Hi Sweet Friends,
Well, it’s late January, so I’m guessing that more than a few of you have slipped on your New Year’s resolutions (me too!). First of all—no biggie. If the goals you made while ringing in 2014 are still important to you, keep moving toward them one step at a time. Turtle power! But if you haven’t pinpointed what you want to do to improve your health, you’re not alone. Many of my readers are overwhelmed.
I get this question almost daily, “There are so many healthy habits to choose from—which one should I tackle first?”
Translation: What will make the biggest difference in my health TODAY.
Of course, green juices and smoothies are my numero uno recommendation, but second is always… dumping dairy. That’s right, go dairy-free.
You’re gonna learn a lot about dairy in a minute, but here are a few of the main reasons I removed it from my diet. Dairy is high in saturated fat (which can lead to stroke and heart attacks), it’s highly inflammatory (the root cause of many chronic diseases), and the growth hormones in dairy (ex. IGF1) can stimulate malignant cell growth and proliferation (because I have cancer, that’s a big NO thanks!). I know from personal experience, and from thousands of emails, Facebook comments, and tweets, that saying adieu to dairy can totally transform your health. So even if you’re not keen on ditching your milkshakes and brie today, I invite you to learn a little more about this bovine beverage. Even lessening the amount of dairy you consume can make a difference in how you feel.
How Dairy Impact Your Health
(excerpted & updated from Crazy Sexy Diet and Crazy Sexy Kitchen)
A cow drinks cow’s milk when it’s a baby. A bunny drinks bunny’s milk when it’s a baby. Beyond a certain age, even they know that it’s freaky to suckle. And do you ever see them switch and swap? The only time milk is essential for good health is when we are babies, being breastfed by human mothers. Human breast milk is nature’s perfect formula for human babies. It’s rich in good fats like DHA for brain development, but it’s relatively low in protein. Cow’s milk contains more than three times as much protein as breast milk. That’s because baby cows need a lot more protein. They grow to between 1,500 and 2,000 pounds. Is that your desired weight? If so, hello reality TV!
While the protein in human milk is designed for human bodies, much of the protein in cow’s milk is difficult for humans to digest.
In addition, the over-consumption of this protein can lead to serious health conditions. Dr. T. Colin Campbell, professor emeritus of nutritional biochemistry at Cornell University, found that the protein that consistently creates and promotes cancer is casein, which makes up about 87 percent of the protein in cow’s milk. According to Dr. Campbell, a diet that contains more than 10 percent protein (that’s about 50 grams of protein if you’re consuming 2,000 calories per day) can lead to the little “c.” Guess what? Americans eat way more than that (an average of 17 percent total protein, of which 12 to 13 percent is animal-based!).
Forget scary, life-threatening diseases, let’s talk about simpler pickles.
Ever pass a kidney stone? If you have, then you know that it’s incredibly painful—sorta feels like shooting an elephant through your pee hole! How about Crohn’s disease, a veritable inflammation blow-out sale? Both of these not-so-happy afflictions have been linked to dairy consumption. Allergies, eczema, asthma, arthritis, inflammation, and zits can all be linked to dairy. What about skim milk or nonfat milk? They’re just as bad. For me, cheese was the hardest thing to give up, but once I did, my weird rashes and forehead bumps disappeared. I also started to breathe easier—a pretty important change for a gal with cancer in her lungs. Perhaps this is too much information, but my poop changed, too. It came out regularly!
How about tummy pain, gas and bloating? Well, there may be a good reason for your belly’s aching. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, around 75 percent of the world’s adults can’t digest milk (they’re lactose-intolerant). Among some populations, such as Native Americans and Asians, the figure is over 90 percent. Beyond childhood, most people stop producing the enzyme lactase, which is needed to digest lactose (the sugar in milk). Yeah, your body thinks you should wean, too. I’ve never met someone who didn’t feel better once they removed dairy from their diet. Sorry folks, but all good things come to an end.
Beyond Pasteurized Cow’s Milk
After reading your comments on this blog, I realized that a lot of my readers are curious (and passionate) about raw cow’s milk, goat’s milk and sheep’s milk. I checked in with my resident RD, Jennifer Reilly, to get the scoop on the other animal-based milk options on the block. Here’s what she had to say:
Raw Cow’s Milk: Many foodies and natural health advocates have been singing the praises of raw cow’s milk compared to pasteurized cow’s milk for some time. They claim that raw milk has more digestive enzymes (including lactase which breaks down the milk sugar lactose), more probiotics, more immune-boosters, and a richer supply of vitamins and minerals, which are otherwise killed during the heating process of pasteurization. Very little scientific research has been done to confirm or dispute these claims, although there are plenty of raw milk advocates who are positive that their allergies diminished, asthma improved, and lactose intolerance disappeared once they switched to raw cow’s milk.
Raw cow’s milk may be a step up from pasteurized cow’s milk as the raw version is often from cows only fed organic grass and not treated with antibiotics or artificial hormones. But, keep in mind that without pasteurization, raw cow’s milk is still rich in inflammatory and allergy-potential casein (milk protein), contains potentially cancer-causing Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) (and its consumption also causes an additional production of IGF-1 in the human body), natural hormones, and without pasteurization, raw cow’s milk contains human pathogens which are of particular concern to food scientists, including Salmonella, E. Coli, and Listeria (see abstract here). These pathogens are especially risky for folks with compromised immune systems.
Goat & Sheep Milk: People are also turning toward milk from goats and sheep as alternatives to cow’s milk, and here’s why. Both goat and sheep milks have less lactose, so digestion is easier for humans compared to cow’s milk. Goat milk is closest in structure to human milk and is slightly alkaline, whereas cow’s milk is slightly acidic. Both sheep and goat milk contain a greater percentage of medium-chain fatty acids compared to cow’s milk which makes them naturally homogenized and easier to digest aside from the lower lactose content. To me, goat and sheep milk seem like a better option. But remember, you’re still getting casein and growth factors which may have a negative effect on human health. So if you’re consuming any kind of dairy, choose the best sources and do so in moderation.
Thanks, Jen!
Now, onto one of the biggest questions about living dairy-free…
But, where will I get calcium?
This is probably the most frequently asked question when talking about going dairy-free. Good news! Nature’s best calcium sources are dark leafy greens such as kale, collards, mustard greens, and turnip greens. The calcium in these foods is absorbed at double the rate of dairy calcium. About 30 percent of dairy calcium is absorbed whereas about 60 percent of calcium from dark leafy greens is absorbed. Other rich plant sources of calcium include beans, almonds, figs, and fortified nondairy milks such as unsweetened almond milk, oat milk, hemp milk, and rice milk.
When it comes to bone health, calcium isn’t the only factor.
Overall diet and activity levels determine bone health and even calcium needs. Countries with the highest calcium intake have the most osteoporosis, so there’s obviously more to the bone-health story than calcium alone.
Here’s another helpful factoid, vitamin D—which is necessary for calcium absorption and is best obtained from 20 minutes of sunshine 3 times a week during summer months and fortified, nondairy foods or supplements during winter months—is now being considered the most important nutrient in bone health. Bottom line: A diet rich in plant foods easily meets calcium needs. Check out this handy infographic for even more info on your calcium needs and plant-based sources.
Dairy Free Alternatives
Going dairy-free doesn’t mean deprivation, it just means trying new things! Nowadays there are so many options that are just as good as the “real” deal. To learn about my favorite store-bought dairy alternatives, take a peek at my pantry and fridge. But when you get down to it, the real magic happens in the kitchen. Did you know that you can make your own moo-less cheeses, creams, milks and spreads at home? Plant-based, whole food recipes are easy and way healthier than the store bought stuff. And since I want you to taste this dairy-free goodness pronto, I’ve included some of my go-to Crazy Sexy Kitchen recipes for your enjoyment!
Dairy Free Diet Recipes
Basic Nut/Seed Milk (Crazy Sexy Kitchen)
Artichoke Aioli (Crazy Sexy Kitchen)
Truffled Parmesan (Crazy Sexy Kitchen)
Oooh, one last tip… Remember that most store bought alternatives are processed, so eat them in moderation or just use them as transition foods till your palate shifts. Also, when choosing these products, look for carrageenan-free, check out this comprehensive list.)
I hope this helps and as always, you don’t have to change everything at once. Slow and steady wins the race. But if you’re dealing with any inflammatory issues, this one recommendation may be the best place to start!
