wonderful natural skin care line. I also love Jane Irdale makeup, but rarely buy it due to high $$.

  2621. Ashley C says:

    I love using jojoba oil as my “lotion” for my face. I also love coconut oil for those dry patches (knees, heels, elbows). I look forward to seeing everyone’s comments!!

  2622. Mary says:

    Josie Maran tinted moisturizer!

  2623. Melissa Halliday says:

    Coconut oil!!!!!

    I oil pull it, use as a hair treatment, body treatment,
    Bake and cook with it!!!

  2624. Kat says:

    Burts Bees Honey Lip Gloss. A MUST for me. Addicted to the goodness! Dr Bronner’s Castille unscented soap is my second favourite.

  2625. Lisa says:

    I use baking soda to exfoliate, coconut oil to moisturize and apple cider vinegar to tone my skin.

  2626. mary scohera says:

    I use coconut oil for dry skin

  2627. Milena Peneva says:

    Hi Kris,

    I only use organic jojoba oil on my face (and body) in the summer time (it’s less oily). During the winter months, I use organic sesame oil (it’s oily!) with a few drops of rosehip oil in the morning. It keeps my skin moisturized all day long and most importantly — it’s glowing!

    I only use olive oil soap (organic & without any harmful ingredients) for my body. I love it!

    Don’t forget coconut oil — it’s my natural hair mask.

    I hope it helps 🙂

  2628. Karine says:

    I do most of my product myself: I oil cleanse with coconut oil or honey. I use flower water as tonic. I hydrate with mixes of vegetal oils and essential oils morning and night. I wash my hair with bicarbonate sodium mixed in green tea (I’m dark hair… Blond should use camomile instead) and I rinse with a mix of water and apple cider vinegar. My deodorant is a mix of coconut oil and lavander and tea tree essential oils. I am now looking for already made products for when I’m not home.

  2629. Stacy Porter says:

    I absolutely love using coconut oil as a moisturizer! I am also a huge fan of dry brushing before shower/baths. I looked at Ann Marie’s website and I really really want to get the sun screen. I’ve been searching for an all natural one 🙂

  2630. Karen says:

    Organic coconut oil is my newest go-to product that my skin loves! This, coming from a 48 year old woman who has used the same products for years due to “sensitive skin” and “it works”, blah, blah, blah. A leopard CAN change its spots. Look forward to trying the products you mentioned above. On it.

  2631. Anie says:

    I love using apple cider vinegar as a facial toner. It makes my face happy 🙂

  2632. Ashley S. says:

    Bella Organices iced lemonade deodorant and dead sea salt mask. I actually love all their products!

  2633. Andrea says:

    I currently use coconut oil for hair, teeth, face and skin, but being someone who likes products, I would love to try AnneMarie Gianni’s skin care line!

  2634. Amy Phillips says:

    Green tea moisturizer from Alba

  2635. Sandy Foster says:

    Rose hip seed oil as a facial moisturizer. Coconut oil as a body moisturizer. Vitamin E oil & vitamin C powder mixed together in my palm for a face scrub. I’d love to try AnnMarie’s kit! Looks amazing!!!

  2636. Emily says:

    My favorite personal care product is Annmarie’s Neroli Mist. Not only is it made by one of my dear friends (of whom I am so proud!), it smells amazing!!! Simply put, it makes me feel decadent and extravagent and I love it!!!

  2637. Heather C says:

    Between my witch hazel, coconut oil and a wide assortment of essential oils I haven’t bought any skin care products in awhile. But I’m always willing to try something new.

  2638. Rachel says:

    I’m just starting to explore the world of non-toxic products. So far I’ve tried Peppermint shampoo and conditioner from Whole Foods and I love it!

  2639. Carol G says:

    Love Primal Pit Paste, Dr. Bronners body wash, KMF olive oil soap. Need to find a good natural lipstick. Mine have a terrible ranking from EWG Skin Deep. 🙁

  2640. valerie says:

    I make a scrub with coconut oil, sugar, and peppermint oil. ♡

  2641. Bev Reed says:

    Coconut oil is wonderful. I use it as a moisturizer most nights and a wonderful elixir to rub on my feet- then I put socks on so I don’t get it all over my sheets. 😉

  2642. Brooke says:

    Burt’s Bees replenishing lip balm, yummy and good for me.

  2643. Lauren Armes says:

    I love Neal’s Yard Rosemary and Elderflower Shower Gel – the most divine company with a whole range of natural personal care goodies. I love knowing that there is absolutely no reason for me not to use this lovely product on my face as well… that it doesn’t sting my eyes, and that I could probably safely ingest it (but wouldn’t). No nasties, no chemicals. The dream.

  2644. Candice Savoy says:

    I use plain coconut oil, mixed with a little almond oil and blend it in a mixer (KitchenAid). It makes it a whipped consistancy and works great as a mositerizer for the face and body.

  2645. Stefa says:

    I use Dr. Andrew Weil for Origins line of skin care: face cleanser, repair serum and moisturizer. I have used these products for several years and found them to be comfortable. I trust Dr. Weil to be wise and ethical regarding all ingredients he uses.

  2646. cheryl says:

    vitamin E oil

  2647. Megan says:

    Coconut oil & almond oil are a few staples I love & use daily! From makeup remover to moisturizer. Recently however, I tried Annmarie’s skin care oils & I LOVE THEM!
    Can’t wait to try more of her products 😉

  2648. Amy Jerome says:

    I have super dry skin and swapped out my lotion for coconut oil with a few drops of lavender EO. It has changed my life! I am no longer itching my poor skin until it bleeds. It’s too bad I hadn’t learned of it years ago!

  2649. Lyne says:

    My favorite natural, non-toxic personal care product… water. I stopped washing my face with cleansers (they were natural, non-toxic) and simply splash water on my face. What a difference. As a result, my skin is super soft and I hardly need to use moisturizer now.

  2650. Jessica Dunca says:

    I am for sure a Coconut Oil user for skin, hair as well as nails. 1x a week I will put all over my body before going to bed.

  2651. shelly says:

    I love organic coconut oil for hair, nails and skin.

  2652. Nicole says:

    Coconut oil and Bella organically deodorant

  2653. Khristina says:

    I love Dr. Bronner’s liquid soap, but I’ve recently been loving lavender and lemon essential oils. I like all of the comments about using coconut oil–I’ll have to try that! Thank you, Kris, for sparking this conversation! xo!

  2654. Ishtar says:

    Coconut oil is the best. Good for face, body and hair!

  2655. Sara Lawton says:

    Organic Virgin Coconut Oil !

  2656. Nicole says:

    I love coconut oil and Bella organically deodorant

  2657. Leesa says:

    Would love to try Annmarie’s products! Right now I’m loving the unscented Body Butter by Rocky Mountain Soap Company – great non-greasy moisturizer.

  2658. Hope says:

    I love Moon Valley Organic Moon Melt Lotion Bar, Dry Skin Moisturizer. You can use it on your feet and hands. It helps with dry skin & smells so good.

  2659. Cheryl says:

    pure vitamin E for blemishes, dry areas and cuts/scratches/scars. Either buy pure oil or open a vitamin E tablet and rub over area.

  2660. jill says:

    AnnMarie’s facial cleanser is like the first day of Spring, the first lick of peanut butter, a sweet morning hug – every time! Love it…and would adore the speciall gift package so I can both sample additional products as well as share them and spread the good word. Thank you!


  2661. Abrianne says:

    I love MyChelle Dermaceuticals face creams! It’s really hard to find a nice feeling product for your face, let alone one that is “Clean”! This is one of them:)


  2662. mona says:

    I love coconut oil not only for cooking but also as a body moisturizer and hair treatment.

  2663. Christine says:

    My favorite natural personal-care product is Dr. Bronner’s original soap–used as a body wash and for household cleaning. In general, I have been seeking-out cruelty-free products, and hoping that cruelty-free products will be non-toxic as well. I also love essential oils, an am just beginning to understand their uses beyond aromatherapy.

  2664. Beret says:

    Coconut oil (lotion, deodorant, hair moisturizer, oil pulling), Young Living essential oils (frankincense, lavender, lemon, ginger, peppermint), vegan diet, and The Honest Company products (everything from shampoo & conditioner, sunscreen, laundry detergent, floor cleaner, etc.)

