Kris Carr

Kris Carr

Blog Post

Your Guide to Healthy Poop

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Hiya Gorgeous!

I love talking turd, and I’m not ashamed to say it! Turd, turd, turd (insert poop emoji). It’s time we all stop hiding behind our toilet paper squares and start understanding one of the most important parts of our everyday well-being—healthy poop!

Sure, bowel habits aren’t the sexiest of subjects, but vibrant health is pretty darn hot, in my opinion. And whether you like it or not, your poo is part of that picture.

Without further a-doo-doo …here’s the scoop on poop.

The Scoop on Poop: How the Digestive Tract Works

Poop is made up of dead gut cells, leftover indigestible fiber and bacteria. As you know, your chow is processed in your intestines, which are lined with some very smart cells. These cells allow essential nutrients, such as sugars, amino acids, fats, vitamins and minerals to be absorbed into your bloodstream.

The leftovers (aka the waste) are shuttled through the rest of your digestive system, out of your body and into the toilet bowl. The digestive process should be pretty straightforward. Let’s talk about what healthy—and unhealthy—poop looks like (and what you can do about it).

Bristol Stool Chart

Type 1: Hard Lumpy Poop

Type one consists of separate hard lumps (pebbles, marbles, berries, etc.) which is a signal that you’re pretty constipated. These solid pieces indicate that you’re likely dehydrated and your diet needs more fiber. Make sure you get enough fluids!

Type 2: Lumpy and Sausage Shaped

This type of poop is shaped like a log but it looks lumpy and a step away from type 1. It was likely hard to pass and required some effort to get out. It signifies mild constipation and is a signal that you need to boost fiber and water intake.

Type 3: Sausage Shaped with Cracks

Type 3 on the Bristol Stool Scale is a poo within the normal range and probably looks similar to a corn cob. This healthy stool should have been easy to pass.

Type 4: A Smooth Soft Snake

Type 4 is the ideal poop. This stool has a smooth surface and is likely s-shaped, like a snake. If the stool moved out with little effort and flushes in one piece, you’re likely drinking enough water and your daily diet is high in fiber. Congratulations!

Type 5: Soft Blobs with Defined Edges

Now we’re creeping back toward the unhealthy end of the scale. Blob-shaped poo with clear-cut edges can indicate a diet low in fiber. It also indicates that your stool moved too quickly through your digestive tract.

Type 6: Mushy with Ragged Edges

If your bowel movement is completely mush, it’s a sign of mild diarrhea. Your poo is traveling quickly through your digestive system which means your body might not be getting the nutrients it needs.

Type 7: Pure Liquid—Yikes!

You officially have diarrhea. Liquid poop could indicate that you have food poisoning or an illness. Pay attention—chronic diarrhea can mean you have an undiagnosed food intolerance to something like gluten.

Where do YOU land on the Bristol Stool Chart?


Normal Poop 101: A Healthy Digestive System

We’ve established that healthy poop should look like an “S” or a smooth log as it lands in your toilet. The types of poop that consist of round pellets, thick logs without curvature, shapeless mounds, and pencil-thin wormy poops mean that your diet, stress level, hydration status, or something else might be out of whack. What are some other things you need to know about healthy digestion?

How Often Should You Poop?

How often you poop probably varies, and each person has their own normal. You may go as often as two to three times per day (basically after each meal) or as little as every other day. However, if you’re going more than four times a day with loose or watery stools, only going a couple of times per week and feel bloated/backed up on non-poop days, or if your poop “normal” suddenly changes, you should probably consult your doctor immediately. These are all signs that your digestive process is out-of-whack.

How Should Pooping Feel?

Your poops should be easy to pass with a fairly effortless push. Chances are if you’re regularly grabbing a book or magazine as you head into the bathroom, or if you’re getting red in the face, you’re working too hard to get that little waste log out of there.

It shouldn’t be painful or difficult to produce a BM. If it is, you might be dealing with functional constipation. If you’re constantly running to the bathroom with stomach cramps, it’s another sign that something is wrong. Please consult with your doc if you’re experiencing persistent discomfort.

What Does the Color of Your Poop Mean?

Healthy poop should be a medium-brown color, courtesy of the leftover bile from your gallbladder (which helps break down your food). It also consists of bilirubin, which is created when red blood cells exit your body at the end of their life cycle. While brown poop is the norm, your poo can change colors depending on what you eat. Let’s dive into the spectrum of stool color, shall we?

Poop Colors

Green poop

A green poop color typically means you’re eating a LOT of highly-pigmented green foods (most likely veggies, right?) and some have slipped through undigested. This isn’t a cause for concern unless your stool is watery and green for several days. Even a neon-green poop can indicate food dye in something you ate.

Black Poop

Black stool can result from taking iron supplements or using stomach meds like Pepto Bismol, but could also be a sign of blood in your stools. Interestingly, it can even be caused by downing some black licorice. Now I know that sounds a bit scary, but it’s not necessarily cause for concern.

It could be the result of hemorrhoids, which can be tender and start bleeding if you’re straining too much while pooping (Ouchies! Ease up, hotshot). In that case, you may see a couple of drops of bright red blood in the toilet water, on your toilet paper, or on the outside of your poop. But it could also be a sign of bleeding in your upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract. If it continues, it’s safest to check with a medical professional.

Red Poop

Did you know that foods like beets, cranberries, and even tomato juice can lead to bright red poop? This isn’t anything to worry about—just thank those deliciously colorful root veggies for adding some extra pizzazz to your poo.

But if you aren’t eating these foods and you’re consistently seeing bright red blood in your poop—or if your poop is blackish-red or contains dark red blood—the blood is likely coming from higher up in your gut. This could be more serious, so I encourage you to check in with your doc post-haste.

Yellow/Orange Poop

Yellow poop may be a sign of an infection or inflammation in your intestines, especially if you observe mucus in your poop. It usually means you aren’t getting enough nutrients—or you’re eating far too many fatty foods.

White or Clay-Colored Poop

Chalky white or pale poop occurs when your poop doesn’t have bile in it. Seeing this type of poop could indicate a problem with your pancreas or gallbladder, such as your bile duct being blocked. While it might be a side effect of certain medications you’re on, check with your doctor ASAP if the white stool is accompanied by other symptoms such as abdominal pain, fever, and nausea/vomiting.

Signs of Trouble: When to be Concerned about Your Bowel Movements

What if Your Poop Floats?

While most poo sinks to the bottom of the bowl, sometimes it floats. Floating poop doesn’t necessarily mean something is wrong. However, if your BM floats and smells foul, check with your doctor to make sure it’s normal.

When Foul-Smelling Stool is a Problem

If your poop suddenly diverges from mildly stinky to overwhelmingly foul, you might want to take note. If your stool smells more after something you’ve eaten, it might indicate a food intolerance.

Constipation and Diarrhea

Occasional constipation and diarrhea are very common and nothing to worry about. But if you’re experiencing either for more than a week, you may be dealing with chronic constipation or diarrhea. It’s a good time to make sure you’re getting the Four Fs. And if the symptoms persist, it might be time for a visit to the doctor.

There are certain health conditions and medications that can make your poops extra pesky. For example, things like pregnancy and diabetes affect hormones that can make it harder to pass a BM.

Or, if you’ve had your gallbladder removed, for example, too much fat at one meal can cause diarrhea because the bile normally stored in your gallbladder isn’t available to break it down. For more deets on diarrhea (plus lots of tips to help you stop it!) check out my blog here. And if constipation’s got you down, check out my blog on that here.

How to be a Gold Star Pooper: The 4 Fs

The Four Fs are a general rule of thumb for healthy bowel movements: fiber, fluids, flora, and fitness!

Get Enough Fiber

What foods help you poop? Ones with dietary fiber for starters. As you learned in my guide to fabulous fiber, it comes in two forms: soluble and insoluble. Lack of either creates pooper pandamonium.

Soluble fiber absorbs water and forms a gel in your intestines, which bulks up your stool and makes it smooth enough to keep the trains moving. Soluble fiber also helps regulate blood sugar and can lower cholesterol levels. Add these foods to increase soluble fiber: oatmeal, apples, oranges, pears, berries, flax, beans, peas, lentils and psyllium (corn husk).

Insoluble fiber does not absorb water, so it acts like the bristles in a broom to sweep poop along. It also has a mild laxative effect, which helps with healthy elimination. Add these foods to increase insoluble fiber: whole grains, nuts, seeds, dark leafy greens, celery, broccoli, cabbage, onions, dried fruit and root vegetable skins.

You’ll know you’re getting too much fiber (or an imbalance of soluble to insoluble fiber) if you have diarrhea. It’s also important to include whole grains in your diet because they add bulk and movement to your fibrous stools. You can get still get constipated on a high-fiber diet if your diet lacks sufficient whole grains!

Drink Plenty of Fluids

When you increase fiber, you also need to increase your fluid intake. Remember, soluble fiber absorbs water, which means you’ll need more H2O to stay hydrated and prevent constipation. There are two easy ways to estimate how much water you need each day:

  • Divide your body weight in pounds by two. This gives you the approximate amount of water in ounces that you need to drink per day. For example, a 140-lb woman should drink about 70 oz. For those using the metric system, divide your weight in kilograms by 30 to determine how many liters of water you need per day.
  • Look at your pee—it should be a light straw color. The darker your pee gets, the more concentrated it has become, which indicates that you need to drink more fluids.

Get Some Flora in Your Diet

Your intestines are home to over 100 trillion bacteria and a great deal of these bacteria (good guys and bad guys) end up in your poop. Good bacteria (also known as probiotics) are very important to help keep us regular. We need probiotics to work alongside our digestive enzymes and help break down food to release the nutrients our bodies need. In return, probiotics survive and multiply in our gut when they dine on the leftover fiber from our digested food.

To increase good bacteria in your gut:

Include Fitness in Your Routine

If you want your poop to move, YOU need to move too! Exercise helps stimulate the natural contractions of your intestines. It also tones the muscles in your core that helps create healthy elimination. Gentle activities such as taking a walk or yoga can help ease constipation, but moderate aerobic activity regularly is a more effective way to keep constipation at bay in the long run. It can even help reduce stress. Score!

It’s your turn, don’t be shy! Now that I’ve opened the bathroom door and started the poop-ersation, light a match and share your tips for healthy elimination.

Peace & terrific turds,

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  1. Lynné Doran says:

    Sooooo my poop is a thick log but I feel GREAT! Could it just be that this is how my body works? Please advise : )

  2. Kim F says:

    hello, I just love your matter-of-fact approach to describing what everybody does (but hates to talk about).