Now it’s your turn, have you seen a change in your overall health after removing dairy from your diet? What are your favorite dairy alternatives?
Peace & nut cheese,
I feel great about the mystery unfolded in this blog about the truth of Dairy and Dairy-free recipes, that will impact our health. Great Post. The points outlined in your blog post is excellent and very much appreciated. Thank you for posting and it’s a good read.
Thanks for sharing this information given to us by this blog. I am agreeing with your blog that cow’s milk is difficult to digest as compare to goats milk. Only choose the best one milk for you and for you babies. Hope we will soon see your next post.
Thanks a million for this very helpful article, keep up the great work.
In the above article I read:
” About 30 percent of dairy calcium is absorbed whereas about 60 percent of calcium from dark leafy greens is absorbed”
I would like to find the article on this. I´ve searched Medline and I find facts contrary to this. Would love to get these facts from peer reviewed articles!
Hope you can help
I love that more people are going dairy free! I was forced to while breastfeeding my son because he was allergic. Best thing that could happen to us! Great information in your article!
Hi there, I really enjoy your blog and perspective on healthy choices and fighting back. I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease when I was 15 and have been fighting through surgeries, medications and side effects for the last 22 years since then. I noticed in your dairy-free post you mentioned Crohn’s as a ‘smaller pickle’ and it being connected to dairy consumption. As someone who was diagnosed as a kid (after many years of pre-diagnosesis, procedures and surgeries) I must respectfully disagree that it is either. I saw many incredibly tough kids in Children’s hospitals going through far worse or shorter term struggles so I appreciate there are always greaters and lessers. I have struggled with productive organ trauma, sever anemia, sever weight loss, skin issues, chronic infections, enlarged lymph nodes and had many organs (and partial organs) and abscesses removed over the years. I have run through the gamete of available medications for relief and am currently on my 3rd biologic TNFactor medication (similarly used in Chemotherapy) and give myself monthly injections. All this, like you hasn’t stopped my stubbornness to push through, run 15-20 miles any week I can, have an amazing marriage and 2 beautiful incredible children while working and pursuing interests. I say this not as a beating of my chest decry, but because I think some people could interpret your post as Crohn’s being self-induced or on par with an Allergy or Food sensitivity. It is caused by a defunct immune system and has a whole spectrum of potential stages and severity/involvements. I have tried macrobiotic, vegan, vegetarian and paleo versions of food restrictions at different period of my diagnosis. While I am currently seeing relief from removing gluten and dairy from my system (mostly for skin and anxiety issues) the point I’d stress is that when my Crohn’s is very active in my stomach, esophagus and intestines, water hurts just as much as anything. I completely agree with you that everyone is different and some folks may see different levels of relief with various dietary restrictions…but the above is my experience and story. I hope it helps provide some context and even a potentially relatable story for others who also have Crohns. Thanks!
I love the information! I didn’t realize how “bad” cows milk was for me until I developed an allergy to it sophomore year of college. While it’s not going to kill you to consume it does cause inflammation as well as other bowel issue. My husband develops minor psoriasis when he drinks milk, but swears its not an issue. I challenge everyone to go through a 21 day milk cleanse to see how they feel.
My naturopath in Perth sent me this great dairy free resource
Thank you. I appreciate your dairy free information and recipes, but I have to ask you the same question I have for so many people that post gluten free recipes. Why do you not post the nutrition information for the recipes?
I stopped reading that rest of your article when I read “Saturated Fat leads to…….”
I got on a High Fat Low Carb diet on 8-9-15, I was 245lbs @ 5’11” that’s 75 lbs overweight according to B.M.I. chart. I had high blood pressure, high Triglycerides @ 209. Now I’m 188 lbs. With regularly blood pressure & my Triglycerides down to 96! Off the Meds.
I feel great eating Saturated Fats! Get with the times Jethro. All books on HFLC , Ketogenic & Paleo diets explain the False Theory on Saturated Fats are bad.
“How dairy impacts our health” is certainly a great subject of awareness. Leaving most known causes that can lead to physical ailments, one can also be dairy product intolerant, one or other ways (seen some often fetching life-threatening diseases from). Fantastic write-up. Worth reading!
Really nice post that brings home solutions to finding better sources for calcium and healthy eating. GREAT info graphics as well. I think people just don’t realize how hard dairy is on the body. Thanks for the time you spent creating this great resource.
Thanks for this, I hate the ‘where do you get calcium from’ question! I also react to goats milk so it must be the casein for me!! I just don’t think us humans are made to digest cow’s milk!
Definitely Non-Diary milk is always better than Diary milk in all aspects. Thanks a lot for sharing. I love drinking nut milk and my favorite is Almond milk. Here is some of its benefits I would love to share.
I already loved Kris Carr. And the fact that she refers to cancer as the little “c” (not giving it any more power than it should have), just clinched it.
Thanks, Kris, for helping us all to work toward great health.
These comments must be from the very few with intolerance to dairy. For the majority, it is a SUPERFOOD
Will you be posting more? I would love to see more dairy free living posts!
Sadly, I don’t think anyone in my family would go for this, so I would not be able to stick to it myself to even be able to try it out. I really don’t think I could be “vegan”, that’s for sure. I have cut back on dairy, though. I still love ice cream & cheese, but I eat way less of it than I used to.
What is your thoughts on bovine colostrum as a supplement? Of course from grass fed, hormone and antibiotic free bovines, and from the first 6 hours after giving birth. It’s suppose to be more bio-available from the first 6 hours, up to 86%.
Wait u beauty girl !
visit my catalog !!!
I am big fan, Kris, of your focus on plant-based nutrition. So, I wish this article didn’t paint with such a broad brush. To be sure, for those who are sensitive to dairy proteins, their health will be vastly improved by eliminating dairy. But for those who tolerate dairy, organic and grass-fed products can be a very nutrient-dense addition to the diet.
The science cited in this article is not strong. Saturated fat does not cause heart attack and stroke. There has been a whole spate of research recently showing this isn’t as simple as we used to think. Saturated fat is not the villain we once thought (and in fact the polyunsaturated vegetable oils we were told to use instead of saturated fats are actually more problematic). The article also states that dairy is highly-inflammatory. Well, if you’re sensitive to milk proteins, yes, if not, no. Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s ideas about casein and cancer are also incomplete. What Campbell missed, is that whey, another protein found in dairy, has anti-cancer effects that cancel out the cancer-promoting effects of casein. (Chalk one up for consuming whole foods.)
We often want our dietary prescriptions to be simple, but ideal diet really varies from person to person, and the truth about what leads to health isn’t usually as black and white as much the dietary advice out there makes it out to be. The flaw of this article is its simplistic treatment of a nuanced and complex subject. It makes good blog copy, but incomplete health advice.
Here’s my bottom line: If you feel better without dairy in your diet, great! It is probably a good idea to try eliminating it to see what effect that has. But if it doesn’t give you trouble (and you are not ethically opposed to animal products), why not seek out sources of high-quality dairy and enjoy in the context of a veg-rich diet.
I am doing pure organic non GMO whey protein shake from new zealand only 1% lactose..18 amino acids..vits &minerals and more..even tho I am dairy free I can do this..is whey considered a good form of dairy..or is it a matter of time for ill effects?
Hi Kris,
I would like to know if you have looked into Suzanne Somers Organic pdts. I have switched over to her line and absolutely love it. I love her mascara, though its not waterproof. I would love for you to look into her pdts. and add her to your list of recommendations. I love all that you are doing , I have IBS issues and having difficulty in losing weight. Very frustrating. I have hashimotos, under active thyroid among other things.
Thank you,
Once again you’re heart and research are on the right track, but posting that the consumption of dairy “consistently creates” cancer is bold and under represented opinion. It is an obvious statement that dairy protein promotes cancer as it is clear that casein is the most potent cellular builder within our food chain. The inverse is also true. Cancer cells experience less growth while supported by vegetarian protein sources as they are less substantial in their ability to promote cellular growth. All cells will respond favorably to casein and will enjoy an exaggerated boost in growth from this potent protein source. This holds true for all the aforementioned ailments that you listed. Casein is not the causal agent, and I challenge you to site the studies that prove that it is.
Very interested in recipies
Can you cite sources to prove these claims, percentages, etc. please? Thx!