  2665. Brooke Ottum says:

    I love Avalon Organics Face Wash and Night Cream. I love their calming scent and gentleness.

  2666. Janelle says:

    My fav is coconut oil. I use it on my skin, cuticles, and in my food. Love it

  2667. Lisa says:

    I love Banyan Botanicals’ Organic Unrefined Sesame oil for daily oil massage and abhayanga.

  2668. Danielle says:

    I make my own lotion out cocoa butter coconut oil and beeswax. It makes a lotion bar that is great for your skin.

  2669. Carrie Cieliczka says:

    Coconut oil! I use it for EVERYTHING…. moisturizing my entire body, taking off make-up (works great on non-toxic mascara and moisturizes your peepers at the same time!. I use it to add a dewy look to my check bones post blush. I use it to calm my wild hair, too! The bonus is it smells sooooooo good, so it’s like wearing a coconutty fragrance as well. For my full body moisturizer, I add some citrus essential oil and whip it so it’s light and fluffy. I put it in babyfood jars so I have a bunch and always have some around 🙂

  2670. Tamara Gately says:

    My favorite beauty product is coconut oil. I use it to moisturize my face and body as well as deep condition my hair. It works and smells amazing!

  2671. Kate Reynolds says:

    I will forever include Living Libations “Seabuckthorn Best Skin Ever” in my face care arsenal. It is a soap-free, all-in-one cleanser and moisturizer packed with powerful antioxidants. Just super.

  2672. Pamela says:

    When I juice in the morning I save my lemon peels. I put some in vinegar, some in coconut oil. I use for everything: oil for skin, nails, hair, dry skin. vinegar for feet, cleaning, washing more vegetables to juice!

  2673. JoAnn Porter says:

    I use Champagne Rose Color Care Conditioner and Purple Rose Shampoo- 97% natural ingredients also use Zoya nail polish and remover. The Zoya products do not contain any of the 5 F’s (chemicals). I found this products available at CTCA.

  2674. Teri says:

    I am still looking for a natural product that does not cause my skin to breakout, but do use coconut oil at night.

  2675. Amealia says:

    My favorite beauty product of all time is raw coconut oil! 🙂

  2676. Diane says:

    I love, love, love coconut oil, right out of the jar onto my skin. My dogs get a teaspoon each night with their dinner, I get a teaspoon on my arms and legs, just the best!

  2677. Pam says:

    Well, there are two that I love:

    1. I put a few drops of pure lavender essential oil in my moisturizer daily – great for reducing redness, helping with allergies and it smells wonderful, and 2. I’ve been making my own simple deodorant

  2678. Erica Deakins says:

    I love my soapwalla deodorant cream and my Josie Maran argan oil tinted moisturizer.

  2679. Wendy says:

    For me I am just starting out in this new adventure. I am using coconut oil with my do’terra essential oils and I just love it. I would love to win and have a new experience with this line.
    Love learning!

  2680. Kyra says:

    Arnica Montana. I use this herb topically for sore muscles, puffy eyes, and painful bruises. In fact, my employer, a medical doctor, even suggests it for his Botox patients to use for their injection site swelling! From growing pains to swollen faces after dental work-this stuff is liquid magic.

  2681. Keri says:

    100% Pure fruit tinted mascara is awesome and Dr. Bronner’s liquid soap for skin.

  2682. Liz Neil says:

    I love to massage coconut oil intgo my hands for around 5min.

  2683. Jane says:

    Orawellness tooth cleaner

  2684. Diana says:

    My current favorite non-toxic product is Dr. Hauschka Revitalizing Day Cream. I’ve also recently discovered Coconut Oil as a makeup remover, it is really amazing how it melts off makeup.

  2685. Allison says:

    I love Bubble & Bee organic deodorant. It’s the only brand I’ve found without the nasty chemicals that still keeps me from smelling nasty!

  2686. Megan says:

    Deodorant!! I have two favorites: 1. Soapwalla and 2. Bubble & Bee Orange Vanilla pit putty cream (sometimes layered with the orange vanilla spray). They both smell so good and work great.

  2687. Katie says:

    I use organic coconut oil for everything! It works wonderful as makeup remover and moisturizer! I also put it on cuts and scars for fast healing.

  2688. Kelli Thompson says:

    Coconut oil for make-up removal!

  2689. Dalia says:

    Organic coconut oil is so versatile. I use it for so many things, hair, skin and oil pulling.

  2690. Tricia says:

    I would have to say water. The more water I drink, the better my skin looks.

  2691. Jamie says:

    I found a company at a local health store that is so brilliant and pure and the girls that own it make everything with mega amounts of love. I lovvvvvvvve the face oil. It moisturizes amazingly, smells gorgeous and a detail that I love is that in each bottle is a small rosebud from their gardens. Super cute and super clean!

  2692. Anita Kaiser says:

    I’m a Miessence girl myself……have been for a long time. I really love the skincare and the shampoos!

  2693. Jewels says:

    First of all, I am so happy that I found your website a year ago. Educating and empowering women is my passion! A diagnosis of Celiac Disease at the age of 37 really opened my eyes. We live in a world of the moment trends(low fat, low carb, Retinol, blah, blah). All this can make you crazy. I was super excited to find Ann Marie products. Yipee!! They truly work without worrying about nasty side effects. I am so in love with my Neroli toning mist. This stuff rocks! Seriously, this was a game changer for me. It truly helps keep those pesky blemishes at bay. Plus, it feels so refreshing to spritz your face. Double score!! Try it and you will love it to!!!

  2694. I love RMS Beauty Makeup. It is clean coconut based make-up that actually improves my skin!

  2695. Djuna says:

    I love Soapwalla’s products – the deodorant cream is especially fabulous.

  2696. Terese says:

    I went to a new dermatologist recently and she had her own line of pure products and a non chemical sunscreen. I like them and so appreciate having a dr who is on board with pure products. Good luck all

  2697. mary says:

    After I go for a run I like to shower and put on vitamin E oil while my skin is still a little damp. Then put some organic coconut oil on my feet. The combo keeps my skin hydrated, I don’t have “toxic guilit,” and it’s a little reward for pounding the pavement. 🙂

  2698. Alexandria says:

    I love making sugar body scrubs with almond or coconut oil. Adding lemon or lime juice or a drop or two of essential oils increases the fragrant experience. I got several of the Annmarie Gianni sample packs after reading about her products in your newsletter. I fell in LOVE!! Her products were the main Christmas present this year. The scents are amazing and my skin has never been better! As a cancer survivor myself, I am always trying to live cleaner inside & out.

  2699. Nan says:

    Just started Using Nourish Organic Unscented Deodorant. Love it!

  2700. Lyn says:

    I use a natural deep treatment for my hair. It includes one shot of vodka, one egg yolk and one tablespoon olive oil. Blend all ingredients together well with a whisk and leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse this out with cold water.

  2701. Shannon says:

    I love apple cider vinegar and coconut oil

  2702. Rebecca says:

    I love almond oil on my feet at night in the winter and coconut oil in the summer!

  2703. Susan Graham says:

    My favorite beauty product hands down is organic Argon Oil. I use it on my body, my face and in my hair!!! Love

  2704. Zeenia says:

    Lemon juice is a great natural exfoliant-the citric acid acts as a gentle “skin peel” and removes the top layer of dead skin cells.

  2705. Samantha says:

    I’m just looking into using non-toxic products now, think I’m going to try coconut oil first! Thanks!

  2706. Alexandra says:

    lately I have been loving argan oil and I mix in a little essential oil like Frankincense or lavender.

  2707. Lisa says:

    Gotta say coconut oil! (Looks like I’m not the only one who knows the secret!)
    Is there a way to get all of these crazy-sexy natural-care loving babes together in one room? I feel like I’m talking to my best friends when I read these posts!
    Thanks Kris!!

  2708. Michelle says:

    My favorite is coconut oil…….makeup remover and moisturizer too! It is also great for my hair.

