Kris Carr

Kris Carr


Are Beans Bad For You?

read all about it

What are Beans? | The Health Benefits of Beans | The Best Beans to Eat | Lectins in Beans | 4 Myths about Beans | How to Make Beans Easier to Eat | Beans are Not the Enemy | Frequently Asked Questions

Hiya Gorgeous,

Beautiful beans! These little legumes really don’t get the credit they deserve. They’re affordable, packed with cruelty-free protein, rich in dietary fiber, easy to prepare, versatile and delicious! Need I say more?

Turns out, I do.

See, I’ve been hearing some nasty rumors about beans lately.

Some people say they’re making us gain weight. Others claim that they’re interfering with our blood sugar. Some even say we should avoid legumes because they contain “anti-nutrients.” What?!

I know there’s a lot of information out there when it comes to what to eat for ‘optimal’ health, which can be confusing. We’re constantly bombarded with messages about which foods cause disease and which prevent it, what we can (and can’t) eat if we want to lose weight, and what’s safe to feed our families.

Don’t get me wrong, many of these messages about food are not only valid but also incredibly important. But when the facts are cherry-picked, how can we possibly decide what—or who—to listen to?

The truth is out there!

And when it comes to the bean debate, I’m gonna help you find it. That’s why I asked our super-knowledgeable Nutrition Director, Jen Reilly, to weigh in. Wait ‘til you hear what she has to say—it’s gonna restore your love for beans! Take it away, Jen!

What are Beans?

I know, I know—hang with me here. Let’s quickly tackle some definitions:

  • Legumes are plants from the legume family that produce pods with edible seeds.
  • Beans are a type of legume with oft-kidney shaped edible seeds.
  • Pulses are the edible seeds derived from legumes (think chickpeas, lentils, and dried beans.

Okay, now we can dive into the health benefits of these magical fruits.

The Health Benefits of Beans

Before we dive into some of the sneaky rumors surrounding beans, let’s review why they’ve built up such a great reputation over the years. Countless studies sing the praises of legumes of all shapes, sizes and colors. Here are just a few of the many wonderful things to love about them:

  • A half cup of beans contain 8 grams of protein, 7 grams of fiber, antioxidants, and essential vitamins like potassium, folate, calcium, magnesium, and even iron.
  • Beans are among the cheapest sources of protein on the planet and produce the lowest level of greenhouse gases per gram of protein (World Resources Institute report on Sustainable Diets).
  • They may be responsible for keeping your heart healthy by preventing coronary heart disease (study)—meaning they lower or prevent high blood pressure, help ward off strokes, and offer a reduced risk of heart disease.
  • They’re chock full of antioxidants, which prevent inflammation, aging and may reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Beans may promote weight loss. How? While beans are high carbohydrate foods, they’re also full of protein and fiber which promote satiety. A study found that bean eaters gain less weight compared to those whose food intake don’t include beans.
  • Because of their hard-to-find soluble fiber, eating 3-½ or more servings a week (about 1-¾ cups cooked beans or lentils total over the course of a week) will lower your type 2 diabetes risk by 35%. Plus, their resistant starch can also improve gut health.

However, despite all of the support from the medical community, beans have started getting a bad rap. The criticism mostly stems from the latest pseudoscience-based diet fad that tells us we should avoid foods that contain lectins.

Plus, we’re hearing buzzwords like “phytates” being used in misleading ways to criticize beans. This negativity is also riding on the coattails of the anti-carb craze. Because yes, some people are still trying to convince us to be afraid of carbs, even the healthy, complex ones from the plant kingdom.

But, beans are not the enemy. In fact, any diet that suggests you eliminate a global dietary staple with a near-perfect nutrition profile (low in saturated fat, rich in fiber, iron, copper, magnesium and antioxidants) raises red flags for nutrition experts.

The Best Beans to Eat (and Why to Eat Them)

Here’s a quick guide that covers how to cook the top types of beans (and why they’re so, so good for you).


Lectins: Why Beans get a Bad Rap

Why do beans get a bad rap? Lectins in beans have been labeled as “anti-nutrients” that cause IBS, inflammation, obesity, and some autoimmune diseases.

So what are they? Lectins are a protein—more specifically hemagglutinin—that bind to carbohydrates. When they bind to carbohydrates, it makes them harder to digest. Hemagglutinin can also make red blood cells clump together.

Lectins are found in a third of the foods we eat and the lectin content is especially high in raw or undercooked beans, grains and seeds. Lectin-containing foods are the latest in a string of enemies named by fad diets. So what makes lectins harmful?

Some lectins—especially those in raw red kidney beans—may be harmful and may be responsible for damaging the intestinal wall leading to nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.

It’s also possible that people with certain health conditions such as Crohn’s disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) are more sensitive to the damaging potential of dietary lectins and/or cannot digest lectins. And if you have Rheumatoid Arthritis, you may benefit from reducing or avoiding most lectins (study).

But proper cooking eliminates harmful active lectins almost completely (more on how to make sure you’re properly cooking your beans below). Truthfully, many lectin-containing foods in a healthy diet are served cooked, anyway.

Plant Foods High in Lectins

What foods are high in lectins?

  • Beans: Kidney beans are among the highest in lectins, but properly soaking and cooking dried beans denatures harmful lectins. Canned beans are already cooked, so while they aren’t the preferred option, they’ll be low in lectins.
  • Peanuts: Did you know that peanuts are a form of legume? Peanuts are commonly consumed raw and peanut lectins can also be found in the blood when consumed in large amounts.
  • Whole Grains: Raw wheat—such as raw wheat germ—can be a great source of dietary fiber but contain high amounts of wheat lectins. Raw whole grains are a no-no if you’re trying to reduce or avoid lectins.
  • Soybeans: Uncooked raw soybeans are high in lectin. Because most soybean products aren’t boiled, if you’re sensitive to lectin, you may want to avoid them.
  • Potatoes: Potatoes are in the nightshade family and are high in lectin. While most people don’t eat raw potatoes, their skins contain high amounts of this protein.

4 Myths about Beans

Now that we knocked out why beans are good for you, who should avoid beans high in lectins (and what foods are high in lectins), let’s break down some of the common myths.

Myth #1: The Lectins in Beans are “Anti-Nutrients”

Back in 1988, lectins started giving beans a bad name when several hospital workers got sick from eating undercooked kidney beans (study). Unfortunately, beans’ image took another hit in 2006 when a Japanese TV broadcast introduced a new weight loss strategy that called for sprinkling powdered, toasted white kidney beans onto staple foods.

Those beans weren’t cooked properly, either (beans should be boiled for at least 60 minutes after soaking and these were toasted for just 3!). As a result, over a thousand viewers suffered from intestinal problems and 100 people were hospitalized (aka “the white kidney bean incident in Japan”).

No conclusive research has been done in humans to support claims that properly cooked beans are responsible for causing Inflammatory Bowel Disease, inflammation, obesity, etc. In fact, there’s a large body of research on the health benefits of beans! Studies indicate that they may improve gut health, prevent tumor growth, slow down cancer cell growth and prevent obesity.

Here’s another thing to keep in mind: Most healthy plants contain lectins. Ya know what else they contain? Fiber! Fiber is essential for a healthy metabolism and digestion, as well as a strong immune system. It also helps prevent cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Avoiding lectins means avoiding plants, and avoiding plant-based foods means avoiding fiber. You catch my drift?