It is amazing how we all made it until 2014. What a bunch of politically correct CRAPOLEE
Sorry, but any article that says things like “most” and doesn’t give details loses me. “Most” Americans are lactose intolerant? Not true. Yes, more Asians are than Americans, but they also don’t really eat much of it. So how do we know if it’s nurture vs nature? Are American Asians as susceptible to being intolerant? Not even addressed. And yes, it’s closer to 100% than Americans, but it’s not 100%. Just because something doesn’t happen in nature doesn’t mean it’s bad. We do all kinds of things to food that are pretty crazy, but drinking milk is nuts? If you’re not lactose intolerant, no reason to quit dairy, in my opinion. As for warning against too much protein, seriously? When is the last time you got 50 grams of protein in a day in? My guess would be that milk or dairy isn’t contributing the largest % of that protein, if you are. I’d bet it’s meat. Sorry, but this article is more dazzle and misinformation based on the opinion of someone than scientific facts. The comments? People thinking they got a “cold” as a result of quitting dairy and that it was the body “cleaning out junk”, come on! It’s just as ridiculous as the low fat fat of the 90’s. Stop being taken in by crazy fads and just eat healthfully. I don’t believe dairy should be off of that list.
Kimberly, it’s not just the lactose. Lactose-free products give me the same reaction. I’m convinced a lot of people who think they are lactose-intolerant are actually intolerant of maybe the casein or maybe something else in milk. Further, I’m convinced that a lot of people with seasonal or animal allergies are actually allergic to dairy. That is the case with me — without dairy, I have no reaction. Same with digestive problems in general — for a lot of people it’s dairy.
There is simply no question that when there are chronic health problems, dairy is a major suspect. Yes, it may cause colds — dairy has been found to thicken mucus and would thus set you up for sinus trouble and infections.
Hi Kimberly,
There are many degrees of lactose intolerance, including lactose maldigestion and other digestive sensitivities. While the statistics vary, a great number of individuals find digestive relief and other health issues resolved when they eliminate dairy from their diets (study http://1.usa.gov/1poDrPP and http://1.usa.gov/1sLZyXk). Since dairy foods are associated with an increase in cancer risk (study http://bit.ly/1vsl7cp and http://1.usa.gov/1tedd3O) and have not been shown to improve bone health (study http://1.usa.gov/1uzaho2 and http://1.usa.gov/1DWl1j7), we say it’s safer to find and enjoy some of the many available dairy alternatives when possible. kc
I now use coconut milk in my tea and coffee.
After getting a killer sinus infection, I was finally able to give up dairy about 3 months ago. I had been a lacto-ovo vegetarian for 6 years prior, but had trouble giving up dairy because I loved cheese so much. I can’t believe how much difference it has made. No more migraines, joint pain almost completely gone, sinus problems incredibly diminished, and I lost 15 pounds without trying. Wish I had done it a long time ago.
I just happened to find a book on raw veganism that inspired me when I was so sick and needing a solution. Now, I’m about 75% raw vegan.
hi kris!
I know there are a lot of oxalic acid in green leaves, and according to my examination so heating or cooking reduces the acid in only 10-15%. So I worry about absorption.
By the way I rarely consume dairy products, but afraid there is not enough calcium in my diet.
thank you
I was excited to try the recipe. Tasted awful.
What a bunch of bullshit. Casein causes cancer? Why doesn’t this article refer to the fact of the amount of casein it would take to cause cancer is so high that no one person is going to injest that much casein. This article is a classic case of correlation does not equal causation. Look at science research folks, not a blog with peoples opinion.
Amen to that!
So you suggest cutting out all dairy? Do you ever occasionally have cheese or something. That is in so many foods.
Would almon milk be a good alternative for milk?
The Ayurvedic View on Drinking Milk
According to ayurveda, milk provides special and unique nutrition that cannot be derived from any other type of food. Milk, when digested properly, nourishes all the tissues, promotes balanced emotions, and helps to balance all the doshas. It is one of the most important foods to promote ojas.
According to ayurveda, ojas is a refined substance the body produces from the most subtle level of proper digestion. Ojas brings strength, strong immunity, happiness, and contentment according to Ayurveda. Therefore milk is a very important food to include regularly in one’s diet especially if you follow a vegetarian lifestyle.
In order to digest milk properly, one should avoid drinking cold milk right out of the refrigerator. Milk should be brought to a boil. Allow the milk to foam up and then bring the heat down so the milk is on a slow boil for about 5 to 10 minutes. Heating the milk changes the molecular structure of the milk so it is much easier for human consumption and it reduces kapha, making it lighter to digest. While cooking it you may add a pinch of ground turmeric, a pinch of ground black pepper, a cinnamon stick, or a few pinches of ginger to reduce the heaviness of the milk and reduce any mucous causing side effect.
If you have trouble digesting milk and have not consumed it for a while then it is recommended that you start again in a gradual fashion to help your body acclimate to it. Start with drinking 1/8 of a cup of the boiled milk with ginger. Then gradually increase the amount to about a cup over a ten-day period.
Milk should be organic, whole and non-homogenized. Homogenized milk is very difficult to digest and can easily clog the finer channels of circulation. It is probable that milk that is not certified organic may contain rBGH. These are hormones that artificially increase milk production in the cow. The only way we know to avoid rBGH is to purchase organic milk because currently the FDA does not require labeling on milk products that may have come from cows injected with the hormone. Cow’s milk is considered to be the best but raw goat milk is fine to use too.
Milk should not be mixed or eaten with sour, bitter, salty, astringent, or pungent tastes. That means the old American tradition of drinking a glass of cold milk with dinner should be avoided and the milk replaced with pure drinking water or juice. When combined with incompatible tastes, milk becomes indigestible and causes the build-up of harmful toxins in the body. Meals cooked with milk and fish or meat should be avoided such as in the popular clam chowder. However, warm milk may be consumed with sweet tastes such as rice, cream of wheat, dates, mangos, and almonds. If you wish to have warm milk then it is best to wait at least one hour after you have eaten a meal.
Warm milk consumed 30 minutes before bed can aid in falling asleep or a cup of warm milk with a teaspoon of Almond Energy can make a good late afternoon snack that provides nourishment and energy and is also very satisfying if you are hungry or have a sweet craving. Warm milk with a little natural sweetener makes a great afternoon snack for children when they come home after school.
– See more at: http://www.mapi.com/ayurvedic-knowledge/ayurvedic-diet/ayurved-and-milk.html#sthash.GJ0kaI1o.dpuf
Great article, but I’m curious as to where you got your statistics for nearly “100%” of Asians are intolerant to milk. I am an East Asian who grew up with milk as a regular part of my diet, and many South asians (Indians, Thai) heavily use milk in their recipes such as curry. I would do a quick fact check before making such a broad statement! I have decided to try giving up milk though for long term health reasons not because I’m allergic though.
Thanks for your question. This NIH article (http://1.usa.gov/1vi6sUc) explains the lactose intolerance in Asians. Lactose intolerance is not necessarily an allergy, just an issue with malabsorption that causes discomfort: “Approximately 65 percent of the human population has a reduced ability to digest lactose after infancy. Lactose intolerance in adulthood is most prevalent in people of East Asian descent, affecting more than 90 percent of adults in some of these communities. Lactose intolerance is also very common in people of West African, Arab, Jewish, Greek, and Italian descent.” Hope that helps!
Dr. T Colin Cambell also published works on Beta-carotene and how it causes lung cancer
beta-carotene is found in red and orange vegetables. everything causes cancer
so if i stop eating i should never get cancer, BUT OH WAIT the suns uva and uvb radiation causes skin cancer and certain molds cause lung cancer so i cant live in the sun or in a dark cool place so i guess i better move to the dark side of the moon, OH WAIT the chemicals used to make plastics and rubbers in my space suit cause cancer too. please oh mighty internet tell me how to get away from the cancer, free me from this nightmare of cancer.
I have moved out of my house because the chemical hardeners in concrete cause cancer and my basement is built from that, the wall studs in my house are treated with cancer causing chemicals, its an old house and has asbestos insulation still, which causes lung cancer and mesothelioma, i grew up around smokers that causes cancer, I used to work in a steel shop, had to quit welders emit uva radiation that causes cancer, and can cause blindness. i thought i was safe at the local park its very green but the sprays they use to get rid of the weeds cause cancer, i went to an open field in the middle of nowhere but it was not organic land so the herbicides in the land cause cancer, found an organic plot, but they were growing beets which have beta-carotene. I later found an open organic piece of land, but the farmers plowed it with a diesel tractor, and the incomplete combustion of diesel fuel causes cancer
and so on and so forth
What about soy milk? I use milk in some of my cooking and replacing milk would be better, rather than eliminating it altogether.