    I haven’t found anywhere explaining why a poop can look like an O Henry bar (with peanut-like bits). I’ve been intermittent fasting for a month now; lost around 15 lbs. Is that pieces of fat?

    thanks for the refreshing candour. 🙂

    • Janine, Team Crazy Sexy says:

      Hi Kim, when losing weight fat comes out through your skin (via sweat) and through your urine output. It could be undigested bits of food in your stool which can be normal. Great job so far on your weight loss journey!

  3. Great blog, thanks for sharing lovely information.

  4. trushoe says:

    Thanks!! This is so detailed.
    You just answered all of my worries in one article.
    Thank you

  5. Deb says:

    Hi I came across this website and its pretty interesting! I have bowel inbalance for a while. Its been great for months, then it goes back to being all over the map – loose stool, cow patty, very soft, etc. Its frustrating for me. Is it pretty common??

  6. Ash says:

    I am so desperate for an answer, and this post came up when I googled so maybe someone can help? I have been having right side pain for about 7 months. HIDA scan, colonoscopy, endoscopy, bloodwork, small bowel follow through, capsule endoscopy… everything is NORMAL… but still right side pain. The pain isn’t excruciating and I can deal. Here’s the weird part… if I drink alcohol, in any capacity, my poo turns neon green. Simple solution… dont drink alcohol, right? Ok, easy fix… But WHY would this start happening all of a sudden? Is my body not processing? And why? Any clues?

    • Janine, Team Crazy Sexy says:

      Hi Ash, This is Janine from Team Crazy Sexy. When bile makes its way through the small intestine to the large intestine via the bile ducts, it changes color from green to yellow to brown. This is due to the action of bacteria in the large intestine acting on bile salts. Consuming alcohol for some people can cause a laxative effect, causing foods to pass through the intestines faster than normal not giving the stool time to change from green to brown. This being said if you are experiencing pain, continue your search for answers with the help of medical professionals and don’t give up! Pain is usually your body telling you something!

  7. They alert you that your condition may not be well. Although eating different foods can also change the color of your poop but it may sometimes indicate the opposite.

  8. Chance Altman says:

    I weigh 250 I drink 150 to 170 oz water a day still some days round hard pellets .why?

  9. Helen yancey says:

    This was right in time for me.

  10. Cheryl says:

    Good topic. I’m always on the hunt for a good probiotic. I have also found you have to have the right balance of fibers to get a good poop. I have ovarian cancer right now, and one of the symptoms is sluggish poop, so I am doing all kinds of things to help keep things moving. Gut shots, which is a fermented shot seems to help. Carrot juice helps sometimes. And I also use CALM with aloe when it gets really bad. Thanks for the honesty. Sometimes it feels very isolated to be worrying about what my poop will be and will it be.

  11. Brenda Wallingford says:

    True story just now: I was reading this on my iPad while pooping! ?All seems well….

  12. Polina says:

    Thank you so much Kris for all the info! Wish you the best! 🙂

  13. Marie Johnson says:

    Good information – clear and complete.

  14. Paula says:

    I love reading your blog! You are amazing. Thank you! Yes, as others have mentioned, poo has been on my mind lately… ha ha
    Thanks for the suggestions and great advice!

  15. Beverley says:

    On my own most of my life with very few healthy conversations with mom or friends, I learned to be quiet & explore options & figure out what works for me. Thanks for your talk on poop. You have covered everything in one communication that has taken me 30 years to learn by trial/error/exploring the wonderful world of food/nutrition. I have found what works 4 me to have a B 1 x/day instead of 1 BM/week.

    • kris says:

      So glad you’ve found what works found you, Beverley. Sounds like you’ve really been your own wellness advocate… bravo! xo

  16. LOL! Your post genuinely made my day. I love your poop humor and unabashed way of speaking on the subject. Great read with great content! Thank you!!

  17. Darby Cummings says:

    Yessssssssss!!! Thanks for sharing Kris, this is epic & so needed.

    Poop ? talk is my favorite. I’m a certified nutritionist & therefore have had the poop talk with many clients. I find that often times when changing diets especially, there’s poop that’s a little nervous. Like when you think you’re donezo, wipe off, stand up, wash hands & realize, nope I wasn’t done, we’ve got a shy one on our hands that needs a little encouragement. The encouragement I adore is what I call the poo-la dance. From the comforts of a toilet seat ? a little wiggle, a little giggle, a little shimmy, a little shake, a little twist & a little shout (not really necessary, but super awkward for those not in the bathroom). Emphasis on little. A little goes a long way, we’re not looking to do bathroom Zumba or a calisthenics core killer.

    That’s all for now. Much love & gratitude!

  18. Liza says:

    Crazy topic, but I actually love it.! I always wondered should poop float or sink? Your thoughts in that?

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Liza! I’m the nutrition director here with Kris so I’ll happily chime in about floaters and sinkers 😉 Floating poop is fine and usually just means there was gas in your intestines–a totally normal thing if you’re eating a high-fiber diet. Sinkers are more typical b/c people often get the gas out other ways. Hope that helps! xo

  19. Steven hales says:

    I read your article very interesting, now let me tell you about my situation. Everything you mention in your article in am eating most of it , I exercise 3 days a week, I do not eat red meat. I poop maybe once a week and if I am luck I’ll go twice a week and occasionally if I am really lucky I go 3 times a . That’ lasts a couple weeks then I am back to once a week . No a big eater 2 meals a day, normal ones. I eat 5 serving of fruit every morning along with oatmeal or shredded wheat. Peanut butter on my toast. Then I eat dinner, always have vegetables. I drink 5 or 6 glasses of water a day my pee is clear to pale yellow. I drink about 2 glasses of milk with each meal. So what do you suggest I do to get regular. BTW Ilike your approach to this Shixxy situation. I also have no warning I need to go since a had 8 weeks of radiation for cancer. I try every morning. Thank you.

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Steven! I’m the nutrition director here with Kris, so I’ll chime in. It’s possible that the dairy milk with meals is contributing to your constipation. You may consider switching to almond milk, soymilk or hemp milk to see if that change alone alleviates the problem. You’ll also want to ensure that you have a hearty dinner that includes whole grains in the evening. It’s common that when people start eating fewer meals or lighter dinners, that constipation is the result. I hope you can get more regular soon, especially if the days between “movements” are uncomfortable! xo – Jen

  20. Gail yeadon says:

    Thank you

  21. Lauren says:

    I had my gallbladder out over two years ago. Never had a problem until a few months ago. It seems like I go poop sometimes at least 4 or 5 times day. Has a colonoscopy and x rays. Everything was normal of course. The gastro doctor said it was because my gallbladder was removed. But isn’t it weird for it to just start causing problems now? I mean, I just went twice in like 20 minutes. Any suggestions?

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hey Lauren! I’m the nutrition director here at Team Crazy Sexy so I’ll chime in for Kris. As you probably know, fat in your diet can trigger bathroom visits once you’ve had your gallbladder removed. The main function of the gallbladder is to store bile that the liver has made and use it to break down fat in the diet. Without a gallbladder, the liver can make plenty of bile to break down fat during digestion. However, if a high-fat meal is eaten or even a healthy fatty food, and there aren’t reserves of bile available in the gallbladder for digestion, indigestion and diarrhea may result. Is it possible that you’ve recently started eating more nuts and seeds or avocados? While super healthy, you may need to limit portion sizes. Hopefully this resolves soon because I imagine it’s not an enjoyable way to go through your day! xo

  22. paul holtom says:

    when i am having a bad bowel day it starts with a runny nose. As soon as i get it up my nose starts dripping and i use up a few feet of paper towel. This will continue for up to around three hours and during this period i will have made three/four trips to the toilet to drop turds. It seems when my nose stops dripping, and that is what it does, my trips to the toilet also stop and only then can i feel reasonably confident to leave my house. Is there a connection here?.Is the fluid from my nose causing my bowels to work? .

  23. Dianne Fusello says:

    Need to know if bowel movements during night are normal

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Dianne! I’m the nutrition director here with Kris, so happy to chat about nighttime BMs. They are not common, but as long as it’s not diarrhea, it shouldn’t be cause for concern. If getting up to go is annoying, however, you may need to analyze your dinner and include more whole grains, fewer raw foods, or even switch your meals around so that dinner is breakfast and breakfast is dinner in case it’s the particular set of foods causing you to “go” in the night. Here’s hoping this resolves soon! xo – Jen

  24. abdul says:

    Plzz help me when I poop all the pee is not coming at once . if I want to go somewhere I should first go to the toilet and again I must pee and to my works

  25. paul says:

    Hi, my problem is i have to go up to five times over a period of four to five hours on days when i have to go out, maybe to golf or shopping.It’s not loose but i can’t get it over and done in one or even two sittings.Any suggestions?? Paul

  26. Carol Sturman says:


  27. Diana Nichols says:

    I just left my doctors office and I’m frustrated. I am always constipated, but lately, I have feces incontinence. Out of no where I’m having all this poop in my clothes. Sometimes with cramping and often without. My doctor is doing a colonoscopy in September 2017. I do know I have a very weak sphincter but did not tell me how to fix it. I guess I just wanted o join a blog where I don’t feel alone.

  28. cindy says:

    hi everyone!! wondering in anyone can help me. I am a type 1 diabetic with gastroparesis and other autoimmune diseases like thyroid. I have chronic constipation and very infrequent bowel movements, maybe one every 5-6+ days. I feel very toxic and very uncomfortable. Any suggestions or help anyone could give to me I would really deeply appreciate.

  29. First of all I would like to say great blog! I had a quick question which I’d like to ask if you do not mind.

    I was curious to know how you center yourself and clear your
    head prior to writing. I have had a hard time
    clearing my mind in getting my thoughts out there.
    I do enjoy writing but it just seems like the first
    10 to 15 minutes are usually lost simply just
    trying to figure out how to begin. Any recommendations or hints?

  30. J J says:

    I’ve got my third bout of the trots IK less than three weeks. Should I go to the doctor? I’m feeling OK, I’ve just got the trots.

  31. Nina says:

    What kind of grains do you reccommend? I haven’t eaten grains in a very long time. I’ve been on the Paleo diet. I worry about pesticides on grains. Is there a brand that you could reccomend? Thank you

  32. Dawn says:

    Im 47 year old woman that has always had problems going poop 🙂 I have always had to take something to go !!! What can I do to go naturally ( i know it does sound right ) Help

  33. Zoe FitzGerald-Beckett says:

    A great book and a surprisingly fun read about “turds” and our digestive system is
    Giulia Enders’s book “Gut – The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ.”

    It’s been called a “gastrointestinal dour de force.”

  34. Childhood Asthma – This condition usually occurs during
    early childhood and is also known as child onset
    asthma. stablish how much trouble the docto may have to go through
    to teat you. Smoking during pregnancy also leads to asthma in women.

  35. My brother suggested I may like this blog. He was totally right.
    This put up truly made my day. You cann’t imagine simply how much time I had spent for this info!

  36. Deon says:

    Well written, informative and interesting. Thank you so much.