  2709. Laura says:

    My favorite is Eminence Organics SPF30 Sun Defense mineral powder. Goes on like a powder foundation, stays matte all day, and spf 30. One tube of the stuff has lasted me 5 years, using it every single day!

  2710. Loretta Moutra says:

    i use coconut oil everyday on my face and body after my shower. i dont use a moisturizer anymore at all. my skin is so even and bright and radiant!!!!

  2711. Frances says:

    I love essential oils and have been using lavendar on my face and am liking the results. I use argan oil as the carrier for the lavendar. I also love witch hazel as an astringent, especially in the warmer weather. I rarely wear makeup these days as I am finding eating healthy has improved my skin!

  2712. Charlotte says:

    I use coconut oil instead of eye makeup remover! I’ve been doing this nightly for a year and, within a month, my eyelashes were longer and thicker -enough for my boyfriend to ask, “have you always had these lashes and I’m just noticing now?”. I dip a cotton pad into a bit of coconut oil and swirl it around my eye area. Then I use the other side of the pad to wipe off excess and leave a bit for a nighttime eye treatment. Try it and you’ll never go back to the chemical stuff!

  2713. Ana Sanchez says:

    Truth Serum® Vitamin C Collagen Booster
    And Josie maran Argan oil

  2714. liz says:

    This blog is so timely! My husband and I are trying to make more conscious choices. Recently I switched to Shea Moisture shampoo and conditioner that gets a very high EWG rating. It’s soooo good. My hair has never been more hydrated, which just confirms I’m on the right track.

    I also have super dry skin, and nothing really seems to help. I’ve been reading about washing your skin with coconut oil as a great way to both clear blemishes and hydrate. I’ve been using shea butter to wash my face and coconut oil to shave and as a body wash. For the first time, my skin might actually be in good shape for summer!

  2715. Rose Kincaid says:

    Honey is my favorite, go-to, all-around, feel-beautiful-inside-and-out health, food, and fashion natural product. It is the only food in the world that never spoils…
    Its uses range from:
    – medicinal (mix with lemons for a sore throat or a great pick me up, or rub raw honey on a burn for zero scarring)
    – food (honey is a wonderful alternative for any sugars, and pairs well with oils and vinegars for a scrumptious array of tasty, low-cal organic dressings you can make at home), and
    – fashion (I love to mix equal parts honey with coconut oil and some herbs for a luxurious do-it-yourself spa mask at home).
    I hope you all enjoy (or soon discover) honey and its many wonderful uses too! <3

  2716. Stacy Lynch says:

    Dr. Bronner’s Fresh-Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil is my #1 beauty secret! I use it as a make-up remover, a lip balm, a facial night-time moisturizer, an all-over body oil after a shower. Usually, I shave in the shower without shave gel because the oil is so conditioning for my skin. However, coconut oil can be rubbed on your legs before a shower, and used as a shave “gel”. I have long hair, and I use a small amount rubbed on my hands, and ran through my ends to keep my hair shiny and manageable. If I were stranded on a desert island and could have only 1 beauty product, coconut oil would be THE one . . . and don’t even get me started on the HEALTH benefits of coconut oil used in cooking and as a health aid!

  2717. Debbie says:

    I like using coconut oil to take off my makeup. It’s also a great moisturizer.

  2718. Courtney Lindsey says:

    My favorite natural “beauty” product is coconut oil. I use it after every bath and it makes my skin super soft & glowing!

  2719. Vanessa says:

    Unrefined coconut oil as body moisturizer after showering!

  2720. Angela says:

    I love using neem essential oil to help clean my teeth from Living Libations. Amazing all natural products, made with integrity and pure essential oils!!

  2721. Lisa fogarty says:

    My favorite right now is coconut oil but your article couldn’t come at a better time as I just begin to research

  2722. Jessenia says:

    I love organic coconut oil!!

  2723. Amy says:

    I had back surgery last week that happened a lot faster than I expected. In this recovery process I’m reevaluating everything – including the amount of time and energy I spend on my ‘beauty’ regime – how willing am I to wear or use less? The bottom line, this wake up call showed me I need to concentrate on healthier living!

  2724. Roz says:

    Two words: baking soda. It’s great as a body and face scrub (just be gentle!); it can be a little drying, so I tend to moisturize afterward. I will use it once in a while with some toothpaste for extra whitening. My oldest friend in the world (who just happens to be a dentist) says to use baking soda sparingly because it can erode tooth enamel if used too frequently. It’s also great mixed with some water as a mouth rinse. Some people have had luck using it as a deodorant, but I haven’t tried that yet. Basically, if you want something squeaky clean and refreshed, use baking soda.

    The other natural care tip I LOVE is vitamin E oil. I have a little roller applicator and use it around my eyes. It can get a little sticky but I try to use just a little bit.

    Lastly, I love rose and lavender water! A quick spritz works great as a mild perfume and skin refresher. (Bonus hint: I’ve sprayed a little onto my linens when making my bed and it adds a subtle freshness! I spray the flower water about a foot or so above the bed and do just a few mists. Once the mist settles, fluff the sheets and pillowcases and make the bed. )

  2725. Brittany says:

    As simple as this may sound- coconut oil is so universal for self care! U can use it as a makeup remover, moisturizer, hair mask, lotion for your entire body and SO MANY MORE! Just search the uses and get creative! 🙂 it also smells like heaven so it doubles as a light body scent.

  2726. Debbie says:

    Dr. Bronners is my favorite as well! I use it as body soap, dish soap, shampoo for the kiddos and the list goes on!!

  2727. April says:

    My favorite natural beauty products are aloe, coconut oil and apple cider vinegar.

  2728. Kristin says:

    I am hot for coconut oil, but I also use products from First Aid Beauty. They do pretty well on the EWG list, at least the stuff I use. I really love the Ultra Repair Cream. Everything makes me break out, but not that!

  2729. Sheila says:

    My favorite natural, non toxic personal product is Johnson’s baby wash. I have very sensitive skin and this product smells great, is gentle and does the job!

  2730. H. Lan Nguyen says:

    Coconut oil is the queen of all personal care products due to its seemingly unlimited uses. It is an effective make-up remover and cleanser. It is a fast-absorbing, skin-softening body moisturizer. It should be a staple in your manicure & pedicure kit to heal chapped hands and heels. I rub a small amount in my hands and use it as a hair de-tangler and leave-in conditioner. Oil pulling with coconut oil helps detoxify and freshen your breath. And due to its high flash point, I also cook with it. I keep a jar in my kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom.

    P.S. Did I mention a whiff of it transports you to the north shore of Oahu?

  2731. Lisa Preston says:

    For the longest time I thought I was very sensitive to bar soaps because after showering or washing my hands my skin would be itchy. Really over time I have realized I am sensitive to industrial soaps and moved over to liquid health food store soaps. I’ve used Dr. Brommers to Kiss My Face to Meyer’s. I love them all but one thing nagged at my green sustainable soul. All the plastic involved. In an effort to both use a “clean” (pun intended – no chemicals) soap and not produce as much waste I went old school, back to bar soap. I love one called Hudson Made. This year my new obsession is coconut oil. I have very course frizzy hair and coconut oil is better that any hair product I have ever bought to bring out shine and lower the frizz factor.

  2732. Denise Adelman says:

    My favorite non-toxic personal care product is just plain saline drops for my eyes every morning and night. Keeps them moist and bright!

  2733. Nikki says:

    I use ‘Bubble and Bee’ face wash and moisturizer and also use their deodorant. I love all of their products!

  2734. Riette Gouws says:

    I use organic cold pressed sesame oil as my body lotion, and a mixture of sesame oil and caster oil as a facial cleanser.

  2735. Jenny says:

    I use organic coconut oil as a moisturizer for my face and body.

  2736. Kelly says:

    This is something I really struggle with.

  2737. Jill Payne says:

    My fave is HoneyBee Gardens Pressed Mineral Powder. It is an amazing pressed powder compact foundation. Works so great you will never know it is natural. You can buy it at Earth Fare, Amazon and of course the HoneyBee Gardens website. I have bad skin and this works great for me. I bought CoverGirl Simply Powder Foundation for around 20 years before I discovered this gem. Now I will never go back to the CoverGirl which is filled with parabens and other horribleness. The HoneyBee Gardens brand works even better! It also comes with a reusable case so you just have to buy the refillable inserts. I just buy the inserts without the case though. Also you can buy reusable brushes for it, but I buy the little powder puffs at Target that are like 2 for $1.00 in the makeup applicator section. That’s my tip!