Myth #2: Beans Slow Mineral Absorption

The phytates in beans may indeed slow or reduce the absorption of certain minerals. But, beans also happen to be quite rich in those very minerals! The confusion may come from the fact that some foods (such as whole grains) are rich in phytates but not as high in minerals as legumes, meaning that it may be harder to absorb enough minerals from those foods alone.

But unless your diet is very high in high-phytate grains with very little legume variety, this shouldn’t be an issue. And if you want to play it extra safe, load up on garlic and onions in your bean dishes—they’re pros at increasing mineral absorption. Score!

Here’s something else that the critics often don’t take into account: Phytates actually have a handful of positive traits. They may stop the growth of cancer cells (research article) and prevent osteoporosis (study). So, as long as you’re getting plenty of mineral-rich foods (which is exactly what you’ll get if you eat a variety of plant foods) in your daily routine, you may actually benefit from the phytates in beans. Go figure!

Myth #3: Beans Cause Blood Sugar Spikes

This criticism is misleading and simply not true. And it really makes my beans boil because I have two kids with type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes. They eat beans nearly every day and I’m able to watch their blood sugars on continuous glucose monitors every 5 minutes.

The digestion of carbs in beans is so slow that we often see a welcome, slow and subtle rise in their sugar levels several hours after eating beans. Nothing even close to a “spike” occurs. In fact, I attribute their steady blood sugars (few spikes and few crashes) to their bean-heavy diets.

And the research backs up my at-home experience. Studies suggest that because of their low glycemic index (due to high fiber content), the digestion of carbohydrates in beans is slower, doesn’t cause sugar spikes and results in better long-term blood sugar control as indicated by lower hemoglobin A1C (HgbA1C) blood test results.

Myth #4: The Protein in Beans is Insufficient

It’s argued that animal protein is higher-quality than the protein in beans and the protein in beans isn’t sufficient for building and maintaining muscle mass, especially as we age.

Animal protein is “complete,” meaning that it contains all nine essential amino acids, which are building blocks for our bodies. Animal protein also has more protein per ounce than legumes.

Some folks suggest that these tidbits mean that animal protein is better quality than plant protein. This argument would only hold up if it were difficult to meet our basic protein needs with plants—and that’s simply not the case.

Legumes contain eight of the nine essential amino acids needed to build protein (and soybeans actually contain all nine!). But, the ninth amino acid (methionine) is easily found in whole grains. Most adults can meet their methionine needs by eating four servings a day of whole wheat grains (for example: one bowl of oatmeal, two pieces of whole-grain bread and a serving of quinoa).

Now, as for building and maintaining muscle, getting enough high-quality protein (which can come from beans and a variety of other plant sources) is just one piece of the puzzle. In fact, there is such a thing as too much!

Research shows that eating more protein than your body really needs in a day (multiply your weight in pounds by 0.36 or your weight in kilograms by 0.8 to get your daily requirement in grams) has no benefit and can actually be harmful to kidney function and bone health.

You can build and maintain muscle mass by getting the right amount of plant-based protein, practicing regular strength and resistance training and eating plenty of complex carbohydrates. This does take more maintenance and dedication as we age (because estrogen and testosterone levels decline) but it’s far from impossible. Moreover, no validated research indicates that animal protein is an essential piece of the puzzle.

How to Reduce Plant Lectins in Beans

While it’s not advised to eat raw beans, properly cooking lectin-containing foods like beans is how you reduce lectins and avoid lectin poisoning. Here are some simple tips:

  • Dried beans must be soaked overnight before you cook them. This makes them easier to digest and starts the process of eliminating the harmful active lectins we talked about.
  • Learn how long to cook your favorite beans. Raw kidney beans require the longest cooking time, so boil them for a full hour to neutralize the plant lectins. Other beans only need to be boiled for 20-30 minutes (actual time depends on size—smaller beans need less time) as long as they’ve been soaked. Using a pressure cooker is also a great way to ensure beans are fully cooked in less time.
  • If you’re using a slow cooker: Raw beans simmered on low heat or cooked in a slow cooker will reduce lectin activity—but not completely remove all the lectins. Consider boiling the beans before adding them to your favorite recipe.

How to Ease the Impact of Beans on Your Digestive Tract

If beans lead to uncomfortable digestive issues, here are a few tips to start eating beans without an upset stomach:

  • Ease legumes into your diet if you’re not already regularly eating them. Start with smaller varieties like lentils and black-eyed peas.
  • Consider cooking them with kombu seaweed, which contains enzymes that break down gas-causing compounds. This should make them easier to digest.
  • Consider adding probiotics and digestive enzymes to your routine to ease digestion.
  • Look for BPA-free cans or BPA-free tetra paks when you’re buying canned beans. Also be sure to rinse them well to remove excess sodium.

Don’t be afraid to add a variety of beans into your diet. From garbanzo beans and pinto beans, to navy beans and lima beans—the health benefits far outweigh the “bad.”

Crazy Sexy Bean Chili

Need a recipe idea? Beans cooked in my Crazy Sexy Kitchen’s out-of-this-world Crazy Sexy Bean Chili are to die for!

The Bottom Line: Beans Are Not The Enemy

There are many types of lectins, and not all are harmful. In fact, most lectins pass through your digestive system unchanged by digestive enzymes.

Beans an important part of a healthy plant-based diet. As long as you’re properly cooking beans, you shouldn’t need to avoid them unless you have an allergy or particular digestive challenges like Crohn’s or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. If you do have Crohn’s or irritable bowel, some of the tips above may help if you want to eat beans—consult with your doctor when in doubt.

I hope this information eases any concerns you might have about beans!

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some quick answers to common questions:

Are canned beans good for you?

Canned beans are usually minimally processed. They are typically canned with water and added salt. You can purchase low-sodium varieties and rinse the beans once you open the can. And be sure to get cans that are BPA-free.

What Type of Bean is the Healthiest?

The “healthiest” bean is also one of the most controversial: soybeans. Are beans that have earned the “healthiest beans” moniker include chickpeas, lentils, black beans, and pinto beans.

Can I Eat Beans Every Day?

It is completely safe to eat beans every day. In fact, the health benefits of bean consumption is innumerable. Sprinkle some of these varieties into your regular diet: pinto beans, navy beans, black beans, fava beans, kidney beans, and more!

Why Do Beans Make You Gassy?

Beans are chock full of complex carbohydrates and hard-to-digest fiber, which can make them harder to digest and lead to gassiness. Soak them really well and slowly add them into your diet to reduce this side-effect.

Thank you, Jen! That was fascinating and so helpful. And beans—thank you, too!

Here’s something I want you to remember: When it comes to food, many people and organizations have a lot on the line. They may have your best interest in mind, or they may have other motivations clouding their vision. You are wise and intuitive, and you know better than anyone else what’s good for you. Let your voice be the loudest.

Your turn: What are your burning bean questions? I’d love to hear what’s on your mind in the comments below!

Beans truly are a magical fruit,

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  1. Joy whitlock says:

    Do I have to boil a can of Mexican mixed beans of kidney, pinto & black 🫘

  2. Mandi Sabie says:

    Do we need to pressure cook canned beans? Some canned beans advertise they are pressure cooked already, while some are just canned. Thank you!