  37. Shelby says:

    I eat a VERY healthy diet, full of all types of fiber, lots of cooked veggies and raw fruits, chicken or fish 1-2x daily, a serving or two/day of a soaked grain or legume, fresh pressed juices and smoothies. Some sprouted wheat bread for sandwiches occasionally. Rarely any sugar or junk food in my diet. I exercise regularly and take probiotics sometimes.

    My stool is always loose! Anywhere from watery to broken up loose, to sometimes soft serve like. It’s rarely ever just one big piece .. I have talked to my Dr about how often I go, 3-8x per day (she days that’s OK), but I’m concerned about the consistency of the stool, how can I fix this and have bulkier stools??? Thanks!

  38. Rachel Whillier says:

    I loved this article, but I’m at a loss here and hoping for some insight. I recently switched back to a vegan/strong plant-based diet after taking a LONG detour into “make whatever the family will eat” land. Before switching back I was very regular; once every morning. However, since returning to my pbd, I’m lucky if I go to the bathroom every other day! I start my morning with a spinach-fruit smoothie (almond milk base+flax seed) and a grapefruit, I have another spinach or kale (+fruits/veggies and chia seeds) smoothie for lunch, then a very plant strong (vegan) meal for dinner. Shouldn’t I be going more often, not less? Any insight would be incredibly appreciated.

  39. You failed to mention how valuable a good colon hydrotherapist can be for constipated people. Doctors usually don’t do much beside suggest laxatives, which irritate the lining of the colon. An ER offers even less for much more money.

    A skillful colonic will soften and release hard, dry poo while retraining the colon to go more frequently. Often there are parasites or candida blocking the process. And if the therapist is really good – she will educate you on how to be healthier with fiber, water and organic food.

    Very good article – enjoyed your great energy, humor and information!

  40. Lizzy says:

    Hi Thank you for this page I have learned a lot. I just want to ask a question. I really got a shock today after I took natures choice super bowel flush, the first day I took out floating poo. The next day i was taking out strings like gel like .I got so scared I thought I was my intestines coming out. Is this normal?

    • Lizzy – probably you were passing strings of mucous. It comes from irritation and inflammation. You are eating foods your colon doesn’t like – perhaps wheat (gluten) or dairy or too much fiber. Try eliminating these foods and see how your colon responds. Also add digestive enzymes and perhaps find a good anti-inflammatory. Mucous is quite normal, but not a great sign of the condition of your colon. You can find a trained colon hydrotherapist at the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapists in Texas. If you’re in Denver, call me. I’d love to help you.

  41. Creole says:

    My theory is that early poopers are generally healthier poopers. Is that accurate?

  42. Liz says:

    Ha! I love this discussion. My mother recently mentioned that she is seeing a specialist to help with.. frequency.. and it kind of infuriated me to think that she’s paying someone when she could just put that money into certain foods… I hinted that all she needs is a gigantic green smoothie full of fun powders and fiber in the morning and some Natural Calm at night, and she’d be all set in no time. It’s funny talking about it because it’s so taboo so there’s really never an opportunity to mention one of the things I feel that I actually excel at! For me, clean eating, lots of water, huge smoothies packed with things like Amazing Grass powder and protein powder, plus banana, avocado, and almond milk in the morning, and a spoonful or two of magnesium at night, is the winning combo. In and out of the bathroom in less than a minute! Hehe. I also get somewhat infuriated by our culture’s trope about reading a book while you’re in the bathroom, as if that’s normal. It’s not normal, it’s a cry for a change in diet. The end!

  43. I actually love this topic as it’s super important for overall health and well being of any person. When I hear from clients that they only poop once a day, I go into a long and yes awkward spill on poop, digestion, the whole works. Absolutely love this article and all the points you cover. Thanks Kris 🙂

  44. Luis says:

    Thanks for broaching an uncomfortable topic.

    • Someone says:

      I agree

    • HChic says:

      I recently read this “Every tissue is fed by the blood, which is supplied by the intestinal system. When the intestines are dirty, the blood is dirty, and so are the organs and tissues. It is the intestinal system that has to be cared for first before any effective healing can take place.” a quote attributed to a Barnard Jensen, PhD

      I dont vouch for the doc, but the statement sounds reasonable

  45. Madona says:

    Very timely for me as well! I usually have no complains about my digestion system and pooping daily, but as I started juicing reboot last week (drinking just juice during the day, no solid meal), I’m having trouble in pooping. I only went once and I feel that I need to go but it’s not coming. Any suggestions or advise? It’ was really bothoring all night

  46. Eric says:

    Peristalsis is also quite important to the function of your digestive tract. It’s the muscular action that moves food and fluids all the way through. (It also works between the kidneys and the bladder.)

    Two foods help stimulate peristalsis: mint and ginger. Of course those two have other good effects on your gut, such as calming nausea and other digestion upsets. Get more of both of those in your diet and that will help considerably at the end of the line 😉

  47. tina says:

    Shared on tumblr. I love your work. Thanks for all that you do Kris.
    Love your books too ?❤

  48. Victoria Palacios says:

    Dear Kris YOU are awesome…your kale protein drink !, wowza!
    Question I had ovarian cancer in 2011 and same year full hysterectomy
    The doctor prescribed me Estrace cream..
    Estrogen, I have not picked up prescription do you have Info on cancer causing affects or any unhealthy affects. My libido way down and some of the natural vaginal lubricants don’t help that much…Peace and Love to You!! Victoria

  49. I love this Kris and am very passionate about the topic. I am actually hosting a masterclass this weekend and all throughout 2016 in Australia combining nutrition and yin yoga to “unblock energy flow” and de-clog.
    I am a naturopath/nutritionist and see loads of people with this problem. Most are embarrassed or do not talk about their “no poop” situation. Like you I want people to talk about it. Let go of the shame and embarrassment which is why I am going on tour with it. Cheers to healthy poops and awesome digestion. xx

  50. Deborah says:

    Let me tell ya ’bout the whopper I left my bowl the other day. It was like my entire descending colon! HUGE! (Well I’m 5’3″ and 95lbs so consider the source.) It was robust and smooth and nice brown color. I thought, Wow! I can actually SEE my colon here. There were no gouges so no pouches inside. No weird colors so no bleeding inside. Just a nice smooth surface. However, it was torpedo shaped. Not a C or an S. There were parts before and after that might have made it a C or an S but the main event was one long smooth not skinny missile. And it just flowed out of me in the time it took to pick up my book. (I have the same book in my bathroom that I’ve had for at least a year now. I poop FAST!) So, just because it isn’t a C or an S shape, doesn’t mean it isn’t healthy, right? ‘Cause this thing looked mighty healthy let me say. I’m not bragging but… I almost took a picture of it. It was the size of my forearm!! 😀 😀 And slithered on out painlessly. Is this the “ideal” pooper, even though the shape is a straight line. (Man my descending colon is really straight. Who knew?)

  51. Nancy B says:

    Hi Kris, from a doctor and Kris Carr Blog follower: Thank you for exposing so many helpful facts about poop. It’s such an important part of our daily lives, and our gut health can determine our overall health.

    Please add the following potentially life-saving information to your blog – not everyone reads the Comments. This was already raised by two readers below (Kathryn Finn-Blume, and Susan V, who both wrote very articulately about their bowel cancer diagnoses (and also provided other helpful and accurate information: read their comments below).

    About blood in poop/stool: ANY blood, whether bright red blood even just on the toilet paper, dark red blood, or tarry-black or very dark brown blood (the latter two are hard to even identify as blood, but they are) should be investigated by a doctor. Bright red blood CAN be from benign anal causes such as hemorrhoids or anal fissures. However, it can also be from anal and rectal tumors, from actively bleeding tumors higher up in the colon, from inflammatory bowel disease, from certain medications, and from some infections. In those more serious conditions the bright red blood may be mixed with stool, but not always. Just because you have hemorrhoids which produce bright red blood doesn’t mean you can’t get one of these other disorders!

    As reader Kathryn Finn-Blume points out below, a change in the diameter of the stool (thinning) or a big change in your usual bowel habit without change in diet or activity, or the presence of mucous, are all additional reasons to see a doctor.

    As another reader (Nicola) pointed out, red coloration of stool can also result from eating beets. So review your dietary history before panicking!

    Thanks again for your great blog.

  52. You are awesome!! I am a colon hydrotherapist and I LOVE the way you talk about these subjects. Thank you for all that you do on getting the good word out!

  53. Kinga says:

    Hello Kris. Can you please do a post on kombucha ? A friend brought me a skobie and I’m a little scared of it :S
    It feeds on white sugar, but isn’t that bad for you? I’m trying to eliminate white processed sugar as much as I possibly can. Would love your input. xo kinga

  54. Jennifer says:

    I too love talking turd, except not that word. Haha it rhymes. I so want everyone to have smooth, happy, daily bowel movements like I do. For me, daily smoothies for breakfast have been a savior. But mainly, switching to a plant based diet has really regulated me. Plus, I love me some home enemas now and again (once per season on average). Clean it out!

  55. Marty says:

    Hi Kris,
    I love to talk poop myself so I love your poop-erations! It always reminds me to be consistant, which I’m not! I love veggies, and some junk food too. I end upon and off the constipation wagon. Thanks for reminder to focus on my fiber intake daily!

  56. Elia says:

    I LOVE talking about poop. I’m in recovery from colon cancer treatment, and have had a temporary ileostomy for 4 months. I can clearly see what is happening in my intestines, at least as far as the ileum (small bowel). I was alerted to my cancer from blood in my stool–so it pays to pay attention! I’m young and eat pretty well, so the diagnosis was a shock. In any case, I am forever bonded to the state of my poo, especially when I get to go out of my actual butt again! Poop is such an important way to monitor our gut health, and I actually find it fascinating. Thanks for the post! keep on poopin’!

  57. Rivky says:

    Is it normal if poop is dark reddish and I know that I ate beets Tht day or day before?
    Thanks it’s always been on my mind

  58. Lindy says:

    Why do I always have to poop at the book store or craft store? That’s how i relieve constipation. I go shopping for a new book.

  59. Nicola says:

    Just a word about red poop and beetroot. If you have any amount of beetroot in smoothies, juices, salads …. whatever … it can make for scary looking dark red poop. Of course, keep an eye on any warning signs, but if you have eaten beetroot in your last poop window then take that into account. xxx

  60. Marie Fricker says:

    Gross, but funny and very interesting if you’re a lifelong poop enthusiast like myself.

  61. BB says:

    They don’t teach this stuff in health class in our schools. Why is that? This would be a great movement (hehehe) to educate children. So much garbage food available in most schools and they have no idea what the affects are on their bodies. Teach them poop education!

  62. Linda Black says:

    I LOVE this poopy post. Entertaining and chuck full of eliminating waste info. Thank you!