  2738. Vanessa says:

    The awareness you bring is awesome! I use Castile oil as face & body wash, almond oil as my facial moisturizer, & aura soma as my body moisturizer. As for make-up… Mine is all toxic, but it touches my face maybe once a month (if that). I like il natural. 🙂

  2739. Crisie says:

    Fun!! Coconut oil used as hair serum and as a little makeup remover. Dr. Bronners soap works great as dog shampoo. 😉

  2740. Kim says:

    When I travel into the big city I love to check out Lush ~ they make some beautiful natural, non-toxic personal care products.

  2741. Ramona Fritschi says:

    I love Kirk’s Original Coconut Soap. I recently completed my last chemo treatment and since losing my hair, I’ve been cleaning my bodacious bald head with it, along with every other part of my body. I also started using sweet almond oil to remove makeup. It does a great job, but I wish it had a lovely scent like AnneMarie’s products do. In addition, I love AnneMarie’s Aloe Cleanser – the scent is so fresh!

  2742. Nashelli says:

    Coconut oil! Great moisturizer 😉

  2743. Sharon says:

    I usually don’t use deodorant on days I know I won’t sweat much. I know I don’t smell, because I know when I do smell….

  2744. Stacey says:

    Pure Coconut Oil…so many uses to beautify both inside and out!!

  2745. ROBIN says:

    My current fav is raw apple cider vinegar toner. I have developed large pores and some pimples so i use a dilution of 3:1 but you can adjust to your skins needs. It doesn’t dry my skin, balances the acid mantle and closes pores.
    3 Tbsp H2O
    1 Tbsp Raw Cider Vinegar
    apply with cotton round after washing your face.

  2746. Kait says:

    Coconut oil for my dry flaky skin in the winter and anytime I want a little extra softness!

  2747. Lorraine Langevin says:

    My favorite natural and non toxic product is coconut oil ! Not only that it moisturizes I also can eat it everyday. I use it in my homemade natural sops and everywhere I ca.

  2748. Eva says:

    My favorite personal care product is aloe vera!

  2749. Ioana Hampton says:

    I LOVE The Body Deli’s Clear Skin Trio kit. It has a Sage and Grapefruit Cleanser that smells divine,
    and the Light Facial Emulsion is not greasy and provides enough moisture for my combo skin. If I feel a breakout coming on I use the Glacial Mud mask. Best of all, their products are fresh, live and organic. My skin has seen such an improvement. Yay for natural, non-toxic products! I’m super interested in checking out Annmarie Gianni’s line too! 🙂

  2750. Allison says:

    I love using just plain almond oil for a moisturizer after my bath or shower. I slather it on before I dry myself off and makes my usually sad, dry skin feel amazing!

  2751. Heather says:

    It looks like everyone else also loves organic coconut oil! During an ayurvedic workshop at Kripalu I learned about natural oils and their benefits. Sesame oil is also great for warming up on cold nights. It’s perfect to rub on the feet before bed.
    A must have organic lip balm is Whole Food’s brand in tangerine orange. Makes lips smooth and tasty!

  2752. Dawn says:

    Just diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast in December. So…. just now having energy to begin my search for switching away from all the chemicals in my life! Actually, stopped wearing makeup most days. Can actually smell the fragrance in some of the products. This is a great resource for me and I love the idea of just one product a month. I can afford that!

    Only change so far is my sunscreen – used the EWG site to pick out a new sunscreen. The next chemo round will be an agent that causes photo-sensitivity – and I live in Florida!. So, I picked the True Natural brand that uses vegan and mineral for sun protection.

    thanks Kris for al your efforts – we appreciate you and your staff….. dawn

  2753. Katie Kneisley says:

    One of my very favorite natural beauty products is Vapour Organic Beauty’s Atmosphere Soft Focus Foundation. I’m not a big make-up wearer, but this foundation has the feel of a moisturizer, but with luminous coverage. Also, being sensitive to many chemicals, I’ve found this to be the gentlest (and loveliest) option available.

  2754. Tresa says:

    thank you for sharing this with us, I am always looking for better and more natural products to use!!

  2755. Nashelli says:

    Coconut oil 🙂 awesome moisturizer!

  2756. Leah says:

    Egyptian Magic is my go-to and a little goes a long way.

    Great for moisturizing, makeup removal, overnight “masks” or even taming flyaways and ends of hair. During the dry months, I apply it to chaffed skin, lips, elbows, knees, anything!

  2757. Alicia says:

    I love her aloe herb facial cleaner. It nourishes my skin and wipes it clean of dirt and makeup!

  2758. Sandra Minturn says:

    I love Dr Bronners soaps!

  2759. Juliette Arnold says:

    My favourite non toxic product is the French Green Clay face mask from Garden Apothecary. Not only do you look like shriek for a bit there it cleanses your pores. It also comes in a single use recyclable card tube. Try their other salt soaks too.

  2760. Rachel Parker says:

    I like Yes To Carrots products. 🙂

  2761. Alisa says:

    I just recently changed my makeup from Mary Kay to Tarte and love the way it’s helped my skin!

    My real concern is the cleanser & toner I use….proactiv. I know, I know…soooooo bad for me. But at 44, I still struggle with occasional acne and nothing has worked as good. Will AnnMarie’s line direct me where to start?? I don’t want a drawer full of expensive products that just don’t work. 🙁

  2762. Nanette says:

    Hi Kris
    My fav is just organic coconut oil. It is good for so many things, eye makeup remover, moisturizer, oil pulling. I use it daily

  2763. Amy Edwards says:

    I also use Dr. Bronner’s soap for almost everything. And coconut oil for moisturizing, especially for my hands and feet.

  2764. mary iwanicki says:

    My go to detox facial is Aztec secret Indian Healing Clay. Just mix it with apple cider vinegar. relax and leave on for about 15 minutes or until dry. Rinse off with lukewarm water. Skin is clean, fresh and radiant looking. I love the stuff!

  2765. Carla says:

    Hi Kris!

    MY favorite non toxic product will have to be the apricot night cream by earth science. Holy man is it awesome!

  2766. Kristin says:

    My favorite all-natural beauty product is a sugar scrub that’s super easy to make (and incredibly moisturizing)… Fill a container with sugar, add grapeseed oil & your favorite essential oils. Mix & enjoy!

  2767. Sonia Wong says:

    Thayers Witch Hazel fragrance free toner

  2768. Carolin says:

    My favorite non-toxic products are from Dr. Scheller, particularly the intensive serum with Jojoba and Shisandra. I’ve been using it years now and it really soothes my sensitive skin perfectly. Anyways, I’m heartbroken I can’t win the awesome giveaway because I live in Europe – but thanks for the article!

  2769. Jennifer Miller says:

    My fav all-natural skin care products include witch hazel and virgin coconut oil! Witch hazel is a great cleanser/astringent and virgin coconut oil is a wonderful moisturizer and natural antibiotic. A ‘mushed’ up banana works great as a facial mask as well 🙂

  2770. Davina Whiteley says:

    I started using Annmarie Gianni Anti-Aging Facial Oil and Repair Serum about 6 months ago. I had always bought expensive creams from well-known brands before and prided myself on my skin care. I was skeptical to try something new but took a chance on a recommendation from Chris on this website. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this stuff and it has worked better than all those super expensive creams…

  2771. R Ward says:

    Egyptian Magic hand salve. Finally something that works on my dry skin and I can feel good about using it.

  2772. Mary says:

    I wholly adore anything by BURT’S BEES – as does my skin!

  2773. Lauren says:

    I use Ava Anderson Non Toxic products and The Honest Company products.