    • Janine, Team Crazy Sexy says:

      Whether pressure cooked or just cooked for a long time, canned beans are both cooked. If you find yourself sensitive to canned beans that aren’t pressure cooked you can cook them longer or pressure cook them (as it’s faster). Good luck!

  3. Gigi says:

    I love beans and grains. I would be totally happy as a vegan. But I suffer from autoimmune disorders and IBS, and the only relief I’ve found has been the result of eliminating these foods, along with many others (i.e., autoimmine protocol). I have tried many many times to introduce things like beans and oatmeal to my diet. And yes, I know how to cook them properly. Every time, I’ve developed horrible autoimmune flares. So sadly, these foods do not seem to be good for me. I was able to reintroduce seeds and nut though, thank goodness. We are all different.

  4. Barb says:

    Thanks so much for addressing this as I have been hearing lately about the evils of lectins. As a vegetarian, it would have left me with very few choices of food to eat. It just didn’t make any sense to me.

    I do have a question though. Should I be soaking nuts and seeds before eating them?

  5. SetUpStrong says:

    Super! As someone who has seen so much misinformation published on this issue, this article is super-appreciated. Please keep up the well-balanced, science-backed comprehensive summaries like this. (Plus, I studied with Gladys Block who developed the Block Food Frequency Questionnaire at UC Berkeley and at the Stanford Prevention Research Center; so I know good quality info when I see it.) Thank you!!!!

  6. Nekia says:

    What are you thoughts on bean flours? Safe or stick to cooking them?

    • Janine, Team Crazy Sexy says:

      Hi Nekia, this is what Kris’s dietitian has to say: The info presented in the article would also apply to the flours. As long as these flours are not making up the bulk of your diet, they should be just fine. Additionally, everyone is a bit different so you should also assess how you feels when you eat these foods and have that be part of what dictates how often and how much you eat. I hope this helps!

  7. Al says:

    Hi there! What about bean/pulse flours used for cooking/crumbing/baking/breads and pasta? I’d like to make tortillas out of red lentil flour (red lentils blended into flour in my high power blender), mixed with water and a bit of salt and pan fried. Would this eliminate the problematic elements of pulses/beans? The same question applies to baking with pulse/bean flour. And for dried pasta made with red lentil flour? The pasta is cooked for 7 minutes in boiling water , but the lentils aren’t soaked before being made into a flour which is then made into the pasta…

    • Janine, Team Crazy Sexy says:

      Hi Al, this is what Kris’s dietitian has to say: The info presented in the article would also apply to the flours. As long as these flours are not making up the bulk of your diet, they should be just fine. Additionally, everyone is a bit different so you should also assess how you feels when you eat these foods and have that be part of what dictates how often and how much you eat. I hope this helps!

  8. Amy Hutner says:

    Good article. I get sick of explaining all the benefits of beans that far outway the risk of “lectins”, or “high carbs”. Or the incomplete protein argument. Nice summary.

  9. Vicky says:

    Thanks very much for this informative article.
    I came upon a recipe for red lentil tortillas that involves using a blender to make a batter out of soaked red lentils and water. If the lentils are soaked overnight, will it be sufficient to reduce the lectins (the lentils are incorporated in an otherwise raw state)?. Attempts to make the batter out of cooked lentils and water were disastrous! Thanks!

    • Janine, Team Crazy Sexy says:

      Hi Vicky, Janine from Team Crazy Sexy here. Soaking does help remove the lectins, but don’t forget that when you cook the tortillas you are cooking the lentils, so they actually don’t remain in their raw state. I hope this helps!

  10. Ginny says:

    Rheumatologist said to not eat high lectin food. I removed beans, lentils, and legumes. She said to eat Mediterranean and add olives, avocados, nuts. Also added small amounts of turkey, fish, and almond butter for protein. My LDL shot up! GP says back on low fat/no fat diet! Help! I have PsA and low lectin diet was helping. Now transitioning back to low fat and am always hungry. Dr. Esselstyn Diet VS Dr. Gundry Diet

  11. christine says:

    Dear Kris
    Regarding proper prep for lentils and beans . So does that mean that tinned lentils / beans automatically have lectins removed – because they are already cooked ? Or , because you don’t know how they have been prepared , you should pressure cook them anyway to be sure the lectins are gone . Thanks

    • Jennifer says:

      Hi Christine, this is Jennifer from Team Crazy Sexy. Because the beans and lentils in the cans are cooked, you should be fine not cooking them again. If they bother you, just start to slowly add more to your diet or try also adding things like kombu, probiotics, etc which can help with digestion. But if you’re in pain or uncomfortable, we always recommend talking to a trusted doc to make sure everything is ok. Thanks for the question! Have a great day and take care. Xo!

  12. paul lebeau says:

    We at Mockmill encourage the use of our popular tabletop stone mills for making flour from all kinds of legumes. All uses we propose for flour made directly from dried pulses involve a) complete hydration and b) complete cooking. (These may not be long processes, although we encourage (for example) letting the thin batter made for farinitas stand overnight… Bean dips/pastes can be made by stirring bean flour into boiling water and cooking it for a few minutes.) For breadmaking, we urge long (sourdough) fermentation. Any danger?

  13. Kristine says:

    I’m aware that cooking beans properly can minimize lechtins, but I’m curious: when you boil or pressure cook them in water, where do the lechtins go? In short, should the water be discarded (because of lectins in it) or used (for nutrients in it)?

    • Jennifer says:

      Hi Kristine, this is Jennifer from Team Crazy Sexy and that’s a great question. To reduce lectins you may want to try soaking your beans overnight. If you are trying to avoid lectins, we would recommend discarding the water as you’ll get enough nutrients in the beans. I hope this is helpful. ?

      • Kristine says:

        I do soak them overnight, drain and rinse, then i cook them…im curious if i should be draining them after they are cooked?
        thanks again

        • Jennifer says:

          Yes, I would drain them again if you are concerned about lectins, Kristine. You’ll get a bunch of nutrients in the beans as-is and can always up the nutrient content of your dish with veggies, etc. Yay for beans!

  14. Jeff says:

    Sharing this url passed on by a friend –
    Soaking of Beans
    Like grains, legumes contain phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors, and require a careful soak before cooking.

    For kidney shaped beans, put beans, a pinch of baking soda and enough water to cover in a large pot and soak for 12-24 hours. For non kidney shaped beans like black beans and other legumes, soak with water and 1 TBL of cider vinegar or lemon juice for every cup of dried legumes used.

    For maximum digestibility, it is best to rinse and refresh the water and baking soda or the acidic medium once or twice during the soaking period.

    Once soaking is complete, drain, rinse, add fresh water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, add a few cloves of peeled and crushed garlic if desired and simmer for 4-8 hours until soft.

    If you’ve had trouble with bloating and gas from beans in the past, try the traditional method of preparation and notice how much more easily they settle in your stomach!

  15. Sara says:

    Awesome post, I learned a lot. (Like, I never realized kidney beans had to be cooked for 60 minutes, I’m reading more on this now.)
    Thank you for this!