I gave up organic cow’s milk and cheese two years ago. Cheese was also the hardest for me. Started making my own almond milk but my body started having issues with nuts, so now I make my own oat milk from organic steel cut oats. I love the stuff, but have yet to figure out how to prevent it from getting a “snotty. mucus” consistency by the second day in the refrigerator. I never realized that goat milk was the closest in structure to human milk. Thanks for the great post, I will pass it on to my family and friends.
After finding out I was lactose intolerant and removing dairy from my diet I almost instantly started to feel healthier, my energy levels where up, I was going to the bathroom more regularly and I started to sleep better through the nights.
Going dairy free was difficult though, and sometimes I still treat myself to a little snack that may have some dairy in it even though it makes me feel bad, but I’m still learning, and I suggest to all my friends to give it a try for at least a month or two so they can see the results for themselves!
Thanks for this article, I learnt so much more about why dairy is bad for us, and now I have even more reasons to be happy with my choice!
Sharayah Lardner.
You are awesome. Spread the word. Skip Dairy!
I really enjoyed the informative reading. I have never given dairy products a thought as to being bad for my health……l am so glad to have found your site. I have but one problem, I recently had an emergency surgery ( the majority of the small intestine has been removed, due to scar tissue that had strangled the intestine over 20plus yrs.) and am trying desperately to gain weight. After the surgery my weight went below 80lbs. with my average weight normally being 95 to 98lbs. I thought I was doing good by drinking a large glass of milk ( mixed with Carnation Instant Breakfast) and the “closer to the cow” the better for weight gain. I, obviously have been misguided. Do you have any suggestions as to how I can gain weight. Any info you can share would be greatly appreciated.
Jackie Evans
I think it is great you want to help people be healthier but I think there are a lot of gaps in the information. Just read your remark about kidney stones and milk I had to shake my head. First, while some kidney stones classified as calcium it is not necessarily from milk. My daughter’s kidney stone are calcium and not from milk. Her list included chicken, green bean, broccoli,potatoes, strawberries, blueberries and brewed tea.Just what I recall off the top of my head. Brewed tea is one of the biggest reasons for the south having a high incidence of kidney stones. So to say that milk causes kidney stones is very misleading. I have other thoughts on the milk issue but it is a discussion that could go on and on. As I said it is great that you want to help others eat healthy but please be careful what you convince people to do, it can be detrimental to their health in years to come. BTW I am a nurse so I do know a little something about human addictions and the biggest one is food! 🙂
Hi Joan,
You’re absolutely correct that kidney stones don’t always have to do with calcium and/or cow’s milk. However, since so many people with chronic kidney stones find relief when they start eliminating dairy products, it is definitely worth mentioning, especially since there are so many other reasons to limit or avoid dairy foods. kc
I’m confused on the enzyme lactase. One place it says our bodies make it when babys another place says it is in raw milk. Which is it?
Thank you so much for this! I am just learning about how bad dairy can be for you. We still allow one serving a day in our house but have really removed those daily huge glasses of milk. I think some folks can tolerate it, but my kids have seen so much benefit from eliminating milk all together that I can’t ever go back. My son has stopped snoring, his allergies are improving, my daughters tummy troubles are less too! All around because of eating more fruits and veggies and taking Juice Plus+ and lowering dairy we are all feeling better!
Thank you!! I was plagued with bloating and chronic neck/shoulder pain for years… Gave up dairy last April and within 3 weeks the neck pain went away and I have lost 25 pounds! I went away this weekend with some friends and I know my eating annoys them… The last meal we had came with a dressing I assumed would be oil based… It was milk based 🙁 instead of making an issue out if it, I just ate it… BAD IDEA! My stomach hurts and my shoulder is in lock down today! Lesson learned! My teenagers are amazed at the difference in their skin. When they are dairy free their skin is clear… When the eat dairy the break out immediately! Rock on spreading the truth!
Thank you for the great comprehensive list of carrageenan-free food. I frequently use Kirkland Signature Organic Ricemilk since it is gluten, lactose and cholesterol FREE. The label also states it is vitamin and calcium enriched, USDA organic as well as unsweetened for the original variety. I was wondering if it is carrageenan-free, because sugar has 10+ different names is this ricemilk a winner?
Ingredients: Filtered Water, Partially Milled Organic Brown Rice, Organic Expeller Pressed Sunflower Oil and/or Organic Expeller Pressed Safflower Oil, Tricalcium Phosphate, Sea Sale, Vitamin A Palmitate, Vitamin D2, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid.
I went vegetarian a few months ago and then finally cut out dairy a few weeks ago! I feel amazing! I’ve noticed my cravings go away and I don’t even need alternatives, just whole plant foods. It’s been a great choice:)
Not everyone is the same. Giving up dairy did not make me feel better. I gave it up for a month, and found myself more sluggish, more gassy, and bloated as well. I don’t drink milk, but do eat dairy in cheese and yogurt. I also use whey protein ass a supplement.
I am fighting breast cancer and ostioperosis. I welcome any advice becaue I am trying to get started on a plant based diet. If after reading your article, what is the reseach on eggs? Thanks
Read “The Iodine Crisis” for information on breast cancer.
You mentioned to drink soy milk in moderation, is there another plant based milk that would be a better option than soy milk. I find almonds make me gain weight so is there something besides almond milk as well?
After suffering with ulcerative colitis for 5 years I made a major change in my life and became vegan. My doctors told me diet didn’t play a role in my illness, but in February I had my first CLEAN colonoscopy! Giving up dairy was harder for me than meat. The changes were amazing. Thank you for sharing your story and bringing great topics for viewers to read. Now I’m giving oil pulling a try. Thanks again for all you do.
Hola Kris sigo tu dieta 100% gracias por compartir toda tu informacion te pido tu ayuda tengo el mismo diagnostico que tu y estoy muy interesada en saber que otro metodo utilizaste para tu cura. me diagnosticaron hemangioendotelioma epitelioide en el pulmon e higado en junio del 2013 y desde entonces comenze a investigar todo de ti. espero me puedas ayudar con mas informacion te agradesco mucho. Saludos!!!
and to Billy from February 12th, here is something I found about meat myths and so on:
There are a lot of scientific evidence showing that eating meat increases the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and bone loss, arthritis, etc. Dairy is shown to increase the risk of cancer, infant apnea and crib death, autism, type 1 diabetes, postpartum psychosis, circulatory disorders, food allergies, etc.
Meat consumption strongly correlates with cancer:
Red meat increases risk of heart disease and cancer:
Animal products linked to cancer:
It seems like almost everyone agrees a plant-based diet is key. Similarly, most agree that animal products from industrially-raised animals are not good for us or the environment. What is still unresolved is this question: Does the the inclusion of animal products from naturally-raised (i.e. pastured, grass-fed) animals, as a complement to a plant-based diet, boost health even further than a plant-based diet alone?
Yes, there are numerous studies that correlate animal product consumption with ill health. I am not aware of studies that show that consumption of animal products causes ill health (although I wouldn’t be surprised if industrially-raised animal products do). Correlation does not equal causation. We need more well-designed research to tease these issues out.
I think we do well to focus where much of the health community agrees: Plant-based diets are essential to health. But until we have better science, we should be careful about throwing the baby out with the bath water by demonizing animal products. The ancestral track record is that animal products have historically been very important to human vitality. Once we parse the industrial from the more traditionally raised, that may still be true, and may prove to be an essential part of human health.
Lastly, I agree with above comments: Stating that saturated fat leads to coronary problems and stroke makes this article seem out of date.
Almost all in my family has a genetic disorder concerning flexibility of hands and feet (usually stiffen as we get older). We can live and go about as usual but if we walk too much we might feel pain and stiffness, but this doesn’t count for my part. I’m the only one not drinking milk and I never have any pain or problem with the disorder. If I drink milk, I immediately feel more ‘heavy’, inflexible and I tend to get more coughs and a runny nose in the morning.
I am open to the idea that dairy is bad considering that virtually all of Asia and something like 1/3 of Latinos are lactose intolerant. Something is odd there.
However, you seem to indicate all proteins are bad, which is completely unfounded. It is also not true that animal fat causes heart disease and strokes and isn’t even the contributor to obesity that people once thought. The book “The Calorie Myth” just came out and cites a bazillion studies to the contrary, where the lies came that produced that (Ancel Keys) and the incredible good impacts meat can have on the body.