  2774. Meredith says:

    Hands down, my favorite beauty product is organic natural coconut oil- I like Dr. Brommer’s best. It has replaced SO many products in my life. (Confession: Hello, my name is Meredith, I am a product-o-holic…) I use it on my hair, body, face, and ingest it as a supplement and in my food. I’ve struggled with tinnitus and have gotten some relief from dripping warm drops in my ear. I’ve used it on my tinea versacolor skin rash, and paired with a baking soda scrub have completely cleared it up. (A speckled rash up your entire neck… That’s not beautiful…) I now use it as an after-shower body lotion and I think it keeps the rash from returning. It was previously a chronic condition. I use it as lip balm. I make my own natural deodorant with it which is more effective than any deodorant or nasty antiperspirant I’ve ever used. I make a moisturizing hair mask with it. I use it as night cream & eye cream. The uses and effectiveness are beyond that of any other beauty product I’ve tried. The fact that it has ONE ingredient and is completely natural leaves me feeling like a health Rockstar!

  2775. Christi Coufal says:

    I replaced my eye makeup remover with coconut oil. It is gentle and moisturizes at the same time.

  2776. amy fancher says:

    Real Purity Deodorant, Holistic clinically proven formula. Made with all natural and organic ingredients. It’s made in the USA by a family owned company. Smells terrific due to the quality and combination of essential oils used and works great- I love it!

  2777. Jen says:

    I have started using the Acure skincare line. The oil is a little heavy for me, but the cleansers are the bomb!

  2778. krista says:

    I use coconut oil straight from the grocery store on my legs, my entire body including face and to restore my hair. great stuff!

  2779. Diana proemm says:

    I use AnneMarie’s Aloe Herb Facial Cleanser – and I just love it. It makes my face feel smooth and soft every morning and evening.

  2780. Claire O'Brien says:

    Coconut oil – and I cleanse my face with witch hazel every night. works awesome.

  2781. Jennifer says:

    Lurve the coconut oil! I wash my face with it… use it as a body moisturizer and have recently started oil pulling… my sensitive teeth have never felt better 🙂

  2782. Susana says:

    I use coconut oil or olive oil to remove my mascara. My daughter and I love to make our own body scrubs with sugar or salt, finely ground oatmeal, almond oil, sesame oil, etc., and we add essential oils like peppermint, lemon verbena or lavender.

  2783. Kathleen says:

    My favourite all natural, non-toxic skin care item, would have to be coconut oil. I only purchase the organic cold-pressed, virgin, hexane-free coconut oil (it’s a mouthful I know), and use it as my body moisturizer and make-up remover everyday. I have passed on this knowledge to others who are now using it as well. That in turn makes me a very happy woman indeed. 🙂

  2784. Laura Hymel says:

    My favorite non-toxic beauty product is evenhealy Lavendar facial tonic, I spray it on my face first thing in the morning to wake me up and then after I clean my face to take away any redness. It smells lovely and is very refreshing!!

  2785. Connie says:

    I love tea tree essential oil to treat acne!

  2786. Mallory Larkin says:

    There are so many! The All Natural Face Vegan Mineral Makeup (based out of MA sells the whole line online and way cheaper than bare minerals) and body products are my top pick along with Geodeo Deodorant (the only natural one that I’ve found works!). For face care I usually use straight Macadamia nut oil in the summer and mix in essential oils as needed.

  2787. Tessa says:

    I wash my face every night with coconut oil, then I use it as my moisturizer night and day!

  2788. Barb says:

    Marie Veronique makes a great sunscreen! Love it! And it’s all natural has a tint that can double as your foundation!

  2789. barbara killebrew says:

    Cocoa butter for under eye moisturizer! I use Queen Helene’s Cocoa butter stick and love it!

  2790. renee says:

    The best non toxic thing I do for my skin is drinking a lot of water! not a product, I know,but its a game changer.

  2791. I love coconut oil. It works great for lotion, lube, and lip balm. Plus it smells amazing!

  2792. Jennifer Jones says:

    I love coconut oil! Great for everything from dry skin to make-up remover! 🙂

  2793. Kelly says:

    I started using oil cleansing method for facial cleansing, which is castor oil mixed with a carrier oil like jojoba. You can adjust ratio based on skin type and it is cheap, additive free and nurturing.

  2794. Brenda says:

    I like to combine coconut oil with my regular body lotion in my hand and smooth it on all over. I have just started taking better care of myself in the last few months and it has already done wonders for my skin. So when the lotion bottle is empty, I will switch it to a healthier alternative to combine with my coconut oil.

  2795. Morenike Olabunmi says:

    I use Alba Botanica Hawaiian oil free moisturizer after cleansing morning and night.

  2796. Kelly Z. says:

    I have been using Muvasi products for years and feel that they are wonderful! I use Bareminerals for my makeup. I use coconut oil as makeup remover and on my chest as a moisturizer. Thank you for the giveaway chance!

  2797. Deana says:

    This is my go-to skin fix:) Softens & brightens & fades spots like magic!

    Step 1 :: Cleanse face with grape seed oil.
    Step 2 :: Gently massage a mixture of honey & sugar onto face. (be gentle) Rinse completely.
    Step 3 :: Pat face dry-ish & go over skin with a cotton pad soaked with lemon juice (will sting).
    Step 4 :: After 5 minutes, rinse face and apply favorite moisturizer.
    Step 5 :: Go to bed & wake up with gorgeously soft and glowing skin!

  2798. Tiffany B says:

    Dr Hauschka is my favorite.

  2799. Bev Power says:

    I love the chocolate mascara from 100% Pure.

  2800. Noel says:

    My favorite non-toxic product is castor oil lately! At night I wash my face in the tub with soap but during the mornings I use a steamy washcloth and castor oil to moisturize and keep my skin soft all day. Most of my products are organic and natural, but there are still a few I’m having trouble finding a good replacement for like mascara and deodorant. Anyone have natural versions that work as well?

  2801. Tracy says:

    I love coconut oil! You can use it for so many beauty ‘fixes’!! Hair, skin, oil pulling…even for cooking!

  2802. Jenn says:

    Right now my most favourite non toxic beauty product is the deodorant I’ve been making myself! It’s just baking soda, cornstarch, coconut oil and essential oils! Works better than anything I’ve ever bought! 🙂

  2803. I really like coconut oil for all round use – make up remover, moisturizer, base for my home-made turmeric anti-inflammation candy and so much more.

  2804. Jessica says:

    I would have to say that my favorite personal care product is coconut oil. I use it for oil pulling first thing in the morning, shaving my legs, moisturizing my face, body & hair… and of course eating/cooking too. I love the way it smells subtly of coconut and makes my skin feel so smooth. I’m on the hunt for natural hair products. The ones I’ve tried just don’t cut it on my thick, curly hair. I’ll keep hunting, trying and looking on your blog & newsletters for my new favorite hair products!

  2805. Alexa says:

    I love to dry brush, shower, and then use extra-virgin coconut oil all over!
    For house-cleaning: Charlie’s soap is magic!

  2806. Claudia says:

    I love to massage coconut oil or sesame oil into my skin at the end of my shower. It helps me stay more grounded, makes my skin feel incredible, and protects my skin.

  2807. Terri S says:

    I love Mineral Fusion’s volumizing mascara. Makes your eyelashes look longer & fuller & it’s from a company that also uses good ingredients.

  2808. Tracy says:

    I love AnnMarie Gianni’s Anti-Aging Eye Cream. I’ve had 3 facials since I starting using it and all 3 technicians commented that the skin around my eyes look great–especially for someone my age. I also love bare minerals for my makeup choices.

  2809. Amy Warner says:

    My favorite personal care product is Annemarie’s Anti-Aging Oil 🙂 I love the way my skin looks & feels! I’ve been using it since January and the changes in my skin are wonderful! I already receive your newsletters.

  2810. Catherine says:

    I am a hand and body lotion junkie and my absolute fave is a local Toronto line called The MadStone Soapery – their Mint and Lime body lotion smells amazing and only made of the good stuff!

  2811. Debora says:

    I use bronner’s liquid soap as a hand wash. Coconut oil as makeup remover and all over body moisturizer. My makeup has been BareMinerals over 10yrs and I no longer use toothpaste from drugstores. This has been changed to all natural tooth powder. Love this journey of going all natural. Fragrances are the next step I’m taking and love all the wonderful scents out there. Just got nectar samples from The Essential Alchemy and find it hard deciding on what scent to choose!