  16. Jeff says:

    Good points you make. I wondered if you have celiac disease or checked for that? Reading your post, looked like something I’d write. 🙂 On the oil front, the best for omega ratio is macadamia which is almost inert anyway, but the ratio is about 1 to 1. I only use three oils and all unrefined: avocado oil for high heat cooking and for anything else like salad dressings as it tastes good, macadamia oil for moderate heat cooking and depending on the flavor I might want in the dish or dressing. Then olive oil for my morning smoothie but almost never for cooking but sometimes low heat such as a coating on fish to help spices stick to it. I’ll low-heat smoke a pieces of fish that way in my electric smoker. And the smoking is a compromise. I know it’s probably not that healthy, but I eat very healthy for the most part and I doubt a little smoke now and again is going to cause problems. Olive oil and Avocado oil have a higher omega 6 to 3 ratio, but it’s not high volume compared to meat and fish, so I don’t worry much about that. I like to take in the olive oil due to heart healthy antioxidants. Seems that Dr. Grundy would drink a quart a week. Every morning I add olive oil to my green sludge along with some apple cider vinegar. I might as well post the recipe here. About the celery juice fad. It’s hard for me to understand why people filter out the fiber. It’s hard enough to get the recommended daily amount of fiber in my diet. To me, it’s nuts to remove that fiber from one’s celery juice. Here’s my recipe, more or less every morning. You can add more green juice or water if the thickness bothers you. It doesn’t bother me, but I like it thinned up a bit.
    * 1 entire bunch of organic celery, trimmed of the base and washed and chopped into thirds or quarters for blending.
    * about a cup or more of Suja Uber Greens juice to thin up this recipe
    * 1 tablespoon Braggs unfiltered olive oil
    * 1 tablespoon Braggs unfiltered apple vinegar (or to taste)
    * 2 cloves garlic
    * one brazil nut for selenium
    * one full bag of organic cilantro, including stems (washed of sand) for flavor and heavy metal protection
    * 1 to 2 tsp of PaleoFiber fiber supplement (might not want to start with this as there’s a good deal of fiber in this drink). Get used to it then add later, or not…whatever.
    I usually throw the cilantro, garlic, green juice, fiber powder, oil and vinegar into my vitamix and mix that first,
    then put in all the celery and process on high til it’s nice and smooth.
    I found that running the vitamin on low to medium and just feeding everything through the top whole would overheat the motor, not to mention sometimes getting green stuff on the cabinets and ceiling. So, I do it the way I described and the vitamix does fine and no mess. I usually get a little more two days worth of 16oz glass.
    I take that every morning and it keeps me filled up til lunch. It also took my body a week or so to get used to it.
    But yeah; beans or anything else if one’s body likes them. But, I pressure cook mine with lots of soaking and my body tolerates them ok. I like the change of pace now and again. My diet is definitely a modified paleo. I call it high omega 3 and lectin conscious which is why the prior post makes so much sense to me.

  17. Roland says:

    First, thanks for yourarticle. Do you have a guide on how long to pressure cook specific beans? I don’t have any particular digestive issues but I do notice that beans do indeed “stir things up” and at the least make me pretty gassy. And I’ve tried dishes cooked several different ways. I would like to try pressure cooking them but I’m just not sure where to start.
    I like to be well rounded and look at all sides of a story. Your article was great! However, I notice the subtle warnings when you mention beans and legumes. Secondly, I notice the subtle warnings in your article regarding the right preparation and eating tips. For example, “Ease legumes into your diet”. This confirms to me that whatever the culprit is, (lectins, etc) the need to take caution is real. For that reason, I apply a little bit of every truth into my approach. Lastly, my 13 year old son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes 4 years ago. I’m glad to hear your experience with your kids and their diets. I will give some of your tips a shot! Thank you again for a great article!

    • Jennifer says:

      Hi Roland! This is Jennifer from Team Crazy Sexy and we’re so happy you enjoyed the blog. Kris wrote another blog on how to cook beans that can answer your question re: cooking beans (“My Crazy Sexy Guide to Beans“). This article talks about boiling them, rather than pressure cooking, but still might be helpful. Beans vary greatly in how long it takes, and the pressure cookers vary as well. We’d recommend trying a few things and seeing what works. Xo from the whole team!

  18. Jeff says:

    That raw red kidney beans can make you extremely ill or kill you gives me the validation I need to at least be careful of beans. Pressure cook, soak, rinse, etc. But I don’t share this benign bean feeling though.

  19. MK says:

    Question: can the lectin in raw navy beans leach into a pie crust if you pour them directly on the warm shell for half hour as a weight?

  20. Steven says:

    I honestly don’t like beans as it is hard to eat. Unless of course, you have conditions that react to legumes.
    Perhaps we can develop a way to cook or pre-process beans to totally remove lectins on it.

  21. Joanne says:

    I would like to make homemade black bean flour. But the recipe I looked at said to soak the beans for a few minutes and then dry them out in a 175 degree oven before grinding them. My question: how do you get rid of the harmful lectins? Does a 175 degree oven decrease the lectins?

    • Jennifer says:

      Hi there, Joanne! This is Jennifer from Team Crazy Sexy. Lectins needs higher temps to be destroyed, this lower oven temp will likely not destroy them. To reduce lectins you may want to try soaking your beans overnight, vs. for just a few minutes, and see if the black bean flour recipe works well this way. Good luck!

  22. sadlectinboi says:

    Wish I could eat beans. whenever I eat them my inflammation goes off the charts (I do have crohns). oh well

  23. Nancy says:

    How does fermenting cooked beans (tempeh) affect the lectins in beans?
    Any tomato myths to conquer?

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Nancy! Fermenting greatly reduces lectin content, so there are negligible lectins in tempeh and other fermented foods. I haven’t heard any myths about tomatoes, but if you do, give us a shout! xo – Jen

  24. Sam Miller says:

    Bean bashing has to stop. Thanks for the myth debunking. It’s tiring when people present their hypothesis as fact when there is no substantial evidence to back it up. I have yet to come across any dietary research linking lectins in whole foods, when properly prepared, to the various health conditions that anti-lectin proponents claim.

  25. Karen Widaman says:

    Hi. Loved the article on beans and legumes. What about gluten in whole grains. Gluten is inflammatory even if you are not celiac…..

  26. Mary says:

    Question: If legumes are so good for me, why do I have to “ease them” into my diet? They caused me so much grief for years. I tried to be vegetarian, ate numerous servings of black beans and rice, and had horrible, horrible digestive issues. Now I avoid them like the plague, eat organic/hormone free meat, fresh veggies and fruit, and have no digestive issues. Over twenty years of gut issues solved by removing legumes, grains, and lectins from my diet. Life got much simpler.

    I loved the taste of black beans, but they were a nightmare for me for so many years, same with corn/grains. No food should have to be “eased into eating”. No “body” has to adjust to eating meat/fish, veggies and fruit. It just works, because it is how we are made to eat and thrive.

