Kris Carr

Kris Carr


How to Turn Your Passion Into Your Dream Job

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Hiya Gorgeous!

Have you ever thought to yourself, “it’s too late”? Too late for your dream, too late to improve your diet, too late to move to a new city and start over. Too darn late.

I’ll be honest, I struggle with the “too lates” myself sometimes, but here’s what I know to be true: Your thoughts co-create your life. So if you’ve been tripped up by the too late or too whatever blues, it’s time to put on a new record, my friend!

You may not always believe this, but most of the time you are closer to your goals and dreams than you think. Or at the very least, you’re closer to the next step you need to take in order to create momentum.

In fact, I bet you have tons of creative and inspiring ideas for your life, you just need some help putting the right pieces together in the right order.

If this sounds like you, then I’ve got a juicy story to share today.

It’s about an incredible woman from our community who I met by chance on an airplane. Like you (and me), she has big, light-up-the-world dreams. She just needed a few pointers and a slight course correction to create a greater return on the effort she was already making in both her health and her new business.

You’ll see what I mean when you watch today’s video.

You’ll also learn that:

  1. We all need coaches and mentors. Don’t be afraid to ask. Even if you’re shy like my plane friend, go for it. Help is all around you.
  2. It’s ok not to have all the answers. You’ve already got this incredible idea, skill or passion. Cut yourself a break if you don’t know all the ins and outs of building and growing your business right off the bat. I sure as heck didn’t!

Don’t wait another second—press play below!

Psst… I mention some details about B-School (my amazing BFF Marie Forleo’s business training program) in this vid. This round of B-School is sold out, but you can learn more about the program and get on the waitlist here.

When you allow yourself to own/be/do/enjoy your THING, synchronicities start to happen. Doors that once felt shut begin to open. Why is that? Because once you give yourself permission to believe that your dream is actually possible, the universe rises up to meet you.

That’s what happens when you boldly step into your desires. And no, boldly doesn’t mean without hesitation. Boldly means that you feel the flutters and do it anyway. It means that you override the intimidation and you refuse to talk yourself out of what lights you up.

Is your dream job owning your own business? I made this for you!

Whether you’ve always wondered what it would be like to work for yourself or you have a unique idea you want to share with the world, I just released a free ebook you’re going to love! How to Build Your Business without Burning Out: 10 Keys for Avoiding the Mistakes Most Entrepreneurs Make contains the tools you need to go all in without sacrificing your health or happiness in the process.

Every piece of advice in this resource comes from my personal experience building a thriving 7-figure business. This is the stuff I WISH someone had told me before I got started. You’ll learn how to unblock what’s holding you back while avoiding some of the most common traps that take down new businesses. Ready to dive in?

The truth is, YOU are the best, most secure investment you can possibly make. Trust yourself, sweetheart—I sure do. The world is so much brighter bathed with your beautiful light.

Your turn: Is there something that you’re dreaming about—that you would love to share with the world, but maybe you’re afraid to give voice to it because you’re not sure how it will turn out or what others will think? Tell me about it in the comments below.

Getting that beautiful dream out of your head and into the world is the first step!

Peace and investing in YOU,

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  1. Eta says:

    Thanks for your words and for all the inspiration! I am currently a teacher (nursing, but studied biology) but combine that with time off to travel. My dream is to have a job that I could do online. I am also a yoga teacher. I tried to start a small business but that didn’t go well at all, no clients ?. So now I just teach yoga for free once a week at work. I also like to organize, cook, dance… But I still don’t see how I can go a head an start up something that will actually work and grow. Lack that great idea. Do need a bit more trust in myself as well, that I can do it. So I make enough of an effort to actually get it going.