  2812. Patricia says:

    Organic coconut oil. Smells heavenly and it works. Bonus, there is no junky stuff!

  2813. Tara says:

    Coconut oil. I use it to take off my make-up and also as a once-a-week full body moisturizer before I shower.

  2814. Deb Bolin says:

    I have been using AnnMarie’s products for several months now, and they are fantastic! Every step is an aromatic experience. I use the cleanser, toner and face oil daily and use the honey coconut mask and ayurvedic scrub once a week. I can’t imagine using anything else! Plus, their shipments always contain a little sachet of lavender that is the best lavender I have ever smelled. I hang it on my lamp next to my bed…:)

  2815. Linda Donahue says:

    Aveda hand relief is the best natural hand cream on the market. Their foot relief is also the best around. No dies or chemicals and completely all natural.
    Be sure to try them. You’ll fall in love just like me!

  2816. Kelly D says:

    I love coconut oil for skin care! I use it for cleaning my face and removing make up. I use it as a body moisturizer after a shower or in my bath water, and also as a deep conditioner for my hair. Another very favorite of mine to battle stubborn little blackheads: 1/2 tsp nutmeg with small amount of almond milk, enough to make a paste. Leave it on your nose for about 5 minutes, gently scrub and viola! Love you Kris and already have signed up to receive your emails!! xo

  2817. pamela howard says:

    Apple cider vinegar whenever I feel a ZIT coming on. I cant believe how quickly it thwarts eruptions! I’ve also noticed that cleaning up my diet has improved my skin immensely-especially cutting out dairy (its also improved my breath scent). I do wish the sun made you look younger and not older. I just love that sun kissed look.

  2818. Amy says:

    I absolutely love coconut oil – for everything! I have a jar in my bathroom, and my kitchen 😉 Oh, and thank you for turning me onto AnnMarie’s products! The anti-aging eye serum is fabulous, as is the facial cleanser. As a 1-yr cancer survivor myself, thank you for all the info that you share!!!

  2819. Kate says:

    I love to use coconut oil as an eye makeup remover!

  2820. Dede says:

    My healthiest product is organic soap my friend and I make. Organic palm oil, olive oil, coconut oil. Another favorite is AnnMaries facial cleanser.

  2821. Jill says:

    My favorite non-toxic product for skin care is coconut oil. It makes a great lip balm, eye make up remover, and moisturizer. My second favorite is apple cider vinegar, which makes a great toner.

  2822. Jiah says:

    I love Juice beauty for CC cream and foundation. All natural and they smell juicy-fresh! My moisture is coconut oil and nothing else.

  2823. Cheryl Levy says:

    My favourite natural, non toxic product used as a facial cleanser is honey, pure and unfiltered.

  2824. Laura says:

    Epsom Salt!… I am a licensed massage practitioner and epsom salt is absolutely amazing. I like to combine it with a variety of essential oils and take an indulgent muscle relaxing bath, and there are so many more uses & benefits… Read about this amazing natural product

  2825. Elise says:

    I use plain coconut oil as a moisturizer for myself and my 4 month old!

  2826. sandra says:

    I use Dr. Hauschkas Cleaning Cream to cleanse my face as it exfoliates and leaves my face feeling moisturized when finished. I love using coconut oil as a body moisturizer.

  2827. My favorite non toxic personal care product is the Aloe-herb facial cleanser from AnnMarie Gianni. I am a big fan of her products and they make the difference. It’s so good to know that I treat my skin well with real natural good products.

  2828. natasha says:

    Dr. Bronner’s 18-in-1 Hemp Pure-Castile Soap, Peppermint AND coconut oil for face/body!!!

  2829. Sarah says:

    I love to use coconut oil for everything! I love it because I don’t have to worry about hidden ingredients or artificial fragrances. I use it for hair, nails, body butter, moisturizer, etc! I also just started using Rejuva Minerals for some makeup! I haven’t used it for very long, but I am definitely a fan so far!

  2830. sara says:

    I used coconut oil on my skin and my baby’s. It seems to work.

  2831. Julee says:

    I like the Arbonne sunscreen because it is vegan, smells fresh and not like Jamaica and it moisturizes my skin while protecting it safely.

  2832. Megan says:

    I absolutely love coconut oil! It’s so versatile! It’s really great for cleansing and I’d recommend it to anyone.

  2833. B says:

    WATER — drinking plenty of water — it works wonders to help a person look refreshed, revitalized, and energetic! And hey — it’s free (or close to it)!

  2834. Taryn Pendleton says:

    My favorite is Crystal Essence Mineral Roll-on Deodorant, Pomegranate scent! Love it and it comes in handy wipes too for on the go!

  2835. Vicky says:

    I love Blue Morpho Body Oil. It leaves my skin soft and silky, and it’s 100% essential oils (but very subtle and understated fragrance). Feels great!

  2836. Katie James says:

    My favorite product is Eminence organic face wash. I usually use the lemon cleanser and the stone crop wash- they are sensitive and powerful at the same time!

  2837. Aishwarya says:

    Coconut oil is my absolute favorite. I use it for face, hair, and body.

  2838. Kelly says:

    I love using coconut oil and olive oil. I do not wear makeup just a little mascara sometimes.

  2839. Meghan Stevens says:

    I love using 100% pure Aloe vera. It is soothing on burns of course, but I use it daily (straight from the plant) for a facial moisturizer and to cure rashes or just to calm any skin upset. I have always had sensitive skin and there is nothing like going straight to mother nature for a remedy!

  2840. Carrie says:

    Oh my gosh! Like many women out there, I had no idea I was subjecting myself to dangerous chemicals through my beauty products!! Upon a careful examination of the products I use routinely, about the only thing that would meet with your approval is my Tom’s fluoride-free toothpaste! Yikes!!

  2841. Veronica says:

    Coconut oil! I use it for just about everything. My favorite is adding a glob to my bathwater. It leaves your akin so smooth but not greasy!

  2842. lisa says:

    My favorite natural beauty product is a brown sugar, coconut oil scrub. I love the ideas everyone shared =)

  2843. Courtney says:

    I love natural products and making my own products (thanks Crunchy Betty blog). I would say my current favorite is Pai BioRegenerate Rosehip Oil. It has been fantastic for fading scars and taming my hormonal acne.

  2844. amy says:

    I have been using Sally B’s Tamanu Luxury Organic Facial Cleanser for years and it is the best thing for keeping my sensitive skin clean, soft and blemish free. I love the lavender smell and its anti-inflammatory so it reduces redness as well.

  2845. Linda says:

    My favorite natural, non-toxic personal care product is extra virgin coconut oil. So many uses and healthy for inside and out!

  2846. Hannah says:

    I use and love Grateful Body’s facial cleansers and moisturizers. I also just discovered Living Libations, and am really enjoying their Seabuckthorn Best Skin Ever (which works as both a cleanser and a moisturizer).

  2847. Lois says:

    As others who have commented on the benefits of using coconut oil, I am sold on this product. I use raw organic coconut oil as a cleanser, moisturizer, hair oil, makeup remover, etc. I add it to every smoothie and, on occasion, use it for oil pulling, too. Excellent value for a multitasking product!

  2848. Brigitte says:

    100% Pure is the line I love for anti-aging
    coconut oil for make-up remover

  2849. Kellie says:

    I love NOW Solutions Rose Hip Seed Oil. I use it on my face and neck after the shower and again at night.

    Ground almond meal or raw sugar with a few drops of lavender oil added, as a gentle facial scrub and then a hot facial steam (face over a bowl of hot water, towel over the head)..with herbs and essential oils.

  2850. Laura K says:

    I use Desert Essence face wash, Almond Oil with a couple of drops of Frankincense essential oil for day moisturizer and to control break outs. At night I use a combination of Coco butter & Coconut Oil to moisturize. I also put Rose Water in a spray bottle to spritz on my face after cleaning it

  2851. Julie says:

    I love organic shea butter! I combine it with coconut oil and some essential oils (vanilla and love) and make whipped shea butter. Ahhhh!!!!