  63. Valerie says:

    Elimination is so important! I gave up flour and sugar and went to a high fiber, mostly plant-based 12 step food program for food addiction, my problems with constipation actually got worse. I absolutely loved (and continue to love!) all the results of my program… except this one. Then I found a very reliable cure for constipation. This is what I use: Magnesium Calcium +™ helps me with gentle, proper, daily elimination, with sleep, and it helps relieve muscle aches and cramps. The key to this formulation is that it has double the magnesium as calcium… not the reverse! The typical product has the opposite ratio. I love this supplement. It’s changed my life. I’ve often recommended it and everyone who’s taken it has said that it has worked for them. I’ve tried all kinds of methods to help with constipation and this is the only thing that’s worked for me. I take it a little differently than the directions. Instead of taking three spaced throughout the day, I just take two every evening after dinner. Then, I go once in the morning and that’s it. There’s no cramping. No discomfort. Nothing unusual. Just a normal BM in the morning. There are other products that also have this ratio, but they haven’t worked as well for me.

  64. Nan says:

    LOVE your way with words Kris! Great reminder and to Share with others ~ We’re all full of it, and don’t have to be!
    My favorite is the green smoothies, and oatmeal chia pudding with apples ~ Thank you!

  65. Michelle says:

    Hi Kris! Thanks for all you do. Now, I have pooped maybe 3 times a week for my whole life. My diet is excellent – organic, no GMO’s, smoothies, etc. I have no reason to believe that FOR ME, this is ok. Honestly, how can anyone say it’s unhealthy if I have lived my life healthy? I may be at the extreme end of the scale, but my doctors are ok with it. By stating that “you should see a doctor” if you poop less than a particular amount is unfair. How do YOU know, by the way? What are your credentials ? Just because someone writes and article or book doesn’t mean it’s true. Just sayin’

    • Kris Carr says:

      Michelle: I’m not sure why you took my advice so personally—I stated that you “should PROBABLY consult a doctor”. Although you may feel great, others who are going less regularly may not feel well. A visit to the doc could be just what they need to get on track with their health. I’m writing for a large audience, not case-by-case, and my goal is to always help those in search of improved well-being. Also, I always fact-check and consult with doctors and registered dietitians on my blog posts. Kris

      • Michelle says:

        Sorry didn’t mean to seem like I took it personally, just frustrated with all the one size fits all approaches out there – we are all so different. If I read one more article saying that you will die if you eat gluten, dairy, or that if your blood work doesn’t fall into the norm you are in trouble! It causes a lot of anxiety in people like me who you might consider a “probable” candidate to run to see a doctor. I finally gave up listening to the hype and listened to my body and found what works for me. I totally respect your journey and dedication to health, but maybe the better thing to have said in your blog was “if you don’t feel 100 percent, or you suffer from physical ailments, or it concerns you” THEN maybe you should probably see a doctor. Thanks for listening!

  66. Julie says:

    Although not a dietary factor itself. The Squatty Potty works wonders if you have regular problems eliminating those pipes!

    • Deborah says:

      OMG I LOVE my poop stool. (no pun intended) I have one near every toilet in my house. It really works. I used to just hold my legs up to get that nice squat position but now, by the time I get my feet on the poop stool I’m ready to wipe. It’s the best. Just a bit tricky when you have to pee too. Try to pee with legs down and hold the poop until after you’re done peeing. THEN get those feet up there and poop away. Of course sometimes pee… well, you get the idea… it CAN be a bit tricky. 😀 😀

  67. Kat says:

    I start my day with a big glass of water to get things moving, and I try to keep a consistent morning routine so my body knows when it’s time ‘to go.’ Great post!

  68. Kim says:

    I struggled with constipation for years – spending $$’s on colonics just to keep cleaned out. Then I discovered a magnesium supplement called “CALM”. One scoop per day in a large glass of warm water and I am Ms. Regular. It has been working for me for over two years now. I also discuss poop with my children – and advise them how important it is.

  69. bev says:

    my husband died of a bowel obstruction. he was in care eating bran muffins without to much water. I keep wondering what we should have done . The dr. wanted to operate but we didn’t think that was a good idea since he had sleep apnea and MD thanks

  70. Jennifer says:

    Thank you for sharing! God bless!

  71. Don Reed says:

    I poop about twice per month and feel bad most of the time and hurt all over most of the time

    • Linda Black says:

      WOW Don, this post was written for you. I don’t mean to pry but, how are you doing with the suggested bowl protocol? Which practice (drinking enough water, getting fiber in diet, exercise, or friendly bacteria in the gut) can you incorporate today to start the bowl train a movin’? Peace and healthy wishes your way.

  72. Thank you Kris, for this awesome article, and not being shy about talking poop. I was so several constipated after my mastectomy that I ended u pin the ER and had to disembowel myself – with my FINGER. So, this title captured my eye. Thanks for the tip on Magnesium Citrate, My doc prescribed me Mineral Oil. It tastes nasty but does the trick. I agree, movement is also essential – I walk an hour a day. Her’s nothing like a day without pooping, I hate it!!

  73. Jane says:

    I am a lacto-vegetarian. I have suffered from IBS for more years than I care to remember. I think I poo too many times per day. I tried to take in more fibre (natural) but after an initial improvement it was back the same old routine. Poo = too fragmented bordering on diarrhoea.I get fed up with cleaning myself up several times a day.
    Many years ago I had a endoscopy because of this bowel looseness and the surgeon found I was constipated! This must have been impacted poo.. I am at wits end to know what to eat. I might have 2 meals a day and yet I seem to poo a lot.
    I take Warfarin but that is in recent years whereas the problem was there before.
    I am going to do more research on a good pro-biotic.

    I am 75 so one expects a breakdown of organs but I think that if I am shunted off to a care home who would clean me up – and why should they? I think I’ll have to go and sit on the beach….

    • Julie says:

      I have IBS and started probiotics a couple of months ago now-I can truly say that it has helped!! I go more regularly and the consistency doesn’t vary quite as much as it used to-I would go from the extremes of hard and loose sometimes daily….given it a try-it can’t hurt and will probably help at least a little!

    • Deborah says:

      There are certain people that LIVE to help others. So if you ever NEED cleaning up, I hope you have one of these angels there to help you. Never ever feel ashamed for needing help. You have survived &% years in this unbelievably difficult world. You’ve earned the right to ask for some help darlin’. However, a huge 16 oz glass of water the minute you wake up and right before you go to bed really helps. Move around when you get up before and after your water. Even if it’s just flinging your arms around and acting like a crazy hyped up on sugar kid for a minute. Gets the body up and moving. A good salad with olive oil and lemon juice (plus fresh garlic if you like) as a dressing really helps. And then a bowl of some sort of grain during the day. You’re populating the colon with bulk here. Wet bulk. That will get it all goin’. Probiotics too. Cal Mag (calcium magnesium) supplements help too. A nice walk. Even if it’s just around the house. If those things don’t work try some yoga moves for the bowels. Google it. There are some things you can do with your body to wake up your system. Stay away from meat, cheese, white flour products and anything from a box or a can. But whatever you do, please don’t ever NOT ask for help. Some people LIVE to be able to help others. Why deny them? Right? Right!

  74. Anneke Kristensen says:

    hello, the best tip for me was: eat some raw organic broccoli and chew well. No more problems with the poo!
    greetings Anneke

  75. Oznur says:

    While sitting on the porcelain throne, put your feet on the ground strech your arms up as if you are reaching for something. Count to twenty and bring down your arms. It always helps 🙂

    Thanks from Turkey for all that you are sharing with us! You have changed my life since last year. God bless you!

  76. nelmalyn says:

    My poo is stock inside me, I try to remove it but it doesn’t seem work, and I decided to take rest, why will I do to remove the poo inside my body?

  77. Abigail says:

    Please tell us about Gastritis And IBD.

  78. Sarah says:

    I had been wondering why my poops were so much more regular when I start running regularly! This explains it!

  79. Moo says:

    There’s loads here about helping with constipation, but I’ve got, err… the opposite problem! I’m vegan and I go two or three times a day, mostly in the mornings and it is nearly always a very loose movement. I eat a lot of veg, a lot of lentils, a lot of whole grain and a lot of dark green leafy veg. I’ve been fully vegan for almost a year now and I thought my bowels would have become a bit more ‘normal’ (healthy) by now. Where am I going wrong?!


  80. smith says:

    I just had a c section three weeks ago and I went to poop Walla go and it’s a odd color green and when i wipe it’s like green liquid is coming out Scary because I have not ate anything green really I barely eat because I been getting sick alot

  81. Greg says:

    in my opinion perfect poop would be one firm log slides out slowly and I don’t think we should have to wipe my butt holes I don’t think any other animal really does…. me not like humans we have an industry that makes toilet paper I like to go when I go poop and wipe and nothings on the paper that’s perfect. thank you just an opinion hopefully I don’t come off rude I don’t mean to

  82. anna says:

    thank you for the article, it’s very interesting!
    I am vegan since 4 months now, and my toilet visits definitively increased in number and volume…not that I ever had problems before, but now they are so quick! The problem is not that I am going like 4 times a day average, but that lately when it decides it’s time to go…then IT’S REALLY TIME TO GO! And I find this annoying and impractical, because not always during the day I can be in easy reach of a toilet….then my stool is the same, in the soft side, light brown at times orange-ish colored, and with a remarkable volume. Should I worry about it? Any advice on how to “fix” this without going back to dairy or animal products?
    Anybody experience the same, or did and then went back to a sustainable rhythm?

    • Moo says:

      I’ve been vegan for nearly a year now and still having same problem! And I definitely know what you mean about when it’s time to go, it’s reeeeally time to go.

      Tips anyone?? Please!

  83. emilie says:

    hi , i just want to ask something about my poop… I am 23 years old and I have a 13 month old baby boy.. since I was a child I do poop regularly for 1-3 times daily, when I was 19 I had amoeba but it was treated right away. So here comes the problem this past few days I had loose stool and thought that it might be the amoeba somehow its texture got well a few days after taking some medicine, however I poop for about 8-10 times now and always had the feeling that I really need to go to the bathroom always and gassy all the time, i got my poop checked and said it was normal the color and shape but its bothering me big time because of the thought that it might be something serious cause of searching the internet what could it be, and I have no money to go to the doctor and have some tests.. i hope someone could share to me what might it be.. thanks and sorry for the long post…

  84. Julia Hernandez says:

    I saw you on Oprah. I think your story is amazing. I’m a fellow yogi, who loves inspiration. It makes me want to live my fullest happy ness. My mom has had HIV since I was 5. I’m now 33. She’s still alive so I can relate to you story in many ways. (The ups and downs.)
    I was wondering if you have ever Hurd of the Gerson miracle? If you have not please look it up and email me what you think.
    Thank you for your time, namaste
    Julia Hernandez

  85. Desiree says:

    My brother recommended I might like this blog. He was entirely right.