    • Jennifer says:

      Hey there! This is Jennifer from Team Crazy Sexy. What wonderful and varied interests you have! It sounds like you’re multi-passionate like Kris’s BFF (and business maven) Marie Forleo. Kris and Marie are currently offering B-School (business school) which might be right up your alley at this point. Check out Kris’s page that lists out her bonuses if you sign up before cart close (this Friday, Feb 28, 2020) and be sure to also watch their live class video that talks about where to start when you don’t know where to start plus answers so many other questions like how to get out of a place of fear, mistakes not to make, etc. But the class will only be up for a few more days so be sure to watch as soon as you can. Enjoy!

  2. Mary says:

    Love you so much!

  3. hi Kiris, when I get your emails I bask for a few moments in the love that comes through your words. I believe that you mean them and that soothes my soul and makes me feel loved. Thank you.

    I am a single gal who has has a wonderfully interesting lifestyle as an entertainer, hotels, cruising etc. Who then felt it didn’t serve humanity enough and then studied to become a teacher. Taught in an amazing school that valued their children’s character as much as their academic prowess. Four years ago I found myself in mental burnout and ‘settled down’ in a 9-5 admin job so I could leave work at work and spend time with my sister who I had moved to be near.

    The company’s values left me in a battle with my integrity and the gift of 2 frozen shoulders, a year apart gave me the necessary time away from work to think through what my life would look like if I could ‘just pay the bills’ by using my creative talents. Synchronicity started to happen as I got a few piano students and then started a choir for ‘Tuneless’ folk. I just quit employed job!

    I like what I’m doing but feel it’s not feeding my soul totally, it’s like there is a hole, but I don’t know what to fill it with…
    I am a Baha’i so I have a spiritual path and a desire for service.

    I love to talk to folk and to offer any knowledge I have gained through my own tests and joys in life. I too, talk to folks on trains and planes and it is always joyous to share and learn from others. I have an niggling feeling that ‘talking’ could become speaking… But I am unsure as to what I have to talk about. I am passionate about healthy eating, the unity of mankind and music and I love to perform. please don’t confuse passion with excellence, I have no expertise in these areas, but bits and pieces of broad based skills in many areas.

    I don’t have a social circle of like minded people in my area or even my country, most of my bffs live in the ‘other’ five countries I lived in. I am aiming to live in quiet confidence that soon I will find some collaborators or folks to bounce off and see what happens next. Each day my innermost being offers me the thought that I am supposed/destined to something that is inspirational, serves others and will uplift my soul.

    Please keep sending your loving words and wishes out all of us, sometimes they are the single sustaining connections that we have.

    love to you, Sharon x

  4. Jo says:

    I have run a food bank from my home for 28 years. I would like to do an online course and a book. My husband says that people may not be interested in that. He feels my real strength is getting people motivated to help others. So where I was ready to do it my way I now pause to try to figure out how to give a broader appeal.

    • kris says:

      Hi Jo! I know how hard it can be to balance our personal goals with the vision other people might have for us. My advice—follow your intuition. It usually knows what it’s talkin’ about. 😉

      Perhaps your hubby is onto something and you could combine the two ideas—an online course that helps people find their cause/unique way of helping others? Can’t wait to see what you do—keep me updated!

  5. Anne says:

    My big dream/goal is to work for YOU! I’ve just applied for the Marketing Director for Crazy Sexy Wellness!

  6. Ali says:

    Hi Kris, I love you. Thank you for making this video today. I felt like you were talking directly to me!
    I want to start an improv school. I love love love to laugh and I love seeing people be creative, in the moment, and supporting one another. I’ve trained and read and practiced, but I feel that last step of actually creating a business totally freaks me out (paperwork! Ugh!). Anyway. You asked for friends to share and there you go! I can’t believe I’m saying all this outloud to you (and the universe!!!)

    • kris says:

      So glad this came at the right time for you, Ali! Laughter really is everything and we could all use more of it in our lives. I know that taking that first step can be scary (that’s how I felt about paperwork too!), but I know in my bones that you can do anything you set your gorgeous mind to. Thanks for inspiring me, honey. xo!