  2852. Stephanie M says:

    I love Ava Anderson Products as well, but I just purchased the charcoal cleanser from Michael Todd True Organics 🙂

  2853. I have VERY sensitive skin and I love Dr Mercola’s skincare.

  2854. Christine says:

    I love witch hazel!

  2855. I use papaya/honey/lemon juice on my face as a mask once a week, I am also an AnneMarie Gianni fan (thanks to you Kris!) and use raw organic coconut oil on my body. I have been blogging this year a bit about foods that support beauty and I’ve started eating more red peppers, brazil nuts, and of course beautiful skin green smoothies! Another great natural product I prefer over traditional products is Dr Bronner Organic Fair Trade Shaving Soap Gel Spearmint Peppermint – this stuff glides on amazingly and smells so wonderful.

  2856. Jen says:

    Coconut oil! I use it for my hair, skin, and cooking 🙂


  2857. Allison says:

    I adore AnneMarie Gianni’s Neroli Toning Mist! It smells like heaven all day and her line helps keep my skin looking bright and dewy!

  2858. jaime says:

    I try to do a coconut oil, lemon, & sugar (all organic) facial/body scrub once a week and the oil leaves my skin extra moisturized after the exfoliation.

  2859. Shannon says:

    I recently swapped out regular shampoo and conditioner for baking soda and apple cider vinegar.. All natural and inexpensive, can’t best that! 😉

  2860. Jenn Schuit says:

    Hey Kris, thanks for all you are doing. I’m glad to know of another supplier of natural products like AnnMarie Gianni Skincare. I’m going to check it out right now. The product I’m loving right now is 100% pure dual-ended creamstick chocolate/champagne eye liner. It’s so versatile, goes on great and lasts.

  2861. Suzanne says:

    I too have just started researching this and look forward to discovering what is out there and learning along the way.

  2862. Carlina says:

    I have an ‘inside’ thing that I love, it’s warm water with a half a lemon. I love it, makes me feel clean first thing in the morning and energized for the day.

  2863. Hallie says:

    Coconut oil! It’s all I use for makeup remover and moisturizing dry skin.

  2864. Janine says:

    my favourite toxic-free, all natural (yes, you can eat it!) skin care is from dr. alkaitis. the products are amazing and leave every skin in perfect condition. my all time must have is the soothing gel…
    annmarie’s products sound great, too but since i am in germay, it is quite complicated (and expensive in terms of shipping) to try them…

  2865. Julie H. says:

    My favorite natural beauty products are made by RMS Beauty, Kjaer Weis, Tsi-La Organics and W3ll People. I also make my own shea cocoa body butter and it smells amazing. For moisturizing, jojoba oil is the best. Annmarie Gianni’s Rosemary Peppermint body wash is my favorite cleanser.

  2866. Sara says:

    I really like Annmarie Gianni, but I also recently discovered Face Naturals and Nourish Organic (both are more in my price range). I will also just use argon or rose hip oil in the evening.

  2867. Ali F says:

    Coconut oil is my favorite natural product…I use it for everythinggg!

  2868. Kri says:

    I swapped apple cider vinegar for my cleanser and toner….my skin has never been so bright and clear!!

  2869. Brittany Griswold says:

    I love coconut oil! I slather it on after my shower each morning and put some under and around my eyes each night. I also love Burt’s Bee’s products and love to clean with vinegar!

  2870. Teresa says:

    My favorite natural product is Anne Marie Gianni’s Aloe Herb Facial Cleanser. The smell is fantastic and it leaves my skin feeling soft and smooth. I look forward to using it every day. I have a sample of her sunscreen product and am looking forward to using it now that our weather is starting to get nice enough to actually want to go outside!

  2871. Leslie says:

    Organic Virgin Coconut Oil!

  2872. Sara Petrovek says:

    When I don’t have access to AnnMarie products, I use apple cider vinegar as an astringent and coconut oil as my face lotion. Luxurious!

  2873. Karen Dewling says:

    My favorite product has to be my own deodorant using all natural ingredients. I try to keep make-up for special occasions and go au natural all other times. You’re right – I am stunning without it 🙂

  2874. Leah says:

    I love DoTerra’s Clear Skin Essential Oil Topical Blend…perfect for fighting blemishes and trouble spots!

  2875. marilyn daniels says:

    I use apple cider vinegar, mixed with distilled water as a facial toner. It helps to keep my skin clear.

  2876. Jodi says:

    Coconut oil for all an all over body moisturizer is my favorite natural product.

  2877. Christine says:

    Coconut oil and tea tree oil are my recent go to items. Coconut oil is the only thing I’ve used as a moisturizer for almost a year now and tea tree oil has been great for any blemishes that I get from time to time.

  2878. Jessi says:

    Shea Butter – plain and simple. It is creamy, moisturizes, and even heals blemishes and cuts quickly. I LOVE it and use it every night as my moisturizer and throughout the day as my lip balm.

  2879. Diana Thomson says:

    I use a lot of great natural products, but the one that has literally changed my life is my Pure Sense Organics Natural Deodorant. I had tried every commercial and natural anti-perspirant/deodorant out there, and nothing worked for me. I was always horribly embarrassed by how smelly I got, sometimes within minutes of applying the product. The first time I used Purse Sense Organics, I couldn’t believe that at the end of the day, there was no odor – nothing at all. I can exercise, go to the beach, have hot flashes, and still NO ODOR. It really has been life changing for me.

  2880. Jillian says:

    I love coconut oil and use it for everything!! My hair, as my moisturizer, even in my homemade toothpaste!!

  2881. Michelle Mazur says:

    I just started to venture into essential oils. I am a cancer survivor and my skin even 15 years later is awful. it sometimes depresses me so much that I wish I could just not leave the house. I pray everyday for a miracle. Thank you for the opportunity to possibly try a new product. God Bless you.

  2882. Kelly says:

    Coconut oil is my go to beauty product – it can replace so many things – moisturizer, leave in hair conditioner, deep conditioning hair mask, lip balm – it’s awesome! (and it’s cheaper then buying everything separately because you only have to use a little!) Bonus! 🙂

  2883. Allyson says:

    I love coconut oil!!

  2884. chantal says:

    I submitted without leaving my comment! Anyhoo, I’ve been using a variety of products from The Honest Company for myself and 2 children. I also use organic coconut oil on my skin and hair when feeling dry. I also use a mix of sugar and lavender oil for a body scrub.

  2885. Nina Khosla says:

    I make my own shampoo (with Dr. Bronner’s) and conditioner (with apple cider vinegar). I also make my own facial oil and mix it with flower hydrosols to put on my face. I like coconut butter and shea butter for dry hands and I use a bath oil to keep my skin silky.

  2886. Madeleine Culbertson says:

    Really anything by Chagrin Valley soap and salve. They are all natural, organic, and fair trade where they can be! They also use natural materials to store their goodies in, so no plastic! For my acne prone skin I can’t go with out the Neem and Tea tree soap and the Seabuckthorn and rosehips salve!

    aaaaamazing stuff.

  2887. Anita says:

    My favorite personal care product is WATER!!!! Drinking it, soaking in a tub of warm or cool water is refreshing as well as healing. Sometimes I add Epsom Salts to the bath soak – really gives a detoxifying feeling.

  2888. deb says:

    I use coconut oil as a moisturizer, especially for hands and feet.

  2889. Kristin says:

    Bentonite clay mask!! It is amazing… Literally pulls toxins out and your skin feels soft! Better than any mask at the spa. 🙂 and all natural.

  2890. Nicole says:

    Coconut oil! Mwah!

  2891. erin says:

    I’ve been using diluted apple cider vinegar as a face wash for months and its amazing, sometimes i use goats yogurt with honey and oat bran as a mask and wash it off with cooled green tea, works for me I use organic raw shea butter as a moisturiser that i sometimes mix with rosehip oil. I have extremely sensitive skin and a tendency for rosacea, but this all helps to keep it calm and clear, plus avoiding sugar, wheat and dairy.

  2892. Kim says:

    I’m so proud to say I’ve been using the AnnMarie Gianni product line since you last posted about it on your blog (way to go!)
    I signed up for the $10 sample kit and was hooked! The Neroli Toning Mist being my favourite.
    Although lovely, the products do make my wallet significantly lighter (Oh! Who am I kidding? My credit card is the same weight after I “charge it”) You understand what I’m getting at which is why I’d love to win this amazing giveaway!