If anybody wants to be a vegetarian or vegan because animals are cute, then I support their decision 100%. But please be real that that is the reason you don’t eat meat (again, dairy might be different) and not fake science to back the claim you want to hear to keep me from eating meat.
What about yogurt?
I love this post Kris! The notion of dairy=calcium is one of the biggest misconceptions that I’m constantly trying to clear up for people. I should send them straight over to your site in future 😉
I always like to keep Almond Milk, Alpine Coconut Yoghurt, and Coconut Oil on hand at home as alternatives to ordinary milk, yoghurt, and butter.
Hi Kris! Has nothing to do with this but what do you feed your dogs? Following your diet and would like my dogs to do the same! Thanks
Great Article, I am a Physician and would like to point out that milk can actually cause osteoporosis. Children that drink lots of milk develop soft bones in a condition called milk-alkali syndrome. The Same problem happens in adults with the protein in milk causing blood to become slightly alkali and our body compensates by taking calcium from our bones. The irony is that people have been taught to drink milk for bone health and it is the direct opposite.
Great website keep up the good work.
All dairy showed up in allergy tests I had years ago as a huge problem. I was sent for tests by our dr when I could sleep lying down and was itching nonstop. I had a rediculas amount of inhalors – I was a very fit and athletic build at the time! i took dairy out of my diet and improved in weeks. I now know if I have diary 2-3 hours later I will itch loads and will be very chesty. I often lose my voice as soon as I’ve had some – something I never chance eating now if im ill! It has given me control of my asthma knowing this and I can live my life far more freely. I recommend anyone who is unsure to try with out for a month and see. My energy levels went through the roof when I stopped having dairy.
Thank you Kris for making this world a more loving place. My son who is 14, has autism and is non-verbal is doing the same by publishing in Huff post! Please read, like, share!
I’ve given up dairy, glutin, & meat.. I feel great for the 1st 4-5 days and then I just crash again… Any suggestions?
This is a great post & I am glad I found you! For 7 years I have suffered from stomach pain (only hits at night & wakes me up) and have gone through every possible test (barium enema anyone? Lol!) and still don’t know the cause. Think I’ll kick dairy to the curb and see if it removes the fire. I would love any other tips from you or your readers on fighting inflammation.
Xoxo! You are amazing!
Catina 🙂
Thanks for the article! I have been dairy-free for almost two decades and don’t miss it. Could you please list your sources for the info in the article (regarding the casein-cancer links and calcium absorption rates for plants vs dairy)? Would be helpful in explaining to others my stance on dairy consumption.
Thank you!
Liz, I believe she is pulling that scoop from “The China Study”.
Hope that helps! 🙂
I LOVE Kris’ writing. Seriously. It makes me laugh every time. This article was great 🙂
I use almond milk to substitute dairy milk.
I gave up dairy last August after reading Crazy Sexy Diet. I’ve been vegetarian for about 16 years, but always thought ‘vegan’ would just be way too hard. I really did LOVE my cheese and ice cream. But after I randomly had a stroke at 35 and nearly died, I decided to do whatever it took to NEVER be in a hospital ever again! Five weeks was well over my lifetime quota! Prevention was the new goal – but still, going dairy free was more of a good idea theoretically than practically.
It wasn’t until I started juicing that I was able to make the switch. I slowly changed to a dairy free butter, ice cream and just kept up my juicing. (Coco Pear Juice is my daily rocket fuel!) I think once the ph balance in my body began to change through drinking high alkaline veggies, all of the sudden, anything acidic lost its hold on me and it didn’t even sound or taste good! Dairy, sugar cravings, gone. Like magic.
So if you want to cut it out, just get more alkaline and let nature do the rest!
A couple months after I made the transition, I went to Malta for a week on vacation. (FYI- NOT a vegan friendly country!) No juice bars, hardly any veggies if any on any menus and one menu even had horse meat in addition to the normal staple of rabbit meat (the horror!). I broke down and had a pizza just to see how I’d do and I was so hungry! What happened as a result? Well, I had several zits the next day and I didn’t go to the bathroom for like 3 days. OMG! After that, I don’t even feel the urge. Even a slight accidental slip up still results in a nice little ‘thank you zit.’
I don’t know how I ever called myself a vegetarian before…. But now, I can honestly say I feel better than ever and more than that, I have more mental clarity than ever, no more brain fog!
Thank you, Kris, for helping me take ‘healthy’ to a whole new level!!! 🙂
Would goat milk and sheep cheeses be an alternative?
I’ve been vegan since 2011. I’m also allergic to soy and tree nuts. I mainly use fortified rice milk (carrageenan free). I’ve tried homemade non dairy milks, but like the store bought better. I looked at your recipe. What’s your favorite soy and tree nut -free milk recipe?
thank you kris. While i am familiar with all of this, your blog post put it all together in a concise easy to understand format that i could forward to my husband and kids who struggle unwilling to get off dairy, and to my father in law who indeed has passed kidney stones and is living with some cancer right now. So you have my heartfelt gratitude today and really every day for being on this mission you are on. keep on truckin’ sista.
I really enjoyed this blog post! One thing that I noticed almost right away was that my skin wasn’t breaking out anymore! I used to own every acne fighting cream there was but once I stopped dairy it cleared up. Longterm, I noticed I wasn’t getting ear infections and my sinuses were much clearer.
YOU are a joyful and generous teacher. Thank you. LOVE your blog, videos, etc.
I gave up dairy a decade or so ago and never looked back!
I have to say that I haven´t noticed any difference in my health when I removed dairy from my daily diet. But for me, that is not the most important, it´s more important that I show by not choosing animalproducts, that I don´t support that industry it has become.
When I read about how we treat cows and calves I couldn´t stop cry. I felt so bad.
So I think it´s great that I have found products that works fine those times I want dairyproducts.
As “milk” I use fortified oatmilk, unsweetened almondmilk ( when I don´t make it myself ) and Organic soymilk. I have also found a kind of veg, cheese I use from time to time and as cream I use oatcream.
I used to eat a lot of cottage cheese earlier, but I don´t miss that very much. Then I thought that was a good “in between meal” together with fruit.
I also like yoghurt very much, but I think “oatgurt” or soy yoghurt work just fine as well. I don´t eat it on daily bases, but I´m a müslifan for breakfast and then I use these kind of yoghurts, about 2-3 times a week.
Thanks Kris for your lovely inspiration and everything I have learned from you <3
/ Madelaine in Sweden
Omg….this just makes me want to cry! I can live without dairy, except for milk in my coffee. Almond milk tastes evil (and I love almond milk). You have these awesomely roasted beans, ground up perfectly in the machine, fantastic aroma wafting around you, deliciously mixed with the milk….and the milk is bad for you! I can’t live without coffee!
We use So Delicious coconut milk creamer in our coffee, and it’s lovely. You might want to give it a try!
My whole life changed when I gave up dairy and meat 7 months ago! I needed a “little” push which was being diagnosed with breast cancer at only 30 years old!
Raw lifestyle has completely changed my mind, body and soul. My immune system has NEVER been better & I am feeling FANTASTIC! As they say… Cancer is your friend! It makes you re evaluate EVERYTHING! Keep up the great work Kris. ♡
I gave up cow beef and milk- everything produced by a cow, two years ago. I have never felt better. However, I do eat Goat cheese and I use goat milk minimally in my coffee. Do goat milk or goat products produce the same effects as cow even though I have no outward symptoms? Just wondering if you think it would be good to eliminate that as well. Comments?
Love this Kris! Question – do you consider goat’s milk/cheese dairy as well?
Much love!
Whenever I need a “yogurt treat” I eat coconut milk yogurt! Dairy free and super yummy.
Loved this article!! It will be wonderful to pass along to friends and family that question my reasonings to remove my 10 year old son and I from all dairy. He was ‘diagnosed’ with ADD and ADHD through a few tests but the next test, an igG4 blood and urine test determined he was highly allergic to dairy and a few of it’s by-products. He had eczema under his eyes of all places that wouldn’t go away no matter what cream or remedy I tried. Within 8 weeks of removing dairy from his diet, I had a DIFFERENT child. A compassionate, eczema free, gut symptom free, more lively and more on task child. Two years later and all ADD, ADHD symptoms have gone, I credit our raw, organic, gluten free diet to this! Praying for you and your lungs to be healed!!!