  7. Emma says:

    I’m an artist with Multiple Sclerosis , which has affected And limited my hand and arm movements and the way I can draw. I remain passionate about drawing as a means of expression and continue to make marks on paper as often as possible. So many people say to me “I wish I could draw ” and I explain to them how, much like in meditation, if we leave behind our judgements and limiting beliefs the process of drawing can become A space to play, and begin to really see and connect to the world around us. I hope, wish and desire to have the confidence to share my approach of mindful drawing techniques With anyone with the willingness to Play.

    • kris says:

      Emma! Thank you for sharing your story. I just know that so many of us would enjoy and benefit from your perspective. Can’t WAIT to see what you do with your dream, sweetheart. xo

  8. Susan says:

    Hi Kris? I was “gifted” with incredible organizing skills and have always dreamed of designing a fully functional home (from the ground up) Then I was “gifted” with cancer. Over the last few years I have soaked in all the knowledge and information on living a clean lifestyle. So now I find myself weaving my dream and new insights into one and my enormous desire is to design a Fully Functional Non-Toxic Home! Maybe even an entire neighborhood….

  9. Sara Louise Cloete says:

    Dear Kris, so inspirational and so in alignment with what I see going on everywhere I look – self empowerment ! For women especially!
    Here goes : I have a beautiful tented camp on a river in Africa and I would like to use it to be in service to my special fellow humans who have agreed (on some level) to withstand disease during this lifetime. I’d like it to be a space where they can reconnect with the essence of WHO THEY ARE. ( and what they came here to do ! ) This camp is already encased in the full glory of Mother Earth but anyone who stayed there would also eat a clean and wholesome locally inspired anti inflammatory diet and I would do guided breathwork, filling their cells with oxygen and LIFE. Visitors would also participate in the wellbeing of other people and spend days in local rural schools, clinics and veggie gardens, lending a hand and touching the lives of those around them. In the evenings local elders would join us in campfire songs and stories to share tales of life with one another. I envisage a self sustaining centre of LIGHT that those who need it will be drawn to. I am an author ( The Girl in the Patchwork Dress – Amazon International Bestseller ! ) and I have written about the trials and tribulations of my life and the lessons I have learned from the depths of despair I have reached. I feel that every experience we have allows us the opportunity to reach for the light. Not everyone has been brought up to believe this, but I truly imagine that once in the presence of An African Immersion ( the veil is thinner by the Zambezi River ! ) clarity and peace can reign. This is my wish for all humanity.

    • Kaki says:

      That sounds awesome! (Especially with participants spending time helping others during their stay – probably the most beneficial part of the experience.)

    • kris says:

      I second Kaki’s sentiments, Sara. What a beautiful, compassionate, inspiring dream you have! Please keep us updated on your exciting adventures—I know you’re gonna do big things. xo!

  10. Melanie Boulet says:

    Dear Kris,
    It’s always a treat to receive your emails. Thank you for the wisdom, kindness and sunshine you bring on. I am a CSY 2017 proud and happy participant and still juicing and “smoothying” to this day. I have been wanting to join B-School since last year, but I am not sure what kind of business I can create. Searching for my professional path as been my life’s journey so far! Anyhow, B-School speaks to me and I do believe it would be very useful (maybe even life changing) for me to join. Will you open the doors for another chance at having the privilege to access YOUR bonuses (CSY 2019) and Marie’s Preschool to B-School offered last week? Is one person (me!!!) considered “by popular demand”? I know I shouldn’t have doubted myself and should have listen to my inner voice!!!! Well, fingers crossed 🙂 Have a tremendous day! Thank you anyway for all you’ve created!

    • kris says:

      Hi Melanie! So excited to hear you’re thinking about joining us for B-School this year! The CSY bonus deadline has passed, but the Crazy Sexy Business all-access pass is AMAZING—you’re gonna love it. Soooo many goodies to help you follow that gorgeous inner voice of yours (it sounds to me like it’s trying to tell you something!). Hope to see you there, honey. xo

    • kris says:

      By the way, Melanie, Marie also has a bunch of fabulous bonuses this year (13 of them to be exact!!), so make sure to check those out too. MWAH!

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