    This post truly made my day. You cann’t imagine just how much time I had
    spent for this information! Thanks!

  86. IR says:

    Thank you for the information! I have a hard time eliminating, and this was veeery helpful! God bless!

  87. I love talking about poop too! Another helpful tip for folks is to get yourself on a schedule if you can. Give yourself a few minutes to sit quietly at roughly the same time every day – eventually you will train your body and that will become your natural time to go. Takes some of the stress out of it for people who aren’t regular.

    • Does that really work, Andrea? I have never heard of or considered “training” our bodies to poop. I find that my body is mostly on a schedule anyway, but I know plenty of women who struggle with “scheduling”, especially when beginning to modify their diets. I’m really intrigued by this!

  88. Kathy Ingram says:

    I have been taking Advocare amino acids for about a month. I recently noticed the color of my stool is a tan color and bulky textured. I drink lots of water during the day, between 80-90 ozs. and work out about 40 minutes per day on an elliptical. Is it possible the amino acids have changed the color of my stool?


  89. Craig Tsao says:

    I joked about a secret society of Olympic poop diving. Part of the premise involves crafting your diet to achieve the perfect poop. No splash with a *kerplunk* sound wins a perfect 10.

    Oddly enough, I ended up thinking about how poop indicates health. Google searched healthy pooping and here I am.

    I’m about to leave on a 6 month backpack journey on the Appalachian Trail. Will soon write a blog article about my nutrition plan. Food on a long distance backpacking trip can be a logistical problem, but if anyone has some comments, advice, or tips about achieving an Olympic worthy poop while backpacking in the wilderness, please do contact me at

    Right now my general plan regarding eating on the Appalachian Trail involves a lot of oatmeal, peanut butter, coconut oil, nuts, cliff bars (or whatever bars I can get my hands on) and whatever varieties I can find along the way from gas stations, the occasional grocery store, and outfitters. I’m also bringing a few supplements such as Fish Oil (with omega 3 and D3), resveratrol, L-Glutamine, and Magnesium Citrate.

    For those of you that want to jump on me about greens, well just know that I’m going to try. It’s not easy keeping up on leafy greens when you’re backpacking. Plus I’m poor. I don’t have an income or sponsors for this adventure. I’ll be paying about $4,000 + in student loans and insurance alone while this goes on. If you’re concerned about my general sexiness degrading due to insufficient funds, please do send me food or help me get sponsors.

  90. denise says:

    i would like to have my coment here, becouse i had very bad problems in the past with poping.. i spent a hole month without going to the toilet! it was in a stressfull time of my life, i think the positives afirmations, i relise the pas, and im open to new things in my life, they are great! also, drinking a fruit juice every morning for breeackfast, and the mate, is an infusion. lot of liquid in the morning and pacience. thanks Kriss

  91. Angel B. says:

    Is a person eating correctly when they don’t have to use toilet paper when they finish pooping?
    NOTE: the poop is a solid piece (toothpaste consistency), medium brown in color.

  92. thanks ill be sure to drink more water eat more fiber and excersize thank lately ive have “problems”

  93. Michelle says:

    I have no solution. I eat a complete plant based diet, I drink bucket loads of water, I walk 3-4 miles almost everyday, and I am still frequently constipated.I have tried a month long cleanse, consisted of tablets, very little results. I had my gallbladder removed a few years back (probably wasn’t needed) and since then I have had massive problems. I have not attempted the probiotics. Any other ideas. Thanks.

    • maby you have parasites talk to your doctor

    • denise says:

      Michelle. probably youre stress. i sufer similar condition. if sombody told me about the afirmations many years ago i will endidng this problem moore fast, is easy to me to let go , to let go the past, i make space for new beginins. i clear my body of toxins, i clean my life of toxics… take your time alone. youj will find this part of you who is stockt in the past. let go. let og to let in the new.

    • Valerie says:

      Hi Michelle, I just posted about my similar experience. I gave up all flours and sugars, went to a mostly plant-based diet, with lots of fiber, practice yoga and meditation almost daily, walked 60 minutes a day, get in lots of water, and yet was still having problems with constipation. Then I found Magnesium Calcium +™ by Rainbow Light. It helps me with gentle, proper, daily elimination, with sleep, and it helps relieve muscle aches and cramps. The key to this formulation is that it has double the magnesium as calcium… not the reverse! The typical product has the opposite ratio. I take two tabs every night after dinner and I go once the next morning — a complete, perfectly healthy BM. It makes me happy!

    • Jessica says:

      Hi there. I read your comment about having your gallbladder removed and wanted to throw a suggestion over the fence to you. Head over to Chris Kresser’s website and look up “gallbladder removal” in his search engine (or, “digestion”). He had a very detailed podcast about digestion that hit on this issue. He’s a fantastic clinician and researcher!
      Take care!

  94. david says:

    I use a preboitic supplementnt makes things go smoothly

  95. A great blog post. And, from all the comments, I’d say a timely one as well.

    It is common for people to become constipated when they travel. While the occasional use of magnesium citrate is probably okay, I suggest that my patients use triphala instead. It is not technically a laxative, but a moderate dose will gently encourage a bowel movement. Added benefits: It’s balancing to all constitutional types and is a gentle yet effective detoxifier.

  96. Great article. Thanks. I love the humor.
    I have posted the article on my blog, with your ID info of course.
    Dr. Jeanne

  97. Robin says:

    That is so funny! As soon as I started reading this article, I had to go!!! LOL

  98. Peggy says:

    I like how you make the topic seem cool and un-intimidating !

  99. Allison says:

    Good insight here, it’s unfortunate (but more comfortable!) that Western society has adapted to sitting upright on toilets while pooping. It’s really better for our colons to squat while pooping, like so many cultures around the world do. While we haven’t quite adopted this practice yet, my husband ensures me that we will have a squatting toilet whenever we build/own our own home one day! We might just have to have a regular toilet for guests, lol.

    • Jade says:

      Or you could get a Squatty Potty. 😉

      I’m getting one soon and can’t wait!

      • Jessie says:

        Bought my Squatty Potty and Bed, Bath and Beyond and LOVE IT! I am curious as to how many of you who need to work on good pooping, are gluten free. I am and can’t see any difference, but now I am so afraid to eat wheat because I think it will make everything even worse. Your thoughts?

        • Maureen says:

          Hi Jessie,

          I has diagnosed with Celiac Disease 11 years ago. I was really sick and absorbing very little of the food I was eating. Once I went gluten-free, it look me close to 8 months to have a “normal poop”. I remember how happy I was lol 😉 After you eliminate gluten, it takes your body time for your intestines and villi to heal. So be patient, make sure you don’t gluten yourself, & you’ll eventually poop just fine 🙂

    • yboog says:

      I use my yoga blocks while on the toilet to create the squatting effect!

    • bobby says:

      This is a great article but I am so surprised she didn’t mention posture. I have been squatting for years. My new favorite thing is the Squatty Potty ( It’s way better than yoga blocks or a regular stool. It is angled perfectly so your heels are raised and you feel like you are actually squatting.

  100. ryanna says:

    Great article!! However, i am very concerned for my twin boys.. they go #2 around twice a week and have done so for years! My naturopath says to get them off wheat & dairy but i find that almost impossible.. although i am finding some alternatives and am trying (ie-spelt muffins as opposed to wheat)… any tips or high fibre food suggestions/suggestions that u can recommend?

    • Debra says:

      Have you tried upping their intake of healthy fats? My daughter (also a twin of boy/girl set) suffered from constipation, but is much better now due to a daily intake of MCT oil (start small as too much can cause the squirts and tummy pain- try a teaspoon or less). Any healthy oil can be mixed into a smoothie or yogurt, and they will not know the difference. She also enjoys avocado slices too with a bit of hazelnut oil and pinch of salt on the top. Most kids do not eat healthy fats or consume enough water, so anything you can do to increase intake will help. An evening bath with some Epsom salts (high magnesium) and a few drops of lavender essential oil is also good to relax the kids and help with bowel movements too. A nice massage, gentle, counterclockwise motion might also help any discomfort, There’s a good reason people always had a slug of cod liver or olive oil in the past. It works! Good luck. I was always frustrated when our doctor minimized this situation as she is a happier child with regular bowel movements and cranky and easily upset without them (aren’t we all?!).

  101. Cheryl says:

    I loved your documentary Crazy Sexy Cancer. I have brain cancer. My favorite part was at the end when you say the whole line and I think you end it with Life is Crazy Just Like Cancer. If you read this and have time could you please email me what you said. It is my favorite quote and I would love to have it written all over my house. Thanks

  102. Shelby W says:

    As a child and through my senior year in high school, I was gassy and would have bowel movements like no problem! The only weird thing about it was that I couldn’t burp at all. The bubble would make its way up my esophagus then stop in my throat, making a croaking noise, then go back down to the other end. After I graduated, I started to have issues with constipation. I tried the whole no dairy for a couple of weeks then after that no wheat for another couple of weeks, trying to figure out what was going on! All my life I’ve eaten veggies and fruits, all the wonderful stuff while my other family members didn’t really but had normal bowel movements! So not fair! Then when I left my previous job, I started to have somewhat normal bowel movements. I was beyond excited when it turned out that my constipation was caused by stress. It was a stressful job so I promised myself to not get involved with another stressful atmosphere for the next job. Well here I am again with the stress! It’s not just my job but also family issues. I really try to let it roll off my back but now I’m eating the fat foods and drinking pop for comfort when I shouldn’t be. I feel bloated and tired from feeling backed up. I’m now purchasing the Crazy Sexy Diet book and can’t wait to try it out! Maybe if I focus on that, I won’t look towards the fat foods and pop!

  103. Anne Bursey says:

    Hi Kris,
    I have a question about sugar. Maybe you can advise me so I can relay it onto a friend…She is undergoing chemo treatment for breast cancer. Do you think it would be safe if my friend had natural sugars in her morning green smoothies? as in, dates, coconut milk, apple juice? what are your thoughts on this ? She finds them really bland without anything slightly sweet.. would really appreciate having your insights or if you could direct us to some reading.. thanks so much. Anne

  104. Judy says:

    wait a tick, isn’t my poop supposed to float??

  105. Wilmaryad says:


    What’s your take on Angelina Jolie’s double mastectomy and future ovaries removal?

  106. robin says:

    i love the topic and created the Poop Group in your online community years ago! This is an important topic and is truly a window into your health. pay attention to the poop. hail the poop!

    also- i didn’t know KC had a show on Hay house! I love hay house but haven’t listened as much while not working! Im so excited about this! Mos Def going to tune in.