  2893. Anne says:

    My favorite natural and non-toxic beauty secret is organic coconut oil. I use it as a moisturizer for face and body and to remove eye makeup as well. It’s also great for dressing cuts and scrapes because it has antimicrobial properties.

    The trick is to use it sparingly. If you use too much, you can just rub yourself with a towel. It actually absorbs quite quickly. There is no perfume and it is very economical.

  2894. Miriam Hahn says:

    My favorite non-toxic product is Phytobasix Dermal Detox Precleanse by Sunshine Botanicals. You use it before you cleanse to go deep and really get your face clean..its totally non toxic and Im seeing a big difference in my skin…when I just used my cleanser, I wasn’t getting everything off!

  2895. Donna says:

    Coconut oil – it’s so versatile. I use it with oil pulling and have seen dramatic improvement in my oral health (and it wasn’t bad to begin with, but got even better!). I use it when making my own deodorant and toothpaste. Plus, it’s a great moisturizer. It’s an all around favorite!

  2896. Kelly says:

    I love coconut oil for pretty much anything and I’ve started using a baking soda paste as an occasional facial scrub – it leaves me smooth and glowing : )

  2897. Jane Pollio says:

    This is perfect timing!! I was just asking this question on Facebook the other day. I found that my liver is congested so I want to switch all of my beauty care products to organic and toxin free. Need to live my liver 🙂 I do love the cream I use called Griffin Remedy.

  2898. Enid Jackson says:

    I have been trying macadamia oil on my face. I read online that it’s supposed to be close to sebum, which is normally produced by your body. It really sinks in well, and is good for removing makeup.

  2899. Have you ever tried making a mask for your face with matcha tea?

    Love that Dr. Bronner’s, witch hazel (without alcohol) and coconut oil (my favorite sex lubricant)!

    For bug bites, try this:

  2900. Anna says:

    A face wash of honey and cinammon. Raw honey that is! Amazing and delicious 🙂

  2901. leslie b says:

    Argan oil, jojoba oil and coconut oil are my best natural finds. My skin has improved using these simple ingredients.

  2902. Andi says:

    Dr. Bronners gentle castile soap for cleaning and coconut oil with frankincense & lavender essential oils to get my beautification on.

  2903. Mary says:

    My favorite product right now is Ren’s rose hot cloth cleanser. I’d stopped cleansing properly and this has me back on track. It’s creamy, smells divine, and comes with a microfiber cloth. Wiping it away with hot water is so relaxing!

  2904. Tami says:

    Great article as usual Kris! I absolutely love my homemade deodorant! It’s easy to make, cost effective and though I sweat, I never smell stinky which my clients appreciate! I like that it is 100% safe, not to mention edible and I get to choose my favourite essential oil each time I make a batch. The frugal side of me loves how inexpensive it is.
    I would LOVE to win the basket of goodies, like every other working woman (and mom) I struggle to take good care of myself, having such amazing healthy products to use would help me take more time for myself.
    Love your mission Kris, keep up the great work!!!!

  2905. Melanie says:

    My favorite non toxic beauty product is coconut oil! I use it to take off my makeup and for oil pulling. It works great!

  2906. Laura McNamara says:

    I love the milk cleanser from a Juice Beauty and also Peter Lamas exfoliating pumpkin facial scrub. I only use that once a week but it makes my face feel amazing and it smells great!

  2907. Jules says:

    I start my day drinking water with fresh lemons. Good for the skin and for the heart and soul

  2908. JB says:

    All of AnnMarie’s products are my new favorites!

  2909. Emily says:

    My favorite non-toxic beauty secret are oils–mostly Kukui Nut oil, coconut oil, and almond oil–for body and face–scent with essential oils once in a while. Thanks, Kris! 🙂

  2910. Suzy says:

    I love Arbourdoun Abundantly Herbal Calendula cream for my face. It’s a little greasy but left on overnight, my skin looks fabulously moisturized in the am

  2911. Kris Bankston says:

    EO Coconut Lemon lotion! It’s awesome!

  2912. Janine says:

    I love Skin by Ann Webb skincare products and also the new and improved Tom’s of Maine deodorant.

  2913. Debbie says:

    Cosmetics from The All Natural Face.

  2914. Stephanie says:

    My all time fav, is that I use Crisco as my eye makeup remover. It’s lovely!

  2915. Dona Wilhelm says:

    My favorite item is Lavender Essential oil. I actually love ALL oils. I can’t wait to learn how to make my own cleaning products, scrubs, all earth friendly 🙂 and ME friendly 🙂

  2916. Coconut oil and a mild organic cider vinegar wash for toning!

  2917. Heather says:

    Currently I’ve been using an olive oil soap created by a small company called Soap For Goodness Sake. We used Dr. Bronner’s soaps before that, but our son is intolerant to those ingredients (natural ones like coconut, alas).

    Buuuuut, my FAVORITE is actually AnnMarie Gianni’s Aloe-Herb Facial Cleanser and Anti-Aging Facial Oil! I asked for both as a Christmas present, after your initial post about the company and LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I still have a little bit of the cleanser and use it sparingly once a day, but I can’t afford to renew the order. Maybe next holiday 🙂

    Keep on being incredible, sweetie! You are an amazing roll model for us all 🙂

  2918. Heather Smith says:

    I love my Soapwalla deodorant cream. The stuff not only smells amazing but it even cuts down the amount I sweat – something I was definitely not expecting from a natural deodorant. Plus they send handwritten thank you notes with each order 🙂

  2919. Mary Wiseman says:

    I love the Anti Aging Serum. I’ve tried it and really love it.

  2920. Nature’s Pearl toxic free skin care based on the muscadine grape(one of the highest antioxidants on the market)

  2921. Emily says:

    I LOVE anything by Annmarie Gianni but her Dead Sea Scrub is my absolute favorite. It transformed my skin!!!

  2922. Kayla says:

    I use Ava Anderson Non Toxic lotion and shampoo. My hair has been so much better; I don’t shed as much. I love Rejuva Minerals make up. Most of their stuff has a 0 on the skin deep database.

  2923. Kathy says:

    I love using organic coconut oil for everything from moisturizing my skin, rough knees and elbows, smoothing my feet and rough heels, treat dry hair, cuticles and nails, chapped lips and I also use it for oil pulling. It’s the tits!!

  2924. Samantha says:

    Although it’s a basic I use Dr Bronner’s Lavendar soap as my go to cleanser for my face and body. It’s free of chemicals and gentle, plus having one cleanser I can use all over cuts down on products. I adore it. (I also use it for household cleaning)

  2925. V says:

    I discovered oil cleansers for my face in a high end boutique last year, so promptly turned to the Internet to learn to make my own! I use a blend of almond and castor oils with a couple drops essential oil in an oil pump bottle. For travel, I use pure coconut or almond oil because I can use the same oil on food.

  2926. Charlotte says:

    Coconut oil! It’s a fantastic make-up remover and moisturizer, all in one.

  2927. Leah Napier says:

    My favorite natural, non-toxic personal care product is witch hazel. Its a great astringent and also good for treating bruises. My husband uses it as an after shave too. Also good for bug bites!

  2928. Brittani says:

    I don’t wear makeup as such. But, because of my blonde eyelashes, I do use mascara. Instead of makeup remover each night I dab some coconut oil on a cotton ball and wipe it right off. Perfectly clean every time!

  2929. sarah says:

    My favorite product is definitely coconut oil! I use it for everything- hair, nails, body butter, moisturizer, etc! I also just started using the Rejuva Minerals makeup line! Haven’t used it long, but definitely am a fan!

  2930. Amy says:

    I am honestly just starting to research all natural beauty products, so I don’t have a recommendation. I look forward to following these posts!

  2931. Belinda Crisp says:

    I use Dr. Bronner’s liquid soap for almost everything in my house. For my facial cleanser I use a mixture of hazelnut oil and olive oil and I’ve changed most of my makeup to Tarte or BareMinerals products. I’ve seen a major difference in my skin and love it!

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