Kris Carr

Kris Carr


Feeling Unappreciated? 36 Thank You’s to Yourself & Others

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  • (1:07) When was the last time you felt truly appreciated?
  • (5:10) How to receive and give verbal gifts 
  • (9:14) My 36 thank you messages to you
  • (18:42) Simple practices to cultivate a culture of gratitude 
  • (22:29) An exercise for giving yourself gratitude even if it feels uncomfortable 

Key Quotes From the Show

“This cycle of feeling like you’re never getting ahead, or you’re never doing enough, it truly is a losing game.”

“Thank you for being you. There’s no one like you. And the world is so much better because you’re in it.”

“Gratitude allows us to pause and find the magic in the present moment.”

Trust me  – I know just how tough it can be to accept compliments or feel like you don’t deserve them. But I’m here to challenge your thinking and help you embrace gratitude and appreciation in your life, both for yourself and others. Today, I share some simple practices, exercises, and tools you can incorporate into your daily routine to change your perspective on appreciation and create a culture of gratitude all around you. 

This episode will encourage you to recognize and appreciate every single way you contribute to the world, big and small. If you need a reminder of your worth and the difference you make – listen in! 

The Appreciation Drought

Maybe you’ve been working tirelessly at your job, but your efforts go unnoticed. Perhaps you’re the family caretaker, handling countless tasks that keep the household running smoothly, yet no one seems to acknowledge it. Or you’ve been there for a friend through tough times, but they haven’t expressed how much it meant to them.

It’s easy to feel underappreciated, isn’t it? But remember this: Just because you haven’t heard it in a while doesn’t mean it isn’t felt. Sometimes, people get so caught up in their own lives that they forget to express their appreciation out loud.

36 Thank You Messages

To combat the appreciation drought, I’ve crafted a list of 36 thank you messages. As you read through this tribute to yourself, allow yourself to fully absorb these words of gratitude. Some might resonate more deeply than others, and that’s okay. You might even find yourself tearing up. Embrace those emotions. The goal is to recognize the countless ways you contribute to the world, often without realizing it.

  1. Thank you for your love. Love is the foundation of everything good in this world. And your love is so healing (for yourself and others).
  2. Thank you for saying yes. Your willingness to engage, participate and show up when you’re needed makes a big impact on the world.
  3. Thank you for saying no when others needed to hear it. Sometimes, the kindest thing we can do is set a boundary.
  4. Thank you for all the butts you’ve wiped and the noses you’ve cleaned. Caregiving isn’t glamorous, but it’s so important. And you do it with such a giving, tender heart.
  5. Thank you for your soft, yet strong shoulder. Your support means more than you know.
  6. Thank you for your creative touch, it adds more beauty to the world.
  7. Thank you for the gas money. Those little contributions add up.
  8. Thank you for cooking all that great food over the years. Nourishment is an act of love.
  9. Thank you for getting people where they need to go. Your reliability is appreciated.
  10. Thank you for your presence. Sometimes just being there is enough.
  11. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. It’s the little things that mean the most.
  12. Thank you for taking responsibility. It’s not always easy, but it’s always important.
  13. Thank you for your infectious laughter. Your joy is contagious!
  14. Thank you for your wild, silly, sexy, free spirit. The world needs your beautiful energy.
  15. Thank you for mowing the lawn and taking the garbage out. You keep our lives running smoothly.
  16. Thank you for always remembering to change the oil and get the car inspected. Your attention to detail keeps us safe.
  17. Thank you for knowing how to fix things and for being handy. Your skills make life easier for everyone around you.
  18. Thank you for being kind to animals. Your compassion extends to all living beings.
  19. Thank you for changing the cat litter and picking up dog poop. It’s not glamorous, but it’s necessary. Your willingness to handle the messy parts of life is appreciated.
  20. Thank you for taking care of yourself (even if you think you don’t do it well enough). Self-care can be hard and doing the best you can is enough.
  21. Thank you for pushing yourself (and others) to grow. Your loving encouragement helps us become better versions of ourselves.
  22. Thank you for being open hearted. You make people feel safe and accepted.
  23. Thank you for listening with your whole being. True listening is a rare and valuable gift.
  24. Thank you for your hard work and focus, your dedication is an essential element of our collective success.
  25. Thank you for your willingness to put yourself out there. Vulnerability takes courage.
  26. Thank you for being brave and courageous. Your strength inspires others.
  27. Thank you for being willing to fail and ready to leap. Taking risks is how we grow and achieve great things.
  28. Thank you for your passion and dedication. Your enthusiasm is contagious.
  29. Thank you for caring about the world around you. Your awareness makes our community better.
  30. Thank you for being vulnerable, we know it’s not easy. Opening up helps others do the same.
  31. Thank you for facing your challenging times with grace. Your resilience is admirable.
  32. Thank you for the great people and ideas you’ve birthed. Your creativity and nurturing spirit enrich the world.
  33. Thank you for facing your challenging times even when they’re scary and painful.
  34. Thank you for helping your loved ones transition, loss is the other side of love and you being there in body or spirit was a blessing.
  35. Thank you for your compassionate heart. Your kindness elevates the energy around you.
  36. Thank you for being YOU. There’s no one quite like you, and the world is better for having you in it.

The Boomerang Effect of Appreciation

Appreciation is crucial for our emotional well-being. It’s like vitamins for the soul — when we feel valued, we become more resilient, motivated, and generally content. This emotional nourishment is essential for us to truly flourish.

There’s a fascinating boomerang effect when we express gratitude. As we acknowledge others, they feel recognized and valued. Simultaneously, we experience the joy of brightening someone’s day. This exchange creates a positive ripple, gradually fostering a culture where appreciation becomes second nature. By practicing gratitude, we’re not just uplifting individuals — we’re cultivating an environment where thankfulness thrives, benefiting everyone involved.

Cultivating Daily Gratitude

For the past decade, my husband and I have embraced a daily ritual we call “grats” — sharing three things we’re grateful for each day. This simple practice has profoundly shifted our life perspective, especially during challenging times. It’s remarkable how it redirects our focus from what’s missing to the abundance we already possess and the progress we’ve made. By acknowledging our blessings daily, we’ve discovered a powerful tool for maintaining a positive outlook.

Your Challenge: Self-Appreciation and Paying It Forward

I challenge you to take a few minutes to appreciate yourself. Write down one thing about yourself that you’re grateful for. It might feel awkward at first, but don’t shy away from this exercise.

If there’s someone in your life who deserves a thank you today, pay it forward and share this episode with them.

Remember, you are a treasure — regardless of what you do or don’t do. You don’t need to do anything to claim that title. You’re made to thrive, my friend.

The next time you’re feeling underappreciated, come back to this episode. Let it be a reminder of all the ways you matter, all the things you do that make a difference. I see you. I value you. I appreciate you.

To your beautifully appreciated self,


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