How do you view protein shakes with why protein. Since that is a dairy product, do you see it the same way? Just curious if you feel or have research to show that they cause inflammation. Thanks!
i SAW the recipe for nut milk, but how do you fortify it with calcium?
I gave up Dairy right after the New Year. Best thing I ever did. I had seriously cut back in the last 2 years, but I still had 2 spots that were inflammed on my thumb joints that wouldn’t go away unless I took ibuprofen. The reduction in my pain level has been amazing, one hand nothing, and the other hand is barely perceptible. The joints were inflamed, I could feel the heat. I’ve found substitutes for dairy milk with almond milk and hemp milk. Although, I have to say it didn’t do anything for my psoriasis. If anyone has any ideas for treating that with something other than steroids, I would love to hear about it. Some of the medications advertised on TV for psoriasis have some very serious side effects….one of them actually says “death may occur.” Sign me up? Yeah, hello.
Thank you for this eye-opener. I wonder if yogurt, specifically the plain one with probiotics is also bad? I have stopped taking milk, bit ‘am confused about the effects of non sweet home made yogurt. Could you please comment on this?
Hi Kris
I agree with you in the article but wondered if cultured milk eg kefir, homemade yoghurt, would have the same effect as ordinary milk. If possible I would always use raw milk in those items.
BTW I have just received your Crazy Sexy Diet book and am really enjoying it.
Hi, Kris
I just read this articles and I think it is very interesting. It is about the acid-alkaline diet. Take a look if you have time.
Thanks for this. We have heard that cow dairy products are hard to digest, you reiterated that. We did learn that Goat is 1000x easier on the system, but I don’t have any science to link to – can you comment? We eat small amount of raw goat cheese, a few tablespoons of goat yogurt that’s been in a yogurt press to make it like ‘cheese’. And @FoodBabe suggests that if we eat butter from Organic Valley, grass-fed cows, we are ok. So, love to hear your take.
I drink organic skim milk. If the store is out of that, I will drink organic 1% or 2%. I have always CRAVED milk. I don’t know why. Basically, I drink organic milk and Mountain Valley Spring water that comes in glass bottles and not much else. I never have trouble with bowel movements. I have never cared for cheese. I do eat organic yogurt. Dairy has never given me gas or bloating or any problems. After menopause, I became sensitive to flax oil and flax seeds – can’t eat them. Walnuts make me very ill. I don’t know what I would do without organic milk. I love it!
Why don’t you list coconut milk a an alternative? I thought the saturated fat in coconuts was beneficial (as opposed to animal saturated fat.) Now that I think of it I don’t think I ever see you love on a coconut. Any reason why?
Coconuts are great Cindy. Love them.
Hey Kris, Just a FYI re: dairy. Canadian dairy products don’t have growth hormones in them. Yay. 🙂
Thanks for this article! I’ve really been wanting to give up dairy (I know it’s why I’m short of breath and sneezing all the time!) Great timing, I have officially decided to give it up today!! Besides, I already love almond milk and I do feel bad for those momma cows. One thing I’d like to point out though, a co-worker of mine is convinced her sudden high intake of almond milk created a nut allergy in her. Maybe she’s wrong, but it’s something to consider.
Great discovery, I thought you were only selling some staff. Now, I will be your fan. THNKS
dairy baaaad (so is sheeps milk). Since really cutting back, I still need something for my tea. There is LESS to NO negative experiences in my belly area. All is soooo good! Feel like teenager again, and looking good, lost some weight.
My favorite milk now is almond milk. How to make:
1 cup almonds, soaked 8-10 hrs
8 pitted medjool dates, soaked 1-2 hrs
3 cups filtered water
1 tsp vanilla powder
strain with nut bag, chill, enjoy
Kris, thank you for this great blog! Such an important message. I’ve been dairy-free for 18 months. It started as a month-long experiment, and I felt so much better in days, that I have never looked back. Now I aint an udder sucker I have way smoother digestion, clearer skin, healthier lungs, and less excess tummy flabber. I can also look cows in the eye without shame.
HI, i WANTED TO INFORM U O F 2 THINGS, tHERE IS A NEW VEgetarian cook book out that is written by a french women entitled, ” the french market cook book , her name is Clotilde Dusoulier. These are vegetarian recipes from her parisian kitchen. If u r not familar w/ this book , I believe u might find some of the recipes rather interesting. I especially liked the spinach pancakes. Anyway u can check it out. The other is a web site & product called atheltic greens, If u r not familar w/ this product , u can check it out , a rather interesting web site, explains all. Thanks, Milt
No matter how much I share about all the sad and bad things that happen to our bodies when we subject them to dairy, no one really seems to listen to me or believe me. It’s as if I am on mute. There must be something seriously addictive about dairy that just repels the idea of cutting it out of ones diets.
Anyway, I am sharing this all over the place!
Peace and free the cows!!!
Awesome Kris; thanks for this great article. I’m allergic to dairy and love using almond milk! I also found a great vegan cheese that I enjoy using called Go Veggie! Vegan Cheese that’s amazing for anyone looking for that ‘melt’ and flavor just like real cheese!
Love the inclusion of the greens here- great way to get calcium. Thanks again!! Happy New Year!
Hey Kris, thanks for this! I love the green smoothie recipe! Up until now, I’ve cut out all dairy except my stinkin’ favorite Greek yogurt! Yet, after reading this, I”m inspired to finally make a change. It’s the last animal product in my diet and so why not just get rid of it altogether? Thanks for the inspiration and the recipe!!:) I can’t wait to see your new book when it comes out:)
Peace, love and plants<3
Og, Kris, this was sooo timely. Just this morning, ny inner voice was saying, “gotta give up milk”. I do have aches abd pains and has been feeling kinda miserable about it. I will do it now. Thank you!
What about homemade kefir or yogurt? They are well tolerated.
Woohoo thanks for posting this! Just went vegan a week ago. I’ve been vegetarian for 7 years and have wanted to go vegan for the past few… and Crazy Sexy Diet gave me the final push I needed. You are amazing. And I feel great 🙂
Hi Kris,
I totally agree. Everytime I am not eating dairy for a longer period of time I feel amazing. It even feels as if I “shrink” in size ( – even without dieting). 😉
Instead of dairy I enjoy almond milk in my tea or cereals. Finally, I found a brand that I love and that does not taste weird.
I dont like soy milk – I find it has a very unpleasant taste. At least the ones I tried.
I have stopped eating dairy and have noticed my nasal congestion is gone! I thought it was allergies living in FL, but since I cut it out I’m not congested and blowing my nose constantly! Amazing! I love cheese, and still cheat every once in awhile, but then pay for it the next day, so I’m learning…
Thanks for the great article!
Thank you dear lady (and fellow cancer survivor) for this article and link to that comprehensive list of carrageenan-free foods! I learned about the dangers of this so-called natural food additive from Dr. Weil’s website, and since then have given up my almond milk. I tried making my own, but after straining it several times and still having almond grounds in it (which I darn near choked on), I wanted my store-bought almond milk back! Now, with the handy guide of safe products from Cornucopia’s website, I’m off to the grocery store. Yay!
What’s your take on Vitamin A Palmitate? I heard that stuff is bad, too, and it’s in everything!
Oh my gosh, I’m replying to my own comment! I just found a great website with a very simple pattern to make a nut milk bag, so I wanted to share it: http://www.eatingvibrantly.com/make-no-sew-nut-milk-bag/
Hi Kris , I follow your blog and your work for long time. Admire your strength and everything you have done already and will do in a future . Use your blog for valuable information ( I am graduate from IIN ) . In this article , though , I found confusing piece of information about dairy fat and proteins . What exactly trigger inflammation ? Thank you for clearing it
Is all Dairy created equal? What about raw dairy? Or organic (rbGH/antibiotic free) and grass-fed? I’ve read numerous times that milk from responsible dairy farms is high in rich omegas. I know you need to consider the masses in these blogs, but given your readership, it might make sense to consider that your audience is already niche by normal standards and degrees of dairy health are probably in order.
Thanks for the informative Blog Kris!! I have been weening off dairy and cheese for a year now. The thing that gets me a little guilty is that my mother in law and mom don’t quite understand the reason why I’m changing my diet. My mother in law cooks with cheese and milk and yogurt all the time. Did you ever get any resistance from friends or family for giving up dairy? Thanks Kris TURTLE POWER =)
I’ve been dairy free for almost two years and I feel great, no more headaches!! (really…they were killing me)
I don’t care about milk, because I love almond milk…but it is true that I miss the cheese (and I don’t like substitutes)
So, here is my question, in Spain (where I come from) we have pure goat and sheep milk cheeses. Are those as bad as the cow’s ones??