  107. Thanks for this post. Wonderful site you have here. Am certainly glad to have found it recently. You have a wealth of knowledge here. I have certainly tried getting in more fiber through out the day, will have to look into getting a probiotic as well. Also, found it interesting how you mentioned fitness and working out. Often an overlooked part of healthy digestion, etc.

    Will certainly take the time to look around and am excited to learn more from your posts and site. Thanks for the post :).

  108. Sarah Bean, Ireland says:

    Hi Kriss – having first ‘found’ you through the amazing Food Summit, I can’t tell you how much I’m loving your blog & all you share on your health, really inspirational. You should change the settings to ensure that any links in these comments do not take us away from your page, but pop up in a new window – there’s too much good stuff here to be pulled away! Thanks again!

  109. Sarah says:

    So glad to see this post!! Such an important function. Does anyone have any natural effective hemorrhoid remedies? I have them bad from 2 years of constipation and poor bowel habits! Thanks!

    • suz says:

      Use a bidet! It is great for hemorroids and all other kinds of issues (even constipation). You can get attachments to your toilet. It is a shame to me people suffer with this and the media pushes creams and things like that when bidet is all you need! (Plus of course cutting out processed food and getting fiber, etc etc.)

  110. I love you so much for using the phrase “pooper pandamonium”.

  111. AJ says:

    This is a brave post – and a needed one too! I have to remember the fluids – I don’t drink nearly enough water. I’m going to look into a good probiotic as well. I didn’t think it was needed given my diet but it might not hurt. Great information.

  112. Adrian Jonas says:

    A fun visual tool that has helped me interpret my poop is the “Bristol Stool Scale” from the UK:

    I love the days when I can shout out from the bathroom, “Number four!!”


  113. Laureen says:

    Kris, you are a gift to the planet. I read your blogs regularly……cook with your amazing recipes and cookbook……and adore your honesty, frank opinions, insights, and the credibility of your information. And then there’s that sense of humour! You are appreciated beyond words…..thank you for sharing your journey, courage and wisdom.

  114. Nancy V says:

    Hi Kris,

    I’m new to your site but just read your books, and am hooked. Really great info, philosophy and recipes.

    My husband is very concerned that I drink Kombucha that I buy at the grocery store (about 16 oz/day). I know you wouldn’t recommend it (or drink it!) if it wasn’t healthy, but how can I reassure him? I am not pregnant, ill, etc – just a raw newbie.



  115. franna says:

    Oh poop — one of my favorite subjects — never shy to talk about a good or bad experience 🙂 Thanks for the information – I will be sharing it for sure !

  116. This is SO great! Now I just wish I could get my Mom and Grandma on the same page! I grew up thinking it was “normal” to have diarrhea several times a day because my Mom and Grandma are the same. When I did the elimination diet and increased the plants in my diet I realized that what was going on with my digestion was NOT healthy! Now I love that I have 2 good poohs a day! Wait….did I just share too much?? Thanks for this article Kris!

  117. suz says:

    Please don’t forget the bidet. I am surprised – shocked really – the bidet is not mentioned as integral to health. Blows my mind! And the idea of all the problems people have – not to mention cleanliness – that are solved by the bidet! (Though that would be a bunch of drugs and ointments and doctors out of business!). Namaste.

    • suz says:

      PS – I just re-read my comment and it came off as “shocked” maybe by you or people here. No bad energy here – was meaning in the general sense of society and what people talk/don’t talk about. And to anyone here that does not use a bidet – run, don’t walk! (There’s great attachments to regular toilets these days)

  118. Caitlin says:

    Thank you thank you thank you!!

    Being regular completely changes my mood and the course of my day. Love all this information. I have muscular pelvic floor tension, so having easy stools is extremely important for me. I started juicing 6 months ago, and have noticed a difference. 🙂

    One thing though that drives me crazy though- if I don’t sit down and eat breakfast at home, I usually don’t go all day… seems funny, but at least it gets me up early!


  119. Jeanette says:

    This is so true, you can totally be your own doctor! The only thing you need to do is to check your poo and pee:)) Might not sound like the sexiest way but better to have the health on top!!
    In my own family we are a few that do like to talk about it..haha…well what can I say, when you are interested in creating the best health, this is a topic that you then also need to talk about!:))

    Thank you Kris! Have a lovely day!:)

  120. Gaga for greens says:

    Is it normal for your poo to be green if you are drinking green juices/smoothies for breakfast, raw veggies for lunch and salads for dinner?

    Great topic

  121. Irene says:

    These are great suggestions Harriet. One can also just have a small box or low stool to place feet on when sitting on the toilet. This too also facilitates easier elimination.

  122. Cheryl says:

    I love my Potty Squatty. I wish more people would ask about that contraption in our bathroom. It does a great job on helping eliminate. I just love to Potty Squat. All is well because i Juice and I drink a smoothie every day. Growing my own wheatgrass and all will be even better in a few days. It’s great now but man, can’t wait to get more healthy live giving greens in me.

  123. Julie says:

    Great blog post about a subject not everyone wants to discuss. By the way, anyone want to know a way to “get things going” if you’re a bit constipated (I figure this is the place to post this). While sitting on the toilet relax and take a big breath in and slowly out either using a “shhh” sound or “ssss” sound. Relax and repeat. Works every time. I learned this from a physical therapist that specializes in urinary incontinence. She found it particularly helpful when she was pregnant. I tell all my friends and it always gets a chuckle but everyone tries it.

  124. Diana Rayson says:

    Not sure if u will end up sharing this lol. Out of all the systems ur asshole is the boss. If u don’t shit u die!!!!

  125. Cheryl says:

    Kris – I just love you! Only you could tackle this topic with such abandon and good humor. Thanks for opening this up – there’s nothing like a good healthy poop! Thank you for being you and sharing with the rest of us.

    Here’s to healthy poo!


  126. Debra says:

    How timely. I was just getting ready to start a cleanse diet and was curious about how everything should look when it comes out. I am a distributor for Chia seeds so I use them for my omega’s and the soluble and unsoluble fiber. Thanks for the tips. I always fee like I am getting older when we have these conversations. HAHA

  127. Kelly says:

    14 years ago I told a nutritionist that I went poop on average 3 times a week. He told me I was literally full of shit! I first became constipated at University when we had shared communal bathrooms. If anyone came in, I froze up. That carried into my work life. Too embarrassed to go at work. This nutritionist straightened me right out. He told me to NEVER ignore the signals of a poop and to stop whatever I was doing and just GO. Now I am a 2 times a day kind a gal and SO HAPPY – I am not full of shit anymore!!! Thanks for bringing this subject out into the open 🙂

  128. Portia Wadsworth says:

    I love your sense of humor—even in the bathroom!

  129. Great info Kris. The Scope on Poop is great timing.

    We were just chatting about poop last night and again today. Not only is the shape and colour important, but checking to see if you are digesting your food is key too. If you see corn, it is likely a sign that you are not chewing your food (you swallowed it whole). And it you see white or brown wormish looking things, I would go to the doctor as well as it might just be parasites. Taking a look at your poop gives you insights into your intestinal health.

    I never knew what golden brown poop looked like until I changed my diet to an anti inflammatory diet, followed the 4 F program as outlined above and took a digestive enzyme with HCl and Bile. Now I get what the colour mean. A sign I am getting healthier.

    Thanks again for the outhouse lesson,


  130. Jessica Gonzalez says:

    wow! This is great information! I was just thinking about how the digestive system would work and how we would know how poop should look and how often we should go! This is great! Thank You!!!

  131. Ann says:

    Even if I didn’t have a thousand other reasons to be a runner, I would run just because of the poop. Growing up as a child with horrible nutrition and very little exercise I know what it is like to not be able to go to the bathroom. When I discovered running and the added benefit of regular bowel movements I was totally sold. Thanks for talking crap today.

  132. Susie says:

    I was recently told that if your body is truly alkaline, poop should be green and that brown poop indicates acidity. Have you heard that theory before?

  133. Yetty Sudarman says:

    Yes, our colons take the most abuse from the modern diet. Our colons are part of our immune system so when things got clogged up there, it will affect our general health, appearance and the freshness of our breaths. Our colons must act as a continuing running sewer not a putrid, stagnant cesspool. Celebrities are into expensive “cleanse” right now. What they need to do is eat whole food, natural, high fiber food and you won’t have a putrifying cesspool inside you.

    Great blog. I’ve shared it in my FB page and trust me, my friends will appreciate this subject matter. It was never discussed before, certainly not publicly. Thanks, Kris.

  134. Terri Cole says:

    I recently saw a t-shirt that said “I’m Vegan, So I Poop 4 Times A Day”! Yep…..

  135. Brooke says:

    OH MY WORD!!! this is one the BEST e mails I’ve ever gotten:) Thanks Kris!!! way to make a tough topic fun:) I teach 8th grade nutrition…maybe I’ll have to print this off for them to read:) I think they’d love it!!! lol

  136. Susan V says:

    ANY blood in your stool, even bright red, needs to be discussed with your doc. I found out the hard way, dismissing my bright red blood as hemorrhoids, when in fact it was a tumor. Since my tumor was in the rectum, which is at the very end of the bowel evacuation system, the blood was bright red. Please, always talk to your doctor about any blood in your stool or change in bowel habits.

    Thanks, Kris, for bringing awareness to a very important and natural part of our amazing bodies!!

    • Kathryn Finn-Blume says:

      AMEN. My tumor was in my sigmoid colon – bright red blood. Misdiagnosed for two years. I’ve now been living with stage IV colon cancer for 4 years.

  137. Kristina says:


    This is a really helpful article! I recently became started my vegan plant based diet and I noticed my stool being almost too soft and fragmented. Everyone talks about loosing weight but I don’t want to loose any weight (I unfortunately did after starting the new diet), just trying to outsmart diseases and feel amazing. Could it be that I’m eating too many fruits and not enough vegetables?


    P.S. I really like your book! You are a great inspiration for everyone!


  138. Anonymous says:

    Hello! Vitamineral Greens by: Healthforce Nutritionals will give you the healthiest bowel movement EVER! It is a raw-vegan, gluten free, & sugar-free product. It also has many healthful ingredients. Yes, as someone else said magnesium is excellent, but I find that the stool doesn’t stay that “toothpaste texture” (LOL!). Also, my colon hydro-therapist (a woman who cured herself of ovarian cancer with diet and Chinese herbs in 3 years.) says to have a salad with at least 12 different plant based ingredients every day…..including thinly sliced raw okra!! Take care everyone!!

    • Deanna says:

      I am interested in your post regarding your colon hydro-therapist (a woman who cured herself of ovarian cancer with diet and Chinese herbs in 3 years.) I too have ovarian cancer and would be very interested to know just what she did to cure herself. Thanks for any info you can provide. Kind regards, Deanna

      • Anne Spitza says:

        I too have ovarian cancer and, like Deanna, would be grateful to know how your colon hydro-therapist cured herself of ovarian cancer with diet and Chinese herbs. Thank you. Anne

  139. Theresa says:

    Funnily enough, I came across this last night!