    • Sam Miller says:

      Beans (legumes) contain a particular carbohydrate called oligosaccharides which some people have difficulty digesting. The article pertains to lectins. For me, it depends upon the type legume and how it is prepared. I am able to eat red lentils easily. A typical multi-bean salad on the other hand makes me particularly gassy. However, mashed refried kindey or black beans are not a problem. But, animal products are not immune to digestive issues. Some people also have difficulty digesting lactose in milk. Also, regular consumption of red meat has other potential health problems, including increased cardiometbolic disease and cancer risk. (I feel ill if I eat red meat.) No food is perfect, so we each experiment and find the right combo that works. Regardless, the best approach is to keep our diets plant-centered, supplemented with agreeable protein-rich foods, vegan or carnivore. If I regularly ate animal protein, I would prefer seafood and poultry. Unfortunately, since we have contaminated our oceans, we have to be careful with how much seafood we eat because of heavy metals.

      • Jeff says:

        There’s an enormous difference between red meat corrupted with high omega 6 grain feed, antibiotics, vegetable oil, scittles and Lord knows what else those poor animals are stuffed with .. VS organic, grassfed beef. Night and day…no comparison whatsoever in terms if nutrition, health benefits and especially health risks in the case of corrupted beef.
        And even moreso, no comparison with processed red meat which is an invitation to bad health and/or cancer. Organic grass fed beef is packed with healthy nutrition and should not be included in the man-corrupted, bad red meat category.

  27. Wendy Larose says:

    I have a question about canned beans. I have heard that cooking beans in a pressure cooker gets rid of harmful lectins. Have canned beans been cooked properly?

  28. Ritesh A. says:

    Hi Kris,

    Thanks for your blog post. It was packed with some new information for me. Very helpful.
    However, today at work place somebody was rejecting my dietary intake of sprouted mung beans and pomegranate seeds (together). The concern they voiced was of lectins and mentioned that mung beans need to be cooked and not to be eaten as sprouts. I am puzzled! I do eat kidney beans pressure cooked in Indian curry form which is my favorite. But what’s wrong with sprouts?
    Please help!!

  29. Angela starks says:

    To help make beans even more digestible – and to make nutrients more available – you can sprout them and then eat raw ( in moderation) or then cook them. Sprouting reduces or eliminates phytstes and predigesting starches, proteins and fats.

    • Angela says:

      PS. There has also been talk of beans being too high in glutamine for a cancer fighter. Apparently cancer feeds on glutamine. Any comments?

  30. Rick F says:

    I’m on a plant based diet with home meal delivery. Beans are a big part of the program but rarely do the reciepes call for more then warming up the beans via pan cooking. I have read some about leaky gut and lectins. In essence, is my home delivery plant based diet coming up short?

  31. Sover says:

    Enjoyed the article – beans are one of my favorite protein sources! I do have to comment on the protein requirement though. I was tested (by a Functional Medicine) doctor and actually found to be deficient in protein (need over 100g and I am 175 lb). I have two vegan protein powders and even had to do an animal source (marine collagen) to get enough.
    Just wanted to throw it out there that some of us need more protein and diet is very individualized…

  32. kathy says:

    Hi, thanks so much for the lowdown on beans. I love beans! I’ve just tried making homemade (organic) soy-milk for the first time recently which of course contained much more soybeans per water ratio than the store-bought ones. I had terrible stomach pains from gas for hours after drinking a whole cup full. Do you think doing this Kombu trick might help with this? or was it just too much that I consumed at once?

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Kathy! Did you use 1/2 cup soybeans and 4 cups of water to make your recipe? Also, fully cooked (or overcooked!) yellow soybeans are more easily digested than the other varieties. The kombu may help, but it’s possible that you just need to dilute the “milk” a little more. My favorite nondairy homemade milk is actually hemp milk… just 1 cup hemp hearts blended with 4 cups water. It’s mild, easy-to-digest, and lasts 5 days in the fridge. Hope that helps! xo

  33. al says:

    I eat my legumes sprouted and raw… Mung,chick peas,lentils,alfalfa,fenugreek…etc. .
    All delicious in any dish,or for thickening vegan mayonnaise!!!
    Do you have any information about the benifits (or not) of using them this way?…
    Thank you for the article!!!

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Al, The legumes that people usually sprout are also the ones that tend to be low in lectins. They include lentils, adzuki beans, sugar peas, mung beans, urad beans, and garbanzo beans (chickpeas). Soaking and sprouting these legumes results in a low-lectin food. It’s not recommended that you sprout any other kind of legume because of the higher lectin levels in the other varieties. Hope that helps! xo – Jen

  34. Lisa S. says:

    I so appreciate this article and I couldn’t agree more! I’ve never been willing to give up beans. Nope. I’ve been some kind of plant-based since the 1980s and am currently whole food, plant-based, no oil vegan. Even with my history of so-called irritable bowel, I have no issues with eating them. Once I healed my “gut,” I noticed that they didn’t cause as much upsets as they did before. Even though they caused digestive upsets, I still ate them. Later in my 20s, about 20 years ago, I found out it was the gluten in various foods that caused me issues, since I didn’t know I was celiac. I honestly think that once the gut heals, so-called FOMAPs aren’t an issue LOL! 😉

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Lisa! Thanks for sharing your experience, and so glad to hear you’re thriving on a plant-based diet 🙂 xo – Jen

      • Lisa S. says:

        Thanks, Jen! Much appreciate! I smiled the other day because I realized I had your cookbook, the Skinny Dish one (Trader Joe’s) and was like, “Umm, that name looks familiar!”

        Haha! I’m slow…lol.

  35. Erin says:

    Excellent information! Thank you ladies! Question….I use an instant pot to cook my beans and legumes because you don’t need to soak them first. Do you have any information if this is adequate for breaking down the lectins the same way soaking does? It is just so much easier and faster! I don’t have any digestive issues using them this way so hopefully that means the nutrition is the same. Thanks so much!

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Erin! If you’re using your instant pot like a pressure cooker for your beans (as in manual high heat for 45 minutes), then that’s a great way to destroy lectins. If you’re using it more like a slow-cooker, then the heat won’t get high enough to destroy all lectins. Hope that helps! xo – Jen

  36. Lisa Flaum says:

    Thanks for this Jen.I highly recommend you read Dr Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution. I have type 1 Diabetic child and it has been a remarkable breakthrough.There was also this article published in the New York Times. Low Carb high Protein is not a fad diet for diabetics and should become main stream. There are vegetarians in this group. In my opinion a diabetics pancreas is not able and should not be required to process a carb like beans.

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Thanks Lisa! I will definitely check those out! We use beans instead of starchy foods in many meals (in addition to almond flour, coconut flour, and chickpea flour) and see very steady blood sugar lines, but we also emphasize lots of nuts and seeds, tofu, and tempeh. Thanks so much. We’re always learning and the community of type 1 parents is top notch! xo – Jen

  37. kay says:

    raw kidney beans are poison, so i only eat them cooked. i soak adzuki overnight. next morning–
    throw them in blender with coconut milk, coconut oil, water, oats, & blend; put in waffle iron &
    cook a little longer than a waffle–come out crispy! some other beans can be used but not kidney beans!
    good info in your article. also–false info on beans to sell their products.
    I eat beans 1 or 2 times/week–& never pass any ‘air’ or gas.

  38. Beth says:

    Thanks, Kris for all of your important info! The phytate debate is always an interesting topic! Fantastic tips at the end there being plant-based I eat a lot of beans so I will be sure to take those into consideration.