Thanks a lot!
Be greener my friend!
If you’re interested in the facts about Colin T. Campbell Google “The China Study and Denise Minger”, if you’re interested in learning about the myth of saturated fat Google “Ancel Keys”. And as someone who’s visited a dairy I would agree conventional dairy has negative health implications, and purchasing organic milk is suspect because the FDA only requires dairy cows to be fed organic feed for four months in order to be labeled organic. However I pay $16 a gallon for raw milk, and consume raw kefir, butter and cheese, which all have shown to be very healthy for the human body. As always do you’re own research to find out how you look, feel and perform when consuming raw dairy.
Hey Kris!
Great article! How about soy milk? Any thoughts?
Yes, yes, yes! I’ve been off dairy for close to a year (among other food) and the eczema that was all over my face has completely disappeared.
Any thoughts on goat or sheep milk? Cheese was always my weakness and I’m having a hard time letting go of goat or sheep milk (which seem to agree with me).
Every time I post a comment it gets moderated. I love this one-sided conversation. There are many sides to nutrition and dairy, as well as Colin T. Campbell’s credibility as a scientist and the fact not one study has ever and implicated saturated fat in the causation of heart disease. Kris you’re awesome but you need to brush up on your science. Ideology may sell books but the truth is what heals. Just Google “Ketogenic Diets and Cancer”. You’ll find why Glucose (through the consumption of carbohydrates) can fuel cancer growth and eliminating it can cause tumors to shrink.
Hello! I noticed in several of your recipes you tend to use hemp seeds. I am wondering what you think of flax seeds and flax seed oil. When my husband was diagnosed with lung cancer I found in my research that there appeared to be evidence that flax seed was helpful in reducing lung tumors. I am wondering about flax versus hemp.
Love this Miss Kris Carr- THis is why I run my 21 Day Online Gluten, Dairy, Sugar Free Challenge- How to get off these inflammatory foods the healthy way!!! will be sharing your great info to all my followers.
Hi Kris: I do believe that everyone has to make the decisions that are best for them. There is definitely truth in your post and some things to think about, but there are two sides to every coin. Human beings have been drinking cows milk for a very long time, approx. 7,000 years. For most of those years human beings have not had a problem with the enzymes or processing milk comfortably through our digestive systems.
It has truly only been in the last 30 or so years when food production has become more science project than nutrition that all of the problems have arisen. It is a fact that it is the pasteurization and homogenization processes that milk now goes through coupled with the chemicals and antibiotics that are added AND the hideous way that cows are factory farmed that have caused the majority of the problems in your post. Case in point, raw milk from grass-fed cows that are treated humanely is full of nutrients and vitamins that are very good for us and don’t cause the problems that the grocery store science project milk does.
Perhaps drinking raw milk from a trusted source rather than leaving dairy behind might be an option for some of your readers.
Hi Colleen: See if you can view the film “Forks Over Knives” featuring Dr T. Colin Campbell. It will flesh out (no pun intended) the argument for dumping dairy. And he comes from a family-run dairy farm.
After using almond, hemp, and coconut milk for 3 years I am very pleased with the taste. And I just saw flax milk in the store last week!
Actually, MANY human beings have had a problem digesting milk. Lactose intolerance is quite prevalent among Asians, Native Americans, African and African Americans, Hispanics and other ethnicities. White Europeans have the least prevalence of lactose intolerance. Regardless, being able to digest something doesn’t mean we should be consuming it.
Cows used for dairy can never really be treated humanely: they are essential forced to be pregnant repeatedly and then separated from their babies who are killed for their veal. Forcing sentient beings to live in such a manner can never be humane.
There are natural hormones incompatible with human beings present in all cow’s milk, whether raw or not.
Before the era of pasteurization, raw milk was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of deaths due to TB-infected milk. More recently, outbreaks of E.coli sent a number of children in Connecticut to the hospital, including in one household where a kid who consumed raw milk infected a sibling who didn’t, who then infected a third. So you see, even if we “make decisions that are best for ourselves” everything we do affects someone else: whether it’s a kid getting sick from another kid who drank raw milk, a mother crying for her baby, or an innocent young calf being sent to slaughter.
Thank-you for this, Kris! For those of us with MS, dairy is downright dangerous. Professor George Jelinek (he’s the incredible author of Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis) has been instrumental in getting this frightening fact out to the masses. In his words, “The map of high cow’s milk consumption in the world is essentially a map of MS in the world.” Through a process called molecular mimicry, cow’s milk protein has been shown to cross-react with myelin protein, actually triggering MS. When this former dairy-loving vegetarian read that – it was bye-bye to all dairy. No moo-moo for me since a month after my initial MS attack in Aug. of 2011. I will never touch it again in any form!
Yum! I’ve been dairy-almost-free for over a year now — I say almost because every once in a while some good goat cheese or other real deal fresh dairy shows up and a little seems to agree with my system. This information and these recipes are much appreciated!! xoxo
Dear Chris,
Thank you so much for your informative website and pleasant interviews during the Start the new you seminar.
I discovered yoga and healthy food in New Zealand. Back in grey Belgium, it is simple impossible to find kale, collards, mustard greens, or turnip greens.
They simply do not exist, staff of oragnic stores doens’t even recognize the pictures. And I live in an apartment in Brussels, so cannot grow them either.
Do you think it is possible to substitute them by spinach, beans, cabbage plus food supplements? If so, which supplements would you recommend?
I am from Belgium but I have lived in california so I understand your problem. Good news though…you can find kale now at Delhaize in Antwerp and a variaty of the other veggies at organic market stands. I know a couple in and around Antwerp, don’t know about Brussels but I’m sure they will catch on. Good luck!
Veronique, look into the organic store called Sequoia Shop – it is in Uccle, Stockel and Waterloo. They have most of this stuff on a seasonal basis. Kale grows easily, try it indoors. Good luck!
Hi Veronique,
I can’t imagine that kale is hard to find in Belgium. I’m from Germany and remember my mother trying to ‘torture’ me with it when I was a child 😀
Did a quick Google translate and came up with boerenkool or chou frisé, depending on where in Belgium you are. Any of those names ring a bell?
I was quite surprised when I found out that this superfood ‘kale’ was nothing but good old “Grünkohl” and it helped me look for more recipes on German websites, too.
Good luck!
probably a really dumb question… what does everyone think about soy milk? is that just as acceptable as these other “milks” listed or not really… trying to think what i would use at starbucks!!!! 😉
Hi Emily — Soy is probably not listed here as a milk “substitute” for those newly dairy-free because one can easily go overboard on soy consumption. Eating a lot of soy can change your hormonal profile. You wouldn’t want to drastically change your diet for health reasons, only to create a new problem by throwing your hormones out of whack. I prefer almond milk, but at Starbucks I do enjoy a good decaf soy latte as a treat. I like to eat tofu here and there too. The key is moderation. Don’t consume large amounts of soy, and definitely don’t have it every day, or more than once a week. One more odd fact about soy — the molecules are large, so they can interfere with the absorbtion of other nutrients — slowing down the process. My Integrative Medicine MD does not allow soy of any kind during a supervised cleanse, as it would interfere with the goal of cleansing the gut.
Also, processed soy can increase cancer risk, specifically breast and prostate cancer. Stick with fermented soy like miso and tempeh, actually shown to reduce cancer risk. And always make sure it’s organic, the majority of soy is GMO.
Yes! Thanks Kris. We definitely don’t need dairy, I’ve seen firsthand how much better I am without it, and I’ve seen SO many clients feel SO much better once off of it. It can actually throw our hormones off balance due to the naturally occurring hormones (not to mention any added) and that alone can cause so many problems it’s scary. And Dr Campbells research is compelling. Because the research made casein look so terrible (but not whey), I cut out all dairy expect for natural new zealand hormone free whey isolate – but still, acne and mild tummy pains the morning after having it persisted. Finally, kicked it out and I’m clear and tummy-ache free!!! Oh… And yay for green smoothies, kale, chia seeds and hummus!!! xx
LOVE LOVE LOVE this post!!! I used to drink 1-2 GALLONS of milk a day when I was a kid. Needless to say, I’ve never broken a bone. Fast forward, I’m almost 30, and I can’t drink dairy milk or eat ice cream without feeling uber-gassy 🙁 Lactose intolerance is normal – we only need milk as babies! I’ve been drinking & using almond milk on my cereal for almost 2 years and my health has been transformed (along with more green juice).