    Thank you for laughs and crucial info Kris – you rock!

    Peace and love,
    Theresa (@sizedrop)

  140. Heehee. She said poop. 🙂

    • Seriously though, Kris…

      Thank you so much for these nuggets ‘o wisdom!! Simple, informative, straight forward, and funny! This is how we should learn about everything! Passing this great article on because as usual, YOU ROCK. xoxoKathy

  141. Merrin says:

    Kris, and everyone, I recommend a fabulous book called “What’s Your Poo Telling You?” by Anish Sheth, MD and Josh Richman. It’s an informative and entertaining scoop on poop!
    I used to keep a copy in the loo for sit-down readers (it’s a friendly little hardcover book) and it was worth hearing giggling from behind the closed door in addition to, uhm, enlightening our guests. Your blog reminds me to get another copy – loaned mine out and it’s still out there in the world somewhere!

    • Tina says:

      Glad to see that you’re helping get the word out on what constitutes a good “poop”! For those who haven’t heard of Brenda Watson, C.N.C., she’s a former colon hydrotherapist, NY Times best-selling author, PBS presenter and is dubbed the “diva of digestion”. She talks about poop and other topics of digestion and natural health at her website at She has a great forum on her site where she specifically addresses natural ways to heal IBS and other GI issues.

    • Anonymous says:

      They also have an app for iPhones. You can track your poop and play poo trivia.

  142. Natalie says:

    A fun little tidbit from NPR with an interesting historical perspective on our prudishness about going to the bathroom. It showed up on my facebook newsfeed about the same time as I got your e-mail, so the stars must have alligned.

  143. Kathryn Finn-Blume says:

    I’m glad you broke the “taboo” on talking poop! It is one way we can monitor the ongoing health of our bodies. It is important. Thank you!

    But as a stage IV colon cancer patient (misdiagnosed for two years before finally being diagnosed at age 47) I feel you have missed the boat on giving warning signs of colon cancer when you talk about poop and colon health.

    FYI – I had bright red blood in my stool on and off. It was NOT hemorrhoids – it was due to a huge tumor which eventually had me 99% blocked. Bright red blood in your stool IS cause for alarm if it does not clear up quickly or is intermittent. It may be just hemorrhoids, but it may be caused by other problems such as a tumor. If you have blood in your stool, see your doctor! I also had mucous in my stool often. That is also (as pointed out in the blog) not normal. I never knew that prior to my diagnosis.

    If you notice a change in stool size (becoming thinner) this is cause for alarm, and that should be listed here as well. Mine got smaller and smaller as they tried to squeeze by the growing tumor. If you have a change from being “normal” to extreme diarrhea or constipation, that is also cause for concern.

    I’d like to mention to your readers that living healthy with a good diet and exercise does NOT guarantee you will not get colon cancer. I am a non-smoker, never overweight, got lots of exercise and am a pesco-vegetarian (since age 16), and had a 5,000 square foot organic garden (did lots of canning and freezing for off season too). Still, I got colon cancer by the age of 45. It is always good to live as healthy as we can and that decreases our risks for disease, but it is not safe to assume complete protection. Cancer knows no boundaries – race, sex, age – it makes no difference.

    If you have a change in your stool, blood or mucous in your stool, extreme unexplained fatigue, unexplained abdominal bloating or pain (especially when your bowels move) – these can all be signs of colon or rectal cancer. If you are younger than the screening age of 50 you need to be your own advocate and keep pushing until you have answers. Since my diagnosis I have met thousands of people under age 50 with colorectal cancer. Many of them in the 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s. Many living very healthy lives including vegan triathletes. The stereotype of old fat beer-swilling, gravy covered meat-guzzling men being the ones who get colorectal cancer is very wrong. It affects men & women equally and those with healthy lifestyles too. Those with a family history of colorectal cancer or multiple polyps should be screened earlier – 10 years prior to the family members diagnosis or multiple polyp removal. My children will be screened starting at age 35.

    And in reply to reading through so many comments mentioning colonics, so many people are misinformed about them. Colonics do not prevent colon cancer, and can be dangerous for some people. I’m shocked at the number of misinformed people when it comes to that subject. I just had a friend ask me what more she could do to prevent colon cancer – listing the things she was doing, including daily colonics. Our colons are NOT meant to be messed with like that. It is not natural and shouldn’t be done on a daily basis unless there is a medical problem that can only be addressed that way. It can cause its own whole new set of problems, including perforation and bacteria imbalance in the colon. And in no way does it prevent colon or rectal cancer.

    • Susan says:

      Thanks for your post. Was the cancer successfully removed or is this ongoing? So sorry to hear and, yes, your words were important to hear.
      I have had a rough time with recurring C. Diff infections (in absence of antibiotic use). Finally FMT are available in this country and that’s what I will have to do if another recurrence.
      Btw, if bowel movements are different from your norm, esp if looser, more often, with or without cramps and with unintended weight loss, then get stool studies done. Ask for cultures, checks for parasites and C. Diff.
      Thank goodness for open-mindedness now to FMTs and biome research which is proving transformative in scientists understanding of health and many illnesses. Yep our biota are that important and have been poorly depleted by many things in our culture.

  144. Keely Henry says:

    Great post about a much feared conversation. My family and I talk about our poop quite often and get funny looks from friends and distant family members. I am a modern dancer and was recently extremely constipated before a performance. A fellow dancer told me to step on to the toilet seat and squat. VIOLA! Did the trick in record time. Sharing this with friends and a good number of them can hardly believe their ears. Don’t knock it til you try it! We have got to get more comfortable talking about this poop stuff!

  145. S says:

    Great article Kris – who doesn’t like talking about poop! 🙂

    I had the standard colonoscopy (routine-1st one) 2 years ago. I had been having looser stools, not quite diarrhea. They said I had ‘collagenous colitis’, a mild inflammatory condition. I opted not to take the steroids they recommended.

    I still have loose stools. I drink Kombucha (daily now for about 2 months) have done probiotics daily (most days) until I started kombucha and do my best to eat a healthy diet.

    Nothing I eat has changed the loose stools (cow pie like).

    Any comments from anyone?


    • Keely Henry says:


      Have you tried a strict anti-inflammatory diet?


      • S says:

        Are you referring to no dairy, no soy, no gluten, no nightshades (any other no’s?) ? No, I have not…

    • Sue-Anne says:

      It could be a food intolerance. Try stopping dairy for 3 or 4 days and then add it back in. And if still no change try stopping wheat for 3 or 4 days and then add it back in. How do you manage your stress, can you find ways to Reeelax? Digestive issues and emotional issues go hand in hand, what are you not digesting in your life?

  146. Simply eating a whole foods, vegan diet works wonders on our digestion and elimination! There is already so much fiber in plant foods that we don’t need to supplement. And since fruits and vegetables are also have a very high water content, we don’t need to worry about adding extra water to balance out the high fiber content. In other word, Nature got it right! Just eat these high fiber, high water content, high nutrient content plant foods, and voila! Healthy body, healthy mind, and healthy poop!

    And by the way, when you begin eating LOTS of green vegetables, your poop will turn a bit green. Don’t worry! That’s normal.

  147. Emma says:

    Is it normal to do do massive ones? I do looong poops, hubby says it looks like I’ve pooed out a weasel!

  148. Jass mann says:

    A great read .. I hv to go an poop now .. Lol

  149. Shannon says:

    Thank you for this information! It’s timely for me because my poor 5 year old has been complaining of her tummy hurting or just not feeling well for a couple of weeks. I’m somewhat stingy about going to the doc, but I thought something was up (and she appears to poop normal) so we went it. Hard stool in her colon! We haven’t been eating as much fruit lately and the girl loves bread so we need to make some serious adjustments. Any suggestions for getting that stuff that’s stuck OUT? I would assume the insoluble fiber and she’s on probiotics, but we’re upping those babies. Thank you again!!!!!!

    • Anna says:

      My daughter was really having trouble with constipation and we had tried everything, but then my sister-in-law told me about a food called Mila that has both soluable and insoluable and super easy to get into kids. It’s like a powder, so we just add it to smoothies, in pancakes, in water and juice. Whatever is easiest. Let me know if you want more info on it.

    • Katrin says:

      Hi, my oldest son sometimes has that problem, and eating a kiwi with the skin on solves it. It always works, usually the next morning, and it worked for me during both my prgnancies as well as for my 83 yr old dad…..And the only side effect is you get 100% of vitamin C. Just make sure it is a ripe kiwi…orherwise they are odd to eat. And no….the little fuzz does ot scratch your throat.

  150. Shaline says:

    Thank you for your article. Timely.

  151. jerri says:

    What do you think about taking Magnesium every night? I’ve read several places this is great for weight loss, but is it healthy???

  152. Diana says:

    Okay, not only do I keep a close eye on my own b.m.’s but it’s also an aspect of the “guts and glory” of motherhood. I have to keep an eye on the kiddos poop, too. Not sure how long they will invite me to have a look but I’ll take it while I got it. I can tell a lot about how they are doing by paying attention to the form and function.

  153. Nicole says:

    I’m a GI patient – so my life revolves around poop: color, size, consistency and frequency. As I’m not yet in remission, fiber is tough for me as it triggers flares. I’m trying a new tablet supplement and I hoping for the best. So on behalf of all people suffering from IBD – thanks for the topic!

  154. Therese says:

    Aloe Vera is amazing at helping you poo too 🙂 not too much of it though as it might also cause diarrhea. happy pooping everyone 🙂 LOL

    • Shannon says:

      Hey! Do you think Aloe Vera Juice would help? I’m thinking of giving some to my 5 year old having tummy troubles. Thanks for the idea 😀

      • KIF says:

        Aloe Vera juice is great for kids. I have 2 kids, 8 and 6 and they have had it since they were very young. They have approx 30ml before bfast if they need to poo. They like the taste and its gentle and just amazing 🙂 . hubby and I swear by it as well (about 40ml on empty stomach) works!!! Worth getting a good brand from Naturopath or someone though….not just the supermarket brands. Always have a bottle on hand!

  155. HI Kris,

    Thank you for that peppy report on poop!

    I did want to add that emotions can really wreak havoc on your gut and ability to poop!
    Emotional upheaval can create an inner vibe of unsafety – and when we don’t feel safe, we don’t poop very well.

    Hugs and love!


    • plantbased says:

      That is such an excellent point to bring up, and one I’ve never seen discussed. Thank you!