  39. Lauren says:

    Hi Kris! I would love to know how best to prepare dried black beans (they stink up the apartment when I soak them and sometimes taste rancid after cooking) and dried chick pea (they are always crunchy despite hours in crockpot and soaking for 1-2 days). Love them but I don’t love the prep work and the stink! Thanks!

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Lauren! Since a pressure cooker cooks beans much faster and doesn’t require soaking, that might be a great option for you. Lots of people love the Instant Pot because it can do both slow-cooking and pressure cooking. Hope that helps! xo – Jen

  40. Cheryl says:

    Thanks for the response Jen! I am a year out of chemo for ovarian cancer, so I am trying to eat vegan. I do not feel that animal protein is good for my past diagnosis. Do you have any other tips for protein sources? I use beans, nutritional yeast and nuts. I will add some meats if I have to in order to improve my glucose which has started being elevated.

  41. Lisa says:

    This is interesting! I haven’t eaten beans in such a long time because they give me such horrible gas. I am making an appointment to go see a Gastroenterologists doc to see what is going on with this and other issues. I miss humus and other bean dishes. If I have any issues it’s nice to know I might eat them again one day.

  42. Barbara Grisley Monsour, RD says:

    Thank you for this common sense-filled article. You provide a voice of calm and rationality in today’s confusing world of nutrition advice!

  43. Charmaine Hinman says:

    Do canned beans meet the recommended cooking requirements? If they are in BPA free cans, are they a good quality source to consume? Many thanks.

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Charmaine! Yes, canned beans have been fully cooked. However, to play it safe, some folks do like to cook them further. Totally up to you, but yes, BPA-free canned beans are a fantastic and realistic protein source. Cheers! – xo Jen

  44. berkeleybaby says:

    Thank you Kris! We are feeding our one year old beans already so for us this important post was very clarifying. It can be very challenging to sort out complex information when, in general, we tend to be offered sound bites. With a little one it feels like even more is at stake, and so we really appreciate your work.

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      You’re welcome! Beans are just the best finger food for little ones. All 4 of my kids ate beans starting at 9 months old. Cheers! xo – Jen

  45. Cheryl says:

    Talk about timely. I just went to my doctor, and my fasting blood sugar was 100. That is too high, but she said I need more protein, and beans don’t count. Because beans are a carbohydrate. I have been a dietitian since 1992, and everything I ever read about beans was good. I do not eat very much meat, so my protein has to come from other sources. She suggested pea protein. That is processed and a starch. It was nice to read something that goes along with what I have learned my whole life. Thank you.

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Cheryl! From dietitian to dietitian, you’re very welcome! Best of health to you 🙂 – xo Jen

  46. Mariana says:

    I soaked my lentils for 12 hours and cooked them for 30 minutes, but I forgot to rinse them before I cooked them.
    Can them be harmful?
    Thank you!

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Mariana! The majority of lectins are destroyed by heat. Rinsing mainly removes gas-causing compounds. So, if you find that your digestive system is a little wonky after eating unrinsed beans, rinse next time and hopefully you’ll have found a remedy. xo – jen

  47. Dan says:

    Bean up people!

    I was happy to come across this presentation… Thank you Kris and Jen… It’s comforting… In a play on Chicago’s great song “Does Anyone Really Know What Time It Is?”, I submit “Does Anyone Really The “Truth” About Any Of This?”… With regard to how someone can “recover” health… One would think everyone’s offerings are good intentioned, they believe what they are saying because it helped them achieve an objective… But what does all of it really add up to? So much fear is now likely pervading everyone who has been looking at all of the information surging through their computers the last 5 years, hoping that something will be the key for them… Is it the fear response that inevitably accompanies all the back and forth “bickering” among Paleo, Keto, Plant Based, Vegan, Vegetarian, etc., etc., etc., that actually perpetuates chronic fight or flight that actually initiated the health challenge in the first place? Something to consider… Where are all the “studies” from the Functional Medicine people on this? Where’s the study that looks at 100 people, 300 people, 1000 people, 500 who feel great and eat everything and 500 who have a health challenge and eat everything, that looks at “food sensitivities”… Is it possible you could have 200, 300 people from the feel great group still show 20 food sensitivities, or as many sensitivities as those with the health challenges? Could it be revealed that 300 people who feel great show significant sensitivities to gluten and dairy? Everyone’s gut has to be somewhat permeable for nutrients to get into the bloodstream… So what does it all really mean… This kind of study needs to be done legitimately so people can see additional important information on this idea… Lectins, Phytates, things that are “natural” to the food… Maybe it’s the chemicals sprayed on the food and all over the air that is causing 98% of the issue? My Naturopath has postulated that… So many who are presenting their take come off as if what they are saying is “holier than thou” but that’s gonna facilitate fear, fear, fear… Not good for healing…

    I was happy to see this because the beans and rice hesitation has occupied my mind many times throughout the last hand full of years… I enjoy that combo and have eaten them for years prior… I’ve still eaten them here and there as the walls of fear tumble down more and more from not seeing any change in my challenge through “limitation oriented” eating shifts… I soak ’em overnight, have a few favorite restaurants that may or may not soak ’em… Delicious… I will always eat healthy and am now thinking the key is to just do that while having fun in your world without always thinking in a “contracted” way… This just feels right… Is it a “feeling of contraction”(Mingtong Gu) that is really what is hurting someone and causing their pain?

    I thank you Kris for your columns and thoughts, inspiring gal that you are, and thank you Jen for this presentation… Good info…

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      You’re so welcome, Dan! Thanks for staying on Team Bean despite all the myths out there! xo – Jen

  48. I love this Kris! Thank you both for this helpful information. This says a lot about how prepare beans but I was wondering about canned refried beans. I have them often, sometimes with garlic powder, onion powder and red pepper flakes. Is there a proper way to prepare them too? I usually just move them from can to pot and warm them for 5mins. Should I be preparing differently? I was told that they are already cooked enough and just need heating. Is that a myth too? Thank you Kris and Jen! I eat beans a lot, so this is very helpful to me.

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Angela! Canned beans of any kind are usually fully cooked, so you should be good by simply warming your refried beans over the stove. Cheers! xo – Jen

  49. Lu says:

    Hi, Jen,

    What an excellent article. I confess that beans are not my favorites (texture issue), but I do like the smaller ones—black beans, lentils, split-peas (as soup), cannellini, and black-eyed peas, as well as garbanzos as hummus. Is that enough, or do I need to diversify more? (I eat mostly black beans and hummus, if I’m honest.)

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Lu! That sounds like plenty of variety to me. In general, beans have very similar qualities to one another, so even if you include 1 kind on a regular basis, you’ll be getting lots of health benefits. Hope that helps! xo – Jen

      • Lu says:

        I did not know that! 😀 That’s good to know. I like black beans because they have so much iron, too! Thanks! xo

  50. Joanne Ingrassia says:

    Thank you for this! I know by my own experience that beans are a wonderful food. But I admit, I sometimes listen to ‘other points of view’ which I think are not supported by science. This article helps shed more light on everything one needs to know about beans. I much appreciate this, as I shift back to trusting myself more, along with trusted sources. I love your style and just signed up for your next workshop. I think I need a more consistent approach to what best nourishes me, as though I do this a good part of the time, there are other times I stray far, far away! I know!! I’m working on it. 🙂

  51. Linda says:

    My husband and I love beans and eat them often. I have no problems after eating them but my husband, let’s just say we both suffer after he eats them. He’s tried taking enzymes before eating them but I think that makes things worse. Any suggestions?