If you had access to raw milk you wouldn’t be lactose intolerant. That comes from pasteurization.
Hi Kris – I’m a huge fan and you’re able to reach a lot of people with your positive messages, but it’s 2014 and much of what is stated above is incorrect. I believe it could cause more harm then good for people to continue to believe the myths. For instance the science is indisputable, saturated fats do not cause heart disease. You can do your own research and you’ll find the facts. Suffice it to say this has led many down a path of less health, not more health. In fact you can Google “Ketogenic Diets and Cancer” and you’ll find that the science is telling us by cutting off the Glucose ( from carbohydrate consumption) we can kill tumors in some cancers. Anyhow Google Ancel Keys to see the history about the saturated fat myth.
Also I was a huge fan of Colin T. Campbell and The China Study, and like you cited the book to others, however when I found out he cherry picked the data I was a pretty shocked, but this is the challenge when people put ideology over science. If you’re interested in the facts about his research you can Google “Denise Minger and China Study” and come up with your own opinion.
Lastly all dairy is not created equal. My two sons and I went and visited a dairy and it was horrifying so I would agree that all conventional milk is suspect, and I would add that even organic milk is suspect since the FDA allows milk to be labeled organic if the dairy cow was fed organic feed for just four months. I pay $16 a gallon for raw milk from a dairy in California, and I also buy their raw Kefir, butter and some of their cheese. It’s an investment but again the scientific data suggests that raw dairy is very healthy for the human body, but again you can do your own research.
Totally agree with everything you said Noel… Kris please do your research saturated fats do not cause heart disease! Yes read up in Ancel keys.
Thanks so much for posting this Noel. This is exactly what I was thinking too! I love Kris Carr’s work and as a Certified Nutrition Consultant, Certified Herbalist who uses food as medicine I love that Kris promotes a lot of great advice on nutrition and healthy living. Like her I went to Hippocrates Health Institute years ago and studied with Dr. Robert Young. Like her I love green juices and green smoothies (without all the high glycemic fruit that is) and quality raw foods. But, one place I differ is that I also love the health benefits I get from raw, 100% grass-fed, organic milk kefir and raw spring butter. After following a raw vegan (Hippocrates style) diet for a year and a half, I added in the kefir and raw butter and they worked miracles in my health! I later added other traditional diet principles to my diet too that further improved my health. I do not tolerate any other variety of dairy (it makes my health go down hill), but this specia andl hard to find kind of dairy is truly a miracle worker. I agree about quality saturated fat being a great ally for achieving health and I recommend Denise Minger’s review of Colin Campbell’s research as well. Here is the link http://rawfoodsos.com/2010/07/07/the-china-study-fact-or-fallac/ Also, quality fermented raw dairy products and spring butter benefits have a lot to do with the fact that the protein in them is not denatured by heat like the casein used in Colin T. Campbell’s study, and they are rich in fat soluble vitamins that are hard to come by in the western diet (K2, D3, and Vitamin A-retinol). Making sure these fat soluble vitamins are in your diet in one form or another (from food sources and not supplements in my opinion) is very necessary and is very important for assuring that children develop well-formed faces (not narrow) without crooked teeth or the need for glasses and well-formed skeletal structures (i.e. good foot arches, good sized hips in women, a v-shaped torso in men, etc, etc.).Check out Weston Price’s masterpiece Nutrition and Physical Degeneration for more info on this. My point is that quality dairy’s magic is not just in its calcium and protein content, which is what people often point out you can get elsewhere. I will say that I do agree that a high protein diet is not a good idea, in my opinion, too (Weston Price advocated this and I agree with his reasoning on this, so you I do not believe that you need to eat protein foods in large quantities and you definitely need to focus on quality! To those who are interested, please check Dr. Ron Shcmid’s book the Untold Story of Milk for little known info on this amazing food.
Hi Melina, just wandering what kind of organic kefir and buttter you are using, is it store bought or are you making it yourself? Thank you.
Thanks for that reply Noel, that’s exactly what I was thinking while reading the post. I’d like to add that there are people getting healed from cancer using RAW-PASTURED-ORGANIC MILK. It all is true about the milk, but it is the industrialized, grain-fed, non-organic milk. The problem with the fats in the milk is generated when it is homogenized, it is then when the fats can’t be “processed” by the enzyme Lipase. Here is the articule about the milk as a cure for cancer, and some other illness. http://www.realmilk.com/health/milk-cure/
Conclusion, find a “real milk farmer”…and Kris, please do a little research about the different types of milk. Milk has been a part of the human nutrition for thousands of years and having no trouble, why are we “demonizing” milk for so many problems when it has happened in the last what, 50 years as much?.
Think back to our population 50+ years ago. The demand for milk is now higher due to a higher population. It has never been a secret that the cows are given growth hormones to increase their milk supply. The problem is that the growth hormorne is then ingested by humans and then causes other problems that Kris had pointed out in her article. One being growth in her malignant tumors. Another being her breakouts on her face. The hormone is ingested in excess and now the body has to filter it ex) through the digestive, skin and others systems. I did not find her to be “demonizing milk” but rather suggesting alternatives for cleaner eating based on her scientific and personal findings.
Daniel, a lot of things have been eaten by us for eons and were harmful then and are harmful now. Once humans went from hunter-gatherer to farming, the problems began. Food reactions have been noted for a long time; hundreds of years ago, dairy was pegged as causing melancholy (which is probably what they called depression in those days).
Dairy is being attacked for good reason — it is very harmful to a lot of people. It KILLS me (no exaggeration — bleeding from my butt qualifies), and I’m convinced it was the cause of my mother’s digestive problems as well. It was dairy that caused my seasonal and animal allergies!
It took me 30 years to believe how harmful it was to me, but the signs are extremely obvious to me now because I totally hypersensitized myself to dairy due to major overconsumption (in one workplace I was called “the girl with the stinky cheeses). Even butter gives me a reaction, but not ghee! So I’m a happy camper.
And I love my paleo sour cream: coconut cream with Celtic salt and plenty of lemon juice.
What do you think of GMO/hormone free Whey Kris? Dairy, I know. But Dr. Mercola, et al (cancer/health specialist); advocate–just wondering your take. Thank you.
Dairy is never hormone free.
Could you elaborate, please? Do you mean because you can’t trust the government or companies or because there is inherently hormones in milk even if the cow was not fed hormones? Or some other reason…? I am going hormone-free on dairy/eggs (I’m already vegetarian) because I noticed I don’t get PMS migraines when I don’t eat hormones through animals. Thanks for explaining 🙂
You’re right. Dr. Mercola is an advocate for raw milk. I gave up dairy 1 month ago. My sinus problems completely disappeared!
We are the only ones on this planet that keep drinking milk after weaning, and from an animal! Recently I heard someone say that “eggs are chicken periods.” ….Never again. Vegetarian 8 years, Vegan 2 weeks and counting.
I stopped dairy on Jan 1 and I don’t miss it one bit. I got a full blown cold 5 days after giving it up and I believe it was my body getting rid of the gunk. Now I feel fabulous!!!! Muchas thanks Kris Carr.
P.S. I also stopped all wheat on Jan 1….unbelievable the change that too makes!!!! xox
Thank you for debunkin’ this myth. I would LOVE to see a huge advertising campaign talk about the truth behind dairy. It would definitely push for change in the dairy industry and affect (positively) the lives of so many animals.
And how amazing that a delicious green smoothie has waaaaaaay more calcium than a glass of milk?!!!
And I learned from Kris’ CSD book that dairy actually leaches calcium from our body.
I gave up a hardy dairy habit after reading the book & doing the 21 day cleanse. It was easier than I thought!
I saw huge changes after giving up dairy. Goodbye PMS, cramps and anxiety!! I went vegan for ethical reasons and to become overall more healthy, but never anticipated the far reaching affects of giving up animal products (of which I consumed mostly dairy). Formerly a cheese addict – I am now the first to encourage people to try going dairy free. One success – my Dad. Suffering from arthritis and psoriasis. He has given up animal products and has seem dramatic improvements in both.
My life changed when I gave up dairy! Symptoms that went away: GI problems related to digestion etc that I was seeing a GI specialist for, sinus problems, sinus headaches, sinus inflammation … diagnosed allergic to dairy! While it was hard to give it up cold turkey, never have I considered going back. Turtle power!