    • Angela says:

      Oh my gosh, I just had an EFT session today with an EFT therapist for this very reason. After much talking we discovered that due to an unpleasant experience that happened to me several months ago, my body stored the anxiety from that situation in my large intestine…and voila constipation! I actually felt the physical sensation of the trapped anxiety leaving my body as we worked through the tapping sequence to release it and then the only thing I wanted to do was sleep. The therapist told me that being sleepy was a very a good sign that the anxiety had been released and so I went home to sleep it off. Much to my delight a few hours later, I had a lovely trip to the bathroom. Amazing!!!

  156. Natalie says:

    What specific high quality probiotic supplement do you recommend?

  157. Kris, I LOVE that you talk about this! Haha. I know it’s gross, but people are so squeamish about this, yet it’s something that we should be able to discuss. Thanks for these helpful tips. I’m glad I’m not the only one looking in the toilet bowl every time I poop to “assess” what’s gone down there.

  158. Michelle says:

    Absolutely loved this post…thank you so much for sharing…the ‘load-down’! 🙂

  159. Kirsty says:

    We all do it, so why do we whisper about it?‏

    Well that email title was just misleading … I have a dirty mind.

    • Tiffany says:

      We must both have the same mind then Kristy, ’cause that is exactly what I thought too! 😉

      Kris talks about how a healthy sex life is important for body mind and spirit, so I just figured that was the topic…



    • silvia says:

      Brilliant way of talking about a muy importante, subject. I laughed out loud but loved the easy to digest tips.

  160. Michele says:

    Yes! Be not ashamed. We all do it and we all should talk about it. A good BIG flush to you my friend!! Thanks for opening the door to the bathroom.

  161. Connie Fletcher says:

    Thanks Kris, for giving us the poop on this subject….sorry, couldn’t help it. I learned that we should be excreting 24 inches of poop each day! I know when I eat enough fiber, that isn’t a problem, and I feel significantly better. Thanks for all you do! L.O.V.E the cookbook!!!

  162. kate winn says:

    I really appreciate all your good info about moving poo along and relieving constipation, but I have the opposite problem and have gotten no relief for decades.I have tried chiropractors and acupuncture, pro and pre-biotics,fiber, fermented veggies, going gluten and dairy free, yoga and reikii…but continue to have gassy explosive diarrhea.I know how important gut health is so it makes me really srtessed that I can’t heal my gut, and I know stress isn’t helping! Any suggestions? thanks!

    • Connie Fletcher says:

      Try some bitters…also, you can make a tea that is aromatic, cooling and soothing for the digestive tract.

      Boil 2 cups of water. Add 1/4 tsp of each of the following….whole cumin, coriander, and fennel seeds. Cover and continue a slow boil for 5-10 minutes. Remonve from heat, let cool, you may want to add some sweetner when cool, and drink 1/2 cup several times a day….

    • Debra says:

      Are you dairy free?

    • Alex says:

      Hi Kate,
      I had this problem and found no relief until reducing the FODMAPs (Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols) in my diet.
      Basically I had to go gluten, dairy and FODMAP free (for a year or so) and my gut eventually healed and the symptoms stopped. The main culprits for me were apples, onions, garlic- now I can eat these again in small quantities.
      Might be worth a shot?

      • Charlotte says:

        I had the very gassy issue too until I went low-FODMAP. The idea is to reduce the foods that don’t digest well in the small intestines. They move thru to the large intestines where fermentation takes over and produces gas. A new book is coming out in the fall that might be a good reference to check out – can’t remember the name but I think I saw it on Amazon. Apples and the whole onion family are at the top of the list of fermentables. 🙁 Fortunately, lots of yummies foods are safe. Hope you get it figured out.

    • Marty says:

      Sounds like a typical dairy allergy! Get off ALL diary and see what happens. Or try an elimination diet. Once you find the offender, I bet it will get better!

    • Suzette says:

      Offending foods may be the cause. You may want to consider testing for food, herb and chemical sensitivities. I am a nutritional consultant for a company that does this testing and have had many patients have these same digestive issues resolve after removing their offending foods. You could be intolerant to “healthy” items, such as aloe, lettuce, turmeric, ginger, etc. It can be surprising to learn that the very items you are using in an attempt to heal yourself are in fact the culprits of your symptoms! I suggest you check out the ALCAT test at amongst your search for an answer.

      • Lara says:

        I’ve been doing the ALCAT for years and it’s SO helpful! No more guessing and food elimination trials. I have many many food sensitivities so this has completely changed my health.

        • Rachelle says:

          I looked up the ALCAT and noticed it is a test for “sensitivities and intolerances” not allergies. Was the difference explained to you and did you have to get additional screening to rule out allergies too?

    • Carrie says:

      Do you consume dairy? I had similar problems until I had my second daughter. She wasn’t keeping down my breast milk…After eliminating dairy for about 3 weeks my gut was normal and my kiddo was a happy healthy nurser! Hope it your shituation…..( I couldn’t resist) :0)

    • Clare says:

      It sounds like you may want to do more extensive investigation into things like food & chemical allergies & sensitivities. Look into Elisa and Vega testing which should look at over 500 substances. Also detailed blood analysis. Naturopathic Doctors are usually the ones who can facilitate these types of tests, your regular Dr. will think those tests are stupid and send you home with a prescription! You should also look at Candida, Parasites, Celiac, stress levels, emotional health, etc……If you’ve been experiencing this for years & I would seriously encourage you to continue your search for answers, but seek professional help, don’t try to self diagnose or experiment with everything. Even when you do find the right help, have patience & compassion for your self & your body, depending on how far off balance your body is, it can take months or even years to heal completely. Best of luck! 🙂

    • malika says:

      hey, have you tried bentonite clay? I’ve used it for all sorts of things but mainly for gut cleansing, taken with lots of water it’s also very calming and relaxes muscles, whilst binding with nasties, it absorbs allot of water so is good for loose stools, a it adds ‘body’ (Ewwww Soz) and removes toxic matter, 🙂

    • Lara says:

      You may very well not be making enough stomach acid to break down your food properly. I take Betaine HCL with every meal and it makes a world of difference. Turns out a high percentage of people have this problem but it’s always mistaken as too much stomach acid by traditional doctors. (can have the same symptoms) Find a good Naturopathic doctor to talk to about this!

    • Denzel says:

      I’m sorry to hear about your problems! Have you tried a low FODMAP diet?

  163. Your poop timing is impeccable! I just ran out of digestive enzymes + probiotics and have been a lazy bones about going to WF for more.

    Thanks for the excellent tips and turd-spiration!


  164. You are amazing Chris. I am a digestive health coach who helps people with their poo problems on a daily basis. They suffer from pooing too much or not enough and soluble fiber and probiotics are a huge part of the conversation.

    I also commend you for not being afraid to talk about poo. There is too much shame around this topic even though we all do it. And it is important that people feel comfortable to talk about their health issues even if it involved the indelicate topic of poop.

    Thank you for starting this very important conversation and doing it with so much lightness and fun. Perhaps it will help others lose their poop talk shame.

  165. lIVIA says:

    I was starting to read the post while having lunch… Not exaclty the right moment for that. I’ll read it later 🙂

  166. Valerie says:

    2 tabs Magnesium Calcium + by Rainbow Light before bed. That’s double the magnesium as calcium. Magnesium 1000 mg and Calcium 500 mg. Not the reverse. It relaxes muscles, helps with sleep and creates the environment for one perfect poop every morning!

    • Stacy says:

      Too true! Also great for leg cramps — found that out during my second pregnancy — it’s soooo easy to be calcium deficient and the mag helps you absorb it! Glad to hear it has other great uses as well!

    • Jessie says:

      Where can I get it? My miracle drug is Magnesium but I have to find the right one. Milk of Magnesia is not working well for me anymore. I hit a ceiling and then I have to try a capsule. Certain ones don’t work at all.

      • Jennifer says:

        I have my entire family drinking this!

        Natural Calm. Canadian
        Amazing product and wonderful company.

      • Jessica says:

        Hi, Jesse~

        Magnesium Malate and Magnesium Glycinate are highly bio-available, safe forms of Magnesium.
        Good luck!

      • Jenifer Rooke says:

        Mgbright magnesium capsules!
        This is an amazing product and only available through their website.
        A little pricey but they are so worth it! They offer a special for first time customers:)

  167. Awesome bathroom reading material. Can I just say you have impecable timing. Im so happy someone finally talked about what it is instead of using medical terms we never use in real language. Thank you sweetness!

  168. farah says:

    fab article, thx Kris! Having done a detox last month and twice daily colonics, I’m much more wary of my digestion and elimination system, and keeping things regular 🙂 So much so, I’ve enrolled on a programme to train as a heath coach! Loving your book too -its so beautiful!!

  169. Carrie says:

    Awww, what vegan hasn’t marveled at the easy of digestion once switching to a plant-based diet? Dr. Greger has some great info over at on the differences in bowel movements between dietary approaches and counties: What’s so scary is that most Americans think that constipation is normal; I know I did until I went vegan almost 3 years ago!

  170. Rhoda says:

    Gosh, we were just talking about poop on Sunday, much to the dismay of some of my friends!
    thanks for those great tips Kris. As part of a nutrition overhaul, I had mine sent to germany to be analysed- uhuh. turns out i have some work to do on my friendly bacteria – getting on it as I’m beginning to realise how my crap (no pun intended) digestion has been getting me down for years!
    perfect poops here I come.
    Keep up the good work.

  171. I gotta say Kriss, first time i’ve opened an e-mail that talks about poop. Ever. LMPO (laugh my poop off)

    Love you girl!

  172. Clare McNally says:

    So timely Kris – I just found out the name of a colon hydration place where I live – need some serious flora balancing I think. Thanks will be sharing… Love your work.

  173. Oh my gawd!! I was just talking to a friend the other day and we giggled as we find the conversation often moving towards the wonders and miracles of good poop. We feel the need to educate the world about how important and telling it is to our health. I so love to have these conversations… and now it’s like I’m having the same conversation with you!! I love it!! I will be sharing your wonderful insights with all 😉 Thanks once again for such wonderful insights and education.

    Catherine xox

  174. Love love LOVE talkin’ poo! Thanks for this informative breakdown! People just don’t realize how critical a good poo is to radiant health, particularly when it comes to all of the “symptoms” that we’re walking around with (belly bloats, brain fog, dull skin, inability to lose weight, bad moods, etc.) that many have just chalked up to “the norm”. Great post, as always!

    Kristen Boucher

  175. Gina says:

    You have no idea how perfectly timed this was! Like the other ladies this has been a topic of discussion for me all week! I just started seeing a hydration therapist regularly and am beginning my first series of three! I already feel so different. It’s great! Thanks again for speaking on a difficult subject in such a fabulous way!

    Happy pooping!

    • Stacy says:


      How does one find a hydration therapist? Sounds like something I should look into. I’ve got serious dehydration issues that need to be tackled! Did you go through a regular physician with a referral or go looking on your own. Any recommendations for online sources to locate someone local to where I am?


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