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Linda! A good quality probiotic (see more on Kris’ blog here: may be helpful in digesting beans (along with the digestive enzymes). Cooking them with kombu seaweed or a touch of baking soda (and then rinsing them well) may also be helpful. It’s also important to start with small servings of small beans (black beans, black-eyed peas, lentils) and work your way up in serving size and bean size. Beans are incredibly healthy and I hope your husband (and you!) can start including them more often! xo – Jen

  52. Meredith says:

    Fantastic post!!! I’ve eliminated a bunch of foods recently because I found they were exacerbating my eczema. Beans are a food that DOES work for me, and I’ve been incorporating them in lots of meals. But I’ve also read those diet books that caution against beans, and I wasn’t sure what to think. Thanks for easing my mind!

    • kris says:

      It’s so great that you’ve done the important work to figure out what works and what doesn’t for your body. Way to go, Meredith! xo, kc

  53. Angie B says:

    Great and timely article, Kriss. I am also fed up of the recent anti-carb nonsense. Can’t help suspecting that the meat and dairy industries are pushing this trend.

  54. Lee says:

    Thank you for this article! I love beans but beans do not love me. I love how beans taste and I want to eat them, but I produce the most toxic gas when I do. It’s so bad, and just plain annoying, so I almost completely avoid beans. I’ve found that following the advice in the book Eating Right for Your Blood Type is the closest group of dietary guidelines that work best for my body (I’m type O+). But even that says that I should be able to eat certain kinds of beans and yet, I still just do not digest them well. All my siblings eat beans w no problems at all. As long as I can recall eating beans has caused me to become bloated and gassy I just avoid them entirely now—even when using enzymes. Any suggestions you think may help?

    Thank you.

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Lee! You may be able to tolerate beans by supplementing with a good quality probiotic an hour before breakfast and 2 hours after dinner along with taking digestive enzymes with meals. This combo has proven helpful for many folks who previously thought they just simply couldn’t tolerate beans. Plus, once your system adjusts, you are likely to be able to wean off the probiotics and enzymes (see more on Kris’ blog here: Cooking beans with kombu seaweed or a touch of baking soda (and then rinsing them well) may also be helpful. Beans are incredibly healthy and I hope you can start including them in your diet sometime soon! xo – Jen

  55. Jack says:

    Thanks, Kris. Excellent info. Thanks, Jen. Appreciate everything you guys do to help us glean the truth out of all the noise out there.

  56. Joanne says:

    Hello, I eat beans/lentils everyday. They are my main source protein. I read that pyates in beans can interfere with calcium absorbtion. I have Osteoporosis. I rinse canned beans and soak dry beans overnight. I’m not sure if this helps enough.
    Thank you

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Joanne! As mentioned in the blog, phytates and their potential as mineral binders shouldn’t be a concern unless your diet is very low in legumes and very high in grains. For bones, it’s important to make sure you’re getting plenty of Vitamin D in addition to calcium as Vitamin D will increase calcium absorption and help prevent fractures. Dietary vitamin D is not usually enough and most doctors recommend supplementing between 2,000 and 5,000 IUs daily. Check with your doc to see what amount may be right for you. Hope that helps! xo – Jen

      • Joanne says:

        Thank you so much Jen.

      • Emily says:

        It’s also important to make sure you are getting enough vitamin k2 when you are taking vitamin D or calcium otherwise you get calcium buildup in the arteries. Vitamin k2 can interfere with anticoagulants.

  57. Leslie says:

    What about adzuki beans? Easier to digest? I have IBS, split pea soup and adzuki beans work well. I once tested allergic to legumes.
    And, are you saying no animal protein ever? It seems to settle my stomach (only eat organic grass fed beef, organic chicken, turkey and, well, fish, hard to find organically raised fish). You left out source of B-12 and that most soy is gmo.
    In fact, soy products cause me severe gastrointestinal distress. I question your promotion of soy for many reasons.
    Thanks very much !

    • Leslie says:

      Thank you for the article- i’ll try your suggestions. What about adzuki beans? Easier to digest? I have IBS, split pea soup and adzuki beans work well. I once tested allergic to legumes.
      And, are you saying no animal protein ever? It seems to settle my stomach (only eat organic grass fed beef, organic chicken, turkey and, well, fish, hard to find organically raised fish). You left out source of B-12 and that most soy is gmo.
      In fact, soy products cause me severe gastrointestinal distress. I question your promotion of soy for many reasons.
      Thanks very much !

      • Jen Reilly, RD says:

        Hi Leslie! Thanks for your note, and glad to hear that adzuki beans and split peas are well tolerated. Everyone is different, but smaller beans do tend to be easier to digest. You can certainly make the food choices that best suit you. Our point regarding meat is that it’s not a necessary part of the diet in terms of meeting protein needs. And yes, we always encourage vitamin B12 for people on a completely plant based diet (see Kris’ supplements blog here: and organic, non-GMO soy. Hope that helps! xo – Jen

        • Leslie says:

          Thank you very much, Jen. Wondering if organic, non-gmo soy wouldn’t cause the severe stomach distress and major diarrhea-do you know? I like tofu. Watching how tofu is made, could it be made using a different bean? Thanks for info that smaller beans easier to digest. Is it ok to include a bit of organic animal protein? I wonder because I’m O blood type and it does seem to make my stomach feel better. Raw greens, very difficult to digest.
          Thanks for your help. Leslie

  58. Lisa Lyons says:

    This was a great article as I wanted to go vegan but I was worried about the ( now False) info on beans
    I do have a burning question that
    still gives me pause
    It refers to Methionine – the daily amount of cup of oatmeal, 2 pieces of whole grain brain and a serving of quinoa per day will keep my weight on and I won’t be able to lose my last 15 pounds.
    I am 54 and that is too much carbs/sugar.
    Is there a powder of methionine that can be taken per day or does the body do fine with less of this per day ?
    I am not a runner and running or an hour on elliptical may burn the 2 slices of. Bread. But that’s too much for my joints.
    Thank you as this last part makes me feel afraid to give up meat but I really want to for spiritual and environmental and humane reasons

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Lisa! Other great sources of methionine include Brazil nuts (6 nuts give you 44% of your Recommended Daily Intake for methionine) and hemp seeds (3 tbsp give you 38% of your RDI for methionine). Sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds, pistachios and cashews are also good sources. And, don’t forget that soybeans are a “complete” protein so they have plenty of methionine. Hope that helps! xo -Jen

      • Lisa Lyons says:

        OH YES so helpful
        Thank you for your fast response
        And I love all the choices. I love Brazil nuts for the selenium also ! And making but mills.

        Jen and Kris, you have no idea how you have eased my mind. My spiritual path is soon asking me to be vegetarian and I have been letting go but stressing about weight loss weight gain beans. It was very upsetting also the the Whole 30 eliminates. beans and lentils and grains. Too tough.

        Sending love to you both. There is something about Kris – it must your big heart and laugh – that when you write the info needed and on point, I completely trust.
        So grateful

  59. Susan Wright says:

    I put beans in everything we eat we love them. I sent your email to a bunch of people Thankyou

  60. Lisa says:

    Great article, thank you! I sometimes cook black kidney beans in the slow cooker (on low for 6 hours) when I’ve forgotten to soak overnight, but I resently read that the temperature in the slow cooker isn’t high enough to remove the lectins, is this true?

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Lisa! Lectins need high temps to be destroyed, so best to be safe and boil or use a pressure cooker, especially for the kidney bean varieties. Hope that helps! xo – Jen

      • Larese says:

        It might depend on your specific slow-cooker. Even on Low, mine ( Crock-Pot SCVT650-PS ) is at least at a low simmer (meaning there is slow bubbling). At High, it’s a definitely what I would call a either a fast simmer or slow boil. The only setting it doesn’t bubble at is the Warm setting. I don’t remember my mother’s original slow cooker (the round, taller-than-wider kind) ever boiling like that. I wonder if all of the newer slow-cookers have higher temperatures now?

  61. Kate Tennant says:

    Why the concerns with beans if you have IBS? I was diagnosed with IBS 10 or 12 years ago and went through an elimination diet to figure out what was going on. Turns out my IBS was the result of dairy, egg, and gluten intolerances and once I gave them up, it disappeared! I also gave up meat and started eating beans on the daily with no ill effects. Beans are the bomb! ?

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Kate! Some folks with IBS have a harder time digesting beans, especially during episodes. SO glad that isn’t the case for you. In fact, we’ve seen many folks with IBS go through our Crazy Sexy You program and have an easy time with beans. Thanks for your note, and go Team Bean! xo – Jen

  62. Katrina says:

    I love soaking brown chick peas overnight with the innards of a lemon and boiling them up in the morning. I must say I was doing this long before developing autoimmune diabetes; so cannot comment on cause and effect (though I have my own theory that in my case, far from being hereditary the autoimmunity was iatrogenic). One thing I would emphasise is that HbA1c tests are a very crude ‘test’ for blood sugar levels. They only give you one reading for the last ten weeks (roughly the lifespan of a red blood cell) so include extremes of hypo and hyper glycaemic incidents.

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Yes, great point Katrina! It’s wonderful that more and more endocrinologists are moving toward “time in range” as a measure of long-term health, especially as more people with diabetes are using continuous glucose monitors and as research is pointing toward steadier blood sugar lines as an important method of evaluating long-term health. Thanks for bringing that up! xo Jen

      • Katrina says:

        I keep telling them I need Continuous Glucose Monitoring but they tell me it would be dangerous to put me on a pump. I find it impossible to remember whether I have injected insulin or not; so am likely to double dose. As far as I am concerned exogenous insulin is always dangerous. I am just looking forward to pens attached to electronics to pass the Food and Drugs Administration so that I do not have to rely on records of what I cannot remember (needles put my head into a numb state – and usually they can’t even take enough blood to check for ketoacidosis because my whole circulation system has frozen at the sight of healthcare practitioners who don’t know what they’re doing). Since I can score whatever number they want they don’t care how many hypos I have and I once feinted for three days without anybody noticing. This was complicated because they misdiagnosed me as having type 2 on account of my age. Age is known to be irrelevant; but professionals rely on probabilities generated by empirical evidence. Frankly to be told (four years later! – by which time my life was in ruins) ‘don’t worry; we often get it wrong’ is not likely to increase my faith in their treatment. It would be so easy to take a waist/height measurement to decide whether it is worth sending a blood sample to test for antibodies. It should be obligatory before an arbitrary decision on ‘type’. Diabetics are not necessarily typical; my lifestyle was never a problem. Ideally I feel the umbrella term ‘diabetes’ should be renamed to reduce such frequent misconceptions amongst the public and healthcare practitioners, who should base any labels on accurate information. More often it is me telling them what is going to be available. They think if they have got away with getting it wrong for 30 years, their expertise is unquestionable. I am learning to growl.

  63. Maaike says:

    Thanks Jen for this article! I’ve found that not all beans were created equally. I suffer from IBS and I usually steer clear of legumes during an episode. In my experience, the bean that causes me most distress is the chickpea, which is rather unfortunate because it means missing out on hummus when I have a flare up. The one that is the friendliest to my gut is the black bean, though I cut that one too when my IBS plays up. Once my symptoms subside I try to reintegrate them to my diet, as a vegan I need their high protein content to keep me healthy. For me, it’s all about finding out
    what works and what doesn’t, so thanks for shedding a light on them beans!

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Maaike! Thanks so much for sharing your situation and I’m so glad that you’ve figured out a way to include beans when you’re not in the midst of an episode. IBS can be very different from person to person and learning to decode and manage yours is a huge accomplishment! When you aren’t able to tolerate beans, hemp seeds are a great protein-rich option. xo! – Jen

  64. Angie Willerton says:

    thank you as along term bean eater i have also been baffled by all the reading saying they shouldn’t be part of a healthy diet and since i am vegetarian and try to keep it vegan a lot of the time the pulses are really necessary.

  65. Clarissa says:

    I was looking at the keto diet and found out no beans! i dont think I could do that part of it. I love beans in homemade black bean salsa and more. this article helped put my mind at east for sure.



    • kris says:

      Yay! And if you need some new recipes, you can search “beans” right here on my site for some great ideas :-). xo, kc

  67. Susan Lloyd-Piralli says:

    Hi Kris and Jen,

    I was just wondering exactly which “fad diets” are giving beans a bad wrap, so that I may keep an eye out for them and not be swayed?

    Secondly, where are you getting your daily protein requirements figure? In my studies, it’s always been 0.7 per kilo of body weight. 0.36 seems very low to me.



    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Susan! Thanks for your comment. You’re absolutely right — the protein requirement calculation is either 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight OR 0.36 grams of protein per POUND of body weight. I went with the pound conversion in this post, but we’ll add the kg calculation too. Thanks, and I hope that clears things up! xo Jen

      • Jen Reilly, RD says:

        Also, it’s mostly the paleo and ketogenic diets that are anti-beans (and also anti-grains). Don’t be swayed! 🙂 xo -Jen

        • Gill says:

          Also auto-immune, and leaky gut diets – some give the lectins in beans a really bad rap. So good to read this illuminating and clarifying article. Many thanks

  68. carole saulnier says:


    I love beans!!! Every time we go down south i enjoy a variety of black beans and chickpeas but when i get home, try to find recipes on how to make those same beans at home but unsuccessful in finding a really good recipe… this is one of the reasons i had joined the csy last year…so my question is will this year csy have more bean recipes that are like baked beans but are salty and can eat them with whole grains like rice…i love rice and beans… but when you’re raised on meat and potatoes its a bit challenging to learn how to cook them and make them taste great… thanks

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Carole! CSY has a handful of new bean dishes this year including a couple with rice. Traditional southern cooking includes beans that have been cooked for hours and hours and the spices, bay leaves, onions, peppers, celery, etc. just completely take over. SO delicious! CSY bean dishes are more quick-cooking, but if you post in the group asking for favorite Louisiana-style or Southern-style bean recipes, I’m sure you’ll get lots of ideas. Hope you join us again! xo – Jen

  69. As usual another very actionable post from Kris!!
    I totally agree. This is such an mis-understood & under utilized food group.

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